The World of the Married (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

The best house in the complex
got sold last week.
The owners must be extremely rich.
They've been sending luxury furniture
to the house for days.
I see.
The location is obviously great,
and all the materials are high-end.
We don't have that many houses left.
Director Ji, would you like to make
a down payment?
Let me think about it until the weekend.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Call me if you're interested.
I'm not late, right?
You made it just in time.
Where have you been?
You can go now.
I'll take care of the rest.
Do you think you'll be okay on your own?
-This is nice.
-Let's try it.
-Is it okay?
Okay then. I'll see you.
Okay, bye.
It's all thanks to the people of Gosan.
-I'll see you.
Hey, I bought that yesterday.
Come on.
Did you watch Good Life?
It was really good.
-Why didn't you watch it?
I heard your dad made it.
-You're lying.
-No, I'm not.
Jun-yeong's dad is the producer
of that movie.
His dad and my dad are friends.
That's so cool!
Can you talk to your dad
and get us free tickets?
Hey, Jun-yeong doesn't live with his dad.
Still, I'm sure he keeps in touch.
Just pay for the tickets.
Are you a beggar or something?
My gosh, what's his problem?
Hey, forget it.
I don't need a darn ticket.
Hey, it's your dad.
-Who is he?
-He's apparently Jun-yeong's dad.
I heard he produced Good Life.
-Did you know?
Get in.
You must be so happy.
I heard your son-in-law's new movie
is doing really well.
I also watched it,
and I enjoyed it so much.
No wonder it has over ten million viewers.
You're right.
My husband keeps saying
he would've invested a lot earlier
if he knew Tae-oh was so talented.
He can't stop complimenting him.
My goodness, I can see why.
Yes, exactly. He's so talented.
I'm going to assume
that you're all going to come.
-Of course.
Excuse me for a second.
Mrs. Choi.
-It's nice to see you.
Weren't you pretty close
with the associate director?
Our husbands were close with each other.
I had no chance to meet her
after the divorce.
It's just too awkward for me.
Of course it's awkward.
I feel the same way.
Hey, did you see this?
Let's see.
They must've paid quite a lot for this.
My goodness.
My gosh, what is she doing?
Is she going to invite her?
My gosh, no way.
My goodness.
Did you watch my new movie?
No, not yet.
Did you even know that it was my movie?
Why are you the producer
and not the director?
Because a producer is a person
who oversees everything.
Hae-gang told me it's fun.
Didn't you miss me?
missed you a lot.
You never even called.
How do you expect me to believe that?
As you know,
I did a lot of embarrassing things
as a father.
I disappointed you.
I wanted to change
and come back confidently
as a proud dad.
I didn't want you to be embarrassed
because of me.
And that took some time.
I hope you understand.
I got you a gift. Open it.
You still play baseball, right?
I quit playing ages ago.
I guess your mom
told you to stop playing
so you could focus on your studies.
I'm in middle school now.
You know Kang Jeong-mun, right?
You used to be his fan.
I'll let you meet him.
He's coming to my house that day.
"That day"?
Didn't you get the invitation I sent you?
Oh, hello.
Jun-yeong didn't come to the academy?
He never told me anything.
Bye, Jun-yeong.
It's been a while.
Have you been well?
We're in no relationship
to ask each other that.
I sometimes wondered if you're doing well
and got curious about whether or not
you started seeing anyone new.
What's the meaning of this?
Why are you back?
We haven't met in a while.
Don't be so hostile.
I'm not here to fight with you.
Then why are you here?
I just
want to do my best as a father.
Let me meet Jun-yeong from time to time.
All of a sudden?
This is going to confuse him.
Haven't you thought of that?
Why would he be confused
about meeting his dad?
What's weird is that we didn't
get to meet for so long.
From now on, don't even think
of meeting Jun-yeong
without my permission.
You seem to be doing well.
I knew you'd still be doing great.
Do you have a new client?
These days, it's more important
to keep my current clients.
How was your day? Did the bazaar go well?
I heard Good Life
was produced by Tae-oh. Did you know that?
I have no time to watch movies.
How's your condition these days?
When do we need to do our homework?
Why are you changing the subject?
I don't want to talk about them.
Everyone's talking about Tae-oh's movie
and his move back to Gosan.
Don't pay attention to that.
Let's just talk about us.
If it bothers you so much,
we could move.
-Do you have money?
You know we have
counseling tomorrow, right?
-Don't be late.
-I emptied my schedule for tomorrow.
You have one last project to finish.
Then you'll be done with the semester.
Dad told me he sent me an invitation.
I threw it away.
Are you upset?
No, I'm not going to go anyway.
By the way, I noticed you haven't applied
for this year's baseball camp yet.
I can go with you this year.
I can take two days off.
It's okay. You don't even know baseball.
Are you really not going to go?
Then what will you do
during your school vacation?
Should we go on a trip together?
I'll just go to an academy.
Remember the academy for advanced studies
you mentioned last time?
Enroll me in a class.
You make it sound like
you're doing me a favor.
It's not like I want you to go there
for my own good.
I'm going to sleep now.
Then I'll just enroll you
for math and English only. Okay?
I'll go to the website
and have you registered tonight.
Good night, Jun-yeong.
Bring the baseball bat
when you come to my place.
I'll get you Kang Jeong-mun's autograph.
You're coming to your dad's house.
You don't need to worry about
what your mom thinks.
Did you hear? The associate director's
ex-husband is returning to town.
The entire neighborhood
has been talking about that.
Her ex-husband cheated on her
and is moving back with a new family.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
On top of that,
he's coming back as a successful man.
If I were her,
I'd be going crazy right now.
Give me that. I'll put them in the bag.
How is she so nonchalant?
She has such a strong mentality.
Do you really think she's nonchalant?
There are eyes everywhere,
so she's just pretending.
I guess you're right.
She seems to care a lot more
about her makeup and outfit these days.
Who are you talking about?
We were just talking about
a celebrity.
Do I have some free time?
Yes, you don't have any reservations.
Did you see that?
She's wearing full face makeup again.
I feel a bit bad for her.
You did great.
-Thank you.
-Get home safely.
Come in.
Are you free?
Can I have a cup of coffee?
Come on in.
I didn't know
they'd really get counseling.
I heard he's back.
I guess people find it amusing.
Everyone's been talking about it
all morning.
Are you okay?
Do I look okay?
I don't know. You seem fine,
but I'm not sure if you really are.
If that's how I look,
then I've succeeded.
Then how do you feel deep down inside?
"That damn asshole." That's how I feel.
I don't get why he'd come back.
He says it's because of Jun-yeong.
But it looks like he doesn't care
how stressful this might be for his son.
Maybe he really did come back
because of Jun-yeong.
Does there need to be another reason?
I should go now.
Thanks for the coffee.
If you're reminded of it again,
feel free to come back.
Are you talking about my ex?
No, the coffee.
Thank you for congratulating us.
No, you don't need to get us a gift.
I'm just grateful that you're coming.
Oh, really?
But I really want you to come.
It's okay if you're late. I'll be waiting.
Okay, bye.
Why is she suddenly visiting her in-laws?
Stop calling people.
We can't force people to come anyway.
Hello, it's me.
Your husband's coming, right?
Yes, of course.
All the leaders of Gosan are coming.
Your husband can't be an exception.
Okay, I'll see you later.
Okay, that's good enough.
All the important people are coming.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Let's see.
You should wear this one.
You need to stand out no matter what.
It's just a housewarming party,
so this will do.
If I try to stand out too much,
it'll look bad.
I hope the party isn't going to be
too empty.
What if not a lot of people come?
It's okay.
We already have enough people
coming from Seoul.
Why do you think I spent so much money
to create a ladies' society?
I didn't do it to impress
the people in Seoul.
They used to talk behind my back
saying I stole someone else's husband.
I don't care if they don't show up.
You didn't steal him.
They got a divorce
because they couldn't stand each other.
I still can't go to bed at night
every time I think about
what that woman did to us.
My gosh, she totally humiliated us.
My goodness!
No matter what they say,
you're his wife now.
Be confident,
and show them that they were wrong.
You're the winner.
Honey, where are you?
Please check if the champagne
and flowers are here.
Okay, sure.
We already prepared our own wine glasses.
-So you can just take that back.
Ye-rim, it's me.
You're coming today, right?
I was going to come up with an excuse
so I wouldn't have to go.
But she's quite persistent.
I guess you feel like you should go
now that you even got a call.
I guess they're trying to announce
to the people in Gosan
that they're officially married.
Everyone here knows that they started off
by committing adultery.
Do they really think
they can wash that away by doing this?
I bet they spent a lot of money on this.
It's already pretty obvious.
I think she's trying to include Da-kyung
as a member of the ladies' society.
-What should I do?
-Don't let it bother you.
You're good at pretending like
nothing ever happened.
Has he lost his mind?
They had to move
because they got humiliated.
So why not just live quietly on their own?
Why would they bother
to come back here like that?
They were even brazen enough
to invite almost everyone in Gosan.
You should go there and have fun.
Why would I go there?
Everyone who got invited is dumbfounded.
They say he should know better
as someone who cheated on his wife.
I doubt anyone will attend.
Do you want to have dinner together?
Jun-yeong's going to a friend's house
to work on his school project,
-and he's going to be late tonight.
-Oh, sorry.
I have to meet a friend tonight.
I agreed to meet her over a month ago.
So I can't cancel last minute.
I'm really sorry.
There's no need to be sorry.
You should go meet your friend.
Go on then.
From now on, if you want to eat with me,
make sure you tell me in advance.
I'm a lot busier than you think.
Okay, fine.
Director Ji, are you getting off work?
I'm meeting my school friends tonight.
-Oh, go ahead.
I'm running late. I'll see you.
-Director Gong.
Get in.
Hey, Mom. I'm at Hae-gang's house.
What time do you think it'll end?
Should I go pick you up later?
No, I can go home alone.
The kids are calling me. I need to go.
Okay. Did you eat?
My goodness.
Mrs. Cha, thank you for today.
Next time,
I'll invite the kids over to my place.
What is it?
What? No, it's nothing.
What's going on?
There's traffic from here.
Can I have a bowl of hangover soup?
-Thank you.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
Can I have a bottle of soju?
-It's nice to meet you.
My goodness.
-Go on inside.
-My gosh, hello.
-Look who's here.
-Thanks for inviting me.
-Thank you for coming.
-Thank you for coming.
My goodness, you must be so happy.
You really are amazing.
Your movie got over ten million viewers.
Thank you.
We're all so proud of you.
Thank you. Thank you for coming.
My goodness, congratulations.
Thank you. Go on inside.
-Nice to meet you.
-You can go that way.
-Ms. Um.
-Hey, you're here.
My gosh, look at you.
-How have you been?
-You're such a busy man.
-I can't believe you made it.
I'm glad you came.
-Of course I should come.
-My gosh.
-Go on inside.
-Ms. Um.
-You can go that way.
Welcome, Ye-rim.
Just a second. Da-kyung.
Isn't Je-hyuk coming?
He's too busy with work.
He asked me to congratulate you
on his behalf.
Gosh, what a pity. It's been a while,
so I looked forward to seeing him.
Have you been well?
Yes, we're doing great.
I'm glad to hear that.
I was a little worried.
-Thank you.
Look who's here.
Long time no see. Thank you for coming.
Your daughter looks a lot like you.
No, not really.
-Everyone says she looks like her dad.
-Look at me.
-Hey, you're here.
-There you go.
-Let's go that way.
Have fun with the aunties and uncles.
Let's go.
-Thank you.
-Congratulations, Da-kyung.
-Thank you.
-Da-kyung, congratulations.
-You look amazing.
Hey. My gosh.
My goodness, it's been so long.
-Hi, cutie.
-Thank you.
-Hi, Jenny.
-Ye-rim, over here.
-Take a seat.
You all came so early.
Here's to a peaceful Gosan.
Here's to being a grandfather.
Can I have a bowl of hangover soup?
It's snowing outside.
I'm glad you're here.
I've been craving a drink.
Can we have a bottle of soju?
-I'd also like an extra soju glass.
It's Friday. Shouldn't you be on a date?
I don't think I deserve to hear that
from someone who's drinking alone.
You're right.
I thought I did the best I could.
But here I am drinking by myself
on a day like this.
What kind of day is it today?
-Thank you.
How long do think
two years is?
Isn't it too short of a time
to forgive someone?
I thought he'd at least feel guilty
about what he did.
But how could he think of coming back?
I really don't understand.
People perceive time very differently.
He probably just put the past behind him.
Our marriage
may be in the past.
But our divorce
is still ongoing to me.
Jun-yeong is having fun.
Practice hard.
Thank you.
Jun-yeong, you must be really happy.
Jun-yeong, you must be happy
to have such an amazing dad.
Thank you so much.
It's my pleasure.
This house is great.
Congratulations on your move, Mr. Lee.
Hey, I'll treat you to a meal next time.
-Call me.
-Jun-yeong, come here.
-My goodness.
Here comes this year's MVP, Mr. Kang!
-Thank you.
-She looks just like you.
Where are you going?
I need to go and fetch my son.
He just went to his dad's place.
Is that such a big problem?
Of course. He's breaking the rules.
I told him he can't meet Jun-yeong
without my permission.
But look at him.
He just took Jun-yeong without telling me.
Maybe Jun-yeong wanted to go.
I know my son.
Jun-yeong hates his dad.
What do you think? Isn't it pretty big?
It also gets good sunlight.
Whose room is it?
It's your room.
This is your dad's house.
It's natural that I saved a room for you.
I'll make sure you can come over
whenever you want.
You're part of our family.
Your bed can go here.
And your desk can go here.
What else do you need? Oh, right.
Let's get you a new computer
and install tons of games on it.
Tae-oh, can we talk?
Wait here, Jun-yeong.
That's Jun-yeong's room?
You never told me that.
It's an empty room,
so I thought that'd be a good idea.
You should've discussed it with me first.
You can't just tell him
without telling me first.
So are you against it?
You said it was okay for me
to see Jun-yeong
when we agreed to move back to Gosan.
Letting him have his own room
in my house is a different matter.
From now on,
don't make decisions on your own.
It's hard to grab a cab on a Friday.
Get in.
I didn't drink.
Get in.
Thank you.
I'm serious.
-Is that why?
Okay, everyone.
-Here she is!
-Da-kyung, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-Have a seat.
My goodness.
Da-kyung, how are you still so skinny
even after giving birth?
I'm sure you had a tough time.
But you must be really proud
now that you have a successful husband.
You're not going to upset
your mother anymore, right?
I was confident about my choice
from the very beginning.
And both my parents
eventually decided to respect my decision.
If I was scared of being judged
by people who didn't even know anything,
I wouldn't have had Jenny
or a husband who produced a movie
that got over ten million viewers.
Okay then. Will you accept Da-kyung
as a member of the ladies' society now?
Let me think.
Of course.
Let's all drink to celebrate.
Da-kyung, congratulations
on becoming a new member.
-Thank you.
Excuse me.
You ladies can go ahead and talk.
-Excuse us.
-Let's go.
Come on.
Look at how confident she's become.
She's showing us that she's no longer
the little kid that left Gosan in tears.
She was always daring.
-You're right.
-She was always very bold.
That's how she was able to steal
a married man.
Oh, my goodness.
This is quite a big housewarming party.
They probably invited all the big shots
in our neighborhood.
Oh, my gosh.
Seon-u, what are you doing here?
Dr. Kim, you're here, too.
Didn't you see Jun-yeong?
What? Jun-yeong?
Well, I'm not sure if I saw him here.
Oh, wait. I think I did see him.
I wonder where he went.
I can't find him.
What are you doing here?
You shouldn't have come
even if you were curious.
I thought you wanted to show me this.
That's obviously why
you sent me that photo.
It looks like you wanted to come,
and you're using Jun-yeong as an excuse.
Okay, fine.
Let's say that's why I'm here.
Don't try to ruin the party. Just leave.
I'll drive Jun-yeong home after the party.
No, that's not going to happen.
We should go.
I won't leave without Jun-yeong.
Are you serious?
I knew you were something else,
but this I didn't expect.
How could you even think of coming here?
That's what I want to ask you.
How could you guys
think of moving back here?
It's up to us to choose
where our family is going to live.
You didn't play a part
in our decision at all,
so don't worry.
Now, please leave.
Only those with an invitation
are allowed to come here today.
I thought you sent it.
If it wasn't you,
I wonder who sent it to me.
I'm not here because I want to know
how you're doing.
I have no interest whatsoever
in your marriage, so don't worry.
going to leave as soon as I find my son.
Da-kyung, are you okay?
Just go and kick her out first!
Do it now.
-Come this way.
Is it really okay for us
to take a look around?
The best part about a housewarming party
is taking a look around the house.
Come this way. Come on in.
Here we are.
-My goodness.
-Oh, gosh.
It's so bright and clean.
It really looks like a room for newlyweds.
They must love each other so much.
Did you import this directly from Italy?
My goodness, I bet this cost a fortune.
It took six months to get here
after we made an order.
They make their furniture
after they receive an order.
Yes, I heard. That's why they say
furniture made by an Italian craftsman
is more like a piece of art.
My goodness, look at this beautiful color.
I bet the associate director
will feel jealous
once she sees all this.
They may have hated each other
when they got a divorce,
but she'd still feel a bit jealous
once she sees them so happily married.
They're newlyweds,
so I tried my best to make it look nice.
If you're all done taking a look
around the bedroom, come this way.
This room is connected to the study.
My goodness, look at this.
Have you lost your mind?
What are you doing in our bedroom?
Why are you back?
You made it big.
So why didn't you live in Seoul?
Why did you bother to come back?
My wife wanted to live near her parents.
So you just followed their opinion?
They accepted me when you kicked me out
with absolutely nothing.
It's what her family wanted,
so it's natural that we're back.
Are you still not over me?
You must be really lonely, Seon-u.
You're drunk.
Da-kyung and I are very happily married.
I don't even remember how it was
when we were together.
Do you mean that?
Haven't you seen enough to accept it?
You mean nothing to me now.
I'm over you.
And Da-kyung is the only woman
I care about now.
You used Jun-yeong as an excuse
to come all the way to my house.
You sent me an invitation.
And you even sent me that photo.
You did all that to provoke me.
It was all for me.
You did it to see me.
Am I wrong?
You're wrong.
Now, please get out of my house
if you don't want to get humiliated.
It's time for Mr. Lee and his wife,
the hosts of this party,
to give us a short speech.
Let's give them a round of applause.
Councilman Cha would've been upset
if we didn't let him
introduce us like this.
He loves receiving attention.
Later on,
I'll ask him to sing a song.
Thank you so much for coming here
to congratulate
our family's new beginning.
I know we had to leave…
for unfortunate reasons.
But we always missed our hometown.
We will never
leave this place again.
I'll be here with my wonderful wife,
who stood by me when things were tough,
and Jenny, my one and only princess
and precious daughter.
We will stay in Gosan
and live happily for as long as we can.
Thank you.
Give me a kiss.
How adorable.
So cute.
-My goodness.
-Good girl.
I'm over you.
And Da-kyung is the only woman
I care about now.
Now, please get out of my house
if you don't want to be humiliated.
-My goodness.
-How beautiful.
Ms. Ji.
Thank you so much
for coming all the way here.
You're here to acknowledge us as a couple
and give us your blessing, right?
From now on, we'll run into each other
from time to time.
So let's forget about the upsetting past
and wish each other happiness.
I hope we get along in peace.
Will you do that for us?
Let me make a toast.
Raise your glasses.
When I say "Good Life,"
you all say "Cheers."
Your dad must've made a fortune.
I envy you, Jun-yeong.
It's cold.
-Let's go inside.
-Hey, be honest.
Don't you want to live here?
This house is way better
than your mom's house.
And your stepmother is pretty.
Shut up.
What's wrong with you?
It sounds like you might really hit me.
Hae-gang, mind your language.
Why do you keep provoking me?
Stop it!
Get over here!
Why are you angry at me?
You did nothing right.
Why did you come here?
It's so embarrassing.
You came here with him?
Get in the car.
What are you talking about?
-I'm serious.
-It was you, wasn't it?
-It wasn't me either.
The four of us should drink as a family.
-Cheers to our happiness.
-You did great.
-Thank you.
Get out.
Don't be so hard on him.
Mind your own business.
Do I embarrass you?
Weren't you embarrassed?
What would people think of you?
Don't use others as an excuse.
Just tell me what you think!
Do I embarrass you?
If you were honest with me,
I would've let you go.
I wouldn't have gone there
to look for you.
Don't lie to me.
You wouldn't have let me go.
You told me you didn't want to go.
You said it yourself.
I thought you had to work
on a school project.
Did you really have to lie to me
to go there? Really?
Answer me!
Yes, I wanted to go.
Dad knows what I like
a lot better than you do.
…and Jenny, my one and only princess
and precious daughter.
We will stay in Gosan
and live happily for as long as we can.
Thank you.
Give me a kiss.
Thank you
for marrying me.
Earlier, I saw your ex
coming out of our bedroom.
What happened?
I'll be honest with you.
I didn't know she'd go that far.
But our return must've shocked her a lot.
She's part of my past
that I never want to think about again.
And thanks to her,
I was able to realize how much I love you.
You're my present.
And you're the only person
that's important to me.
I'll give up on Jun-yeong's room
if you don't approve of it.
That crazy jerk.
Do you have this month's schedule?
Here you go.
-Oh, you have it.
What about the order form
for the medical equipment in the ER?
I think this will do.
-Okay. It looks good enough.
Dr. Ji.
I'll take this.
I'll let you know after I take a look.
Do you have something to say?
About yesterday…
I really wasn't going to go--
By the way,
the medicine order form you handed in
for obstetrics a few days ago…
I noticed an error
in the previous quarter.
Can you double-check and hand it in again?
Are you
angry at me?
-Ms. An.
Can you leave my schedule empty
for the next hour?
I have a lot of documents to go over.
Okay, Director Ji.
Is something stressing you out again?
No, I'm not stressed.
I'm just tired.
How did you two end up
coming there together yesterday?
While we were eating together,
Dr. Ji suddenly insisted on going there.
And I didn't feel like
I should send her there alone.
That's what happened.
So you dropped her off and left?
-No, I waited for her outside.
-You waited
for her?
Yes, I was worried.
They're that close already?
My gosh, come on.
Hey, don't invite me from now on.
You put me in a huge pickle.
I'm meeting the hospital director tonight,
so you should come along.
So what if you're meeting the director?
Why do you want me there?
You'll hear good news.
See you later.
The foundation wishes to donate?
I also agree with him on this.
My father-in-law is very determined
to contribute to the development
of our district.
Everyone in Gosan knows
that Chairman Yeo is a man of respect.
You can help senior citizens
who live alone
or young kids
who live with single parents.
We're not going to interfere
with how you use the donation.
You've been through so much.
But as soon as you made it big,
you're starting to think of those in need.
You really are impressive, Mr. Lee.
But before that,
I need to tell you about something
that bothers me.
My father-in-law is too generous
to care about these kinds of things,
but as you know,
I'm still ashamed
of the hardships I caused.
I'm talking about Seon-u.
Must you keep Seon-u
as the associate director?
Wait a minute. Are you saying…
Are you telling him to remove her
from her post as associate director
if we want to receive
your donation?
I wouldn't have come back to Gosan
if I didn't have a good enough reason.
Those that I owe
will get what they deserve.
Are you okay?
Isn't it weird?
This happened
soon after Lee Tae-oh moved back to Gosan.
Just call me any time you need my help.
It's dangerous to stay
at an insecure house.
It's not that I don't like Jun-yeong.
The housewarming party
was enough for your initiation.
This is making me uncomfortable.
But this is just between us ladies.
The director doesn't need to know.
Are you sure you can get it done?
I'll recant my offer if you don't approve.
You should be careful.
They're not easy to fight against.
If you sneaked into my house
to rummage through my things,
and smashed your way in
to attack me in my own home,
did you think I'd get scared and run away?
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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