The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I confirmed
he went into the police station.
But with obstruction of justice
and assaulting a officer,
it won't be easy.
Try asking around more.
Yes, Boss.
Also, find out what Hwang Mingoo
is suspecting us of.
Yes, Boss.
So it seems you used to be an athlete
But you're just a thug.
Forget your place
and cross the line with cops,
and you could get yourself killed.
Did you just laugh?
Is the Korean police a joke to you?
All right.
How about I take off my badge
and we go at it, you fuck?
- Calm down, sir.
- Let's do it, motherfucker.
Come on, you bastard!
- Let go.
- Calm down, sir.
You better watch your attitude.
Or you want to go straight to jail?
Well, as you can see,
I'm here to turn myself in.
Move. Is that so?
If you came to turn yourself in,
lift your head and list all your crimes.
I forgot my place and crossed the line
by assaulting a civil servant of Korea.
I'm sorry.
I told you to fucking list your crimes,
not apologize.
I'm willing to accept any punishment.
Enough with the bullshit.
Now, tell me who those people
in the hotel room were.
You see,
I'm not interested
in fucking nobodies like you, okay?
So tell me who those fuckers were.
The ones who came out of the hotel room
with Jung Gicheul.
Who is this?
Who the fuck are they?
- I don't know.
- Hey.
Stop trying to take the fall
and tell me the truth.
Who are they?
I'm a fucking nobody,
so I don't know anything.
All I know is
that they're my boss' investors.
That's all.
Come on. Who invests in a thug?
Also, why would investors run away then?
Look, Detective.
It would be strange not to run away
from an approaching cop
who's yelling like crazy.
What the hell did you just say?
Say that again. What?
It seems like you were
quite an athlete too.
Let's be honest.
If you're a former athlete,
you either end up as a thug or a cop.
We're basically the same people.
You were just a little luckier
to be in that position right now.
Come on, Detective. Look at you.
You're acting like a thug now.
You should be ashamed, you asshole.
Seriously, sir. Let go of me.
That's it, you asshole.
You fucking son of a bitch.
Come here, you motherfucker.
- Sir.
- You God damn motherfucker.
- Sir.
- Come here, you fuck.
You motherfucker!
Stop it, sir.
- Stop.
- Let go.
You God damn son of a bitch.
Fucking bastard.
Let go, you bastard!
Come here.
You think you can block
my punches, you fucker?
Fucking bastard!
You're blocking my punches,
you motherfucker?
How dare you?
You damn motherfucker!
- How dare you?
- I said stop!
Let go of me, you bastard! Hey!
All right. Let's get back to it.
Who were those people?
Fuck, I don't know.
God damn it.
You damn son of a bitch.
You still think I'm a joke, don't you?
What? You're going to hit me again?
Go on and hit me.
Just kill me, asshole.
All right. Die, you motherfucker.
What is going on here?
Does this happen often
in Gangnam Police Station?
No, sir.
Absolutely not.
May I ask what brought you here
without any prior notice?
Right. I have some information to share
regarding a murder case.
I heard you were
in the middle of an investigation.
Yes, sir. I was investigating
a missing drug dealer
called Manager Cho.
I think this may be the same case.
I don't think I can help an officer
who commits assault though.
I suppose I should report
that assault from moments ago, right?
Please, sir.
We're so sorry for what happened.
I'll make sure
to thoroughly discipline my officers.
So please let it slide just this once.
I'll be more careful.
God damn it.
What happened?
They asked me to sign a paper
saying I wouldn't sue for being hit.
They said if I forgot
about the cop hitting me,
they would free me.
You know everything now, right?
Know what?
You saw everything in the hotel.
What's Boss doing?
And what's this deal with China?
Why the fuck did he have to
bring you instead of me?
Well, it's drug-related so
You know my father is a junkie, right?
So it's an area I know well.
I fucking knew it.
Only those three higher-ups are in this.
We should join them too, Chief Seo.
You wanted to make big money.
They have to fucking let me in
to make big money.
We've got to push our way in somehow.
Fuck, if we can't,
we'll push someone out.
Are you serious?
I'm just saying you deserve it.
You do all the hard work.
Seriously, this is fucking unfair.
You deserve lots of money.
Well done.
Thank you.
He was really lucky, by the way.
He was getting beaten up by Hwang Mingoo,
and the Chief Prosecutor
just happened to show up then.
Could it be that your lady cop friend
gave him a heads-up?
Hey, are you upset
Seungho got freed or what?
Look. There were detectives
who were undercover in that hotel.
What are you talking about?
Did you see them?
It's just my gut feeling.
Your gut feeling?
Well, you've always had good intuitions.
Why didn't you check it yourself then?
I can't just walk up to them
and ask, "Are you a cop?"
You have a point.
Those fuckers always stick out.
Somehow, wherever you go,
there were always civil servants.
Undercover cops, a prosecutor,
and that lady friend of yours.
The cop from the Security Division.
Yes, sir?
What's so suspicious?
Well, you know.
No one gets off so easily
after hitting a cop.
So are you saying
the cops have Seungho's back?
Well, I'm sure that's not the case,
but something's just off.
Seungho dealt with this on your behalf.
Enough about that.
Let's just enjoy our drinks.
- Jungbae.
- Yes, sir?
This month's ledger seemed
to have a lot of gaps.
You should sort that out.
Yes, Boss. I will.
Jungbae is in charge
of the company's books,
so he's very meticulous.
Hope you understand.
How did it go with the Chinese?
We're still stuck.
How about you talk to them?
The Chinese woman seemed to like you.
Why don't you meet her and talk?
What are you talking about?
I know Seungho's smart
and gets things done,
but it's too early.
Especially when it's something
so important as this.
I think you should do it yourself.
You have to be on the same level
to be able to talk.
Those ungrateful bastards
from China and Japan don't remember
they were able to make
big money thanks to me.
They looked down on me and insulted me.
Those motherfuckers.
Let me take care of this, Boss.
I'll get those bastards who insulted you
and take care of all of them.
Let's talk about this later
when Jungbae is around, okay?
All right. Let's drink.
Kwon Seungho, you did a great job.
And if you're with a drug dealer or not.
There's nothing you can do
right now.
Your Japanese father is acting
like he's the king.
You don't want to do it?
Then, our deal is over.
Hey, Euijeong.
I sent information on their fake passports
to the Chinese police,
so they'll start an investigation too.
Okay, we're almost there.
Now, we know what both Japan
and China are up to.
We can see everything they're up to.
Why don't we just arrest them all now?
Of course, we can't.
What if this woman called Miss Lee
shuts down the drug production factory?
What if the Japanese insist they were
buying eyeglass frames or fake watches?
Then, we'd only be able to charge
Jung Gicheul with murder. That's it.
We have one last step left.
Catching them at the scene
of the deal with evidence.
But the thing is
their trade is about to end.
No way. We must get it going again.
God damn it.
All right.
I'll talk with the Chinese woman.
So I want you to take care
of Choi Jungbae.
He's the one who suspects me the most,
and I have no idea what he'll do about it.
We should remove him
from Jung Gicheul as soon as we can.
Something's been bothering you lately.
Can you tell?
You were always quiet
when things were tough.
Whatever it is,
I'm sure you'll overcome it.
Just like you always have.
Back in the day,
we used to meet at night like this
and talk about all sorts
of things. Remember?
Right. We did.
By any chance,
if there's anything
I can help you with, tell me.
Do you want to help me?
Did you help
Seungho too?
What do you mean?
Talking with you makes me feel better.
How do you deal with it
when you miss your mother?
I don't deal with it.
I just let myself feel sad.
It was nice talking with you.
Get back home safely.
- Have a good night.
- All right.
- Have you eaten yet?
- Well
No, not yet.
For you.
Oh, my goodness.
Thanks for the food.
It's really good.
Why aren't you going to church?
Are you ashamed of me?
Don't talk like that.
What kind of mother is ashamed of her son?
Then, could you do me a favor?
How can I help you?
Hello, this is Kwon Seungho.
We met at the hotel the other day.
Right. Looks like you got it sorted out.
Hey, what are you doing?
You think I'm hiding
a fucking bomb or something?
Right. He can't speak Korean.
Man, I was wondering how you got free.
Did you sort it out by getting beaten up?
Take good care of her, okay?
So that bastard can speak Korean.
Are you coming from the hotel?
Maybe, maybe not.
I see.
Where do you want to go?
Somewhere with a lot of land and houses.
Who is it?
I'm here
to request your service.
We're closed.
You know me, sir.
I'm in Boss Jung Gicheul's gang.
What brings you here?
I'm not here
to ask for something difficult.
Remember the woman
my boss asked you to check?
I'd just like to know
a little more about her.
More in what way?
We have this new kid called Kwon Seungho.
He says he went
to the same school with Yu Euijeong.
I want to know if it's true.
I also want to know
if she'd really lived in Wonju.
And if she did, did she really live
next door to Kwon Seungho?
I can see you're not
very comfortable with my request.
I'll give you three times more
once you confirm these.
Hello, this is Cheon.
One of your boys visited me.
Choi Jungbae, right?
Yes, it was him.
Did you mention the other ledger?
You know I only work with you, sir.
I didn't.
You're here as a tour guide.
Aren't you supposed to explain things?
Right. Well
Well, that is
a tile-roofed house
from the Joseon Dynasty.
I see.
Then, are these
carps from the Joseon Dynasty?
Well, this is a pond
from the Joseon Dynasty, so
Didn't you say you wanted
to check out the real estate?
Tile-roofed houses are real estate too.
Are you sure you didn't come here
to see if someone was tailing us?
I thought you only used
your brawn to do things,
but you've got brains too.
Are you done checking now?
How about we go eat something nice?
Some really tasty local food.
you don't seem like a gangster.
You're more like a soldier.
Then, don't think of me as a gangster.
Just think of me
as an aspiring entrepreneur.
May I ask
where in China you're from?
Mmm Guess.
Before I see you next time,
I'll make sure to study up
on Chinese geography.
Why are you so loyal
to Mr. Jung to the extent
of risking your own life?
I'm not sure.
I just
feel like it.
You feel like it?
- Yes.
- Well, I thought
he was buying you a building or something.
I just really look up to him,
and I like him.
And my body follows my heart.
What a romantic guy.
Is that a bad thing?
No, it's not bad.
I just find it interesting.
It's unusual.
I don't know your name yet.
Lee Haeryun.
How should I address you?
You can call me whatever you like.
Are you going to continue
the trade with Mr. Jung?
This recent accident
will never happen again.
I'll stay by Mr. Jung and make sure of it.
Bring it in.
Our people working
in the nightlife business here
told me where we can get meth.
If it sinks, it's low quality.
If it bubbles, it's high quality.
This one's top-notch quality.
We're the only one
who can provide this quality.
So what does that mean?
Real local food.
Try it.
Mr. Jung has been
stashing away our products
that were supposed to go to Japan
and selling them in Korea.
How can we trade
with someone we can't trust?
I apologize.
I don't know how my boss works.
You have nothing more to say?
Or nothing to suggest?
Wait. How about this?
If you can't trust my boss,
you can trust me.
The carrier to Japan.
Instead of my boss,
let me try it.
So you're betraying Mr. Jung?
No, I'm not betraying him.
I'm going to get his permission,
and I'll officially get involved
in the work.
As long as I get him the money,
there's no reason for him to object.
I see.
But then,
how would replacing him with you
make a difference for me?
The difference is
If you work with me,
you can spend more time with me.
When it comes to work,
what do you think is more important?
Your heart or money?
That fucker Jung Gicheul
took the products meant for Japan
and was caught selling them
in Korea by the Chinese.
Fuck, the trade with the Chinese
might end up falling through.
Let's do this first.
Let's stop them
from selling the stuff in Korea.
After we take care of that,
I'll see what I can do
to coax the Chinese.
They said you can buy the drugs
at Tae-ho Rock Cafe.
Let's set up Choi Jungbae with this
and get rid of him first.
Let's go.
Hey, how are you?
All right. Let's go.
Shouldn't you dress better when you come
to a place like this? What is this?
Good evening, sir.
All right. Let's go.
Let's go.
So about Tae-ho Rock Cafe
Hey, I'm fucking talking to you.
Rumor has it that
you can buy this new drug
- Okay.
- called Gangnam Crystal there.
- And you own the bar.
- Right.
So you must know something.
Can I have a cigarette?
So you don't know?
Fucking hell
What's all this?
There are so many.
You're a very curious man.
- So many fucking Chinese characters.
- Chinese?
Hey, bring him a Chinese dictionary.
Do you need some alone time
to think or what?
Should we wait outside?
Sure, why not? We'll get out.
Let's go work.
Take your time to read the rest and think.
The Chinese keep talking about trust.
They seem to be even thinking
of asking the Japanese
to cancel this whole thing.
Instead of sitting here, we should
Make sure the boys don't talk.
Gicheul, Jungbae got arrested.
- What?
- What do we do?
Fuck, those damn cops.
Hey, move!
Move. Get out.
Get down from there. Turn off the music.
I said turn off the music.
- Come on. Get them fucking moving!
- Move them to one side!
- Hurry and move them!
- Get down here!
This is the police.
What are you doing?
It'll be over soon if you cooperate.
Stop that already!
Hey, you rat. Stop right now.
Turn around and stand still.
Get him.
Come here!
- Hold him tight.
- Get off me.
What the fuck are you doing?
Well, what do you think?
Treasure hunting.
There it is.
God damn.
Detective Choi.
Man, I envy the life of a celebrity.
Excuse me, sir.
Wake up.
Wake up.
What the
We're from the police.
Move it!
-How dare you
- What?
- Get your hands off me.
I said move, you bastard.
God damn it!
- Hey, come on.
- Son of a bitch
Don't mind us.
Keep thinking.
- What?
- Get a sample of your urine.
Tell me. Who told you about me?
Who's the bastard
talking about me?
In the other room over there
is the owner of Tae-ho Rock Cafe,
Choi Jungbae.
You know him.
He went to Yeoksam High too, right?
Sir, we're closed.
If you're not going to talk,
go home and sleep.
You're not a suspect. You're a witness.
So if you have nothing to say, just go.
- Give me a cigarette.
- We don't have any.
Go buy some. You have a lot of money.
What did you tell the cops?
Well, what could I have said?
They mentioned it first.
Rumors say you could buy meth
from Tae-ho Rock Cafe,
and they asked if I knew anything.
I didn't say anything.
They ransacked the club after that.
So are you saying
this happened because of me?
Move. I need to talk to them.
What the fuck is going on?
- Choi Jungbae, you fucking bastard.
- What?
How dare you rat on me?
You motherfucker.
How dare you try to fuck up the life
of a fellow graduate, you asshole?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I didn't rat, you fuck!
You told the cops I did drugs,
you motherfucker!
Have you lost your fucking mind,
you meth head?
I didn't fucking rat anybody out!
Yeah. I have lost my mind, you fuck.
If it weren't for my lawyer,
I would've been fucked today, you asshole!
Hey, Gicheul.
Do something about this bastard!
Everyone except Jungbae get out.
Get out!
Now we're alone,
so tell me the truth.
So it wasn't weird
when Kwon Seungho was freed
and it's weird when I'm freed?
I didn't say anything.
Then, why did they just let you go?
Seriously, Gicheul. Stop this.
You know I've never lied to you.
Are you sure?
It's the second set of books
from your bar.
Explain it.
- Jungbae.
- Yes?
Have you been stashing money
behind my back?
Did you run a background check on me?
Did you think
I wouldn't know you were selling
my stuff behind my back?
Your stuff?
It's our stuff.
What the hell did you say?
Junkies turn their backs on you
when you run out of drugs.
So I made sure we had some
in stock just in case.
You should've told me about it.
As if you would've let me if I told you.
Are you sure that's why?
Then, bring me the stuff you put aside.
Bring it to me.
Did you think I wouldn't know
you've already cashed it in?
Did you?
Gather all your money and go somewhere
far away into the country.
And stay out of sight from the cops.
Is it so wrong that I wanted
to make some money too?
I'm an ambitious man too, you know.
Why can't I go big time like you?
You can do whatever you like,
but you can't lie to me.
I see.
Seriously, after 20 years?
You're going to kick me out
over something like this? Eh?
I'm the one you need
by your side right now.
Your judgement is totally off right now.
And I blame that fucking cop, Yu Euijeong.
Am I wrong?
Shut your mouth.
Or I'll kill you.
I'm not the one hanging around
with cops. It's you!
And you keep bringing along Kwon Seungho
because he's close with her!
Weird things keep happening to our gang,
and yet, you never suspected him!
I'm not the one you should kick out!
It's Yu Euijeong and Kwon Seungho!
One day, you'll realize you were blinded.
I guarantee it.
Hey, you. Look at my eyes.
You have a lot in your mind, don't you?
Get home safely, sir.
You look great in that suit.
Go inside and take care of Boss.
Where are you going, sir?
You said we should push our way in
or push someone out.
Okay, sir.
Who is it?
It's me, Kwon Seungho.
Come in.
You must be upset
because of Jungbae.
I understand how you're feeling,
but shouldn't we continue
the trade that we were doing?
I should stay strong.
Yes, sir.
Answer it.
Hello. Kwon Seungho speaking.
Hi, this is Haeryun.
Hi, Haeryun.
You're with Mr. Jung now, right?
I was about to call you actually.
I was hoping we could meet
to clear the air
and talk about out future plans.
How can we have a future
when the present seems uncertain?
This whole thing is on us. I apologize.
Don't you usually have
other people apologize for you?
When I have time later,
I'll take the apology
from Seungho personally.
Would that be okay?
Anytime would be fine.
Wouldn't it be better that way, Seungho?
Sure. If you let me know when,
I'll make sure to visit you.
I'll call you soon.
Let's go on a date.
I wonder what she's up to.
Whatever it is, this is good for us.
Lee Haeryun is giving us a chance.
I'll do whatever it takes
to change her mind.
I promise
I won't let you down, Boss.
I don't want to be
let down anymore either.
You look happy.
Can you at least let me leave in peace?
Hey, fatty.
You always want to
fucking take the easy road.
That's why you got so fat.
Take the stairs down.
Oh, no. The elevator broke down.
God, this fucking piece of shit!
You fucking asshole.
You son of a bitch!
Chief Seo, wait!
You need a good beating,
so you won't even think about
coming back here, you motherfucker.
Don't you ever step foot
in this neighborhood again.
You fucking asshole!
What's going on at the church?
How about you go in alone? I'll wait here.
Well, we don't want people
to see us together, right?
What's going on?
I thought it was Wonder Woman
holding that knife.
I heard she was known
for being such an awesome person.
When someone suggested we start a petition
to oppose the construction
of a center for the disabled,
Theresa came down hard on them.
Yes, that's right.
And whenever she saw children,
she wanted to buy them pencils.
That's how sweet she was.
The Theresa Hwang Jinsook I knew
shined like a gem,
but she always stepped back
to let others shine.
And where does
this sweet Theresa reside now?
In your memories.
Her daughter is right here now,
so after this, please take a moment
to share a few words with her.
Tell her your memories of Theresa.
And in this way,
Theresa will live on forever.
We humbly beseech you to shower your mercy
upon those who mourn and grieve
for their departed loved ones.
Envelop them in your love and compassion,
and wash away their tears.
As believers
in your life and resurrection,
we affirm that death is not the end,
but the beginning of a new
and everlasting existence.
You didn't have to prepare this.
Of course, we had to.
We've attended church together
for over 20 years.
How's your older brother doing?
He and my son, Changdae,
used to say they were going to the library
and always slacked off together.
He's doing well.
You look exactly the same
as when you were in elementary school.
I felt bad I couldn't attend her funeral.
But then, Gicheul asked us
to organize this.
Thank you, ma'am.
You look exactly the same
as when you were in elementary school.
How's your older brother doing?
He and my son, Changdae,
used to say they were going to the library
and always slacked off together.
He's doing well.
Hello, this is Jung Gicheul.
Hello, Mr. Jung.
What did Jungbae ask you to do?
To check if Yu Euijeong lived in Wonju,
if Kwon Seungho went to the same school,
and if he lived next door.
I want you to check those now.
It seems she never moved to Wonju
and has always lived in Seoul.
Yes, Mr. Jung.
Thank you.
Let's stay one more hour.
To do what?
I just want to quietly
look at your face for an hour.
Captain Seok just called me
and said they're in a coffee shop now.
Where were they before that?
He said they went to a church,
but I'm not sure.
- Hello?
-Hello, sir. It's me.
Hi, Mr. Lee.
That private detective Cheon came by.
He asked me to check
if former Commissioner Yu Dukhoon
had ever worked in Gangwon.
I said I couldn't do that,
so he said he'd reach out
to the Retired Police Association.
Is Jung Gicheul taking Euijeong hostage
I'm writing a memoir
on former Commissioner Yu Dukhoon.
And I need a lot of information.
My shift's over soon.
Do you need it right now?
I know. You have to go home, right?
By the way, it looks like
he has never been
to Gangwon Province in his life.
This is a big scoop.
Are you Cheon Jinpyung by any chance?
I am.
You know me, right?
Mr. Jung sent me.
Can we talk for a moment?
We could've talked inside
since it's raining.
By the way, what are those documents?
These? Why do you ask?
Well, my boss gave me an errand to run.
I think I should ask your boss first.
No, wait.
What are you doing?
I think I should see
those documents first.
I said these were nothing.
Damn it!
God damn it!
What the fuck are you doing?
Give me the documents.
Hey, who are you actually?
I said it's my boss's order!
Give me the documents now!
Like fucking hell it's your boss.
That's bullshit. Look.
Why is a cop pretending
to be a gangster's lackey?
Senior Police Officer Park Junmo.
Yu Dukhoon's son-in-law.
What in the world are you guys cooking up?
Hey, Cheon Jinpyung.
Stop being a lackey for thugs,
or you'll end up rotting in jail.
Look, I'll have your back,
so cooperate with the police.
Sure, I'll fucking cooperate.
Here it fucking is.
That motherfucker.
You son of a bitch!
Help me.
Get the fuck off me.
I need to go now.
I'll see you again. Thanks for today.
The number you have dialed
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