Thirty Nine (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

The Inconvenient Truth

You should've taken some eye drops.
How could she bring them to her audition?
You should've thought of something sad.
I did.
Like what?
Dying young.
You little…
You can always audition again.
Have some soju and forget about it.
This is so frustrating.
You should've cried like that
at the audition.
How many times must I tell you?
The director had a hilarious face.
This is exactly
why you can't do method acting.
So what if he looks hilarious?
He's still just a human being.
How will you ever make it
if you're like this? Tell me.
What is that? His face?
Damn it. Let's go out.
Let's have soju.
Yes. Good thinking.
Is the dried pollack place open?
We're leaving.
Okay. Good thinking.
All right.
Someone's here.
Can I help you?
Are you Joo-hee?
I can barely recognize you.
Is someone here?
Yes. You have a guest.
-Go on, then. Don't drink too much.
-Bye. Go on.
What are you doing here?
I just thought
I'd stop by since I was nearby.
Joo-hee is beautiful.
Girls her age are so pretty, aren't they?
I'm going out. Let's go.
Ji-min must be around her age.
I bet she's pretty just like me.
I must be getting old.
I miss her from time to time.
You said you didn't deserve to be her mom.
You abandoned her as an infant.
Don't be like that.
It's been a while since we last met.
I almost lost my diner because of someone.
And thanks to that,
I'm fighting cancer now.
But I'll put it all behind me,
so don't ever come to see me.
Get up.
I left my wallet here.
-I see.
-There it is.
-See you.
-Okay, see you.
-No. Here, ma'am.
Thank you. Have one too.
Do you like pears?
-I can't get enough of it.
By the way, why isn't Mi-jo picking up?
Are they fighting
because they couldn't go camping?
I doubt it.
They're probably just chatting.
-Is it sweet?
When did you buy this?
It's really sweet and ripe.
-It's really good.
Where did you get these?
Oh, those shoes?
A friend of mine works at that hospital.
I took them from him.
I look like an old man.
I'll buy you new shoes tomorrow.
By the way, where are we going?
Are you not dropping me home?
We had plans, remember?
What should I do? Let me help.
It's okay. You helped me put up the tent.
Just eat and relax.
Don't do anything else.
All right.
Thank you.
Have some first. I'll eat in a bit.
It's perfectly juicy right now.
Just eat it.
-How is it?
-It's good.
You have panic disorder, right?
Every now and then. It's not that serious.
Is that why you wanted
to take a sabbatical?
No. That wasn't the sole reason.
Why aren't you eating? Eat up.
Who's the woman you were with back there?
She's Jin-seok's wife.
Let's just say goodbye here.
You don't need to see me out.
I enjoy driving, so let me drive you home.
Gosh, I'll feel uncomfortable.
You reminded me of Chan-young just now.
You take after me in the worst ways.
Come to Yangpyeong sometime.
I'll cook you something nice.
Yes, ma'am. I will do that.
Can you drop me off at the bus stop?
Sure. Let's go.
-But I can--
-Gosh, don't see us out.
-Let's go.
-Drive safely.
-Okay. Bye.
-Drive safely, ma'am.
You have a wonderful mother.
You really do.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
I just need to sit down for a minute.
You're getting a call.
I know. I need to sit down and rest too.
That was so hectic.
I know.
You don't think
she caught on to it, do you?
When will you tell her?
I'm not sure.
Can you call Seon-u
and ask if he knows where Mi-jo is?
Sure, I will.
Hey, Seon-u. It's me.
Where's Mi-jo?
I see.
Okay, then.
All right. Bye.
What did he say?
Mi-jo wasn't feeling too well,
so they went camping.
They went camping
because she wasn't feeling well?
-What does that even mean?
You wanted her to be the happiest
terminally ill person in the world.
But because of that,
you're carrying all the burden.
You'll exhaust yourself.
I think I'm a coward.
"Maybe I should've
convinced her to get chemo."
"Maybe she could be
in that 0.8 percent and survive."
Those thoughts come to my mind
many times a day.
That doesn't make you a coward.
I feel like I decided to make her
the happiest terminally ill person
to ease my mind.
Since Chan-young wanted that,
I thought,
"Fine. I'll pretend to be happy."
I think I just compromised with myself.
I have a favor to ask of you.
As much as you think about Chan-young,
I wish you would
be considerate of yourself too.
I understand that
you can't help but worry about her.
But this is your first time camping.
So let's live in the present, okay?
How wonderful is this?
The weather is lovely,
and so is the air. Right?
You're not being a coward.
You're not selfish either.
We brought some sweet potatoes.
We bought them earlier. Let's bake them.
Then instant noodles for breakfast?
They taste the best in the morning.
Let me find them. Hold on.
Could you deliver this
to Unit 1203, please?
May I know your name?
It's Kim Jin-seok.
-Mr. Kim Jin-seok?
That looks delicious.
You're eating that?
It's not bad to eat some dirt--
You're not a bum.
I was going to peel a new one for you.
I can't with you.
I left your bag and shoes
at the front desk.
Pick them up on your way home.
I hope you're not too unwell.
We need to focus on
these sweet potatoes, okay? Focus.
Focus and peel it well this time.
Drop one more, and I'm going home.
I still have one more left.
Good morning.
I'm on my way to work.
I see. Have a good day, then.
You too.
Damn it!
Thanks for dropping off my bag and shoes.
No worries. It wasn't that far.
How are you feeling? Are you okay?
I heard…
she came over.
She did.
Do you remember
when you came here
and bawled your eyes out?
I don't know why
I keep thinking of that day.
Mi-jo, what…
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you!
Kim Jin-seok…
You jerk!
What should we do?
is so capricious.
you looked so good together.
I almost believed
that you were Chan-young's boyfriend…
and that she was healthy.
Her mom was so excited
as if you were her son-in-law.
And I wanted to forget reality,
along with Joo-hee,
and believe that everything was peachy.
I just wanted to believe that.
Then when I opened the door,
your wife was standing there.
My heart sank.
It really sank.
So I begged her.
I asked her…
to turn a blind eye to it just this once.
sure is capricious, don't you think?
I see.
I knew something was up,
but I didn't think it was that huge.
She'll give me an earful
if she finds out that I told you.
Let's just play dumb.
I was just curious.
Something was obviously wrong,
but she said it was fine.
So I couldn't believe her.
She's sacrificing a lot of things
because of me.
No, it's because of me.
You startled me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to raise my voice. Sorry.
She only sacrificed her sabbatical
because she was infatuated with me,
but you said it was because of you,
so I got worked up.
I should've listened to her
when she told me to learn to play golf.
We could've golfed together.
Now that I'm dying,
I regret such little things.
Look, you see…
You're not holding yourself back
because of me, are you?
You're not young anymore.
Why don't you just move in with her?
You're imagining it.
It's nice, right?
It is.
Please have some fun with Mi-jo.
You should golf with her.
Wait, do you play golf?
Of course, I do.
Had I not become a doctor,
I'd be competing
against Tiger Woods in the US right now.
Come on. I was just trying to be funny.
Don't give me that look.
Could this be how others perceive me?
You seem like a big-time bluffer.
I do?
We're alike.
Hello, may I speak
with Manager Jang Joo-hee?
She quit?
One hot cappuccino, please.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Thank you.
Gosh, this is so annoying.
Damn it. I can't believe
I used to work in this building.
While I was slaving away downstairs,
they were being all elegant up here.
Don't tell me you're having coffee
at that department store.
She can do that.
Joo-hee, have an elegant coffee time.
Why would you? You're helping them
make money. What an idiot.
I just wanted to experience this, okay?
We were told
to gather at Chinatown by 8 p.m.
Told by whom?
The chef's treating us
to celebrate your resignation.
How did he find out?
Did you not give him your number?
Seon-u told me.
See you later.
Enjoy the ambience,
but don't stay there too long.
Don't tell me you ordered a cappuccino,
which sounds nice but tastes terrible.
Enjoy your coffee.
Thank you.
You must be surprised.
Yes, I am a bit surprised.
I thought you were joking
when you asked if you could live here.
To be honest,
it's been a while since I left home.
I was looking for a place to live.
But when I visited here last time,
it felt really nice.
I'll clean and take care of the kids.
I'll earn my keep.
What a great decision.
I'm happy with that.
But did you discuss it with your brother?
I'm going to tell him soon.
You know how easily worried he gets.
Right, he does.
I'm sure he prefers
that I live here.
He'll visit us more often
if you live here.
I'd be the most delighted
to see you two more often.
Goodness. I'm so lucky.
I have a favor to ask.
What is it?
-Sorry you had to wait.
-It's okay.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Goodness. Hello, Ms. Jobless.
Darn it. How did you find out?
I called your store to order
some products for my girlfriend
since I couldn't step out.
Gosh. "I'm on my way to work."
No wonder it sounded super awkward.
Can I have more zha cai?
Hey, can you give her more zha cai?
Wash your hands and help me out.
The part-timer quit, so it's been hectic.
-Work for me. I'll pay you handsomely.
Please? Hurry.
Gosh, I can't believe this.
I was going to take a few months off
and go on a trip.
Can I have another beer?
Here you go.
-Anything else?
-Thank you.
My father… I mean…
I've been living with money
the assemblyman gave me.
I want to give it back.
I want to give everything back
and live on my own.
Everything's on the house today.
It's to celebrate
my neighbor's resignation, so eat up.
Come on.
So what if there's good food?
I can't even eat it.
You always serve me soup and such.
There's a dish for you too, so wait.
Since it's come to this,
let's party it up.
Oh, right. Let's play golf together.
Golf? With you?
Join us, Joo-hee.
Golf? Me?
I mean, we don't have to play golf there.
The scenery is lovely
and it's spacious there.
We can just stroll around.
That would look weird.
Hey, think about it.
What do you always see
next to beautiful grass?
"Do not enter."
"Do not hurt the grass."
That's it.
A golf course is teeming with grass.
We can step on it and run around.
No one will bat an eye if we lie down.
Lying down isn't right.
Right. I went too far there.
If we get tired,
we can just ride the cart.
What do you say? Nice?
Who did you hear those things from?
What do you mean?
You don't sound like someone
who's never been to a golf course before.
You should go with her.
It's covered in grass.
You can walk around.
If you get tired, ride around in the cart.
You'll feel great.
Goodness, you can find everything
about it on social media.
In any case, I can't go.
But you're jobless.
You'd be bored at home.
I have a new job.
-I work here part-time.
Hey, you did something right
for the first time in your life.
How did you think to do
such a praiseworthy act?
Ms. Jang, I believe
you have a big picture in mind.
What are you talking about?
Stop talking nonsense.
Right. Let's just hang out here instead.
You want to play golf?
You don't even know how to.
If Joo-hee can't go,
then it'll be just us three.
What? Three?
Who are you calling?
-Hey, did you make a reservation?
Chuncheon is perfect.
What was that?
Our dear Seon-u, you, and me.
To Chuncheon.
I'm so excited.
What's with you?
I bet he's good at golf.
I asked him what he did for fun in the US.
He said he mostly golfed.
Gosh. Look at those eyes.
Why are you getting all competitive?
Do you know exactly how good he is?
-What's a "single-digit handicap"?
Yes, it's all about distance for men.
They rent golf clubs, right?
It doesn't make sense for me to buy them.
Please. I'm really not going.
I don't want to golf.
Why not?
I'll go next time.
When? After I die?
What's wrong with you? Don't say that.
What is wrong with you?
Why do you keep yourself
from doing what you like because of me?
Don't worry about me.
I want things to be the same.
I just want everything
to be the same as before.
But your doing that
reminds me that it's not.
It reminds me of how sick I am.
Fine, let's go. Let's play golf.
No need to borrow clubs. I have extra.
What if I'm better at golf
than I thought I'd be?
You would have
a single-digit handicap in talking.
You don't even know what that means.
By the way, I hope Joo-hee doesn't sulk.
She said we tended
to leave her out of things.
How could she leave
when her boss is still at work?
Let's not push too much
when he already has a girlfriend.
She may not act like it,
but she's holding her breath.
Let's be honest.
Can she not hold
a candle to his girlfriend?
Of course, she can.
Except for the fact
that she's a little older.
Being a few years older isn't that bad.
Don't worry about Joo-hee.
You should take care of yourself.
I'm feeling good these days.
Are you not in pain?
No. At times, I can't believe
I really have cancer.
Should we sit down?
Now that Joo-hee's on the battlefield,
she'll fend for herself.
Hey, I asked
the director of the care center.
-About what?
-Your biological mom.
What for?
I told you.
I'm going to get Joo-hee a boyfriend
and find your real mom.
What's the point of finding her now?
You've been wondering all your life.
Am I wrong?
Yes, you are.
So? What did she say?
Remember that "Siloam Snack Bar" memo?
That's the reason you went
to that snack bar in Gocheok-dong.
Apparently, your mom had called
from that place, saying she worked there.
That's why she wrote that down.
But Joo-hee's mom said
she didn't work there. She wouldn't lie.
That's true.
This is a difficult one.
Why don't you have any?
Any what?
Items on a bucket list.
Forget about Joo-hee and me.
Why don't you have anything
you want to do?
Well, I just don't.
Don't lie.
Everyone has something they want to do.
Should we go?
Let's go.
I said you could leave first.
I want to get on my boss's good side.
Right. Can you please not tell my mom
that I'm working here?
She comes here often.
She'll soon find out.
I know. She's not a fan of Chinese food,
so why does she come here so often?
Just tell her already, before
she finds out and gives you hell here.
Gosh. Her slaps are really painful.
Okay. I'll tell her I recruited you,
the queen of hospitality.
That won't work.
I guess I'll just put up with a slap.
I'm only saying this
because it won't end at that.
How did you know?
You're scary.
-I won't sign this.
Don't hold your breath.
Fine, then my lawyer will contact yours.
I'm glad I didn't buy a washing machine.
Where are you?
At the laundromat.
I also had laundry in my trunk, you know?
Shouldn't you be doing this for me,
not the other way around?
Okay. I'll do the laundry from now on.
Aren't you bored there?
I could've tagged along.
It feels weird.
I used to find laundromats really boring.
I'd go somewhere else to eat
or have coffee while waiting.
I can't believe
I find it entertaining now.
It's done.
I'll talk to you later.
Why would you bring Seon-u
over to our house?
Don't read too much into it.
I'd just like us to have a meal together.
Your face says otherwise.
You do know that our dad,
Professor Cha, invested his severance pay
in this clinic, right?
Gosh, that's so cheap.
I know it wasn't a hefty sum.
But come on. Is it that weird
for someone who has invested
in this clinic
to have a meal with a new doctor?
Yes. It's extremely weird.
But he's your boyfriend.
Lower your voice, will you?
You're adults, you know?
Hey, even pre-teens visit
each other's parents nowadays.
There's no point talking to you.
Let's invite him over this evening.
Mom's cooking ribs.
Forget it.
Don't you dare mention it to him.
Then when will you do it?
When you get married. Happy?
That means never!
Come in.
Have you been practicing golfing?
Rumor has it that you're pretty good.
What's so hard about it?
You hit the ball and it flies.
Controlling your power is the hardest,
but it's a cakewalk for you?
I guess you're pretty good.
I shouldn't brag too much in front
of someone who almost went abroad to golf.
Are we okay with taking just my car?
I'll pick you up before Chan-young.
Joo-hee won't make it, right?
But I'm still worried
that Chan-young might be exhausted.
We'll just do nine holes
if that's the case.
Try these balls out
at the golf course tomorrow.
If you're not too busy,
take a look at them right now.
What has he done to them?
Damn it.
"The goddess of golf"?
How adorable.
They suddenly changed the audition date.
It's tomorrow. What should I do?
I've never acted
the role of a reporter before.
I'm in trouble.
Ms. Jeong.
I don't think I can coach you anymore.
Why not?
I'm afraid you're on your own this time.
Or I can introduce you to someone else.
Did I do something wrong?
Why out of the blue?
Why don't you have any?
Items on a bucket list.
Forget about Joo-hee and me.
Why don't you have anything
you want to do?
I'm going to audition for this role too.
Hey, that's Dad.
Mom must've made him pick Coke up.
Let me get out.
-Let's just have him hop on.
-Let me out!
-Don't act like a kid in front of me.
-Hurry up.
Do that in front of your boyfriend.
People think I don't know
What heartbreaks are at this age
-You startled me!
Where did you come from?
-Dad, you should hurry.
-Okay. Go.
Let's go.
Did you buy Coke?
Your mom always forgets
one item when grocery shopping.
Then she makes me go buy it.
Maybe it's intentional.
Judging by how frequently it happens,
I do have my suspicions.
You see…
Despite everything that's been happening,
I got a boyfriend.
-I'm a bad friend, aren't I?
-Of course not.
Think about it.
While she's battling cancer,
I got myself a new boyfriend.
Is Chan-young hurt by that?
Of course not. She would never.
I just feel bad. That's all.
So you feel guilty.
Something like that.
After my retirement, I'm home every day.
But your mom
often goes out with her friends.
That's why your mom and I
are still happily married.
What are you getting at?
Letting each other do whatever they want
is respecting each other.
Let's have some whiskey.
No, I have to play golf tomorrow.
Come on. We're having ribs tonight.
Didn't you just talk about respect?
I'll just drink with Mi-hyeon.
I guess a glass won't hurt.
I'll call a chauffeur.
Chan-young is impressive.
Of course, she'll pass the audition.
I wonder how it'd feel
to watch her movie at the theater.
Wait, is it a drama?
Should I come with you?
Isn't it sad to go to
the audition by yourself?
Are you my mom?
Even moms don't come to
their kids' auditions. It's embarrassing!
I'll just wait outside, okay?
Jin-seok is coming with me.
And listen carefully.
If you skip golf and come to my audition,
I'll cut ties with you.
I need to get into character. Bye.
Why aren't you dressed?
I have a meeting at work.
I called Mr. Cha, so take the van.
You should drive me there.
-I said I had a meeting.
I'll call and check.
Just take the van. It's safer.
Mr. Cha is a good driver.
-Are you getting cold feet?
You obviously are.
Fine, I am getting cold feet.
So go with Mr. Cha.
Do you still think it's your fault?
Stop shaking. You'll drive away good luck.
I have no more luck left.
Come on. Please come with me.
This is really nerve-racking for me.
I think I'll a better job
if you come with me.
So please come and support me.
But I'm not confident.
Let's go.
Let's do this.
I can do this. Yes, I can.
My driver, please.
Let's go. Come on.
We paid for four people today,
so we need to focus even more.
Let's enjoy and have a blast today, okay?
The audition will go well, right?
You need to enjoy your time here
for her to audition in peace.
She wanted us to be here.
Will you keep being like this?
All right.
I'll focus. How many birdies
do you want me to make?
You can decide after seeing my birdies.
Loser buys dinner. What do you say?
Deal. The most expensive dinner.
You'll be the one buying.
Take your time and pick out a restaurant.
Give me another chance.
We made a bet.
We're doing this fair and square.
How brutal.
I prefer instant coffee.
This is much tastier than Americano.
My mom loved this too.
She used to order tons
from Korea and drink them in the US.
She was just like me.
Can you tell me what happened?
It's nothing much.
I may not know you
like the back of my hand,
but I know you wouldn't ask
your adoptive parents
to disown you as an adult
and leave home for no good reason.
I also don't understand why you want
to give back your father's money now.
Am I worried for nothing?
It's just…
After my mom passed away, I just…
Why did you quit piano?
It'd be wonderful
if you could teach the kids here.
No. I don't play anymore.
So-won, what's wrong?
What happened?
How have you been?
No reason. I just wanted
to know how you've been doing.
We're all doing well.
How is your health?
Things here are similar to out there.
If I have enough money, I'm healthy.
If I don't, I feel famished.
How's Ji-min doing?
Has she gotten married yet?
Thank you for offering to help every time.
My time here will be
much more comfortable if you do.
More to the right?
No, to the left.
Right, it's to the left from your side?
Let's see.
That's it.
-It was to the right.
I was right.
You did well.
Honey, you don't look too well.
She called.
It was about time she did.
She's been asking
about Mi-jo more often lately.
She's her mother.
It's natural she's curious.
Every time she calls her Ji-min,
my heart sinks.
He asked me to.
What do you mean?
He wanted me to ask him to disown me.
He asked me to do it.
Give me a mulligan.
There's no mulligan here. We made a bet.
-Let's move on.
-Just this once.
It's out of bounds.
You're so cheap.
You were an acting coach
for quite some time.
Yes, I was.
Before you came,
I asked a few actors about you.
I'm sorry if that was rude.
Not at all, sir.
I didn't know what to think of it.
I learned that you coached
quite a few famous actors.
So why would you audition
for a role yourself?
I wanted something to remember.
No one wants to be
an acting coach from the beginning.
I wanted to be an actress.
But it wasn't easy.
I had a chance,
but I missed it for personal reasons.
Am I your manager or something?
You were given a vehicle
and even a manager,
so why would you call me when I'm busy?
It's my first shoot.
You should be there.
I took a precious leave
for your first shoot.
What about when we go on a trip?
Should I skip work?
Why do you even work at a company
that makes instant noodles?
"What does your father do?"
"He's the chairman of Jinsa Food."
"Is that right?"
"Then cook me some noodles."
Why are you bringing up my family here?
I'm just nervous. That's all.
Pretend that I'm there,
and it'll be a piece of--
I love acting.
So I couldn't bring myself
to find another job.
That's how I became an acting coach.
"Just one more. I'll quit
after teaching one more student."
Then before I knew it, I was 39 years old.
I really want to be
a part of a great project
before it's too late.
It's the perfect age to be an actor.
Show us what you've prepared.
How did you do?
Look at your face.
My mom had the same look
when I took the CSAT.
Answer me. Did you
pull it off well without any mistakes?
Why would I make a mistake?
My acting skills improve day by day.
-You made it.
-They said they'd call.
What does that mean?
They were flustered.
We found the perfect fit
for the role of Reporter Cho.
-Let's stop auditioning for the role.
-Yes, sir.
Thank you.
You can plan out
your filming schedule with him.
But the thing is…
Would it be possible
to shoot all my scenes early?
I know it's a small role. I'm sorry.
You see…
I won't be alive for long.
I have…
Ridiculous, right?
You said that?
I shouldn't keep it from them, right?
You're right.
Let's go. Now that it's all over,
I'm getting sleepy.
Okay. Well done.
You did well.
Let's go.
Well done, Chan-young.
Find out where her parents live.
There's nothing to sweep.
Stop pretending to clean.
Goodness. I'm just making way
for luck to enter our restaurant.
Are you that happy that your old daughter
is living with her boyfriend?
Turn a blind eye to it.
Kids nowadays move in together
before getting married.
We don't even know him.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
Why does it matter?
We should marry her off
if there's a man who loves her.
I can't believe you. Give me another one.
I hadn't golfed in a while,
so it was pretty fun.
Are we headed to Chinatown?
We meet up there every day.
We met up before
when Joo-hee quit her job.
And now,
it's because Chan-young auditioned.
It's going to become our hangout spot.
By the way, why did Joo-hee quit her job?
She fought with
an obnoxious customer and quit.
Oh, dear.
Both of your friends are quite feisty.
They're so cool. I'm impressed.
They take after me.
Hello, ma'am.
Yes, I'm doing well. How about you?
Oh, I see.
It must've been tough for her.
Yes, ma'am. I'll speak with So-won.
Was that the director?
So-won moved into the child care center.
Out of the blue?
You should go see her.
I wonder what happened.
I think I should.
You can drop me off over there.
I can get a cab.
No, I'll drop you off at Chinatown.
It's on the way anyway.
-Hi. Sit down.
I'm sorry I asked you
to meet with me when you must be busy.
Don't be. It's my day off anyway.
And So-won…
She doesn't know that you're here.
You know what?
All of your dishes are delicious.
-I agree.
-Thank you.
How did Seon-u do today?
-He went over 100 strokes.
-I see. What?
He went over 100 strokes?
Then he must've been
too embarrassed to come here.
Didn't you say he was a single-digit?
What I meant was,
he was single before he met you.
-Come on.
-He didn't lie, you know?
I love this gathering.
Let's make this a regular thing.
-Let's meet up seven times a day.
-Seven times?
-That's every day.
-And Seon-u.
My poor wrists.
-I'm not part of this.
-Seven times? Don't be ridiculous.
-You were…
I'm glad you're here.
Sit here.
Can we talk?
Please excuse me. I'll be back soon.
Why didn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
My mom and I ate at Hanguk Hotel.
At the Chinese restaurant.
The manager came to say hello
and asked me to persuade you.
-Hye-jin, I…
-He wanted you to return.
He said you'd be the head chef.
I'm already the head chef
of my restaurant.
They're not the same.
A hotel restaurant
and one in an alley aren't the same.
You don't love me, do you?
How could you say that?
Of course, I love you.
If you truly cared about me,
you would've returned to the hotel.
You would be a hotel chef instead
of that small restaurant chef for me!
What are you thinking?
You must be really disappointed.
Am I wrong?
Ask anyone.
When we encounter
an inconvenient truth,
the truth itself isn't…
what makes us flustered.
I'm sorry, but we're closed.
Are you Ms. Jeong Chan-young's parents?
We become flustered
because we finally encounter
something ominous
that we've strived so hard to bottle up.
Why don't we take a break?
Goodness. Did you guys drink again?
Yes. Do I reek of alcohol?
I'll walk you home so I can sober up.
There's something
I've always wanted to ask you.
I swear I saw it.
"Siloam Snack Bar" was on my documents.
It said my real mom called the director
and said she was working there.
That's not true, right?
Chan-young won't stop looking into that.
Despite being sick,
she wants to find my real mom for me.
That's not true, right?
Can you please tell her it's not true?
I can't believe
that Seon-u exceeded 100 strokes.
What's wrong? Are you okay?
Yes. I'm okay.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, I'm fine.
I think I have indigestion.
Your daughter…
is seeing my husband.
How could I give this to him
when I'm fuming like this?
I can't bear to face your father.
How could he tell So-won
to ask him to disown her?
Was it because he didn't want her
to inherit any of his fortune?
All this time,
I've kept this…
from you.
I'm sorry, Mi-jo.
I know…
who your biological mother is.
That is why
we feel uneasy about the truth.
Will we be able to muster up strength
before the uneasiness turns into fear?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
You're going to the States?
Don't even think about coming back.
Find a job in the States.
It's better to end things amicably.
Or you'll regret it later.
I want us to part as friends, not lovers.
Do I embarrass you?
Because you don't know
who my biological parents are?
Does that scare you now?
Do you want to know?
Ripped and synced by
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