ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Panthro Plagiarized!

[opening theme music playing]
Come on, microwave,
nuke those breakfast burritos.
[both] Are they done yet?
Are they done yet?
Are they done yet?
Are they done yet?
Almost there.
- [microwave dings]
- [all] Yeah!
Who's hungry?
- Hot!
- [yelping]
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Ow! Ow, it burns!
[all yelping]
[laughs] Looks like you guys
could use some help from
- the Gravity Fork.
- [beeps]
- Mmm.
- What is that?
The Gravity Fork manipulates the
gravity around the burritos.
You can eat it
without burning your hands.
That's amazing!
Panthro's saved breakfast!
Wow, that's so cool.
You know me.
I always play it cool.
Hey, guys, anyone wanna
join me for a run?
[laughs] Anyone?
Fine. More fresh air
and sunshine for me.
And more breakfast for us.
- [beeps]
- [all munching]
- [all] Mmm.
- [Tygra] Hey, what are you doing here?
- [Tygra yelping]
- Hey, Lion-O.
Can you pass that hot sauce?
- Oh, sure thing.
- [Tygra] Ow!
[yelping] Help! Help! Ow! Ow!
- [all burp]
- [Tygra yelping] Help!
- [objects clattering]
- [Tygra] Ow!
Hmm. It sounds like
Tygra's in trouble.
Quickly, we must aid our ally.
ThunderCats HO!
- [Cheetara] Guess you're right.
- [Wilykat] Yeah, let's do it.
[Vultureman cackling]
[grunts and screams]
Whoa, what is that?
Hi, there, ThunderCats.
Behold, my Gravity Pincer!
"Gravity Pincer"?
You gotta be kidding me.
Pretty cool, right?
Guys, stop him. [grunts]
With my new invention,
I will soon
rule over Third Earth.
Ow! [whimpers] Come on!
So, I decided to come over
and destroy
you pathetic ThunderCats.
- It's a little warm-up.
- [yelps]
Vultureman, this is low.
Even for you.
Yeah. Just because
Tygra likes jogging,
doesn't mean
he deserves to get beat up.
No, I meant
he stole my Gravity Fork idea.
Did he? His thing looks
way cooler than yours.
- [growling]
- Guys! Uh, Tygra?
- [cackling]
- Oh, right.
ThunderCats HO!
- [yells]
- [gasps]
- Ha, nice try!
- [clangs]
- [laughs]
- Hey, Vultureman, eat smoke.
[grunting] Whoa!
- Hey, pick on someone your own size.
- Ah!
[gasps and exclaims]
- [gasps]
- [cackling]
Off to rule Third Earth.
Later, suckers.
- [groans]
- [coughs]
I can't believe it!
Don't worry, Panthro.
We'll find a way to stop him.
Sure. Sure. But you can see
that the Gravity Pincer
is a rip-off
of my Gravity Fork, right?
[flies buzzing]
They're similar.
They're exactly the same!
He stole my idea!
The question is, how?
I'm drawing up
a blue print ♪
Hmm. These designs are perfect
in every possible way.
But I think I can do
better than perfect. [laughs]
Ooh! [cackles]
Okay, well, I probably ought to stop
throwing my blueprints out the window.
But still, not cool!
Speaking of not cool,
looks like Vultureman's
invaded the Berbil Village.
- [cackling]
- [all screaming]
Feel the wrath of Vultureman,
you pathetic little creatures.
- Ah!
- [berbils] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't worry, we'll catch you.
- Thanks, guys. Good catch.
- [all scream]
Wow, I wish
I had a Gravity Pincer.
Yeah, now that's
a great invention.
Hey! I designed the Gravity
Fork for breakfast, not battle.
If I wanted to make a Gravity
Pincer, I totally could.
And mine would be so powerful,
I would've
launched that Berbil
all the way into the sun.
[Tygra] Panthro, focus.
We don't have time to talk right
now about who invented what,
or how much cooler
the Gravity Pincer is
- than your thing.
- It's not!
Guys, Vultureman has
an unbeatable weapon.
We need a way to stop him
before he destroys Third Earth.
Yeah, you're right.
You know what?
I've got an idea for something that
will deactivate the Gravity pincer.
I'll be in the garage.
- [Vultureman cackling]
- [both gasp]
- What?
- [Tygra] What?
- [beeps]
- Uh, how's that invention coming, Panthro?
- [Panthro] Working on it.
- [berbils screaming]
That bird needs
more help than we can offer.
- I can't watch.
- [Tygra] Oh, the agony.
[berbils] Ow!
Um, is it ready yet?
- [Panthro] Almost there.
- [Tygra] Better hurry.
Vultureman's using the Berbils to
carve some kind of sick monument.
[berbils] Ow!
We've been in more pain.
- Uh, is it ready now?
- [Vultureman cackling]
Guys, prepare to be amazed.
Because I've made
a little thing called
The [reading]
- [all gasp]
- Gravity Claws?
They're way more powerful
than the Gravity Pincer.
- In your face, Vultureman.
- Sweet!
Uh, Panthro. I thought
you were gonna make something
that would deactivate
the Gravity Pincer?
Nah, don't worry. I'm gonna
deactivate Vultureman, hard!
Watch this.
the burritos were in there!
Oh, no.
Panthro killed breakfast.
we're coming for you.
[all] Help!
[grunts] Vultureman,
show yourself.
[all groaning]
ThunderCats, please save us.
We are defenseless
against Vultureman's
- totally amazing Gravity Pincer.
- [grunts]
[cackling] That's right.
- My Gravity Pincer is amazing.
- [clanging]
Hey, Vultureman,
you don't own Third Earth
and we'll fight you
to prove it.
- Step aside, man.
- [yelps]
- This is my fight.
- [all] Oh!
Hey, Vultureman
- Admit you ripped me off!
- [all] Aw.
Are you saying you invented
the Gravity Pincer?
Oh, that's so weird,
'cause that's not what it says
on this monument. [laughs]
What? You trademarked it?
Yeah. I gotta protect my ideas
from copycats like you.
Oh, ho-ho! Copycat?
- Copy this!
- [screams]
- Whoa! [grunts]
- Yes!
Ha! You call that a hit?
How's this?
- [grunts]
- [laughs] Huh?
That's nothing.
Eat shrubs,
Vulture Jerk. [grunts]
I can't tell who's winning.
- Pebbles?
- [grunts]
- [both] No.
- [Vultureman exclaims]
- [all gasp]
- No, not the Berbils.
[berbil 1]
We'll take a hit for you.
[berbil 2]
Yes, as long as you're safe.
[berbil 3]
Small price to pay.
Now, open.
Ah, you're gonna pay for this.
- [clanging]
- [whimpers] Stupid pincer's jammed.
[all] Get him, Panthro.
Come on, come on.
What's wrong with this thing?
Uh Ah-ha!
[grunts and yells]
[all gasp]
[all] Go, Panthro!
Go, Panthro!
Amateur move.
Now get over here
and admit you ripped me off.
Ah! Your Gravity Claws are just
a rip-off of my Gravity Pincer.
Oh, yeah? Let's see what the
moon has to say about that.
[all gasping]
Ah! You're a maniac!
- Hey, hey, no, you watch.
- [groans]
Hey, uh, Panthro,
this might be a little much.
Uh, Tygra's right.
It was an awful thing to say,
but it's still true.
Better put the moon back, pal.
Put the moon back, Panthro.
I can't stop it.
The claws are too powerful.
You can't just turn them off?
They don't wanna turn off.
No. Stop it!
I can't.
I never should've stolen
your Gravity Fork idea.
It wasn't worth it.
I was just jealous
that you'd invented something
so great.
[crying hysterically]
See? That's all
I wanted to hear. No big deal.
No big deal? You're nuts!
Take your stupid invention.
I hope you invent something
that eats all of you.
[laughs] Man, some people
will fall for anything.
Wait, what? You were
in control the entire time?
- Yeah, I was just messing with him.
- Panthro.
- [laughs] Good one.
- You totally fooled me.
What can I say?
Things may look crazy
on the outside,
but I'm Panthro.
I always play it cool.
[all grunting quizzically]
[Tygra] Hmm.
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