The New Legends of Monkey (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

They're gaining! Because you are slowing us down.
There's cover up ahead! Wait! Is this what I think it is? Odd time for a meeting.
Why don't they follow? - They look scared.
- Of what? Oh, the Kin won't let them leave.
They'll be dead by nightfall.
And when it is revealed we lost the only human who knows the ancient language, we will be next.
Turn back and we fail, keep going and we die.
Any other options? You will speak to the Kin.
They'll kill me the second that they lay eyes on me.
Calm yourself, Raxion.
They've already seen us.
Come on, let's go.
(RAINFALL) (LOUD SQUAWK) MAN: What do you want? I'm here to make you an offer, hmm? Don't look.
Three of our prisoners have escaped.
I need My employer needs you to catch them.
Catching gods is expensive.
That's the going rate.
If they're in our home, they're already dead.
Well, you can kill the gods, but I want the monk.
If you take the human, what will we eat? There's enough there to buy yourself something, hmm? One more thing.
I'm coming with ya.
You don't trust us? (SQUAWKING) No.
So let me get this clear.
You wanted a crown, and that led to the world being plunged into darkness? I was betrayed.
Really, Monkey? That's your take away, that you were betrayed? More or less.
And I thought I lacked perspective.
He who caused the problem has now been charged with rectifying it.
That is very fitting.
My favourite bit is the same crown you tried to steal is now stuck on your head for all eternity.
Anything else you want to pontificate over? Or shall we continue with trying not to get ourselves killed? Where's Tripitaka? Could be relieving herself behind the trees.
Very shy, that monk.
He went in here.
It's probably a trap.
How else are we going to find him? (RUMBLING) (COUGHS) Who are you? What do you want? (GROWLING) (SCREAMS LOUDLY) (PANTS) (GRUNTS) Looking for the monastery? It was razed two centuries ago.
The monks were all eaten.
And your name is? Tripitaka! I know you.
I've waited to see you for so long.
I wondered whether my mind was playing tricks on me.
- Who's the moss lady? - I don't know, but she saved my life.
And you must be Tripitaka.
I've seen you before.
At Monkey's trial.
She's one of the gods who put me away.
I was wrong.
We all were.
And I've spent the last 500 years trying to right that wrong.
I should have believed you.
Will you forgive me? I suppose in comparison to the rest of them, I hate you the least.
- (GROWLING) - What is that? We must hurry.
I will lead you out of the forest.
Wait, wait.
Why should we trust you? (GROWLING) I do.
Lead the way.
Well, we know where they are.
What are we waiting for? One of our blood has fallen.
So we catch the monk, and then you can find a new friend to join your tribe.
- (GRUNTS) - What? Be careful.
We have a low tolerance for middle management.
Hey, where are you going? Supplies.
Good thinking.
We can launch a counter-attack.
I don't think these belong to her.
(BUZZING) (GASPS) - What is this place? - Where you would have ended up.
The demons tracking you are the Forest Kin, former bodyguards of the White Bone Demon Queen.
The Kin stole a sacred treasure from their former Mistress and in return, she cast a spell that stole their faces.
Sounds fair.
That's not the worst part.
She gave each of them new ones.
Some say they possess the face of animals, others say insects or rodents.
The truth is no one has never seen the true face of a Kin and lived to tell the tale.
They exiled themselves from the world and have lived in this forest ever since.
Long enough to develop a taste for things other than fruit.
Bark? Vines? People.
What if they come back? They're coming back, aren't they? We have to go.
He's right.
We must keep moving.
The Kin draw their strength from this forest but where the forest ends, so do their powers.
They won't track us beyond it.
We've a long way to go.
Keep up.
Why would that demon want to take Tripitaka? Didn't even look twice at us.
It's the oldest rule of the predator.
Pick off the injured and weak first.
Maybe they were going to use Tripitaka to lure me.
Not everything is about you, Monkey.
After what we heard today, I wonder.
Eyes open, monk.
I might not be able to save you next time.
Who says I need you to save me? (LOUD WHIRRING) - There are more coming.
- (GROWLING) - (LOUD WHIRRING) - It's in the trees.
Show yourself! Has that ever worked? I'd say that was very effective, wouldn't you? What are they doing? (YELLS, GROANS) Watch out! They're dividing you.
Stick together! (GRUNTS) A little help please! (GROWLS) (BOTH GRUNT) (SCREECHING) Why'd they disappear? They had us right where they wanted us.
It's no accident.
They had a plan.
This was your plan? I said no poison.
Seems the monk has had an accident, but he can be cured for twice the price.
Do you know whose silver it is that you're stealing? Oi, you look at me when I'm talking to you.
- Hmm? - (GROWLS) Ah, I mean, 'course he he knows where to find you if he wants to complain.
(GROANS) Tripitaka! He's been poisoned.
Please, I just need rest.
Stay back! Keep guard.
Spread out.
- Is he okay? - He needs to rest.
We'll camp here for the night.
I have lived in this forest a long time, waiting for the Monkey King who was to be travelling with a warrior monk.
Now, you are no warrior.
I doubt you're a monk.
- So who are you? - I'm Tripitaka.
That name carries the hope of gods and the future of our world.
Do not take it lightly.
Who are you? He was shaking like it was winter.
He'll be fine.
Tomorrow we'll be out of the forest and we can keep searching for the scrolls.
You think the Resistance will continue to welcome us when they find out that Monkey was responsible for all of this? What makes you think they don't already know? It doesn't matter how we got here.
It matters how we fight our way out.
The Resistance know that better than anyone.
Just like they know we need Monkey to do it.
How is Tripitaka? Will he live? Good news or bad? What did the Scholar tell you about Tripitaka? I never knew him.
When I got out it was just the monk.
No hair.
Sad face.
Lots of questions.
Western mountains, this and that.
It was this monk who released you? He's as stubborn as a giant, but he knows a thing or two.
Enough to get us out of that nightmare factory back there.
He rescued you from the shaman? Yes.
Child, where did you come from? I was raised by the Scholar.
He's the one who kept the crown.
I knew him.
(TEARFULLY) When he died it was like the world ended.
I had to become Tripitaka.
I had to release Monkey.
I didn't mean to lie.
I just couldn't find anything else to do.
Shhh, now.
You have done more than you know.
And we will never forget it.
(GASPS) Needs plenty of rest but should be as stubborn as usual by the morning.
Looks like he's not the only one.
You sleep.
I can stay and keep watch.
When I first came out of the rock, I didn't know what to expect.
I thought perhaps a little more fanfare.
But there was nothing.
No gods, no welcoming ceremony, nothing.
Just you.
An insignificant human.
No, that that's not what I meant, okay? This isn't coming out right.
When my Master died, I thought I would never again have the chance to be a part of something that mattered.
Until I met you.
Don't die.
- Monkey.
- Yes? You decided to join us again? - Arghh! Don't do that again.
Ever! - (GIGGLES) I'll try.
I'm really happy that you're feeling better, Tripitaka.
- Sleep well? - Yep.
Yeah, I heard that fevers cause strange dreams and voices, that sort of thing.
I just remember feeling dizzy, then Gwen looking after me.
- Then nothing.
- Good.
Well then, ah, keep up, little monk.
The demons haven't forgotten we're here.
Eat up, Tripitaka.
You need to keep your strength up.
Thank you.
I don't know how you managed to make it this far, but I do know this.
The one who takes the journey west cannot be the girl in this letter, or you will only put lives at risk.
We're nearing the edge of the forest.
So, why are we stopping? (LOUD SCREECHING) Tripitaka, come with me.
(SCREAMS) (BOTH GRUNT) (SIGHS) - (GROANS) - What's wrong? (PANTS) The poison.
You took it from me.
There's nothing to be done about it now.
But why? Why would you sacrifice yourself for me? - Get down.
- What? Get down! (GRUNTS) Monkey! (ROARS) (BOTH GRUNT) Just make this easy on all of us, hmm? (BOTH SCREAM, GRUNT) (SCREAMS) Gwen! Monkey, you must keep Tripitaka safe, whatever the cost.
We can't just leave her here.
Oh, I won't be here for long.
My journey is done.
Yours is still ahead of you.
There is no shame in being who you are.
Don't deny your true self.
(PANTS, GASPS) - (SIGHS) - Gwen! Her spirit is gone, Tripitaka.
She died for me.
(PANTS) WOMAN: (READS) "I have walked from the north water"
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