Thunderbirds (1965) s01e07 Episode Script

30 Minutes After Noon

(Chimes) (Shuffling) (Footsteps) the light's in my eyes.
Sorry, madam, you gave me a start.
Yes, it's a terrible night.
I had to leave my car, and now I'm quite lost.
Where are you going? I could find my way from the Tower of London.
The Tower? That's easy enough.
You haven't hurt him, Parker? No, m'lady, just a touch of chloroform.
Splendid! Hide him and fetch equipment.
I'll look at the problem.
Plastic explosive should take care of the door.
Very good, m'lady.
I'll fix the halarm.
Good work, Parker.
The warnin' systems are on the same circuit.
Most obliging of them! - Parker? - Yus, m'lady? Quickly, the fuse.
We're right on time.
Take cover, Parker! (Big Ben chimes) Splendid! Come on, Parker.
We have work to do.
The rest is up to you.
There's plenty of time.
(Combination lock clicks) Mmm, yeah.
Look, could we 'ave a bit of 'ush, m'lady? Sorry, Parker, but if you used a modern detector A stethoscope, madam, was good enough for my father, for my father's father, and before him All right, Parker, it was just a suggestion! (Big Ben chimes) Oh, dear oh, dear How much longer? Just one more, m'lady.
(Door unlocks) Splendid! Mission completed.
Two hours, twenty-five minutes, exactly! (They all shout praises) Well, Your Lordship, we followed your instructions to the letter.
Now, I have positive proof that we need one.
Oh, er, yus.
I would agree that I have a rare talent.
One, that you might say, one has, or there again, does N0T have Topping job of work, my man! - Jolly good show! - Any time, Your Lordship.
Yes, Parker, but I think that will be all! We must be going.
I hope you'll be able to keep the dinner invitation.
Of course, Lady Penelope.
It'll be a pleasure! - Come along, Parker.
- Coming, m'lady.
- Thanks again for all you've done.
- 0nly too glad to be of assistance.
Er excuse me, sir I am correct in assuming, am I not that you will take care of any trouble arising from this incident? I shall answer for everything.
Thank you, sir.
Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye.
- (All) Goodbye.
What trouble did he mean? (Police whistle) I'm very pleased with you, Parker.
You did well.
Thank you for saying so, m'lady.
You certainly have a way with safes.
I'm glad so few share your talent! Few indeed, m'lady! other expert capable of such a job.
Oh? And may I ask his name? You may, but it's of no consequence.
He's retired.
At least, for the duration (Prisoners shout) (Banging and shouting) (Siren) (Peaceful birdsong) I'm glad that you have a new vault.
We'll discuss it over dinner later.
- Love to, Lady Penelope.
- Bye.
(Chimes) (Door slides shut) Ah, Lovegrove! - The Brinkley report is ready, sir.
- Already? Lambert did the figures.
His concentration is amazing! Lambert? I know the fellow - chap who buries himself in his work.
Does ten times more work than the rest.
Could use more like him.
Indeed one could, sir.
(Lord Silton) 'Take a look at this.
' Fantastic, isn't it? Here we are, standing inside the Bank of England.
centuries ago, and yet, down here we have the most modern vault in the world.
Indeed, Your Lordship.
- 0ne does deplore change.
- 0f course, sir.
But it is comforting to know that England's deeds, monies and documents are safe.
Indeed, sir.
Especially as I have the only key, and that I carry it with me wherever I go.
Any more to come? I'm dining at a stately home.
Don't want to be late.
- All here, sir.
- Call the roll, then.
- At once, Your Lordship.
Taylor? - Present, Mr Lovegrove.
- Carter? - Yes, sir.
- Moore? Moore? - Yes, er, here.
- Longman? - Present, sir.
Lambert? Lambert? He left earlier, Mr Lovegrove.
- I see, very well.
Barratt? - Yes, sir.
All present and accounted for, sir.
Good, now all that remains is to close the vault.
(Machinery grinds) We can rest assured that nobody will break in.
Quite! It's a great achievement, especially the way air is pumped out of the vault.
Papers keep much better in a vacuum.
- That seems to be it.
- You have the key, sir? It's in my case, Lovegrove, and it never leaves my side.
- Good night, Lovegrove.
- Good night, sir.
I doubt if it will be opened for at least two years.
We've checked, and Lambert's still missing.
Perhaps he IS in the vault.
(Intercom buzzes) I said I was not to be disturbed.
These figures must be finished.
Hello? Perhaps I can get some peace now.
He's in there, but he's rung off.
- He buries himself in his work - Look! In two hours the air will be gone.
We can't stop it or open the vault! Contact Lord Silton.
He has the key.
He's dining at a stately home, but I don't know where.
I'll have to use the emergency call system.
Here's to you, Lady Penelope, and thank you.
Parker must take most of the credit.
He's a treasure.
Wish I had someone like him - you could take him anywhere.
Ain'tcha got my grub ready yet, Lil? I've only got one pair of 'ands, ain't I? Wasting your time here, gel.
If you'd got more, you'd make a few bob in a circus, wouldn't ya? - What are you givin' 'em? - None of your business! - Keep your shirt on! - Hark who's talkin'! Don't blame ya not tellin' me If I cooked like you, I wouldn't shout about it! - Now, listen 'ere, Nosey - 'Ey! Manners, manners! Mr Parker, hif you don't mind! All right, Mr Nosey Parker - I bin slavin' over this all day.
Come off it, Lil, I was only pullin' your leg.
What you done for 'em? I'm startin' 'em off with a drop of consomme '0rrible load of rubbish! Then a special escalopy receep, wiv all the trimmings, of course.
Gives me heartburn lookin' at it! Then they finish orf with Crapey Suzettes and coffee.
Crapey? Well, they're welcome to it! What you got for me, then? Stew.
Me favourite! I spoil ya.
'Ere's yer paper.
I know you like a read while you eat.
Ah, well Cor strike me pink! I can't tell you how pleased I am that you accepted my invitation.
The pleasure is all mine.
So rarely am I able to get away from my duties at the Bank of England.
You rang, madam? Yes.
- You may serve coffee now, Parker.
- Yus, m'lady.
Would you like Parker to take your briefcase? No, thank you, it never leaves my side.
(Bleeper) Good heavens! What's that noise? The emergency call system.
I'm wanted at the Bank.
- Is the Bank being robbed? - Perhaps.
- You clumsy nincompoop! - Parker! - Excuse me.
- That's all right.
It WAS rather hot.
I'm sorry, m'lady, I don't know what came over me.
Must be a sudden shock.
Get something to clean up this mess.
I'm terribly sorry, Lord Silton.
No time for apologies.
I must call the bank.
Yes? Lord Silton's on the videophone now.
At last! Now Ah, Lovegrove, what's all this about? - We've been cut off.
- Parker! Yus, m'lady? I've er um been pruning the roses, madam.
Get the Rolls Royce, Parker.
We're taking Lord Silton to London.
Don't worry, we'll have you there in no time - my car is capable of amazing speeds.
It's very smooth.
Feels as though we're hardly moving.
Parker! Can't hunderstand why we're going so slow, madam, I 'ave my foot 'ard down.
I don't know what you're up to, but speed up! and no sign of Lord Silton.
We'll have to call for outside help.
International Rescue.
A man is trapped in the Bank of England vault.
' (Bleeps) Yes, John.
'Emergency call from London requesting immediate action.
' (Buzzer) What're we waiting for? Let's go! You must brief Scott, there's very little time.
FAB, I'll be on stand-by.
Scott, leave immediately - destination England.
- John will brief you later.
- Yes, sir.
International Rescue to Thunderbird 1 - you will land at London Heliport.
Message received.
I have the details from John.
Request Thunderbird 2 with Pod 5.
OK, Scott.
'I think Virgil will need some help.
' - Leave it with me.
- 'Sure.
' Hmmm, things have been kind of quiet on the space front.
I'll give Alan a chance of seeing some action.
Virgil, off you go.
Alan will join you.
OK, Father.
(Engines whine) International Rescue or not, they'll never get Lambert out now! I'm glad you're here, but I can't see what we can do without the key, and there's only one hour left! We're not often beaten, Mr Lovegrove.
Thunderbird 2 has landed safely.
'Because of the underground communications in London, 'the Mole cannot be used.
' If they can't use it, that man will never be rescued.
Don't worry.
The boys will BURN their way in.
It'll take years! Not with 0UR equipment.
But will it be fast enough? What has happened to Lord Silton? (0wl hoots) I'm waiting for your explanation, Parker.
I I seem to 'ave Iost my way m'lady - Lost your way to London? - Yus, madam.
Step outside, Parker.
I want a word with you! Why are you so intent on stopping Lord Silton getting to the bank? ME, m'lady? Yes, Y0U! I see, now.
You put the videophone out of action.
Pruning roses indeed! 'Now, why don't you explain? ' Parker, I'm waiting.
Oh well, er oh All right, m'lady It all began, the last time I was away.
In prison, you mean? Well, if you must put it that way, m'lady I shared a cell with a gentleman known to the trade as Light-Fingered Fred.
'As a matter of fact, it was 'im I referred to 'as being the only other soul who could do that job.
'I was resting on my bunk one day, 'when he said ' - Ere, Nosey? - Whassa matter, now? What you gonna do when you get out? Dunno, I haven't thought about it.
Nah, listen! I fink it's important.
It's only right a bloke should 'ave ambition.
I don't want to waste these ten years.
I'm gonna learn from 'em, Nosey.
Plannin' for the future, are you? Yeah, that's right - learn from yer mistakes.
Nah, there comes a time in a man's life, when he's got to do something.
I may not 'ave been a friend of society, but I'm gonna reform and settle down after I've knocked orf the Bank of England.
You you you rob the Bank of England? Not half! You mark my words! I shall break into the vault, and I, personally, will D0 the Bank of England! So you see, ma'am, this emergency could be Light-Fingered Fred carryin' out his threat.
- Not necessarily.
- But it C0ULD be.
It isn't right that I should be the one to ruin an old colleague's life hambition.
We haven't time to argue, Nosey, er Parker, but if you feel like this, I shall drive us to London.
REVERSE! There was no need to shout, Lord Silton, we're going quite smoothly, now.
We are, madam but BACKWARDS! We're happroachin' a tree, madam! M-M-Madam the the tree! MADAM! (Car horn and crash) OK, hold it! Look at this.
We won't get through in time, Scott.
I know, but look at this plan of the vault.
- There's a weak spot underneath.
- But we can't tunnel.
We're beaten, unless headquarters can help.
Just 30 minutes left! Oh getting hot in here I may as well finish these off, though before I go home You can't cut through? 'Not in time.
We've got to come up from below.
' Any suggestions, Brains? Well n-n-not at this moment, Mr Tracy.
- There must be an answer.
- I know what it is.
'You, Grandma? ' You want to come out the ground, but without the Mole - right? Right.
When I was little, my grandma told me about the old London subway - trains under the ground.
New York had them as well, before this new-fangled monorail system.
Hey, you may HAVE something! Scott, check whether those tunnels still exist.
Look, Alan, Piccadilly Circus! Sure is a change from being in space.
This way.
Ten minutes! That's all there is.
Any news of the guy with the key? One of madam's short cuts! - We made it! - Let's find the elevator shaft.
I I can hardly breathe Must get must get out must get out I I'm locked in! The air The air's nearly pumped out! This is it, Virgil.
Let's go! Three minutes we've failed! Must try and get help.
Journey's end What a pleasant drive.
I must do this more often.
One minute! Come on, fellas! We'll be through any time.
Must phone Come on! What's happened? - Are we in time? - Lord Silton! Lambert is trapped in the vault! - 0nly seconds left! - Quickly! The key! Key? The one you always have with you in your briefcase.
- Briefcase? - It never leaves your side! Oh THAT briefcase.
I must have left it at Lady Penelope's.
One of your hair-clips, m'lady, if you would be so kind.
Parker, this is no time for flippancy! I'm serious, m'lady.
They 'aven't built a safe, yet, that Nosey Parker can't open! Get International Rescue.
We're through! W-W-Who ARE you? You 0K? We just made it - International Rescue.
International Rescue? I knew you were highly efficient but this is ridiculous! I'm afraid I've ruined your hairpin, m'lady.
Parker, you're an old rascal! Yus, m'lady The Bank of England vault opened with a hairpin! 0utrageous! Indeed, sir, outrageous! - Right! Now just take it easy.
- The danger's over, now.
We sure wish you'd arrived earlier, Parker.
Have to do something about this.
Can't have chaps with hairpins wandering in and out! Indeed, sir! We could do worse than go back to the old safe - at least that took him longer! Parker? Yus, m'lady? There's one thing that still bothers me.
What's that, m'lady? Why did that old safe take so long when the new one only took seconds? Oh oh, that, m'lady.
Oh, yes, well the first time, we 'ad an audience.
I mean, there's only one rule that must never be broken - NEVER disappoint your public! I see! I'm, er sorry about the mishunderstandin', madam Forget it.
I'll say no more about it.
Thank you, m'lady.
It wasn't anythin' to do with Light-Fingered Fred after all! Phaaw! Love a duck! They call this place burglar-proof? They'd do better to use my kid's piggy bank!
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