The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


People tend to forget who actually keeps
our country safe.
The public might think of the police
officers, which is understandable,
but I think this works more
like in a soccer team.
- Oh?
- Yeah.
The world's greatest team
is completely useless
without the proper coach.
But seriously, I know I've been
hard on you these last few days,
but that's simply because
I know what you're made of.
And it was your firm hand at the helm
that steered this case safely into harbor.
Yes, well
This horrific case has proven
that our society is no longer
as innocent as it used to be
in the good old days.
Therefore, we need
more effective law enforcement.
We need a bigger budget
to hire more personnel
and to reinforce
our dated infrastructure.
Oh, and I think we desperately
need an Internal Affairs Department.
Well then, isn't it best
that you lead a task force
to establish such a department?
I would happily take that on.
[Hakon] It has
to be in here somewhere.
- [Kata] In this one?
- Yeah.
Here it is, staff directory.
- Right?
- Yep.
You know what,
he's just not in here.
Perhaps old age is playing
tricks on Tryggvi's memory.
Or maybe he was only
here for a little while.
Maybe he was transferred
temporarily from another district.
Was there a local news
correspondent here back then?
Sure, Runa Stef. She was in charge
of those things back then.
- What about a photographer?
- The same woman.
What are you thinking?
I should have some in this box right here.
Is that everything?
The police didn't want me there
getting in their way.
So I didn't take too many photographs.
Runa, do you think we
could borrow your photos?
We promise to take good
care of them, and we'll
return them as soon as
when we're done with them.
Look at this one.
Oh, no. Look, it's Magnus.
Are all the files from the report on Tomas
downstairs in storage?
Okay, we have to go through everything.
Look here.
What's that?
The handwriting is different, right?
Well, I'm no expert,
but that looks very similar.
Don't you think?
Tryggvi was telling the truth.
So, Magnus took part in the search
and wrote the report on the boy's
He falsified it.
He hasn't said a single word to me
about his involvement in that case.
We need to send a formal request for
an investigation into Magnus' conduct.
That's right.
- His rank is irrelevant here.
- Yeah, but
If we're wrong about this
then both our careers
are as good as finished.
But we have to get to the bottom of this.
Magnus is the one who raped those boys?
I don't know.
I'll write the request.
Thank you.
[Eyja] Arnar?
The funeral I'm I'm so sorry. I
I just don't understand.
I just wanted to call and
- [Leifur] Is it him?
- No.
No. No, Leifur, no
This is the police. Who am I speaking to?
[Kata] Are you still in the country?
- Yes.
- I need to see you.
- Are you there?
- Yeah.
Marshall House.
I'll be there in 30 minutes.
Yeah, okay.
Is something wrong?
Fannar is dead.
His mom found him.
Dear God.
I found this on
- Can I get you anything?
- No, thank you. Not yet.
I noticed this on Fannar.
Just like the one on Vidar.
An identical scar in the same place.
Are you saying that
- the man must have
- Thor must have arranged it.
It could explain all that goddamn money.
I also found something.
I'm fairly certain that this
is the room Tomas was murdered in.
And that this is blood from his killer.
So, I took a closer look
at the report on his disappearance.
I also spoke to a witness.
There was a police car at Valhalla
the night Tomas went missing,
but it is never mentioned in the report.
Tryggvi, who was the local
chief of police at that time
- Right.
- He denies any wrongdoing.
- He says his subordinate wrote the report.
- And who was that?
This photo was taken the day after
Tomas disappeared.
I mean, isn't it a bit strange
that Magnus never told us
that he was involved in the investigation
into Tomas' disappearance?
There must be
a logical explanation for that.
Perhaps it was a conflict of interest or he
didn't want to be removed from the case.
- Do you hear yourself?
- Me? Do you hear yourself?
I mean, what are you implying?
That Magnus falsified the report? Why?
Because he raped those boys?
And what? Did he kill Tomas?
And Gudmundur, to cover his tracks?
- I mean, seriously, Kata.
- He knew everything!
He was in the perfect position to do
it. Just like he was in the Tomas case.
Arnar, sometimes, our judgment is clouded
when it comes to the people closest to us.
So why is Magnus ordering further
investigation into Gudmundur's case?
- What do you mean? Is he?
- Yes. Yes, he is.
I know you're unhappy
about being put on leave
Wait, what? This has
nothing to do with that.
Are you sure about that?
If you weren't so blinded by your faith
in Magnus, you would see what I see.
Hi, how's it going?
[Hakon] So, I just finished
writing the request.
- Good. Send it.
- But shouldn't we
[phone rings]
- Elvar.
- Hi, Elvar. It's Hakon from Borgarnes.
Hi! How's it going?
Listen, I just sent you an email.
I just wanted to make sure
you received it.
Yes, hold on. Let me check.
Did you get it?
Is this some kind of joke?
No, and that's precisely
why I decided to call you.
You realize that
you are requesting an investigation
of one of Reykjavik's
highest ranking police officers.
Yes, I realize that.
And the attachment?
Thirty-year-old files.
You're asking me to authorize
an investigation
based on 30-year-old documents?
You know that
the statute of limitations has expired,
unless it's murder or the
sexual abuse of a minor.
Yes, and what if it's both?
Hakon? Are you sure
you want to proceed with this?
But my damn conscience
won't accept anything else.
- I'll read over the request.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
- Hi, Hugrun.
- Hi, I thought you left.
No, not yet. Just one quick question.
Did Magnus talk to you about
the investigation of Gudmundur's murder?
Yes, I sent him all of the
findings yesterday evening.
Okay, great. I just wanted to be sure.
- Hi, Oli!
- Hi.
- How are you holding up?
- I'm okay.
How's Kari?
Was he brought in for questioning
because of that fight?
No, that wasn't it. It was
Did you hear about those boys
who raped a 17-year-old girl
at a party the other day?
- Kari isn't connected, is he?
- He was at the party.
I thought that he had maybe
been involved in some way.
- What?
- No, he didn't do anything.
He went down to the station
to identify the boys.
And was the fight with them?
Have they been charged?
Yes, they've all been brought in.
Where's Kari now?
Is there anything I can do?
Listen, Hugrun.
I want to ask you to
do me a huge favor.
Analyze these blood samples
and see if there's a match with Tomas.
Where did you get this?
I suspect that we might also
have the killer's blood.
Kata, you're on leave.
Will you do this for me?
I can't send it to Oslo
without Helga's authorization.
- I know that.
- And Magnus' authorization.
- Since when?
- It's his new protocol.
He has to sign off on everything.
Goddamn it.
- Kata, what's going on?
- Nothing.
Look, I've got to go.
Kata, why don't you join
me and Oli for a bite?
No, thank you. I have to get going.
- See you later.
- Okay.
- Hakon.
- [Elvar] Hello, my friend.
- We have an answer.
- And?
The request was denied,
and that's not all.
What do you mean?
Two lawyers from the Ministry of Justice
are on their way to Borgarnes to see you.
They have a written injunction
demanding that you turn over
your files to them immediately.
What, can they just do that?
I'm telling you this as a friend.
Don't rock the boat any more.
What kind of bullshit is this?
These fish are simply too big.
Goddamn, fucking nonsense.
Can I talk to you?
What, has something happened?
No, why do you think that?
You're not in the habit
of coming to my work.
And if you came to apologize, a
simple phone call would have sufficed.
No, I didn't come here to apologize.
No, of course you didn't.
I'm sorry. Okay?
I shouldn't have lied to you.
I was wrong to suspect Kari.
I shouldn't have behaved like an ass.
It's just this case
I just can't think straight.
Okay. Okay, I understand.
How is Kari?
He's really upset with you.
I promise to make it up to him.
- I just have to wrap up this case first.
- It's always something else first.
It's not like that.
- Egill, I need your help.
- Oh?
Can you run the DNA from these samples
through your database?
It's against privacy laws,
and I would be fired for it.
If you don't help me, this sick bastard,
who has abused dozens of young boys,
will go unpunished.
These samples will put him away.
I would lose my job. I can't do it.
These boys were Kari's age.
I can't do it.
- I'm sorry.
- Give Kari a hug for me.
[phone rings]
Hi, hopefully you have
some good news for me.
- [Hakon] No, I'm afraid not.
- Was something missing from the request?
- The request was denied.
- What? Already?
It usually takes a few
days to process a request.
And I'm supposed to turn over
all the files relating to the case.
Obviously, someone high up in
the ranks wants to put a lid on this.
Don't do it.
I have to.
Do they know I have copies?
- No.
- Good.
Let's keep it that way.
Which judge did you contact, by the way?
- Hello.
- Hello.
I just wanted to ask you one thing.
Why was our request denied?
- Let's discuss this in my office.
- No, who denied the request?
It was just denied and that's that.
You know just as well as I do that
there's something fishy about this.
The person I spoke to said
the evidence was insufficient.
- Do you really want to discuss this here?
- I want names.
Who denied it?
I don't know.
I sent it to the Ministry for review
and got a phone call
15 minutes later.
Has anything like this
ever happened before?
Tell me!
Has anything like this happened before?
Is this normal?
There is nothing normal about this.
Yes, I think so. It's
probably a good idea to
remind our listeners about
tonight's news program.
Selma will be speaking to
Reykjavik Police Commissioner Magnus
- about the Valhalla murders.
- Right.
We urge everyone to be careful
out there, whatever you're doing.
Fasten your seat belts and all that
Wait, aren't you supposed to be in Norway?
I postponed the flight.
But listen, I've been meaning
to talk to you. I need your help.
I'm trying to get in touch
with Ragnar Omarsson.
Oh? Why?
- I just have to ask him a few questions.
- But the case is closed.
It's not directly connected to the case.
I'm just tying up a few loose ends.
I don't have his number,
but I can send it to you.
- Great. Is everything going all right?
- Yeah.
- Everyone is finishing up their reports.
- Right.
And probably also looking
into Gudmundur's murder?
What do you mean?
- The inconsistencies.
- Inconsistencies?
Magnus didn't talk to you?
No, I haven't seen him
since the press conference.
- What?
- One second.
Hugrun? Didn't you say you sent all the
files on Gudmundur to Helga yesterday?
No, not to Helga.
I sent them to Magnus first.
- You sent them to Magnus?
- Yes.
He asked me to. He was going
to forward everything. That's all I know.
Okay, thanks.
Yeah, bye.
Well, Magnus is swamped.
He must have forgotten
to forward it to me.
What are these inconsistencies?
Never mind.
- Later.
- Later.
[phone rings]
This is Ragnar. You know what to do.
Hi, this is Arnar from the police.
Listen, we need to talk.
I think you can assist us
with the investigation
into your father's murder.
Talk to you later. Bye.
- Oh, Arnar!
- Hello, Elsa.
- I thought you had left.
- Yeah, I postponed the flight.
- Is Magnus home?
- No, he's doing a TV interview.
- I see.
- He'll be back in an hour or so.
It's so nice to get
another visit from you.
Aren't you hungry, Arnar?
Elsa, I don't think I've ever
asked you this before,
but why did you and Magnus start
taking in foster children?
Magnus and I
We had been trying for years,
but nothing seemed to work.
We even went to Sweden,
for very expensive fertility treatments.
We mortgaged our house
and nearly lost it.
It was simply not meant to be.
Then, one day
Magnus came home very excited about the
idea of becoming foster parents.
After that, everything changed.
Even our financial troubles
seemed to go away.
So, that's how it started.
And was it always
just boys, or what?
Yes, Magnus only wanted boys.
You boys were family.
That's how we've always felt.
Especially you, dear Arnar.
Magnus is constantly telling me
how proud of you he is.
How old were they, usually?
They ranged from 10 to 16
years old, like you.
You were the last one we took in.
We thought it had been a good run.
God, what am I thinking?
The news program has started.
Good evening and welcome to the show.
The Valhalla murders have
gripped the nation with fear for weeks,
but now there's an end in sight.
With us tonight is Magnus Sveinsson,
Reykjavik's police commissioner.
Welcome, Magnus.
Thank you.
It's safe to say that you've had
a rough two weeks.
So, the obvious question
is, how do you feel?
I certainly have mixed emotions.
This is, of course, a terrible tragedy.
But there is also comfort to be found
in the fact that the case is now closed.
The police were heavily criticized during
the initial stages of the investigation.
- How did you feel about that?
- Well, as I always say,
let's see how things play out.
But in cases of this magnitude,
it is crucial that the police can do
their job free from outside interference.
What's foremost on
your mind at this moment?
I'm grateful to my colleagues
who never gave up.
of course, my thoughts are first
and foremost with the victims' families.
And is there anything you'd like to say
to those watching at home?
I would like to thank everyone for their
trust as we navigated this complex case.
I know that people were scared,
that they wanted answers.
It can be difficult to keep calm
under such circumstances,
but most Icelanders
managed to do so.
This is without a doubt the biggest
criminal case in Icelandic history.
Yes, so they say.
But is this case closed, Magnus?
Yes, of course the case is closed. Yes.
Are you absolutely certain?
I would like to ask you about one thing.
Are you familiar with
police report number 213B,
filed by the Borgarnes chief of police
on January 29, 1989?
What? What is this?
You didn't answer my question.
- What question?
- Are you familiar with this police report?
It's It's been such a long time
This is a report about the search
for Tomas Kristjansson,
who disappeared from Valhalla
on October 3, 1988.
And, as we all know, Tomas' father,
Kristjan Jonasson, died a few days ago,
in an altercation with the police, after he
was revealed to be the Valhalla murderer,
who was presumably
avenging his son's death.
And here is a photo of you at Valhalla,
the day after Tomas disappeared,
on October 4, 1988.
Did you not think it appropriate
to inform your colleagues about
your involvement in this case?
What's going on here?
I did in fact take part in the search
for the missing boy at that time,
but that's all. Why mention that?
A lot of people took part in the search.
You did more than just take part
in the search, didn't you?
I spoke to Tryggvi Sighvatsson,
the former police chief in Borgarnes.
He says you wrote report
What the hell have you done, Kata?
and all he did was sign it.
Is this true?
If his signature is on the report,
then he wrote it.
So, you're saying
this isn't your handwriting?
I'm not a handwriting analyst!
No, and that's why
we reached out to an expert.
In his opinion, it is very likely that the
same person, you, wrote both of these.
So, I'll ask you again,
did you write the report
on the disappearance
of Tomas Kristjansson?
Look, I I don't have to
We have it on good authority
that the bulk of this report is false.
What good authority?
We spoke to the residents at Borg,
the farm closest to Valhalla,
as well as men who were
at Valhalla at that time.
What do they think they know about it?
Magnus, why did you not disclose
your involvement in Tomas' case?
Did you molest the boys at Valhalla?
Was Tomas murdered?
Arnar, dear.
I think it's best if you leave now.
I just have to I have to
- Everything checked out?
- It looks that way.
Not sure how this will
reflect on your people.
No, but someone had to do it.
The truth had to get out.
Well done.
- Arnar.
- Hi.
Can I come in?
- Where's Leifur?
- He's at his brother's.
What do you think Mom would say
if she could see us right now?
She can see us.
She's always with us.
I see.
So she didn't actually go to hell then?
Why do you think she
turned her back on all of this?
She couldn't live like this anymore.
She couldn't live like you.
Leifur is nothing like our father.
These assholes are all the same.
Why do you allow him to control you?
I'm not like you.
I can't just
Why don't you leave?
Where would I go?
You could stay with me.
- I can't I can't just
- Eyja, I can help you.
[Leifur] What on earth is going on here?
There's nothing going on.
I'm just talking to my sister.
It's highly inappropriate for you
to come here while I'm out of the house.
Come with me.
- I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
- Hey, don't touch me!
Stop it!
- Come with me.
- Leave this house.
- Get out. I've asked you to leave.
- Eyja
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