Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Bargaining Chip

[somber music]
[indistinct chatter]
[Fara] I still hadn't heard from Samuel.
[reporter] This morning,
a spectacular drug haul was seized
- in the Paris suburbs
- [Fara] And I was about to found out why.
[suspenseful music]
- [indistinct chatter on radio]
- [cop] We're moving in.
[metal clanks]
[Mayo] Great, guys.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
[Fara] And just like in every comic books
[man] Fuck, it's the Feds!
the cavalry arrived
just in time to find the gear.
Come on, go! Move! Come on!
[Fara] But too late to catch Oumar.
[reporter] The traffickers
were able to get away
and an active search is taking place.
Half a ton of cocaine
- was seized by the authorities.
- [Philippe] Yeah, that's good.
[Fara] I'll be right back.
What is Snoop Dogg doing?
With any luck, she's going to hand in
her resignation letter. Inshallah.
[Philippe] Good. Do you see that?
[Fara shrieks]
[Fara grunts]
Bitch, you thought you'd fuck us over?
[car engine revving]
[door opens]
[door closes]
- Salam alaykum.
- Salam alaykum.
- [Lina] Alaykum salam.
- You remember Leila and Lin?
- We remember you.
- We remember you.
[both laugh]
Have this when you break the fast.
It's nothing.
Could you explain it to her?
You know, I used to struggle as well.
I was isolated, I talked to no one.
I just moped around. It was tormenting.
Yeah, you had depression.
Listen to me, Lina.
I had problems with my family
and friends as well. Nothing but hassle.
Even at work. I couldn't even get married.
- Bet you're a fool.
- Lina, please!
They've been through tough times.
And so have we. It's water.
Your mom told me
you've been struggling recently.
- It is purifying.
- [Lina] Do I know you?
What did you tell them?
Why are they talking about my life?
- I said the truth.
- What truth?
Trust me, Lina. You'll feel better.
You'll feel serenity.
Stop pushing your potion on me.
I don't give a fuck.
- This isn't a potion. It is God's remedy.
- Oh, come on.
[Lina] What's going on here?
As soon as you feel a bit down,
time for an exorcism?
Have a word with your friends, yeah?
You take a Xanax, and you go on Meetic.
- It will help you.
- Hey, Lina, stop!
- Don't you see that I'm protecting you?
- Protecting me from what?
Just look at you, Lina! I don't know you.
You lie to me, you're aggressive, rude.
You never used to be so mean.
You weren't like that!
But I have not changed. I'm growing.
- [Souhila] You're growing?
- [Lina] Yes. I grew up. Yes.
- Don't talk to your mother like that.
- Don't talk to me!
- Shut up! Sit down!
- Is this growing?
- Oh, yeah.
- Is this it?
So now you're spying.
No, I'm your mother. That's all.
You won't see him ever.
If I want to see him, I'll see him.
- You can't
- You won't see each other!
We spoke.
How could you do that to me?
You just don't get it, do you?
I don't want to be you, huh!
With your shitty life! I don't want it!
- No, but
- See, your shitty neighborhood.
Your shitty friends, your shitty job.
Muslims hanging out.
You think that it helps,
but you're just alone. It's bollocks.
- Stop this.
- Shut up!
- Enough!
- Sit down!
I don't want to be like you.
You disgust me! You're a
- Idiot!
- [gasps]
How dare you talk back?
Imène has Down Syndrome,
but you're disabled.
You're not fit for life.
Listen to me. I hate you.
I never want to see you again.
I'm never coming back here.
- Lina!
- [Lina] I hate you!
- Let her go. Let her go.
- [door closes]
Drink this tonight,
you'll feel much better.
[somber music]
[kids playing in distance]
[speaking Arabic]
Your son was seen in Oran.
Word is starting to spread.
It's not safe for him there anymore.
[somber music]
[somber music continues]
[Fara shrieks]
[Oumar] You tried to take me down?
What is this? Does it look familiar?
[Oumar] Huh?
- The Fed gave me no choice.
- Okay.
[Fara] Here, let me explain.
Wait. What are you Ah!
[muffled grunt]
[chair thudding]
[Fara choking]
["Si J'étais Un Homme" playing]
[struggling grunt]
["Si J'étais Un Homme" continues playing]
[Oumar] Come on, get up.
[Fara sobbing]
[gun cocks]
You trying to fuck me over, bitch?
- Are you fucking me over?
- Wait, wait, wait.
Stop. I have a plan to get your gear back.
- Shut up, you bitch!
- I can get your gear back.
- What are you fucking talking about?
- I have a plan to get back all your coke.
- Fucking shut up!
- I was gonna pay you back!
I swear, call your girlfriend!
- Why are you bringing up my girlfriend?
- She took care of Lina when she was in
Shut the fuck up!
Why are you bringing up my girlfriend?
Call your girlfriend. I beg you, please.
I beg you, please!
She can vouch for my plan.
I was gonna pay you back.
[Fara sobbing]
- [line ringing]
- [whimpers]
- Hello. Yeah, it's me.
- [Savary] Yes, my love?
Did you take the case
of the Bentayeb girl?
[Savary] Yes, about some Vuitton bags
stolen from a dump.
Okay, I'll call you back.
I'm listening.
I can't believe it, girls.
It's crazy what my mom's done to me.
[Nour] Mm.
Would your mom
do something like that to you?
My mom doesn't even know
how to use a mobile.
She must think that you're her little one.
It's bad.
You've no idea how much I hate my mother.
I just want to kill her.
I hate her so much.
It was all too good to be true.
Fairy tales are just
for white girls, bruv.
I'm a white girl, and I'm still waiting.
You're not white, bruv. You're Romanian.
Go on.
[in Romanian accent]
Excuse me, ma'am. You no cry.
When you cry, hurts my heart.
When my heart hurts, I fuck everyone over.
[all laughing]
Oh, good.
Hey, girl.
All three of us are gonna die here.
But at least we'll be together. Okay?
- You need to go talk to Kiaté now.
- Yeah.
[mellow music]
Lina, this is Mom. Call me back, please.
Call me back.
[gate clanks]
- Sorry to just show up like this.
- Oh, don't worry. That's okay.
I didn't know you had a dog.
- Uh, it belongs to my ex.
- I didn't know you had an ex.
Come on, I'm going to go shower.
We'll talk after.
Chill out. I'll be back.
[upbeat music]
Hey. What was his ex like?
Was she a bitch?
Was she ugly? Have a fat ass?
Go on, tell me.
- Hey.
- [whines]
I hope her breath didn't stink like yours.
[upbeat music continues]
[music stops]
[Fara] If you want to get your gear back,
it's the only way.
[Oumar] What guarantee do I have?
- It's gonna work.
- [Oumar] "It's gonna work."
Call your niece.
Ask her where she is.
[line ringing]
[phone ringing]
Now what?
So text her.
[phone chimes]
At Kiaté's.
That way, you won't fuck me over, hmm?
[tense music]
So you just go and drop me?
From one day to the next?
Like that? I sent you 200 messages.
Babe, 232. But your mother's scary, man.
She put the pressure on.
I didn't know what to do.
Why did you tell her?
I didn't tell her.
She just went through my phone.
You know what they are like.
Except you don't know mine, though.
But I know mine. My mom's Congolese.
I know all about it.
Did you think you'd get rid of me
that easy?
- [Kiaté laughs]
- I came here to burn your house down.
- Oh, yeah? Burn it down?
- And you as well.
- Really?
- I'm trouble, don't you know?
[both laugh]
The only way you're gonna get rid of me
if I score more goals
than I do in a season.
- Is that gonna happen?
- You're such a poser.
[chuckles] Who do you think you are?
- It's nice, your place.
- It's not my place.
The club pays for it.
- Do they allow flatmates here?
- Flatmates?
- Can you pay?
- Well, I have 200 euros.
You're so sweet.
Come on, come.
I was really gonna burn it, you know?
I love your little dog.
I told you.
It wasn't a girl that got her
into the pyramid scam.
It's a guy.
We've been waiting here for over an hour.
This is ridiculous.
She'll get home from work tonight,
I'll talk to her, she'll explain it all.
Let's get out of here.
You think I've got nothing better to do
than sit here?
They'll be done soon, let's bust them.
- [Yasmina] Ali!
- Look, like I said.
That's the bastard I saw her with.
[Yasmina] Ali! Ali!
- [Nasser] Look, your wife.
- Ali!
- Hey, Yasminouche.
- Wait for me.
[Nasser] Look how into him she is.
Huh? What did I tell you?
Go get him, Karim. Stop being nice.
[Ali] No way!
I have something for you.
- Really? It's for me?
- Here. Yes.
[Ali laughs]
Thanks so much.
- As a thank you.
- Oh, yeah? So sweet.
[Ali] Thanks, my Yasminouche.
Hey, so go on. Will you come sing
at my restaurant opening?
- [Yasmina] Are you serious? Amazing!
- [Ali] Yeah, I'm serious. Yeah?
Hey, Yasmina, what's going on here?
- Hey, who are you?
- I'm her husband!
- What's going on?
- Mate, no one's talking to you.
- It's okay. This is a colleague.
- What are you doing? Who's this guy?
- What the fuck?
- Who do you think you're talking to?
Are you for real?
- Did I disrespect you, bruv?
- Shut the fuck up. Go fuck yourself.
- You're crazy!
- [Yasmina] Whoa! Whoa!
- Don't touch me.
- Com on. You come here.
- Just get back into your car!
- Stop!
- Just get back into your car!
- [Yasmina] What are you doing?
- Cowards. You're gonna rough up a woman?
- Please. Ali, please.
- I can't just leave you here like this.
- Please.
I'll wait for you over there.
You need me, you call. Right away.
- Go on, get lost.
- [Ali] Fucking dickheads.
Okay, what's going on here, Yasmina?
What are you doing,
showing me up at my office?
Aren't you ashamed of disrespecting
my brother and the whole family, huh?
- Are you still here or what?
- Yeah, I'm here.
And I was there when you were
getting fingered in the front of the car.
- I was getting fingered in the car?
- Yeah. And worse.
- Oh, yeah? And what was that?
- Uh-huh.
Huh? So, what?
Did you see me fucking in the car?
- Hey, Yasmina, did you fuck that guy?
- No, I didn't fuck him.
- I made love, right?
- See, Karim, I told you she was a bitch.
Are you gonna let him
talk to me like that?
- Pull yourself together, Yasmina!
- I'm not gonna pull myself together.
Are you gonna let him
talk to me like that? Huh?
You have no balls!
- What're you doing here?
- You've never had any balls.
Have they gone? Did your brother eat them?
- What's your problem, Karim?
- Hey, watch your mouth.
You never stand up for me.
He's treating me like shit!
- Okay, enough. Let's go home.
- No, I'm not coming!
Not tonight, not ever! I can't stand
the sight of you. Do you understand?
I've had enough of the shit we made!
You're not physical, I'm not physical!
You look like shit, and I look like shit.
I'm going mad!
We have no life! All we have is debt!
We don't have fun anymore!
This isn't what I want! It's a lie!
It's over, Karim.
[somber music]
Karim, let her go.
Let's get out of here, brother.
[tense music]
[Kiaté] You have nice feet.
Why don't you show me yours?
- Because I have the feet of a footballer.
- What does that mean?
That that means,
my feet don't match my Lambo.
[both laugh]
You must have so many girls after you.
And you're laughing,
so that means it's true.
- Hmm, no.
- How many exes?
Uh, I don't know.
What number?
I don't know. I haven't really kept count.
And when you kissed those girls,
did you get butterflies?
A what? Like the insect?
No, you know what I mean.
- Well, I don't know
- Do any of them ever come here
to this house?
- Well, you're the first one.
- Yeah, but then you only just moved here.
Yeah, but there weren't
that many before either.
You can't fool me, you know.
You hit on girls on Insta?
It has happened.
But it won't happen again.
Because I really like you.
I love you.
["Ce Que Tu M'as Fait"
by Monsieur Nov playing]
[reporter] Half a ton of cocaine
was seized this morning,
20 kilometers from Paris.
The traffickers managed to get away
despite a significant police presence
in the area.
["Ce Que Tu M'as Fait" continues]
- Wait.
- Huh?
Are you okay?
Just It's just I've never seen
a dick before.
[both laugh]
Well, let's wait a little.
I'll introduce you to mine.
when I kissed you, it wasn't butterflies.
It was crocodiles.
You're a joke.
But don't worry.
We'll wait. We'll do things right.
- Okay?
- A real prince.
- No, I'm the king.
- [doorbell rings]
- Who's hassling me when I'm with my woman?
- [laughs]
I'll be back.
It's Lina's mother.
I know she's here, open up.
Fuck. What is she doing here?
I don't know, I don't know.
[Lina] Don't let her in.
She won't leave until I let her in.
You don't know what my mother's like.
She's mad.
The whole family call her Gaddafi.
Listen. Listen to me. Listen to me.
We can't dodge her forever, okay?
- We'll explain.
- I can't. I can't.
- We'll talk to her calmly.
- I can't. I can't.
- Hey, come on. Look at me. Look.
- I can't.
- Look at me. Look at me.
- I can't. I can't.
It'll be okay.
- I'll explain.
- I'm gonna die.
- It's gonna be all right. It's all right.
- I swear, I'm gonna die.
- Okay? Trust me.
- Mm.
[Lina sighs]
[tense music]
- I suggest you come with us.
- Mom!
Otherwise, I'll put a bullet
in your mother.
[Mayo] Nice place, huh?
She's taken a lot of stuff.
What does it mean?
It means it's different this time.
You look like security guards.
- What's going on?
- I'm gonna stay with Aunt Souhila.
I'm gonna help her with Mom
and the girls. She's not coping.
- [Riad] And you need a whole suitcase?
- [Rayan] And your toiletries bags?
[both] Can we come with you?
But you know there's no space.
- I'll sleep on the floor.
- And I'll sleep on top of him.
Take care, my little donuts.
[mellow music]
[door knob clacks]
[door closes]
We're orphans.
[Rayan] We've lost half our parents.
What are we going to eat now?
[dramatic tense music]
You know what you have to do.
[dramatic tense music]
I'm begging you, please bring my daughter
back safe and well.
Protect her from evil.
I'm begging you.
[speaks Arabic]
[indistinct chatter]
I was told Secret Story was showing here.
Where's my room?
What's the problem?
What happened? Why are you crying?
What's going on?
[music stops]
Leave me alone.
I didn't have full control
of the operation.
You need protection.
We're doing fine on our own. Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
Thanks for standing in at the last minute.
You're welcome.
- Just doing my job.
- Thanks.
You left in a hurry yesterday morning.
What happened then? Walked into a door?
Tell me, are you still covering
how the police destroy drugs?
Oh, yeah. I'm on it. Sure.
Can you call your contact
and do something on their latest seizure?
Why do you want me to do that?
Because you haven't replaced me yet,
and I'm the presenter.
- And I want it done now.
- Okay.
- I guess I'll do it right away then.
- No, you don't get it.
I'll do it right away.
Are you gonna stand there?
She's going to stand there.
[inhales deeply]
Yes, good morning, Commissioner.
Eglantine Galtier from
Yes, from 24 News. 24 hours a day.
Yes, I'm calling, uh,
because we'd really like to do that story
that story on the destruction of coke
at the recycle center.
Very soon.
Yes. Very very soon.
Yes, it's really hot news. That's news!
- Uh, do you think
- [whispers] Tell him tomorrow.
Would it be possible tomorrow?
Tomorrow? Uh, that would be great.
Thank you, Commissioner.
So, uh, should we discuss this right now,
or should I talk to, uh
- Right away.
- Uh, right away. Right away.
[tense music]
Why aren't you coming with us?
[Oumar] In 48 hours,
we'll be together, okay?
- Okay.
- [car engine rumbles]
Oumar, what is this?
[car door opens]
- Get in the car.
- [man] Day out with the family?
She's so cute.
Not going to introduce me, huh?
- Come to uncle. Come here. Come.
- What are you playing at, huh?
I'm not playing.
We gave you something. Give it back.
I'm sorting it all out.
I get the impression you're running away.
You know me, my word is good.
You have 24 hours. Understood?
Hey. Princess Bye-bye.
[tense music]
[Oumar] Come to Daddy.
[car engine starts, revs]
They're destroying the dope tomorrow.
It's over. We'll never get out of this.
We will, we can do it.
- We can do it if we all get stuck in.
- And Lina?
He won't hurt her.
He wants his dope, and we'll get it.
- Hey, it'll be fine. It'll all work out.
- [Louiza] All right.
Let's get to work on the double.
Yallah. Come here. Give me that.
- Okay, let's go, go, go.
- Come on.
[Fara] To make sure we got Lina back,
we needed an edge.
I think I'm ready for marriage, no? See?
Huh, my little Colombian?
You can call me Louiza Montana.
[Fara] She's really into it.
[Yasmina chuckles]
All the way.
What's this?
They're getting more and more twisted.
Then again, you don't know how to cook,
why would today be any different?
Madam I-only-make-salad.
Well, your sons could do with some salad.
What are you saying?
That I give my kids bad food?
Well, it's not like
you feed them poke bowls.
- Yeah, but they're a little chubby
- Chubby.
Yeah, at least no one messes
with them at school.
You, on the other hand,
your in-laws mess with you.
- Well, no. That's over now.
- [Fara] Sure.
She left Karim.
Oh, yeah?
Happy now? You never liked him, did you?
[Fara] No, that's not true.
I don't like how he turned out with you.
[Louiza] Men are shit.
- They are idle, tyrants, egocentric.
- [Yasmina] Hagare.
And like Monique says,
they're narcotic perverts.
- Narcissistic perverts, Mom.
- At first
[all] They give you it all,
and then you spend all your life
- following them.
- [Louiza] Exactly.
They're not all like that.
- Yes!
- Yes!
- They are all like that.
- Yes.
[Louiza] Why?
Is your boyfriend any different?
- [Yasmina gasps]
- [Fara] Oh.
- How does she know? You ratted me out?
- [Souhila] No.
- Did you rat me out?
- No, no.
It's no laughing matter,
because Ali, he's no better.
- [Yasmina] Hey!
- You've been taking me for a fool
for a long time.
Anyway, I don't have a dossier.
Yes, my love. We know you've already
- Sucked aubergine.
- [Souhila gasps]
- Watch your language.
- Show some shame!
- Imène!
- [Fara] Okay, sorry.
Sorry, Mom, I stand corrected.
- A big aubergine.
- [gasps, laughter]
- Serious, Fara?
- It's okay, it's a joke!
When you were little,
you took your poo and ate it.
Enough with the
"You took your poo and ate it!"
- I ate it once when I was little.
- [laughs]
I've been hearing about it
since I was four!
[Souhila] Apologize.
- Okay. Excuse me, I'm sorry.
- Sorry who?
- Okay. I apologize, uh
- Say it.
Princess, uh, Souhila of the desert.
No, I want a heartfelt apology. Say it.
- Pardon. Pardon.
- Go on. "I'm sorry, Souhila."
Pardon, Mother Teresa.
[Fara] We were worried about Lina.
Making coke bread is so fun.
[Fara] Weirdly enough,
nothing had ever brought us this close.
- With all the pressure
- [laughter]
we behaved like it was the last time.
[gloomy music]
[Fara sighs]
[Fara] I've not been here for a long time.
This estate is nice, seen from above.
Yeah. And at night.
You've been divorced for 12 hours
and you're already on the pull.
- Eleven hours.
- Hey, leave me alone.
I got married at 20.
I was a virgin,
with one guy my whole life.
I have been working for the Mayor
for 15 years.
For five years,
I've been asking for a raise.
And wallah, they're still stalling.
Loyalty isn't awarded.
You have to be a prossie
in a world of prossies.
Just like in the proverb.
The early prostitute gets the worm.
[Yasmina laughs]
And because you're always up
very early at night.
- I must be a very, very big prostitute.
- [Yasmina giggles]
Have a smoke, sister.
- [Yasmina moans]
- [exhales deeply]
I really messed up with Lina.
I should've got close to her
instead of getting on her case
the whole time.
[Souhila] If anything happens to her,
I'll never get over it.
We'll get past this.
[pensive music]
So God help us.
[Fara] We tried to reassure her,
but we didn't know how this would all end.
We each took a little time out
for ourselves.
[doorbell dings]
Well, hi there.
Uh Uh
- Does Ali live here?
- Yeah.
Just a colleague.
Ali, come!
I wanted to thank you
for not saying anything.
To anyone. Not to the police.
And, um, if my daughter gets out of this
and wants to see you
and you respect her, you have my blessing.
[line ringing]
Salam alaykum.
[man] Hello? Salam alaykum.
I would like to speak to Bachir.
[man] Who is this?
This is Louiza, his ex-wife.
How are you?
Good, and you?
- What's that?
- It's nothing.
So I need to tell you something.
If it's okay.
Good timing, me too.
- Shall we go?
- Come on.
[Alban] You won't tell me what happened?
No way, Yasminouche!
Hey! How are you doing?
I'll get back to my spin class.
See you in a bit.
All right, sweetheart. Okay.
I see her every day,
but I can't get enough.
- She's a spin instructor.
- A what instructor?
It's a cycling high-level, you know.
- Ah.
- So why'd you come here?
No, never mind. I I, uh
- I'll tell you
- Do you want to come in?
- No. No, thanks. I'm running late.
- Come on, tell me, now that you're here.
No. I'll I'll
I'll come back another time.
Please, just tell me.
So, what did you want to say?
I wanted to say that
I was fired,
having been, uh, humiliated, beaten,
abandoned on the side of the road,
circumcision doesn't scare me
anymore, Fara.
[mellow music]
This was my grandmother's.
I wanted to know
if you would be willing to
argue with me for the rest of your life?
[Fara] Yes.
To argue with you until death us do part.
[Alban] Yes.
[Fara] Mrs. Fara Blanchard.
[Alban] I love you.
[indistinct chatter]
[child crying]
[news reporting on radio]
[indistinct chatter]
[child crying]
[light music playing in distance]
- Salam alaykum. Sorry to bother you.
- [man 1] How can I help?
I'm looking for a young man from Paris.
- Salam alaykum.
- [man 2] Alaykum salam.
Sorry to bother you.
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music]
[speaking Arabic]
[tense music continues]
[breathing heavily]
Are you looking for me?
[closing theme music]
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