The Victims' Game (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Pemphis Acidula

The Victims' Game is a work of fiction
that includes scenes
of violence and suicide.
The scenes might cause
uneasiness or discomfort
and can be offensive to some people.
Viewer discretion and
professional assistance are advised.
[woman] Hey, I think something happened
in Room 207.
- They're drunk.
- Hao is still inside. This is ridiculous.
Boss doesn't want to offend anybody.
- Should we call the cops?
- What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
- Let go!
- Where are you going? Fuck!
- Fucking gay!
- Get him in!
- Play with us!
- Get him!
- Let's play.
- Get him.
Take his pants off.
Let's play.
- He deserves this.
- Go away!
Keep struggling.
- Keep struggling!
- Stop struggling!
[man 1] We're playing S&M for you!
- Fuck! What are you doing?
- [man 2] Go away.
- Get out! Out!
- [man 3] What are you doing? Put it down!
[Hsiao-meng] Fuck you! Get the hell out!
Get out right now. Now!
[man 3] Let's go
- Don't do anything.
- Out!
Get out! What are you looking at? Out!
[ominous music]
[Cheng-hao] Thank you for saving me.
Should I cut your balls off?
[Hsiao-meng] That'll save you
a trip to Thailand.
Why not?
Cut my balls off.
Come on!
Cut it off!
Come on! Cut my balls off!
Do it!
- Are you an idiot?
- Yes! I'm an idiot!
I thought people would like me!
I thought someone would love me!
I thought someone would accept me.
Why the fuck am I still alive?
[dramatic music]
I'm really
I'm really tired.
I'm so tired of living.
So tired
Someone once told me
that we own our lives.
How we live and die
are all up to us.
If you're tired,
why don't we die together?
[somber music]
[theme music]
Some of her expressions look like you.
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad!
[knocks on door]
One second!
[banging on door]
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad!
[dramatic music]
[door creaks]
[thudding in distance]
[young Hsiao-meng] Help! Dad!
Dad! Help me!
[Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng! Don't breathe!
Hold your breath!
Dad, it hurts!
Dad, it hurts.
Dad, it hurts
- Hsiao-meng, take this! Hold it!
- [Jo-ying] Hsiao-meng!
- Hold it!
- Dad! No!
[Jo-ying] Hsiao-meng!
- Fang Yi-jen, where are you going?
- [young Hsiao-meng] No! Dad!
[Jo-ying] Hsiao-meng,
let's go to the hospital!
Fang Yi-jen!
Hurry up!
Fang Yi-jen!
[breathing heavily]
[foreboding music]
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad, it hurts.
It really hurts.
[young Hsiao-meng crying]
[ominous music]
[Jo-ying] Fang Yi-jen
Fang Yi-jen, what are you doing?
Hsiao-meng is your daughter.
What's wrong with you?
Are you even human?
Please don't let your work destroy me.
I'm begging you.
[Jo-ying sobbing]
It's okay if you just destroy me,
but Hsiao-meng is still so young.
Don't do this to her.
[Jo-ying] Hand. H-A-N-D.
What is this?
- [young Hsiao-meng] Hand.
- Hand.
[Jo-ying] It's easy.
Why don't you finish coloring the dress?
How about this one?
- Fang.
- Fang, like a square.
- What else has "fang"?
- Dad.
You're so good! That's right.
- Do you understand what it says?
- Yes, I understand.
Your jacket!
What else? Your bag.
Let me see.
You're going to be late.
You have to wake up earlier tomorrow.
Okay! Let's go.
[gloomy music]
[phone buzzing]
- Hello? Ta-tse?
- [Ta-tse] Where are you?
I'm heading to work.
Didn't I tell you to give
the nursing home story to Yu-hsuan?
- What are you doing?
- I gave it to her.
You know better about her background
than I do.
She asked for this news with the editors.
- Just let it go.
- I let go a long time ago.
Give her all the resources you have.
Don't say I did you wrong
after all the years we've worked together.
I'll see you at Light Media.
Let's meet Mr. Liu together.
Ta-tse, I have to hang up.
I'm driving. Bye.
[Hai-yin] Excuse me, miss.
May I ask why Dr. Shen
suddenly took the day off?
Hmm. I don't really know.
Can you give us Dr. Shen's number?
Sorry, I can't give it to you.
Thank you. Let's just find it ourselves.
[tense music]
What are you doing?
[Yi-jen] These were written by Hsiao-meng.
How is it possible?
Perhaps they have the same name.
She writes "Meng" counterclockwise.
She circles back to the right
when writing "Tzu".
It's Hsiao-meng's handwriting.
[Hai-yin] These are the notes she wrote
to her mom to cheer her up.
"Head nurse, Chang Hsin."
[nurse] You can't just rip off the notes.
I'm sorry. We'll stick them back.
Where's Chang Hsin?
You mean the head nurse?
She's doing ward rounds.
- Fang Yi-jen!
- [reporter 1] The latest update.
Senior member
of the Forensic Department, Mr. Fang
is accused of destroying
and hiding evidence.
This is the latest news
on the main suspect
in the Last Wish Murders.
Police have found
that she's the daughter of Mr. Fang.
Mr. Fang did not report to his superiors,
which brought suspicion on him.
He disposed of his cell phone
and disappeared.
The police has released his portrait
and issued a wanted notice.
Please contact the police immediately
if you have any information
on his whereabouts.
If any problem comes up,
- let me know. Okay?
- Okay.
- Thank you!
- No problem.
- Rest well.
- We will.
[Ms. Chang] May I help you?
We saw the notes Hsiao-meng wrote for you.
Are you the person
who took care of her mom?
[Ms. Chang] Actually,
a couple of days ago,
the police came to talk to me.
What happened to Hsiao-meng?
[Hai-yin] We think
she might want to commit suicide.
So we'd like to know more
about what happened to her.
Perhaps we can stop this in time.
Hsiao-meng was the person
who showed up here the most.
[Ms. Chang] She'd show up early
in the morning.
I could tell
that she came straight
from work at the club.
She was still so young.
Hsiao-meng, you're a little late today.
Ms. Chang, how's my mom?
The doctor said she was acting up
last night,
so he gave her some sedatives.
I suppose she's still asleep.
- I'll go check on her.
- Mm-hm.
Reluctant to see the memories ♪
Gradually become a dark shadow ♪
[Ms. Chang] Her mom was
in the last stage of kidney cancer.
We all thought
there was nothing else we could do.
But Hsiao-meng never gave up trying.
I'm not sure if she was naive,
or just optimistic.
She never shed a tear in front of her mom.
Remember yourself ♪
There is no need to fill up
This regret again ♪
Say goodbye to the loneliness ♪
As the soul
Is naturally missing a piece ♪
Thank you.
I have to check on my mom.
[Ms. Chang] One time, I complimented her.
And she told me
that whenever she wanted to cry,
she would leave an encouraging note.
It is a kind of perfection
That there's no one for me to cherish ♪
It was really difficult for her.
She paid for all
the medical bills herself.
However what?
Hsiao-meng was someone
who couldn't allow herself to quit.
[Ms. Chang] Perhaps, because of that,
she would make such a decision
when her mom tried to stop the treatment.
What decision?
Last wish.
[Jo-ying sobbing]
I don't want to do it anymore
[Ms. Chang] Hsiao-meng's mom
always had a wish.
She always wanted
to go somewhere before she died.
I'm sorry.
[Ms. Chang] But Hsiao-meng wouldn't
accomplish it for her, no matter what.
I only realized later
that she wanted to keep her mom wishing,
so that perhaps she wouldn't
stop the treatment.
Remember yourself ♪
I'm not getting better.
Where do you want to go?
Living like the tiny dust ♪
It's beautiful there.
I don't deserve to exist ♪
We went there together before.
It is a kind of perfection
That there's no one for me to cherish ♪
Being there made me feel like
Like everything was hopeful.
It's none of my business ♪
Like there's hope for the future.
I want to go there again.
[Ms. Chang] Eventually,
her mom passed away.
Do you know where the place is
that she wanted to go to?
I think only the two of them would know.
Could there be another person who knows,
besides you?
You might have to ask her family.
Thank you.
[tense music]
Excuse me.
Get all the patients back to their wards.
Request for backup.
- Lockdown Zhen Xin Hospital.
- [Ms. Chang] You go over there.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[officer 1] Reporting,
4th Corps has arrived.
- Roads have been blocked.
- [officer 2] Sir,
- Preparing to get into the hospital.
- we'll be there in 15 minutes. Hang on.
[door creaks]
What should we do now?
You're the only one who can help me.
I don't care what you do.
You can't let Hsiao-meng commit suicide.
Promise me. Promise me.
Fang Yi-jen!
[tense music]
[Liao] Cooperate!
Don't move. Keep him in place.
Keep him in place. Cuff him.
[officer 3] Sorry.
[suspenseful music]
[Liao] Yes, sir. Roger that.
- [Cheng-kuan] Leave us for a minute.
- [officer 4] Okay.
[officer 4] Let's go.
What the fuck were you thinking?
Why are you keeping it a secret?
It's the plug, isn't it?
[Cheng-kuan] Because I've never seen you
lose a piece of evidence.
If I'm not mistaken,
you knew since the first crime scene,
didn't you?
You didn't tell me
because you don't trust me, do you?
I looked through the cases
you were in charge of.
Let's cut the crap.
- Where is Chiang Hsiao-meng?
- I don't know where she is.
You think I can't find her
just because you won't tell me?
Fang Yi-jen, I know
what you're worried about.
If you don't want her to commit suicide,
you have all the more reason to tell me.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
We're racing against time.
If anything happens to her,
you'll carry this guilt
as a father for life!
I also want to know where she is!
[breathing heavily]
[reporter 2] In the Last Wish video
that was recently released,
Chiang Hsiao-meng confirmed the victims
helped each other to commit suicide.
And that she'll do the same
after accomplishing her mom's wish,
causing chaos in our society.
The police traced the IP address
back to a caretaker named Li Ya-chun.
She pretended to be innocent
by making the victims film the video.
The police considered this
to be a possibility.
Mental health clinics in hospitals
are packed due to the effect of the video.
[reporter3] Pinglin City police
offered five million dollars
to whoever find the suspects,
urging citizens to be more alert.
If you have any important information
on Li Ya-chun or Chiang Hsiao-meng,
please talk to the police
and help them solve the case.
My name is Li Ya-chun.
Go get someone. Put your hands
behind your back! Kneel!
[Yu-ming] Kneel!
Put your hands behind your back! Now!
- Call Kuan.
- [officer 5] Okay.
[Yung-chen] At two o'clock this afternoon,
Li Ya-chun, a suspect
in the serial murder case,
turned herself in
at the Pinglin City police station.
Her accomplice, Chiang Hsiao-meng,
is still on the run.
- Captain Sun!
- Sir!
[man 4] Light Media News.
Has the police found clues
on the last wish
of Chiang Hsiao-meng's mom?
[reporter 4] Captain Sun,
Chiang Hsiao-meng revealed
having suicidal thoughts in the video.
Will she become the next victim
of the Last Wish Murders?
What is your relationship
with Chiang Hsiao-meng?
[Cheng-kuan] Where is Chiang Hsiao-meng?
- [reporter 5] Sir, do you think Li Ya-chun
- [reporter 6] There's hearsay that
- turned herself in for an ulterior motive?
- Li Ya-chun has got out.
- Why'd she turn herself in?
- Yes, why did she do that?
- I'd like to ask
- Would you please answer me?
Could you answer the question?
Captain Sun,
since Li Ya-chun turned herself in,
who would be the one to fulfill
Chiang Hsiao-meng's last wish?
Have you thought of that?
[overlapping dialogue]
[Cheng-kuan] Can you cooperate?
Or are you not going to talk
until your lawyer arrives?
I want to see Fang Yi-jen.
Bring me Fang Yi-jen.
[officer 6] Yes, sir.
[door opens]
Is Hsiao-meng still alive?
I came to tell you
that the kid had a tough life.
[Ya-chun] Ever since her mom passed away,
you've been the only reason for her
to stay alive.
[officer 7] Over there.
Isn't your dad a cop?
Call him to handle this. This is a mess.
- Fuck you.
- [officer 7] Over there.
What do you mean, "Fuck you"?
Why did you believe a lie?
Idiot. Why did you lie to me?
- Moron.
- You're a moron.
[somber music]
[ECG monitor beeping]
How's my mom?
[Ms. Chang] Your mom's blood oxygen
was very low.
We gave her the highest level of oxygen.
The doctor also injected her
with antibiotics.
We'll keep an eye on her.
You might need to prepare for the worst.
Stay with your mom tonight.
[door opens]
[Ya-chun] This works better.
Thank you.
Has anyone told you
that you can sign a DNR?
What is that?
If you think your mom would go through
a painful process in each resuscitation,
you can stop it for her.
I can't possibly do that.
If they don't save her, she'll die.
I can't possibly lose her.
I'm just reminding you
that you have the right.
As for actually executing the right,
it's up to you.
Choosing death is not cruel.
What is cruel is letting her live
without hope.
[ominous music]
[Jo-ying breathing heavily]
[thunder rumbling]
[somber music]
[Hsiao-meng] Could you get me Fang Yi-jen
of the Forensic Department?
[desk officer] I'll ask for you.
[desk officer] Sir! Sir!
[somber music]
[lighter clicks]
[door lock clicks]
[gloomy music]
[ECG monitor beeping]
[beeping continues]
[rapid beeping]
[gloomy music]
- [Ms. Chang] Hsiao-meng!
- [nurse 1] What happened?
Hsiao-meng, open the door!
What happened?
- Why don't you open the door?
- Hsiao-meng!
It's okay.
- [Ms. Chang] Hsiao-meng!
- It's okay now.
Hsiao-meng, open the door now!
Open the door, Hsiao-meng!
So you made Hsiao-meng
shut off her mom's life support.
That was her own call.
She was brave
and strong.
- [sighs sharply]
- [Ya-chun] She did a good job.
You turned my daughter into a murderer.
- No.
- You turned my daughter into a murderer.
- She was an angel who liberated her.
- You turned her into a murderer!
- Just one more step,
- You turned her into a murderer!
- and she'll forever be at peace!
- You turned my daughter into a murderer!
[officers] Calm down.
This is all she has ever wanted.
Where's Hsiao-meng?
[Yi-jen] Where's Hsiao-meng?
Hsiao-meng's been waiting
for those words for ten years.
[Ya-chun] Hsiao-meng said
all you ever cared about were the cases.
Have you never thought
that she's doing all this
only to get your attention?
They tookwhat Hsiao-meng gave me.
[Ya-chun] That's the last clue
she wanted you to have.
I know where she is.
- Let's move.
- I know where she is.
I know where she is
[door closes]
[siren blaring]
[Cheng-kuan] Fang Yi-jen.
Are you sure she'll be there?
[baby Hsiao-meng crying]
[Jo-ying] What's the matter, Hsiao-meng?
It's okay. Don't cry, Hsiao-meng.
We'll be home soon.
Can you quiet her down?
I can't drive like this.
- You can't even tolerate your own kid?
- Get her to quiet down! I can't drive!
[Jo-ying] What are we to you?
[Jo-ying] Stop the car.
Stop the car. Let us out!
[Jo-ying] Hsiao-meng.
Let me hold you.
Let me hold you, okay?
Why don't we take a walk?
Let's go take a walk.
[water splashing]
What did you do to make her stop crying?
It's probably the sea.
Hsiao-meng is just like me.
We both love the sea.
- She stopped crying. We can leave.
- Hey.
Let's not give up, okay?
[dramatic music]
Reporting from the police station.
We found a girl
at the beach by Binhai Road.
Chiang Hsiao-meng corresponds
with the description.
According to our men on-site,
she's standing on a cliff.
It seems like she wants to jump.
Our guys are on stand by.
Tell everyone to stand down.
Wait until I get there.
Yes, sir.
[somber music]
[Jo-ying] Hsiao-meng.
Can we go to the beach?
I gave you my word.
We'll go once you recover, okay?
I won't.
You will.
Just think
that when you recover,
we can go wherever you want.
[Hsiao-meng] Okay?
[Jo-ying] Don't cry, Hsiao-meng.
I'm here.
[water splashing]
- Keep an eye on him.
- Yes, sir.
Let me out.
[Cheng-kuan] I'll go.
Wait here.
Chiang Hsiao-meng!
Come down.
We can talk it out.
Hey! Fine!
I won't go up and you shouldn't either.
[Hsiao-meng] I want to see Fang Yi-jen.
Remember, don't provoke her.
You have to get her down safely.
[dramatic music]
[Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng.
Waiting for her voice ♪
To make the blues ♪
Come down.
Do you know where we're at?
Come down first, give me your hand.
Do you know where we're at?
Is for you to see my world ♪
I know you did all those things
because Li Ya-chun told you to.
[Yi-jen] Li Ya-chun wanted you
to execute all her plans.
Come here.
Before Mom died,
she said she wanted to come
to the beach so much.
[Hsiao-meng] She wanted
the three of us to come.
In 2003
On April 2, 2003,
you kept crying in the car.
We passed by here.
Your mom took you out of the car
and you stopped crying.
Your mom told me you loved the sea,
just like her.
[Yi-jen] Come down now.
Year 1998.
Aqua regia murder, Tsinghua University.
[Hsiao-meng] Year 1999.
Sulfuric acid murder, body in a bucket.
August 5, 1998.
Chuang Hung-piao was short on money,
so he conspired with his girlfriend
who lived with him
to kidnap his elementary school classmate.
They failed,
so they killed him out of anger,
and destroyed the body.
Year 1998.
A nurse in Banqiao suspected
her boyfriend was unfaithful,
so she injected him with fentanyl
and killed him.
Year 2006,
April 3,
the actor, Yeh Wen jumped into the sea
at Shanxi Village,
Shimen District, New Taipei City.
November 14, 2006.
A Vietnamese maid, Feng Shih-mei,
in Nangang District, Taipei,
stabbed her employers madly.
One died and two were injured.
She then jumped off a building.
These are all your cases.
They're in the back of your head,
aren't they?
I know you've had it rough.
I know your mom was in pain.
I was trying
I wanted to make her happy!
- But I didn't know how!
- You didn't!
I thought that having a family
and getting married would make me normal!
I thought I could be normal!
But I was hurting you two.
I thought by leaving you,
things would've become better.
I didn't know things would come to this!
Please give me your hand. I'm begging you.
- [Yi-jen] I'm begging you
- Now that you're here,
Mom's last wish is almost complete.
You gave me my life.
Now I want to give it back to you.
I'm already home.
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
If you can understand ♪
Stop hesitating now
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[Yi-jen] Hsiao-meng.
Please give me your hand. I'm begging you.
I'm begging you.
[Mrs. Su] Perhaps, death was for her,
the true release.
I understand them!
I understand their pain!
[Yi-jen] I'm not talking to you
as a forensic investigator.
I'm talking to you as
Chiang Hsiao-meng's dad.
[Cheng-kuan] You and me,
we're not actually after different things.
We just use different means.
[Ya-chun] I'm doing the right thing.
I'm doing the right thing!
[Hai-yin] My dad took our family with him
to commit suicide.
Only my mom and I survived.
Therefore, if you're willing,
I can also help you.
- Just one more step,
- You turned my daughter into a murderer.
- and she'll forever be at peace!
- You turned my daughter into a murderer!
[Ya-chun] Have you never thought
that she's doing all this
just to get your attention?
[Yi-jen] I was trying
I wanted to make her happy!
- But I didn't know how!
- You didn't!
I'm already home.
[crew 1] Okay.
Let's retreat the first cameras.
[Li Mu] The cliff scene is
When Hsiao-meng actually
talked to her dad face to face
for the first time.
I was actually quite nervous.
[Li Mu] Firstly, that environment for me,
wasn't some place
that made me feel safe.
And then
There was one scene where I went
to see him at the police station,
but we didn't see each other.
So my character doesn't
She doesn't really know
what Fang Yi-jen is like.
[crew 2] Hsin, is the location okay?
I remember coming up with different
ways of performing when I read the script.
But I never imagined
that when my character sees her dad,
- I'd feel
- Come here.
[Li Mu] For a moment I actually felt
like I was Chiang Hsiao-meng.
There was a feeling
she kept bottling up inside,
and it became overwhelming.
In that moment,
she felt like everything was finally over.
It suddenly hit her.
Her dad's guilty face
gave her that feeling.
So she cried a lot that day.
I never thought
Hsiao-meng would cry like that.
I thought she would tell him coolly,
like, "I'm going to die."
Is that okay?
[Hsun-wei] Hsiao-meng is
The story
She's the center of the mystery.
Fang Yi-jen did everything he could
just to find her.
Because he had a purpose,
he slowly began to realize in his journey
what suicidal people are thinking.
The people who society isolates
and those who are kept out from the world.
What exactly are they going through
Hsiao-meng is a broken teenage girl.
She was abandoned
by her dad when she was little.
She survived because she was so strong.
And she tried so hard
to take care of her dying mom.
On top of that, she had
to make a very difficult decision,
where she had to end her mom's life
with her own hands.
[Shu-ting] Suicide is an important issue.
It's also a serious topic.
Besides having respect
or understanding regarding this issue,
how much do we honestly know
about the reasons behind each suicide?
What does a person
or a character go through
before they have to make this choice?
And what do the people around them
go through?
We spent a lot of time focusing
on delivering this aspect.
These characters are all stuck
in some traumas or pain.
Oftentimes, the pain itself
sometimes looks like desperation,
other times, it's like a key.
If there is no pain,
perhaps you can never find the keyhole.
I gave you my word.
We'll go once you recover, okay?
[Ching-ting] After attempting suicide,
my character lays in the hospital,
and his wife, Lin Yu-jung,
held his hand and said to him,
"I don't give a damn
about what you've done before.
I don't give a damn now.
I won't give a damn in the future either.
Because I know you're kind."
Hearing his wife say that to him,
that is full of love.
She did not want to blame him.
She understood, accepted,
and was willing to stay with him.
[Chi Chin] She is a strong female figure.
Lin Yu-jung completely understood him
by the way she treated him.
Her husband made a choice,
and that choice was a very cruel one
for married women.
When I viewed my character, Lin Yu-jung,
as myself, Chi Chin,
I said to Mr. Hsia, "You're really cruel.
Why does this man exist?
How could you do that to your wife?"
In this area of life, Lin Yu-jung and I
actually think and do differently
in our relationships.
It's like a never-ending discussion.
Perhaps we can stop
looking for a right answer,
or the ideas of some kind
of correct values.
Just don't stop exploring.
[Jui-liang] Well
We shouldn't stop getting to know people,
people who have different values
regarding this issue.
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