Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[theme music]
Hello, Steve.
I'm your daughter.
You didn't know about me, hey?
Bet you knew about
them other kids,
and you still dumped 'em.
Won't be making that
mistake again.
That's it.
Say goodbye to your ball bags.
[whip cracking]
[choral female vocals]
[horses neighing]
[Robyn VO] Them
missionaries reckoned,
thou shall not use protection,
for it was a sin.
Ringer said that
was just an excuse
for dickheads to go running
around the countryside
leaving a trail of kids behind.
But now I had the answer -
[people chattering]
[truck approaching]
Here, here
Hold these, hold these.
Nah All good.
[man burping loudly]
So how do you know
old Steve-o then?
Oh, I don't.
My mum.
Ah, don't worry,
you didn't miss much.
[man burping] Yep
[man] You coming?
Grog's inside.
[man] I like your hat.
Got yourself a bit of filly,
have ya?
[Winnie] Just quietly
Where's Steve?
Where do you think, love?
He's in the bloody ground.
What, didn't you know?
Carked it on the shithouse.
Brick one, of course.
Nothing cheap for
this bloody family.
Champers or tinnie?
Ah, it's all right.
I got ya.
You right?
You look a bit lost.
Making friends already.
Nice of you to join us.
You look like shit.
Attention, please!
Now! Hmm
Thank you all for coming
to mourn the passing
of Steve Sanders -
husband, father, legend.
If he hadn't been taken
already, I'd have married him,
not his son.
[smattering of laughter]
- Miserable old bastard!
- [laughter]
It's true, Steve wasn't
given to smiling much,
but I know he'd be smiling now
because young Steve and I
are having a baby.
Surprise, my love.
Fucking oath!
Our first child.
Congratulations, Steve. You're
going to make a wonderful dad.
I've got to go
and have a whizz.
[liquid splashing]
[Steve moaning]
You're Steve?
A few shakes,
then I'll be done.
It's all true. I know
why you're here.
You're looking for a--
[Cheryl] Get away
from my husband.
[Steve] Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa
[Steve exclaiming]
Oh, stop
Oh sweetheart,
you don't want to do that.
[gun clicking]
[gun clicking]
- [gun clicking repeatedly]
- [Cheryl and Steve gasping]
[Cheryl] That's it.
- Triple Zero what's your emergency?
There's an Aborigine
in my house, with a gun.
Yes. No, no, no, no.
Don't transfer me.
[Steve] What's this?
Coober Pedy Cup.
Ringer wanted me
to bring that to you.
How do you know Ringer?
My Pop.
Mary's your mum?
How old are you?
I think.
[Cheryl] Hello? We need
the police here now.
This is urgent.
We need them here now.
Put the phone down, Cheryl.
Did I tell you she's
going to hurt my husband?
I think something's--
Cheryl, put the phone down.
Steve! Who is this?
[Steve] Quiet!
Everyone, I would like
to introduce, aah
[whispering] Robyn.
Robyn! She's my daughter.
[people chuckling]
Alright, youse can all
fuck off now.
[Cheryl] Well, that was
a fucking shit show.
[cars accelerating away]
[horse neighing]
No, you can't feed him that.
Yeah, he's on a strict diet.
He's a stud. Aren't you, mate?
Ah, doesn't matter.
We're celebrating.
Not every day you
meet your dad, hey?
You're a cheating bastard.
Is that you?
Huh, yeah.
How is she?
[Steve] Hmm
As soon as I clapped eyes
on your mother, Mary
I was a goner. Hmm
Nothing like your first love.
Fuck anyone who tries
to tell you different.
It's never the same again.
You know I come here
to shoot you.
But you didn't, did ya?
[both chuckling]
Well, ah
Well, pleased to meet ya.
Whatever your bloody name is.
[electrical spark]
[Mick] Home sweet home,
hey, Bob?
[Mick] What's with
all the statues?
Oh, I collect them.
[Robert] Oh well, look ah,
cheers. Appreciate the lift.
Yeah, you take care, won't you?
Ah, what are you doing?
I figured I'd walk you inside.
Ah, not necessary.
Nah, drove you all this way.
Might as well walk
you to your door.
Yeah, alright.
[man] Bob! Oh, oh
Come and give us a hug,
ya old bugger.
- Good to see you, old man.
- Oh, good to see you too.
[man] Hey darling, how are ya?
[Robert] Oh well, thanks again.
Sorry for the miscommunication
- taking off like that.
I was just, you know,
I was just really keen
to find my son.
Right. So if you see him,
you'll give us a call then?
Oh yes.
What was all that about?
[car starting]
Oh, the son got himself
in a bit of a bother
with the police.
Gidge? What? With the police?
What, what did he do?
Oh look, I'd love to talk.
I'll talk later, Dick.
I've really got to take a shit.
[Dick] Yeah, a bit of
thinking time. Yeah.
[Dick] Hey, hey,
good to see you, Bob.
You too, Dick.
- Really good to see you, mate.
- Yeah.
[door opening]
Hi, son.
Nice to see ya.
Where's that ah, little sheila
you've been
running around with?
Ah, she left.
Why is that lady dead?
I ah
I killed her.
Religious ecstasy.
Did you get
angry with her?
Look, I killed her.
But I don't really know how.
We were getting intimate
and then well, she put her
hand down there, you know,
and she slipped her finger up.
Well, I had one of my
spells and I lost control
and then I woke up,
and I found her like this.
We need to call the police.
No, no, no, no, no! No police.
God is judging me.
We need to deal with this -
you and I.
Just like old times, hey?
I don't know about this, Dad.
Will you just drop it
and help me?
You got to learn to work smart,
not hard, son.
[Dick exclaiming] Look at this!
You brought a bit of the
desert back with you
- by the looks of it.
- [Robert] Yeah!
Gidge, hey, I didn't
know you were back.
- Hey
- Look at you, all grown up.
Oh, I picked some zucchinis.
Thought you might like 'em.
Hey! Big unit you are now,
aren't ya?
We're digging a hole?
I looked after this for ya,
now you're digging it up.
[Dick] What for?
Ah, planting a lemon tree.
- Alright.
- [Robert] Yeah.
- So first the police.
- [Robert] Right.
Now you're digging
a fucking hole.
- [Robert] Yeah.
- What are you really doing?
Gidge hit a dog.
- [Dick] Oh no!
- Yeah.
- What kind?
- Bluey.
- What, a Heeler?
- Yep.
- Oh, poor bugger.
- I know.
Hit and run.
[Dick] You alright, mate?
What's going on?
[Robert] Oh no, I'm alright.
Just my back
playing up, you know.
[Dick] I'll give you a hand,
mate. Let me have a go.
[Robert] No,
it's alright, Dick.
[Dick] No, come on.
You need a bloke.
- [Dick] Come on.
- [Robert] Cheers.
I've been doing this
all my fucking life.
Another thing I've been doing
is mowing the fucking lawn.
[Dick] I mean,
how big is this dog?
[Robert] Oh, you know.
[Dick] I'll go and get
a bigger shovel.
[Robert] Yeah,
that's a good idea.
[door opening and closing]
Hey, now's our chance.
Let's do it!
Come on. She's not
going to bury herself.
Right. I'll grab the arms.
You grab the legs.
- [lock rattling]
- [Robert] Son?
[Robert] What? Gidge!
[rattling door]
Gidge, open the bloody door!
[knocking on door]
- Where's Mum?
- What?
Where - is - she?
[Robert] I don't know.
Why isn't she here?
[Robert] Oh God, how
would I bloody know?
You killed her.
[Robert] What?
[Gidge] For wanting a divorce.
[whispering] Oh, bloody hell.
[Gidge] You, you
murdered her,
like you murdered that lady.
- Gidge, open the bloody door.
- No!
[Gidge] I saw the
divorce papers.
Dad, I am not going
to let you out
until you tell me
what happened.
Alright, okay.
She left me.
Look, Gidge,
I loved your mother.
I loved your mother, but she
didn't love me. She hurt me.
So I hurt her back.
I stole you.
You said
she didn't want me.
Where are you going?
Gidge, open the door.
[Gidge VO] Hi, um, Mr. Spider?
It's Gidge.
I was just wondering
if Robyn
if Robyn was still there?
Ah! I tell you what,
I will say one thing
for the old bastard,
he did keep
a good wine cellar.
They say a glass a day
is good for your health.
[phone ringing]
[phone continues ringing]
I'll get it.
Ah, thanks, love.
[Steve] Hmm
[answer machine] You've
called the estate of
Cheryl and Steve-o,
leave a message. [beep]
[Gidge] Robyn?
It's um, it's Gidge.
Listen, things have,
well, they've gone bad
and I don't know what to do.
So I think this is
the end of the road.
I just wanted
to say I'm sorry.
["The Angel Of Death" by
Hank Williams playing on radio]
In the great book of John
you're warned of the day ♪
When you'll be laid
beneath the cold clay ♪
[woman on tape] Hello,
we're not here right now.
Just leave a message for
Gidge, Robert or myself
and we'll get back
to you soon. [beep]
[young Gidge on tape]
Hey Mum,
I'm sorry for
whatever I've done.
Please let me come home.
I just I just want to
hear your voice, Mum.
[older Gidge] Mum, I know
I haven't called in a while.
You should be ashamed
of yourself.
You call yourself a mother.
Mum, I've
I've run away from Dad.
I actually met a girl.
That you're ready to meet
the Angel of Death ♪
- [Steve] Close your eyes.
- Why?
'Cause I got something for ya.
Come on, close them.
Put your hand out.
Be up early and
I'll take you riding.
Just me and you.
Oh, who was that, love?
- Wrong number.
- Ah, that's alright.
[Steve] Yeah
[Robyn VO] Ringer used to say,
distance makes the
heart grow fonder.
I was starting to like
my drop dead dad.
[cocks gun]
But you know what?
It's only a matter of time
until they fuck up again.
Ah, fuck!
- [dogs barking]
- [Robert shouting] Gidge!
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla" by
Isaac Yamma playing]
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