Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e07 Episode Script

Al amanecer

We've been paid!
-All this is ours?
First Switzerland, Paris
and then the whole world.
This is only
the beginning.
Now that you're going to
be businessmen and all that.
I don't know.
I could make you some suits.
Almudena Lobo,
will you marry me?
I can't breathe.
What's going on here?
I still don't know.
Does this have anything
to do with her tuberculosis?
Your sister, she's
Don't tell me this
is just indigestion.
Rosa could have infected you.
-Leave me alone.
What have you done, child?
You're pregnant.
You only work for
whores and those bastards.
Get out of my
store right now!
What do you mean
you're leaving?
Almudena and I
are getting married.
I need you to bring
this letter to Cesar.
"He's waiting for me to elope,
but I can't leave Rosa now".
Nieves is not sick.
She's pregnant.
You wouldn't have anything
to do with that, would you?
Spread your legs.
What are you doing?
Let's go.
I didn't have it removed.
I have something for you.
If my daughter dies Felix,
I swear to god I will kill you.
"Where the hell is your son?"
I'm going to die.
Don't talk nonsense.
Good evening, father.
-Good evening, Sebastian.
Open up.
Come on!
The priest has arrived.
Peace to this house.
-And to all who inhabit it.
Kiss the cross.
Are these the last rites?
Am I going to die now?
Purify me Lord.
With hyssop, I will be clean.
Cleanse me and I shall
be whiter than snow.
Our help
"is in the hands of the Lord"
"Lord, come into this house
eternal happiness"
Any news of Felix?
They're still looking, sir.
Find him wherever he is.
Spare no means.
"Forever and ever"
Bring him alive.
I want to be the
one to deal with him.
You can't be here.
The house is full.
You didn't come.
The letter Isabel gave
you wasn't mine.
I just want to leave with you.
Well, let's go.
My sister Rosa is very ill.
I can't leave now.
Is that the real reason?
It doesn't have anything
to do with the wedding?
Felix ran away.
That coward
Rosa's dying because of him.
If there's anything I can do
Can you wait for me?
(Door opens)
They loved it.
I knew it.
So the Swiss are
really going to drink this?
They want us to sell them
4000 liters per month.
How much are they paying?
-Let's see.
5 cents a liter,
200 pesetas a month.
And next year we'll renegotiate.
Give me that.
Moorish king.
Come over here.
Impressive, huh?
Nobody believed in their water,
and they're going to get rich.
Just one thing.
How much do
you get from this?
Let's see, a fixed 20 pesetas
plus 0.5 percent
almost 25 pesetas a month.
And you won't celebrate it?
-That's true.
What are you celebrating?
That they're robbing you?
Nobody is robbing me.
I charge for doing my job.
The spring belongs to them.
Of course.
That's life.
You make them rich.
You come up with the idea,
and what do you get?
25 pesetas.
A handout?
I see it this way.
There's two halves here.
The strength and the land
in other words, the Bravos
and the intelligence.
In other words, me.
And you.
Not about men, Jean Marie.
This is plundering.
You demand a share,
or backpack and take a hike.
"Help me, Roman"
Anibal, madman.
Anyone could see us.
Are you dying to
kiss me that bad?
and him.
It's a boy.
(Door opens)
Mr. Sagasta has sent notice
to come and visit you.
He's worried about you.
Tata, brush my hair.
What if I
if I go through
And Anibal acknowledges it.
What do you think my father would do?
What do you think?
Father is a practical man.
If everything is done,
what can he do?
If you're thinking of having that
baby with Anibal, you should put
land in between.
Lots of it.
I come for the suits.
We want you to make
more, and better.
The suits aren't ready.
I'll come later or tomorrow.
No, they still won't be ready.
Has something happened?
No. It's just that
I can't make them.
I make adjustments, but I've realized that a
tailored suit is too complicated for me.
I'll give you your money back
from the advance and I'm sorry.
They found out, didn't they?
It was Sebastian,
he ripped them.
I'm sorry if I got
you into trouble.
At least let me
pay for the fabrics.
Lobo paid for them.
But I can't make any more
-I see.
I'm sorry,
and I understand.
No, relax,
it was my idea.
You're not going to do
anything about it either?
Listen, Miguel.
Perhaps I'd make it worse.
-Don't meddle in adult matters.
You'll let them do
what they want, right?
If father was here, he would've
beaten up Sebastian.
No, Miguel.
Well I'm leaving.
Your father never hit anyone.
He was a coward?
-Of course not, sweetie.
He was very brave.
The bravest man
I've ever known.
But he did not believe
in guns or fists.
Lucky he didn't live
in Tierra de Lobos.
If we hear anything about
Felix, we'll let you know.
Give Mr. Lobo and his
daughters our concern for Rosa.
They'll appreciate it.
How is my son?
Does he need anything?
He's perfectly fine.
We have everything
in Casa Grande.
Don't worry,
I'll keep an eye on him.
Thank you.
Who sells the house
of the former doctor?
The corporal's son-in-law..
Will you live on your own?
Did you find yourself a girlfriend?
I'm glad.
A mayor is not to mediate
conflicts of boundaries.
Nor is this the right place.
However, with a contribution to
City Hall, I can make an exception.
Excuse me, I have urgent
business to discuss with the mayor.
Come back later.
What do you want?
We are very
concerned about your son.
How dare you interrupt me?
It's important for Mr. Lobo
that we find him soon.
His daughter is very sick.
Tell your master,
that he should keep me happy.
Where is your son?
I have nothing to say to you.
Your son?
You're not understanding
the urgency of this matter.
Ah, ah!
Your son!
I don't know.
I don't know. I swear.
I swear.
With any
Any news. Come see me.
For the inconvenience.
We must leave this instant,
to the railroad.
We leave in a few hours.
It's urgent!
I'll pay you extra.
The horses are tired.
They'll rest halfway there.
We must leave now.
I'll help you out, Professor.
What are you doing here, fool?
Wait, Professor.
You don't know
what you've done.
You don't know the
trouble you've caused me.
We must leave town,
right now.
Don't be afraid.
Asking for what's ours, is the will of God.
-What is ours?
I'm not so sure, Lola.
Come guys, let's eat!
Roman, help me.
-I can't.
Come on, Roman.
-Wait, it's coming out!
Come on, it's time to eat.
Jean Marie has
something to tell you.
The wood you requested won't
stop breaking and the water is
leaking everywhere.
Well, it's actually
about a different matter.
Something about
another aspect.
Come on.
Lend a hand.
I'm fortunate to have met you.
To the point.
This business of ours
is a very complex one.
Everyone does what he can .
I think that my part
should be acknowledged.
Let's see,
what do you want?
What I want to say is
He wants some
of the benefits.
Come on,
we have work to do.
What do you want?
They'll pay for this rudeness,
or my name isn't Angustias de la Merced.
I swear it.
"If you don't mind,
wait here a moment"
How dare you come
into this house?
the doctor is here!
I can walk, Anibal.
Lovely, the people of this town.
How did you find this rat?
He came by himself.
How is Rosa?
Dying, because of you.
I think she can be saved.
You said that already.
-I didn't say anything.
And I've made a horrible trip through
preposterous lands only to see the girl.
So please, show me the way.
- Who the hell are you?
There is no need to shout.
I can hear perfectly well.
I advise you to
chew mint leaves.
He is Doctor Zurita,
my Professor.
One of the most respected
physicians in Europe.
He's the only one
who can save Rosa.
If we're going to argue
while the girl is dying
why don't they pour us a drink?
Come on.
Just when I get to sit down.
You nailed it.
What are you doing here, kid?
Show me.
Go on, Miguel.
Go with your mother.
There's too much to chop.
I want to learn how to throw
the knife, and fight
Go home.
If they see you here,
it will cause a problem.
No, I want to be like you.
Miguelito, you're just a kid.
But my grandfather is old
and my mom is a girl.
I have to be the
man of the house.
If not, who's going
to protect my family?
You came back.
Thank god.
-You didn't tell me enough.
This girl is a corpse.
For god's sake,
open the windows.
Let the sunshine
and the air in.
Who is this gentleman?
-Quiet, girl.
You should only speak
to adults when spoken to.
Don't talk to my
daughter like that again.
Who's useless in this room?
You or me?
Hopefully it's me
because it stinks.
There is no one in Spain
better than him.
No one.
You really wish to live
with such a father?
You are worse.
Could be.
I bet you like Felix more.
But I bet he didn't ask you
if you cough up liquid
blood or lumpy?
May I see your handkerchief?
Thank you.
I'll see where it hurts.
Relax, relax.
He is more handsome
and nicer.
But I am smarter.
Meat for the wolves, kid.
That's what's written
on your forehead.
There's two kind
of people in life.
The hunters and the prey.
Right now, you're the prey.
And what do I have
to do to be a hunter?
Hold this.
First you must
observe and be invisible.
You have to blend
in with the forest.
And take advantage of
every opportunity.
What opportunities?
Look, this one didn't have
as good a teacher as you do.
Teach me the knife throw.
Please, please.
Teach me, please.
Cesar, do you have a minute?
It's the contract
with the Swiss.
You have to sign.
Let's see.
All of the pages, huh?
I feel like I'm selling
my soul to the devil.
You have to read what you sign.
Is everything alright?
It's alright.
It's exquisite.
Back to work.
Ah, Jean Marie.
If you've seen the tobacco.
"I Cesar Bravo, hereby
yield a third of the estate
La Quebrada and it's
to Jean Marie Ramon".
No, not Ramon. Raymond.
Justice has been served.
I didn't believe in hell, Lola.
But I've seen it.
And you and I are there
in a pot.
Two people were cooking us.
It's very hot.
It will be less hot when we have
a legion of slaves fanning us.
You know that I don't do favors.
This will be very expensive.
That doesn't matter.
Just save the girl.
We have to operate.
Stop the nonsense.
Since when can tuberculosis
be operated on?
Your son-in-law has her
tuberculosis under control already.
And remarkably well.
Alright. What's wrong then?
Her appendix is inflamed.
And it's about to explode.
The appendix is a tag-line
of the digestive system.
What can be done?
We open her up
cut it out
and throw it to the dogs.
Actually, no.
We better keep it in alcohol.
I want to show one to my students.
And then?
And then, nothing.
Can you tell me of any known
function of the appendix?
Me neither.
The appendix is the only
organ that is clearly useless.
With the exception of
a few people's brains.
We'll operate at midnight.
The girl must remain
fasting, until then.
Not me.
I will eat dinner
an hour beforehand.
Something simple,
that they can't ruin.
Is it a complicated surgery?
I don't know.
I've never done it,
neither I nor anyone in Spain.
If that moron doesn't
save my daughter
-I know.
I know.
Feel the shot.
Feel the shot.
Feel the shot.
Feel the shot.
I nailed it!
Child of the devil!
Stop or it will be worse!
I'll stop if you don't hit me.
-I'm going to pound you!
What's happening?
This boy, has gotten stupid!
He threw a knife.
One day there may be a tragedy!
Listen, mother. One has to choose
if they want to be hunter or prey.
(Bells chiming)
Everyone thought
that I had fled.
You didn't say
where you were going.
And what do you think
your father would have said,
if I had consulted him about it?
It was hard for
me to come back.
I know what is at stake.
I did it for Rosa.
But, above all,
I did it for you.
What's wrong?
Wait a minute.
You didn't have to
make up so many lies.
What now?
Come on, deal the cards.
Thanks a lot, gorgeous.
I'll put it on your tab.
You know? Lobo has
left me very lonely lately.
That Lobo!
In the end I'll have to
take care of his affairs.
Come on, go.
Want me to win again or what?
What are you doing here?
That's for being a moron!
How dare you take a
ten year old boy hunting?
What a bigmouth!
Hey, I just wanted to
make him a man.
If you try that again, I'll
make sure you cease to be one.
Stay away from my son, got it?
Your son will never
become a man this way.
-I know how to educate my son.
Oh, yeah?
I hunted wolves at his age.
And look where you are.
Come on, since you're bathed,
I'll give you a discount.
I'm going to see my sisters.
Almudena, aren't you going to
explain to me about that man?
Nothing happened.
Do I really deserve that
you lie to me this way?
Felix, think about
my sister right now.
I want the truth.
I met him before
we were engaged.
I tried to forget him but
I couldn't.
And I won't be able to.
Have you been with him?
Have you been with him?
I was going to
run away with him.
I didn't do it
because of Rosa.
I don't want to lie and say
it was because of you.
Ready for surgery?
A beautiful woman.
Now I see why you remain
in this infectious town.
Good afternoon.
What's that lady's name?
Mrs housekeeper, ma'am!
First, wash your hands.
Washing is not putting
your hands in water.
It's rubbing.
-Don't worry.
Bring me some boiling water
and throw in these tools.
Yes, sir.
Bring a bowl with hot water
clean clothes, and 3 glasses
with three parts anise
and two of cognac.
The liquor is for me.
Have you checked that
she hasn't eaten anything?
Yes, sir, she's in fasting.
This town has a stupefying effect.
I should study it.
I'm afraid.
I would be too
if I were you.
Will you be here?
Of course he'll be here.
But I'm the one who's
saving your life.
This is my friend.
It will make the pain go away.
It's better than this,
but more expensive.
So, when you wake up,
don't ask me for more.
May I?
Yes, of course.
Don't worry about anything.
Now count with me, to ten.
We've missed you, Lola.
Hands off, greedy,
I come as a client.
Come on, Jean Mari.
Let's celebrate, that we're "owners"
Above all, celebrate!
That's too much.
The Bravos have
been very kind to us.
Let's see
aren't you French?
No, I'm not French.
I'm a Swiss citizen, from Switzerland.
From Switzerland, from France
Who cares!
Didn't you cut the heads off
the rich to share the cake?
The Revolution!
The Revolution, that's it.
But the Bravos
have been lucky.
And we have left
their heads in place.
That's one way
to look at it.
To St. Jean of the homeland.
And yay!
"Ole", Jean Marie.
Fifth sorrowful mystery.
-Death of our Lord.
Our father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
The sting of the devil.
Your sister's
was full of poison.
Everything went well.
-Yes, but will she live?
She was very weak and this kind
of surgery hasn't been well rehearsed.
If she survives the
night, she will live.
Pray that it will be so.
(All drunk)
"Allons, enfants de la Patrie,
Ie jour de glorie est arrive!".
"Contre nous, de la tyrannie".
She looks like the Madeleine!
-The who?
The Freedom of Delacroix.
Take one breast out, come on.
What a beast!
What a Valkyrie!
She has the
strength of a man.
There's no need
to exaggerate.
I bet you anything,
at an arm wrestle.
How can I bet?
She's a lady.
Let's bet a few drinks.
Someone is going down hill.
We'll bet our share
of La Quebrada.
Yes, that's it.
La Quebrada.
Against this account.
Come on.
If you want to invite
I accept the gift.
Never underestimate
an opponent.
On one
on two, and on three.
Come on, Victoria!
Come on, come on!
Come on!
-Come on!
Victoria, you have him!
Prove that you're a man.
I'm a gentleman.
If you wish, we can cancel the bet.
No, thanks.
Come on, Victoria!
Come on, come on!
-Now, Victoria!
Let's go, Victoria!
-Come on, come on!
You got him, come on!
Come on, Victoria!
Jean Marie!
Come on, come on!
You can do it!
Can I get a rematch, please?
Is she ok?
Where are you going?
I'll be right back.
It's a
I know what it is.
Surely, in Paris,
they make better cribs.
Anibal, I'm afraid.
For Rosa?
For everything.
That's cheating.
It's cheating!
What a night!
Did you do a lot of crazy things?
-Poor guy! He's an angel.
(Throws up)
Well, he did
have a few drinks.
And they disagreed with him.
I need to talk to you.
Juan Marie.
It's too early.
Don't be so official,
we just woke up.
It's about yesterday, right?
About your share of the business.
-You know?
Your girlfriend and I were
talking and
you're right.
You deserve it
We'll give you a share.
No, really, no.
Jean Marie, be grateful
and say thank you.
It's just that I
I don't deserve it.
If you only knew that last night
-Uh and
he's overwhelmed.
The French are so frail.
Jean Marie, you've worked
hard on this. You deserve it.
Now that we're partners, squeeze
that drunken head of yours
and see if you can get
more money from the Swiss.
They were going
to give it to me.
They were going
to give it to me.
How could I do this to them?
They're such great people!
Until they find out that yesterday
you lost a part of their business.
They wouldn't kill us.
How do you feel?
Bad bad
..or normal bad?
Normal bad.
That's about right.
Let's see.
(Door opens)
She survived the night.
It seems that
everything went well.
My daughters are the
most valuable thing I have.
I put two in your hands
and you didn't fail me.
I've only done my job.
I want you to know
that you can count on me.
Take care of him.
He's worth much
more than it seemed.
"Hello, princess".
Thank you, Felix.
What you've done for us
She's alive?
Well, help me get out
of this horrible place.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Trust me. If a woman hits
you like that, she's in love.
Are you sure?
No. Maybe she's
also pissed off.
I don't understand women.
Leave the money there.
Come on.
But don't let me do it twice,
Cesar's at the well and he'll kill me.
Get out of there!
Come on!
Let's go!
Come on!
Damn child!
What are you doing?
How did this
boy get in here?
Bring me something
to clean his wound.
Miguel, you can't go around
spying on people. It's creepy.
I wanted to know
what you come here for.
People come here to
take a nap.
Why do you take so many naps?
I know you don't have a father,
but I'm not a good role model.
Why not?
Because no, no, no.
Because I besides
For example
Your mother is right,
you're just a kid.
Come on,
go on, let's go.
What do you want, doctor?
To challenge you to a duel.
To the death.
I don't accept.
If you're a man, you'll give me
a chance to mend my honor.
Then, I'm not a man.
Come on, Miguelito, damn it,
I'm in a hurry, and you're too slow.
What's wrong, son? Are you ok?
It's just a scratch.
It was at the house of
-It was with me.
Playing. I was too rough!
You're grounded.
And you're sweeping today.
I thought I made
myself very clear.
But, of course
Since I'm the only one around
here who asks you nicely.
Seriously, it's not me, it's him.
He's stuck to me
like a shadow.
I don't know what's
going on with this boy.
Well, he doesn't
have a father.
I understand him.
The same thing happened to me.
I was always stuck to Cesar.
I still am.
Have you thought about
getting married again?
Marry who?
You're still beautiful.
I guess that was meant
to be a compliment.
Yes, yes, no, of course, yes.
What I meant to say is
okay? It's that
Quiet, quiet. And let me
take a look at your eye.
Don't be silly.
There are places that mark
the decline of a great man.
This is my Waterloo.
Let me do the talking.
Hey, buster.
We came to buy back our
share of La Quebrada.
I don't want it.
I lost an honest bet
and I'd like to reward you.
Let's sit down, please.
Well I've been
talking to Mr Lobo.
He offered me 500 pesetas.
you can't sell it to Mr. Lobo.
It would be the
end of the Bravos.
I'm dead.
And I deserve it.
It's yours for 501.
200 pesetas.
You can get almost 500
for this alone. German optics.
Another 200.
My collection of fossils.
Quite complete, eh?
And look.
Mummy dust.
One peseta.
Only 100 left to go.
Jean Marie, the watch.
The watch.
No, no!
No, no, no, no!
It was my grandfather's watch.
Always carried by the firstborn
without ever letting it stop.
The needles are made of gold?
I like it.
Didn't you have a cameo?
No It has a picture of my
little angels, and I can't take it out.
You have children?
I haven't seen
them in a long time.
It's ok.
Lobo will arrive in a while.
The cameo, the cameo!
What a wretched woman!
Felix knows it.
About Cesar, he knows.
But how?
He saw us, and I told him.
How could you tell him?
I couldn't lie to him.
He doesn't deserve it.
What will you do?
Cesar thinks I lied to him,
and that Rosa was an excuse.
So, I don't know.
And you?
The old man is so
I can't recognize you.
But I love it.
For once you follow your heart,
and not that twisted mind of yours.
I don't follow it.
You'll be happy with Anibal.
He adores you, and you
love him since always.
-Even if you insist on
pretending that it's just a whim.
And life here, in the countryside
once you have kids running around
What I wouldn't give to
have a life like that with Cesar!
Don't worry about money.
You'll do fine.
We will help you.
And maybe father, someday
(Horse snorts)
Cesar Bravo!
I challenge you to
a duel to the death.
I will kill you anyway.
Don't make me explain the reasons
for which I demand amends.
Set the time.
At sunset.
Mom, remember the peach cake
you used to make for me in Madrid?
Of course, you loved it.
Roman only eats bread
in the mornings, poor guy.
If he lived here,
no one would bother us.
How can he live here?
He has his own house.
Grandpa always says that you need a man.
And Roman is always looking for women.
Honey, the women Roman
looks for don't
What am I trying to
explain this nonsense for?
Why not? I like him.
Of course you like him.
You're a kid, and he's another.
And worse than you.
Get that idea out of your head.
Roman is a kid to me.
Well, I think he likes you.
Look, I
I know that you miss
Well, I'm not a guy.
I can't do what a father does.
And grandpa can't either
You can ask me
whatever you want.
You know what would make
the cake really good?
And we have cherries, right?.
Yah! Yah!
Come on!
In front of everyone,
in the street.
Absolutely intolerable.
Looking for me?
What the hell happened
between you and Cesar?
He insulted my mother.
Don't make me
go into details.
That rabble!
Your mother, may she rest in peace,
was an extraordinary woman.
But Felix.
Your life is worth more
that that hoodlum's.
You can't risk it.
I will kill him.
Don't worry.
I can't allow that duel.
It's against the law.
The customary law also applies.
-Not in this town.
I will prevent that
duel with my men.
And if I can't, the one
who survives, will die in jail.
You said I had your trust.
This is the time to prove it.
Of course you have it.
And I assure you that
we'll finish that bastard.
Right, Anibal?
It must be me!
Felix, the law is above all.
Have you thought it
through, about your duel?
How must I say it?
I'll set a new time.
No one else will know.
Why would you do that?
-If it were me, I would demand amends too.
Set it earlier.
Tomorrow at dawn.
At La Quebrada.
Come on in.
Made you feel sorry, right?
Poor man!
It broke my heart.
We should've let
him keep the watch.
-Well, yes.
Let's divvy up.
He says these
things are worth a lot.
Well, keep them.
I'll keep the money.
I'll see how I
can sell them.
The devices.
Not the watch.
So your conscience
won't hurt you.
Don't worry,
I'll be fine.
You keep the cameo,
with the pictures of your kids.
What kids?
Did he say anything else?
Tomorrow, at dawn.
You can still cancel it.
You too?
You assume
that he will kill me?
He's a good shot,
I can assure you.
You should practice if
you wanna stand a chance.
If you don't shoot first
you're dead.
With this type of weapon,
position is essential.
Expose the minimum surface.
And protect your
head with your arm.
Is that clear?
Why doesn't
anyone believe in me?
I'm going to kill that man.
Jean Marie, give
me a pen and paper.
It's absurd.
You never know
what can happen.
Have you seen what a snob he is?
You'll leave him full of
holes before he aims.
I leave
all my
to my brother
a tenth part
of La Quebrada
my friend
Jean Marie
How is that Surname?
N. D.
As promised.
If something happens to me,
it's better that you're together.
Hey, there's
nothing for me?
You are the executor,
and they can't be in it.
How much does an
executor charge?
Here, take this.
A bird in hand is
worth two in the bush.
Come with me.
I need to ask you something.
You're very annoying.
Very annoying.
He left me a
part of La Quebrada.
Because he knows
that he'll kill the doctor.
What happened to you?
The horse threw me.
What happened?
Come on.
Let's get out of here, come on.
No one must
see you this way.
Leave us, Anibal.
Can I take this away, sir?
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Miss Nieves
isn't home at this time.
I'll come back later.
Let her know I was here.
Don't worry.
I'll let her know.
Bury it.
He had a broken leg.
What do you want?
I didn't know Felix
would return.
I didn't mean to cause your
marriage so many problems.
Don't kill him.
I've done all I can
to prevent the duel.
You know how to shoot.
He can't defend himself.
He's blinded by rage.
It isn't fair.
Is that all you care about?
But he saved my sister.
I'm glad.
But I can't help you.
Do whatever it takes.
But don't kill him.
Quickly, I want to go back to sleep.
Don't look at me like that,
It'll give me a bad feeling.
Load your weapons, gentlemen.
Up to ten.
The gang of the Santo
is wanted for murder.
Would you prefer
that I had died?
He's back,
I saw him.
We have to make a trap between
all of us. That way it will be ready
for tonight.
Don't touch me.
You will marry
Almudena like it or not.
Take me, do to me
whatever you want.
I love another man.
Why doesn't he show his face?
-If Isee him, I'll shoot first and
ask later.
Have you told anyone
that we are fugitives?
I want you to do
something for me.
Promise me that
you will never leave us.
Don't move.
You will remain locked up in
here until your wedding day.
Drop the gun.
And what will you do?
Face the entire town?
You'll be the first.
The Bravos are back?
Now we're all going to die.
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