Thin Ice (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Del 7

The email says:
"Cancel the treaty and he will live".
We're all over the news!
We can't.
- It's the only language they understand.
They can't break us both!
- Too late, the press is loving it.
I think I know how
to divert the media attention.
He thinks the Russians leaked the emails.
They're going to kill him
unless I retract the treaty.
To answer your ransom note
no, I will not retract the treaty!
As Foreign Minister of Denmark, I declare
the Russian delegation 'persona-non-grata'.
Elsa sent someone else on the ship,
the ship gets attacked
and Russia is being kicked out
because of that.
We're the only country standing in the way
of full consensus on Elsa's treaty.
Elsa wouldn't
- She would not sacrifice Viktor, wouldn't she?
I'm pulling out!
It's not too late!
They will let us go
if you give them the license.
Keep a low profile.
How far is it?
- Maybe half an hour.
What's that?
- The cabin. There's someone inside.
Careful, this can create a reflection.
Let me see.
It must be them.
We'll need backup.
How can we contact Martin?
- With the helicopter radio.
Be careful.
I'll stay here and keep watch.
Are you sure?
- Yes.
The Parliament has decided to apply
economic sanctions against Russian Federation.
The Russians can't touch Greenland!
Greenland's authorities are expected
to make a statement to the press.
We don't know exactly when.
Should I resign?
With the Russians gone,
I don't know what to do.
Oil's still there.
Maybe we have an option.
The Swedish are trying to blow our deal
and leave us with our hands empty.
So what if we contacted a Swedish company instead?
- Ville Berger?
He will make the deal
on the same terms as the Russians.
How do you know?
- I've been contacted.
If you close this new deal
you can show to your whole country
that you have found an even better buyer:
I can't be haggling like that.
If you think about it
and we close this deal tonight,
we'll present it as a win
and you, giving our people hope
in dark times,
you will become a hero.
The Swedish government will still try
to leave that oil where it is.
Let Berger Oil worry about that.
You'll still become the symbol
of our struggle for independence.
For God's sake, Liam!
How long have you known each other?!
You don't understand!
She'll be killed or sent to a damn gulag!
It's not the 50's!
- It was my fault and I must help her!
That won't do!
- She has nowhere to go!
I'm not the Foreign Minister anymore!
The last thing I need is
to be accused of hiding a Russian refugee!
Ok, I'll call Gustav and explain the situation.
In this course of events,
he will not open a new front with Russia.
Liam, I'm sorry
We can't get involved!
- I understand.
I expect you to fix this fast!
Mati, do you know where Enok is?
- No, why?
Liv should have gone with Viktor's parents
but instead she boarded a helicopter with Enok.
I think they're investigating
on their own.
Find out where they went.
They know something we don't.
I can't work late,
Enok left Aaja with me.
Can't she stay with your wife?
- She's not home.
I need you here,
can you think of a solution?
Sasha, I got you on the plane.
My friend at the Ministry
Martin, please, wait!
- You're not supposed to be here.
Ineed to talk to you.
- About what? My emails?
I have some significant information.
Trust me, a conversation
would be very beneficial for you.
No, no, no
It is from our intelligence in Moscow.
- What am I looking at?
It's a photo of the link to your hacked emails,
the ones found on Liam's phone.
- The same way they got your emails.
This proves the Swedes
stole it from us.
They leaked the information.
- No, no, no
Martin, think about it there is no upside
for Bojan to leak these information.
He already had an agreement with you
and things were going well.
This ruined his bargaining chip.
Russia gained nothing from it.
And Elsa kicked you guys out.
You held up your part of the deal.
You make sure to send me the proof
and I will clear an asylum request
with the State Department.
Thank you!
Just make sure to send the proof.
- I will!
This isn't the best place for
someone who's trying to stay sober.
It hasn't been a good week.
- What did you think it would be like?
I never thought staying sober
was going to be easy.
But one can hold on up to a point.
- What you mean?
I went to pick up Aaja for school.
I was welcomed at the door
by that Danish policewoman.
I think she and Enok
It's Mati, he asks
if I can go pick up Aaja.
That's good!
Don't worry about that woman.
Only think about your beautiful Aaja.
Thank you!
Dear colleagues
sorry for this impromptu speech but as
out time together is soon coming to an end
I'd like to say a few words
on a personal note.
First of all, I want to praise you
for thinking about the future of this planet
and sticking to your convictions
regarding this matter.
There's truly been some dark days before but
hopefully this summit can be.
- Don't listen to her!
You are a wolf in sheep's clothing!
She's been manipulating us the entire time!
My understanding was that
the Russians have been manipulating you.
No, I have proof she leaked my emails!
You cost me my marriage!
You did this to me!
No you brought this on yourself.
We need to talk about this.
- I agree.
No WE need to talk about this.
Thanks for coming.
I really have to go.
What's going on? Where's Enok?
- He's busy too.
Busy with what?
- His job.
You're a bad liar!
He's with her, isn't he?
Whit who?
- The Danish cop!
I know nothing about that.
He's got a lot of work.
He's not coming home tonight.
You'll be taking care of Aaja tonight.
Aaja, call me if you need anything.
Your new girlfriend told him everything!
- We don't know
Don't you see what you've done?!
You turned everyone against us!
I told her
- We ruined a man's life!
He helped himself
- Had you not been with her, nothing would have happened!
You told me to leak the emails!
It's your responsibility!
The flight route says they're here.
- Where is it?
Eskimonæs. An abandoned military base
used by Sirius patrol.
I got the DNA tests for the two
unknown bodies.
We have a match,
they're both from Sirius patrol.
Maybe they think
Sirius patrol is behind this.
Is it?
- Don't start now.
Enok and Liv think we're to blame!
Danish military, government and police!
But Enok
- That's why they left without telling us!
We must find them.
- It's too dark to fly.
Ask Sirius to send someone.
I'll call Martin.
This is now a military issue.
I don't see the point of us continuing
even with two countries absent.
This is getting absurd,
we're 8 countries!
What can we do to make sure it doesn't fall apart?
It would be a very sad ending to our meeting.
What can we do?
- Excuse me.
First of all,
we have to be everyone present around the table.
It's extremely important
that this stays confidential.
Don't tell anyone what
I'm about to tell you.
We don't know what we're dealing with,
especially Elsa.
You don't have to worry about my discretion.
We have most likely located the culprits
and also, probably, the hostages.
That's great news!
Are you preparing an extraction?
Enok Lynge, a Greenlandic police officer
and Liv Hermanson, a Swedish agent
are believed to be there as well.
We have no communication with them
so they might just as well be hostage.
My God!
Where are they being held?
It's an abandoned army base in Eskimonæs.
Why are you telling me this?
- Because
the Greenlandic police doesn't have
the manpower or the training to intervene.
We don't know who these guys are
but what we do know is
that they killed two elite soldiers
from the Sirius sledge patrol.
So it's now officially
a military matter.
It's also very time-sensitive and
the Danish army is limited here.
And you want support
from the US army forces.
According to the defense bilateral
in place because of Thule,
I discussed this with the Minister of Defense
and Denmark has never had
to request for any help, but
it seems to be the time now.
I'll talk to my people.
- Great good thanks.
I'm thinking about talking to your father?
Just to have a talk.
- About what?
Grown-up stuff.
- About Katarina?
Why you mention her?
- I don't know.
She slept here, right?
- Yes.
Did she sleep in our bedroom?
I'm going looking for your dad.
I'll be back soon.
You watch your movie while I'm out, ok?
He's not coming, is he?
- I think not.
Thank you for coming so late.
I'll keep it brief.
I don't see what Elsa
would benefit from any of this.
Quick, turn on the news!
We all know about the resources
Greenland recently have discovered.
It pleases me greatly tonight
to be the first to announce
that the government of Greenland
has successfully negotiated
the exploitation of those resources
with a Swedish company named Berger Oil.
Fucking snake!
It is with great confidence
that I welcome this stable
Swedish company to our country
in order to strengthen the ties
between our countries
and embark upon
a new chapter in our history.
We're done.
I said I'd pull out.
You shouldn't have sent
those extortion emails.
Want some?
- No, thanks.
You walked right into this, Ville.
People murdered?
That wasn't part of the deal.
You can't pull out now,
the contract is signed.
We all made sacrifices you do your part.
Shall we let the girl go?
Marius is coming, I must tell him something.
That's why I'm here
to help you doing what needs to be done.
You tell him we still have her
and she'll be released when everything is in place.
Is it the truth?
- Yes, all is going as planned.
What about the hostages?
They were my crew.
They were people.
Maybe it's best if you keep drinking.
Don't tell me what I should do.
It's over, finally.
I'm out.
- No, you're not.
Soon as my lawyer gives the ok,
I tell everything.
People need to know
what really went down.
Is she awake?
- Liv!
- Viktor?
Stand up!
No, please!
Get down!
Take the weapon!
Are you ok?
- I'm fine
You're wearing my sweater.
I just borrowed it.
I thought they'd killed you.
They were more interested in the helicopter.
- The pilot?
They're obviously not from
Sirius patrol.
Yes, please.
- Did you know Berger Oil would be trying to obtain
the drilling rights?
No, I did not
and I find that extremely unfortunate.
Is Sweden going to keep the oil
and argue that you didn't have the power
to sign a document on behalf of Sweden?
My signature will be valid
and I think the PM made it very clear
when he said I retain
full authority at the Council. Thank you.
One question
- I've finished.
Excuse me but it is a weird circumstance.
Less than 10 years ago,
you did research in Ethiopia for Berger Oil.
You still work for them?
- What?
You were invited on his ship
but you didn't go.
The ship was attacked, you blamed Russia
and Ville Berger gets the oil.
A wild coincidence.
- Yes, I did work for Ville Berger!
And I wrote a report on draught
and the impact of his industries in Africa
and still he proceeded with his oil venture,
eventually causing a civil war.
That is also why I went into politics,
because that is the only way
to stop this industry
from ruining more countries,
more families and more lives! Thank you.
What do you think?
- We're safe now, I saw no traces of other men.
Are we expecting any backup?
- No, it's just the three of us.
So nobody's coming?
- We left without telling anyone, so
No one knows we're here.
- Great
We'll come up with something.
I see no communication equipment
but they were in contact with someone.
I heard them talking on the phone.
- Yes, they had one.
- Yes.
No, it's locked it's locked
If we answer, they'll send
someone else to kill us.
If we don't, they'll send someone anyway.
I'd rather take my chances and wait.
At least, until we start
eating each other.
Martin, I had no idea!
Sweden is not going to drill for the oil!
If we get this deal
- I'm tired of you, leave me alone!
We must work together
- I'll stop this myself, without your intervention!
Russia has been ridiculed, kicked out of Greenland
and our business interests attacked.
Most importantly, this has been done
without any proof of our involvement.
We're innocent, yet still western nations
again play their blame game with us.
Now Sweden has got the drilling rights
our drilling rights
and we'll be seeking reparations for our lost
oil assets and international embarrassment.
90 billion barrels of oil
has debated to be in Greenland,
which is 9 times the GDP of Sweden.
We'll claim what rightfully ours.
With force if necessary.
I killed them.
- Yes.
It was self-defense a life-threatening situation
I don't need no lawyer talk now.
- Ok
You're our hero!
You know what?
We never picked a name.
No is it the baby?
Is something wrong with
I'm fine the baby is fine
Also I brought this with me
Is it?
It's it's a boy.
Or a girl.
It's not funny!
- I haven't opened it yet.
Why not?
Because I
I was waiting for the right moment.
Then I think we should
We're not opening it now.
- What?
We're not doing it now.
We hide it.
Then we'll have something
to look forward to.
What happened? I had to talk to him!
- I can't say anything.
Where's Ville Berger?
Is he with you?
Ville Berger apparently committed suicide.
- No, that can't be true!
What's going on?
- He has my daughter! He was to release her!
Your daughter?
- He used her to get the oil rights!
Come with me.
- What happened?
Ville was behind everything apparently.
- What are you saying?
This is bad news fucking bad news!
We've been through this treaty time and again
and there's no loophole.
If we just sign, Sweden won't be able
to snatch the oil on a technicality!
I know but she leaked my emails.
She tricked me to kick Russia out
and took the oil for herself.
You don't have to trust her.
We sign and it's over.
Are we all in favor?
- Yes.
- Ok.
We'll have the Council employee set up
a signing ceremony tomorrow and then we all can go home.
Elsa Engström, you're not welcome here!
- Excuse me
Mr. Ville Berger just hanged himself.
- Oh, my God!
Here is the situation.
The Russians were wrongfully accused.
It seems Ville Berger set the whole thing up.
Jesus Christ!
We must reach out to Russia to prevent retaliations.
- They seem to be happening already.
Russia is claiming reparation from Sweden.
- Only Sweden?
First of all
we need to pass the treaty.
Otherwise Berger Oil, the main perpetrator,
will walk away with the oil.
And regardless of what you think of me
no one wants Sweden to take
the oil rights back on.
But, Elsa, we have already
agreed to sign the treaty.
Sweden is formally requesting your support,
in case the Russians will act on their threat.
- Yes, of course.
Thank you.
Liv, someone's coming!
- Maybe it's a rescue unit.
Or maybe not.
Liv Liv
Maybe they came to eliminate the hostages us.
It's the rescue team!
- We are the hostages!
This the US air force!
It's over!
There's backup on the way,
release the hostages!
I think we're safe.
Keep your hands in the air!
Put it down!
Put your weapons down!
Liv, are you sure?
- It's the Americans!
Move towards me!
Are you sure?
- We don't have much choice.
Come forward and get down!
Get down!
Hands in the air!
Keep your hands up!
Get around the back!
- I'll check her out.
We're safe!
Put your weapons down!
Move out of the building! Slowly!
They're unarmed!
- She's clear. Move!
Step forward!
You're fine.
Keep moving.
Come on, move!
Thank you so much
for still supporting the treaty.
The US doesn't let terrorists
affect policy.
I know Martin got hurt, but
- That's not what I came to talk to you about.
Earlier today,
the Danish government requested assistance
in the evacuation of civilians
from north-eastern Greenland.
What you're talking about?
We deployed the 821st air based group
out of the US air base in Thule, Greenland.
I just received confirmation
of the successful extraction.
You you mean
- Viktor is on his way, safe and sound.
And so is Liv, your agent.
So Liv was thank you so much!
You're welcome.
- Thank you so much
News from Greenland just arrived.
The hostage crisis seems to be over.
The Swedish diplomat is also safe
He's dead. I know it wasn't the plan
but I had to silence him!
There is another issue.
Ina Enok's wife
she saw me kill him.
Yes, I did.
Do you speak English?
Why are you here?
What was it about my mother?
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