The Traitors (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Mask Is Slipping

The players continue to build
the $250,000 prize pot
except for one.
Hey, why are you throwing those
in the woods?
- Because I'm a liability.
I am there to shit up.
- She's an asshole.
- In a wicked twist,
three players were put on trial
by the traitors.
- Kate, Anjelica, and Rachel.
You have been put on trial and
face possible murder tonight.
A secret room in my castle
gave brief hope to the faithful.
But there was no luck
for those who needed it most.
- I'm devastated.
However, the tables
may finally be turning
- Who is the obvious traitor?
- Say the name.
- Yeah.
With Cody at risk
of being unmasked
We have to get rid
of a traitor tonight.
It's getting embarrassing,
to be honest.
- Something feels off.
It probably feels off
'cause you're a traitor.
Oh, my God.
People are on to him.
Will the traitors
protect themselves?
I don't think
Rachel's a traitor.
I don't know what to do next.
I don't feel Kate's
a traitor either.
- So where do you see a traitor?
- Um
- So where do you see a traitor?
I'm basing my vote on the people
that I feel are faithfuls,
and that's where
I'm voting tonight with them.
So does anyone have
anything else left to say?
Then, players, it's once more
time to place your votes.
I'm kind of on pins and needles.
I don't want to be the only one
at the table saying Cody
and everybody else is saying
If Cody survives the roundtable
and we have to continue
to work as a team,
it could be terrible.
Players, it's now time
to reveal who you voted for.
We're going to begin with Cody.
- It ain't personal.
It's just a game. Rach.
- Shelbe.
- Rachel, I voted for you.
You are a traitor.
And also considering
your competitiveness
throughout the years.
- So that's two votes for Rachel.
- This was my hardest vote yet.
Cody, I voted for you.
I'm so sorry.
- Stephenie.
- Cody. If I was a traitor,
I would be acting just like you.
And that's how I know
that you're a traitor.
- Okay.
So that's two votes for Rachel
and two votes for Cody.
Cody, I wish that you and I
could have worked together
and not come against each other,
because I think it's ridiculous.
But this is where we're at,
and I think all the things
you think about me
is what I think about you.
- Quentin.
- So I voted for you, Kate.
In the event
that you are a faithful.
It's not helping the collective.
- Oh, yeah.
Also, I would just say
to you, Cody,
you were never on my radar.
Have you been withdrawn
and all these other things?
When I'm taking you at your word
that it's for the reasons
that you've laid out,
and that's just what it is.
I don't I don't think you.
- Appreciate you, bro.
- Mm-hmm.
- So that's three votes for Cody.
Two votes for Rachel,
and one vote for Kate.
- Cody.
We've been getting it wrong.
And sometimes you have to depend
on your team to steer you
in the right direction,
and that's why I voted for you.
- Kate.
- I voted for Rachel.
- So that's four for Cody,
three for Rachel,
and one for Kate.
With only three votes
Cody. After getting Kyle
wrong last night, it's just,
you know,
he was leaving breadcrumbs,
and, I mean, if I'm, you know,
the stupid one picking it up,
and we're wrong,
we're wrong, but it's all I got.
- Christian.
If you also vote
for Cody, he will be banished.
- My vote was for you, Cody.
Mainly because I got to go
with my gut.
Yeah. No hard feelings, man.
And with the final vote
- Sorry, man.
I'm putting my faith
a little bit in Rachel,
which could burn me,
but I do trust you.
So, sorry, man.
So, Cody, you have received
the most votes
and you are banished
from the game.
Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.
Cody, before you were banished
from the game forever,
please reveal
if you are a faithful
or a traitor.
I wanted to play
this game so bad.
I'm sorry.
And I wanted to be a traitor
so bad.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, no.
- No.
I love you all,
so it is so not personal.
I am a traitor.
- Yes!
Oh, my God.
- You did such a good job.
- Thank you, Cody.
- Cody, I'm sorry.
I just can't imagine
being in his position.
Inside, I am dying
a little bit for Cody.
- See you in New Jersey, Cody.
- Absolutely.
It feels like a weight has been
lifted off my shoulders.
I feel like I can finally, like,
actually be myself
and not have this, like,
crazy burden just crushing me.
Oh, my goodness.
Cirie is showing future traitors
how they need to play this game,
because she is
playing it perfectly.
- Cody.
- Christian's a bro.
And so I know
how he felt in that moment.
He didn't want to do it to me,
but he also knew he had to.
- My vote was for you, Cody.
- What a wild ride.
What a wild, wild ride.
- So.
You've finally done it.
You have found a traitor.
- Oh.
But remember there are
still traitors amongst you.
And now to bed.
- Kate.
- Yeah.
Rachel, Anjelica,
you remain on trial.
And come morning, one of you
will have been murdered.
I'd pop on an eye mask.
Thank God.
I'm just I'm, like, shaking.
I'm, like, shaking, yeah.
Cody's a traitor.
People finally listen to me.
All right, traitors,
we are onto you.
I think Kate is a traitor.
I think Shelbe's a traitor.
You're the only two
that we're voting with, Cody.
Like, it's just apparent
that they're the other two.
- It is, like, game on now.
Here's to game one, guys!
- Here's to game one.
- We got a traitor.
- We got a traitor.
But I think
we've all been blinded
by the personal connections
that we're making with people.
But you have to take away
all the emotional aspect
of this game.
You have to look at it
as what it is.
It's like, I'm happy
we got one
- Yeah, yeah, finally.
- But it's like.
It's just like, "Wow."
We did get a traitor out,
so that's good news.
But I have thought
that Cody is 100%
a faithful this entire game.
That was definitely a gut punch.
So for me,
I think that it's time to start
looking at some other people
in this game.
Did you have eyes on Shelbe
when he told
- Oh, the whole time!
- No, I didn't watch it all.
When Cody revealed himself,
I looked over at Shelbe,
and her reaction wasn't,
like, all of our reactions.
She was upset and sad,
but she wasn't really elated.
- Bedtimes.
- Sleep well, except for me
because I might be murdered.
- Yeah, same.
Tonight, either
me, Anjelica, or Kate
are going to definitely
be murdered.
And it's just
the worst feeling ever.
I am completely convinced
that I am going to be murdered,
and I'm sick
to my stomach over it.
I don't want to be murdered.
I'd rather be banished
so I can look
everyone in the eye and say,
"You were wrong."
Ain't gonna let you rain
on my parade no more ♪
As a traitor, you have to stay
loyal to beating the faithfuls.
And if one of the traitors
is becoming a weak link,
unfortunately, you're gonna
get cut from the team.
That was hard,
but it was necessary.
Yeah, he was becoming
a liability.
He was becoming a target,
a liability.
Wow! What a day, what a day!
- I know.
- This is
- It's been a lot of work today.
It's been a lot of work.
Then there was two.
- Then there was two.
So we have
the three people on trial
and Rachel.
Did you get any indication
who might have that shield?
Two of them,
Anjelica and Rachel,
could have a shield.
That means
even if we choose them,
they can't be murdered.
I want to keep Kate.
- We gotta keep Kate.
Nobody knows if she's a faithful
or a traitor.
- Exactly.
- So we want to keep her around.
- As long as Kate's still here
and a known traitor
is still in the mix
- Yeah
- that's all we need.
- So we keep Kate.
- Yeah.
- And we gotta take that risk.
- Well, I'm willing.
I think we made
the right decision.
- I agree. Let's do it.
- I'm gonna win ♪
Last night, the traitors
lost their first member,
while for the first time,
the majority of the faithful
slept easy,
knowing they were safe.
Waking to a new day,
they now make their way
to breakfast
where they'll discover which
of those on trial was murdered.
- Hey, oh!
- Oh!
- We're first?
- We're first.
I'll get the door for you.
- Ooh.
I feel great that I've made it
this far.
I do have the shield
in my pocket.
We got a traitor out last night.
But where do we go now?
- Hey!
- Hey!
- We're down to two traitors.
- Oh!
- Oh!
- And now the pool of suspects
is gonna get
tighter and tighter.
So we gotta figure out
something quickly.
I think it'll tell a lot of
Who's still here.
- Mm-hmm.
- Who would go and why?
- Okay. You're a traitor.
- Mm-hmm.
- Why would you even vote
Anjelica or Rachel
if there's a shield out there?
It's a 50/50 shot.
That's a big risk
they're taking.
- So the easy murder is Kate.
But if Kate's a traitor,
she can't be murdered.
So they have no choice.
Oh, yeah, that would make Kate
a traitor?
- Well, that would
- If one of those two
are not here?
- That would be a bold move
by the traitors,
because it's a 50/50 shot,
and it could indicate
that Kate could be a traitor.
- Yeah.
- Oh!
- Nice hat.
- Dun dun dun ♪
Kate has arrived,
and that immediately says a lot.
For some people in the room,
it's like Kate's a traitor.
Dang. Traitors are either
super risky
with the 50/50 bet,
or Kate, you're a dang traitor.
Well, you guys have been saying
I am all the time, so
Of course the traitors
are keeping me
because they still want
the faithfuls
to think I'm a traitor.
It's a gift and a curse.
People just never
want me to leave.
- Ah!
- Another day of hell for you.
- Yep.
So who got the shield, I wonder?
Usually I know who's not
showing up.
In this instance, I'm not sure
whether the person we chose
to murder is gonna show up
because they had a shield
or not.
Okay, well,
I hate to say this, but
- Oh!
- I'm the one that has
a shield.
- Oh!
- Oh!
It didn't protect
either of the girls,
because I'm the one that got it.
- Right.
- We gambled. We hit the jackpot.
I feel great.
The person we chose
to murder is dead.
What do you think?
I really feel like
there's no direction
either way between the two.
- I just hope that Rachel comes.
- Oh, my God.
I'm very anxious awaiting to see
who's gonna
walk through that door,
Rachel or Anjelica.
I'm wondering
who's gonna be murdered.
I'm really hoping
it's not Rachel
because Rachel, Cirie, and I
have had an alliance
since day one.
- Oh!
I'm very anxious awaiting to see
who's gonna walk
through that door,
Rachel or Anjelica.
- Oh!
- Kate's here?
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- Anjelica's murdered?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- Who are we murdering?
- Anjelica.
Anjelica doesn't really
make decisions that well.
When it comes
to the round table
- Mm-hmm.
- She swayed too easily,
nudged too easily.
All it takes is
one bad day for someone
to say, "Eh, Christian and Cirie
are sketch."
And she yeah.
- Exactly.
If we want to add money
to the pot,
I'd rather have Rachel.
I would, too,
because she works her tail off.
- Who is also a shield because
- A shield and suspect.
- Right.
So, Anjelica
That's the decision.
- Agree.
"Dear Anjelica,
by order of the traitors,
you have been murdered.
Signed, the traitors."
I loved playing this game,
and of course
I wish
I could have played longer.
Coming in,
I wanted to win so bad.
And then you're playing,
and you just want to make it
to breakfast the next morning.
And that's what it's all about.
And today, I didn't make it
to breakfast.
So, yeah.
- Damn.
- I know.
She's probably, like,
actually, like, just crushed.
- Poor Anjelica.
Yeah, I love it when a plan
comes together, though.
I do, I have to say it.
- Good morning, compadres.
- Good morning, Alan.
- Good morning, my lord.
Well, your numbers,
like my emergency wine supply,
are depleting
at an alarming rate.
The traitors
are mortally wounded.
The battle is won,
but the war is far from over.
Kate, Rachel,
you survived being on trial
and live to fight another day.
What a time to be alive!
Carpe diem. Embrace the day!
Right, Kate?
- Yeah.
- All right, Kate.
Let's get going, shall we?
I think today's mission
will really lift your spirits.
- Mm.
Anjelica's room was
much nicer than mine.
I might move.
You're already
taking Anjelica's room?
Hey, you gotta do
what you gotta do.
I'm only here for a night.
You can have it tomorrow.
I'm feeling a little bit
out of the loop,
and I'm a little sad today.
I'm thinking about my daughter
the entire time,
and it's really hard.
I need to try
and pull myself together.
So who are you guys gonna say
you're voting then, tonight?
I do feel like Shelbe's
attitude is, like,
she's checked out.
- Yeah.
Yeah, she's not even,
like, doing anything.
She was so happy to be
in this whole thing.
And then she's just been
depressed this whole time
'cause she's holding a secret.
- Mm-hmm.
Last night, she had, like,
no reaction,
to how it went with Cody.
I feel like she's a traitor.
I'm fighting with myself
right now.
Shelbe has a lot of suspicion
on her, which is good for me.
But as much as, you know,
we're traitors and everything,
I don't like to see
anybody isolated.
I just came to see
if you're okay.
And I appreciate that.
I just miss my child.
- Yeah, no, I can't imagine.
- I really do.
When I went on "Survivor"
the first time,
my youngest was five.
- Really?
So I know that feeling.
And then with everything else
- Yeah, I just miss her.
This game is challenging,
but I need that money.
I'm rebuilding my life
after my divorce,
and I'm just hoping
to start something special
for my daughter and myself.
I just wanted to make sure
you was okay.
No, I'm all right. I just
I'm just sitting down, taking
I know, but everybody over
there, you over here.
It, you know
- I'm just kind of like
it's me opposed to the group.
I'm hearing so many
your name being one of them.
I mean, I wouldn't even know
what suspicions
they would have of me
or what I've done,
but, I mean, I'm with it.
Just have conversations
and be with the group.
Don't isolate.
- All right. I'm with it.
- Okay.
- I'm with it. Come on.
Shelbe comes on and off
of my list.
It's like this.
- Yeah.
- Also, I think Kate's a traitor.
We only have tonight and
tomorrow to get those two out.
You gotta look at the votes.
Who's voting for who?
Who's defending who?
- Rachel, I voted for you.
- I voted for Rachel.
- It ain't personal.
Look where she's sitting,
right next to Kate.
She's defeated.
Like, you can just see.
Finally, people are starting
to listen to me a little bit
and trust me that,
maybe she's on to something.
You have to admit,
there were many, many banishment
or round table ceremonies
where votes were wasted on me.
- Mm-hmm.
Since the ones that kept voting
for me are all still here
- Right.
- I think Quentin, Christian,
Stephenie, and Rachel
- And Rachel.
- are gonna vote for me tonight.
It definitely is going to be
either me or you,
because people are not going to
vote for people that they like.
Like, you know what I mean?
You would have
picked out herself.
Clearly, there has been
a clique in the group.
Shelbe and I aren't part of it.
So if one of us
is gonna get banished,
I'd rather go home
before Shelbe.
It's clear that
the majority of the house
believe it's them two.
- I know.
And it's interesting that
them two find themselves
- Together.
I feel very confident
- Mm-hmm.
That it's Shelbe.
I feel really confident.
Do you feel really confident
that it's Kate, too?
- Yeah.
- If we take Shelbe out today,
that leaves Kate.
And who knows what Kate
is gonna do?
- Aaaaah!
- Help!
- Aaaaah!
Something terrible has happened!
- What happened?
- What?
The ghosts of this castle
have ruined my billiards room.
These ghosts are
from the spirits
of former players
returned to my castle to run
amok and to make mischief.
- So in today's mission,
we are going to do
some ghost hunting.
Split yourselves up
into three groups.
Come on.
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- I guess we
- Yeah.
- All right.
- We'll all be dead.
- Wait, what?
We've got to hurry because
those godforsaken ghouls
are making a mess in there
right at this very instant.
They keep switching around
my favorite items,
and it's so annoying
because Fergus just had
this castle feng shui-ed.
Here's what's going to happen.
Group by group, you will
enter my billiards room.
You have one minute to spot
which items have changed
once the poltergeists
have struck,
for they surely will again.
Each group is responsible
for finding three changed items.
One correctly identified item
will bring you $1,000
for the cash-prize pot.
Two correct items
will bring you $5,000.
Three correct items
will bring you $10,000.
- Whoo!
- Yeah, okay.
- But arguably more importantly,
the group that identifies
the most correct items
will also win a trip
to my armory,
for a chance to gain a shield
and keep yourself safe
from murder tonight.
Enter, please. Thank you.
- Thank you, Fergus.
- Ladies.
- Ooh!
- Cast your eyes on
my once-magnificent
billiards room.
Um, the billiards room
looks quite different.
There's shit everywhere.
Try now to make a list
of everything in this room,
and quick about it,
for the spirits may return
at any second.
Everybody take an area,
and we'll each pick, like
Okay, so I'm over here.
I'm over here.
- All right.
- There's a lot of things
over here, Kate.
- I'ma say some stuff out loud.
We got a hat, purse,
violin, doll.
Got some suspenders, kite.
Okay, dominos on the floor.
Barrel. This piano thing.
- Aah!
Oh. Ooh.
Oh! Oh, my God.
I feel like somebody's
in front of me. Ahhh!
- The spirits are among us, guys!
Karma's a bitch, and so is Kate.
- Oh!
- You faithfuls.
Of course Brandi's coming back
from beyond the banishment grave
to have my back.
- Players, your time starts now!
Okay, we're trying
to figure out what changed.
- Three items have changed.
These pesky poltergeists
have been here
and caused mischief.
Hurry, players, hurry!
This hat changed.
This was a black hat.
I agree with you.
Yes, it was.
Okay. Anything look different
over here?
- No, nothing.
- Nothing?
- No.
- Okay.
- Okay, I found one thing
that was in the room
that's been moved.
I don't think you understand
the assignment.
I'm normally pretty good
with these kinds of things,
but I'm usually
a bit more motivated.
I have no idea what's different.
I don't really care.
Really, team,
I've got to hurry you.
Come on, Kate. You said
you have a great memory.
I don't see you coming up
with anything.
Cause this wasn't my section.
Nothing over there changed.
- Oh, nothing? Okay.
Stephenie says
absolutely nothing
in her part of
the billiards room has changed.
I'm thinking,
"Mm, I doubt that."
I don't know if Brandi
was right there.
I feel like Brandi had moved.
- You think so?
- I feel confident about Brandi.
I'm going with Brandi.
- Okay.
- Now you do one.
I was like, "Oh, okay,
maybe Kate's gonna try hard."
And then she's like,
"Oh, Brandy's picture."
It was just ridiculous.
I mean, she's just ridiculous.
- I have to hurry you, players.
The ghouls are impatient.
It's exhausting, ghost hunting,
isn't it, Kate?
- It sure is.
Okay, everybody feel good
about their items?
- Good enough.
- Taking a change.
- We got it.
Are they locked, y'all?
We're locking them?
Spirits of players past,
victims of this castle,
how many items are correct?
Show us a sign!
- Just one.
- Just one item is correct.
- Mm-hmm.
- My gosh. It's the hat.
This hands you $1,000
for the prize pot.
- Good job.
- All right.
There was a gray typewriter
in the corner.
Now there is a black one.
- It's black!
- That's right.
- Mm.
- I am not shocked.
That section wasn't my section.
It was Kate's.
It's so frustrating
being on a team with her.
- The other item was,
there was a black-and-red vase
behind me,
and now
- It's green.
- Whose section was that?
- That was mine, but I swear
- That was yours, Stephenie.
You were very confident
that nothing had changed.
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- It's, like, so embarrassing.
You won just $1,000
towards the prize pot.
- All right, it's still money.
Try to memorize
everything in this room,
for who knows when these
fiendish ghosts will return?
- A horse. A deer.
A lion. A thing.
Creepy doll.
Fergus, I can see
your hands trembling.
What's happened to your gloves?
Don't you knit anymore?
Time is
- Oh!
- Oh!
- How could you murder me?!
- The spirits are amongst us!
- They're coming for you.
Your mask is slipping.
I heard Cody's voice say
my mask is slipping.
Even though it was pitch black,
I felt like all eyes were on me.
- One minute.
Look closely, players.
What three items have changed?
- I'm looking for a sign.
The lights are flickering.
Is that a sign?
Like, we're looking
for anything.
- I don't think this
- That hourglass was there.
- It was? Okay.
- Yeah, I saw it.
Honestly, my mind goes blank,
and I'm like,
"Oh, was is the hat here?
Was it there?"
Wait, this wasn't here.
This little, small teapot.
- Sure?
- I'm positive.
Andie, did you look over here?
I don't remember this hat.
I don't remember that hat,
I remember a doll, violin,
hat, bag.
I don't remember this hat.
- Right.
- Was there something in this?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there was.
Okay. If you're sure,
go with you first
Whatever the first thing
you think is usually right.
- Hurry, players, hurry!
Okay, so you think this was
up here by the sword?
I'm not sure where it was,
but I don't think it was
there by the shoes.
Okay, then let's put this
over there.
Players, please bring your
finalized items up to the table.
You think you've done enough
to win a trip to the armory?
- I hope so.
- I hope so. - I hope so.
- Let's find out.
- Oh, my gosh. I'm dying.
- The anticipation.
Poltergeists, ghouls,
ghosts, and spirits,
how many items are correct?
Please give us a sign!
There was no sign.
Zero items correct.
You win no money
for the cash pot.
- Wh
- You're joking.
- I wish I were.
None of these items are correct.
The lamp behind you
was blue before.
- It was!
- It is now white.
The plane underneath that lamp
there was a yacht,
a little boat.
This carafe over here
had white wine in it before.
I knew there was
something about this!
You did.
You were very warm, but alas
ultimately very cold.
My goal was to be like,
"I don't want to be murdered,
so I'd rather have
an armory pass."
But it didn't matter
because we got zero items.
Look very closely at every item.
Let's start here together.
Let's all walk and look.
- Take in the room.
Look around. Hurry!
How could you murder me?!
I thought we were friends!
- Players, your time starts now.
What three items have changed?
- Do you remember this violin?
Yeah, I know
the violin wasn't here.
Yeah, it absolutely
wasn't there.
- I don't remember this at all.
- I don't remember that at all.
- Okay.
- Let's put the is that okay?
Do we agree I can put that
Yeah, yeah,
'cause I don't remember that.
- I don't remember that.
I'm feeling very confident.
I'm feeling really good.
We got this in the bag.
Here we go. Here we go.
- We're locked in.
- Feeling good.
- Come on, Alan. Come on, man.
Players of yesteryear,
victims of history,
how many items are correct?
Show us a sign.
- One.
- Only one, I'm afraid.
Do you know which one that was?
- The violin.
- The violin.
- Correct.
- What?!
- What?!
This adds you just $1,000
towards the prize pot.
- What?!
It was straight in front of you
all the time.
The globe.
- I knew it.
- And also, they've been playing
some monkey business in here,
because over where
the pineapple is
- Pineapple!
- There used to be a monkey.
Very confident, weren't you?
And very, very wrong.
- Oh, my gosh.
I don't think we've done enough
to go into the armory.
I want the shield, though.
We are so close
to the finish line.
I don't want to be murdered
by the traitors.
you are not very observant.
- You won just $2,000
to go towards
the collective prize pot.
We've only won $2,000 as a team.
- Two teams both got one item,
which means we have a tie.
So it came down to who locked in
their items the fastest.
And the fastest team,
and therefore going to my armory
tonight is
the boys.
- Dang! That violin, though.
I am so annoyed
looking at their faces,
high fiving
and saying, "Great teamwork"
to the very person that's trying
to steal their money.
And you know, even if only
one of them is a traitor,
I still stand by that,
because I just think
there's, like, smarmy people.
Well, I can't believe
we won that.
I know, right?
I can't believe
we're sitting here.
- We were so confident.
- So wrong.
- So wrong.
- And so fast.
- And so fast.
- After we won the challenge,
we got a chance
to go in the armory.
The shield is vividly critical
because the person that gets
the shield can't be murdered.
- If we band together
- Yeah.
We don't tell the group
you know, that who got it.
- Hi ♪
I don't need the shield.
However, it would be nice
to have it
because that just gives us
another opportunity
to murder whoever we want,
and nobody's safe.
Hell yes!
Guess who gets the shield?
So two in a row for me,
and it feels really good
because, you know, obviously
this is the ultimate power
in the game right now.
- So here's my logic,
because I've been told
my name is coming up.
There's certain people
y'all have all connected with.
You're not going to vote
each other out.
So I feel like for that reason,
it will fall back on me
to be up on the block.
People are not going to be
tossing out names of people
that they really,
really like in this game.
- Yeah, there's a clique.
I still think
that Rachel is a traitor.
- I do, too.
If you can prove
some valid points,
maybe I'd be willing
to open my eyes,
but I just really don't feel
I don't feel like repeating
my valid points.
But, like, who do you feel
If it's me,
then that's fine, too,
but, like, who do you feel?
I mean, Quentin,
maybe Christian.
I know Cirie was mad
that she wasn't a traitor.
Cirie is an ally for me
in this house.
I'm definitely going to mention
the tidbit of information.
If I can turn suspicions
on Stephenie,
I'm going to use that
to my advantage.
I don't know.
I-I'm not feeling that.
Maybe I shouldn't
have said that.
In this game, everything you say
and everything you do
can and will
be held against you.
- We are down to the wire.
Like, now it's time
to start playing
for real, for real.
And I'm not just gonna
roll over,
and they're
not gonna just banish me.
- Mm.
Nobody is ever going to vote
for anybody that they like.
That's just the facts.
Like, Cirie? We all love Cirie.
Like, nobody finna throw out
Cirie's name,
and she might
very well be a traitor.
Kate, do you want to come
talk to me?
- Oh, sure.
- Yeah.
I'm just throwing stuff
out there, Andie,
not to jumble up your head,
not to
'Cause God knows I'm a faithful.
I'm just trying
to last through the game.
It's not far-fetched to think
Quentin is a traitor.
It's not far-fetched to think
Cirie might be a traitor,
because she really wanted to be
and she got upset
when she wasn't.
Wait, Cirie wanted to be
a traitor?
- That's what Stephenie said,
that Cirie wanted
to be a traitor.
Maybe they had a conversation.
- Why didn't you bring that up?
I don't know. She says Cirie
really wanted to be a traitor.
- Today?
- Yeah.
She said Cirie really
wanted to be a traitor,
but she got upset
when she wasn't a traitor.
And that's why she knows
that Cirie is not a traitor.
And so I'm like, "All right."
Wait. I I think
I'm mind-blown by that.
That threw me for a loop,
but I had to, like,
ring it back in
because it's like,
is this a last-ditch
confusion effort
for Shelbe to throw out there?
I got to go talk to Cirie.
So, Shelbe just told me
that Stephenie told her
- Mm-hmm.
- You were upset
that you weren't chosen
as a traitor
and that you wanted to come
on the show as a traitor.
Oh! So now Andie's
coming to me saying,
"Did you tell Stephenie
that you wanted to be
a traitor?"
Like, Stephenie,
what are you talking about?
I'm on nobody's radar,
and you decide to say,
"Well, Cirie"
as my ally.
What sense does that make?
And so you said something
about being upset
that you weren't chosen
to be a traitor.
- Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
- Okay.
And I took it like
a grain of salt.
Just, I'm cool with you.
No, but I'm not cool
with Stephenie doing that.
- Hold it for the table.
- Yeah.
- Hold on for the table.
- Okay.
Going into the round table
I just hope the cliquey group
has not pre-decided
who they're going for tonight.
I don't know
what's gonna happen.
I just know that we're down
to two traitors.
We can't lose another tonight.
If my name is spoken
at the round table,
I'm going to
prepare to defend myself.
I don't want to be a target.
I don't want
to be on anyone's radar.
I don't want to be
on the chopping block.
It'll just be another
waste of banishment.
- We few, we happy few.
Britain has its parliament.
America has its Congress.
And we here at my castle
have our round table.
Your prize pot currently stands
at $133,800.
Will the traitors go undetected
and take
all the money for themselves?
As we're approaching
the end now, my dear players,
can you feel it?
Whose grasp of the game
needs to be loosened?
Who's not quite what they seem?
Who is hiding
a traitorous secret?
The floor is yours.
Happy banishing.
- I would like to start tonight
by saying once and for all,
I am not a traitor.
I'm not upset
that I'm not a traitor.
I don't know where it started.
He said, she said, they said,
we said.
But you can hear it from me,
myself, and I
I'm not upset.
And please, please,
if there's any question,
please just come ask me,
and I will clarify it
for anybody.
Do you guys want to talk about
why that came up, or no?
So, apparently,
what Steph said was
they were they meaning
Shelbe and Stephenie
Were asking who would like
to be a traitor?
- And I was joking.
I'm saying, "Oh, Cirie
would be a good traitor."
Cirie? I mean, I never
thought about her,
but there's some animosity
towards somebody
that nobody was thinking about.
I know that Cirie is a faithful.
I-I'm not sure what you were
trying to do there,
but I don't know,
that was just a little weird.
Shelbe, I would love
to ask you how
If you could convince us
that you're a faithful?
Baby, I don't know
how I can convince you,
just like Geraldine
couldn't convince y'all,
Just like poor Michael
couldn't convince you.
I don't know what I can do
to convince you.
Maybe the question is,
why do you think I'm a traitor?
Give me a reason why you think
I'm a traitor
so I can then disprove that.
- So you were very close to Cody.
- Yeah.
And you always voted with him.
You always
I'm sorry to cut you off,
but I'm just wanting to say
I stayed true to my own vote,
and I always gave
my own reasoning.
I threw names out
when nobody else would.
- Mm-hmm.
- So I didn't vote with nobody,
not even the group.
- Okay. So, like last night,
you were on the same game plan
with Cody to come after me.
So I just want to know,
was that Cody manipulating you,
or was that you two
coming up with a plan
to try to sway our votes?
These were things
that I have said to Cody.
And so listening back
at that round table,
it was me hearing Cody
say things I have said to him.
So it could have been him
manipulating me
or him taking what I'm saying
and just spitting it right back.
So, yeah, it could have
been Cody just mirroring
right back to you
what I've said to him.
I have a couple thoughts
on the matter.
So, I think when we met
on the first day here,
I met someone who was like,
you seemed so happy
and you smiled a lot,
and you were, like, so excited.
- Yes.
And I haven't seen the person
that I met in the beginning.
And when Cody revealed
that he was a traitor,
I looked at you,
and you didn't look happy.
But I would feel elated
that I found a traitor.
So that was my indication
that I was like,
"She's next on my radar."
I wasn't happy either,
just 'cause I was wrong.
And, frankly, I'm expecting that
because you wasted so many votes
to vote me out as a traitor,
which you clearly
believe me to be,
I feel like my fate is sealed.
I am attempting to throw myself
in front of the firing squad
and take one for Shelbe
because I'd rather her stay
and me leave.
I mean, I think we just
never had the votes
to get you out before.
I think that that
was the problem.
- Yeah.
Very well, players.
It's time for you to vote.
Very well, players.
It's time for you to vote.
Players, the time is now
to reveal your votes.
We're going to begin with Kate.
- I voted for Rachel.
I just
think you're a traitor.
So that's why I voted for you.
- Andie.
Shelbe, I voted for you tonight.
I think you played
this game brilliantly.
- All right. Thank you.
- Nothing personal.
- Arie.
- Shelbe I respect you.
You know, one parent to another,
I know it's really hard
being away from your daughter,
and I just feel like it's time.
- Christian.
This one's a little
tougher for me today.
I'm going with you, Shelbe.
- That's okay.
- I feel really bad
'cause I think
you're a very strong and fierce,
beautiful woman,
and if you're a traitor,
you crushed it.
If not, I'm really sorry.
Three votes for Shelbe
and one for Rachel.
- Shelbe.
- I voted for Stephenie.
I am a faithful,
but I think that you are
a very good traitor.
I'll give you credit.
- No way.
So that's why
I voted for you, love.
- No way.
- Stephenie.
- Shelbe.
I think you did an amazing job,
I really do.
But I do think you're a traitor.
So the walls are closing in
on Shelbe.
She has four votes.
If you receive one more vote,
you will be banished.
- Shelbe, I voted for you.
I wanted you to convince me
that you were faithful.
And it just
There was nothing you said.
And we've had
these conversations before.
And you're just, like,
such a good traitor.
And I think that that's why
we weren't able to get you.
Shelbe, you have received
the most votes
and you have been banished
from the game.
But regardless, we must still
reveal the final votes.
- Shelbe, I voted for you.
- Cirie.
- Shelbe.
I can feel my heart breaking
'cause I like Shelbe a lot,
and I don't want to be
a part of this vote.
But I have to maintain
my position,
and I can't risk
not going with the group.
- Shelbe, please come forward
and stand
in the Circle of Truth.
Shelbe, before you leave
the game forever,
please reveal
Are you a faithful or a traitor?
- Well, guys
I am not a kindergarten teacher.
I actually work in PR.
I have worked in rooms
with government officials,
millionaires, donors,
you name it.
And so I told that lie
'cause I didn't want it
to affect me in this game.
I am a faithful.
- Oh, Shelbe!
- Thank you, Shelbe.
- No way.
I'm in complete and total shock
right now.
I was positive
she was a traitor.
- So it's happened again.
Another innocent faithful
has been ejected from the game.
And now to bed,
for one of you will face death
before dawn.
Do not go gentle
into that good night.
But rage, rage against
the dying of the light.
I'll leave that lamp on
in the hall.
She didn't even try
to defend herself.
- I feel really bad.
- Yeah, I know.
- I feel awful.
- I feel kind of heartbroken
thinking about how much more
Shelbe could use the money
because Shelbe's a single mom.
Yes, we're playing a game,
but we're real people.
So it sucks.
- I'm, like, so shook right now.
- I was like 99%.
- We should have voted out Kate.
I've been saying not Shelbe
for a long time.
Maybe this will teach everyone
that just because
you aren't part of the clique
doesn't mean you're a traitor.
Moving forward,
I believe Cirie's a faithful.
I know she's a faithful.
The game's been designed
to turn on people.
I'm not gonna do
the he said/she said.
And that's the end of it.
Stephenie, I think,
is on my side,
but I don't know.
And once that doubt is there,
it's very hard to shake.
- I'm going to get a drink.
- I need a drink, too.
- I feel sick to my stomach.
- For me, as a loyal faithful,
I mean, honestly,
I feel like shit, you know?
And I don't think we're
any closer to figuring out
who these traitors are.
The guilt is overwhelming
in this game.
- Yeah.
- Sorry, Shelbe.
- I feel, like, horrible.
- Yeah.
- That was a bad one.
Well, you sent home
a single mother.
- I know.
- Wrongly.
That's why I feel horrible
about it.
- Basically, me and Shelbe,
we just came in
to sit down in here.
"So, Shelbe, the clique
has decided you're out."
- Kate, it wasn't like that.
I'm telling you,
that's what it felt like for me,
and I'm certain for Shelbe.
It was, like, clear that
you guys already discussed it,
planned it.
I just would have felt bad
sending Shelbe home,
a single mother.
- Whatever.
You're, like, literally
a cancer to the group.
- Yeah.
- Oh, really?
What about the traitors
taking your money
and killing you at night?
This is not about me today,
Trust me, you have given me
enough lectures about
the things I've done wrong.
But tonight,
the wrong ones are you.
Was it something I said,
you guys?
- Today was stressful, you know,
physically, emotionally,
mentally, spiritually.
It's just I'm a wreck.
I'm ready for bed.
- All right. Good night, man.
- All right.
I have the shield,
so I'm feeling very relaxed.
I think I'll sleep okay.
I am terrified
of being murdered.
I go from being on trial
to not getting even to have
a chance of winning the shield.
Tonight, I will not
be sleeping again.
Paranoia runs amuck
in the castle
as the remaining traitors
continue to go undiscovered.
But something tells me
there will be
more twists in this tale
before it ends.
I'm really starting to feel
this game get harder.
I just need to get to the end,
and I need to get to the end
with or without Christian.
- I'm just exhausted.
And now we have
to murder someone else.
At least we don't have to look
people in the eye as we do this.
I can't stop
the dogs of war ♪
- I know.
- I know. I know.
- Shelbe.
- I know. I know.
That broke my heart when I
looked over and saw her crying.
That one hurt.
- Mm-hmm.
- However, our plan is working.
- Mm-hmm.
- Who would we murder tonight?
Well, let's go through
who we're not murdering.
- We're not murdering Kate.
We're definitely
not murdering Kate.
- We're not murdering Rachel.
- Nope.
- We're not murdering
- Here we go.
- Hi, traitors.
Sorry to interrupt
your plotting and scheming.
So, you survived another day.
But, of course,
you're weakened in numbers.
Fear not, for now
you have the opportunity
to bring someone
into your murderous game.
Tonight you will recruit
a faithful to join you.
Here's a blank invitation.
- Ah!
All you need to do is write
the name of a faithful on it,
and I will deliver it.
That person can either
accept or refuse.
Choose wisely.
I'll be back for an answer
very soon.
Gosh, I love a plot twist,
don't you?
- This changes everything.
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