The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

The Snake Is Slithering

[tense music playing]
[Brian] Tensions are high.
Eliminating members from the Trust
can completely change
the dynamics of the house
in a very positive or negative direction.
[tense music continues]
The person who received the most votes
and will be cut from the Trust…
[music intensifies and fades]
…is Winnie.
Let's go.
[somber music playing]
Come on up here.
-Do you wanna say anything to the group?
-Nah, I'm good.
Y'all didn't wanna trust me? Hey…
[scoffs] That's cool.
[somber music continues]
[Tolú sniffles]
It's okay. [laughs]
It's okay.
[music continues]
You're gonna be fine, okay?
[gentle music playing]
Leaving this experience, what did I learn?
I learned that maybe I need to have
a little bit more compassion
in the way that I speak to people,
so that they can understand
where I'm coming from
and who I am as a person.
Would I have liked more money?
Absolutely. Yes.
But leaving with $20,000
and leaving with a brand-new sister,
I couldn't ask for anything more.
-Thank you.
-Thanks, Winnie.
[music continues]
All right, so now, almost half the group
has gone home,
and now six of you remain.
Who will be left
to share the Trust in the end?
The rest of this journey
still remains in all of your hands.
I'll see you soon.
[music continues]
[music fades]
[dramatic music plays]
[pensive music playing]
[chair scrapes on floor]
[pensive music continues]
-[Julie] Hey.
[continues sobbing]
Do you wanna go upstairs?
Come on.
It's okay.
[music fades]
-[somber music playing]
-[Tolú breathes deeply]
Let's sit on their bed.
Come here.
What are you feeling?
I don't wanna be here anymore.
What's going through your head?
Everybody got what they wanted, right?
-[Julie] What?
-Winnie's gone.
I didn't vote.
Truly, I did not vote.
But I'm, like… I… I get it.
When people feel like
they've been lied to, trust gets broken.
I'm worried about the guys finding out
that I did not vote for Winnie
because I told the guys that I would.
So, in that, I also told a lie.
I'm not just lying
to random people to survive.
I'm lying to my friends.
And I'm tired of disappointing them.
But what lies had Winnie told?
[Julie] I know personally because
I've been in conversations with Winnie.
I cannot think of specific examples
because there has been a lot,
but when I hear y'all say,
it's like, "Winnie's never lied."
Like, yes, she has.
I would never say that about myself.
She didn't say she's never lied.
She said she's owned her shit.
[Julie] I've heard her own parts of it.
Yes, if you address it, but then you
have to figure out if someone's lying.
Has Lindsey owned any of her lies?
-No, I'm--
-That's what I'm saying.
She also isn't sitting there being like,
"I own my shit."
Tolú is so angry at Lindsey.
But I see the complexities
behind Lindsey's decision-making,
and that's why
I do have a soft spot for her.
Because if I just want
to write Lindsey off
and see her as being all evil,
then that means I'm all evil too.
So I'm viewing Lindsey's humanity
because it feels
almost like a reflection of myself.
I feel like we're giving a lot of grace
to an individual
that hasn't… hasn't even spoken.
Winnie isn't as much of a victim.
And I have to, like, keep it real
with you with that.
I feel like we can agree to disagree
in that sense.
I could see that Julie is trying
to, like, get me out of this dark place.
But, like, they just voted out Winnie,
and I know that I'm the next target
on their hit list.
I feel alone, sad.
I feel defeated.
I done burnt a lot of bridges
trying to fight
to keep Winnie in the house.
And at this point,
I just feel like, why even try?
[music fades]
[percussive music playing]
-[access beeps]
-[door unlocks]
-[Brooke] Brian.
-Howdy, ma'am.
Hey, hey. Welcome to the Vault.
[music continues]
Not your first rodeo,
but your first time in here.
-[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
-What do you think?
-[Brooke laughs]
-[both laughing]
I know things are tempting, but wow.
-It's the room of temptation.
-Yes, ma'am.
Well, you are here
because you got the most chips
on poker night last night.
[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
Because of that,
you get a chance to accept this offer.
Now, just like the last time,
you have a decision to make.
If you choose to look at it,
you must accept it.
-You've been here before.
-Yes, ma'am.
If you choose not to look at it,
then it will randomly be given
to someone else in the house.
[suspenseful music playing]
Some of these offers can be
very, very lucrative, but there's usually…
There's a risk involved with that reward.
And so,
right now, I'm trying to weigh
what is that risk?
And who could I be passing it off to?
If it was just simply a reward,
I would pass.
I would want it to be random.
The risk is the part
that I am most concerned about.
'Cause there are many people here
that don't deserve that risk.
[Brooke] I hear you.
-You're in a pickle.
-Yes, ma'am.
Well, I do not know what to do with this.
What's in your heart?
I can't give a risk to anyone out there,
especially on a random.
-That's not fair.
-Then you know what to do.
Yes, ma'am, I do.
[suspenseful music playing]
"$30,000 from the Trust is yours to keep,
but you must randomly block
three people's votes
at the next Trust Ceremony."
[exhales sharply]
We are strong enough to survive that.
You feel strong?
-Yeah. I think this is pretty good.
-You just got $30,000, Brian.
[voice breaking] I don't deserve this.
Hold my hand.
-Yes, you do.
Thank you, ma'am.
All right, Brian,
since you decided to accept this offer,
you need to randomly
choose three people's votes to block.
Here's how you do that.
These are the cards from poker night
with everyone's names on 'em.
[tense music playing]
One for each of the remaining members
of the house, including you.
-Yes, ma'am.
So, no idea who's who
on these cards, face down.
You point to three cards for me.
-This one?
-[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
Give me two more.
[Brian] Two, three.
-[Brooke] Two, three.
-[Brian] Yes, ma'am.
-Good luck.
-Thank you, ma'am.
-You got it. Good night.
-[Brian] Good night too.
We have three random votes
that are not gonna count
at this next Trust Ceremony.
I think that we've got
a good core group here
that truly believes in the mission of
"Let's all get across
the finish line and share."
But ultimately, I have a feeling
we're gonna need to take out Tolú.
I love Tolú, but I'm pretty sure
that she may have
a bit of revenge on her mind.
And she may also want to protect herself.
So this one's a little tricky.
[music crescendos, fades]
[groovy music playing]
-So, what do you think?
-[Julie] About what?
-The vibe--
-[Julie] The vibe…
-The vibe of us.
Don't… No, no, no, no.
Don't be doing none of that.
[Julie] How do you feel?
-[Jake] About what?
-[Julie] About us?
[Jake] From day one, you were like,
"I'm this bad bitch."
But it's like I noticed
that you had a protective nature.
And then eventually you got past it,
because at the end of the day
what did you keep saying?
"Guess what? You make me feel safe.
You make me feel secure."
And I'm like, "Yeah,
I want you to feel safe and secure."
Why are you single?
Because I haven't found someone
that just links up with me.
-What are you looking for?
-That's like a loaded question.
-I mean, there's so many--
-I'm ready for a loaded answer.
[Jake chuckles]
Like, I'm looking for someone that just
kinda matches my values, my ideals.
Someone that's on the same page with me
that, in terms of, like,
wanting to be nurturing,
giving, caring, that just…
Someone that gives as much as I give.
And if I didn't see anything from you,
I tell you,
I would have backed off big time.
[romantic music playing]
Do you know how long I've wanted to be,
like, in this position with you?
Like, how long?
[music continues]
You guys ready for this?
[music warps and stops]
-[Brian] Okay.
-Talk to me, ace.
I'd like to know
what you guys think about this offer.
[Julie] Yeah, what was the offer?
$30,000 is taken from the Trust
and given to me.
-Okay. Beautiful. Beautiful.
I picked three random cards on the table.
The names underneath those
will not have a vote in the next vote.
-Who did you pick?
It is unknown to me.
So what happens if no one votes?
Do you still get 30,000?
-I'm getting $30,000 either way.
-[Julie] Then no one should vote.
No, because we have a threat
still in the house.
[Brian] That's gonna vote.
She's not gonna vote.
Yes, she is.
[Brian] She'd be dumb if she didn't.
-If you don't vote for Tolú--
-[Julie] Don't make me vote for Tolú.
-I know.
-You have to!
It's five to one.
It doesn't matter how we play this.
If everyone votes, we still knock 'em out.
I'll be honest.
Only if she goes with it.
I feel completely caught in the middle.
The boys are wanting to vote for Tolú
because they still don't trust her,
especially after everything
that happened at the table.
But I've told the boys before,
I'm never voting for her.
And now the boys are making me feel
like I have to vote for her
because they're worried about their place.
I'm tired of being asked to vote.
I'm tired of being pushed
to do something I don't feel good doing.
We have to come up with a solution.
Well, there's no solution.
I mean, here's the reality of it.
-So three votes don't count.
-So just take out you, me, and Julie.
It's good. Then take out the three of us,
and now it's Julie, Lindsey, and Tolú.
Okay, Lindsey will vote,
maybe Tolú will vote, and I will not.
And then those votes
will cancel each other out.
I don't know
if we can trust Tolú to just not vote.
-We can't.
-We just need to think about this.
[pensive music playing]
[Jake] What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
-[Jake] Just stay for a little while.
[music continues]
[music ends]
One simple rule. No snoring.
[laughing] No, I don't snore.
I'm not staying.
I don't snore though.
You know what they say?
If you snore, you're stuffed with lies.
That's what they say.
[Jake] You sleep hardcore.
I know you do. You're like… Mm!
[Julie] That was one time.
That's no joke. Ah! My back.
This pillow goes here,
and this pillow goes here.
This is the one I sleep on all the time.
This is my jam. All right.
Come here.
Too cute.
These two,
they're making me very uncomfortable.
I don't know how to act in this situation.
I do-- I don't know what to do.
-[groovy music playing]
-[Julie chuckles]
[music ends]
[dramatic beat]
[percussive music playing]
Last night, I told everyone in the house
we have three random votes
that are not gonna count
at this next Trust Ceremony.
Who knows what's gonna happen.
It makes me uneasy.
[music ends]
This morning, I don't know
where everybody's head is at,
but I came to this experience
because I wanna
set my parents up for success.
The same way
they did everything in their power
to set me up for success.
So I'm going to fight to the very end,
kicking and screaming if I have to.
I refuse to leave this place empty-handed.
-You did not wash your hands.
-I don't care, dude.
-Let me be gross.
-Well, it's gonna put itty-grit…
-Like, no, not even how gross. The grit.
-I don't care.
You don't want grit in your eyes.
That's gonna irritate your contacts.
-I do this all the time.
-That is why your eyes is irritated.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lindsey] Last night
was a big wake-up call.
I was completely eviscerated verbally
for 30 or 40 minutes at that table.
The boys felt strongly enough
about me to, like, protect me.
And that makes me very nervous.
[pensive music playing]
[Brian] It's absolutely wonderful.
One of the big things for me is that,
when we're moving through our life,
is to remember our family.
Because they're gonna be the ones
that support us ultimately at the end.
We have to remember that.
Tolú, do you mind giving us ten minutes?
I don't mean to exclude you. Real quick?
Like I said, I don't mean to exclude you.
I apologize if that hurts your feelings.
[tense music playing]
"I'm not tryin' to alienate you,
but I just need to talk to the boys.
I just need to talk to the boys."
Like, how fricking old are you? Girl!
[Gaspare] Am I going crazy right now? Like
there's certain ways to go about things.
I think it was pretty brave of Tolú
to come out and even try doing that.
I teach in a high school.
Kids are constantly mean to each other,
and it sucks.
I can't imagine,
you know, sitting in a house
where you feel like everybody hates you.
I just don't like when people are mean.
-I have a couple of things to say.
-Say 'em.
Number one,
I'm grateful for a good hair day.
[men laugh]
I don't know if it's gonna last.
I don't know if it's gonna last.
Number two…
I do believe
that I can trust you guys, but…
I don't believe you guys are willing
to make hard decisions.
Which is fine.
We all have separate values.
I believe when you and Jake
said you trusted me the most,
you basically outed me.
[pensive music playing]
Those girls suddenly knew
what was up, and that was shitty.
And you put me out to dry.
And then the candle thing?
I thought I was protected.
But you told them you didn't blow out
a candle, and that sucks.
I blew out that candle,
and it was supposed to be a mystery.
And she straight up asked you,
did you blow out my candle,
and you said no, which was immediately me.
You could've at least said,
"I'm not telling you."
We can live with an air of mystery
without lying.
You guys outed your spy, and it sucks.
-You took a tongue-lashing because of our…
-[Lindsey] Yeah, and y'all just sat there.
-Just sit there--
-Please. Just a second.
We are demolishing that side of the house.
Barely. It depends on what time of day
for you guys, honestly.
You guys go back and forth, "Oh, no, no,
maybe we should keep the team together."
-[Gaspare] No. You're still--
Every time I talk to you guys,
"Maybe we should--"
-Will you please keep your voice down?
-No. We never went back and forth.
We never did.
There has been mistakes in the past.
-[Jake] Yeah.
-We get it.
Yeah, I just don't think
you guys will make a hard decision.
That's fine.
I am still on the team. I'm not--
We are wanting to know
what your damn hard decision is.
-We'll make it for you.
-[Jake] What's the hard decision?
You have to get rid of Tolú, period.
-[men] Done.
-[Lindsey] Okay.
Lindsey is just so unhinged
at this moment of time.
She's all pissed off
and mad at everyone, evidently.
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
Now I'm happy.
I don't understand this.
You were with us. You've never lied to us.
-[Jake] Yeah.
-You've protected us.
I want you to feel assured,
and I want you to feel comfortable.
I want you to feel safe.
Safety is important now.
-[Jake] Like, we can't risk that.
That woman is just so absolutely paranoid,
and we're trying to calm her.
Because, let's face it,
we need the numbers, right?
She's starting to question on
whether or not we truly back her or not.
And so, yeah, I'm going, "Yeah, yeah,
I'm… I'm with you, Lindsey."
"I'm with the group."
But something does not feel right.
[Gaspare] Yeah, I think we got a…
we got a problem on our hands.
[tense music playing]
I'm just thinking, you don't know
whose votes got canceled out.
[Brian] As I'm going through this,
I'm trying to literally weigh
all of the variables
that is being provided to me.
And we have to start evaluating
who can we really trust.
Seeing how volatile she got is concerning.
[Gaspare] Yeah.
[music fades]
-[Gaspare sighs]
[whimsical music playing]
I'm just gonna move my hands and laugh.
[Gaspare laughs]
-Do you see the coconuts?
I wonder when they're gonna be down.
I think when they fall, they're ready.
When Lindsey's mad,
it's actually kinda scary.
It's very, like,
Children of the Corn-esque,
where, like, she's, like,
poking through the bushes,
and she's like, "Redrum!"
[whimsical music continues]
I mean, uh, how long can you not eat them?
-Actually, no, I think--
-Do they rot?
I think you go up there
and knock 'em down is when you get 'em.
[whimsical music continues]
[Lindsey] Please don't drop a coconut
on my head.
Dude, stop it.
Nope. Nope, nope, nope.
[whimsical music continues]
[Lindsey] I love trees.
[music ends]
[upbeat music playing]
[Brooke] Hi, everyone. What's up?
Come on over. Take a seat. Take a seat.
Got a little something for you today.
[music ends]
[dramatic music plays]
Every day has been an opportunity
for you to tell your truth.
[suspenseful music playing]
And here's another chance
to do exactly that.
[music intensifies]
Each of these envelopes contains
each of your individual voting histories.
[music intensifies]
It's a record of every vote
you've ever cast in a Trust Ceremony.
All right.
So, I'm gonna pass them out. Brian.
My heart starts pounding.
I have flat-out lied to people
that I didn't vote
or, "Oh my God.
Can you believe someone's voted?"
So I know there's a lie there.
[Brooke] Julie.
I'm also worried because I said
I was going to vote for Winnie,
and I ended up not following through.
So at this point, I'm freaking out.
[Brooke] At the beginning of this journey,
I told you that your votes
would be secret, and they are.
This envelope is for you only.
You don't have to share what's inside.
But for each person who is willing
to reveal their vote history,
$5,000 will be added to the Trust.
If you don't,
we'll just move to the next person.
Like with everything else in this journey,
you control your decision.
[music intensifies]
No one has to open their envelope.
[dramatic sting]
If you all decide to do it,
we will double the money you earn today.
[dramatic music plays]
-[Brian] Whoo!
-Let's go. Let's go.
Sixty thousand.
[pensive music playing]
[Brian] In this scenario,
you don't show your voting history
right here, right now,
in front of everyone,
you can't be trusted.
And you will go home.
All right, who wants to start? Gaspare.
[contemplative music playing]
Here's my card. It's Winnie.
I've been honest with everybody here.
I've told you guys I voted for Winnie,
so $5,000 in the Trust.
All right, Gaspare, thank you.
Does anyone wanna go next?
I don't think it's any surprise.
I was on the same boat. Winnie.
Thank you. Who wants to go next?
I'll go next, ma'am.
To add $15,000 in the Trust,
I will show mine.
I did vote for Winnie.
I voted for Winnie last night.
And I hope to never vote again.
Obviously Gaspare's gonna share his
because he's Mr. Squeaky Clean.
Brian's gonna share his
because he's Mr. Squeaky Clean.
Jake's gonna share his
because he's Mr. Principled Squeaky Clean.
So that's not a surprise.
[Brooke] All right, that is $15,000
added to the Trust.
We've heard from the guys. Ladies?
I'm not nervous. I have nothing to hide.
But I'm real excited to see
Lindsey's voting history.
I'm watching her
on her little Lamaze chair,
swaying back and forth.
Oh, baby, the snake is slithering.
'Cause I know she hasn't been
as open and honest as I have.
Would anyone like to go?
[suspenseful music playing]
If I reveal my vote history,
it's definitely gonna ruffle the feathers,
because the gentlemen
in the crowd are so principled.
Here I am. I'm on their team,
and I don't match the cookie cutter,
"We only voted Winnie out."
On the other hand,
if I don't reveal my votes,
then it just leaves it up to them
for speculation
and wondering what you're hiding.
And that's always, always bad.
-I'll go.
I voted for Juelz, Bryce, and Winnie.
There's a couple of people here
that also know this list.
Others have not, nor have they asked,
so I have not had to lie.
Lindsey's revealing this long list of,
let's face it, dead bodies.
Why didn't she bring this up to us?
You have lied.
Lies of omission are still lies.
I stand by my votes.
I'm happy to explain them if you'd like.
-Uh, let's see.
I voted for Juelz
because I was with the girls.
I mean, there were plans.
I also had never spoken
to Juelz about game.
And Bryce?
It was kill or be killed at that time.
So I went with Bryce.
And you know why I voted for Winnie.
[Gaspare] I'm shocked
that Lindsey voted out Bryce.
I thought they were kinda close.
I think her morals are very blurred.
Everything in my brain
is starting to work.
And I'm like, "Shit."
I think Tolú is actually
telling us the truth.
All right.
So now that's $20,000 in the Trust.
[Tolú] Lindsey's voted out three people.
Her ideologies do not align
with what you guys have been shouting
from day one.
Am I saying I'm the most
trustworthy person in the house?
Nah, I've been playing a game.
But I never tried to make it a secret
what I was doing.
I have been open and honest about my shit.
Who would like to go next? Tolú.
[suspenseful music continues]
Juelz, Bryce, and Lindsey.
Even though my vote
didn't count in the beginning,
I made a promise with the initial alliance
that I had in this house.
So I still casted that vote.
Bryce. I already explained to y'all
why I voted for Bryce.
And I voted for Lindsey yesterday
because I saw her
as a villain in this house.
[tense music playing]
And I wanted to protect my girl Winnie.
Do you wanna respond?
-[Brooke] No.
Snake-ass bitch.
[tense music continues]
I knew she had voted. I mean,
now it just confirmed that she did.
If we're gonna say,
"Hey, we don't like that people voted,"
and we're gonna get rid of Tolú for that,
then shouldn't we get rid of Lindsey
and ourselves 'cause we also voted?
So we're hypocrites
if we keep one and not the other.
$25,000 now in the Trust.
If we get to 30 and you all share,
as we promised, that means
we're gonna double it to $60,000.
[Julie] I feel like, out of everyone,
I'm in the worst position for this test.
Because the guys have believed me so much,
especially Jake.
I know he hasn't believed
that I have voted,
and I have really let him think that.
I don't have to share what my truth is,
and my truth can be between me and myself.
Julie, are you in?
[contemplative music playing]
[Julie] Do I tell them? Do I not?
Which in the long run
is going to be better for me?
I, um… I'll share, um, and I'm actually
grateful for this opportunity
because there are certain things
that I wanted to come clean about, so…
I also voted for Juelz for the first one,
and it was from the decision
that we didn't trust him.
I voted for Simone
because Mama Jay told me
that she was going to vote,
and I thought she was gonna vote for Jake,
so I voted as a neutralizer vote.
I also voted for Bryce.
I ultimately agreed
that he wasn't deserving.
And I know I told you guys too
that I was in for voting for Winnie,
and I got down there
and remembered I'd made a promise to her
that I wouldn't vote her out,
and I had to keep my word.
I was a little disappointed in Julie
that we didn't see
Winnie's name on that card.
'Cause we expected her to fully act on
what she said she was gonna do.
If she was uncomfortable with it,
she should have just fricking told us.
Finding that out
never feels good after the fact,
when you're finally forced
to reveal your hand.
[dramatic sting]
[Brooke] Were you all surprised?
[pensive music playing]
A little, but I understand.
I mean, you had a friendship with them.
It's not always as cut-and-dry.
-I wish you would have told us that.
We've got Lindsey,
who never told me she voted for Juelz.
She just never did.
She never told me she voted for Bryce.
We've got Tolú, who, from what I remember,
told me that she's only voted for Bryce.
Turns out that's not true.
And then we've got Julie over here
saying that she was going to vote
for Winnie, and she didn't.
That's not true.
Why did I not know about Juelz?
Why did I not know about Bryce?
[Tolú] So I kinda wanna take this back
to an earlier conversation
I had with the gentlemen about…
At the end of the day, a certain
individual was always playing a game.
And they're still playing a game.
[tense music playing]
My vote, was it a surprise to anybody?
No. 'Cause I've been open,
honest, and direct.
You cannot say the same.
[dramatic sting]
You align with whomever you believe
has the power in the house.
And if the men didn't continue
to hold the power,
you would've stabbed 'em in the back
the same way you did us.
-You guys were talking about me.
-[Tolú] When?
All the time.
You were using me as your pawn.
You thought I was naive,
and you were gonna turn on me.
-It sounds like you're paranoid.
[tense music playing]
[Tolú] You wanna sit there
and act like you're this sweet,
little, innocent damsel? No.
You've been the biggest player
in this game.
You've been playing it from day one.
And up until this moment,
you're still playing the game.
All right, well, I just want
to thank all of you for your honesty.
This is the Circle of Trust.
And you've all embraced it, so thank you.
All of you earned $30,000 in the Trust,
and now it's been doubled to 60.
$60,000 because you all opened
your envelopes.
-So that's a chunk of change.
-[Jake] Heck yeah, y'all. Good job.
[all applauding]
So there's just one more thing
I need to tell you all.
We are nearing the end of this experience.
There are just two more
Trust Ceremonies left.
[dramatic music playing]
Can the six of you come together
and decide to share
a life-changing amount of money?
Or has the trust been broken
too many times?
[dramatic sting]
Thank you all so much,
and I'll see y'all tonight.
[music intensifies]
-[Julie] I'm sorry.
-[Gaspare] You should've just told us.
Listen, I get it.
[Julie] No, I get scared though,
telling people, like, information
-'cause it takes, like, trust.
-[Tolú] You're good.
I'm pretty sure everybody understands.
[Julie] I don't feel that way.
I feel like everyone's mad at me.
I have told a lot of lies,
and there have been plenty of times
where I've been untrustworthy.
But I just hope
that the boys see that I've changed,
and I just have to trust
that they've forgiven me
and that they believe
that I can go through this
doing the right thing,
which is what I'm trying to do,
even though it's really, really hard.
Julie, I think, at this point,
all the skeletons are out.
She's admitted she made mistakes.
She's grown.
Julie and Tolú were working
for the other side.
Whatever they voted for,
that was what their group decided.
Just like our group decided not to vote.
So, like, I get it.
-[Tolú] Can I give you a hug?
-[Julie] Yeah.
[dramatic music playing]
Coming into this house meeting,
this is actually very, very difficult.
We have three random votes
that are not gonna count.
And we have no idea
who those three random votes are gonna be.
It makes me uneasy.
[music continues]
24 hours ago, I would have said
I wanted Tolú out of this house.
Because that was the whole plan.
I wanted the toxicity out of the house.
But now I don't know.
[Gaspare] Going into
tonight's voting ceremony,
there's Lindsey and there's Tolú.
Even though Tolú
technically played on the other side,
I don't think Tolú ever wronged me.
But it's very difficult for me
to completely trust
that she's not gonna cut us out
at the end.
But then I still have
my suspicions about Lindsey.
I don't know.
I really don't have an answer.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
Hi, everyone.
Hope your day's been enlightening
since our Circle of Trust Ceremony.
-[Brooke] Yeah? Okay.
It's time for your next Trust Ceremony.
[intriguing music playing]
We're nearing the end of this experience,
so every decision becomes
even more monumental.
As always, I'm gonna give you all a chance
to talk things out
before you come down
to the Cliff's Edge to make your decision.
[intriguing music continues]
Remember, you don't have to vote
anyone out of the Trust.
You can just continue
sharing the money equally.
I will see each of you soon.
[music fades]
[contemplative music playing]
I kinda wanna start this one off.
So, elephant in the room, I think we know
that the main trust is broken right now.
To me, at least, it feels like
it's between Tolú and Lindsey.
And it is easy for me to see both sides.
And I feel like both of you
don't trust each other right now.
I mean, and valid and rightfully so,
but I hope you can come
to see each other's sides
because I think the only way
through this ceremony
is for no one to vote.
[music fades]
I'll speak to my gameplay. So…
It's been a long 48 hours.
[suspenseful music playing]
Lots of mean things have been said to me,
and so I do… I do have a few things
that I want everyone to know.
When I came into this house,
I did not fit into either group.
I know I've said this before.
I also was immediately drawn
to the females in the house,
and I wanted to work with them.
I was full-in on the females here.
they turned on me.
Now, I proved, by not voting for Simone,
that I'm not just out
to take everybody out.
I'm willing to do
what's required for the team
when I'm not personally at risk.
I'm not here to hurt people.
I'm not here to rat people out.
I'm not here to be a snake.
I'm here for self-preservation, first,
so I can help the team, second.
That's what I have to say.
You blatantly flat-out said
what I've been trying to say all along.
You're here for self.
[tense music playing]
You can't be here for self-preservation
and still say
that you want to be part of a team.
I disagree.
I disagree too. And I will say
that's also how I view the world.
And I, like, if you… And…
I'm surprised you don't too,
'cause, for me, if I…
That's all I've had--
What good am I
if I'm not taking care of myself?
I can't serve you.
So, what this is saying to me is,
at the end…
Like, you're asking me to trust
that, if we go out on the cliff,
and I don't cast a vote,
you're not gonna vote for me.
I'm not asking you to do anything.
Okay, so I feel like there's…
I'm speaking to a brick wall.
How are we gonna handle this amicably
if you're not even willing
to budge at all?
[contemplative music playing]
We can agree to disagree
and not cut each other out
from this incredible opportunity
when we are so very close.
That's all that it takes.
You can go into your room
for the next few days,
and you can go into your room
for the next few days,
and you can not be a threat to each other.
That can happen.
But we just have to have trust
in each other
that you are not gonna take her out,
and she's not gonna take you out.
Brian, were you not here for
the mean things they said to me yesterday?
That's not happening.
Just so you know. Not happening.
Okay. There it is.
-That answers that, Brian.
-Too many rude things were said.
[Brian] Lindsey.
I'm trying. I'm trying to help.
But let's face it. If you're unwilling
to help yourself in this moment,
I… I can't do it for you.
[pensive music playing]
I'm sorry that the things
I said yesterday hurt you.
Tolú is offering everything,
and Lindsey's just wanting to attack her.
It seemed like you had
one person willing to work on things
and you had one person unwilling.
I really did try.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
-[Brooke] Hey, Brian.
-[Brian] Howdy, ma'am.
-Good to see you. I get my handshake?
-Yes, ma'am. Absolutely.
-So, what's happening?
-Kind of an odd predicament.
I can't control people.
I can't control the actions of people.
And ultimately,
there's two people right here
that are… that are fighting back and forth
with each other,
and I believe both can give a little.
Plus, morally,
there's too many dynamics here for me
to just really get in the middle of.
And also keeping in mind
our conversation in the Vault
and that three votes tonight
don't count, but…
Yes, ma'am.
-You have no idea which three don't count.
-Who those… Yup.
[dramatic music playing]
How does that affect things
moving forward?
I just want to let things play out.
I feel very, very conflicted
in putting down a vote for Tolú.
I'm supposed to be voting today.
I'm not.
[thrilling music playing]
-[Brooke] What's up, Jake?
-[Jake] Hey, Brooke. How are you?
I hear it's getting tense up there.
That's to say the least, I think, tonight.
And where do you stand
in the whole Tolú versus Lindsey…
I understand both of their sides,
where they're coming from.
We found out today, at our activity,
they didn't put any of our names down,
me, Brian or Gaspare.
And it shows that
they really, truly trusted us.
And I guess through this process,
I still sort of wanna bring
everybody together, if we can.
And maybe tonight isn't that night,
but maybe tomorrow we can get there.
Do you think, after everything,
you can still bring things together?
Possibly. I'm hopeful,
and that's all I can say, Brooke.
I don't know. At this point,
what's between them is between them,
and I can't do any more
than I've already done.
I don't have anything out towards anybody,
and I'm gonna put myself in the position
of not casting a vote tonight.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm back and forth.
I don't know who to believe.
I don't know if I should cast a vote.
I don't even know if my vote matters.
We've all lied.
[dramatic sting]
No one's hands are clean in this.
-[Brooke] Hi, Julie.
-Hi, Brooke.
What are you thinking tonight?
-[Julie] I'm sad.
-Tell me why.
I feel like no matter what I do,
I'm letting people down in this situation
because I'm close with Lindsey,
I'm close with Jake, Brian, Gaspare.
-And I'm really close with Tolú.
-[Brooke] That can't feel good.
There's no one I want to go home.
I trust everyone.
I can't make up
for the decisions they've made.
It's out of my hands now,
and I can't believe I'm saying that,
but it's… it's out of my hands,
and I'm happy
I'm at that place where I can do that.
And it doesn't fully feel good. I'm sad.
But it's not always up to me.
I am choosing to not vote
and to continue to share the money.
[dramatic music playing]
[Lindsey] I have to be my best defender.
It's how it's been
and how it needs to remain,
because you cannot serve others.
You cannot help a team move forward
unless you yourself is protected.
-How are you, Lindsey?
-I've been better.
What happened?
She called me so many names.
She's just mean, and I cannot trust
that she will not cut me.
Okay. Would you like to vote someone
out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I would like to vote
someone out of the Trust.
[tense music playing]
I tried to see
if maybe we could ameliorate things,
maybe we could see eye to eye, but…
just based on
how the table conversations are going,
it's time for me
to enter self-preservation mode.
What does that mean for you?
It means I'm gonna be
casting a vote tonight.
I would like to vote Lindsey the snake
out of the Trust.
[Gaspare] If I vote, I have to be
responsible for someone going home.
If I don't vote,
someone that I think
doesn't deserve to go home
will probably be going home.
And with three votes being canceled,
I don't know what's gonna happen.
You're damned if you do
and damned if you don't. So…
I gotta make a decision
what's right morally for myself too.
-How are you tonight?
-Oh, just peachy. Every night.
Peachy? How's it going in there?
[Gaspare] I mean,
they're trying to come up with a solution
to both not vote each other out,
but neither of them trusts each other,
Lindsey and Tolú.
-[Brooke] Yeah.
-So that's where we're at.
Where do you stand on this whole thing,
especially after today?
I don't know.
This is the toughest decision
I've had to make in this house.
It just… Something just doesn't sit right.
Brian said three out of our six votes
are not going to count.
And, unfortunately, even though
I don't want to vote either of them,
I gotta protect the person
who I find to be more
trustworthy and reliable to me.
So let me… let me ask you, Gaspare.
It's time to decide. Would you like
to vote someone out of the Trust
or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
[music crescendoes and fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
You all came to the Cliff's Edge
to make a choice.
To cut someone out of the Trust
or continue sharing the money.
Tonight, someone is going home.
[dramatic sting]
The person who received the most votes
and will be cut from the Trust…
[suspenseful music crescendos, fades]
[dramatic sting]
[pensive music playing]
I'd like to vote Lindsey out of the Trust.
Seems to be a lot of surprised faces
in this room tonight.
Are you surprised?
I knew it was a risk.
It was a pleasure meeting all of you guys.
It's been an honor to meet you.
I'm shocked. I thought Brian,
Jake, and Gaspare had my back.
I mean, I don't know.
Maybe all three boys' votes
were canceled out,
and me and Tolú voted against each other,
and Julie voted for me.
I honestly don't know. It sucks.
Does anyone wanna say anything to Lindsey?
-I wanna give her a hug, to be honest.
-[Brooke] Come on up, Jake.
[pensive music playing]
[Jake] Always had your back.
[Lindsey] See ya.
-See ya.
-[Brian] Thank you for being you.
[Lindsey] My pleasure.
-It was a pleasure.
-[Gaspare] This does suck.
It was a pleasure.
It was a pleasure.
[Gaspare] Yes, I voted for Lindsey.
The devil you know
is better than the devil you don't know.
We know what Tolú is.
We don't know what Lindsey is.
She's a complete wild card,
a mystery to us.
So, in my heart, I felt like it was
for the betterment of the group.
I could live with that.
[Brooke] How are you feeling
walking out tonight?
I feel proud about how I played this game.
I feel proud
about meeting all of you guys.
[tense music playing]
Maybe I just didn't have
the right attitude to play this game.
I was unwilling to be fakey-fakey
and shake people's hands
or say stuff at the table that,
"I really don't want to vote people out."
-And I wish you the very best of luck.
-Thank you.
Head out that way.
And if ultimately that was my downfall,
totally fine with me.
[music fades]
[contemplative music playing]
[Brooke] Well…
we're down to five.
[dramatic sting]
And your share of the Trust
has just increased.
You all started as winners,
but will you leave as winners?
With one big decision left.
[suspenseful music playing]
That answer is up to you.
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
["An Axe In Your Head"
by Nick Kingsley & Hannah Hart]
Look me in the eyes ♪
An axe in your head
And you're gonna be dead ♪
-When you patronize ♪
-Gonna be dead, gonna be dead ♪
Tell me what to do
I dare you ♪
I warn you
With my back against the wall ♪
It's your fault I'm feral ♪
Tell me what to do ♪
I dare you ♪
I warn you ♪
Look me in the eyes ♪
An axe in your head
And you're gonna be dead ♪
-When you patronize ♪
-Gonna be dead, gonna be dead ♪
Look me in the eyes ♪
An axe in your head
And you're gonna be dead ♪
-When you patronize ♪
-Gonna be dead, gonna be dead ♪
[song ends]
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