The Oath of Love (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

=Episode 7=
You can see such news all the time.
Don't take it seriously.
Zhixiao is here.
Mr. Lin.
You know what?
I made the most nutritious soup
for you this time.
Drink it all.
Do you hear me?
Don't spill a drop.
I'll get mad if you do.
With your cooking skills,
I can image
that it won't taste very good.
How can you say that?
You have stereotyped ideas
about me.
The doctor said
you need to fast an hour later.
Drink it now.
How is it? Is it good?
It's okay.
You're doing this again.
What do you mean it's okay?
Just admit that it's delicious.
You pretend to not enjoy it, right?
I said it's okay.
There's still a distance
from being delicious.
Then you can cook and show me
what's delicious.
I don't have time.
I'm having surgery.
- I
- You've never
made anything good
before you're having surgery.
It has been Ms. Li cooking.
Li she
I'll make you soup when I get better.
You can brag all you want.
- All right. All right.
- I
You two have the same gene.
You can't live one day without arguing?
Is that so hard for you?
Yes, it is.
This is Lin Jianguo on Bed 9
of the In-patient Department.
We'll be waiting for you outside!
Ms. Li, what are you doing?
I'm fine.
I'm sure Lin will be all right.
Why are you crying again?
No, no. I'm fine.
It's okay. He'll be fine.
Dr. Gu said he will be fine.
It's okay.
- You're crying again.
- No.
No. I'm not.
Have a seat.
Let's sit down and wait for him.
(In The Operation)
Lin Zhixiao, don't worry.
You and your father
will have plenty of time
to do what you want to do.
I'll do my best.
I know.
I believe you.
(Operating Room)
Ms. Li.
Dr. Gu said
the operation
is gonna take three hours.
Are you just gonna
keep staring at the door
until you see through it?
I can't see through it.
I can't help but worry a little bit.
Well, Ms. Li.
You're strong and beautiful.
Why did you spend
your whole life
on that old fogey?
Your father wasn't bad
when he was young.
He was handsome.
Although he is a little old now,
he still has the style.
You are so beautiful.
How did he win your heart?
Your dad was no different
from now.
He has
always been mean
and he offends people easily.
But he has been
really good to me.
Whenever the school gave out anything,
he would bring it to me.
I liked listening to music at that time.
Your dad saved all his salary
to buy me tapes.
At that time,
you know when we bought bags of rice,
we had to carry them
upstairs one by one.
Your dad was skinny back then.
He just
carried the rice upstairs,
When something happened,
he would show up right away
whenever your grandparents
asked him to come.
You married him
just because of rice and tapes?
Or what?
now there are people
paying too much attention to appearance.
What appearance is about?
Looks don't matter.
Sweet words are even less important.
Do you know what's important?
The heart.
Turns out I made the right choice.
Your father has
never done anything bad to me
in decades.
What can I not be satisfied with?
I think my life is worth living.
It was my luck
to meet Lin.
Of course, it was your luck to meet him.
If you hadn't met him,
would you have had
such a lovely daughter?
You get that from me.
Ms. Li.
Don't worry.
Lin will be all right.
When he gets out,
he will give us lectures every day.
We're gonna have to live with it.
(In The Operation)
How is him, Doctor?
The operation was a success.
He'll be sent to the ward
when he wakes up from anesthesia.
I knew it! I knew it!
Everything is fine!
- Ms. Li!
- He's fine!
Your dad is lucky.
He wants me to look after him
for a few more decades.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
I'll go in first.
You'll be fine, Lin.
I knew he would be fine.
After all, he had so much energy
when he quarreled with me.
(Thank you, Dr. Gu!!)
(Doctor's Office 2)
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu.
Mr. Lin, how are you feeling today?
Do you have nausea?
I feel bloated.
It's normal.
If you don't feel
you can have more rice soup tomorrow.
But don't have too much at a time,
and don't make it too sick.
You can have it more often.
Okay, I got that, Dr. Gu.
Mr. Lin, let me check the wound.
Does it hurt?
A little bit.
Okay, I see.
The incision is healing well.
You two have been doing great.
Don't be like a baby.
Sorry, Dr. Gu.
Sorry to let you see this.
That's the way he is.
If it weren't for you,
he wouldn't have recovered so quickly.
Mr. Lin, you don't look like
someone who would do housework at home.
Who said I don't do housework?
He cooked once in a while.
Yes, I cooked.
But Aunt Li would
prepare the ingredients,
and you only need to cook them, right?
Mr. Lin, see?
Even Dr. Gu sees
that we spoil you a lot.
Come on, old boy.
Lin Zhixiao, come with me.
Have some.
(Analgesic Plasters
for Bone Hyperplasia)
I think you need this.
This is what Lin is using.
Dr. Gu.
You're not using this, are you?
You're getting on in years.
Take care of yourself.
I just think you and your mother
did a lot to take care of the patient.
You two VIP guards
almost become role models in the ward.
The nurses even
asked other patients' family
to learn from you.
It's all because of Ms. Li.
She takes good care of Lin,
so I just do it like her.
Are you also being so nice
to your boyfriend?
My boyfriend?
My boyfriend's probably still on his way
to meet me.
Anyway, when he gets here,
I'll definitely ask him
where he has been all these years
and why he doesn't show up.
By the way,
I've often seen you
play air cello in the ward.
You haven't practiced in a while, right?
Our school will
hold a show a few days later.
I want to run for the cellist.
But I haven't practiced for a long time.
I don't know if I can pull it off.
I can help you with that.
I'll see you in the lobby
tomorrow morning.
Help me?
What's this?
Charity organizations
come to the hospital regularly
to perform for the patients.
Have a try.
You said you don't have a place
to practice.
There are so many people now.
Think of it
as a rehearsal of the show.
Can I do it?
You already encouraged me once
with your music.
Now it's time to encourage yourself.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Lin Zhixiao.
That was good.
We have agreed
that you will be the cellist
for the show.
Come on, keep practicing.
Try to do better in the show.
Thank you!
I'll waste no time
to practice more!
I won't let you down!
Thank you!
Keep practicing.
- Goodbye!
- Okay.
- Goodbye.
- See you.
Oh my God!
( Recruitment website)
Sansan, I made it!
You made it?
Of course. Who I am?
I'm Lin Zhixiao, a talented cellist.
You're so good.
You've been taking care
of your dad in the hospital
and you still made it.
You are really talented.
By the way,
how is Mr. Lin doing these days?
Mr. Lin is doing great.
Even Dr. Gu said
he is recovering well.
Don't worry.
That's great.
Actually, thanks to Dr. Gu,
he encouraged me to join
a nonprofit organization
that performs at hospitals.
So I went to perform
with them every day,
and it felt like
a live show.
I felt great.
Why do I think
you've been talking
about Dr. Gu too often?
You talk about
Dr. Gu all the time now.
What's going on between you two?
Dr. Gu is my dad's attending doctor.
It's normal.
Zhixiao, are you blind?
With such a good-looking doctor
standing in front of you,
do you still have no reactions?
What are you talking about? I
I don't have time to think
about such things right now.
Now Mr. Lin has had his surgery.
Do you have time to think about it now?
What's his personality like?
Does he have a girlfriend?
You're getting
more ridiculous.
The conversation is over.
I'll go to the hospital.
Something is going on between you two.
Dude, you scared me.
How do you know I'm here?
From your Moments.
Your habit of giving away
your location
is not good.
How dangerous it would be
if some creepy guy
targets you!
Aren't you the creepy guy
who targets me?
Aren't we friends?
Drinking buddies. You said it.
You call me a creepy guy.
It hurts me.
What are you busy with?
Are you looking for a job?
You should ask me for help.
I can help you.
You don't have a job yet.
I'm above
working for other people, okay?
In this case,
the young master of the Gu family
is going to do something big.
I'm going to start my own business,
the start-up capital is ready.
I urgently need talents.
are you interested
in doing something great with me?
What project?
A bar.
A bar?
Do you have a license
to operate alcoholic beverages?
Do you know the high risk
of nightclub business?
Do you know how to run a bar?
I don't, but I can learn.
You? Forget about it.
I knew you were unreliable.
You tell me.
What should I do?
A café.
A café is too boring.
Bars are fun.
Bars are full of pretty women.
I think you want to open a bar,
so you can drink and pick up girls.
Cafés are full of businessmen.
I think you just want to have a place
to be a gold-digger.
I have an appointment. I'm leaving now.
Café it is!
You can be the manager, OK?
Hello, Dad?
Who says I can't get a job?
I've already received a lot of offers.
I'm telling you,
I pick the jobs now,
not the other way around.
Don't send me money!
I didn't go to school abroad
for nothing, OK?
I have skills, OK?
Don't worry.
I can take care of myself,
absolutely no problem.
I know what's going on
at home, OK?
I know our business is not doing well.
It's okay. I'm fine.
OK, I have to go.
I'm going to take a shower. Bye.
Cheers. Cheers.
How do you say it in your hometown?
Say what?
I like you.
Put them together.
I like you.
I like…
- Slowly.
- You try it.
Let's try it slowly.
- Slower.
- I'll try. I like you.
Who is this? It's late already.
I need to take this call.
Hello, Sansan.
Are you really going to open a café?
Of course!
- I'm ready to hire people now.
- Come on, cheers.
I'm reviewing resumes.
You set a time for an interview.
I will get my resume ready.
No need.
I trust you.
If you come,
you'll be the manager.
Let's discuss
the cooperation model tomorrow.
I want to be a shareholder
with technology contributed.
we need to discuss
the management model and business style.
No problem. See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
So unreliable.
Let me ask you something serious.
Do any of your families own a café
or have you done it yourselves?
What's she talking about?
A shareholder
with technology contributed,
management model and business style,
what are these?
café is boring.
You're wrong.
Is he doing this for a café?
You got me. Cheers.
- Come on, cheers.
- Here, here.
Keep an eye on the patient.
- Yes, okay.
- If anything happens,
report it to me immediately.
Hi, Dr. Gu.
You're done with your rounds?
Get back to work.
Would you like
to join me?
Let's go.
Here, Dr. Gu.
To celebrate the success
of Lin Zhixiao's cellist contest,
You really like this so much?
We should drink Coke
on such a good day.
It's a ritual.
Do you doctors not drink this?
Some doctors like to
drink a little Coke
after multiple surgeries
to get a quick sugar boost.
I owe my success
in the contest to you.
You help Mr. Lin a lot.
I've been saying thank you a lot,
but I want to say thank you again today.
Thank you, Dr. Gu.
You're a very boring person.
You're always acting cool.
We've been talking to each other a lot.
We are friends, right?
Dr. Gu sounds strange.
Can I call you something else?
Like what?
Dr. Handsome?
This is…
This name is a bit flirty.
Not good enough. Another one.
Dr. Old-school.
It suits you.
How's it? You like it?
What kind of name is that?
You don't like it?
Lin Zhixiao.
Mr. Lin is coming back for chemotherapy.
Does it seem appropriate that
you are offending his attending doctor?
No, not at all.
I'm just kidding.
I'll call you Dr. Gu still.
Dr. Gu?
Do you think I'm unreliable?
I'm not that bad.
I owe you a song. I remember it.
When I get the tickets for the Concert,
I'll give you one,
and invite you to listen to it.
I'm looking forward to it.
Want some chips?
It's delicious.
You're so funny!
Why do you do that all the time?
Do you think
this is cool?
Let me tell you.
It's so lame.
(Doctor's Office 2)
Gu Wei.
Dr. Gao.
Come here.
Where's Gu Wei?
Did he leave from work?
The family of the patient in Bed 9,
Ms. Lin, wanted to see him.
Bed 9? What's wrong with Bed 9?
But something is going on with them.
I didn't say anything.
He should be back soon.
Mr. Lin, Ms. Li.
My first step on the road to greatness
is about to begin.
You're looking at
the cellist of the Concert.
Tickets for friends and family.
I just got them.
Let me see.
Am I good?
You are so easily satisfied.
What are you talking about?
I think my daughter is excellent.
When is it?
The first of next month.
I don't know how well
your father will recover by then.
Maybe we won't be able to go.
What are you talking about?
I must be there.
Lin Zhixiao.
Don't embarrass me.
Alright, Mr. Lin.
You need more rest.
There will be many opportunities
for me to be a cellist.
I will invite you to be there every day, okay?
I promise I'll make you proud.
Okay, I'll wait for the grand theater.
How's it going?
Dr. Gao.
Good. Good.
The wound doesn't seem to hurt so much,
You can try to move around more.
Dr. Gao.
Dr. Gao.
We didn't have time to
thank you
after the operation.
I have a concert next month
and would like to invite you to see it.
Thank you for
taking care of Mr. Lin.
Dr. Gao, I'm sorry.
Lin Zhixiao and I need to talk about work.
You go ahead.
I want to run for the cellist
in our school's concert.
But I haven't practiced for a long time,
so I don't know if I can succeed.
I can help you with that.
See you in the hospital lobby
tomorrow morning.
Dr. Gao.
Dr. Gao?
So, did you invite Gu Wei?
I did.
I'll give him the ticket later.
Why don't you give me the ticket?
I'm on my way to see him.
Thank you.
The first of next month?
That's right.
Gu Wei and I have a seminar that day,
so we might not be able to make it.
But we'll try to be there.
Okay, thank you, Dr. Gao.
Rest well.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Bye, Dr. Gao.
If you don't have a place
to send these tickets,
I'll give them to my colleague.
A lot of people want them, okay,
Ms. Li?
I'm on fire, okay?
Okay, okay, okay.
I can't believe you.
What are you doing?
I'm writing medical records.
On the first of next month,
our colleagues are organizing a seminar,
and the participants are professionals,
so I'd like to invite you to join us.
If the department doesn't
have any plans,
I'll definitely go.
Then we can go together.
From the patient's family.
(Huaqing University Orchestra Concert
Date: May 1, 2019 at 14:30)
I owe you a song. I remember it.
When I get the tickets for the Concert,
I'll give you one,
and invite you to listen to it.
(Harrison's Gastroenterology
and Hepatology)
Listen to your mother
after you leave the hospital.
I know.
Dr. Gu.
Good boy!
Be careful.
I'll be discharged today.
That's great. Congratulations, Qiuqiu.
Try to be happy,
- OK?
- Mm.
Thank you for what you've done
for my son.
I've been wanting to
invite you all to dinner,
In fact, we have always
wanted to hold
a simple send-off party for Qiuqiu.
We all love Qiuqiu very much.
The nurses are going to miss you,
you know?
Qiuqiu's birthday is coming up soon.
Right, Qiuqiu?
Great! Can I have some cake?
♪Happy birthday to you♪
- ♪Happy birthday to you♪
- Thank you again, Dr. Gu.
It's OK.
- ♪Happy birthday to you♪
- Easy there.
You're one year older.
who do you want to give
your first piece of cake to?
First piece of cake.
To me?
Thank you, Qiuqiu.
Let me try.
So good!
Thank you, Qiuqiu.
Qiuqiu's mom,
I need to do rounds,
so I have to go.
Who is the owner of this cake?
- Thank you, Qiuqiu.
- Dr. Du.
- Wei.
- Thank you.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Who should you give this piece to?
To me?
- Thank you, Qiuqiu.
- Zhixiao.
I like you the most.
Remember to think of me.
I like you the most, too.
I'll miss you, alright?
Good boy.
Who's next, Qiuqiu?
Dr. Gu.
You take care of me the most.
I will come and visit you.
My biggest wish
is that you don't come back
after you leave, OK?
Then I won't
be able to see you anymore.
How come?
We just hope that
when we see you again,
you won't be in the hospital.
But if you miss us,
we will visit you, okay?
There's one last piece.
Look who doesn't have one yet.
Give a piece to Dr. Gao.
Dr. Gao.
Would you like a piece of cake?
Thank you, Qiuqiu.
I thought I wouldn't get one.
You have to eat fewer sweets
and oily things in the future, you know?
Just take one or two bites of this,
don't eat it all.
Dr. Gao is quite right,
but that's for later.
- Today is an exception.
- Gu Wei!
I approved it today.
You can eat. Go.
Come on, Qiuqiu.
- Dr. Gu said you can eat the cake now.
- It's OK.
Come on, have some more.
Here. Enjoy the cake.
Cake time.
Use this.
Dr. Gu is still
a neat freak.
I'm exactly the same as Gu Wei.
It's just a professional habit.
Not really.
I can use disposable ones.
Oh, Gu Wei.
This piece is too big.
I can't eat it all. It'll be a waste.
Let's share it.
I don't want to waste it.
I should share Qiuqiu's piece.
It's not good for him to eat that much.
- Come on, Qiuqiu.
- Dr. Gu and Dr. Gao are so close.
I've known him for such a long time.
We know each other's flavor.
Of course.
Alright, let's enjoy the cake.
Enjoy yourselves.
Qiuqiu, is it good?
Which one is better?
Yours is better.
No way.
Gu Wei.
That cake was a bit greasy.
Would you like some black tea?
No, thanks.
Dr. Gao.
I have things to do.
Don't wait for me.
What is it, Qiuqiu?
Dr. Gu.
I know your secret.
That's big.
What secret? Tell me.
You like Zhixiao.
Who told you that?
Do you know what it means
to like someone?
Of course I do.
You didn't smile before,
but since Zhixiao came,
you've been smiling at her a lot.
Qiuqiu, we should go.
Dr. Gu, I'm going to get us ready.
We'll leave soon.
I'll walk you out later.
Thank you.
Go with your mom, Qiuqiu.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Aunt Li
is busy taking care of Grandpa Lin,
so I'm here on behalf of them
to say goodbye to you, OK?
Thank you, Zhixiao.
I don't want to say goodbye to you
and Dr. Gu.
I don't want to leave you either.
Here, this is a gift
from Grandpa
Lin, Aunt Li
and me.
If you miss me,
just look at this, OK?
How can I play with a bear doll?
Would you
take care of this bear
for me?
Good boy.
After discharge from the hospital,
you should eat less junk food,
rest well and take care of yourself,
Here, this is for you.
Book of Healthy
and Study.
Dr. Gu's gift
is worse than Zhixiao's.
You take it.
Don't be rude.
Say thank you to Dr. Gu.
I have gifts
for Dr. Gu and Zhixiao, too.
Really? What gifts?
- Help me.
- Let me help you.
You just asked me about
= The Oath of Love=
things I pay attention to in life, right?
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
I try not to use
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
technical terms
and not to be
so old-school in life.
I don't want to hear you say
me old all the time.
Who says you're old?
Well, it does sound
familiar somehow.
Tell me.
Did you say it the day
I removed your stitches?
You, you, you.
You can't say it.
Say it.
- Confess to me.
- I did?
But I must have said something
like you're young,
you look young, to remedy it.
I didn't?
I didn't?
Don't be mad, Dr. Gu.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
OK, how about I call you
Dr. Gu?
Gu Wei, Mr. Hot.
Mr. Hot.
Mr. Hot.
Mr. Hot. Love you.
How about
Mr. Cutie Pie?
Mr. Cutie Pie, love you.
Yeah, it's me.
= The Oath of Love=
(Little theater)
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