Three-Body (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Professor Wang,
have you seen through my tricks?
I think it's a device.
Tell me about that.
You can set up a screen
with a width of over 300,000 km
beyond the observation range
of all observatories
in space 150,000 km
away from the earth,
and project on the screen
the universe flicker
you want to display.
Then I can see it.
by setting up a screen with
a size of less than 2 mm
very near to my pupils,
you can also project the countdown
in front of my eyes.
Don't you think
it's pseudoscience heresy?
Everything beyond scientific cognition
is called pseudoscience heresy
at the beginning, right?
If I now go to a primitive tribe
where there isn't even electric light,
and play an open-air movie
for the tribesmen,
they'll be as shocked as I was
when they see the movie.
Are you indicating
you're living in a primitive tribe?
You've done so many things
just to make me think
I am a turkey.
As a turkey scientist,
I really want to know
which farm I belong to
and who is the farmer.
Can I get the answer if I
join the Frontiers of Science?
You have the right to join us.
(A new message from: Shen Yufei)
(No. 38, Fenghangling Road,
from: Shen Yufei, June 17th, 2007)
Buddha, please help my Lord
break away from misery.
Wang Miao restarted his
nanomaterial project.
You failed.
He joined us.
Anyway, his project
doesn't stop.
It's not your call
to decide whether I fail or not.
You want him to know about
Lord's world?
We all started from that,
didn't we?
You are always willing to do
such insignificant things.
What I do is more significant
than what you do.
I hope Lord
will approve of your significance.
Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 7=
It broke down again.
It's a little toy
made by one of my students.
it isn't mature enough.
The battery has a low storage capacity.
(Scholar Community)
If the battery is big,
it'll take up more space.
If it's small,
it can't drive a powerful motor.
I think it's useless for now.
Who are you here to see?
Shen Yufei.
Come with me.
The temple seems to be
different from other temples.
Other temples need pilgrims
to offer money to stay afloat.
So they want more tourists.
This temple doesn't.
It's peaceful and quiet here.
Most of our visitors
are engaged in academic research.
Sometimes when they
have problems they can't solve,
they'll come here
and stay for a couple of days.
The rent here is very high.
It's enough to support us.
Do you like soda?
They're all the same.
After getting into our body,
food may only be divided into
absorbable and non-absorbable.
What's the difference?
You want to see Shen Yufei?
Do you also research nanomaterials?
That's good.
Sir, you're merciful.
A world in a grain of sand.
A bodhi in a leaf.
You just saved
this civilization
from destruction in floods.
You work in nanomaterials.
You should understand that.
Professor Han used to study
particle physics
in Europe and America.
Since he returned to China,
he's been teaching particle physics.
Let bygones be bygones.
I live near the temple.
I may become a monk someday.
I've come up with a monk name,
It's not like a sweet dream.
It's a nightmare.
I know.
What do you know?
When your research comes to a dead end,
you'll find that
your research is nothing but a daydream.
I'll leave you alone to talk.
Many scientists will look for
other gratification when they reach
an unbreakable bottleneck
in their research.
They would like to come here
and ponder
the problems they can't solve.
Professor Munphy's last stop
was here.
So Professor Munphy's suicide
had something to do with you.
If you committed suicide after
you had seen the universe flicker,
does it have anything to do with me?
I only told you the truth.
I've decided to join
the Frontiers of Science.
So you can tell me now,
what the farmer is?
What will happen
at the end of the countdown?
Professor Wang,
you seem to have gotten used to
the countdown in front of your eyes.
It always reminds me that
I'm a turkey.
I was a little anxious
and panicked before.
But now I'm even looking forward to
knowing what will happen
at the end of the countdown.
A turkey can be curious.
What you see is a miracle.
But not everyone can accept
the truth behind the miracle.
If you like,
you can go to the farmer's world
for a look.
Compared with traditional media,
new media uses digital technology,
(New Media New Thinking)
network technology, mobile technology,
by Internet,
wireless communication network,
- Excuse me.
- satellite and other channels,
as well as computers, mobile phones,
digital TVs and other terminals
I'm late.
Sit down.
Is it just starting?
Yes, it is.
According to the statistics,
by December, 2006,
the number of netizens in China
has reached 180 million.
In the future,
it's likely to reach 500 million,
even one billion.
Judging by the characteristics
of new media,
it affects our daily life
in the following aspects
(Impact of Environmental Pollution
on Ecology)
Sir, please wait for me.
You lost something.
Is this yours?
(Pastoral China)
My name is Mu Xing.
I'm an independent media worker.
May I know your name?
Pan Han.
It's really you.
The famous
biologist and environmentalist.
You've created
China's first experimental community,
Pastoral China.
Can we have a talk?
Is there any difference
between Pastoral China and
the "return to nature" utopian groups
in the West?
The primary difference is that
Pastoral China isn't
located in the wilderness,
but in the midst of a large city.
Your funding source is
We have no property at all.
It's an experiment
that turns urban trash
into daily necessities.
Why haven't you asked the press
to promote your program?
Environmental protection is
for public welfare, not for show.
Miss Mu,
do you listen to the weather forecast?
Do you know when
the air pollution index
was added into the playlist?
When it started to affect people's life.
Are you suggesting that
the press is only needed when
environmental problems begin to
affect human's survival?
I'm in a hurry, Miss Mu.
Let's talk next time.
Mr. Pan,
sorry to bother you.
But if I didn't find the information
and returned it to you,
they would have been lost.
Can I borrow it?
I'll return it to you after I read it.
Give me your number.
Don't lose it.
Mu Xing has attended several
academic forums recently and
contacted with quite a few scientists.
Today she went to a new media forum.
She left during the event
and talked with a man
called Pan Han for a while.
The man is a biologist engaged in
environmental protection.
Environmental protection?
What did they talk about?
And Pan Han seemed
not willing to talk to her.
Keep an eye on her.
What's this?
It seems to be a game.
Log in.
Play it.
I can't.
Why can't you play it?
The game requires a V-suit.
What's that?
we need you to pay for
the expense of the game suit.
You know what, the suit
is amazing.
When you log in to the game,
you can go up to the sky.
Take you for example.
If you stamp your foot in the game,
you'll leap into the sky like fireworks.
Like Superman.
Have you played it?
I heard of it from others.
From who?
People of the Frontiers of Science.
They play the game.
I need it for work.
Just pay for it.
It's a little expensive.
You should report the expense
to the Finance.
I don't have to bother you
if I can make it clear with them.
By the way,
I heard from the
European Combat Zone this morning
that in Northern Europe,
another scientist committed suicide.
it's urgent.
Don't worry, Chang.
With this,
I'll pass the game.
Do you think it's as easy
as the Snake you play?
You and Wang Miao must try your best.
(Chang Weisi)
My gloves are a little tight.
So are mine.
Do I wear it right?
You said Shen Yufei told you
the website of the game
and the shop
that sold the V-suits.
The things are so expensive.
Do you think she's a saleswoman?
The development costs of games
played with V-suits
is beyond your imagination.
Can I wear this?
The countdown timer.
Is it electrified?
Take it off. Don't wear it.
I can't.
We agreed to live and die together.
OK, that's it.
Be careful when you log in.
Don't worry.
Being a policeman for years,
I've caught 29 bad guys
with my bare hands,
knocked down 17 guys
and shot 16 with my gun.
Don't beat people at will
when you get in the game.
How could I?
I even don't know
what it's like in there.
Maybe we're all turkeys and
we can only peck each other.
Shen Yufei said
it was a world of the shooter
and the farmer.
Let's go.
(Welcome to Three-Body.)
(Please create your own ID.)
It's cold.
Yes, very cold.
This is the Warring States Period.
I am
King Wen of Zhou.
King Wen
doesn't belong to
the Warring States Period, right?
He's survived until now.
King Zhou of Shang is alive, too.
I am a follower of King Wen.
That's my log-in ID.
Follower of King Wen of Zhou.
He's a genius.
My log-in ID is Hairen.
The stuff on your back
looks very heavy.
The distance and weight here
are real as in life.
This is sandglass.
Every eight hours, all the sand
flows to the bottom.
Flip it three times
and you can measure a day.
But I often forget to flip it,
and I need
Follower here to remind me.
You seem to be on a very long journey.
Is it necessary
to carry such a bulky clock?
Or what?
How else would we measure time?
You can carry a portable sundial.
Or you can just look at the sun
and know the approximate time.
The sun?
How can the sun tell us the time?
We're in the midst of a Chaotic Era.
Chaotic Era?
It's so cold! I'm almost frozen.
Hurry, let's go.
It will be colder if we stop.
When the sun comes out,
it will be warmer.
Are you pretending to be
some kind of oracle?
Even King Wen cannot predict the future.
Do you need an oracle to predict that?
Everyone can see that
the sun will rise in about
another hour or two.
This is a Chaotic Era!
What is a Chaotic Era?
Other than Stable Eras,
all times are Chaotic Eras.
Is the Chaotic Era
known to all?
Look at the sun.
So it's dusk
instead of dawn?
It is dawn.
But the sun doesn't always
rise in the dawn.
That's what a Chaotic Era is like.
It looks like the sun
won't rise for a long time.
What makes you think that?
There's no way to be certain.
Ji Chang, may I have some dried fish?
I barely have enough for myself.
We must guarantee that
I make it to Zhaoge,
not you.
Look over there!
The sun is rising over there.
But the direction
is different from last time.
Are we in the wrong way?
I told you
it's a Chaotic Era.
Finally, it's getting warmer.
But why is the sun
bluish in color?
Why did it set so soon?
These branches.
We can use some as firewood.
Hurry, hurry up.
You know what, I hate to light a fire.
do you know a man called Wang Miao?
Wang Miao?
I don't know him.
Why don't you join us?
Aren't you cold?
Warm yourself at the fire.
It's really cold.
If we
burn some of the dehydrated bodies,
we'll have a roaring fire.
Nonsense! Only the tyrant King Zhou
would do that.
The dehydrated bodies are
scattered along the road.
They've been torn,
and won't be revivable
even when rehydrated.
If your theory really works,
we can even eat some,
let alone burn a few of them.
How can a few lives compare to
the importance of your theory?
No way.
We're scholars!
It's finally burnt out.
Let's continue our journey.
Who do you follow?
Let me put it this way.
What do you research?
Are you a newcomer?
Yeah, I'm a rookie.
We follow King Zhou
and we're going to Zhaoge.
Do you want to join us?
Be an accessory to a tyrant?
Forget it. Zhaoge is too far.
I have to find my friend.
Where is Miao?
No, no.
We can have enough today.
We've flipped the sandglass six times.
It's been two days.
In the two days,
the sun never
rose once,
not even a hint of dawn
over the horizon.
It seems that
the sun will never rise again.
I told you not to
pretend to be an oracle.
This is a Chaotic Era!
The sun is rising over there!
It looks like a normal sun!
I'm warning you
not to pretend to be an oracle.
It's finally getting warm.
Oh, dear!
What should we do?
Find shade quickly!
What's wrong?
Hurry. Hurry.
What's wrong?
Traveling during a Chaotic Era
is like walking through hell.
I can't stand it anymore.
I can't.
Then you should be dehydrated.
You won't abandon me,
will you?
Don't worry.
I promise to bring you to Zhaoge.
Dehydrate me.
What happened to him?
Is he dead?
He'll recover soon,
when we soak him in water.
It's just like soaking dried mushrooms.
Even his bones have turned soft?
They've turned into dried fibers.
This makes him easy to carry.
In this world,
can everyone be dehydrated?
Of course. You can, too.
Otherwise we could not
survive the Chaotic Eras.
You carry him.
Oh, dear!
My friend.
I must find him.
If a turkey doesn't drink water,
will it die of thirst?
You can choose to be dehydrated
if you can't stand it.
How could I be dehydrated?
You only have to say
(Dehydrate me)
these two words.
This is the password.
Is it some kind of trap?
What can you get
if I say dehydrate me?
I, I
What are you doing?
Who are you?
Give him back to me.
He is my friend.
Give him back to me!
Do you know he is dehydrated?
The only way he contributes
to this civilization
is to be our food or firewood.
You're unreasonable!
Give him back to me!
- Give me!
- Wang Miao.
Wang Miao.
Give him back to me!
You don't understand
the truth of the world.
Wang Miao, hang in there.
I'll log in right now. Hang in there.
Wait a minute.
In order to achieve our goals,
(Game Over)
this is nothing.
How is your friend?
He was dehydrated
and taken by some guys.
What will happen to him?
It's normal.
He can't adapt to this world.
Let's start off.
I can finally have water.
How long has it been?
About a month.
It's either extremely hot
or extremely cold.
The Chaotic Era is killing me.
Flying stars.
Two flying stars!
We've seen them yesterday.
They look bigger than ordinary stars.
They show up as disks.
They move through the sky
quickly enough for the naked eye
to detect the motion.
But it's different this time.
How come?
There are two of them.
Two flying stars!
A Stable Era is about to begin!
Is two the most we'll see at once?
No. Sometimes three will appear,
but no more than that.
If three flying stars appear,
does that herald
an even better era?
What are you talking about?
Three flying stars?
Pray that such a thing never happens.
It hasn't been so pleasant
in a long time.
How long does this Stable Era last?
A day or a century.
No one can predict that.
According to historical records,
the Western Zhou Dynasty
experienced a Stable Era
lasting two centuries.
How lucky to be born during such a time!
What about a Chaotic Era?
How long does it last?
I already told you.
Other than Stable Eras,
all other times belong to Chaotic Eras.
Each of them takes up the time
not occupied by the other.
This is a world in which
there are no patterns.
Civilization here
can only develop
in the mild climate of Stable Eras.
Most of the time,
humankind must collectively
dehydrate and be stored.
When a long Stable Era arrives,
they collectively revive
through rehydration.
Then they proceed to build and produce.
How can we
predict the arrival and duration
of each Stable Era?
You can't.
Nobody can do that.
When a Stable Era arrives,
the King makes a decision
based on intuition
as to whether to engage in
mass rehydration.
Often, the people are revived,
crops are planted,
cities begin construction,
life has just started,
and then the Stable Era ends.
Extreme cold and heat
then destroy everything.
Now you know the goal of this game.
It's to use our intellect
and understanding
to analyze all phenomena
until we can know the pattern
of the sun's movement.
The survival of civilization
depends on it.
Based on my observations,
there is no pattern
to the sun's movement at all.
That's because you don't understand
the fundamental nature of the world.
And you do?
I'm going to Zhaoge
to present King Zhou
with an accurate calendar.
How long before we get to Zhaoge?
Soon. We'll be there soon.
Have you heard anything?
That's the sound of the pendulums.
We've arrived in Zhaoge.
Those are pendulums.
The sight of them suggests
the end of our journey.
There's a pyramid in Zhaoge?
In order to survive
during a Chaotic Era,
one must live in thick-walled buildings
like this one,
as though one were living underground.
It's the only way to avoid
the extreme heat and cold.
My king.
My beloved deputy, as you were.
This is Fu Xi.
Apparently he has his own theory.
Yes. He thinks that
the sun is a temperamental god.
When the god is awake,
his moods are unpredictable,
and thus we have a Chaotic Era.
But when he's asleep,
his breathing evens out,
and thus we have a Stable Era.
Fu Xi suggested that
I build those pendulums out there
and keep them in constant motion.
He claims that
the pendulums can have
a hypnotic effect on the sun god
and cause him to sink into
a long slumber.
I've never heard that
anyone can hypnotize the sun.
It doesn't seem useful.
So far,
the sun god remains awake,
though from time to time
he naps briefly.
What is he going to do?
Go to hell!
Foolish witchcraft.
What have you learned about the sun?
My king,
the sun is not a god.
The sun is yang,
and the night is yin.
The world proceeds on the balance
between yin and yang.
Though we can't control it,
we can predict it.
If you can predict it,
you'll be the hero of the world.
But many people who claimed
to be able to predict it
ended up in the bronze cauldron.
My king,
this is the code of the universe.
With it, I can present your dynasty
with an accurate calendar.
Ji Chang,
I'm eager to know
when the next long Stable Era
will come.
I will forecast it for you right now.
Next will be
a Chaotic Era lasting 41 days.
Then comes a five-day Stable Era.
Thereafter, there will be
a 23-day Chaotic Era
followed by an 18-day Stable Era.
Then we'll have an
eight-day Chaotic Era.
But when this Chaotic Era is over,
my king,
the long Stable Era you've been
waiting for will begin.
That Stable Era
will last three years and nine months.
The climate will be so mild
that it will be a golden age.
King Zhou seems not to be
very excited
about the accurate prediction.
We have to
verify your predictions first.
My king,
all the initial predictions
have been verified.
Ji Chang,
I shall erect a monument for you,
one even greater
than this palace.
My king,
awaken your dynasty
and let it prosper!
My foot!
My finger!
How long have we been dehydrated?
If they weren't rehydrated in time,
they would all have been
eaten by the Chaotic Era rats.
Enjoy the beautiful Stable Era!
You're lucky!
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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