The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

The Perfect Wedding

You know, just give me a second.
I'm just going to say hi.
Thank you for this.
For everything.
This is all part of
the planning service.
Are you kidding?
Zach and I wouldn't even be together
if you hadn't broken up with him.
Yeah. It wasn't meant to be.
And I never would have
done my travel photography.
Can you believe, all those years
ago, in that tiny little dorm,
who would have guessed that
you would still be single?
And planning my wedding!
Yeah. Crazy. Crazy.
'Toilet paper wedding dress' game time!
Who's up first?
Do Hannah!
Singles first.
All righty. Let's go.
You'll love it.
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love and love for all ♪
Get James for me, would you?
Kendall would you be kind
enough to get James for me?
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Don't tell me to dial
faster because it's ringing.
I'm not.
Yes, I'd like to speak
with James Clarkson,
washed up reality star
and fashionista wannabe.
I'm sorry. Who's calling?
He's not currently taking calls
from ancient, hack designers.
(LAUGHS) It's Stephen Hawson,
rich, relevant and
handsome couture designer.
(JAMES) Oh, well, then in that case
Yeah, I wanted to thank
you for the consulting work
you've done in the last few weeks.
Oh, yeah.
What did you think of the
the bridal gown sketches I
included in the package?
Ah! Bridal.
I fear you are becoming
attached to the gowns.
But, you know, you've still got an eye
that I can't seem to replace.
That's very kind.
I know you don't lower yourself
to the bridal rung of the design ladder
but I thought you might enjoy
the silhouettes I've been playing with.
All that cheap tulle has
gone straight to your head!
Maybe so.
Listen I'm coming to Hartbridge tomorrow
to meet with a client.
We should catch up.
There's something big
I need to talk to you about.
What do you think?
Full suit? Too much?
You're asking me for fashion advice?
Is the Congo freezing over?
I'm going to take that as "No James.
A double-breasted suit is wildly chic
but you make it look casual".
Why did Mom agree to do
the Zach and Ella wedding?
She knew our history.
She knew it might be a
little weird for me. No?
You still into Zach?
No! But they started going
out so soon after I left.
What if I'd never left?
You can't go down that rabbit hole.
Look at these two people.
Zach and Ella are the perfect couple.
I don't how much longer I can
deal with these perfect couples.
Hey! Christopher likes you!
When are you going to
do something about that?
Why do we all care so
much about Christopher?
Look in the mirror. You're
just as single as I am.
Actually I just asked
my crush out on a date.
Which crush?
Jonathan from the gym, if you must know.
Well, not all of us can get
to the gym all the time. So.
We all need someone, Banana.
What's wrong with not
being in a relationship?
Nothing. Nothing. You're right.
So long as that reason isn't
you being afraid to
put yourself out there.
As if.
I, I just want to hit the reset button.
Where is your head these days Hannah?
You messed up the cake order!
Sorry Paige. I'll deal with it.
You see what your
subconscious did there though?
Because now you're going to have
to go back and see Christopher.
I do not want to go back
and see Christopher!
I'm very confused about this whole
relationship thing right now.
Why? What happened?
I overheard him talking
about his ex-fiancée.
Sounds like she was
the one that got away.
He's hiding things from me.
- Hey.
- Hey!
Hey, the Ella and Zach
cake is out a tier.
The order was for five, but we need six.
Yeah. I hope it's for a small one.
Yeah, I don't know.
You know, I have all these cupcakes
I got to make after this.
Look I'm sorry I screwed
up the cake order.
Am I in time to fix it?
Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
I'm trying to cut back.
- So glad you could make it.
- Hi.
- Tracey Legge.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Andrew Tucker.
- Nice to meet you.
Have a seat.
Paige, we'll keep this brief.
Andrew and I entered into a
monogamous romantic relationship
on Thursday, February 2nd, 2017.
(ANDREW) We were negotiating
a timeshare schedule
for a divorcing couple.
They both wanted the yacht in August.
My client got it.
Andrew's argument was so meticulous.
Tracey's closing statements
were thoughtful, concise.
It became immediately
evident that the two of us
would be unstoppable if
we were on the same side.
Both in business, and
for the rest of our lives.
Today, Legge & Tucker
is the top divorce firm
in all of Hartbridge.
Thank you.
We'd like to get married
at the end of summer.
Start of summer. The
end is always too hot.
Start of summer the weather
is always too unpredictable.
July it is.
It's great to have a couple who
knows exactly what they want.
More than anyone, we are
aware of the divorce rate.
We know the incredible financial burden.
We've seen first hand the
stress that can be placed
upon separating a lawful union.
And we'd still like to get married.
That's very romantic.
Now we obviously have a prenup,
complete medical histories
and compatible zodiac signs.
Not to mention agreed upon life goals
and conflict resolution strategies.
Now, we'd like to secure your
wedding planning services.
We've gone over your
contract and we've made
a few small changes.
(STEPHEN) Hey. I just landed.
(JAMES) Thanks for
coming all the way here.
All for love and love for all.
Hmm Quaint.
Now if it weren't for sentimental value,
the place would be a complete tear down,
but there's something nice
about being in my Mom's space.
This is hard to see when
you're so comfortable here.
I'm surprised you're
not wearing sweat pants.
I wouldn't be caught dead in sweats.
I wear couture to the gym!
You're a designer, James.
This town just feels a little confining.
Come back to New York.
I'm launching a bridal division.
You can design your very
own collection of gowns,
under one condition.
It'll all be under the Hawson's label.
For once James Clarkson is speechless!
Designing my own
collection it's the dream.
- But
- But what?
What could possibly keep you here?
Nothing It's just
My sisters.
Won't your sisters want
you to go back to the job
that is worthy of your talents?
If you say yes,
you need to be in New York
first thing next week.
(ELLA) Can you believe all of this?
It's too much!
It's all from Dad.
(ZACH) Did he buy us bricks?
(ELLA) No, that one's the crib.
Oh. Your Dad got us a
crib as a wedding present?
That wasn't on the registry.
Actually it's a family heirloom.
Dad just sent it along
with the other gifts.
You are already planning a baby's room?
The clock is ticking for me.
I don't want to wait too long.
You're going to be a great Dad.
El I don't know if
I can be a great Dad.
Don't be silly.
Of course you will!
Let's try for kids right away.
It's only smart planning.
Don't you think it's a bit too fast?
I can't wait to be a Mom.
You are going to be the best Mom.
But this
It's a lot.
Dad just wants the best for us.
Come here.
Everything is going to be fine.
I love you.
I love you too.
Be sure some of that candy
actually makes it to the dessert table.
Christopher can add the tier.
- That's great!
- Sisters, we need to talk!
I'm just here for a shoe change.
I need to run to Premium Bridal.
Oh. Fraternizing with the competition?
Sally has a business degree
and a major in contract law.
I need some major help with this couple.
They're both lawyers.
Careful with Sally. She's
always out for blood.
Suddenly her background in
law makes a lot more sense.
Hey you guys want to come
over for dinner tonight?
Dan's old friend Jack is in town.
And we're going to order in.
Wait. Jack, the homeless guy?
He's not homeless.
He lives in a converted van.
Apparently he has a
successful travel blog.
That's cool.
Something to chew on before dinner.
Stephen flew in to offer me a job
designing my own bridal collection.
While I am reviewing his offer,
I'll be flying to New York right
after the wedding on Saturday.
See you later!
He just gets to leave?
Ugh! We'll talk tonight.
Phew. Umm
I may have made a big mistake.
A groom-to-be doesn't
usually shake his head
when he's looking at happy photos
of himself and his fiancée.
I may have a deal breaker.
What did Ella do?
No, not her.
I might not be able to have kids.
What do you mean by "might"?
I played soccer as a kid
and I had a major accident.
You know.
And the doctors told
my Mom it could be bad.
So you don't actually know?
I thought it would be something
we could work through,
you know, later.
You can't get married
without telling the truth.
Especially to Ella.
You know she is all
about having kids, right?
What if she doesn't want to marry me?
Then that's for Ella to decide, Zach.
You can't hide things from people!
My Mom didn't tell me
she was dying of cancer
in order to protect me.
And you know what? It didn't work!
She's still gone and
I'm still devastated.
And alone.
If she had told me, I could have decided
how I wanted to move
forward with my life.
And how I wanted to say
good bye to my Mother.
You have to tell Ella the truth.
Divorce lawyers? (LAUGHS)
No kidding!
Definitely no kidding.
And they were so straight-faced
about the whole thing.
Well, I mean, it's kind of
refreshing, don't you think?
Right? I mean to have all your
cards on the table like this.
No surprises. (LAUGHS)
Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking of
James dropped a bomb on me.
He might be going back to New York.
Well, that was inevitable, right?
Well, things were going so well,
I just thought he'd stay.
- Oh.
Why don't you come by
tomorrow for the contracts?
Thank you. I owe you one.
(STEPHEN) Sally!
Hah! Stephen!
No touching!
Did you secure our angel investors?
Straight to the point, as always.
- Well?
- Of course.
I mean we are well prepared
for our fall launch.
Okay. Let's talk numbers.
I'm afraid that this week,
you're a fashionosta.
I knew it was him!
Will this be for coffee
and conversation?
Or is this just another
Hannah close encounter?
No. I'll have coffee
and a muffin please.
Good choice.
There you go.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm
I'm just feeling a little disillusioned.
By the job, I guess.
I'm not so in love with
love at the moment.
Well I hate to say it,
but you might be in the wrong business.
I overheard you talking the other night.
Hannah, I
(WOMAN) I do!
Come here!
Come on!
(WOMAN) Look, Christopher! He proposed!
Can I just get one minute?
I'll be right back.
They're friends of mine.
Yeah. Sure.
(CHRISTOPHER) Congratulations guys!
What'd I miss?
Just the universe reminding
me that I'll likely die alone.
Being alone doesn't mean
you have to be lonely.
Hey! Hannah Banana.
It's just Hannah now.
Oh sorry Hannah.
You know you could live
for a week in Thailand
for the price of one
of these fancy coffees.
So you've been to Thailand?
I lived there for a few months.
I'd go back in a heartbeat but
there are too many incredible
places on this planet
I need to see first.
Paige was telling me
you have a travel blog.
And it's doing really well.
Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah.
I don't do it for the followers,
though. Not at all.
There's a lot of people living
a nomadic life right now.
Yeah, it's a whole community.
That sounds perfect.
I guess, yeah.
Self-sufficient, off the grid.
Just me, my podcast gear.
And my hybrid van, Betsy.
Your van is named Betsy?
- Yeah.
Betsy and I have spent
a lot of time together.
We've driven as far as Belize.
We've slept under meteor showers,
gotten lost in the desert.
Ooo. I got lost in the Congo once.
You got lost in the Congo?
I did!
You gotta tell me about that.
Maybe one day. It was insane.
I bet. Yeah.
Hey, can I get you anything else?
Ah no. I'm good.
Thanks, man. I'm doing great.
Actually, I'll take my
coffee to go, please.
Hannah, we, umm, we need to talk.
Yeah. Later.
Bring it in brother.
Look who it is!
Good to see you!
Man, the nomadic life looks good on you!
Ah, thanks.
Look who I bumped into.
I barely recognized her after ten years.
I'll let you two catch up.
I'm going to head out.
Oh, Paige said you were
coming by for dinner tonight?
Yes. I think I will.
I would love to catch up later.
Yeah. Looking forward to it.
All right.
Catch you later.
Just over here.
Sounds good.
I'm just going to
That is not the face
you should be making
if you are looking at what
I am looking at right now.
These shoes are killing my feet.
Oh, just wear them around with
some damp socks this evening.
That should stretch them out a bit.
Well that solves my shoe issue.
But not my Zach issue.
I don't know what's going on.
Every time we talk about
starting a family he bails out.
Everyone gets really
stressed around weddings.
And I know that when Zach was talking
- with Hannah here they
- What? Zach was here? When?
As soon as I remove
the foot from my mouth,
- I can assure you
- You know that they dated right?
I knew this was a mistake
as soon as Marguerite
wasn't able to do my wedding.
I'm, I'm sorry about your Mom.
But it's my wedding day tomorrow
and Zach is acting so strangely.
Like he is hiding something from me.
With your sister!
This fitting is over.
Thank you.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers man.
Hey. I just wanted to clarify
something about married life.
I mean, it's good. It is.
It's got ups and downs,
but it's good. Yeah.
You're really selling it to me.
Don't get me wrong.
Paige and I we're in love.
And the kids, they're the best.
It's just
We've been having a rough
couple of months, you know.
Well how'd Paige take the
news of the new job offer?
I haven't told her yet.
She's been so happy
and confident at work.
And her and I are getting
our groove back again.
And I just, I didn't want to ruin it.
Man, you got to take that job.
It's on the west coast.
Oh well. Maybe Paige would go with you?
I don't think she'll
abandon the company.
Well, there's planes, there's
telephones, video calls.
You two could make it work.
I hate seeing you like this, man.
This is an incredible
opportunity for you.
You should be celebrating!
Life is too short not
to follow your dreams.
You have no idea how far
down the list your dreams go
when you become a Father and a husband.
No brother, I do not.
And I do not intend to.
(ELLA) Hannah!
Are you here?
Ella? Yeah, I'm in the office.
Is there something going
on between you and Zach?
No, that's ridiculous.
It's not ridiculous.
It's the plot of several Rom-Coms.
You guys have a history
and a familiarity
El, El. I swear.
There is nothing going
on between the two of us.
For what it's worth, I'm
actually having dinner
with a very handsome guy tonight.
You look really pretty.
Actually Do you mind?
If it's not you, then it must be me!
I think he's having second
thoughts about getting married.
He's acting really weird.
Suddenly, the idea
of having kids with me
is freaking him out.
What if he doesn't want to have kids?
El, take a deep breathe.
I'm sorry.
I'm just
I'm just a stress ball
of insecurity right now.
It's just, having a family
has always been my dream.
You know, I can't wait to be a Mom.
El, you got to talk to Zach.
The two of you have
an amazing connection.
I know in my heart that he loves me.
And I know that he's
the right one for me.
Come here.
Love you. I'm so happy for you.
Thank you.
You know you're really good
at this whole wedding planner thing.
Hmm. I try.
Listen, umm
Today at the cafe you
wanted to talk about us,
but we got interrupted.
You said "I'm not in love
with love right now".
And that really
It broke my heart a little.
Hannah, when I think about you
I lose my words.
My knees get weak.
I get nervous.
I do stupid things.
You manage to fluster me
and ground me all at once.
It's kind of annoying.
I like you, Christopher.
I really like you.
And that terrifies me.
I overheard you talking
about your ex-fiancée.
"The love of your life".
It sounds like she's
the one who got away.
We went to culinary school together.
For a long time, we worked well.
Until I realized that
the only thing we had in common
was our love for cooking.
That's a lot though.
You love your career, your business.
I wanted more than a kitchen.
I wanted more than a business partner.
I wanted this. I wanted real life.
Between us.
I'm sorry. I can't do this right now.
This is way too complicated.
I'm still missing my Mom.
I don't even know what
I'm doing with my life.
Plus this!
All right, Hannah. I know.
Christopher you don't know!
I'm sorry.
Life is too much right now.
I can't do whatever this is.
You know what?
I'm sorry too.
Zach, I
I feel like you're keeping
something from me.
And I know it's not Hannah.
And I know I was a little over the top
about wanting to have kids right away.
And that might have scared you.
No, I'm not scared.
Then what is it?
I don't know
if I can have kids.
(JACK) After you.
Yeah, I'm thinking of driving
down to Argentina after.
Yeah? Betsy can handle that?
Oh yeah, yeah. Betsy
can handle it for sure.
I'd love to introduce
you two after dinner.
Yeah, I'd love that.
Hannah, how was your cake
meeting at Bei Panini?
Uh, it was okay.
Just okay?
Okay then.
- Here you go.
- Oh, thanks bud.
How long you sticking in town for?
Are you flirting with Jack?
But what about Christopher?
Things were less
complicated in the jungle.
Yeah yeah. Pass it this way.
I think we got pepperoni here.
This looks delicious.
I've been running circles ♪
But you don't walk away ♪
My problem, you've been waiting for ♪
To fix me up someday ♪
There's something so
perfectly simple about this.
And anytime you feel
beckoned to move on forward,
you just hop in the driver's
seat and away you go.
How do you know if you're being
beckoned towards something
or running away from something?
You gotta really listen.
And here.
Sorry. Just one sec.
It's okay.
Hey Paige. What's up?
(PAIGE) Ella and Zach had a fight.
I had to talk them down from
outright canceling the wedding.
Look, I have Pastor Evan
mediating right now.
- And James also wants to talk to us.
- Sorry.
He says it's important.
Just meet us at the office.
Well that's not good.
I'll be right over.
(PAIGE) Thanks.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Sorry. I got to go.
It's fine.
Can I call you later?
Beckon me if you want some adventure.
Will do.
Well I'm telling you now!
But I don't understand.
We've talked about this multiple times.
You told me that you
wanted to have children.
With me!
I do!
I just don't know if they can
be my biological children.
And so you won't know
until you take this test?
- Yes.
- So why haven't you taken this test before?
I was ashamed!
Worried about the results.
What if you don't want
to marry me anymore?
You know, regardless of the results,
there are many ways to have a family.
Creating a family may be
easier for other couples,
but that in no way puts
it out of your reach
if that's what you truly want.
With love,
with true love, anything is possible.
(PAIGE) I'm so relieved
Zach and Ella worked it out.
What did you want to tell us James?
I'm accepting Stephen's offer.
So that's it? You're just leaving us?
Stephen is trusting me
with the entire collection.
Do you trust him?
Yes! Yeah, of course I do.
I'm trusting him with my whole career.
Stephen is working with Sally.
You're designing an exclusive
collection for Premium Bridal!
- Our top competitor.
- No.
(PAIGE SHOUTS) Yes yes yes James!
That's what you're doing.
That's not what's happening.
Stephen would have told me.
You don't need Stephen!
What are we actually doing here?
We all agreed to work
to continue Mom's legacy.
But at what cost?
Thanks to Pastor Evan,
Zach and Ella are
getting married tomorrow.
And I'm going to give
them their perfect day.
James, if you can do the
prep that would be great.
Hannah just take the day off.
I'll do the rest on my own.
I'm sorry that we didn't have more time.
And that I didn't give you
all the chance to say goodbye.
(MARGUERITE) And that I hid the truth.
Everyone has their own path.
And I wanted to leave this
world the way that I lived it.
With my independence and my dignity.
Ah, sweetheart.
Some secrets hurt.
And we need to choose
which ones we'll share
and which ones become our burden.
I'm sorry.
And I hope that you all can forgive me.
If you look at the details on this cake,
they match the flowers in the room.
This is so gorgeous!
This is going to be perfect for us.
I'm so glad.
Chef Ben-Israel, your
sugar work is exquisite.
Thank you.
It's exactly my sugar work
and your high end clients
that will put us on the front page.
Just like you asked.
(SALLY) And it is precisely
the kind of exposure
that my investor demands.
And exactly the kind of artistry
that my beautiful brides deserve.
(TRACEY) I will start
on the contracts today.
Ah, beautiful.
Well this is low, Sally.
Even for you.
Stealing my bride and groom.
Hannah and James warned me about this.
I was stupid to trust you.
And you.
We had an agreement.
We never signed on the dotted line.
So. Where were we?
I was told some time ago ♪
Beneath the autumn apple grove ♪
As long as I try my best ♪
My worries will set in the west ♪
Brothers and sisters ♪
We're all in this together ♪
Always keeping me afloat ♪
Brothers and sisters ♪
Dreaming forever ♪
Sailing to the place we call home ♪
a gown ready to be buttoned.
And a plane to catch,
but Ella, Ella is
Ella's what, James?
I totally heard what
you said last night.
But we have a terrified bride.
Ella? Is she okay?
(PAIGE) No! I've never
seen a bride so upset.
Or more like frozen.
She won't let us help her get ready.
Oh no.
Okay, make her some chamomile tea.
She always loves that.
I'll be right over.
All right. Thank you.
You are the bride whisperer.
I'm also her friend.
Hey El.
Don't you have a wedding
to be getting ready for?
I just needed time to think.
Zach may not be able to have children.
But El, Zach is such a great guy.
And family is what you make it.
I really do love him.
Since we started dating,
Zach has always been there for me.
He and my Dad are the most
important people in my life.
You're right.
Family is what you make it.
Zach and I will just
figure everything out.
I think I'm ready.
In the darkness I thought
I'd never find my way ♪
You showed me kindness now
I can see the light of day ♪
I knew we'd be okay ♪
There were moments when I
didn't know which way to go ♪
Then I'd hear your voice and
I knew I'd never be alone ♪
It brings me home
You said ♪
All for love all for us
we'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
(ZACH) The past few days have reinforced
everything I know about you, Ella.
You are the kindest, most loving person
and I promise to spend the
rest of my life loving you.
Zach. I love you.
I'm so excited to
share my heart with you
every day for the rest of my life.
And I can't wait to see what
the future holds for us.
Exchange your rings please.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
You may share a kiss.
Love for all ♪
All for love all for us ♪
We can do this ♪
At the end of the day you were ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
Another perfect wedding
from the playbook.
I love you.
Thank you for the last couple of months.
I I really needed it.
I hate that you have to go.
Stay and design dresses
here for our brides.
You can create your collection with us.
You'll be glad to know
this is a lot harder than
I thought it would be.
You're going to be
amazing, no matter what.
And you.
Come here.
Be brave with that heart.
New York awaits!
You have more courage
than you think you do.
I love you.
Do me a favor?
Return the trays to Christopher.
(PAIGE) I can handle it from here.
Oh. Hannah.
What are you doing here?
I didn't think that you wanted to
I brought your trays.
And an apology.
I was horrible to you.
And you didn't deserve that.
(ARIANNA) We just need
plates, right honey?
Let me guess.
You're Paige?
Christopher said he catered a
beautiful wedding for you today.
He says you do a lot of
beautiful weddings, actually.
This is Hannah. Paige's sister.
And this is Arianna.
- She's in town to teach a master class.
- Yeah.
Our favorite culinary
instructor is Executive Chef
at the Harrington Royal Hotel here.
I'm just catching his
juniors up on sauces.
(CHOKED UP) That's great.
(LOUDER) That's great.
Yeah, she's only here for.
You're only here for
what? A couple days?
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.
Oh! I've missed these.
Your buttercream is like silk.
It was so lovely to meet you. Arianna.
I'm so excited for this. I'm starving.
It's your Mom again.
just want the very best.
For each of you. Whatever that may be.
Do you want to grab a drink?
I hear Argentina has really good wine.
each of you to take on this
crazy wedding business.
If there is one thing
you do in your life,
find your happiness.
You know, sometimes, best laid plans.
You may not know this yet,
but you are so lucky to have each other.
Mom! Come on!
I'm coming.
All for love,
and love for all.
You said: ♪
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
All the distance and empty spaces ♪
Makes me think that
I can't face this ♪
It's when I need you near ♪
That I hear ♪
You say: ♪
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew that
the way would be ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
All for love all for us ♪
We can do this ♪
At the end of the day you were ♪
All for love ♪
And love for all ♪
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