The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e07 Episode Script

Turf War

Previously on "The Mod Doctor" After I killed Moretti for you, you decided to stay.
So as long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
Thanks to me, Constantine thinks you're six feet under.
He shot me and stole what's mine.
You're saying we're gonna take him out? Oh, my God! Now, I need you to get Constantine to come out here and meet you.
We go meet her, like she asked, only we go in strong.
Do you want to get out of here? Answer me! Grace! She went that way! Don't worry about Grace.
Constantine's almost here.
Yeah? Moretti's alive.
He set the whole thing up.
No! Where have you been? I know.
We got to talk.
Constantine's here.
I'm really sorry.
Can I call you right back? I really appreciate what you did out there today.
- What about Moretti? - They drew blood.
It's war.
Growing up, there was one place in my home that was off limits.
It was the desk drawer in our living room.
One day, when my mother was in the yard, i decided I had to look inside that drawer.
I'm not really sure what I expected, but I wasn't prepared for what I found.
She lives.
You must have caught some nasty bug, 'cause the Grace I know would have to be on her death bed to miss work three days in a row.
It's, uh, been rough.
Hey, uh, listen.
Can you do me a favor? Can you bring me some toradol, ancef, and a vial of bupivacaine? You should be resting, not treating your off-the-books patients.
Oh, I wouldn't ask if I didn't really need it.
All right, I'll be there when I can.
So, first date, you get a limo, you take the broad to the ballet, and then you drop a couple of hundy on Sushi? So? I was trying to impress her.
So what's date two? You fly her to Italy for some rigatoni? Better than spending all my cash at the strip joints and getting no play.
What the hell are you two BSing about? This shipment of machines ready to go out yet? Yeah, as soon as you give the word, I'll start to move them out.
What about our outstanding problem? No sign of Franco or Moretti, but we got guys combing through every ward.
You tell whoever finds them I want them alive.
I want to look them in the eyes.
Now, get this thing out of here.
You heard him, Benny Ballet.
Shut up.
Maybe there was traffic.
Traffic? What, are you making excuses for Titus Amato now? No, I'm saying he agreed to meet.
That's a good sign.
No, see, this is all sideways, man.
Constantine should be dead and buried by now.
I shouldn't have to beg to get my business back.
I shouldn't even have to talk to these people.
Okay, all I'm saying is a little patience ain't a bad thing.
See, that's your problem.
Maybe you're too patient.
All right, here he is.
How you doing, Titus? Look, I'm gonna get right to it.
I want my business back.
It's not gonna happen.
We have a contract, right? You get me the gaming machines.
And I deliver them.
Do we not have that deal? Yeah, but I pledged your deal to Constantine when you disappeared.
You went M.
I'm with Constantine now.
There's no going back.
But I'm asking you to reconsider, okay? Out of respect.
I'm meeting you today out of respect.
Look, you owe me.
I put a lot of money in your pocket.
I'm telling you right now, if you don't straighten this out, we're gonna go to war, okay? And then nobody's gonna be happy 'cause nobody's gonna be making any money.
You understand what I'm saying? Everybody was happy when you were in the wind.
I got advice for you Go back to wherever you crawled out from and stay there.
You're not wanted.
You got advice for me? Yeah, I got You're a big shot now? Yeah, I'm a big shot.
Yeah, okay.
Take care of that anger, okay? Yoga, meditation.
You're gonna have a heart attack.
It ain't over, Titus! I ain't going nowhere! I just met with Moretti.
I think we have a problem.
- How you doing, Grace? - Hey, Gio.
What's this? Constantine thought you might be hungry.
Six pies for two people? Couldn't decide on toppings.
I'm not complaining.
Tell him no more food, okay? You got it.
All right, I got to go.
Constantine wants me to tell him how you're doing, so what do you want me to say? Well, uh mom's coming home from Aunt Kate's in a few days.
And, uh, "having the flu" won't fly too much longer at work.
I can't stay locked up in my house anymore.
I'm going stir crazy.
It's for your own safety.
Until he finds Franco and Moretti.
I'm sorry, Grace.
What? You got shot 'cause of me.
It's not your fault, Nate.
You say what you want, but I got you into this mess, and Hey.
Would you please stop slobbering all over the food? I'd like to have a piece of pizza, please.
Um I got to go.
Call me if you need anything.
Yeah, thanks.
I'm taking the pepperoni.
You sure about this, Franco? Moretti's sit-down with Amato didn't go as planned.
He wants us to send a message, so we do it.
Moretti ain't thinking straight.
This is Constantine's warehouse.
That's the point.
We're gonna trash it.
Lights are out.
Surveillance is on.
No cars in the lot.
All right, boys.
They're gone for the night.
We're good to go.
Spread out.
Move, move.
We're clear.
The hell? It's empty.
They're empty.
It's a setup.
Get out! Move, move, move, move! Carlo! Go, go! Paige.
Paige! Thank you.
Oh, my God.
It's not what it looks like.
So that's not a gunshot wound? 'Cause it looks like a gunshot wound.
Okay, maybe it is what it looks like.
Which would explain the bodyguard outside.
Look, I've gone along with whatever it is that you're doing because I trust you.
And I've been really good at not asking questions, but what the hell is going on? It's the hospital.
Ro Quintero.
I'm on my way right now.
What's going on? Multiple gunshot victims en route.
I got to go.
Our conversation is not over.
I'm coming, too.
Uh, no, okay? Like they're not gonna notice your limp.
No, that's what the painkillers are for.
The hospital's short-staffed.
I'll see you there.
I thought you were sick.
I heard there was a shooting.
I want to help.
Where are the paramedics? Traffic on Michigan Avenue.
Grace, glad you're feeling better.
Ambulances just arrived.
We got three gunshot victims.
One male injured at the scene, two females, mother and daughter, caught in the crossfire in a passing car.
First up, with multiple gunshot wounds to the lower left leg.
Good cap refill.
He's tachy, but his vitals are otherwise stable.
Robinson, he's yours.
bullets to head and abdomen.
BP's 180, heart rate 137.
Devlin, you're running point here.
with a deep forearm laceration from automobile glass.
Has wrist drop, but fingers seem mobile.
My daughter.
Is she okay? Dr.
She's in good hands, Ms.
Right now, we need to make sure you're okay.
On three, two, one.
Paige? You're at Roosevelt Medical because you were shot.
If you can hear me, please squeeze my hand.
Paige? Thank you.
You just made me very happy.
Let's get a head and abdomen CT.
Full trauma, type, and cross for four.
How are we doing? Tibial fracture's open.
I ordered vanco and gent.
One bullet's a through and through.
The other's lodged near his posterior tibial artery.
I'll order a CT angiogram, see if there's any vascular injury.
- We're living in a war zone.
Keep me posted.
- Mm-hmm.
Normal distal perfusion.
Can you extend your wrist? We were just driving home from dinner.
Can you please try to move your wrist, Ms.
Wilson? She's bagged her brachioradialis tendon.
You're gonna need surgery to fix your arm.
It sounded like fireworks, and then the glass exploded.
There was so much blood.
Alert the O.
tell them to set up for a tendon repair.
Also, page anesthesia for a brachial plexus bloc I'm gonna prep you for surgery.
What about my daughter? Radiology sent the CT.
Have a look.
Abdominal scan looks good.
Bullet missed all major organs.
Lodged in her muscle.
She got lucky.
Doctor? All right, hold her arms.
She's seizing.
Ativan, one milligram I.
Hang cerebyx one gram.
- Pull up her head CT.
- Mm-hmm.
Got her? Dr.
White, her brain scan shows a large bleed.
Effacement of the lateral ventricle.
Pressure must be sky-high from the bleeding.
Call the O.
we need to get in there right away.
I don't get this.
There was no gaming machines there? They were gone.
All of them.
The boxes were empty.
And you looked around the place? Yeah, of course we did.
Well, then, how could this happen? The cops are gonna be all over us now! Constantine must have known we were coming.
It's the only explanation.
Right, and how would he know that? Huh? How would he know that, Franco? You playing both sides? You know what? I could have jumped ship.
I could have gone with Constantine at any time.
But I didn't.
None of us did.
So stop pointing fingers and figure out our next move.
You know, what we should do is get out of Chicago before Constantine tracks us down.
You think so? Get this through your stupid head! We're ain't never leaving this town! Nate, um, call me when you get this.
I know what happened at the warehouse, and, uh, I just want to make sure you're okay.
Call me.
Wilson? Hi.
I am Dr.
I'm one of the surgeons taking care of your daughter.
How is she? Well, Paige was, um Was hit by two bullets.
One of them entered her abdomen and missed all major organs.
Thank God.
The other one entered her brain.
Now, we rushed her into surgery, and we managed to control the bleeding temporarily.
But, of course, we need to stop it permanently, and here's where I need your help.
We have two options, all right? There's a procedure where we would remove the injured part of Paige's brain and it would definitely stop the bleeding.
The thing is that surgery would most likely leave Paige with extreme motor and speech deficits.
W-what's the other option? It's a medication called Factor VII Concentrate.
It assists with blood clotting.
There's a good chance that this would work, but I have to let you know that it might not.
Well, what would happen if it doesn't? Paige would die.
I know that this is a very overwhelming decision.
And unfortunately, the longer we take What would you do, doctor? Ms.
Wilson, I really wish I could answer, but it needs to be your decision.
Try the medicine.
And I'll pray.
Penna, glad you're awake.
Call me Gio, doc.
All right, Gio.
How's your leg? Throbbing like a son of a bitch.
Well, the orthopedic did have to reconnect your tibia with plates and screws.
So I'm like Ordóñez? No, Ordóñez had his ankle repaired.
This is your tibia.
Ah, he's a White Sox fan.
The last thing I need is some doc in here yapping about the Cubbies.
Well, your blood flow looks good, but you might want to see this.
We had to leave one of the bullets in your leg.
Trying to remove it would have just caused more damage than it's worth.
Won't that get infected? No, no, no.
The heat from the bullet sterilizes it.
But with an open fracture like this, we want to keep you in the hospital for at least overnight to make sure it heals correctly.
Yeah, it's not a problem, doc.
I'm sure a few days won't kill me, right? No.
How you doing, beauty? Keep it in your pants, Romeo.
You're kidding.
All right, send the money over to the usual place.
You know, it's funny.
I forgot that I made a 20 grand quiniela bet last week.
Paid over 150 g's.
I wish fixing the feds was as easy as playing the ponies.
Special Agent York, organized crime.
Special Agent York.
- Mr.
- Pleasure to meet you.
The CPD wants the FBI to take point on this investigation.
Well, it's nice to see my tax dollars being put to good use.
You have any leads? I'm working on it.
I understand additional security guards were put on the payroll recently.
Were you expecting some trouble? Is it a crime to protect one's own business? Depends on the business.
Alexander owns a legitimate operation.
Every security guard on the premises carries their firearm permit.
You got any idea who would want to hit this place? No idea at all.
Everybody loves me.
For the record, both men shot and killed on your premises were known associates of Paul Moretti.
Maybe that love doesn't run as deep as you think.
I really don't know Paul Moretti, but I understand he's a bad guy.
Look, I can't help you with any of this.
I wasn't here during the time of the break-in.
Two women were injured as a result of this mess.
One of them's fighting for her life.
Yeah, well, why don't you find out who did it instead of bothering us? I'll be in touch.
If Titus hadn't tipped us off, we'd have lost everything, you know? He was looking out for his own interests.
You're exaggerating a little, aren't you? So, you have no idea what happened at the warehouse? For the last time, I don't remember anything.
It's all blank.
If anything changes, let me know.
You got my number.
Hey, Dr.
Agent York.
We met on the Severino case.
Oh, that's right.
What brings you to the hospital? I'm investigating the warehouse shooting, and that patient has a lot of memory loss for a leg injury.
- I was hoping you could help.
- Me? Sometimes, victims say things to their doctors that they won't say to law enforcement.
Of course.
Thank you.
Can I get some more pain meds for my leg? Hey, doc.
Good to see you out of the house.
You feeling better? Look, Constantine got me the same basket he got you.
Think it fell off a truck? It was Moretti, wasn't it? I wouldn't know.
Gio, an innocent woman got shot in the head.
You hit the call button? Yeah, my leg is killing me.
Yeah, you know what? Let's put another request in for dilaudid and another post-op film for Dr.
Will do, doctor.
I'll be in radiology.
So, first, you were shot.
And now more people are getting shot, Grace.
Some you apparently know.
I want to know what's going on.
And I want to know now.
I can't.
You can't let anyone in, can you? Not me.
Not Brett.
No one.
It's no way to live, Grace.
What are you doing? You're spreading blood all over the place.
Gus, go get some hydrogen peroxide and some rags.
Stuff's a bitch to clean up.
Come here.
So, what's this I hear about you spending a grand on a broad? Oh, it ain't gonna affect my kick-ups, boss.
I'm not breaking your chops, man.
Let me tell you something, kid.
I never regretted spending a dime on a woman.
Not one.
All right, you find a beautiful lady, you show her a good time.
You really like this girl? Yeah.
Take her over to La Scarola.
Tell Joanne Armando I said, "have fun.
" Appreciate it.
Con, I just got a call.
We got eyes on Moretti.
All right, let's go.
Hey, showtime.
Come on.
Come on.
What did this machine ever do to you? - Eat my quarters.
- Oh.
You didn't actually have the flu, did you? No.
So you lied.
I had a reason.
It's just my brother, you know? He keeps getting into trouble, and I keep needing to to get him out of it.
Why not ask for my help? Because it's the kind of problem you can't fix.
So you just disappeared without a word? Grace, I I was worried about you.
This is the time where you tell me what's going on.
They called a code.
- Clear! - What happened? It's Paige Wilson.
The factor VII didn't work.
Clear! Her brain's herniated.
Tried to get her to the O.
, but she coded.
I'm calling it.
Push 100 mannitol.
I tried that.
And three rounds of epi.
Give another epi.
She's gone.
I'll go tell her mother.
No, I'll do it.
Wilson, um Paige didn't respond to the medication.
Well, then, let's let's try the surgery.
I'm sorry.
Your daughter passed.
No! You said there were options.
I know.
You didn't ever really give me any options, did you? I mean, "deficits.
" What kind of mother wants that for her child? You're the doctor, not me! You're supposed to tell me what to do.
No, you You No, you get out! Go.
Keep your hands on the table, Paul.
What do you want? You dead and gone.
But first, you're gonna give me Franco.
Yeah? Why would I do that? You're running on fumes.
It's the only choice you got left.
Then what? You gonna let me walk? Only reason your guy over here ain't doing something is 'cause the police are sniffing around.
You're not as stupid as you look.
You want Franco, I got terms.
Keep talking.
I want everything north of Madison with the understanding that if you come over there for anything, I'm gonna shoot you in the face.
I want what's mine.
Yours? You got nothing.
Yeah, you think so? Nobody wants you around here anymore.
You're no good for business.
Everything was working smooth on the South side when you were gone because of me.
You snaked your way to the top of an operation that was never yours while everybody else starved.
I paid my dues.
You played the game, and you lost.
Hey, you shot me with Aah! You listen to me.
This is what you're gonna do.
You're gonna give me Franco, and you're gonna get out of Chicago tonight.
Or come tomorrow, fed or no feds, I'm gonna finish what I started.
Let me guess.
Did you get the Italian? The best sub at Graziano's.
It's the provolone that makes it so good.
There's no provolone in this.
- Sure there is.
- I should know.
I'm eating it.
You order it special? I order it the way they make it.
It comes with provolone.
No, it don't.
Hey, I'm just saying I'm just saying shut up and let me eat my sandwich.
Where you been? What happened to your hand? I banged it in a car door.
Listen, we're making a move tonight.
- A move? - Yeah, we're gonna hit Constantine where he lives His house.
That's your plan? It's the only play we got left.
How we gonna do it? Constantine's house is set up like Fort Knox.
And you know it better than anyone else, right? You'll figure us a way in there.
Am I right, Franco? Right.
Fracture fragments look well-aligned.
Yeah, there's no hardware displacement to explain the elevated pain.
I was under the impression you left a bullet in Mr.
Penna's leg.
Well, yeah, it was lodged in a non-critical area.
Well, this is 10 hours ago, and this is the current X-ray.
So, doctor, if you didn't remove the bullet, then it's gone rogue, which means It's entered into his circulatory system.
And we have to find it before it finds vital organs.
I'll call the O.
You grab the patient.
- Hey, Brett.
- Grace.
Can I talk to you for a second? Uh, not now.
I've got an emergency.
Later, okay? Dr.
Devlin to room 405.
Devlin to room 405.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
What do you want? I'm so sorry.
You almost had me killed.
I can call Constantine.
I can tell him you're here.
Okay, you do what you need to do.
I just need you to stay here and be safe, at least for the next 24 hours.
Just just until this blows over.
Until what blows over? I can't say.
Listen, I want to make things right.
I don't know how.
I'm in too deep.
Get out.
Leave and never come back.
All right.
Have you come to take her away? No, no.
I just wanted to check in on you.
I blamed you for her death, but I know it's my fault.
Your fault? No.
No, you can't blame yourself.
I moved here to be with her because I I couldn't support myself.
And when you said that there could be "deficits," I didn't think I could handle the responsibility.
I wasn't thinking about her.
I was thinking about myself.
But now, I would do anything to bring my baby back.
Deficits and all.
You asked me what I would do in that situation, and I couldn't tell you.
But I would have made the exact same decision.
How's your patient? Bullet embolism.
It's lodged in the pulmonary artery.
Caught it in the Nick of time.
Sorry I couldn't talk earlier.
No, you had a good reason.
Tell me what's going on with you.
I want to.
But I can't.
Grace, there's nothing you could say that I wouldn't understand.
I think you'd understand.
I just, um I don't think you would really like me for it.
My mom died a very lonely woman because she wasn't willing to admit that her marriage wasn't working.
My dad was so caught up in work and politics, she just became an afterthought.
Brett I can't be an afterthought.
So you either have to talk to me, or or I can't do this anymore.
I'm sorry about your patient.
It was, uh, senseless, you know? The police don't even know who shot her.
Maybe the coroner will find something.
Yeah, maybe.
The bullet's still in her body.
Crime lab will run it through their database, and let's hope they get lucky.
Yeah, let's hope.
Thank you.
Hey, Franco.
You still want to make things right? Ro? I am sorry about before.
You want me to let you in.
Ask me anything.
Are you working for the outfit? Yes, I am.
And I, uh Need my help.
Is it legal? No, it's not.
What do you need me to do? Grace, you gonna fill me in here? Yeah, I'm trying to locate the bullet in Paige's abdomen.
Can you flush the lens and clean the image? Done.
Forceps? Got it.
Could you open that pill bottle, please? Is that? The bullet inside my leg? Yes.
I want the coroner to find it.
- We ready to do this? - As ready as we're gonna be.
Now, remember, when we get there, there's gonna be a guard at the rear gate.
After I take him out, ready to move in.
You got the grenade, right? All right, let's do it.
Son of a bitch.
Hands up! Okay.
Keep them up! Nobody move! Don't say nothing to nobody.
Cuff them all.
Nobody knows nothing.
Paul Moretti, you're under arrest for the murder of Paige Wilson.
Never heard of her, officer.
- Really? - Yes, sir.
I'm willing to bet ballistics on this gun say otherwise.
- Not my gun.
- Take him in.
Grace, what a surprise.
How you doing? It's been a long day.
Well, I'm glad you're here.
Gives me a chance to thank you in person.
I'm afraid our friend Moretti is not gonna be too happy in prison, especially with some of my friends I'm gonna send to visit him.
Yeah, well, I'm glad things worked out for you, but I'm not here to talk about Moretti.
What do you want to talk about? My patient who got shot.
She didn't make it.
Now her mother's all alone.
What are you getting at? I took care of your problem.
Now you take care of her.
You know, make sure she has a nice place to live.
Consider it done.
It's the least I can do.
Hey, Grace, you're a real natural at this, you know that? A real natural.
When I found the gun, I thought it was my father's, so I took it and I hid it.
But it wasn't his gun.
It was my mother's.
That day, I may have saved my father's life, but it was my mother who suffered for it.
And I I learned something.
I should never make assumptions about anything or anyone.
Moretti's arrest was the biggest blow to the outfit since the "family secrets" case.
Good work.
Thanks for making sure my cover wasn't blown.
Yeah, well, I had to give Moretti's guys a pass.
You know, Constantine wants you dead.
Yeah, don't worry about that.
I'll find protection somehow.
None of the other crews want to go against him.
Moretti's just one rung.
I got to get in deeper.
Find a way back in.
Operatives start talking like that, usually means they've fallen for the life Or someone in it.
I just want to finish what I started.
I went undercover for a reason.
Franco, you're done.
Bureau's working on your papers.
It's time for you to disappear.

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