The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Mother's Words

Are you ready?
"Lord Anos Is Awesome," Op. 1, No. 2!
One, two, three, four!
Blessed with blows
From the sword of the great Lord Anos
On the bed of the arena
Where he sleeps, his prey dances
Behold! Aqua Blade Storm!
You're on the bottom
I'm on top
I win
Precisely one minute.
Kurt Ludowell's magic sword
has been destroyed!
The winner is Anos Voldigoad!
-Lord Anos!
-Lord Anos!
You're amazing, Anos!
How could I lose to that worthless sword?
When a true swordsmith
forges a sword with his soul,
it's imbued with
something greater than mana.
Don't underestimate my Dad's sword.
Did you hear that?
Who's his dad?
My dear brother
Anos Voldigoad!
Beautifully done, Lord Anos!
It's only the first round.
The second fight
of the first round is over!
The winner,
from Lognos Magic Sword Association,
Lay Glanzudlii!
That's a Highblood organization!
I'd appreciate it if you'd disregard that.
It doesn't bother me.
Why would you join
the Lognos Magic Sword Association?
Did the Highblood Party threaten you?
You could say that.
Perhaps they offered
more money than I can spend
and the throne of the Demon King.
I can't imagine you working
for those things!
I'm a Highblood Separatist now.
I doubt I can get along with you anymore.
I forgot to mention one thing.
I'm going to kill you.
Then you'd best be prepared
to die yourself.
That isn't much of a threat.
I always put my life on the line.
Then let's test that resolve.
Lord Anos! Lay!
That blow was supposed
to sever your neck along with your arm.
I was going to
crush your heart with my hand,
but you have a pretty tough body.
Well, I'll be seeing you.
Yeah, at the finals.
Lord Anos?
It seems they've put a collar on him.
I felt a magical object in his body.
It's most likely
a magic sword for a contract.
If certain conditions are met,
it will destroy his essence.
But that's
Since he didn't directly ask for my help,
there may be a hostage involved.
Like his mother in the hospital.
The winner, Anos Voldigoad!
-He moves on to the finals!
-That's our Lord Anos!
At this rate, he'll win
the finals tomorrow too.
No, Lay Glanzudlii
is fighting in the finals.
Right. If anyone can beat him, he will.
One, two.
Lord Anos, congratulations
on reaching the finals!
You're amazing!
You're a genius! You're so cool!
Good job, Anos!
You're amazing too, sir!
The passion that went
into your sword is on another level!
That's the mark of a true swordsmith.
Oh, my, you think so?
It's no lie that he put his heart into it.
You're so kind.
I need to get back to work.
I'll be back to cheer you on tomorrow too!
If you're busy,
you can just watch the broadcast.
What are you talking about?
It's your time to shine.
See you.
Take care, dear!
I have an errand to take care of as well.
Then should Mom take care of your sword?
It's pretty heavy.
You need to rest as much
as you can for tomorrow.
Plus, it's an important sword.
That's true. The rules state
you can only use one sword.
I'm okay.
I'll protect this sword with my life.
We'll go with her!
I'll leave her in your hands.
-She's in our hands!
-She's in our hands!
This is Lay's mother?
Her body is
So this is Spirit Disease.
Her mana is weak
and her essence is fading.
At this rate, it may be extinguished.
What? No!
That's strange.
The symptoms are like elderly infirmity.
No, wait. It's that she's not
a pure-blooded demon.
She's the child of a demon and a spirit.
Half-spirit, half-demon. Just like you.
But Lay is a Demon Lord.
His mother has to be pure-blooded.
His birth mother and the mother
who raised him must be different.
It could be that this Spirit Disease
is specific to those
who are half-spirit, half-demon.
Lord Anos!
So you're Anos?
How do you know who I am?
Even in this state, I'm always conscious.
Lay spoke about you here.
He said he'd made a friend.
And what of
the magic sword inside Lay's body?
I'm aware.
In exchange for payment for my treatment,
he must do as the Highblood Party says.
Lay will be free if you're healed.
Do you know anything
about this Spirit Disease?
Spirits are the manifestations
of emotions, dreams, rumors, and legends.
But legends of those who are half-spirit,
half-demon are still young and weak.
Those legends can easily disappear,
and as they do, so does your essence.
In that case,
we simply have to spread the legend.
What is your legend?
I don't know.
But today, I regained
just a little strength.
How long has it been since I could speak?
Your legend must have spread somewhere
today, and your symptoms were relieved.
But it won't be for long.
While this lasts,
I need to tell you something.
Lay has always loved the sword.
He would practice
every spare moment he had,
but he always seemed bored.
You won another match?
You're so strong, Lay!
Is being strong really so great?
If I were weaker,
I could swing my sword without concern.
I think his loneliness
only grew after I collapsed.
Mom! I lost today!
It was a complete and utter defeat!
It's strange.
He was so happy that he lost.
He wants to fight you
with all his strength.
That's his wish.
Please, Anos.
Free Lay from his chains.
Free him from using
his sword for injustice.
Are you sure?
You won't be saved.
I don't want to live
if it means tying my child down.
But that's
Lord Anos, isn't there anything we can do?
If we don't know her legend,
healing her will be difficult.
Spirit and demon essences are different.
Sharing some of my life
with her will not save her.
But I'm a half-spirit,
half-demon like her!
I'm going to connect
your essences together.
Misa, use your spirit magic
and exhaust your essence.
When that happens, your strength
will recover through your legend.
I'll route it to Sheila.
There's a spell to do that?
I made one just now.
Worst case scenario, both of you will die.
If you exhaust your essences,
you can't come back to life.
No. I won't let you do
something so dangerous.
I want to. Please let me!
Lay did not need
to be part of the divide
between Unitarians and Separatists.
What's more, I believe in Lord Anos.
It's working for the time being.
Oh, good.
But it isn't very effective.
You'll reach your limit
before she recovers.
But as long as she can recover,
even if just a little
Is something the matter?
So Anos made the door for our shop!
A handmade door from Lord Anos!
-I want to get jammed in it!
-I want to get jammed in it!
Ms. Izabella.
Ms. Emilia!
What brings you here?
Well, you see, there is a rule
that tournament administrators
must hold onto the competitors' swords.
Have you heard of a rule like that?
I don't know, but
I'll take that.
No, Anos left this in my hands.
I'll take this
to the tournament administrators myself.
That will be a problem.
What? Ms. Emilia?
Give it to me now.
If you don't, you will suffer.
Please let go!
So that's how it is.
Then you will die along with the sword.
We won't stand for this!
How could you?
They're your students!
Mudbloods are merely thieves
who listen to lectures.
Now, will you please hand over the sword?
He shamed the pure blood
of the Ludowell family!
He must pay!
That damn Mudblood!
You'd steal his sword
so he can't participate? That's wrong!
You weren't born a Highblood.
What's wrong here is you!
Ma'am, run to safety now!
No! You're coming with me!
We'll be fine!
There are eight of us!
Hold on! I'll call for help!
It's futile.
There's nothing you foolish,
powerless rodents can do.
It's not futile!
We aren't powerless!
We will protect Lord Anos's family!
We will!
I told you it was futile.
Instant kill
Easy win
Will you please be quiet?
Blessed with blows from the sword
Of the great Lord Anos
I said be quiet!
On the bed of the arena
where he sleeps, his prey dances
His prey dances
You're on the bottom, I'm on top
It's the Highbloods
who are above you Mudbloods!
Easy win.
Have you learned your lesson?
This is all a Mudblood's life is worth.
You truly are an eager teacher.
Anos, the girls!
Your low birth brought this upon them.
-Know your place
-Shut up.
Lord Anos?
Tell me your names.
Ellen Mihice.
My name is Jessica Arnet.
Sheria Nijem.
Xia Mingshen
Ellen, Jessica, Sheria, Xia.
Himuka Houra.
I'm Maya Zemt.
Casa Curnoir.
Nono Inota.
Himuka, Maya, Casa, Nono.
For all eternity,
I will never forget your names
You have done great deeds.
They're in your hands.
I understand.
So, Emilia
I'm quite tolerant, you know?
I never thought of myself as
the type of fool
who would let anger get the best of me,
but it seems
that I was wrong about myself.
I will not forgive you.
Now that was a fatal wound.
You have maybe a minute to live.
What will it be? If you acknowledge me
as the Demon King of Atrocity
and beg for your life,
I may change my mind.
You're a vulgar, crude failure
Stop Save
Say it loud and clear.
Demon King of Atrocity, Anos Voldigoad!
Please have mercy!
Don't say what you don't believe.
Liars go to hell.
How does it feel to be reborn?
Is this the greatest shame
you could bring upon me?
You vulgar Mudblood!
"Vulgar Mudblood"?
Emilia, what makes you think
you're still a Highblood?
Gaze into the abyss with your own eyes.
Am I a Mudblood?
No. It can't be
I'm really a Mudblood?
This isn't me!
I've put a curse on you.
You can die all you like,
but you will always reincarnate
with mixed blood.
Experience this world
from a different perspective.
You may realize that your
ideology is rather prejudiced.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry. I shouldn't be.
What's this spell?
Are you sharing your life with her?
I just couldn't believe that you would
side with the Highblood Party.
I'm a liar.
If your mom gets better, you don't need
to listen to the Separatists, right?
You really are a simple soul.
Does Anos know about this?
No, he doesn't.
I see.
Shouldn't you get some rest?
You're using your essence, aren't you?
It's fine.
You should think things through.
Don't be swept away
by pointless sentiment.
Pointless sentiment?
You joined the Unification Party
to save people of mixed blood.
The time will come when
you would really need to risk your life.
It's right now!
I'm not going to wait for some moment.
If I can save even one person
from suffering, I'll do it now!
If I don't, when the moment does come,
I won't be capable!
You're very strong.
Thank you.
Your life was in danger.
I'm sorry I didn't stop you sooner.
Mom, just wait!
I'll win!
And then
It's fine.
I know everything.
Don't worry about me.
What are you saying?
Our paths crossed.
That alone makes me
the happiest anyone can be.
You failure! You're not my child!
Get out, you shameful brat!
Mom will always support you.
Live the life that you want.
Live freely.
And now the time has come!
Soon, the final round of the Dilhade
Magic Sword Tournament will begin!
Have fun.
Yeah. I will.
-Lord Anos!
-Lord Anos!
Do your best!
You made it this far! Now win it!
Next episode, "The Final Round."
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