The Pitt (2025) s01e07 Episode Script

1:00 P.M.

- Ma'am.
Kristi, please.
OK, ma'am, that's enough.
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine.
Let's clear the hallway and get
Kristi out of the bathroom.
Either you gotta calm down,
or I will escort you out.
El, you're making a scene.
- I'm so sorry about all of this.
- What happened?
Daughter locked herself in.
Sisters started fighting.
Collins got in the middle.
- Mom pushed her.
- Ma'am.
- Are you all right?
- I'm Gloria Underwood,
chief medical officer of this hospital.
How can I help?
I just want to take my daughter home.
- OK.
- We will get Kristi out,
and we will bring her to you, yeah?
- Let us help you.
- Right this way.
- Right this way.
- It's OK.
You're on it.
At least they didn't see the rats.
How long has she been in there?
About five minutes.
I'm gonna find the key.
We are gonna handle this.
- This is your patient?
- Yes.
No, actually, it's my patient.
She's been here for hours.
Patients come in already in distress,
and waiting only makes it worse.
Wait time has nothing to do with this.
Which is why we're
seeing hospital workers
like Dr. Collins get assaulted.
It was a little push.
Which we're gonna take seriously.
We risk our lives coming
to work here every day.
What if that mother had
brought a weapon?
We have metal detectors.
This is what happens when
you keep all the hospital
admissions stuck down here instead
of properly staffing upstairs.
I've got four patients waiting
on ICU that have been here
since before I got here,
and it's already 1:00.
I can see that you're
We've got four more waiting on psych.
One of them's been here
for a fucking week.
So please, for the love
of God, hire more nurses.
I'll come back later.
That's not gonna help anything.
Same fucking thing every day.
You OK?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Dr. Robby, X-rays came back
for that elbow fracture in the hallway.
OK. Thank you.
Can you also find Esme and tell her
to bring me that bathroom key?
You got it.
Terrance, I'm Dr. Langdon.
Do you go by Terrance or Terry?
So what brings you in today?
I everted my ankle playing table tennis.
- Everted?
- Yes.
You mind if I take a look?
Are you an orthopedic surgeon?
I am an emergency medicine specialist.
Could I talk to an orthopedic surgeon?
I'd prefer an expert in that area.
Well, I'm pretty good at ankle sprains.
How do you know it's a sprain?
Well, I'd have to examine
you first, but
Could it be a Jones fracture
or a dancer's fracture?
Could be.
Again, I'd have to look.
Why don't I examine you,
and that'll tell me
Shouldn't you take a complete history
on the present illness first?
It sounds like you're more interested
in asking the questions, so
You didn't ask me
if I felt a pop or a snap.
You didn't ask about previous injuries.
You didn't ask about weight bearing.
Why don't I get you some fresh ice?
Kristi? [KNOCKING]
It's Dr. Robby.
No, I'm not leaving with her.
Your mom is not out here.
Your mom is in the waiting room.
Listen, I can put you in a quiet room.
You can spend as much time
as you want in there.
But I cannot have you
locked in this bathroom
for safety reasons.
Does that sound OK?
[SIGHS] Kristi?
OK, I'm gonna open this door now.
A quiet room without my mom?
Of course.
Lab is back on our 25-year-old.
Thank you.
Sickle cell and cirrhosis
both on deck for the ICU.
Subway fall is next in line for the OR.
And our good Samaritan with
a head injury is waking up.
He's alert with good
parameters for extubation.
- You working this weekend?
- No.
I've got a date with my bed
and "The Great British Bake Off."
My new boo planned
a romantic weekend getaway
but won't tell me where we're going.
I hate surprises.
Make sure you share your location
- with someone, just in case.
Hey, pussycat.
Oh, um, my name is Whittaker.
Pussycat, I need to use the bathroom.
Can you get a key for this?
I don't think I should.
Don't be a pussy, pussycat.
I only use this so
no one steals my wheelchair.
- Uh
- You need a bedpan, Myrna?
Good sandwich?
Uh, yeah, really good, actually.
Yeah, I can tell from all the crumbs
you're getting on my workstation.
We eat in the lounge,
if we eat lunch at all.
[COUGHS] I am so sorry.
I was gonna grab a patient.
Maybe wash your hands first?
Too harsh?
A little.
Maybe I've gotten too soft.
Want me to find you something for lunch?
- Nope.
- You seem hangry.
I'm not.
I managed to get the Mifepristone teen
out of the bathroom
and parked in Central 14.
How are mom and aunt?
Mom's in chairs.
Aunt was headed to the cafeteria.
Do you want to talk to them?
I don't know what's left to say to them.
I think they need to talk to each other.
Nick Bradley's friends.
How do you get through
the loss of a child?
The same way you get through anything,
by leaning on your friends and family.
How are they doing?
Still working through it.
I'll let you know when
it's time to revisit
the organ donation conversation.
Any update on my
abandoned senior, Ginger?
I still haven't reached the daughter.
I tried Ginger's son too.
He was no help lives in Cleveland.
That's disappointing.
At least she's in good spirits.
I'm sure she appreciates the company.
And her daughter, Rita,
does need a break.
I just hope she comes back.
And you know, um,
I wanted to apologize about earlier.
I I spiraled.
Sometimes I occasionally jump
to the worst case scenario.
So I
Understandable, given what we see here.
I'll let you know if I hear from Rita.
OK. Thank you.
Hey, Mel.
What's Mel short for, Melanoma?
- Melatonin?
- Melissa.
Yeah, I'm just
I'm just messing with you.
I noticed that you and Langdon have
really been hitting it off.
- You think?
- Yeah.
Have you noticed anything
strange about his behavior?
Like what?
Anything at all.
I have noticed that he
he has a tendency to sweat a lot.
I don't know if that's weird.
- It could be genetic.
- Yeah.
- Just keep an eye out for me.
- OK.
Is everything OK, Dr. Langdon?
Oh, yeah.
I've got Dr. Google in Central 9
bombarding me with questions
like my four-year-old.
I couldn't even get through a history.
Is that his chart?
Can I see it?
Knock yourself out.
Oh, he he's autistic.
Did you did you see that
in his past medical history?
It's an ankle sprain.
It has nothing to do with the injury.
- I could talk to him.
- Great.
I can see three other patients
while you do.
Have you seen our sad boy anywhere?
My daughter's teaching me
the Gen Z lingo.
It has a nice ring to it.
What is a sad boy?
Hey, will you keep calling the ICU?
I think those cardiologists
are hoarding beds.
And if they hoard them,
they can board them.
Lunch service is gonna start down here.
It's going to get a lot busier.
They can feed them upstairs.
- On it, Cap.
- Thank you.
Our good Samaritan is alert
with adequate parameters for extubation.
Great. Get to it.
How's Kristi?
You can see for yourself.
I parked her in 14.
I overheard a nurse saying
they found rats back there.
- What?
- Yeah.
Pest control takes priority.
Guess you got bumped again.
Mrs. Dunn?
How's my dad?
He's still stable.
His chest tube output has slowed down,
which is an excellent sign.
Thank you for taking care of him.
Yeah, of course.
Mrs. Dunn, could we talk for a moment?
Excuse me.
We found something
in your husband's exam.
He, uh he has some
breast enlargement.
Is that unusual?
It depends.
One common cause is alcoholism.
Is he a drinker?
He has a few drinks every night.
We'll do liver function
blood tests for alcoholism.
There's also disorders
of the endocrine system,
so we can check his hormone levels.
Let me go.
- Hormones?
- Let me go.
- Can somebody help me, please?
- Excuse me.
We need a wheelchair here.
What happened?
I was on my way home
when I saw her in the road.
She was in and out of the intersection,
- yelling at cars and people.
- What's her name?
Nandi. She's she's my roommate.
Did she get hit?
Her knees are all scraped up.
No, she tripped while I was
pulling her out of traffic.
Does she have a psychiatric condition?
Not that I know of.
- Liars!
- Let's get her a bed.
- You're OK.
- Let me go!
Hi, Terrence.
I'm Dr. King.
Dr. Langdon is with another
patient right now, so
I'm gonna finish taking your history.
- Is that OK?
- Sure.
It's a little bright in here.
Oh, that's
The, uh, ER can be very noisy.
I agree.
So I heard that you might have
sprained your ankle
playing table tennis?
- I everted it.
- Yeah?
What is your biggest
concern today, Terrence?
What worries you the most about your
the pain in your ankle?
What worries me?
Do you mean right now in this moment?
Right now.
I'm worried I won't be able to play
table tennis if it's a bad injury.
There's a tournament in six weeks,
and I already registered.
It's my first tournament.
Wow, that's a big deal.
The championship is hosted
by the South Park Table Tennis Club.
Nine players have
USATT ratings over 2,000.
1,400 is considered average.
2,000 is a master player.
My goal is to get a rating over 2,000.
Well, let's get you
to that tournament, then.
Terrence, would you walk
around the room for me, please?
I'll be able to tell a lot
more about your injury.
It hurts a little.
How painful on a scale from 1 to 10?
- 10 is the worst.
- The worst?
The worst I've ever felt
or the worst that
a human being can experience?
A little pain is
a great answer, Terrence.
Thank you.
Well, based on your walking around,
I don't think it's a serious injury.
You know what?
There's actually something
I want to show you.
I'll be right back.
Ahh! What was that?
Olanzapine, 10 milligrams.
Do you know any of her medical history?
We've only known each other
for a few months.
We're both influencers.
We met online.
I thought it would be
a good idea to live together.
When did she start behaving differently?
About a month ago.
She's been up at all hours
talking to herself non-stop.
I think she's suicidal.
Any drug use?
No, I don't think so.
Javadi, Whitaker,
see if you can do the exam.
Can you look at the light?
No. What was that?
OK. Open your mouth?
No. It's not real.
Where am I?
How do you even do an exam
with a patient like this?
This isn't my room.
- The furniture's changed.
- Observe her.
Wait for her to look at you
or open her mouth
and get a quick look.
Make sure she moves her
arms and legs equally.
This is this is just
to monitor your heart.
All right, we might need to wait
until after the meds kick in.
This isn't the same place.
OK, differential diagnosis?
Schizophrenia, first psychotic break.
- She's in the right age range.
- Yeah, what else?
Drugs, also common in this age group.
Common in all age groups. What else?
Not just recreational drugs.
It could also be
toxicity to medications.
Don't jump to conclusions.
Think big categories and then specifics.
Metabolic, hyper- or hyponatremia,
calcium, hepatic encephalopathy.
Endocrine, hyperthyroid,
infectious encephalitis.
These are all possibilities.
OK, let's work her up medically
and see if we can clear her.
Chem panel, CBC, TSH and T4,
- drug screen, and hCG.
- Yep.
Keep me posted.
If it's all negative,
then admit her to psych.
Still feeling nauseous?
Not really.
So your mom is looking for you.
I didn't think my mom would find out.
If I go home with her, my life is over.
Mm. Maybe she'll change her mind.
Sometimes this tendon
called peroneus brevis
can pull off a piece of this bone,
the fifth metatarsal.
That's the dancer's fracture, right?
You most likely have
a second-degree ankle sprain.
The X-ray will tell us everything.
Tech will come get you,
and then I'll come back
and show you the images.
I'll put the orders in.
How'd you do that?
Do what?
Talk to him.
I listened?
No, you you unlocked something.
I wasn't getting anywhere with him.
Oh, my sister is on the spectrum.
And the ER can be a very,
very overwhelming place
for autistic people, so I
I don't know.
It just takes a different approach.
Are you and your sister close?
Yeah, we're best friends.
There was this one time
we were on the swing
I got to hit the head.
Let me know when the X-rays are back.
Where is she?
She's OK. She just needs a minute.
I have given her enough time.
She can process this
on the car ride home.
Can we talk for a moment?
I know you're trying to help,
but this is really
between me and my daughter.
So if you could just bring her out,
we will be on our way.
She's really upset.
She'll get over it.
Weren't you about the same age
when you got pregnant with her?
So you know how hard it can be.
It was very hard at the time.
But she turned out to be the best thing
that has ever happened to me.
And I hope she feels
the same way when she's ready.
But right now, she's not.
For her, the world is ending.
If you push her away,
she might never come back.
Dr. Collins?
Excuse me.
Code STEMI, Trauma 2 now.
Code STEMI, Trauma 2 now.
Hey, need a hand with the STEMI?
We're all set.
Whitaker, you're with me.
Trauma 2.
Brought in by a coworker
after 10 minutes
of substernal chest pain
with diaphoresis,
anterior STEMI and triage.
Dr. Santos, do you have a minute?
Yeah, sure.
I'm Dr. Langdon. This is Dr. Robby.
Harvey Chang.
You're having a heart attack, sir.
I figured.
- You ever had one before?
- No.
How much pain?
Like an elephant's on my chest.
Are you taking any medications?
Metformin and rosuvastatin.
170 over 92 at triage.
324 chewable aspirin,
sublingual nitro q five times three.
Cath lab is standing by and ready.
Harvey, if we get you up to cardiology,
they can open your blocked artery.
We can stop this heart attack.
Anyone got a score for the Pirates game?
They're up by 2
at the bottom of the first.
McCutchen hit an oppo taco.
Clutch, clutch.
Is there anybody we can call?
My wife died a year ago.
I guess today is the day
I'll be joining her.
I appreciate that sentiment,
but that is not part of our plan.
No murmurs.
Radio pulses are symmetric.
Whittaker, chest compressions.
Charge to 200.
Best way to face your fears.
Yeah, I can think of better ways.
Let's bag him on 100%,
set up for intubation.
Charged and clear.
Still V-fib. Resume compressions.
Let's get him on the LUCAS.
As soon as we know anything,
I'll come and get you.
This is all my fault.
What is?
Is there something you haven't told us?
Mrs. Dunn, in order to
effectively treat your husband,
we need to know anything that
The hormone levels
it could be the progesterone.
He's taking progesterone?
I've been giving it to him.
I put it in his coffee every morning.
I thought if I could kill
his libido, he'd stop.
Stop what?
I think he's molesting our daughter.
Whitaker, on LifePak.
- You need to learn this.
- Yeah.
Set 200 joules asynchronous.
Press charge.
Pause compressions. [WHIRRING]
Still V-fib.
- No pulse. Clear.
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Clear.
That's your cue, Whitaker.
No change.
Epi and amio, please.
He's not coming back, is he?
We still got a ways to go.
One of epi is in.
Double sequential defibrillation next.
Worth a shot.
I'll put it in an art line.
Right sternal border, apex.
The theory is that
the first shock lowers
the defib threshold so
that the second shock
has a better chance of converting
any fibrillating myocytes.
Mr. Wallace, how are you feeling?
I'm OK.
You've been here about seven hours,
hit your head and came in unconscious,
took a pretty nasty fall.
The T?
Yeah, on the T tracks.
What about the Asian lady?
How's she doing?
Minu? She's doing a lot better.
Did the cops catch
the guy who pushed her?
She was pushed?
Yeah. I saw it.
The cops were here earlier.
They wanted to talk to you.
I can give them a statement.
We can reach out.
Can I see her?
I think we can make that happen.
All right, Whitaker, if he's pulseless,
we clear it and then shock-shock.
I go first.
You hit it as fast as you can.
I got it.
Charging both to 200.
Pause compressions.
No pulse on the A-line.
Clear for the one-two punch.
- Clear.
- Clear.
Resuming compressions.
That was our Hail Mary.
We got one more.
Activate ECMO.
OK, draw up an ABG.
Prep the fems.
Cordis introducer.
Get the ECMO team down here.
Feeling any better?
Um, less
Is there anybody we can call?
Your friend had to leave,
but we can give her an update.
She's not really a friend.
I don't have friends, just followers.
So you're on TikTok?
Of course.
I'm a beauty influencer.
Like makeup tutorials?
Makeup, skincare, hair.
What's the most amount of views
you've ever gotten
on one of your videos?
2 million.
2 million?
OK, I need to follow you.
Nandi, why did you wander
into traffic today?
Um, I was afraid
of people coming after me.
I don't feel safe at home.
Who's coming after you?
I don't know.
Something changed.
Maybe a month ago.
What changed?
I can't remember.
I was worried all the time,
trouble sleeping.
What about physical symptoms?
Pain? Aches?
My hands shake.
I can't even put on makeup.
My feet get numb.
What else?
I don't recognize myself
in the mirror sometimes.
I feel like I'm in a dream,
and nothing is real.
What's happening to me?
We don't know yet,
but we're gonna do more tests.
Any ideas?
Call for a psych consult.
Let's ask for a head C
with contrast first.
Looking for what?
Tremors, coordination problems.
Frontal lobe lesions can
cause behavioral changes.
We can't assume this is all psych.
Got it.
I've got a seven French cordis in place.
- Robby.
- Here we go.
Looks good.
Let's do this.
I accessed the right femoral vein.
Thanks for that.
So, Whittaker, we treat this
like a sterile surgical procedure.
We can't introduce bacteria
into the circuit.
He'll get a garden hose
coming out of the vein at the right leg.
That flows into the ECMO
machine for oxygen
and gets pumped back
through a second hose
into the left femoral artery.
These guys are impressive.
The ECMO does all the work
of the heart and lungs.
Place an IJ at the neck.
They'll want that.
Got it.
OK, I think there's
enough warm bodies in here.
I'm gonna go check
the rest of the department.
You don't want to hang out until
These guys know what they're doing.
- Dr. Robby?
- Yep.
Can we talk about the patient
in Trauma 1, Silas,
the fixer upper who fell off the ladder?
- Are his labs back yet?
- No.
But his wife, Susan, told me
that she's been putting
progesterone in his coffee.
Progesterone? Why?
She wanted to kill his sex drive.
He's been sexually assaulting
their daughter.
Well, we don't know that.
What exactly did the wife say?
He goes into the kid's
bathroom when she's showering,
gives her unwanted massages.
Her behavior's changed.
She's struggling in school.
The mom is really worried.
But she hasn't talked to her daughter
about any of this, doesn't want to put
- ideas in her head.
- It's grooming.
And we are mandated reporters
of child abuse in Pennsylvania.
There's nothing to report
unless we have proof.
Right now, it's all speculative.
Are we obligated to report
Mom for poisoning the husband?
Unfortunately, yes.
She's not trying to kill him.
She's just worried about her daughter.
He fell off a ladder.
He broke a bunch of ribs.
You're the one who's treating him.
What if next time, it's worse?
So we're just gonna send her home
and wait till she comes back
as a victim of incest?
We can't do anything unless
the daughter comes forward.
We can try to talk to her.
But if Mom doesn't want us to
I will talk to the mom, OK?
Then we'll just take it from there.
They keep dilating until it
takes the largest catheter.
Why didn't we try ECMO on
Mr. Milton, my gallbladder guy?
For ECMO, you need CPR
within five minutes
and an initial rhythm
of V-fib, V-tach, or PEA.
Which he had none of.
First line's in and clamped.
Do you need anything, Mrs. Kitajima?
I need to use the bathroom.
I'm afraid I may need some help.
Oh, no problem.
There's one nearby.
Should I grab the interpreter device?
Let's see how they do first.
I'm Sam.
Does it hurt?
A stranger walked up
to you and pushed you.
I saw it.
I'm gonna help cops find
person who did this to you.
They won't get away with this.
It's Vishnu, protector
and guardian of the universe.
OK, Minu, time to take you up to the OR.
Good luck.
The two catheters have to get
attached to the ECMO lines
with no air bubbles.
You see what's happening?
Good to go.
Circuit on and clamping.
OK, it's venous blood
out the right femoral,
into ECMO for oxygen, and then pump back
into the left femoral artery.
Stop the LUCAS.
What's the MAP?
So the ECMO has taken over
for the heart and lungs.
Once they open up the blocked artery,
they can restart the heart,
and he's basically good as new.
I'm sorry you have to do this.
It's OK.
My daughter would have helped me.
I don't know where she is.
She she's probably
gonna be back soon.
The kids are such a handful.
Your grandchildren?
Sometimes it's just too much.
But my husband's busy with work.
Your husband?
Did you take your medication
today, Ginger?
I'm finished.
I should get home.
I need to start making dinner.
Hopefully, it won't be too much longer.
You can go in if you want.
Will he be OK?
Yeah, he just needs to stay
in the hospital for a few days.
And then he comes home.
So your mom said that high school
has been kind of hard for you?
I guess so.
It was hard for me too,
especially when things sucked at home.
Do your parents put
a lot of pressure on you?
Not really.
Are you and your dad close?
Has your dad ever made you
feel uncomfortable?
What do you mean?
Has he ever done anything
to you that didn't feel right,
even if you pushed it down
or tried to forget about it
because it didn't seem like a big deal?
It may seem harmless for him
to go into the bathroom
when you're taking a shower,
but it's not.
Where is this coming from?
And if it's more than that,
if he is touching you anywhere
that you don't want to be touched
Why are you asking me this?
I'm just trying to make sure
that you're safe.
Whatever is happening
you can tell me.
He's my dad.
I need to find my mom.
Alana, wait.
Dr. Robby, lab's all good
on our influencer patient.
Tox screen negative. Head CT normal.
Head CT?
She had memory problems, tremors.
I had a hunch.
Well, she's had
a million dollar workup now.
- Psych can't refuse her.
- But
Being a good doctor, Dr. Mohan,
is knowing when to dig deep
and knowing when to move on.
How are you doing?
Uh OK.
I still can't believe this is happening.
Of course.
It seems like a lot of people
showed up for Nick.
Everyone came.
We needed this.
We needed people.
That's the only way to get
through anything in life.
You have to lean on friends and family.
Nick's friends kept talking about what
a kind person he was.
When he registered to be
an organ and tissue donor,
he made the decision to save eight lives
and improve hundreds more.
Nobody should ever lose a child,
but Nick's gifts could help
other parents avoid the pain
that you've experienced today.
I just need a little more time.
And I'd like to talk to Father McGill.
How's your influencer?
She's been cleared for psych,
but she keeps saying something's wrong.
It doesn't feel right to me.
Listen to your patient.
That is your superpower.
But Robby told me to move on.
I I finally got on his good side.
Robby is off today.
Trust your gut.
I'll back you up.
Well, there's no fracture.
So it is just a sprain.
Sprains usually take about
six weeks to fully heal.
Can you hold this like that for me?
Of course.
Weight bearing has actually been shown
to speed up the healing process.
This is what NBA players
wear during games
after an ankle sprain.
Do you want to walk around
and see how it feels?
I believe this will suffice.
Your labs and your
brain scan are all normal.
So then what's wrong with me?
We're having a psychiatrist
come talk with you.
You think I'm crazy?
A psychiatric illness could
be causing your symptoms.
I'm not crazy. You have to believe me.
Take me through your skincare routine.
Don't leave anything out.
Write this down.
So, um, I start off
with a double cleanse.
Next is the essence
I learned it from
a Korean beauty influencer
then a serum.
Do you use products
from other countries?
Some of the best stuff is from overseas.
They have better products
for skin brightening
and removing wrinkles.
You don't have wrinkles.
They'll be here before you know it.
Don't do that.
You need to watch your elevens.
Do you have photos of these products?
Of course.
I post everything that works for me.
Can you show me?


What do you want to do?
We wait.
We fucking wait.
A 12-year-old needs this.
He's been on the ECMO for 17 days.
Dr. Mohan, may we speak for a moment?
I thought psych was taking over.
I haven't called them yet.
I've got five patients
back here that haven't
been seen yet,
51 more in the waiting room.
I'm thinking this is a toxicology case.
Everything is pointing
to new-onset schizophrenia.
So what zebra are you hunting?
She's been using a face cream from Asia
with a high mercury content.
This could explain all her symptoms.
Look, the FDA website has
a list of imported products
that contain mercury.
She's been using this one.
I've ordered a heavy metal panel
looking for mercury, lead, or arsenic.
Why didn't you consult me?
I consulted Dr. Collins.
Dr. Collins is not
supervising this case.
I know. I just didn't know if
If what?
I thought you were having a bad day.
Did Dr. Collins say that?
She was just trying to help.
Don't ever do that again.
Elevate to stop the swelling,
ice for 20 minutes twice a day,
and wear the ankle stirrup
until the pain is gone
and for another six weeks
whenever doing anything athletic.
Any questions?
No. I'm all set.
And sorry we got off on the wrong foot.
That was a joke.
I understood your intention.
Is Dr. King around?
She might be with another patient.
Will you tell her goodbye for me?
She's a very good doctor.
Right. Sure. Sure. Yeah.
And good luck with
your table tennis tournament.
Thank you.
If you ever find yourself in South Park,
I'll teach you how to play.
Did you sign off on heavy metals panel
on new onset psychosis?
- What?
- Samira's patient.
I cleared her for psych.
You overrode me?
If Samira put in an order,
there was a reason.
I trust her.
Maybe you should too.
I'm trying to break her
of these bad habits.
- And you are enabling her.
- No.
You're riding her so hard,
she's starting to lose confidence.
It's affecting her.
I told her not to take it personally.
What is that supposed to mean?
You have been snapping at staff all day.
And even though you won't admit it,
I'm pretty sure it's because
today is the day Adamson
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
- See?
You can't even be honest with yourself.
All right, you're right.
- I don't want to be here today.
- Then don't be.
Or leave your baggage
at the door like everyone else.
But don't take it out on the rest of us.
Since you're giving out
feedback, I have some too.
You are a rule follower
in an environment
that requires flexibility.
You let fear drive your decision making.
And you have no fucking respect
for your superiors.
- Superiors? Wow.
- Yeah.
I give you a lot of leeway,
but I'm your attending,
and you are the resident.
And you need to remember that.
OK, Dr. Robinavich.
Thank you for your feedback.
- Dr. Robby?
- What?
Kiara's ready for you
to talk to the wife
- of the Trauma 1 patient.
- Yeah, OK.
With the wife, should I
I'll handle it.
What's next?
Dr. Robby will explain everything.
Dr. Robby, Susan Dunn.
- Hi.
- Hi.
OK, so your husband is gonna be
admitted to the ICU.
And if everything goes well,
then we'll extubate him,
and the chest tube can come out.
But he's gonna need
to stay in the hospital
for three or four days.
Thank you.
I'm going to take Alana home,
but I'll be back later.
There is one other thing.
Dr. Santos filled us in
on your conversation.
What you did to your husband
is against the law.
So unfortunately, we're required
to report it to the police.
No, I I wasn't trying to hurt him.
Even so, this is where he ended up.
I would suggest that you speak
to somebody about your feelings
and talk to your daughter.
If there is something happening at home,
she'll need to know that
you're willing to listen.
We have resources I can provide,
which include connecting you
to the authorities.
We'll be fine.
So that's it?
Hopefully, now that
it's out in the open,
she'll take the necessary steps
to handle this the right way.
- But she
- Don't fight me on this.
Focus on what you can control
your patients.
Are you OK?
The mother could be arrested,
and the daughter would be
left alone with her dad.
I know it's hard.
If you need to talk to someone
I'm not the one who needs to talk, OK?
Your ankle guy was looking for you.
Oh, sorry I missed Terrence.
You were great with him.
I know what to say, I guess,
maybe how to say it.
- Because of your sister?
- Yeah.
I know she's in a good place.
I just I really miss her.
Yeah, well, you're
you're obviously really good
at helping people.
You're crushing it with your patients.
You even taught me a couple things.
For sure.
You're making a great first impression.
Wait out here.
There he is.
Remember me?
So I talked to your wife and daughter
about your extracurricular activities.
Yeah, it didn't say in your chart
that you were a child molester.
Yeah, they told me
about your bathroom visits
and your massages, you piece of shit.
You know, I know men like you
men you trust, men you look up to.
First, it's a kiss on the head,
and then it's the lips.
A friendly massage becomes
a hand under your shirt
and then fingers inside you.
And it's all our little secret,
all because you love us so fucking much.
So this is how this is gonna work.
You are never going
to touch your daughter again.
You are never going to look at her
or even think about her inappropriately,
or Officer Ahmad out there
is going to arrest you.
And the only rape in your future will be
the one you get in prison,
you sleazy, fat fuck.
Blink twice if you agree to this,
once if you want me to let you die.
I've already lost two patients today.
One more is not gonna make a difference.
Don't fuck with me.
And don't fuck with your daughter.
Oh, and I expect an excellent
patient satisfaction score.
Get well soon, Mr. Dunn.
Hey, you needed help with something?
I'm good.
OK, then.
You're welcome.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Second dose in 24 hours,
then misoprostol.
Everything's in here if you forget.
Good luck to both of you.
What'd you say to her?
Something about
not losing Kristi forever.
Well, you gave them a chance.
That is gonna be one
long drive back to Tennessee.
[CHUCKLES] True that.

No, I
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