The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Truth or Dare

I know.
You're blown away
by my awesome buzz cut.
Did it myself.
Thank you.
Interesting collection.
Very eclectic.
What can I say?
Uh I'm a renaissance man.
Well, if you need someone
to read them to,
I'm totally here for you.
No way.
Thirteen and a half?
Hey, if the shoe fits
Really. I mean, you are a wizard.
Please, teach me
another one.
Master that trick first,
and then and only then
will I show you more.
I mean, entertainment like
thishas just not been available.
I got somethingfor you
to wash that down with.
Had it chillingout back in the stream.
Is this legit?
Mountain Dew?
Good as new behind some crates
in an old gas station.
I will never stop
missing these.
I mean, I used to drink
thislike water back in the day.
What else did you findout there, huh?
Besides that bling.
Big cluster moving south.
Lots of blocked roads
along the main route.
As long as we keep to the side
streets, we should be good.
How about what you found?
Couple con men
and a stolen CRM truck.
Mm, they're all right.
And plus, we got that truck,
and it'll get us to New
Yorkin days instead of weeks.
There's not enough fuel
to get us to New York.
You know that, right?
Well, Tony,
the older one,
he's got a leadon where
we can get some more.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I present to youone Civic
Republic military map.
As you can see,
there are no landmarks
no points of interest labeled.
To all appearances,
this looks to be useless.
looks can be deceiving.
When Percy discovered these
in the truck,
they took me back
to the colored lenses I used
in my infamous Prism of Light
Just set them up
at the proper distances,
shine a powerful-enough beam
of light through them, and
See those little oil drops
scattered around?
Hidden CRM fuel caches
and all the gas we need.
The ones we've hit so far
have mostly been shacks
with, uh, landing pads
All unmanned
and unguarded.
Helicopters touch down,
they refuel,
and they take off again.
I, uh, can't believe it.
You know,
grifting's kind of my thing.
Uh, I just needed to
borrow themfor a minute.
I would have asked,
but I didn't want to
makea big deal out of it.
It's probably nothing.
What's probably nothing?
How'd you get
one of their maps?
I'll explain later.
Hold this.
Where are we
dropping you off?
Honestly, we don't
We don't know yet.
What do you mean
you don't know yet?
I'm gonna be straight with you,
all right?
The girls' father is at aCivic
Republic research facility
somewhere in New York.
If the CR knew
we were even trying to find
one of their facilities,
we could all be in danger.
If Percy and I were averseto danger,
we wouldn't be driving
aroundin one of their trucks.
But if you don't even
know where you're going,
how is this arrangement of oursgonna work?
We'll figure it out, make it
work with the intel we got.
If that means flying blind
till we do, then we fly blind.
Mallick! Mallick!
Mallick! Mallick!
All right, all right. Shut up.
Mallick! Mallick!
How about a targetand trajectory report
from my designated spotter?
Final target is approximately
1.4 meters due south
of our current position.
Also, I feel it's my duty
to inform you
of some change
in wind conditions.
Private First Class Owens
just ripped a beer fart
from the east.
That still hurt?
Only when I laugh.
That morning
in the Devil's Pass
You ever think about that?
You ever stop thinking
about it?
Well, the only thing you need
toremember about that morning
is I had your back
and you had mine.
This is a WVPQ special report.
This evening we are following
a tense situation
outside Garnet Medical Center,
which is now the sixth local
hospital to go into lockdown
and close its doors to new
patients in the last 24 hours.
As with the others,
we're receiving reports
of chaos and confusion
You see that?
Get Hope.
This is the map
Lieutenant Colonel Kublek
gave me and Hope
before we left the university.
Some of the markings
on the overlays
didn't form symbols
on the other map.
But when we tried it
on this one
And there it is.
It's a double helix.
It's a DNA strand.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Are you saying that you thinkthis is
What else could it be?
I think we know where Dad is.
Ithaca, New York.
That's your finish line? Yeah.
Hm. Nice to see Percy spending
time with kids his own age.
I bet.
I mean, I did see him go upstairs
with a bottle of his booze,
I don't know. Maybe I
should go check on them.
Or you could let them
be teenagers.
They deserve
a little celebration.
So do you, my friend,
after the exciting discovery.
He's right.
You do.
Perimeter check.
I'll be back.
You good?
I'm just tired is all.
Took out an empty this morning.
He was wearing the EGA.
Brought back some memories
Good and bad.
He was a Marine.
He still is.
So am I.
Why should they be having
all the fun, huh?
All right.
Elton, try that out.
Just, like
I'm good. Thanks. All right.
It's like a warm stack of
nailsare hugging my insides.
It's not as good as mine,
but let's party.
Cheers, everyone. Salud.Cheers.
Come on.
And over here.
So, uh, what's customary
now? Get more seats or
Yes. Let's do that.
I'm freezing.
Are you freezing?
You did a lot.
The game's truth or dare.
I'm in. Cool.
I don't know what that
is, but yeah, let's play it.
It's simple
All you got to do
is you got to pick one
or the other.
Iris, truth or dare?
Uh, truth.
Oh, I'm good. Thank you. Percy: Truth.
If you could do
whatever you wanted right now,
anything at all,
what would you do?
I'd hit the Louvre
see some good art.
I mean
Oh, Eugène Delacroix's, um
"Liberty Leading the People."
The brushstrokes.
The actual canvas!
I was hoping for an answer
withless of a tranquilizing effect.
It's got the best art
in the world.
Granted, it's probably not even
and even if it were, I'd doubt
I'd ever get to see it.
But a girl can dream,
Fair enough.
Here's to dreaming
and, uh never saying "never."
Leo and Will
They sound like good people.
Yes, they are.
I mean, the thing is
I don't even know
if what we're doing
is gonna wind up helping them
or just putting them
in more danger.
Well, if there's one
thingl've learned, kiddo,
it's that you can't predictthe future.
I was a man of many vicesbefore all this.
Oh, yeah?
Playing chicken
with rock bottom.
Didn't even know who
Percy wastill my sister
His his mother split
from her husband
and the court appointed
mehis legal guardian.
It was like my prayershad been answered.
All that free money
from the state?
I hit pay dirt
with that kid.
Thing was he wasn't
with memore than a day
before I knew I'd give my lifefor his.
It's a thing.
Who knew?
Who knew, huh?
Truth. Oh, my God.
Right. In that case,
I have a four-part question
that tiers off
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, Elton.
Gonna have to keep this simple.
What's the worst thing
you ever done?
What kind of question is that?
I mean,
it's not even your turn.
You afraid to answerthe question?
Come on.
What's the worst thingyou ever done?
Back at the U, I locked
the school faculty bathroom
and spiked the teachers'
coffee maker with laxatives.
Precious, precious laxatives.
She did.
Come on.
I said the truth.
That is the truth.
You think you can cona con man?
I know you're hiding
something. Come on. Spill it.
What's the worst thingyou ever done?
She She already told you.
It's the laxative thing.
Sorry. No, I don't think it is.
Stop it.
Leave her alone.
Silas, it's okay.
Percy's right.
There is something else.
The worst thing
that I've ever done
is agree to play
this stupid game.
No. No.
Allow me.
Hope. Hope.
I was just playing around.
She knows.
Hope, wait up. Hope
What is it?
Nothing. Everything.
Look. Okay.
It It is a stupid game,
all right?
And I was just playing
'cause I-I
Um thanks, Elton.
But, uh
I think you're drunk, all right?
And I need to be alone.
Containing the crisis
is the strategy,
separating the well
from the sick.
The source and nature
of the current crisis
cannot be confirmed.
But with reports of widespread
rioting and violence,
you are being deployed
into the city's service tunnels
to locate civilians
and escort them to safety.
If you are under threat
of any kind,
you are to eliminate
any and all hostile targets
that you encounter.
Kill! Kill! Kill!
I heard it came back
on a rocket,
that it started in space.
You know,
somebody breathed it in,
it turned their stomachs,
and then they got on a plane
Shut up, Owens.
Come on. This way. Let's go.
Multiple targets ahead.
Hold fire. Hold fire.
What the hell, man? What were those things?
They were people.
Sure as hell ain't now.
You see more,
go for the heads.
That did it.
We got civilian friendlies aliveup there.
That's our mission.
Damn it.
Lance Corporal Mallick,
what are you seeing?
Talk to me.
A lot of activity ahead.
Stay close.
Come this way!
Lance Corporal Mallick,
as your designated spotter,
I strongly suggestwe
start shooting something.
Can't tell the friendlies
from the hostiles.
Try thermal.
Hostiles have
a lower body temp.
Let's move!
Move it!
Come on!
It's okay.
You're safe.
We're getting you
out of here.
You shouldn't be up here drunk.
You shouldn't be up here
at all.
What are you doing here?
Never mind me.
You want to tell mewhat's
been eating at you?
Something's been up
since The Blaze.
And it ain't something small.
That's for sure.
Tell me.
What's up?
I killed someone.
It was the night
the sky fell.
I didn't know
who she was.
She was scared my
momwas gonna take her truck.
She freaked out and
she shot my mom.
She dropped the gun, and I picked it up,
and I pointed it at her.
And it went off.
She was pregnant,
and I killed her.
She was Elton's mom.
You were just a kid.
But I did it!
You were a kid, and she killed
your mom in front of you.
Elton doesn't know.
Iris knows, but not that it's Elton's mom.
And they shouldn't.
We can't change
the things we've done.
Just find the strength
to carry the truth
for everybody else
so they don't have to.
But how?
Welcome to the party, kid.
Some nights,
it's so damn dark.
And then they still manage
to get darker.
But the light will come.
I promise you.
It'll come.
In there somewhere
is a whole stash
of refined CRM fuel
just ripe for the taking.
Big place.
We'll split up, start at
the bottom, work our way up.
And these places are clearof empties, yeah?
As far as we can tell.
CRM keeps their shit locked up
pretty tight.
Good thing lock-picking's
our thing.
Mine too.
Still, we should stay alert.
Hope, we're heading out.
You and me. Come on.
So still gonna to talk to him, huh?
I know what you're gonna say,
but I finished his mom's book.
She was smart and kind
I think she just got scared
and did a bad thing, all right?
If I can forgive her,
then maybe Elton can forgive
Is this about him
or this about you?
Truth's a funny thing.
People say that'swhat
they want, but it isn't.
What? So we're just stuck
living a lie?
That's the thing.
If they don't know it's a
lie, they get to just live.
We pay the cost, but
theyget to live 'cause of us.
Where the hell are the others?
Listen up.
We received orders,
per Central Command.
Sunset Protocols are in effect.
Pending final authorization,
all units in the hot zone
will be directed to kill
all targets in their grid.
With respect, sir, what the
hellare you talking about?
That means you put
down anythingstill walking
Friendly or unfriendly,
civilian or hostile,
living or dead.
Talk to me.
Drop the gun.
Do it now.
Easy, man.
Not one more step!
So, when you and Percy
get us to where we're going,
what's next for you?
More of the same, I suppose.
What's that?
Just keep on moving, keep conning?
Keep surviving.
It's what we do. I hear that.
Percy had to grow up fastout here.
He doesn't know
any other way.
You know, he reminds me a lot
of me when I was his age.
Living on the streets.
Survival was everything.
I met the girls' dad, Leo,
and then he showed me
showed me there was more.
Showed me I could be more.
That was another time.
Things are different now.
Maybe it doesn't
have to be.
You smell that?
They took the timeto
stash this supply good.
Cabinet looks new.
I said stay the hell back!
I'm a statue.
You good, pal?
What happened to your leg?
No. I'm gonna askthe questions, okay?
You're them with the helicopters.
How many more?
Just me and the girl.
We're not them.
We're just scavenging.
Got lucky. You're lying!
You both got the symbolon your jacket.
What happened?
One of the dead take a bite
out of you?
Shut the hell up!
You are them.
This place
This place is ours.
You just came in
and took it.
We took it back.
We didn't take anything.
I'm not them.
You don't look too good.
Come on.
Let's talk about it.
I don't know.
I j I just woke up,
and my brother, he'd
he'd turned.
I stabbed him. He's dead in the next room.
Well, you ain't gonna last
much longer with that leg.
You know that, right?
Stop! I will shoot her! I swear to God!
Her name's Hope.
They call me Huck.
We're just passing through.
What's your name?
Listen, Walter.
I can help you, but first
you got to let my friend go.
You didn't let me finish.
Then you train your sights
on me.
Huck, no!
Walter, she's just a kid
Focus on me, all right?
Now let's talk about
how we're gonna save you.
That's impossible.
We can do it.
Trust me.
Stand by.
We can't do this.
An order from Central
Commandis like an order from God!
We have to!
What if those peopleare infected, huh?
What if shooting them
is the only way
to stop this thing
from spreading?
We're gonna have to take that
leg before it spreads further.
No way.
It's been too long.
You shouldn't be here.
Maybe none of us
should be.
I'm sorry. It's not personal. I just
You shoot me, you take
your lifewith that bullet, too.
You You can help me?
I've seen people
survive amputations
hours after infection.
You're lying.
I'm not. Listen up.
I just received
final authentication
of Sunset Protocols.
Y'all know me.
I don't like this
any more than you do.
We are being trusted
with these orders
because they are
absolutely necessary.
Any Marine, including myself,
who fails to follow
these orders
will be taken into custody
and brought up on charges.
we don't have a choice.
Gun's getting heavy, huh?
It's all good.
Nobody would blame you
for dropping it.
I-I just
It wasn't supposed to gothis way.
It's okay. It's okay.
You can save me?
I can save you.
On my command!
Jennifer! Jennifer, stop!
Jennifer, stop!
Put it down.
I'm a Marine.
I don't know what the hell
you are.
You said you could save him.
Time to forgive yourself, kid.
You got a future. You got to see that now.
What the hell happened?
Are you okay?
H-Huck Huck saved me.
Jesus, Huck.
It's okay.
We're okay.
This guy had walkies,
We found the fuel.
Let's get the hell out
of here.
We found something else, too
locked in the cabinet.
What are those?
something to work with.
You think these are
encryptedCRM lunch orders?
If we could
just crack this,
it could tell us more
about them,
help our chances of saving Dad
when we get to him.
Hope, it feels like
we're changing.
It feels like it's
just the start.
Hey, Silas.
Hold on.
Tony has something
he wants to say.
So, after talking it over
with Felix,
Percy and I
have decided to
extend the terms
of our agreement with you.
Yeah, insteadof dropping you guys off,
we want to stick around,
do what we canto help
you guys find your dad.
After that, who knows?
Let the chips fall
where they may.
All right.
Let's all get some sleep.
We're hitting the road
at first light.
Sounds good.
I'll go charge up the walkies
and top off the tank.
So, uh
would you maybe want to
see me by the truck in an hour?
Why? What's at the truck?
Just me.
Just, uh
need to get my gloves back.
Oh.I can give them to you now.
Uh, no, no.
Uh, my hands
aren't cold now.
Uh but they will be
in about an hour?
An hour.
Um, hey.
Um, I-I didn't get a chance
to tell you this earlier,
but, um I-I'm sorry
for what happened to you.
I-It means everything to me
that you're still alive
and here with us. Thanks, but
I mean
I wouldn't want to lose you
like the, um
queen of hearts.
I know
it's just a stupid trick,
but show somebody
the impossible,
and suddenly everything
seems possible.
I just wanted to thank
you for sharing this with me.
Your mother seems like
she wasan amazing woman.
She was.
And hey,
maybe she still is.
I mean, who knows, right?
Everything is possible.
Yeah. Everything is possible.
You were right.
Telling Elton
I'd just be doing it for me, not for him.
The truthwould just crush him.
You're a good person, Hope.
I took this from Elton's momafter I
I stole it.
Still think
I'm a good person?
I know you are.
The necklace proves it.
You took it
as a reminder
something you wear
every day
to remember the bad
you've done
a reminder to keep living
to do good,
'cause that's the only way
to make the bad mean something.
You're gonna be okay, Hope.
Somebody, help!
Holy shit.
That's Silas's.
What the hell?
Oh, my God.
Cover me.
Who's in there?
Who did this?
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