The Unit s01e07 Episode Script


Tell me you're proud of this.
tell me this job was done right To start with, the frame is supposed to be 36 inches wide.
This is 31.
Explain how a wheelchair is supposed to fit through here.
Because i measured it! Kim.
Jonas: Never mind.
Your assistance is no longer required.
Hello, serena.
Serena: We're getting pancakes! We were gonna see if you guys you know what? I'll do it myself.
It has to be done before and i said i will do it.
Before our friends arrive.
Like i said, i will do it.
And i would appreciate maybe i can i would appreciate it if in front of our friends you will tell me why you doubt my word.
I mean, am i know as a man of my word? Molly: Not when it comes to housework, no.
You know what? I will swear by anything that you name that i will finish this door before our friends arrive.
Serena: Pancakes! Pancakes! [Telephone rings.]
And i'd be more than happy to help.
No, i don't need your help.
Because when i vow to do a thing, there's not a thing in this world that i cannot do.
Yes, he's right here.
This is blane.
Yes, sir.
Get your things.
We're being deployed.
The door will have to wait.
Tell ron and ruthie sorry i wasn't here.
Mommy, when do i get my pancakes? [Door closes.]
The best two points to hit the defense minister are here and here.
And intel's sure the convoy's taking that route? Two teams are deploying.
They better be.
We bag hasan, taliban's down for a year.
And someone in d.
Gets his ticket punched.
First chopper in should cover the north post.
We'll do it.
Could be a tough landing.
We've had worse.
Altitude's higher, less oxygen.
Nothing we can't handle.
It is a better position for the shot.
He's putting his head up for the first time in 3 years.
I don't mind aviating to nail that son of a bitch, right? Seeking glory was napoleon's downfall.
And those who claim not to, lie.
I'll flip you for it.
This time i'll think i'll use my own coin.
It's only fair that we toss it, then.
Dares wins the first shot at this guy.
Call it.
Alpha team stakes their fortunes on heads.
Tails gives it to bravo team.
You have the first chopper.
Until then, then.
See you in the tall grass.
You got it.
Boss? I'm listening.
Ryan wants me to lead my own team.
He came to me yesterday.
Is there a problem? I told him i don't know.
I mean, this team's just starting to gel.
It was rough losing pickney, but brown's working out.
And if i'm gone, you'd all be at square one breaking in another newbie.
You want me to talk you out of it? No, i just don't want to abandon you guys.
Sooner or later, you were gonna get tapped.
Either or.
If you ain't got any more information, it's time to make a decision.
There's no one i'd rather take on a mission, but you can't be my number two forever.
If i'm not sure i'm ready? [Cell phone rings.]
Go for blane.
First time on a huey.
I can't believe the navy still uses them for transport.
It's the desoto of the ariel world.
I didn't know they shook so much.
in close formation.
Coots: Snake doctor, this is bushmaster, over.
Bushmaster, this is snake doctor, come in.
Our bird's having some engine problems.
We'll have to put her down.
Give us your coordinates.
We'll come back and pick you up, over.
Base commander, on radio: Oscar-papa-six-tango, this is kilo-6-alpha.
Be advised you are on a time-sensitive mission, over.
Roger that, kilo-six-alpha.
Snake doctor, this is bushmaster.
You're team can take the north l-z.
I say keep going, but it's your call, over.
Roger that.
We'll keep flying.
Snake doctor out.
Tell me that's not what i think it is.
A baby spoon? A lucky charm.
It's serena's.
Kim likes me to carry it.
Knew a superstitious ranger once.
Wouldn't put his blood type on his boots.
Carried a saint michael's medal.
The guy was like a walking 4-leaf clover.
First mission to desert storm, he makes a halo jump.
His chute doesn't deploy.
I'm just trying to keep the missus happy.
Keep your team happy.
Next time i see you packing crap instead of ammunition, i'll strip you naked and start from scratch.
I know.
I usually leave it in my locker, let her think that i've got it on me.
I just forgot to leave it this time.
Well, never mind the sermon, then.
Sergeant blane, flight two says they can't fix the helo.
They went in hard and bent the bird up.
They're 150 kilometers behind.
How far to our l-z? About 30 minutes.
After we insert, go back and get 'em.
Can do easy.
Coots: Snake doctor, this is bushmaster.
We're under attack.
Locals must have seen us land.
I repeat, we're under attack.
Bushmaster, this is snake doctor.
Any casualties, over? Coots: Two alpha is wait! We're getting hit here! Heavy small-arms fire! Bushmaster, say again.
Coots: His legs are trapped in the helo.
We gotta cut 'em out.
Base commander, on radio: Bushmaster, this is kilo-six-alpha.
Can you secure a perimeter? Coots: We're trying.
Hostiles coming from all directions.
They got us pinned.
Heavy effective fire now.
We need an extraction.
Roger that, bushmaster.
We're headed your way.
Base commander: Snake doctor, stand by.
We turn back now, we won't have enough fuel to get to the target l-z.
How long will it take you to refuel? Turnaround time: 2 hours.
Base commander: Snake doctor, this is kilo-six-alpha.
Advise you complete your mission.
We will extract the bravo team shortly.
You got another bird available? Negative.
After you reach the target l-z, your helo will return to extract, over.
That'll take too long.
Bravo team will have to sit tight.
Are you superseding my command? Negative.
Just offering analysis and support.
We've only got cover of darkness for a half hour more.
Roger that, kilo-six-alpha.
We're moving to extract bravo team.
Snake doctor out.
jonas: Bushmaster, what's your status? We got two alpha out, but he's down with a busted knee.
Jonas: Are you near the helo? Negative.
Destroyed the crypto gear.
Made it down to the valley.
We're in a ditch near some rocks about about 30 degrees south.
Bushmaster, we see your position.
Coots: Things are quieting down now.
Looks like some of the tribesmen are leaving.
Jonas: Roger that.
Base commander: Snake doctor, get in and get out.
Fly low, but don't land yet.
[Machine gun fire.]
Pull out! Pull out! Pull out! Baited ambush! Oh, yeah! This is bushmaster.
They're dropping mortar rounds.
We'll have to come in another way.
Go back to that pocket on the first ridge.
That far out? It'll take a little longer, but we need the protection of distance.
Space for time.
Kilo-six-alpha, we need a uav overhead.
Base commander: Wilco, snake doctor.
You'll have one shortly.
Once you're in, i don't have fuel to wait for you.
Do what you have to do.
Molly: Jonas was hoping you would be here.
Jonas did that? The post engineer was very helpful.
You did that! From idaho.
What's this? Deer jerky.
You still salt it with gunpowder? Oh, i've been know to.
Feed me.
[Both laugh.]
They want you to practice the unveiling.
Unveiling? Yes.
There will, of course, be an actual plaque at the shooting range.
Did they spell my name correctly? Awful close.
Like to see? They also want you to fire the first round to christen it.
Is that jonas' idea? We can't thank you enough, the both of you.
Where is he? On deployment.
Yeah, but where? I'd tell you if i knew myself.
I believe i'll use that new facility now.
Ruthie, i need my kit.
It's in the car.
I need it.
I don't think you do.
I have to shave.
You had your kit 2 hours ago at the rest stop.
You could have shaved there.
I'll get it myself.
Ron, no! No! Not here! Not in their home! Ruth, the last time we talked, he was doing well, you said.
His recovery's as complete as it's gonna get, physically.
That's what the doctors tell him.
Well, what? You'll have to ask him.
Jonas wanted very much to be here.
Ron needs him.
Jonas wanted to talk to him about a job here on the base.
High-level post in training and selection.
They're saying it calls for a veteran.
I told jonas i didn't know how you'd feel about it.
You'd be against it most likely.
You shouldn't have worried.
What i think doesn't matter.
Why is that? I'm gonna leave him.
Albright: Alpha team on deck.
Returning to base.
Base commander: Roger that, flight one.
Bushmaster, snake doctor.
How you holding? Coots: Mortars coming from 6 o'clock.
Just about got us bracketed.
We got you spotted.
Base commander: Snake doctor, we have a uav over your location.
We have good video.
So long as i'm with him, i'm the hero.
"So brave.
How does she deal with it?" But then if i do leave him say something, molly.
Ask me what you want to know.
You'd shun me, wouldn't you, you and the other wives, if i left him.
Why do i care? I'm not here anymore.
I swear to god, this would be so much easier if he were whole.
[Door opens.]
God forgive me.
Ron, can l i'm fine.
"And the lord sayeth, "it is not good that he be alone.
" "And i will make a helpmate for him.
" What if i talked to ron, told him to take the job? Then you'd be back here living on the base.
I don't know.
[Doorbell rings.]
You wouldn't be alone.
Hello, leona.
Are you sergeant major cheals? Ron cheals, yes.
This is my wife ruth.
Such an honor.
I'm leona mullens.
Leona's married to one of our younger operators.
She's going to be singing at your dedication.
Very nice.
Molly tells me you used to be jonas' team leader, saved his life a couple of times.
That was a while ago.
Um well, i wanted to consult with molly about the music, but well, now that you're here, maybe i can ask you, sergeant major? Which would you prefer? God bless america's traditional, but i don't know.
Sometimes it can sound like a memorial, you know what i mean? Molly was saying how you like all them old cowboy songs leona, this will have to wait.
Ron has to get to rehearsal.
Molly: Is it ok if i ride with you, ron? Ruthie might want to stay here, freshen up, get some rest.
[Door closes.]
Mack: Where are these mortars coming from? Damn, spotter's got to be nearby.
You see that? Yeah.
Missed by 8 meters.
Yeah, wind shifted.
Two minutes left.
Dial it in.
Observe my shot, adjust for me.
Aah! He won't do that again.
Guess they know we're here.
Coots: Snake doc, it's getting ugly down here.
We're gonna make a run for that ditch about 500 meters up valley.
Bushmaster, i see your tree line.
'Fraid you're gonna be easy pickings for that machine gun.
Sit tight.
We'll deal with the gun.
Coots: What about the mortar? We killed the spotter.
They're firing blind.
Coots: Sure about that? Affirmative.
Kilo-six-alpha, snake doctor.
Orbit your drone Over.
Base commander: Wilco.
Found them.
J: You're listening to ktml, the missile firing at you with all hits all the time.
So that's a real job? Do they have money for fake ones? Well, they pay the officer corps.
Jonas wanted to be the first to tell you about it.
He has more about the details.
Is he sure that i accept? He didn't think he'd have to talk you into it.
[Brakes squeal.]
Ron, i'm sorry.
Did i say something? Just having a bit of a hard time here.
The thing you saw this morning between ruthie and me.
Ruthie thinks [tires screech.]
Jerk! Hey, you you cut me off! Take a hike.
Hey! You come out of there! Ok! Ron.
What? What do you want to say to me? Huh? What? What? It's cool.
It's what? No problem, brother.
Forget it.
Just remember to buckle up while you're on base.
Hey! You get back over here! Hey! Hey! Errr! We're gonna be late.
I need to make a stop.
It's the v.
It's on the way.
* perty baby * * why don'cha cut 'em on? * * gets so drivin' daddy's gonna get real gone ** [speaking native language.]
Aah! Dirt diver, moreno, you guys ok? Yeah, we're ok.
You? Couldn't be better.
Bushmaster, this is snake doctor.
Coots: Roger, snake doctor.
Machine gun has been neutralized.
Appreciate it.
When you guys make it to the next big ditch, we will rendezvous at [screaming.]
Bushmaster! Bushmaster! Do you read me? Bushmaster, come in! Jonas: No, we killed the spotter.
We got a lucky hit.
We're going down for an assessment.
Base commander: Advise against that, snake doctor.
Flight one has refueled and heading back to your p-z.
Then you need to send a little bird to extract bravo.
Send one as soon as i get one.
You mean by nightfall.
They could be wounded.
We're not seeing any movement down there, and we've lost all radio contact with bravo.
It could be their radio got shot out.
Roger that.
Your priority i know what my priorities are, and i'm giving orders.
You send that little bird now.
I'm going to check on survivors.
Snake doctor out.
Anything? Nope.
Thermal imaging? Too hard to make anyone out.
I'm going down.
You'll need this, then.
How about mortar? Take care of that for me, will you? Singer on radio: * baby * * now it's time to say * * i'm gone * * come on, come on, come on * * come down * * come on, come on, come on * * outside of town * * come on, come on, come on * * come down * * come on, come on, come on * * come on, come on, come on * * come down * hi.
Are you rory.
Maybe you can help me.
I'm kim brown.
I'm here about the internship.
Why? Why? You're listening to ktml, the missile, firing at you with all hits all the time.
Stay tuned for the area road report, next.
Yeah, why this place? I feel i got to ask, seeing as how i'm the general manager.
You? Oh.
So you also do on-air? Yeah, whenever one of my personalities fails to show up, or quits.
All right.
Well can i be honest? It's the fastest way to get credits.
I want to get my degree in a couple of months.
I have another thing scheduled.
Yeah? What? Another thing i have to do.
What? It's just another job? No, i'm pregnant.
You gonna tell me that's a problem? Nope.
You married? Uh, yes.
My husband works on base.
Army wife.
Something funny? Let's just say i've had experience ahem experiences.
Well, i'm a self-starter.
I'm reliable.
My husband has no problem with me working off base.
It's an opening in our business department.
Yes, i understand it includes marketing, sales, maybe even some copy writing? And there's a couple of other candidates.
Well here's what.
Go to this address.
Collect a check.
It's for an ad run.
They're past due.
You bring a check back, i'll consider you for a position.
Lacey lou's kitty kat korner? It's not a pet store.
I know what it is.
Is there a problem? No.
The area road report is brought to you by dale's custom mufflers.
You can hear the road report every half hour here on ktml, the missile.
[Girls, girls, girls playing.]
I'm kim brown.
I'm from ktml.
You want to talk to me? You the owner? Lacey lou, yep.
I'm kim brown.
From the radio station? That's right.
All right.
I'm here for a check.
It's, um, for the last and if you want to pay for the next in advance why would i want to pay for the next 20 days for an ad that hasn't done nothing for me for the last 20? I'm sorry i got the same number of people come here, maybe less.
Your ad, that's doing nothing.
Plus we got a sales guy, sold me on the idea of 50 cent beer night tuesday, wednesday, thursdays.
Net result i'm losing money.
I don't see anybody doing anything to make up for it.
Thing is, you should be paying me.
Well, i don't but you, uh, got a better idea no, l like taking it out in trade? Listen, why don't you give me a minute? Let me take a look at your order? [New song starts.]
* wake yourself * * wake yourself * * go break yourself ** [microphone feedback.]
Welcome now teena, the fabulous teena.
She can do it this way, she can do it that way.
She's flexible.
She'll bend over backwards to please.
Why don't you stick around? Lunch is when i try out the new girls.
Good-bye, old friend.
Wirth! Can you hear me? Oh, yeah.
Wirth, you ok? Snake doc yeah, kid.
It's me.
Kilo-six-alpha, this is snake doctor, over.
Base commander: Snake doctor, this is kilo-six-alpha.
Sergeant wirth is alive.
I say again, sergeant wirth is alive.
Base commander: Roger.
Any other survivors, over? Negative.
Require immediate medevac, over.
Base commander: Be advised flight one is on the way, over.
Roger that.
Snake doctor out.
How bad is it? It's not so bad.
It'll be ok once i find the femoral artery.
Aah! Oh, man, i'm sorry.
I know that hurts like the devil.
Did you find it? Yeah.
Yeah, there it is.
Ugh! All right.
I got it.
The trouble is the artery's retracted.
I can't get a clamp on it.
So i have to apply pressure to keep the bleeding down.
You gotta put in your own i.
Can you do that? Drill sergeant: Hup 2, 3.
Hup! I'm saying that's the wrong phone number.
That's the number for the px.
And i'm saying his name is dr.
Russ dominick, and he's at the pocatello va.
I know, but i can't call, sir.
Jeremy, this is ron cheals, one of our most honored veterans.
I understand, mrs.
Blane, but we have safeguards safeguards? Do i gotta see another doc? Yes, and i can make you an appointment never mind.
Blane, is he chewing them instead of swallowing them? I don't get it.
There's a time-release coating on the pills.
If he's chewing them, or crushing up, it means he's not taking them for pain.
He's going for the hit.
They're going to start wondering where we are? Do i know him? Hank moffatt.
His daughter's married to earl baptiste in c squadron.
I remember earl.
I'd like to meet him.
All right.
Hank, this is ron cheals.
He served with my husband jonas.
You served with him in that particular organization? Yes, sir, i did.
Giorgio pass in the apennines, september 1944.
Amazing, isn't it? 60 years in one of these.
It's the other things that kill ya.
Emphysema, in my case.
You here by yourself, hank? Most always.
A lot of waiting.
Yeah, it gets pretty lonely where i am, too.
I'll disable the mortar.
There's got to be I don't see anyone.
All right.
I'll cover you.
Snake doctor, this is get down! Dirt diver, this is snake doctor.
Come in.
Mack: Snake doctor, this is dirt diver [static.]
Dirt diver, moreno, come in.
What? Your back.
Mack: This is dirt diver.
Snake doctor, come in.
This is snake doctor.
The mortar has been disabled.
Things got a bit hinky, but i say again, the mortar has been disabled.
Roger that.
We're heading your way.
Dirt diver out.
Come again? To call my wife.
All right.
Put this around your head.
[Pained groan.]
I know.
I know.
There you go.
Molly: I called over, and everything's fine.
Ruth will meet us.
We'll get there in time for the actual ceremony.
Very kind of you, molly.
Thank you.
So long, old soldier.
I appreciate it.
Been good talking to you.
Molly: You find a lot to talabout? Well, one generation cometh, another generation passeth away.
Hey! What's this? Money? I didn't do it for the money.
I wouldn't do this for no money in the world.
I gave you them pills.
Hey, i don't know what he's talking about.
L i wouldn't sell anybody my prescription.
And you wouldn't either.
You take them pills.
God knows you earned them.
You all right to drive? What's that supposed to mean? I mean, are you all right to drive? I'm fine.
If you want to talk to jonas i'm ashamed you had to see that.
But i did see it.
If i don't if i don't get if i don't take those pills, molly, i'm gonna be in a bad way.
After you take the pills, what are you gonna do? What am i gonna do? You can't go back to idaho like this.
Ruth will leave you.
Yes, she will.
Stay here, get clean, take the job, and you have a chance.
But i can't let you take it if you're hopped up and stuck.
You have to tell me that will change, or i will tell jonas, and it will cost you the job.
Come home now, ron.
[Rock music playing.]
Woman: * begging on my knees, baby, won't you please * * run your fingers through my hair * uh, miss.
Think i figured out your problem.
My problem? You ordered a rotation of two ads per hour between 4:00 and 6:00.
Yeah, that's drive-time.
Yeah, but on the base? Those are still duty times.
You don't want to run these ads when the guys are at work.
You want the single enlisted guys? You got to run these on their down-time when they're in their bunks with the radio on or driving in their trucks going to get a beer, missing their girlfriends.
And you don't want to advertise cheap beer when you're selling them a fantasy.
Your ad copy is a male voice, correct? Telling his guy friends about these hot chicks.
Your sales manager said that well, yes, he's wrong.
The voice should be female.
Telling 'em she's ready to make all their dreams come true.
"You want to know what a woman truly wants? "I won't tell you.
"I spend all my time "thinking about what you want.
"What does a woman want? "We won't tell you, but we'll show you.
"The erotic dancers at lacey lou's.
My friends are waiting for you right now.
" What you think? [Song ends.]
Oh, yeah, that one does it every time.
So keep listening, 'cause the missile is airborne.
More hits coming at you.
Pretty good.
You can leave that with jeanine.
Just "pretty good"? Did you know he was gonna cancel the account? How many interns you got coming through here? You expect them to quit? Can't quit if you're not hired.
I rewrote the ad.
Told him i'd get him a more targeted rotation.
You know, you got a sales manager who isn't doing you any favors.
I'm the sales manager.
All right, then.
He also said he'd extend the buy on the condition that i read the copy.
Says he likes my voice.
You'll be the first intern to nuh-uh.
I want a 10% commission on all future sales against 200 a week guaranteed.
You still want the credit? Plus my full credits, yes.
Well, what can i say? How 'bout "agreed"? [Sighs.]
You know good.
Now, if you'll excuse me, i have some things to do.
[Jet takes off.]
They said it'd be just a few more minutes.
We're just waiting ruthie, i think there's something that i need to say.
I'm quitting the pills.
Why this time? Because i want to come back.
I want to take a job back here with the unit.
If they'll take me back, will you? I don't know.
You i need time.
Ruth, don't go.
I need time to think.
I just wanted to tell you i think we have your music, sergeant major.
Ruth told me about this one song you and your team always asked for when you were back from a mission.
The old shaker song about homecoming.
Man: Ladies and gentlemen, the garrison commander.
Fort griffith is proud to welcome you to the dedication of our very own [cell phone rings.]
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the playing of our national anthem.
Jonas: Did you get through? Woman, on machine: Leave a message, and i'll call you back.
Hi, baby.
It's me.
Just wanted to hear your voice, say that i miss you.
Can't wait to see you and the kids.
[Distant gunfire.]
I love you so much.
Dirt diver, this is snake doctor.
Can you read me? Mack: Roger, this is dirt diver.
Dirt diver, you got company.
Behind you.
9 o'clock.
I see 'em.
Base commander: Snake doctor, this is kilo-six-alpha, over.
Kilo-six-alpha, this is snake doctor.
Control is showing us a sizable enemy contingent on the ridge at 4 o'clock.
You may want to direct your men over there, over.
My men have their hands full.
Say again, over.
I said, my men radio check, over.
You're coming in broken and stupid.
Albright: Snake doctor, this is flight one, over.
Flight one, this is snake doctor.
Good to see you.
I'm gonna land on the far ridge where there's a plateau.
Negative, flight one.
You need to land in the valley.
I have a man who's injured.
It's too dangerous.
You can't see what i can.
There are heavily armed men hostiles crawling out of the woodwork.
No, you're not hearing me.
If i move this man, he'll die.
We can't land in the valley.
We'll be sitting ducks out there.
You're gonna land in this valley, or by god i will shoot you out of the sky myself! Roger that.
Coming in hard and fast.
Let's go! Forget them.
Let's go.
We got to go now.
Kilo-six-alpha, this is flight one.
Base commander: This is kilo-six-alpha.
Get him out! Kilo-six-alpha.
He's shot.
Someone give me the kit now! How's he doing? Stable for now.
Can't waste time getting to a hospital.
Wirth? He's gone.
Lost too much blood.
Every call you made today was the right one, boss.
Just bad juju.
I don't need my own team.
I want to be with you.
[Cheering, applause.]
Leona: * in yonder valley * * there grows sweet union * * let us arise * * and drink our fill * * the winter's passed * * and the spring appeareth * * the turtledove is in our land * * in yonder valley * * there grows sweet union * * let us arise * * and drink our fill * * the winter's passed * * and the spring appeareth * * the turtledove is in our land * * in yonder valley * * there grows sweet union * * let us arise * * and drink our fill * * in yonder valley * * there grows sweet union * * let us arise * * and drink our fill * [beep.]
[Cheering, applause.]
Wirth: Hi, baby.
It's me.
Just wanted to hear your voice, say that i miss you.
Can't wait to see you and the kids.
I love you so much.

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