The Mosquito Coast (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

The Glass Sandwich

You okay?
I'm okay. Just thinking.
About what?
Yeah, that's good.
Great. We can make s'mores.
Here we go, marshmallows.
Oh, yeah.
- What do you think happened to them?
- The cops?
They made it back to Langley
in time for doughnut day.
Someone probably threw
them a ticker-tape parade.
Won all kinds of medals,
commendations, things like that.
Yeah. Beautiful.
I want you to get all
this stuff, all right?
Make sure you pay for the gas too.
Oh, um, tortillas. Make sure
you find some tortillas.
Uh, hey, is this, uh, Hershey?
This is, uh, Julian.
Um, we have a mutual friend
who said you might be able to
help me out with something.
Hello, sir.
Can I help?
Sure. I'm looking for my brother-in-law.
- Mm-hmm.
- I need to tell him
his mama's sick.
He was here three days ago.
He bought a Camper Van.
He have the paperwork to
make that transaction?
Of course.
I don't suppose you happen
to have any details?
I don't suppose they mentioned
where they were headed?
I heard the kid say
something about a beach.
He didn't happen to mention what beach?
I'm sorry.
Just "the beach."
this is what we're looking for.
Let's go to the beach.
even seaweed as well.
Some down there by the shore.
Not Not too close.
Otherwise, it'll be wet.
- Anybody home?
- Mm-hmm.
Still wanna be in charge
of making the fire?
Look, you don't owe those
people anything. All right?
They lied to you.
That's brutal.
You don't owe them a thought. Not one.
They were just doing their job.
Well, they have a shitty job.
I don't know. They seemed okay.
Sit down.
Let me tell you how these people work.
They grift you into thinking
that they like you.
'Cause once they've done that,
you feel like you owe them.
You're obligated to them.
You understand?
You think they give a shit about you?
It's about control. Controlling you.
The best grifters in the world,
they understand control.
Cops, politicians and
big-ass corporations.
They love you as long as you're buying
the bullshit that they're selling you.
- That's how it works, huh?
- That's how it works.
Pretty good, right? Mexican s'mores?
- They're really good, Dad.
- Mmm.
Give that to your sister.
So, uh
tomorrow we're gonna be heading
down to a little beach town.
Gonna sell the Scooby-mobile.
We're gonna pick up some supplies.
And then we're, uh
We're gonna head upriver.
How are we gonna get upriver,
you ask? Well, I'm glad you did.
We're getting a boat.
Come on.
A boat!
It's lovely to live on a raft.
We got the sky up there
all speckled with stars,
and we can lay on our
backs and look up at them.
Discuss whether they were
made or just happened.
- Where's that from?
- Huckleberry Finn.
That's right. Huckleberry Finn.
Who said it?
Dina, who said it? Come on. It's easy.
What's wrong?
"What's wrong?"
Do you ever think about us?
About what we might want?
Jesus, of course.
You're all I think about.
Sure. As long as we're telling you
that you're the smartest person
in the whole entire universe
every five minutes.
Honey, come on. That's not fair.
If you actually gave a shit,
you would have sent us to go live with
Grandma and Grandpa years ago.
You're better off with
your mother and I.
In what world?
Do you know how deranged you sound?
People are dead, Dad.
Actual people are actually dead,
and we're here on the beach
eating fucking Mexican s'mores,
which aren't even a real thing.
And you actually think that's
enough to make it better.
Because you want it to, and
that's how the world works, right?
Except it doesn't work like that.
You just need to control everyone.
I mean, that's why you
make us live like this.
Because if it was any other way,
we would have seen right through
you like everyone else did.
Big genius Allie Fox.
Spends an entire life inventing things
nobody wants and nobody needs.
But it's always them that's wrong.
You know, everyone else is wrong.
Not you. Never you.
- But look at us.
- Shut up!
- Hey.
- Leave him alone.
Just sit the fuck down.
Have you seen an orange Kombi?
I'm looking for my
sister and her family.
So I'm gonna go meet this guy.
Charlie, I need you to
go to the supermarket.
Pick up some rice and beans,
that kind of thing.
Dry. No cans, no jars.
I can do that.
I'll do it.
Hey, wait.
Go. It's okay.
- Just be be careful.
- What?
Quickly. Fast.
Passed an adventure tourism
place when we came in off
just off the main strip.
I need you to go pick
up some iodine tablets,
compass, decent map, if they have one.
Some ferro rods, tarp,
paracord, first aid kit.
Oh, uh, flashlight. Best you can find.
Anything else?
Duct tape. Can't have enough duct tape.
I'll be back in a half an hour.
So, did you see this place?
What place?
The adventure shop or whatever.
The place with the stuff.
I didn't even see it.
We're not going to the adventure place.
We're finding Charlie and going home.
Wait, what? Home where?
What about Dad?
You, uh, Hershey?
Bring it in, man.
It's nice to meet you, man.
You don't look like a Julian.
Have to take that up with my mother.
That one right here.
She's certainly got some miles on her.
Yeah, super reliable though.
Or your money back.
So what are you asking for her?
Fifteen thousand. US. Obviously.
Feel like I could get
one of these for eight.
Six, the condition she's in.
Yeah. Yeah, you could.
I'm guessing it's a seller's market
kind of deal, you know?
I don't wanna be that guy,
but the crazy thing about it
is I actually am that guy.
At some point along the way,
I just got turned onto the whole
supply-and-demand of it.
That seems to happen, doesn't it?
It's like hemorrhoids.
Everyone gets 'em
if you're around long enough.
Gracias, señor.
Anything else I can help you with?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
Personal defense maybe.
You mean guns?
No. I don't need any guns.
Nobody does till they do.
Anybody who needs a gun
has already lost the
argument, my friend.
Eye for an eye makes
the whole world blind.
Unless you get both eyes first.
Let's get you the fuck off my boat.
Hi, do you speak English?
Someone has to speak English.
- Excuse me, do you speak English?
- Yes, I do.
Okay, I'm looking for a boy.
He's, like, this high.
He's got a red T-shirt on. Uh
- A backpack, uh
- No.
- Have you seen a kid walking alone?
- No.
Leave us alone.
Don't send that picture.
I got a buddy who collects these
things. VW campers. Is it yours?
Just go away and leave us alone.
No problem.
Put the phone down.
Put it down!
Why, though?
Just put it down. Please.
No, Mom.
Turn around. Turn around. Go. Go.
What do we know?
We're reaching out
to the local captains,
but no one seems to know
who this guy was.
It doesn't feel like local trouble.
Then we need to get this kid's
details to the U.S. Consulate.
Kid fucking shot me.
Cops got him.
They're in Pichilingue.
So, do you have a name?
Is there anyone I can
call to come help you?
Please understand,
you've committed a very
serious offense in my town.
But I want to help you. That's my job.
But if you don't help
me to do that job
My daughter gave me this.
She like dolphins.
Do you?
Dolphins kill baby porpoises.
They beat them to death,
break their bones.
Poor porpoises don't even
compete for their food, but
dolphins just do it for fun.
Nobody cares because dolphins
are super intelligent.
They always look like they're happy.
Dolphins are assholes.
Shot him with what, his finger?
Who cares? How long do
you think it's gonna be
before Aunt Lucrecia finds
out that Charlie's in there?
Because that's who he shot,
right, one of hers?
We need to get on the phone
and turn ourselves in to
US authorities right now.
Cut a deal. Get Charlie out now.
He can be on the plane and
in the States by tomorrow.
He and Dina can go live
with Mom and Dad.
Well, that is absolutely
not gonna happen.
- Dad.
- Yes, it is.
This is my choice to make.
This is my fault.
You don't get a say in how
I choose to put it right.
That's my decision.
This is nobody's fault.
There's no deal to cut.
There's no America.
It's just us. We don't
just throw that away.
We fix it.
Things can be fucking fixed.
Mom, what did you mean?
How is this your fault?
Not now.
We could break in
through the roof maybe.
Yeah, except there's
cops inside with guns.
Could set it on fire.
They'd have to evacuate, right?
Yeah, except if you build
the fire too small,
they just come and they put it out.
Build a fire too big, get a cell
block full of crispy critters.
Fire's a bastard.
Steal a truck. Drive it
straight through the walls.
It's kinda your go-to move, isn't it?
- It could work.
- Yeah,
except you still have cops with guns.
And then you got whiplash.
It's a good idea though.
Keep thinking about it. Roll 'em over.
What are you doing?
To what?
The ocean.
It's relaxing.
Hold that.
It's a storm drain.
Goes right to the jail.
Gonna need a FuBar and some glow sticks.
A what?
By nightfall, there's only
gonna be one cop in that jail.
The rest are gonna be
patrolling the bars, clubs.
You know, all the tourists
who can't hold their tequila.
All we gotta do, lure that one guy out,
keep the others away from the jail.
That's it.
Everybody know what they're doing?
All right. Good.
- Who gets hurt?
- No one.
That's right. No one gets hurt.
The cops'll be holding the
kid in the local drunk tank.
I'll swing by and pick him up.
Once we got the kid, we as
good as got the parents.
No, Isaias is gone. He bled out.
Oh, I surely will. I'll shoot that
little asshole in the asshole.
See how he likes them apples.
I'll be there momentarily.
So what are you gonna do?
Make sure the coast is
clear, then book it.
- How fast?
- As fast as I can.
If anybody comes around
They won't, but if they do?
Tell them to run.
All right.
You okay?
- Fuck. Oh, God.
- Fuck.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, God, that's good.
- I think you broke it.
- Yeah.
- How do I look?
- Oh, it looks good.
All right, give me a minute to
get in there and then do it.
No matter what happens.
I need help. I got mugged.
- Do you speak English?
- Yeah.
I got robbed.
Mugged. Uh, big guys.
Canadian, I don't know.
- Please sit down.
- All wearing rugby shirts and shorts.
- Where?
- They took my money, took my passport.
- Where?
- Uh, just around the corner there.
Down the street.
- Stay there. Stay there!
- Yeah, yeah.
Señor, señor, señor.
You got a kid in there, about
yea high, name of Charlie?
'Cause I need to see him real quick.
Are you his father?
See that shit? Yeah,
that'll be the boy's daddy.
Now, I need to get to that young
man before his daddy does.
I know, tranquilo. You turn around now.
Turn around. What's it gonna
be? What's it gonna be?
Cuff him.
Come on!
You just locked yourself
in a jail, genius.
Yeah, I did.
Are you gonna do us all a favor
and get your ass out here?
I mean, you're not going anywhere.
I'm not going anywhere.
I got my boss on the way.
I wanna make her happy.
All right, have it your own way.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Come on.
See this stuff?
Trash the place.
Make a mess. Throw it everywhere.
Messier! More!
We gotta go down there.
You gotta go first, you understand?
Count to three, and
I'll be there in four.
Go. Go on.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Sorry, I Sorry.
Come here.
This is gonna be easy.
- No. No.
- It is.
You can do this.
You understand? You have to do this.
I'll be right on the
other side, waiting.
See? It's a piece of a cake.
I can't do it.
- You can do this.
- Dad, I can't.
- Charlie.
- I can't.
Yes, you can.
Charlie! Charlie!
- Charlie, you can do it.
- Dad, I can't!
Charlie, right now. Now!
Do it now!
- I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. Dad.
- What?
No. Come here. Hey.
No, no, no. I love you.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
You don't ever need to apologize to me.
- Okay.
- Ever.
Go. Go!
What did I tell ya?
It's perfect!
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