The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
(Episode 7)
I hereby swear
as a proud freshman
of Cheong Ah Arts High School
that I will abide by the school's
focus on my studies,
act trustfully with honor,
and to proudly fulfill my duties
as a student
of Cheong Ah Arts High School.
March 2, 2020.
Student representative,
Joo Seok Hoon.
Joo Seok Kyung.
Now, it's time for a performance
by the classical singing department.
Wait. You can't enter
in the middle of the ceremony.
- Get out of my way.
- You can't go inside.
I'm performing solo today.
- I need to go inside.
- I said you can't go inside.
Why is Eun Byeol
coming to the center of the stage?
I know. Wasn't Bae Ro Na supposed to
perform solo today?
You know,
the first on the waiting list.
Dr. Ha. What is going on?
I don't know either.
I didn't hear anything.
Eun Byeol's name isn't in here.
Did Bae Ro Na get herself
into trouble again or what?
I came for the dress
for Joo Seok Kyung.
Yes, it's ready.
Do you like it?
Please wrap it up.
You must be upset.
I heard Seok Kyung can't sing solo
because of a cold.
She has a severe cold.
She's very disappointed as well.
Then will Eun Byeol sing
instead of her?
Eun Byeol's mom wore this
at Seoul National University's
graduation performance.
She got it specially reformed
for this special occasion.
I heard Eun Byeol will wear it
at the admission ceremony.
Hey! She needs to go inside!
My gosh, move!
- Are you okay?
- Let's go.
Catch them!
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
Go away!
Ro Na, are you okay?
I can't believe this.
I'm supposed to be standing there,
It's okay.
No, don't.
If we ruin the ceremony,
things will get out of hand.
Since you harmed
the school's reputation,
you better sort it out yourself.
If you don't, Cheong Ah Foundation
will go to your sister.
With the help of
our wealthy in-laws,
it may be easier to operate
the foundation.
What are you talking about?
You promised me
this school was mine.
Did you forget how Eun Byeol
humiliated our family?
On top of that,
she's not even singing
at the admission ceremony.
How embarrassing is this when
I invited so many important figures?
How could my granddaughter sing
at the back of the stage?
Is this how I taught you?
Please give me another chance.
I promise
I won't disappoint you this time.
I know I should discuss
your kids' matters with your wife,
but I thought it would be better
to discuss this one with you.
What is this?
They're Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung's
exam answer sheets.
As you can see,
they got all the same questions
right and wrong.
The handwriting for their
essay questions is identical too.
You know
what this means, right?
Thank you for telling me first.
I'll scold my kids
and tell them not to do it again.
I don't intend on pursuing
this issue any further,
but it's too serious
to turn a blind eye.
So what do you want?
I can't let a student who cheated
in front of me
sing solo at the admission ceremony.
You want Seok Kyung to give up
her solo performance?
If you don't want rumors to spread,
you'd need an appropriate excuse.
How does a severe cold
sound to you?
Seok Kyung, your cold
has gotten even worse.
Tomorrow is the admission ceremony,
but you're not in the condition
to perform solo.
You should go to the hospital.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
You're so beautiful, Yoo Jenny!
Min Hyuk, how could you be
so handsome?
I wonder whose son you are,
you handsome young man!
I wonder how Eun Byeol
could be so good.
- It's like she practiced crazy.
- I know.
It's as if that spot
belonged to her.
Finally, the head of
the art department,
Ms. Cheon Seo Jin
will make an announcement.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
I'm Cheon Seo Jin, the head of
Cheong Ah's art department.
For 50 years,
Cheong Ah Arts High School
sent countless students
to Seoul National University,
and at the center was
Cheong Ah Art Festival.
Cheong Ah Art Festival
celebrated all fields
such as music, fine art, and dance.
It was the driving force
that helped us teach and build up
many worldwide artists.
But unfortunately, 25 years ago,
due to a terrible accident
caused by excessive competition,
the festival was canceled.
Today, I announce that
the Cheong Ah Art Festival
will be revived!
Until now, everyone
who received this trophy
entered Seoul National University
top of their class,
and their careers
were bright and celebrated.
The revived Cheong Ah Art Festival
will be opened
to students of all ages.
This is huge.
Equal opportunities, a fair process,
and an unlimited glory is waiting
for you.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School
Admission Ceremony)
Doesn't this mean her influence
will become even greater?
Ms. Cheon has become
the golden lifeline
the deities sent to help our kids.
Was I too rude to her?
I'm not sure about anything else,
but I know you're on her bad side.
Let's go.
Isn't it so pretty?
"Bella Voce"
Good job. The ceremony
was very grand.
You put in a lot of work,
so you must be very proud.
I owe it to the parents
who helped so willingly.
Thank you.
Eun Byeol's solo was perfect.
She left a strong impression
on all who attended.
The more I get to know you,
the more charming you become.
Thanks for taking it so simply.
Does this mean we have a deal?
I will tell Seok Kyung
to give up on the solo.
our relationship ends here.
It was fun while it lasted.
The crazy jerk.
What a crazy jerk.
Seok Hoon played the piano
so beautifully today.
Good luck with your duties as
our head of operations,
Mr. Joo.
I will do my best.
Shall we go?
Bae Ro Na.
Shall we chat?
Community service
and 10 penalty points?
(President Cheon Myung Soo)
I was in an accident.
I could've been on time,
but the accident
A performance is a promise you make
with your audience.
Don't you know
you must always be on time?
I can't forgive every tardy student
for every issue and accident.
I ruled according
to the school regulations.
- You can't go in there.
- I only need a minute!
(President Cheon Myung Soo)
Why do you think Ro Na was late?
Don't you know better than anyone?
What are you trying
to blame me for now?
A car followed us
ever since we left home.
It stayed close on my tail
each time I changed lanes.
Eventually it drove into me
at the crossroads.
Because of that accident,
Ro Na arrived late
and your daughter Eun Byeol
performed instead.
Do you really think
all that was a coincidence?
Didn't you plan it?
What an imagination you have.
I guess
people never change.
I'm the one who should be angry.
Your daughter almost ruined a show
we prepared for two months.
No. Nothing would've been ruined.
Because you decided to put
your child on the stage all along.
Listen carefully, Cheon Seo Jin.
Mr. Ma Doo Ki having her learn
a German song for the entrance exam.
Ro Na ending up on the waiting list.
And at the emergency parent meeting,
you tried canceling
Ro Na's admission.
I know you're behind it all.
I didn't put up with it
because I didn't know.
I let it happen knowing
all about it.
Because right now
I am powerless.
You can't make me change my mind.
If you fight me, I'll charge you for
challenging a teacher's authority
and add more penalty points.
You can't do that.
I have 10 already
and it's my 1st day.
Mom, will you stop it?
Fine. Your puny authority?
Wield it all you want.
But don't forget this.
If you touch my daughter,
I will make your daughter
shed tears of blood.
I don't know what you'll do,
but do try your best.
We're leaving.
You asked to see us?
You're here.
Seok Kyung, you wanted to go abroad.
If that's your wish, you must go.
Can I really study abroad?
Seok Hoon, this is great.
But you're going alone.
What do you mean by that?
You can't live in
his shadow forever.
He's the one behind
your good grades.
You can't put him
at a disadvantage too.
No. I can't send Seok Kyung
on her own.
I did it to get good grades.
I wanted to appease you,
but I wasn't sure I could study,
so I cheated.
Then you shouldn't have
gotten caught!
This is so tiring.
I'm done talking about this.
Take the ticket and disappear.
You must've expected this much
for hurting my reputation and ego.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry!
I won't do it again.
I'll live the life you want me to.
Don't do this.
Rather than humiliate our family,
I'd rather we never meet again.
No. I can't leave Seok Hoon!
If you want to send her away,
send me with her.
I'll make sure she studies hard.
She can't survive on her own.
How can she
when she can't even stand thunder?
This is why
I'm splitting you two up.
You keep disappointing me
because of Seok Kyung.
Get back to your senses.
You are not
Joo Seok Kyung's brother.
You are mine, Joo Dan Tae's son!
Come in!
Everything's ready, sir.
He'll take you
to the airport. Take her.
Seok Hoon.
Seok Hoon. No!
Seok Hoon. No!
Seok Hoon, are you okay?
Let go this instant. Let her go!
What are you doing?
They cheated on an exam.
They must pay for what they did.
Yes, they must be punished,
but not like this.
This is none of your business.
It's between me and my kids.
They are my kids too!
You're the one who pushed them hard
to make a bad choice.
Don't blame everything on them.
And I'm not sending
Seok Kyung abroad.
I will scold her
and teach her right.
If you insist on sending her away,
I will go with her.
Are you threatening me right now?
You? Threatening me?
I will study hard from now on.
I promise, Dad.
How can I believe you?
Will the trophy do it?
The Cheong Ah Art Festival trophy.
I will win it.
How can you do that?
What about Ha Eun Byeol?
Will she just slack off?
I can do better than her!
If I fail,
then I'll leave on my own.
- Seok Kyung.
- Don't worry.
I will win that trophy.
I won't lose it to anyone else.
I can do this, Seok Hoon.
Believe me.
Give Seok Kyung
another chance, honey.
You're coddling such a loser.
This is my decision as a father!
You're too emotional.
If you will say hurtful words,
I reckon you spend time alone.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
Stay where you are!
Darn it.
Min Seol Ah.
Did you kill her?
What are you talking about?
She was in
the mechanical room that night.
- I know that.
- Joo Seok Hoon!
Stop harassing my sister.
I've had enough of it.
You haven't paid the interest yet.
When will you pay us
the principal and interest?
I said I'd wire it to you soon.
I haven't gotten my salary yet.
It has only been a few days.
You don't have to come
all the way to my home.
You must not know that
this is illegal.
"Illegal"? Really?
This is why you shouldn't
give a loan to just anyone.
You're killing the poor guy.
You plead and beg
when you need the money,
then forget what you owe us.
Korea's a great country, isn't it?
Oh, no, stop.
Oh, dear. Someone's dying out here!
Pay on time.
If the principal's not in this week,
then I really don't know
what'll happen then.
Mom. What's this?
(Real Estate Sales Contract)
The place we're moving to
is Bosuk Village?
You borrowed from a loan shark
for this?
Where did you find this?
Why Bosuk Village of all places?
I don't like it there.
That's where Min Seol Ah died.
It's not the apartment
she lived in, is it?
Tell me it's not!
What's wrong with that?
"What's wrong with that"?
Are you crazy?
Why keep getting involved with her?
Because of that girl I never
even met,
I almost became
an outcast at school.
My admission was almost canceled!
And now you want me
to move into her old apartment?
What were you thinking
when you bought that place?
I won't move there. I won't!
It's not like that, Ro Na.
That place might be redeveloped
in a short while.
Then the housing prices
will shoot up
I don't care about that!
I'm not moving into that apartment!
Are you doing this because
you think I'm perfectly fine?
What did I do to upset you so much?
You can move in on your own!
Ro Na.
Ro Na.
Mom. Grandpa praised me today.
Grandpa said my solo was just great.
You were the perfect granddaughter.
Well done.
It's too early to praise her.
She made up just a little
for her past mistakes.
Eun Byeol, you're not
satisfied with this, are you?
What's your next goal?
Winning the Cheong Ah trophy,
of course.
If I win the trophy,
Mom will praise me then too,
To celebrate your successful solo,
shall I grant you a wish?
Is there anything you want?
- There is.
- What is it?
Dad. Can you try
to get along with Mom?
What's wrong with me and Mom?
We get along just fine.
Don't lie.
I know you're always fighting.
My wish is for you and Mom
to not fight and get along.
Like before.
Will you grant my wish, Dad?
Will you? Dad.
Today You did very well.
Don't be silly.
Are you bored?
No, but
What are you doing this evening?
Shall we go out for dinner?
Just the two of us?
Eun Byeol's tired and wants to rest.
You worked hard,
so I'll treat you to a nice meal.
I have a lesson in the evening.
It ends at 9 p.m.
Oh, really?
Then we can go out after.
How about some cocktails?
Are you up for that?
I'll book a table
at the place you like.
Nice one!
(Joo, Ha, Lee)
Nice shot.
My gosh. Did you see that?
Chairman Joo, you're not at all
in the mood today.
Who says he should
beat us all the time?
I wasn't my best today.
Attorney Lee, you came first.
Brief us on what we must do.
Shall I, then?
Not long ago, Kyu Jin's law firm
I can't stand it.
A new lawyer joined
and I can't stand him.
How much of a jerk is he that
even you call him one?
He must be a real scumbag.
Not long ago, apparently,
he started dating.
Your tastes overlap?
You gave me the chills.
He should die.
Then we must show him
what happens to those
who lust after what isn't his.
Sounds great.
Darn it.
What do you want?
Who are you lunatics?
Save me!
If you see that girl again, you die.
Get some diapers.
Chairman Joo, something must be
bothering you today.
You seem pretty upset.
If you have time,
how about a drink?
Oh, dear. I have plans,
so I have to go.
At this hour? Why? Who is it?
Are you going to see
your first love?
What are you talking about?
I have plans with my wife.
With Ms. Cheon?
They seem very passionate lately.
I guess you're getting along well.
When did we not get along well?
I'm off then. See you.
Man, that punk.
Yes, I was just about to leave.
It's me. How about we meet?
(I'll be waiting. I love you.)
I'll be waiting. I love you.
(I'll be waiting. I love you.)
My dad called for me urgently,
so I can't go.
I'll see you at home.
Father, it's me.
Did you go home?
No. I'm working right now.
Oh, I see.
It must've been a long day for you.
Seo Jin worked very hard today.
Why don't you take her out
to dinner tonight?
Yes, Father. I will.
I'll be late.
Something came up at work.
Yes. You can go to sleep.
How rude of you, Mr. Joo.
You cut me off as you pleased
and now you call me
in the middle of the night?
Didn't you come
because you wanted to as well?
Don't be mistaken.
I came to warn you.
I realized today
what kind of woman
Cheon Seo Jin is.
You're an attractive woman
who does anything
and everything she wants.
In front of you,
I become my true self.
That's what I love.
I don't have to be anyone else.
I don't need a man in my life.
I can live very happily
on my own.
Even if I have a husband
that's just for show,
I have no complaints.
Don't lie.
You're the type
that will never be satisfied
with an idiot like Ha Yoon Chul.
You need me too.
That's why
I will never let you go now.
I decide what happens to
our relationship.
Whether we meet or break up.
So you'd better not act up again,
Joo Dan Tae.
(Name: Joo Dan Tae)
(Joo Dan Tae, Gyeonggi-do,
Yangpyeong-gun, JDT Villa)
(Jakomo 2nd Factory
Completion Ceremony)
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
It was
my first time hearing it.
The word, "I love you".
I have something to tell you too.
I have decided to break our rule
as of today.
The rule about not being clingy
and obsessive
and agreeing to end it
if one of us wanted to.
You are the first one
who made me break that rule.
Dad, I want a different tutor.
Someone who doesn't teach Eun Byeol.
I want the best tutor you can find.
That's the job of a mother.
I'll look into it.
You're finally ready to study hard,
so I should do what I can to help.
I'm off to school now.
We'll be off now.
Have fun at school.
You too.
From now on,
I'll deal with the kids.
If you push them too much,
they might go astray.
They're teenagers, you know?
I'll try to coax them
and pay more attention to them.
I have something
to discuss with you.
I'm thinking about taking over
the furniture business
that my mom used to run.
All of a sudden? Why?
I'm having a hard time killing time
after Hye In's death.
Up until now, it was run
by a professional business manager.
But all of a sudden, you want
to manage the business yourself?
My mom worked hard
all her life to build that business,
so I no longer want to leave it
in someone else's hands.
Please let me do it.
I'll make sure
it doesn't affect you.
What's with you today?
You're going to let me do it, right?
Eat up. I'll have your outfit ready.
I bought a new dress shirt for you.
I'm sure you'll like it.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
Stand in line.
Put your bags in front of you.
What should I do?
If I get marked for tardy,
I'll receive another penalty point.
Are you also late?
Joo Seok Hoon?
- Get up there.
- What?
Step on my back
and climb up the wall.
You can't be late on your first day.
Then excuse me in advance.
My gosh.
Can you give me my bag?
You should come too.
Seok Hoon, what are you doing?
Hurry up and climb over.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School)
Eun Byeol.
Your photos are everywhere
on social media.
You were beautiful yesterday.
Was your dress designed
by Vera Wang?
Yes, my mom wore it
at the graduation ceremony of
Seoul University of Music.
And it was reformed for me.
No wonder it looked so classy.
Hey, Waiting List.
You're awfully late for someone
who was on the waiting list.
Be honest with me.
You didn't come yesterday
because you chickened out, right?
Did you suddenly get scared
about performing
on a really big stage?
Get out of my way.
or false?
Were you really
in a car accident yesterday?
Why do you look so fine?
Think whatever you want to think.
You little brat.
Be honest with me.
Are you angry that someone
who was on the waiting list
almost performed solo?
Or are you angry
that I'm better than you
despite being on the waiting list?
Be honest.
Are you angry that you were taught
by an orphan?
Or are you angry
that I beat you guys?
Is that why you guys are being
so childish?
Starting from
the first day of school?
I pity you guys.
I pity you guys,
and you make me feel sad.
Watch what you say.
Who are you to pity us?
You're the ones who should watch
what you say.
This seat is taken.
My gosh, same here.
This seat is taken too.
Sit here.
The seat next to me is empty.
Thank you.
Who's free today?
What's up?
My mom is going to throw a party.
You guys should come over
to my place after school.
- Can I go too?
- What about me?
There's no need to ask.
You're all invited but her.
Then I'll expect all of you there
except for her.
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung.
You guys are coming too, right?
Sorry. I don't think I can make it.
Ro Na, do you want
to come over to my place?
- Me?
- Yes, you.
Let's go to my place
and study together.
What's going on? Why is she
acting like they're best friends?
Since when were they friends?
Since now.
You're coming, right?
If you agree to come, I'll be home.
Take your seats, everyone.
I'm going to be
your homeroom teacher for this year.
My name is Ma Doo Ki.
And I will teach classical singing.
"Ma Doo Ki"?
Didn't you see
Cheong Ah Arts High School's notice?
They changed the exam this year.
Didn't you know they added
a German song starting this year?
Why? He's not answering?
We've been tricked.
I don't think a German song
was allowed in the first place.
Mr. Ma.
Hey, Ro Na. What do you need?
Don't you have anything
to say to me?
- What do you mean?
- Shouldn't you at least apologize?
You purposely made me practice
a German song
before I took the entrance exam.
Oh, did I?
I must've been mistaken. I'm sorry.
But what matters is that you got in.
So it's all good, right?
I'll see you later.
Who asked you to trick me?
Was it Ms. Cheon?
Is that how you got a job here
at Cheong Ah Arts High School?
How cheeky of you.
You should refrain from making
such dangerous comments
if you care about your school life.
Bye then.
I'll kill you if you ever speak ill
of my mom again.
I never said anything wrong.
Don't say things about her
when you don't even have proof.
Do you want to end up
at the police station again?
Hey, Waiting List.
Did you see this?
You've become a celebrity
on your first day of school.
"Bae Ro Na, freshman of
the classical singing major".
"10 penalty points".
"10 hours of community service".
You're going to be busy
in order to fill the hours.
Good for you.
It'll keep you from having
absurd thoughts, Waiting List.
The person who should've been
on the waiting list was you, not me.
What did you just say?
What? Am I wrong?
You stole my solo
for the admission ceremony.
Go ahead and deny it if you can.
You're just a darned thief.
Come here!
How dare you!
Things are going to be easier
than expected.
Hey, wait. Stop the car.
- What is it?
- I just came up with a good idea.
Why don't you hit on her?
I want to drive Eun Byeol crazy.
What is this nonsense?
Those types fall easily in someone
when you're nice to them.
I'll use her to mess with Eun Byeol.
You know she likes you, right?
Forget it.
I don't want to get involved
with her.
Please do me this favor.
I really want to beat Eun Byeol.
No. Don't mention this ever again.
Is it okay if I die?
You continue to intrigue me,
Bae Ro Na.
I like it.
What are you doing?
Ha Eun Byeol, Bae Ro Na!
Stop that now!
What do you think you're doing
on the first day of school?
You both get one penalty point.
It's unfair. She picked a fight
with me first.
That's not true.
She cursed at me first.
She called me a darned thief.
The fake winner, Cheon Seo Jin.
You're just a darned thief.
Did you really say that?
You used such a vulgar word
at school?
Eun Byeol, you're bleeding.
Jenny, take her to the infirmary.
- Eun Byeol, let's go.
- Are you okay?
- Hey, lift your head.
- Be careful.
- Keep your head up.
- Hurry up!
Bae Ro Na. Did you forget
you're on probation right now?
If problems keep arising
around you,
maybe it means
there's a problem with you.
If you worked that hard
to join Cheong Ah,
become a student
that's qualified to be here.
If you can't,
you can just drop out today.
Why should I drop out?
What did I do wrong?
You don't feel sorry
for your actions?
You get 3 more penalty points
and 5 hours of community service.
- Ms. Cheon!
- Five more penalty points
and 10 hours of community service!
Can't you hear the bell?
Get to class. Now!
(Surgery in Progress)
(Current time, Surgery duration,
Anesthesia duration)
Why are you so surprised?
Where have you been at this hour?
I had a late lesson,
and it just ended.
My dad called for me urgently,
so I can't go.
Why don't you take her out
to dinner tonight?
Sir, the patient is bleeding
too much.
His blood pressure is dropping.
- Give him more oxygen.
- Yes, sir.
Increase the volume
and add more inotrope.
(Operation Room)
(Message from Unidentified Number)
Your wife was at someone's villa
last night.
The color should be similar
to that color over here.
- Check the colors thoroughly.
- Yes, ma'am.
She dropped by the factory,
and she's currently at the showroom.
She didn't do anything else
in particular.
Shim Su Ryeon.
What on earth are you up to?
Don't miss anything
and report any suspicious behavior.
Yes, sir.
Here you go.
It's the forensic results
of Mr. Yoon's laptop.
Okay, you may leave.
(Congressman Cho Sang Heon)
(Heating Oil Donation)
(Hope Orphanage Donation Event)
Min Seol Ah?
What is her picture doing here?
(Hope Orphanage)
Goodness, she creeps me out.
Are you ready to talk now?
How long will you hold out?
Tell me where your phone is.
Looking at your face makes me
want to hide it more.
Even if you die
in this mechanical room,
no one will be interested.
And tomorrow, there will probably be
one small article.
"A 17-year-old orphan living
in Bosuk Village"
"commits suicide after
suffering from depression".
"The police searched the house"
"and found a suicide note
blaming the world".
"Also, she forged her ID
as a college student"
"and committed acts of fraud".
"When her crime was exposed",
"she was forced to make
a rash decision".
What do you think?
Isn't it quite persuasive?
Do you think I came all the way here
without a back-up plan?
I have someone who can help me.
If something happens to me,
my brother will find you
and make you pay.
I guess you had a brother
at that orphanage.
She should've known her place.
Hello, Ma Ri.
I didn't know I'd see you here.
Gosh, what brings you here?
Are you here to buy furniture?
She has great taste since
she's from an art school.
This showroom
has become a hot place
for wealthy ladies lately.
Actually, my mom found this company.
What? This belongs to your family?
Then wait Are you
the daughter of
Simoon Construction's owner?
The Simoon Construction
that's ranked 30th in this country?
Oh, gosh. We had no idea.
We didn't know you came
from such a prestigious family.
Wow, your family is really rich.
We're not rich. We're just
a bit better off than others.
What does your father do?
He's an investor
and does this and that.
I don't know well either.
Can you invite me
to your home next time?
I want to see your place too.
Welcome. Did you say
your name is Ro Na?
You should stay for dinner.
I didn't know what you liked,
so I just cooked anything.
My room is that way.
You can go take a look.
You should show her around.
Come with me.
Gosh, my back.
Hello? Who is this?
Yes, I'm Ro Na's mom.
Who did you say you are?
Welcome, Ms. Oh.
It's nice to meet you.
I didn't want to come empty-handed,
so I brought some fruit.
There was no need.
Thank you so much.
You have a really nice house.
Thank you for inviting me.
How do you feel?
Were you hurt?
Ro Na told me
that there was an accident on
the day of the admission ceremony.
Yes. I feel okay, fortunately.
I heard a car crashed into you
from behind.
That's why Ro Na couldn't perform
and she even received
penalty points.
It's all my fault.
Why is that your fault?
It's because of the one
who caused the accident.
Make sure you investigate
And do not settle easily.
- What?
- Your child almost got hurt.
You must protect your child
at all costs.
Since you're her mom.
At times, isn't it okay for a mom
to become evil for her child's sake?
I'll call the president.
Hello, Ms. Cheon.
- Security!
- Yes, ma'am?
Yes, what is it?
What's wrong with the security here?
I clearly told you to make sure
people on the blacklist
don't ever step foot in here again.
But why do I see strangers
coming in and out of this place?
Did we always have
such poor security here?
We were invited here, Ms. Cheon.
From now on, make sure you
differentiate the elevators
for the residents and maids.
If this happens again,
you'll have to take
full responsibility.
Okay, ma'am.
Hey, lady! When did you come inside?
Are you trying to make me
lose my job?
Just get out. Hurry!
- Please leave.
- Okay, I'll leave.
Let me walk outside on my own!
- Get out.
- Don't touch my daughter.
- I told you not to touch her!
- Get off me.
Will you please leave?
- Gosh, I'll be out of here!
- Just get out!
I also want to live here.
I want to live in a place
like Hera Palace.
I'll make it happen.
I'll do anything to make sure
you get
to live here one day.
No one will be able
to look down on you
or treat you like a pushover.
Then promise me that we won't move
to Bosuk Village.
We're moving tomorrow.
We can't suddenly cancel that.
We have to empty our house
by tomorrow.
Mom, you're so mean.
If the kids find out, my school life
will become miserable.
They're already driving me nuts.
Please don't make things worse!
There's nothing bad about that town.
People live there too.
We can't pay rent our entire lives.
It might not be grand,
but it's still ours.
And as time goes by,
our housing prices will go up too.
You worked in real estate,
so you should've known better.
The housing price in that village
won't ever increase.
And even if it does,
I don't want to live there.
Why do I need to pay
for the mistake you made?
I'm just trying to make the best
out of what we have.
I'm not doing this
to put you through a hard time.
Do you really not know
how much I care about you?
I don't care. I hate you.
And I hate Ms. Cheon and her family!
You ruined everything including
my school life and our house!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
Hello, sir.
I'm the person who bought
Unit 501 in Bosuk Village.
Can you help me resell the place?
It's kind of urgent.
Yes, I'm sorry. Please sell it
as fast as possible. Thanks. Bye.
Who's moving where?
What? Oh Yoon Hee, that brat,
is moving
into Min Seol Ah's old house?
My husband told me.
That woman is so weird.
Does she not even feel eerie
about that place?
Gosh, this is creepy.
I'm getting goosebumps.
That woman and her daughter
are both unbelievable.
Do you think they did something
to kill Min Seol Ah?
I knew this was going to happen.
Oh Yoon Hee managed
to hang in there for a long time.
We're going to announce
the redevelopment
tomorrow afternoon.
She's so unlucky.
She hung in there for months,
but pulled out
right before the big day.
I guess fate never helps the poor.
Everything will be over
once she signs the contract
tomorrow morning.
Then we'll have full ownership
of all the 10 houses
in Bosuk Village.
My goodness.
Take this.
Ro Na, take this.
Ro Na.
Come on.
Take your sandwich.
You won't be able to sing well
on an empty stomach.
Come to Unit 501 in Bosuk Village
after school.
I'll have the place clean and ready.
Here you go.
My goodness, careful.
Hi, I'm calling from
the real estate office.
Aren't you coming
to sell your place?
The person who wants to buy
is here with the down payment.
You should sell it
while you still have the chance.
Oh, I'm in the middle of a move
right now.
Okay, I'll be right there. Bye.
She'll be on her way.
Did your wife recently give birth?
My gosh, you're unbelievable.
I guess you're still very young.
Can you sign the contract for me
when the owner comes?
If I run into her, things will get
a little uncomfortable.
Ro Na, in order to complete
your community service hours,
you might have to give up on lunch
starting from tomorrow.
You should also come to school
an hour early
and go home an hour late.
I'm going to keep an eye on you.
don't forget to recycle everything.
Ro Na.
I told you to recycle the trash.
Take off the plastic sticker
on the plastic bottles.
(Min Seol Ah, Die,
Get lost, You stink)
- Nice!
- Good one!
Look at her face.
Who did this?
I heard you live in Bosuk Village.
Gosh, that's not the point.
The point is that her place
used to be Min Seol Ah's house.
That's so creepy. Is that true?
You're unbelievable.
See? She can't deny it.
It means I'm right.
Does that mean she took
Ro Na's place in school
and her old house?
Her mentality is unbelievable.
She really is nothing like us.
Are you sure your mom
didn't kill Min Seol Ah?
Bingo. Bae Ro Na killed Min Seol Ah.
I bet she has something to do
with her death.
- I'm getting goosebumps.
- Hey, get lost.
I'm embarrassed to be
in the same class with you.
I agree.
What did I just hear?
Are you really living in
Min Seol Ah's old house?
Ro Na, we asked you a question!
Where do you think you're going?
Are you going to run away,
you coward?
You never belonged here
in the first place.
Don't ever come near us again,
you penniless tramp!
Look at her!
Where are you off to, you beggar?
You guys are even worse!
Stop her!
My gosh, I'm sorry!
- Sir!
- We didn't do it on purpose.
My gosh, even so What is this?
Gosh, hurry up and apologize.
Okay. I'm sorry.
My gosh, I can't believe this.
My goodness.
What's taking her so long?
The announcement is this afternoon.
My gosh.
Ma'am, I'll help you from behind.
Keep pulling!
Okay, thank you.
My gosh.
Oh, gosh.
My goodness.
Don't mind me. I'll be waiting here.
Hello, sir.
- Hi.
- Sorry I'm late.
It's okay. Come this way.
I got soaked in water
on my way here.
My gosh, I'm out of breath.
First, stamp your seal
on the contract, you darned lady.
The person who wants to buy
the place
had to leave because
something urgent came up at home.
But he left the down payment.
And he filled out the contract.
You just need to stamp
your seal on it.
Oh, okay.
Let me find my seal.
Just a second.
- I'm so out of breath.
- I see.
- Do I stamp it here?
- Yes, right there.
Will you please hurry?
She's driving me crazy.
Here's some breaking news.
The government just announced
that Bosuk Village will go through
a big redevelopment.
The redevelopment plan
was constantly delayed
and had everyone
anticipating the project.
And as the news went public,
the construction
and real estate business
were quick to show their excitement.
Bosuk Village will go through
a large-scale redevelopment
and became the landmark of Seoul
that includes environments
for living, education, culture,
and convenience.
As soon as the government announced
the redevelopment plan,
- Ro Na.
- people have already started
- We finally made it.
- to compete for
We made it!
Sir! I'm rich now!
I'm rich!
Go ahead and come at me.
What's wrong? Are you scared?
Come at me!
- Hey!
- Get over here!
Yes, that's right. I live
where Min Seol Ah used to live.
But what's wrong with that?
How does that affect any of you?
What did you do to Min Seol Ah?
Did she die because you bullied her
just like how you're bullying me?
Do you want me to die just like her?
But I won't die like she did.
I'll make sure
the world finds out
what you did to me
and have you all punished!
(The Penthouse)
Are you saying that darned wench
is going to become rich?
- Who are you?
- I'm your teacher.
I look forward to your advice
and guidance.
What do you want?
Don't ask,
and don't even be curious.
Yoon Hee, don't hate me so much.
- How about Hera Palace?
- What?
I told you that mothers should
do anything for their children.
Min Seol Ah died in Hera Palace.
I met Min Seol Ah in Hera Palace.
What if Min Seol Ah is still alive?
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