The Traitors UK (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Previously on The Traitors
The players arrived here at this
Scottish castle
to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £120,000.
But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
After successfully avoiding
four banishments
You're wrong. I'm a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful. I'm a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful. ..and committing
four murders
By the order of the Traitors,
you have been murdered.
Murdered. Murdered. Murdered.
..Traitors, Alyssa and Wil found
themselves in the firing line.
I can't get Alyssa out of my head.
Me neither.
Wilfred, you look very nervous
And after the ultimate betrayal
We always keep saying,
let's do something different,
so I'm going to go for Alyssa.
..fellow Traitor Amanda
sealed Alyssa's fate.
I went for Alyssa.
..resulting in the Faithfuls
finally banishing their first
I am a Traitor.
I'm so sorry.
With their numbers depleted,
the Traitors were given
a chance to strengthen.
You could murder, or you could
seduce one of the Faithful
and let them join you as a Traitor.
Could you trust her? 100%.
But the question is,
will Alex join them?
Alex would play a very good Traitor.
She wants to win the game.
We need somebody who no-one's
looking at at the moment,
somebody who's strong enough to do
this role
and somebody that will get involved
and do it.
We wish to recruit you
as a Traitor.
Because you are strong,
assertive and charismatic.
Join us.
Do I want to be a Traitor?
I'd have to create this layer
on top of me that was happy to lie.
# I'm going to raise the stakes #
I can't wait, if she joins us,
it's going to be so good.
# Seven devils all around me
# Seven devils in my house #
# See, they were there
when I woke up this morning
# I'll be dead before the day is
done #
..rejected your offer of seduction.
Oh, no!
I've seen how heavy the crown
of being a Traitor weighs
on the heads of those
sat around that table.
And after experiencing how intense
it is just to be a Faithful
..I don't think
I'd be able to do it.
And I may end up regretting
this decision,
but I still feel like,
as a Faithful,
I could potentially stay
all the way.
So, for that reason
..I will politely decline
the offer to become a Traitor.
# I don't know
what you're looking for
# You haven't found it
That's for sure #
You will continue as a twosome.
You will not murder tonight.
So everyone will be
at the breakfast table,
which, quite frankly,
could be awkward.
I thought she would have been
that inquisitive,
she would have said yes.
Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight.
We should have murdered.
We should have murdered.
We should Mm.
She could have been
an extra strength.
She could have really got our fires
lit again.
Three of us as a pack
would have been good.
We're just going to have to act
Just act surprised. Yeah.
You know A positive thing
that no-one's dead.
Gutted. Gutted.
# I'm losing my favourite game
# Losing my favourite #
After the Traitors failed to seduce
at last night's conclave,
the Faithful are unaware
that they will all be arriving
for breakfast this morning.
Ladies first. Thank you.
Oh, lovely, oh, my God!
There we go.
Oh, it's finally happened.
So happy.
That's a good feeling
that we've banished a Traitor,
it really is.
I need to be more open-minded.
That's what it tells me.
And, you know, everything
that you see shiny isn't gold.
Do you know what I mean?
I'm worried now because
I had Alyssa as a 100%.
And I'm worried now.
And I want Maddy to be a Faithful
because I
It's just so hard.
Oh, my God.
Who's coming through the door?
Who's coming through?
That's a nice jumper!
Thank you.
Getting Alyssa out last night
has, like, spurred us on
to find another Traitor,
but it's made me realise
that the Traitors could be the
people that I really adore.
Alyssa could have probably
shot me in the face,
and I still wouldn't have thought
it was her.
Good morning! Yay!
Oh, my God. I am thrilled!
Normally, we get rid of a Faithful
the night before.
It feels like we're winning
a little bit,
and we've got a leg up and we've got
a bit of an advantage now.
Amanda, did you get the shield?
Yeah. Yeah, literally.
That's what I was thinking.
I can't lie.
Last night, we could have used
the opportunity
to get the numbers down,
and we didn't.
We chose another way,
and that decision didn't work out.
I was gutted.
I've got to go back into my little
play role that I'm a Faithful.
Do you know who I think
was going to get murdered?
I reckon it's the person
that instigated Alyssa
the most yesterday.
Like, either Alex or Andrea
or someone.
I don't think it will be, because
I don't think the Traitors
really care about the other Traitors
when they go.
Who is it?
Let's go.
Morning, all!
Shield, I like that.
Looks so cool.
Oh, my God.
The level of lying and pretending
is like a trifle.
It's just layers and layers.
I've been through the worst now.
I've literally had my arse
on the table.
This is different level, man.
So who are we expecting
not to walk through the door?
I have no idea.
I literally have no idea
because everybody I thought
was a threat is in here now.
You're suited and booted!
Suited to the nines!
There's only two chairs left.
Amos and Alex.
Amos can't go home already.
No way. No way.
Of course, I know that everybody's
going to be there.
But then it was
a bit of a scary moment.
This was going to be the moment
Alex revealed
that we had tried to seduce her.
How would I react?
How would Wilf react?
People would be watching,
SHE would be watching.
There's always the other possibility
that Amos AND Alex both come,
and they tried to go for Amanda,
and Amanda had the shield.
Oh, my God. Yeah!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Guys Guys
They tried killing Amanda.
They tried to kill Amanda!
Or they recruited!
Or they've recruited.
Oh, yes.
Hi, everybody. Everyone's back.
Come on!
So, obviously, last night
I knew that I got recruited,
but I declined it.
I don't want to tell everyone that
because I feel like people
might not believe it.
They could think, "Is she lying?
And I don't believe her."
I don't know, it's very difficult.
It does feel, though,
doesn't it feel like the Faithfuls
are getting stronger?
Yeah. Because we got rid of one
and now we've got rid of a Traitor,
and now we've not lost a Faithful.
We got a big victory.
Yeah, 100%.
I really thought Alex was going
to come in
and tell everyone, and she hasn't.
So I'm like, "Oh, my God,
what is going on?"
Good morning, everyone.
Isn't this a lovely surprise?
Everybody is at breakfast.
It's fantastic to see you all.
I will let you work out why.
Oh, come on!
Amanda, of course,
you got the shield.
Let's find out who's going
to get it today.
The mission starts soon.
Please wear something
you don't mind getting muddy.
And fingers crossed
you all like whisky.
I'll see you soon.
Enjoy your breakfast.
Thank you.
No idea.
I'm very confused today.
I am. I just have no idea today.
If they've recruited,
we need to know.
I've got to think very tactically
about how I play this, in the sense
that I feel like I definitely need
to tell at least one person
to get another perspective.
I still don't know
who the Traitor is
I was looking at everyone
in breakfast trying to suss it out,
like who wanted me? So imagine you
got recruited and you said no.
You'd say You'd say,
"Oh, so they tried to recruit me."
But the thing is,
no-one's saying anything.
So if I've been recruited
or Amanda's been killed
or someone, they tried to kill
Amanda and she's got a shield
We need to get through this
and keep the heat away from me.
Is it cold outside?
I'm going to nip upstairs
for my coat
because I'm not going out
in that weather.
You want it? Yeah.
Hannah, what was that, man?
I thought it was Wil yesterday
and I was wrong,
but I thought it was Wil because
I'm still in day two mode,
which is like, you're behaving
kind of weird.
Amos, you weren't wrong
because we didn't find out.
And I hate that because
now I'm like, my theory,
I needed to know that answer.
Maddy Marple has come up with still
the same theory,
So it's still Aaron, Will,
of course. And Meryl.
And I need to just find out one of
before I move on to my next case.
I'm thinking opposite ends of the
spectrum now.
I'm thinking Alyssa,
maybe Andrea is one
because she's got nothing to lose
on the outside world.
That's true.
So it's her argument against her.
You know, the argument that she was
like, "You've got to be young."
She was saying you've got to be
young to be a Traitor.
I think it possibly could be.
I do work in a care home,
but my main passion is acting.
I played Rita in EastEnders,
the homeless woman,
and also I played someone
without a womb in Casualty.
And I feel like it means
that I can spot
if someone's putting on
a performance.
What was it?
What were you thinking?
No, I was just saying that,
I don't want to upset you
because you're close to Andrea.
But what about if it is Andrea?
My view of Andrea is I love her.
You can speculate on who you want,
but my red lines are
that I just won't put Andrea down.
I just won't do it.
Who are you? Guess.
I am looking like that as well now.
And I love her to death,
but it's the innocent,
intelligent thing again.
Do you know what I mean?
I know.
And, also, I came down
to breakfast today.
She just seems different.
I don't know why.
With Maddy, obviously,
I know she's a Faithful.
I don't investigate too much,
but I'll throw a little theory out
now and again.
As long as I keep doing that,
it just keeps the limelight off me.
Today, I'm really doing two things.
I'm trying to just put the words
right in my mouth to defend myself
cos I know my name is going
to come up again tonight.
Mate, the worst thing that people
can do
is throw it on you at the table.
I'm not going to go for you at
the moment
cos I don't have enough to go on.
That's not right.
But I know that people will.
People still don't have much
to go on.
Are they going to try to go
for someone who was slightly similar
in personality to Alyssa,
who was shy, someone like me?
That's a very real concern.
If I don't want to be voted off,
I'm going to have to start
being more vocal.
So, last night, I received
a letter from the Traitors
asking to recruit me,
and I declined it.
I genuinely believe
that the Faithfuls can win.
I was scared to announce it
in breakfast,
so what I thought is the best thing
to do
is talk to people I believe
that I can fully trust,
which includes yourself.
OK. I need your opinion.
I trust I think you have
a good brain.
I'm super proud of you.
Thank you. Genuinely so proud.
Genuinely, I can't
I am so proud of you.
I always think two good brains
are better than one,
and I feel like me and Amos are on
the same wavelength.
I could be completely wrong,
but I really do feel like
I can trust him.
What would you do?
It's hard, isn't it?
But then, if I get a shield today
in the mission
I think, keep it to yourself.
I think, watch who targets you.
I honestly believe her.
Like, I know it's a weird thing
to say
because I could look an absolute
She could be, like, triple
bluffing me.
But there was something about, like,
the way she said it that made me
"You're a genuine human being,
"and I don't think
you're going to be making that up."
Suspicions may be dividing the
but the players must come together
for yet another mission
and the chance to win money
for that overall prize pot.
We'll be there in a minute!
I look so unfit! Oh, my knees!
All right.
I love this mission.
This mission is all about teamwork.
Scotland is famous for many things -
extraordinary scenery,
beautiful castles, haggis,
and, of course, whisky. Wey!
And, in fact,
in the Scottish Highlands,
there are distilleries dotted
There's one
just on the top of that hill.
I need you to get that barrel
to the distillery for me.
We can do that, guys. Got it.
There are obstacles on the way.
You must go down to the river,
cross it,
make your way up
through Finders Forest,
then climb the gruelling Barrel Hill
before finally arriving at
the Old Distillery.
Also, there will be other barrels
you might want to pick up.
There are 15 barrels along
the course worth £10,000 in total
that you could add to your prize
pot today.
There are also five armoury barrels.
What you've got to think, really,
is what's more important,
your money or your life.
You have 90 minutes and only
the barrels that cross
the finishing line count.
So, players, good luck.
Let's get rolling. Off you go!
# Keep rolling, rolling, rolling! #
Your time starts now!
Let it go!
I love the missions.
It's really nice to give my brain
a break from pretending.
Look around for any other barrels.
I've been recruited and I said no.
So I think I'm definitely
on their hit list.
Hopefully, I can win another shield.
The shield changes everything,
because, then, if I win a shield,
I may not have to say anything
to anyone.
There's another barrel down there.
We have a rope So we can leave it
here. That's not
This is where we're going across.
Yeah. That's one way of crossing.
Everyone else had to go
through a river apart from me
and Andrea, because the river
was literally,
like, neck height for me.
So it was too high.
Wind it up!
OK, OK, I've got it!
That's it, guys. Well done.
It's a good day to be tall.
Listen to me. Right?
Someone has to be on this side
because the current is going to
push it, right?
You let go and it's gone.
So you make sure you're on the left
side the whole time.
Seeing that river, I was like,
"Lord, have mercy on my soul."
Oh, my God!
Be careful, Amos!
Hold the rope if you need to, mate!
Careful. The current hitting
my legs, I was like Bambi.
It was, like, sweeping me away.
Slow pacing. Woo! Ha-ha-ha!
Kieran in front of me
was pretty much having to swim.
I was like, "What are you doing,
I'm not joking you.
I literally had half the river
in both of my shoes.
That's it! Yes! Don't let go,
don't let go!
There is one hour left.
Bring those barrels to me.
Go on, Andrea! Come on!
Guys! Guys, stop!
There's a barrel up there! Alex,
there's a barrel up there!
There's this massive barrel!
Push! Push! Push!
I found another barrel!
Armoury! Push.
There's one!
Where? Oh, a little one!
Guys, there's another one.
There's a huge barrel!
Oh, my God. Argh!
We're not going to be able
to do all these barrels.
We're not.
Oh, shit, they're well big.
Yeah. We're going to have to start
to think logically.
We found a 2,500 barrel,
and it was
I can't even describe
the size of it.
It's either lose the armoury,
or lose the money.
It's a massive amount of money.
My fight game is on.
Strategically, take the big one.
Scrap the armoury.
Scrap the armoury.
Let's go for the big ones.
Oh, it smells of poo.
Oh, that's actually poo!
Just dump it! Nice!
So we push this barrel
over this thing,
and there was, like, sludgy mud.
And I was like,
"What is that smell?"
It's pig shit. Is it pig shit?
I think so. Oh, no.
Amanda is like, "That's pig's poo."
And because she's from Wales,
I genuinely believe that she knows
the difference
between different smells.
Hold the sides, hold the sides,
it helps.
Are you OK, Andrea? Yeah.
If you want a break,
just take a break. No, I'll just go
round up to the corner.
We are actually, I think,
a great team and it's lovely to do
team work, particularly for me.
I mean,
I live alone and coming back
is like being at school
in your, sort ofin your favourite
teams with your friends.
My partner died.
We spent 26 years together.
She was a wonderful woman.
I came out of that saying,
"Yeah, I'm a fighter."
One of the revelations for me
being here is to say
I really love these people.
It's lovely to be able
to feel that at my age.
Andrea was absolutely superb.
She's such an ambassador
for people her age.
What about using that?
Right, let's go.
Amanda, let me help.
Oh, shit!
So there was hay, bales of hay,
so not just little lumps of straw.
You only have 30 minutes,
30 minutes to make it
to this beautiful distillery.
Come on, come on.
Come on, Maddy, keep going.
We had to roll barrels up a hill.
One of the hardest things I've done.
It was so difficult.
We're almost at the top of the hill,
guys, come on.
It's longer than you realise.
It's harder than you realise.
These barrels are heavy to push.
You know, your back is aching.
A good athlete
would have struggled with it.
It was really, really tough going.
Let's go.
I thought I'd reached my limit.
Suffering and wheezing and puffing
and wanting to throw up.
I'm not enjoying this.
Shit! Look.
That's massive.
Guys, it's a 4,000 one.
What? I'm not getting that one.
I need break. I need a break.
When the bigger one came up,
I was like,
"Oh, my God, that"
It was massive.
I'm not being funny, I'd leave
the armoury and take that.
I really couldn't give a shit
about armouries.
No, because not everybody is getting
one. So I'd leave the armoury
and go for the 4,000.
That's what I would do.
Yep, with you on that.
I'm on, like, high alert
to identify who the Traitors are.
What I really need to look out for
is who is potentially going to
try to inhibit the group
from winning a shield.
Because they know
if I have a shield, I'm safe again.
That's six and a half grand
just for two barrels.
Armoury's more important than 750,
I don't really care
about the armoury. You sure?
I don't know. But I'd rather have
a Faithful stay in
rather than us earn more money
and then a Traitor just takes it
all, you know?
But it's a group decision.
I don't care.
All right, OK. Let's take the money,
then. Come on.
The hardest bit is the end.
It's incredibly steep.
They'll be exhausted.
They'll be wet.
They will be spent.
But I'll be here doing star jumps.
Yep. Yours, your side.
Your side. Yep.
Three pushes on yours
and three on mine.
That hill was awful.
I don't know
Up and up and up and up and up.
It is totally
and utterly exhausting.
Keep pushing!
It was very, very challenging.
It was sort of
SAS Commando challenging.
This is the last push, guys,
we're running out of time. Dig deep!
Yeah, I can see the finish!
I can see the finish. Come on!
Push it, guys.
Come on! Come on!
Once everyone started seeing
the finish line,
everyone just got this
massive bit of collective energy
that help us push.
And we pushed faster than
we'd ever pushed
because we wanted to get to
the finish line.
Guys, let's go.
Not long left.
Everybody worked.
Everybody put 100% in.
It was just brilliant.
We can see the finish!
So close! Look!
Come on! Come on! Have some of that!
Darling, well done. Thank you.
Me and my wheelbarrow crossed
the line first. Whoo!
You need to get them over the line.
Over the line.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
You did it.
You absolutely did it.
Well done.
It was amazing, weren't it?
Well done. Yeah, we smashed that.
Where are all these endorphins
everyone keeps banging on about?
The best bit was the finish line.
Just Honestly, you were amazing.
It was a lot for me.
But nobody wants to give up.
And we did it.
OK, everybody,
do you want to gather in?
I have good news for you. Come on.
Listen, huge congratulations
to you all.
I cannot even imagine
how hard that was.
You have now added to this
extraordinary prize fund
You also got three armoury barrels
over the line,
which means three of you
will get a pass to the armoury
and one of you will win a shield.
I am going to give you
only two minutes to decide
who gets those passes. Off you go.
I vote Andrea.
Andrea deserves one.
Meryl must have one, Meryl, Meryl.
And Fay? And then Fay, I'd say Fay.
Meryl, Fay, Andrea,
everyone happy with that?
You disagree? Thanks, everybody.
I think Theo
I think Theo deserves one as well.
Yeah, I do think Theo
deserves one. Yeah, Theo.
Meryl, you were brilliant, but
Andrea, Fay, Theo? Everyone happy?
Yeah, I'm happy with that.
Anyone disagree? Happy with that.
We've got it.
Guys, you've made your decision?
Thanks so much.
Please, can somebody clarify for me
who has the armoury passes?
Andrea, Fay and Theo.
The three people that got
the armoury passes,
I don't think they're on our radar
at the moment.
There's other people
that I'd like to pick off first,
so for now,
that doesn't affect my plans.
So go back to the castle,
put your feet up, have a cup of tea,
eat 19 biscuits, and I will see you
at the Round Table.
Well done.
We're not walking back to the
castle, are we? We got to walk home?
I'll be honest,
I want to get in that river.
That was one of the best things
in the world.
I really enjoyed it,
but it made me think one thing.
I reckon the challenges are
going to getbe more physical
and they're going to have to think
about who they're murdering now.
I know, I hope they don't murder me.
That's true, though, innit?
I'm so happy that you guys
got the armoury.
I think you also deserve the
protection as well, like, generally.
And what are your thoughts, guys,
on tonight, has anyone got?
Oh, I can't. My brain is fried,
Meryl, love.
Absolutely fried.
Fay started pointing the finger
at me
the moment I started pointing
the finger at Alyssa.
And it's making me think
Well, were you covering for Alyssa?
I just feel like I can trust Fay.
Yeah, that's what But I feel like
I can trust most people
at the Round Table now. This is why
I'm so I came into breakfast,
I was so confused.
For everybody to return
this morning, something happened.
Yeah, something's happened and
we don't know. Something happened.
All right? There's a goldfish
in this one.
Thank you.
That was funny.
Whoo-whoo! I need to go near the
fire. I need to take my socks off.
Shall I bring the biscuits over?
Yeah. I prefer the ginger ones,
you know, to chocolate. Mm-hm.
Here, let me move this.
With Andrea, Theo and Fay voted for
by the players
to get an armoury pass,
Andrea is the first to find out
if she will win the one shield
to protect her from murder tonight.
Ooh. Oh, my God.
Oh! Oh, it's very small.
I think we probably all felt
even if you didn't get the shield,
that you were possibly safer.
Because why choose one of the three
when you don't know
who's got the shield?
No. OK.
Yes, yes.
The middle one, there it was.
Yeah, it had the shield in it
and I was very, very pleased.
Very pleased.
Oh, please, Lord Jesus,
I need a good night's sleep.
I'm over it. I'm over it.
I'm over it!
How are you feeling?
I'm literally, like,
panicking about this now.
Can't what? You can't let it go
a day. You've got to do it today.
We made a good decision last night.
We did. And I don't want to follow
it up with a shit one
because they're obviously
They've either recruited someone
or they went to kill you.
I'm not going in there with a vote
tonight because
I haven't got anything on anyone,
just what people have said.
So I'm going to go in there
If you want to call out someone
cos you think it might be them,
I'm going to listen to everyone
and make a decision in there
because I haven't got anything
at the moment.
Fingers crossed,
I just don't even want
to get ahead of myself.
I just hope they're off me
for a little bit.
I haven't planted any seeds today
or anything.
I've just got to go
with most of the people
just to keep myself safe.
I'm not going to lie, Rayan, like
you're the most suspicious one
at the moment, just because of how
you've taken the advice
Not advice, but criticism last night
and you just didn't really
defend yourself. You justsat
there. But I tried to defend myself.
But first of all, every time
I try to defend myself in there,
everyone starts talking over me.
At the end of the day, mate,
you know yourself if you're
a Faithful or if you're a Traitor.
But I know I'm Faithful, that's why
it's so annoying, unfair.
Because I'm in there, I'm finding
the Traitors and people just think,
"Oh, well, maybe you're a bit
different. You've got to be a
Traitor." No!
That's what I don't get. I don't
want to be throwing somebody under
the bus if I'm not certain that
No, no, exactly. No, I understand
that With people telling me
at Round Tables, "Come up with a
name to save yourself."
But I don't want to throw someone
else under or get it wrong.
I don't want to be getting the
Faithfuls out. Are you suspicious of
anyone? I'm a trainee lawyer!
You know, I mean, it also is hard
sometimes and
sometimes that confidence is a lot
of just fake it till you make it.
I really struggled with confidence
when I was younger
and it's cool, you know
It's that feeling of being powerless
and everything. Yeah, that
That reminds me of a younger Rayan.
Amanda, I've genuinely believed
that you cannot get voted out,
so they will come for you at some
point. Yeah. Yeah! They will? Yeah.
Like You never know.
It could have been last night
Could've been, yeah.
..when you had the shield.
Faith, same with you. So I was
saying about Amanda, right? Yeah.
Genuinely believe you and Amanda
will never, ever get banished.
That's why I think that the Traitors
will go for you at some point,
so they could have gone for Amanda
last night.
I don't think that. Personally,
if the Traitors wanted to get me,
they could have murdered me
a long time ago.
I don't think they want to murder
me because they What do you
think? They like me. Not being rude,
that's what you've got to think.
Yeah, yeah.
The reason I'm alive is because
they like me. Yeah, but
Or you're a Traitor. Or I'm a
Traitor. But I'm not,
I'm 100%, darling.
And I can tell you that, I can look
you in the eye without looking away
and say, I am 100%. I would not
Do you know what, Rayan?
I would not come into this place
and be a Traitor.
And I'd love to say you were,
darling, but you can't give
You're not giving me
the reasons why you are.
But because I don't understand
the point that's made against me.
Like, if you want to tell me,
tell me and I'll explain
I try defending myself, but clearly,
if it's not working like this,
there's not much I can say.. It's
not just me. Other people are
I've just addressed the reason,
just explained.
At the end of the day, yeah, maybe
I'm trying to defend myself. Yes!
I'm so frustrated in there
because at the end of the day,
if people will put my name down,
I'm going to stand up there, like,
"Once again, you've lost,
"going back to your old ways"
Think about it. " the mistakes
you made with Imran."
And I do not want us to go back
to that because I equally want
the Faithful to win! Good!
That's what's annoying me and
that's why I want that fight!
But I will give you that,
because that's what
feels unfair to me because
I've been sitting there taking it.
I just know my name will be
on a lot of slates tonight.
You can tell when the walls are
closing in on you in this castle.
You can tell because people
just get bit more distance.
People are more awkward around you.
It's just shit.
If You Wait
by London Grammar
# If you wait
# I will trust in time
# That we will meet again
# If you wait. #
After a day of theorising
and strategizing,
the players are feeling the heat.
But will they manage to get
another Traitor banished
from the Round Table tonight?
Or will it be yet another Faithful?
We found Alyssa last night.
We do need to keep up the momentum.
But the problem is
the finger's going to be pointed
at a lot of different people.
If we could get another one tonight,
then I think it's game on.
I'm physically shaking
at the prospect of this.
If I come in to the room and say,
"The Traitors tried
to recruit me last night,"
people might second guess it,
but I also want to be trusted.
This is great ammo for me.
I think Alex is going to drop the
bombshell that she got an invite -
she hasn't mentioned it today,
so I think she'll mention it
at the Round Table
so she feels safe from murder.
I need to go in there with
just an empty mind and just go
with the majority
and play the Faithful game.
Welcome back to the Round Table,
and what a team you are.
You made £8,400 today,
so your prize fund
currently stands at £65,100.
Last night, you caught a Traitor.
So the question is,
are you on a roll?
Can you do it again?
The floor is yours.
Before anyone speaks,
we all know that there are at least
two Traitors round this table,
and I think now more than ever,
it is so hard to pinpoint.
But I have some information
that I think will provide
a bit more evidence. I was going to
say it this morning. However,
part of me hoped that I might get
a shield today, and I didn't.
So I wanted to announce it in front
of everyone so we could all see
each other,
see everyone's reactions,
and discuss it.
Last night
..I received a letter asking
..if I wanted to be a Traitor.
I'm just taking in everyone's
reactions right now
cos it's very interesting.
I politely declined because I
After everything
I've been through
..and look at you all in the eyes
and telling you I am a Faithful,
I could not come in to breakfast
today and a Traitor.
I also want to add that she did
mention it to me at the start
of the day, but I kept it to myself.
I needed some advice.
I was It was playing on my mind
all night.
Just in case you were like,
"Why isn't Amos shocked?"
I think it's a bloody cheek, I do!
No, sorry, wherever you are,
I've got to say it.
I think it's a bloody cheek to ask
you, everything you've been through.
Obviously I'm thinking,
"Well, who's recruiting me?"
I'll tell you what was on
the letter. It said,
"We would like to recruit you
because you are strong,
"charismatic and assertive."
And I'm thinking,
who would say that about me?
And I don't know.
I'd like to say I've actually
described you as assertive
and strong woman
because I believe you are.
I don't believe you're a Traitor,
but I believe you are.
You have characteristics that I can
understand they might offer you
and look at that.
So I'm not sure that that's
a guide because I actually
I think you are that.
It must be so difficult for you
to sit there and say
what you've said
and put your head on the line.
And let's just say it confirms
that she is a Faithful. Right?
Yes! Absolutely, yeah.
I think everyone in here has
been challenged at one point
or another.
There are some people
One person, I love this person
..toby my heart,
who has never been challenged.
And that's Andrea.
The reason why I'm saying this is
I think so much of you.
So when I hear you say stuff like,
"I think my age is a barrier,"
I just don't see I don't
There's a disconnect there
because I've seen you run up a hill
and tell me you're OK. OK, um
I actually You know,
I'm giving my best.
I do absolutely what I can.
It's, um
Excuse me. It's limit for me.
TEARFULLY: I'm absolutely doing
what I can.
I wouldn't be
I couldn't be a Traitor I just
couldn't, I'm sorry, everybody,
I just couldn't. And I thought I
could, and I would have been wrong.
I can tell you, absolutely,
I am a Faithful.
That's all I can say.
And I'm so happy to be one.
So I think for me it's easy.
I have no problems with that,
I'm really easy about that.
You can judge whatever you like.
I'm trying my best.
That's That's all I can do.
I'm not accusing anyone, but
I've heard names thrown around,
and I don't know
why no-one's bringing it up yet.
Maddy and Rayan, you two have both
been suggested as Traitors.
It's not because I'm accusing you,
I'm just curious to hear your side.
I'm 100% Faithful, guys.
Like, I'm 100% a Faithful.
I feel that I've been a bit
blindsided, I just don't know.
I just feel that I've been
And, Maddy, I love you to bits.
I love everything about you,
but today you've avoided me.
And that's the first time
since I've been in here
and I've noticed it.
I haven't avoided you, Fay.
I'm just saying that's
how it seemed to me. Yeah?
That would be a wasted vote,
though, because I'm 100% a Faithful.
I'm just saying I'm putting it
there Yeah, yeah.
..because I've got to put it
I've been wanting to say this all
day today because I knew people
have been saying my name. I wanted
to talk about it because like today,
I felt powerless.
I felt shit because all the people
have said,
"Yeah, you're not getting involved
in looking for the Traitors."
And honestly, I think that's
not fair to say. I've tried so hard.
Alyssa, somebody had been pointing
out for the past few days
and I told so many people around
this table
and I've tried to make cases -
when everyone was voting for Ivan,
I wasn't voting for Ivan.
When everyone's voting for Imran,
I wasn't
I've tried to explain things
and, yes, sometimes I'm undecided
because I don't want to throw
somebody's name under the bus.
But at the end of the day,
I'm Team Faithful.
And, you know, I thought about Fay,
but I chatted to you,
and I know it's not you. I know.
And at the end of the day, I'm not
going to put a name down
of another Faithful
just to defend myself.
Like, I'm justbegging you
because I don't want to stand there
and tell you I'm a Faithful because
we all lose at that point. Yeah.
I lose because I'm gone
and I lose the opportunity
If it helps, I think you're
a Faithful, I think you are
..a wasted vote I think
you're a Faithful. ..we all lose
because I'm Team Faithful,
and I just want
I want to get there
with the Faithfuls at the end.
I want to find more Traitors.
I was so happy we found Alyssa
last night,
and I want to find more of them.
And, like, that's all I can say
to defend myself.
Until you have the finger pointed at
you and you actually argue
your case, and I won't lie to you,
this is why I did it to you earlier,
because I want to give you the
chance to almost fight your case.
And I genuinely do believe you're a
Faithful now. I do. I think
you can't figure out who the
Traitors are,
but you can figure out
who you think the Faithful are.
And that's Until you have the
finger pointed directly at you
and you're almost at breaking point,
you're either going to completely
break and break down
or the other option is what
Alyssa did,
and she just kind of crumbled
and didn't really say anything.
I thought it was you. You know?
The only thing we all know is there
are Traitors sitting at this table.
Amanda It's not me.
Amanda, can I ask you something?
Just because I think
Irightfully think
I think you're
quite a good judge of character.
Let's say Let's play
devil's advocate for you.
If we were going to pick someone
that wasn't Rayan
..who would it be?
Because Oh, my God. ..I think
everyone's got tunnel vision
and I think Yeah Let's see
what else we can throw out.
I don't know. Meryl.
I've got to say, I don't know about
Nobody's looked at you, probably,
and Maddy.
Yeah, Maddy has, and're not quite my 100%.
Andrea's not quite my 100%.
And Rayan, so Why Meryl?
The reason for Meryl is So it's
not one slip-up where you're like
You've done it quite a lot of times.
She talks a million miles an hour,
messes things up all the time.
Can II also say something, right?
I can assure everyone that
I amI am 100% a Faithful. OK.
Until I stand up on that board,
you genuinely will see Yeah.
I literally have nothing to hide.
When you stand up there and say
It's not personal No, no, no,
I know it's not personal, but, wait,
I'm finishing, Maddy
Imagine someone saying every single
day, "Oh, my gosh, you said this,
"oh, my gosh, she said this, oh"
I'm a Faithful and I have been from
the very start and I didn't think
I had to start proving myself I
haven't said it every single day
It's only because Amanda said
Do you know what? would be her option
Half of me feels I should just go
and stand up so you can just see it
and go. Like, genuinely!
Because it's exhausting! And
I'm not crying, I'm not crying
It's exhausting to have someone
I now actually know how you feel.
Meryl, don't It's exhausting!
I'm not. Do you know
how stressful I am right now?
Because if you do get murdered,
right, people are either
going to come after me or
they're going to come after Will.
Can I just share that experience,
right? I've got this feeling.
Do you know how grinding it is every
single day for four or five days,
right, you're just going in, on in.
Sorry. The first day it upset me,
the next two days To be fair,
I just started laughing it off.
And today and yesterday
But I love you all as people. It's
notpersonal It's not like that
any more it's genuinely grinding.
I almost don't want to talk to you
any more - every time I do,
I just think you just go in
Guys, it's getting really personal,
quite emotional, personal
It's true, though, it's so annoying!
Talk is over. It's time to vote.
Please, could everyone write
a name on their slate?
Thank you.
Has everyone locked in
their answers?
Thank you.
Alex. Who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I'm looking at everyone,
hearing everyone's stories,
I'm seeing everyone's emotional.
I just don't know.
As soon as I put this name down,
I second guess myself,
I think I'm wrong, but, Aaron,
I'm really sorry, I just put you.
Thank you. Had to put somebody.
Aaron, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I put Maddy down just because I
feel like, whether it be her or not,
she's not really contributing
much at the moment anyway, so
she might as well just be a Traitor.
Rayan, I'm so sorry, I put you.
I've seen all your emotions,
butI don't know who it is, Rayan.
And I'm
I'm sorry.
So, so far, we have a vote
for Rayan, one for Maddy
and one for Aaron.
Meryl, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Rayan, it's the same.
I wrote your name.
Thank you.
Will, who do you believe is
a Traitor and why?
I've put Maddy. Yay.
She's probably going to add this to
her theory, but the reason being is
I genuinely don't think it's
Rayan and I couldn'tvote
for someone, being in that
position yesterday, I just
didn't feel comfortable if he's
Like, I genuinely think
he's a Faithful, so
..that's why I put your name.
Rayan, I've put your name down.
I'm really sorry.
It's not that I don't believe you.
I just believe you the least
right now.
Thank you.
Rayan, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I don't really have much to go on,
but I trust Maddy, and I just
Yeah. Sorry, I don't really have
much more to add.
Fay, who have you voted for and why?
I've gone for you, sorry, Maddy.
Everything that I said earlier.
And you've always said to me,
"I know that you're a Faithful."
And I'm thinking, "Wow.
"For someone to tell me that,
how would they know that?"
So, a vote check.
It's three for Maddy,
three for Rayan, and two for Aaron.
Kieran, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I've gone Rayan.
He's the person
that I'm not that sure of.
Theo, who have you voted for
and why?
I've voted for Rayan.
I'm sorry. The same theory -
just that you're not my 100%.
I feel like
we've not had that connection
to build the trust or the bond.
Maddy? I actually went for Meryl
yeah, I just thought
I'd go for a different direction
to what I've been going for before,
and Yeah.
Thank you.
Amos, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I went for Rayan,
and I really genuinely do like you.
It's just I had to vote for someone,
and you weren't my 100%.
And finally, Andrea?
Rayan, I also voted for you.
Thank you.
Rayan, you have received
the most amount of votes.
Please come up and join me.
# Mad World
# Mad World
# Have you heard the rumours? #
Rayan, you can now reveal
if you are a Faithful or a Traitor.
# The echo in the night #
Thank you for this adventure.
I've met some really nice people.
I've faced my fears,
and I've, like, challenged myself
and I've done so much.
It has been a really good time here,
and I'm grateful for that,
even if it's cut short today.
..I am a Faithful.
# It's a mad world #
# Nowhere to hide
# Mad World #
OK. So, you have banished
another Faithful.
The Traitors remain in your midst.
They will strike again tonight
..when they murder a Faithful.
I will see most of you at breakfast.
Isn't it? It is horrible.
No, but I'd rather them kill me
in the night tonight
cos I just don't want to play
any more. Like
I just don't know any more.
I just I thought
Oh! I thought it was Rayan.
I just don't want it
to be anyone now.
I really don't want it to be anyone.
I mean, I didn't want it
to be anyone from the start.
No, I get that. No, and I know
It's getting harder
the closer we're getting.
We're all losing our minds
a little bit.
As the game's progressed
and we've got progressively closer
and we've all gelled,
it's made the game that much harder.
I wrote down Aaron's name and,
immediately, I said, I was like,
"I don't even think it's you,
"but I have to put
someone's name down."
The way I
Because I'm really worried
that I triggered that,
the way I talked to Andrea,
was that horrible? Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
No, no, honestly, I think
None of us were going to do that.
None of us were going to do that.
And it's good that you did.
It's good to have put her in the
situation because she was never
going to get that anyway. I think
she'd never be in a position where
she would be able to defend herself.
You can look at it two ways -
you were either going to do that
or someone else was going
to accuse her,
and that would have been harder.
So, at least
It's easier to defend yourself
when someone's doing that to you
than have ten people pointing
the finger at you
and then having to fight
for your life.
I think the Round Tables
are the hardest part of this.
So, yeah, I found that difficult,
cos if she isn't a Traitor
and she gets voted out,
I would genuinely
not forgive myself.
I was really, really hoping
that Rayan was the Traitor
because now That changed it.
He changed it. He convinced me today
cos I said yesterday.
He convinced me today. Yeah,
he convinced me today. He did.
I wasn't convinced it was him
when everyone was talking about him.
I was like, "I'm not sure."
I looked in his eyes today
and he said, "Fay, I'm not.
"You'd be making
the biggest mistake."
And I thought, "Wow."
I do want to apologise, Maddy,
cos I think I do take it
really, really personally,
and my problem is because
I genuinely am 100% a Faithful.
I just take it as, like,
a stab in the heart
because I don't know
what else to do.
I just wanted to try
a different avenue Of course.
..just because of
how passionately
But I was like,
"I don't know what to do,"
cos I feel like I'm going insane,
in a sense, because I'm like,
"I don't know how else to prove."
I think, at the start,
like, it was easier
because it was 22 people,
and then you kind of had
You weren't really close with
a couple of people. It was easier.
Whereas, now,
it's quite intimidating
in the sense that,
like, one or two votes
can get someone out,
and that's quite scary.
That was a really weird Round Table.
It was probably
the weirdest Round Table so far.
A lot of people were emotional.
It just didn't feel
very comfortable, really.
It's not comfortable.
It gets worse and worse.
OK, I'll see you later.
See you. See you tomorrow.
Well, I hope so. We will. Who knows?
I am just a bit nervous
about tonight.
I just think, like,
the smaller this circle gets,
the higher the chance you've got
of getting murdered.
And play the game.
On that note, night-night.
Night-night. See you soon.
I'm not too sure
how long I may have left,
so it's day by day.
# We only said goodbye
with words #
# I died 100 times #
I could be up for a murder tonight,
which is hard,
but I'm hoping that the shield might
potentially protect me
from these little Traitors
who just seem to
always get away with it.
After an emotional Round Table,
the Faithfuls head off to bed,
while the Traitors must decide
whether to risk a second recruitment
or play safe with murder.
# We only said goodbye with words
# I died 100 times
# You go back to her
# And I go back to
# Black. #
It ain't half getting hard, innit?
It is getting really tough.
It's getting difficult.
Really difficult.
The longer we're in here,
the more bonds I'm creating
with everyone. Yeah.
And just seeing them just
..shouting at each other
Crumble. Crumbling
Yeah. front of us.
And we are responsible.
But it is a game.
They need to understand that.
It's a mastermind game.
It's, "Can they figure us out?"
That's all it's about.
And they can't figure us out
at the moment
cos we're playing the game too good.
Yeah. It's not personal.
We need to play smart now. Yeah.
What we need to do to stay in
till the end, with a Faithful,
is we need to get those Faithfuls
to start disliking each other. Yeah.
So, do we take another Faithful out
and get our numbers down?
Or do we seduce someone?
What should we do?
I don't think,
at this moment in time,
anyone would join us
to be a Traitor. No.
The emotions are far too high
At the moment.
..with everybody at the moment.
So, I think murdering is
the way to go. I think so, yeah.
Yeah, we stick with I think
We're in control of the plan
at the moment,
and it's working for now.
# I like to scream in my nightmares
# It pumps adrenaline
in my veins #
So, for me, murdering Alex
would just make them think, "We knew
they were going to do that."
It's likeyou declined it,
you tried to make a big show of it,
now we're here to show we'll follow
through with what we want to do.
Yeah, yeah.
We'll kill you if you want to.
# Do you wanna play?
# Do you wanna come play
my twisted games?
# My twisted games #
Who was her ally?
Yeah, and this is really
Which is really strange
because it's been a day
and she's created this really quick
bond with Amos. Mm.
Amos is strong. He is a leader.
He can suss us out.
He's going to be the one to suss us
out later on. Oh, he will, yeah.
They are, like, the leaders
of the Faithfuls at the moment,
without them
actively owning up to it.
We've got to break it up.
We broke Theo and Claire's
relationship up. Yeah.
We broke John and
everyone else's relationship up.
And that's something
that's been working for us.
So, together,
they're just as strong as us.
One of them has got to go. They're
just as strong as us. They are.
So, Alex or Amos.
# Do you wanna play?
# Do you wanna come play
my twisted games?
# My twisted games
# Do you wanna play?
# Do you wanna come play
my twisted games?
# My twisted games
# Do you wanna play?
Do you wanna come play? #
Next time on The Traitors
W-T-F. You trust somebody
and then they just go, "Boom!"
We'll have a party game later.
With no twist.
What's the name of this show?
"Dear Traitors, tonight,
you must murder in plain sight."
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