Theodosia (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Head of the Snake

[intriguing music]

A good artist reveals
the inner truth
of their subject.
Such a vivid imagination, Theo.
You think?
What are those clouds?
I don't know.
Something bad's
coming. I can feel it.
Is everything okay, honey?
Mum, um, do you ever feel
like you don't know what
you're doing anymore
and nothing is making sense?
Only most of the time.
That's how most
people feel, I think.
Is something troubling you?
[chuckles] No, no.
I'm just looking for that
inner truth, like you said.
Well, then
keep up the good work.
[exhales sharply]
[quirky music]

It's my new invention.
It makes multiple
copies of one drawing.
- Oh, that's awesome, Henry.
- [chuckles]
Few teething problems.
Easily fixed.
Or it could be used
as a confetti maker.
You are the Guardian
of the Eye, Theodosia.
Only you have the
power to protect it.
From the beginning,
the gods have battled
over the fate of the world.
Ra gave us the Staff of Osiris
to ensure light
triumphs over darkness.
Now the followers of
Aapep seek its power
so he may bring chaos.
Only you can stop them.
[magical whooshing]
[door opens]
Darling, we'd better hurry,
or we'll miss the talk
on embalming techniques.
- [door closes]
- I forgot that was today.
Okay, guys, we're off
to the British Museum.
You two have fun
while we're out.
Hey, da Vinci, coming
to the penny arcade?
Nope. We need to
talk about this.
[exciting mystical music]

[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter, laughter]

Have to say, Will, taking you on
best thing I ever done.
So glad your girlfriend
talked me into this.
You said you got me the job
'cause we make a good team.
Did I? Hmm.
Well, it was really down
to, uh, what's-her-name.
[scoffs] Safiya.
- So she is your girlfriend.
- No, she's not.
And I don't need her
help to get a job.
- Well, you kind of did.
- Just saying.
[machine cranking, bell dings]
Is it working?
Ah, it says, "Your stars
are aligned for true love."
No, it says, "It
might rain next week."
We need better cards.
I'm gonna go write them myself.
[mysterious music]

What's that?
The Staff of Osiris.
The Eye of Horus is
part of it, you see?
Someone must have separated
them a long time ago
and hidden the Eye in the
tomb where we found it.
What a deadly weapon.
No wonder those snake
guys want it so bad.
Where is the staff?
No idea.
But I think its magic won't
actually work without the Eye.
So we cannot let the
Serpents of Chaos
get their hands
on it, understood?
What's the plan?
The seven sacred oils
The ancient priests
used them in spells.
And we'll need frankincense
to help protect the Eye.
Oh. What does that
smell like to you?
A mix of cheese, sweaty
socks, and rotting wood.
This is the one.
That's not gonna stop anyone.
We need like a, um,
like a cage that comes down
when someone opens the cabinet.
- I'll invent something.
- There's no time for that.
Watch the entrance.
Check to see if any of the
visitors have serpent tattoos.
- Wearing your amulet?
- No evil magic can get me.
Where's yours?
I gave it to Artie
to protect the arcade
while I was getting Will a job.
- You got Will the job?
- [sighs]
Okay, look, he doesn't know,
and I would like it to
stay that way, got it?
- Yeah.
- But what about your amulet?
I'll make another one.
We're gonna need the strongest
protection we can get.
[upbeat music]

[indistinct chatter, laughter]
"Soon you'll meet a
mysterious stranger."
Hi, Will. That looks good.
Can I get one of those?
Has Theo turned me invisible
with one of her spells?
Why did you tell Artie
to get me this job?
I didn't.
I appreciate you're trying help,
but I can look after myself.
- It wasn't me.
- He told me it was you.
- Why are you lying to me?
- I'm not.
And I thought we were friends.
So did I.
So why did you go
behind my back?
Next time, just
tell it to my face.
Okay. I can do that.
I didn't get you this job!
- [snapping fingers]
- Waiter. Oh, waiter.
I am ready to order.
What can I get you, miss?
Oh, there's nothing
here to protect me.
[dramatic music]

Don't think I'm gonna
wear you as a necklace.
[sinister music]

I'm sorry, master.
I was so close to getting my
hands on the Eye of Horus.
Enough of your excuses.
- You have failed me.
- It wasn't my fault.
The Throckmorton girl
used magic to stop me.
Her powers are growing.
It is time to act.
Fetch my carriage.

[upbeat music]

[door opens]
[door closes]
Excuse me.
Did you drop this?
Not mine, sorry.
- Any problems?
- No snake tattoo.
No Serpents yet.
- You're covered in dust.
- We're trying to make
a good impression
for our visitors.
- Well, sorry.
- I was in the stores tidying up.
Oh. Oh, well, in that
case, thank you very much.
I've got to go and do some
work down there myself.
Can I leave you two to keep
an eye on things up here?
Yes, sir.
I'm most impressed by this
new attitude of yours.
Keep it up.
- Where's your amulet?
- I couldn't make a new one.
But you said we needed them.
Well, I'll have to go without.
No, go to the arcade and
get the one from Artie.
No, I'm not just gonna
leave you here alone.
What if the Serpents come?
They could come at any minute.
It's worth the risk.
Besides, it won't
take long if you run.
You can run, can't you?
[intense music]

There you go, Your Majesty.
Uh, what's going on?
He thinks I pulled some
strings and got him this job,
which I didn't.
- She so did.
- He is so infuriating.
But he does make
a great sandwich.
And what can I get
my good friend Theo?
We don't have time for this.
I need you both
back at the museum.
[object rattles]
Oh, back in a bit.
- Oh, hi, Safiya.
- I'm not Safi
No, that's Safiya.
I'm Theodosia.
Oh, Theodosia.
Will's girlfriend.
I won't forget.
I'm not his girlfriend.
Did he say I was?
Now, I don't know
what anyone said
about anything to anyone.
- Okay, forget it.
- It's not important.
Look, Artie, I'm really sorry,
but I need that necklace back.
- I know I have no right to ask
- Hey, it's cool.
- Anything for Will's girlfriend.
- I'm not his girlfriend!
[sinister music]

Miss Krait.
Always showing up
like a bad penny.
Someone wants to meet you.

[scoffs] Yeah, there's no way
I'm getting in that carriage.
I see you're not
wearing your amulet.
That's a mistake.
[magical whooshing]

Nope. I want that one instead.
Not that one, that one.
Where's she going?

To get away from us
arguing, I would think.
[gasps] You let me go!
You can feel it
coming, can't you?
- Feel what?
- The eclipse
when Ra is hidden by Khonsu
and heka is at its height.
Who are you?
I am Yaret, Lord
of the Two Shrines,
and I know what you are,
Theodosia Throckmorton,
and where you get your magic.
Because of the Eye of Horus.
Tell me something I don't know,
Mr. One-Shrine-Isn't-Enough.
The Eye only awakened
powers you already had.
Ra knows this. He
has chosen you.
So all of this is happening
because of my cat?
Ra, the all-powerful sun god.
Oh, silly of me. Of course,
that would make more sense.
A sun god choosing me, a nobody.
To do what?
To try to stop us.

Chaos is coming.
He will tear down this world,
and from the ashes, we
will build a better one.
Better how?
No rulers telling us what to do,
no laws saying what
is right and wrong.
- We can do whatever we want.
- W-well, that would be chaos.
You say chaos.
I say freedom.
Without laws in place, we
would tear each other apart.
Freedom always comes at a price.
Join us.
Pledge allegiance to Aapep,
and he will protect you.
- S-so what you're saying
- So what you're saying is
Oh, you are completely
nuts. Okay, time to go.
Hear me, ancients Ra,
god of all that is light,
may the world become witness
to your infinite wisdom.
- [magical shrieking]
- Ah!
Your magic is no match for mine!
But Ra has chosen well.
You are powerful.
There is much I could teach you.
It would be a shame
to snuff out a candle
that's only just been lit.
Make your choice
[indistinct chatter]
Is that Theo's necklace?
Yeah. You seen her?
She's in that carriage.

Who is she with?
Don't know.
- I'll give her that.
- [mutters]
You got hungry mouths to feed.

Oh, I can never get a break.

What can I get you?
I've read about Aapep.
And I have to say,
I'm not all that impressed
with your snake god.
He's just a big bully.
He wants to swallow the
sun and destroy everything.
Yeah, sounds like an angry
toddler having a tantrum,
if you ask me.
Is that so?
I'd never pledge allegiance
to him or his followers,
especially when they
have a stupid name
like the Serpents of Chaos.
You're making a mistake.
I like the world the way
it is, thanks very much.
And I'm going to do everything
in my power I can to stop you.
You've made your choice.

- For you, ladies.
- Both: Thank you.
Remind me never to get mad at
you when I'm holding a menu.
I think Theo's in trouble.
- You forgot this!
- [growls]
[magical whoosh]
Get that away from me!
- Thanks, Will.
- Not so fast.
- Get your hands off her!
- Let them go.
We have work to do.
Are you okay?
They can't hurt me
now, thanks to you.

The Eye of Horus will show the
way to the Staff of Osiris.
When I find it, I
will be invincible.

[horse neighs]
- Who is that guy, anyways?
- Head of the Snake.
They're going for the Eye.
The museum We
need to get back.
- Henry Henry's in danger.
- Okay, we need to get Safiya.
There's no way you're doing
this on your own come on!
[mysterious music]

[door opens]
- Henry, wake up.
- I was just resting my eyes.
Help me barricade
the door, okay?
- Serpents?
- Yes, the Serpents.
- Will, help me move the bench.
- Got it.
If that's okay with you, boss?
For the last time, I
didn't get you that job!
Can we please talk
about this later?
We're kind of in danger here.
[distant thumping]
[exciting music]

Will thinks Safiya
got him the job?
Oh, it's such a long story.
[thumping continues]
I'm sensing a bit of tension.
- I'm going to tell him.
- Good luck with that.
[thumping continues, stops]
Thank you,
for piping down.
So these Serpents
who are coming
- Did they give any idea of when?
- [sighs] He's coming.
- I can feel it.
- What was he like?
Well, his small
talk's a bit rubbish,
but his magic is powerful.
But you can beat him, sis?
Look, I'll try, but you
guys should really leave.
- That's a bit late now.
- We're barricaded in.
- We're not going anywhere.
- We're in this together, okay?
- [sighs]
- What is it?
Chaos is coming.
Guys, a weird carriage
just pulled up outside.
No. It's them. It's them!
[suspenseful music]

[chanting ominously]
What's he doing?
He's casting a spell.
We need to stop him!
- [loud thumping]
- They're inside.
- The Eye!
- You and Henry check on that.
We're going to deal
with these guys.
- We will?
- Why don't I team up with Saf
- and you go with my sister?
- Okay, well, that's not what
- I'm having a problem with.
- Okay, Henry, come with me.
- Be careful.
- Always.
I was talking to her,
but you be careful, too.
[thumping continues]
[thumping continues]
Oh, no.
He's using magic to
awaken the mummy.
That's not good.
- [sighs in relief]
- His spell didn't work.
- [sighs]
- Man, that was a close one.
[grunts] [both scream]

- It's going for the Eye.
- How do we stop it?
Don't worry. It can't get
past the frankincense.

Well, that smelly oil
isn't gonna stop it.
Oh, ye of little faith.
Thanks for the vote
of confidence, Henry.
[both sigh in relief]
- It worked.
- You see?
I've totally got
this magic nailed.

- A few teething problems.
- You don't say.
Help me get this door open.
[distant thumping]

[thumping continues]

[thumping continues]

Behave yourself.
[thumping stops]
Thank you.
We've got to shut him up.
Where'd the others go?
- You stand guard.
- I'll go distract him.
- No. Don't.
- I-it's too dangerous.
- Have you got a better plan?
- Yes. We'll both distract him.
[dramatic music]

[Chief Serpent
chanting ominously]
- Excuse me, sir.
- [continues chanting]
Can you give us directions
to Buckingham Palace?
Or better yet, a lift?

Okay, you got this.
[cymbals jingling]
- Wow.
- I'm shocked that didn't work.
Shut up, Henry. I haven't
finished the spell yet, have I?
Hear me, ancients.
Get back, you
crocodile of the West.
Back to the darkness.
Your flame will blow
out and no longer burn.
My magic isn't working.
It's all right. I've got this.
Okay, do something.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
But how?
Made a few improvement
while you were out.
Henry, you're a genius.
I'm gonna want that in writing.
- Okay, now's our chance. Go.
- [grunting]
Wait, you're not
wearing any gloves.
You'll get the curse.
[magical whooshing]
The magic isn't transferring.
Henry, I-I think I'm immune.
Of course you are.
What makes you so special?
I would also like to
know the answer to that.
Would you like to see a trick?
Will, show him a trick.
- Pick a card.
- You'll love this.
- Any card.
- [magical whooshing]
[chanting ominously]
Get away from her!
Theo, are you okay?
- Give me the Eye!
- No, no, no, no, no!
No, get her back!

- No!
- She's got the Eye!
[carriage door closes]
What on earth are you
two doing in here?
And what is this mummy
doing on the floor?
[mysterious music]

It's a great
- Trick.
- Wait. Where'd he go?
- They got away.
- With the Eye of Horus.
[suspenseful music]

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