The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e07 Episode Script

The Monolith Man

[theme music]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
We're already eight kilometers deep, sir.
(man on phone) 'Should we keep drilling?
I don't like the look of this.'
You're right, Johnson.
We must stop, Zartan.
No. Drill deeper. Deeper! Do you hear me?
I hear you, but it's wrong.
Keep drilling, foreman. Keep drilling.
[alarm blaring]
Oh, no! We've gone too deep!
Evacuate! Get out! Get out everyone!
Zartan, this is your fault.
I warned you.
You've gotta get me out of here. Everything's gonna blow.
At long last, Scorpio, I found it.
I've gone deep enough. It's down there.
At last!
(Jonny) 'But what is it?'
That's what we're going to find out, Jonny.
It's a government request.
We've been told the power plant has tapped
into a completely unknown form of energy.
At least we won't have any trouble finding it.
Look at that.
(Jonny) 'Wow! Golly! All those lights.'
(Dr. Quest) 'Yes, I couldn't have
said it better myself, Jonny.'
'All those lights.'
I see a place for us to land, doctor.
(Jonny) Wow, look at the mess!
It's the price they paid for illegally drilling
than anyone's ever gone.
Almost ten miles straight down.
Like you said, Jonny, "A mess."
Now this nation's government wants us to find out
how this all happened.
The mole's deployed and ready for action, doctor.
Hey, look! The lights are fading.
And the radiation level is dropping too.
The holes are completely sealed off.
No sweat, Jonny.
My experimental mole device will take us
down to the energy source.
We're set. All systems go for decent doctor.
Okay, Race.
Let's get to the bottom of this.
[dramatic music]
Just passing ten-mile-depth, doctor.
Race, there's a sudden shift in Earth density.
I don't like this.
Neither do I.
[all screaming]
Hang on, Jonny.
(Jonny) Whoa! I'm hanging on.
'H-h-how about you?'
Is everyone alright?
Oh, yes.
Standing on one's head is very restful.
Bandit, gotcha boy!
That was better than a rollercoaster, huh,
Well, let's see where this ride dumped us.
I've never seen anything like this.
No, you won't find this in any book on geology.
Those crystals were the source of that high energy surge.
'I'm picking up the last of that tremendous power.'
They drilled right into it.
Right. Like punching a hole in a blast furnace.
- Just look at all the others. - And all different colors.
(Dr. Quest) 'Let's check them out.
(Dr. Quest) 'Incredible.'
'An ancient civilization ten miles underground.'
- 'But who could've built it?' - 'Ancient people perhaps?'
(Dr. Quest) No way of telling, boys.
But it could explain the origin of ancient myths
about the underworld.
The underworld? Oh-oh!
(Race) 'I'm getting some
mighty strange readings'
'from out there, doctor.'
(Dr. Quest) 'Alright, it's as good'
'as any place to start exploring.'
'Everyone out.'
This is like some of the ancient temples in my homeland.
Only bigger.
(Dr. Quest) This just may have been
some sort of temple, Hadji.
'Or ancient art gallery.'
Bandit, what's your problem, boy?
Wow, look at that!
How would you classify that work of art?
I'm not sure, Race.
Relax, Bandit. It's only a dumb old statue.
That's where you're wrong, Jonny.
It's giving off strong life-sign readings.
- How can that be alive? - It's as hard as a rock.
(Dr. Quest) 'We'll know once I've had
a chance to study it.'
'Let's get it up to the surface fast.'
Easy does it. Easy.
'That's good, doctor.'
- This meter must be screwy. - What do you mean?
It's picking up two life-sign readings.
Did you perhaps push the wrong button?
Dad! Hadji! Race is in trouble.
'I've got to stop that monster.'
Jonny, keep away from that thing.
Jonny, don't! Jonny!
[dramatic music]
[music continues]
- Hadji, what're you doing here? - You can't have all the fun.
Fire. Fire!
Hey, four eyes!
Good shot, Jonny.
W-w-well, looks like maybe it could have been better.
Sim sim saladin!
[dramatic music]
The flare didn't even hurt it.
Yes. Like it was made of stone.
[intense music]
[music continues]
Uh, thanks for the assist, fellas.
Best way to beat two heads is with two heads.
Look what it's doing now. The ruby crystal!
[intense music]
Inside, quick, before the cavern caves in.
The whole place is gonna blow.
[music continues]
Race, contact General Fong.
We have some important tests to run.
[barking continues]
Bandit, haven't you had enough excitement today, boy?
It's just a harmless little bird.
[squawking continues]
Let's see what our harmless little camera spy brought us.
(Scorpio) 'You were right
all along, Zartan.'
(Zartan) Yes. A new form of life created
by a unique form of radiation.
'Radiation that can change coal into diamonds'
'or a man into stone..'
as it changed me.
This stone scar.
I must have that rock man to reverse this-this accident.
Your work has just begun, my little spy in the sky.
Take pictures of everything they're doing with my rock man.
- Come on, Bandit. - You're not a bird dog.
Let's see how dad's comin' along, Hadji.
Bandit, you big chicken. Afraid of a little bird.
Come on.
We built this chamber to duplicate conditions
of the underground city.
I still can't believe this thing is alive.
It's truly amazing.
Yes, it's in an unusual state
of suspended animation.
- No change yet, huh, dad? - Oh, sure.
He was up tap dancing a minute ago.
(Dr. Quest) 'Ahem, speaking scientifically'
'he's been in this condition for centuries.'
'Perhaps, thousands of years.'
But how do you explain his peculiar appearance?
Well, Race.
His body is almost pure carbon.
Like coal or diamonds.
Radiation from the underground crystals
changed his molecular structure.
You may have the rock man now, Dr. Quest
but only I know how to awaken him.
We're all locked up, doctor. Shall I switch on the alarm?
No, that's okay.
I'll get it after I check these brain scans.
- Goodnight, doctor. - 'Goodnight, Race.'
Our time has come, Scorpio.
Let's go.
[dramatic music]
Watch! Supersonic waves will stimulate the creature's brain.
It's like shaking the foundation of a house.
Ha ha ha.
What's that? Strange.
Race, is that you?
The creature's gone!
Bandit, it's too late to play games.
Go to sleep.
[intense music]
Okay, okay. What's with all this noise?
[yawns] Maybe he's dreaming about birds.
- Huh? - What was that?
Bandit must have dreamed about a 50-ton canary.
- The rock man! - 'The rock man!'
He's getting away.
Come on, Hadji, we've gotta hurry!
The door's hopelessly jammed.
Stand back, doctor. I'll have to blow the door.
The boys. Where are they?
We'll round him up with the dirt wheelers.
Okay, hop on, Bandit.
There, Hadji. Look!
Quest calling the main gate. Emergency. Main gate.
I'm going after that thing, doctor.
Just get Jonny and Hadji back here safely.
Do not worry, Dr. Quest. Yes, sir.
The fence carries over 20,000 volts.
'Nothing can get through it.'
I see the creature.
He's approaching.
The fence has stopped him.
Stop or I'll fire!
(Dr. Quest on phone) 'What happened?
Has the creature been stopped?'
Hang on, Bandit.
(Hadji) 'He's heading for the lagoon.'
- Argh! We're too late. - He's gone.
You boys have done some foolish things before.
But we were following the creature, Race.
He waded out into the lagoon.
Hmmbe in a straight line.
He just might come out on the far side of the lagoon.
We'll search for him from the air.
Questor One to Questor Two. I'll check the beaches, Race.
Affirmative. We'll head inland, doctor.
Where is he, Scorpio?
I-I-I don't know, Zartan. Maybe he--
Quiet, fool! I'm just thinking out loud.
Ha, there. There he is, Scorpio.
'My rock man has come to me.'
I'm picking up a faint power reading up ahead.
'Let's check it out.'
[device beeping]
[device beeping]
The reading's gone dead.
Maybe it was just a malfunction.
Race, look! Through the waterfall.
A cave. Good work, Jonny.
I'll take a look. You boys wait outside.
Come on, Hadji. I bet there's another way in.
But Race told us to wait here.
He said wait outside, but he didn't say where outside.
'Right, Bandit?'
You should be a lawyer, Jonny.
We're alike, you and I.
Both changed by the radiation.
Made ugly, inhuman.
With you, I can learn more about the radiation.
I can make myself a man again.
[device beeping]
An intruder, Zartan.
(Zartan) 'Let's give him
our warmest welcome.'
That was, uh, close.
Two intruders, Zartan.
They must have followed the creature.
I think we climbed all this way for nothing.
Bandit recognizes that bird.
I think we found the way in, Hadji.
Something you will live to regret.
Uh, I g-g-guess you wouldn't
be interested in buying m-m-magazines.
Nah. Nice meeting you.
Stop them, Scorpio!
[Scorpio screams]
We've gotta find a way out of here.
I'll shatter you like glass.
Now's our chance, Hadji.
Why are doors like this always locked?
They're escaping, Zartan.
We haven't lost yet.
- 'Go!' - Why're you helping us?
Quick, fellas, out this way
before this whole place caves in.
Let's hightail it back to the Q-2.
The creature saved our lives.
And we don't even know who he was.
Come on, boys. Dr. Quest will be worried about us.
Questor Two returning to base.
'Yes, everyone's fine, doctor.'
Whoever you were, goodbye.
[Bandit whimpering]
(Race) 'The boys are upset.'
'We'll tell you all about when we land.'
Thank goodness, you're all safe.
Yeah, but the creature wasn't so lucky.
We both were starting to get worried.
'Your guest is a very impatient fellow.'
Dad, we wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for..
Guest? Who're you talkin' about?
So far I've learned that he's an ancient warrior of the monolith.
'And he calls himself Hardrock.'
- Jonny, it's him! - He's alright.
As you so aptly described it in our first encounter
I am hard as a rock.
I get it. Hard as a rock. Will you be staying awhile?
As warrior of the monolith, I've always served my people.
Under the present circumstances, now..
you are my people.
Glad to have you with us, Hardrock.
Welcome aboard.
I'll have to redesign a seat
for you in the Questor One.
Well, looks like it's settled, Hardrock.
That's Bandit's official team welcome.
Is there still an opportunity
to change my mind?
[all laughing]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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