Threesome (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Happy Anniversary

-Shall we go?
Right, so you're in room number 402.
And we have breakfast
between 7 and 10.
You have dinner booked at 8pm
in the restaurant.
If you need anything, let us know.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.
-So nice.
This is exactly what I want my house
to look like.
Did you organize this?
-That's lovely.
This room is bigger
than our whole apartment.
Come here.
I'm just going to unpack first.
Wow! Nicely done.
Thank you.
Seven years.
-Totally crazy.
-Yeah, it's mad.
Let's take a photo.
That's nice.
Instagram right away!
Thank you.
But I didn't get you anything.
You don't need to get me anything.
-Did you make this?
Well, I
Oh, jeez.
That's our whole lives.
Thank you.
Shall we go spa?
Oh, it's pricking my feet.
But it's nice.
Did you know
you can survive for a week
without drinking anything
if you're lying in water?
Your skin absorbs liquid.
Normally you'd only survive
three days at the most.
What, so your body absorbs moisture
through your skin?
-That sounds crazy.
-Crazy? Why?
The skin is the body's largest organ.
Because you're already surrounded
by water
you don't lose any liquids through
sweating to cool the body down.
So, that's why you stay hydrated
for a long time.
But that must depend on
the temperature.
I mean, I'm sweating now.
but this water is like 40 degrees.
I mean Never mind.
Forget it. Just forget it.
Wonder how long you could survive
without food
if you were lying in food.
Room service.
-Room service.
-Hello. Yes. Come in.
-So nice.
-Can I come in?
-Of course.
-Thank you.
-You can just put it here, I think.
-All right.
-Thank you very much. Enjoy!
Thank you so much. It looks great.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
Filip has also bought a flat.
A one bed flat.
How much did he pay for it?
-Two million, I think.
-Is that all?
It's quite small.
But still. Did his parents
chip in with the deposit?
So nice to have your own place.
I'm so sick of moving house, being
surrounded by other people's stuff,
and paying insane amounts of rent.
I want my own place
with my own things.
But soon you'll be a qualified lawyer
and you'll get a fancy job
and be earning bucket-loads of cash.
So I'll be a qualified lawyer
with a fancy job
-But what about you?
Or is it up to me
to earn all the money?
I'll take care of the home front.
The home front.
Yeah. You can have a career,
make money,
and I'll look after the kids.
-The kids?
Are you
going to give birth to them too?
I would if I could.
-Give it up, David.
-It's not funny.
-I'm only joking.
Yeah, but I'm sure part of you loves
the idea of just cruising about.
Cruising about?
Like what you're doing now.
Just doing any old job Cruising.
That's why it's perfect
that I'm with you, right? Huh?
I can't deal
-Deal with what?
-You're so damn damn
-So damn what?
-Annoying. You're a pain in the ass.
That's fine by me.
What's the matter?
I don't know.
Just so many thoughts.
What kind of thoughts?
About everything.
About us.
I don't know, David
Sometimes it just feels like
somehow everything is already over.
Like, maybe this is it.
I just feel so trapped.
I don't know if I'm doing things
because I really want to
because I think I have to
because I decided, you know?
It's like
I don't know who I am anymore.
It's like we've become one person.
And I don't know
if that's a good thing because
we're just so very different.
We want totally different things
from life
and we got together when we were 17.
I don't know, David.
I've thought about what happened
with her and
if it happened because subconsciously
we're in need of something different.
Sometimes I don't know
if you're really supposed to be
in the same relationship
like this when you
At least not when you're young.
That maybe you need to get out there
and get to know yourself
before you get into a relationship,
and we've never done that, David.
Well, what do you want to do?
About us.
I don't know.
I love you.
But you want to break up?
I don't know.
Hi, you've reached David. I can't
take your call. Leave a message.
Hi. Um
It's ten past nine
and I'm going home.
Please call me.
-Hi. Have you heard from David?
No. Why? What happened?
We had an argument
and now I can't get hold of him.
I don't know where he is.
Could you call him or something?
Yeah. What do you want me to say?
Um Tell him I'm at home
and that I just
that I just want him to come home.
Sure. I'll call him now.
OK. Thanks.
He's not picking up.
I'll try again in a little while, OK?
All right.
Hi, you've reached David. I can't
take your call. Leave a message.
It's me.
Can you please just come home?
It's really stupid.
I don't know what happened, David.
But please just come home.
I can't bear it.
Have you slept with someone else?
-Why do you say that?
-Because that's how it feels.
Have you?
If you have, I want you
to tell me now, you hear me?
I haven't slept with anyone else.
I want you to swear on it.
Stop it, David.
I haven't slept with anyone else.
Please stop saying that.
What the fuck's going on, then?
I don't know. I don't know.
What you said at the hotel
-How long have you felt that way?
-I didn't mean it. Not like that.
What did you mean, then?
I don't know.
You don't know
if you want to be together?
I do. Yes, I do.
Why did you say that, then?
I don't know what's going on with me,
It's college and
So much has happened
since we came here and I just
I've just been feeling
so fucking lost.
And it's not your fault.
Why don't you
want to have sex anymore?
-I'm not allowed to touch you.
-Sure you are.
-Yes, you are.
No, you don't let me.
I don't know how
I think something happened
when we slept with her.
I just, like, see you with her
when we have sex.
And then I just can't.
But I don't want it to be like that.
It feels like it's broken us.
I regret it so much.
Fuck, I wish it never happened.
I feel so dirty
for having sex with her.
Because I love you.
I fucking love you so much.
I love you.
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