Tiger & Dragon (2005) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

These days,
single women over the age of 30
are labeled as "loser dogs."
However, in the case of men
it's not always true.
We're leaving.
Hold it!
Um… Here.
Treat yourself to some
good food on the way.
-Thank you!
-Thank you!
I'm having a hard time this month.
You can't depend on your brother forever!
Single men in their 30s
have a deep pocket.
But once they have a family of their own…
We're leaving.
Hold it, man!
Why are you looking so scared?
Why the Kansai dialect?
I don't have milk money for my kid!
Make a donation, will you?
What the heck?
Don't play me for a sucker!
I'll attack with a headbutt!
Mugging is the quickest way to make money!
What are you doing?
It's a yakuza!
This is Ryuseikai territory!
How pathetic.
When you're young,
sometimes the woman
supports her man as a prior investment.
But if there's too much burden on her,
she won't be able to handle it.
Rice coupon?
I thought a lot about it.
I don't want to lose you as a friend
just because you're poor, Ryuji.
But if I gave you money,
it would hurt your pride.
So you're giving me rice coupons?
And a bus pass and a gift card.
They aren't fake.
A free meal at a Curry House.
And a free coffee at Anna Miller's.
A drink at Uotami.
Are you crying?
I am not!
Everything is a competition
in a man's world.
And you can't win every match.
It's time already?
I guess I don't have a choice, then.
Tiger and Dragon!
-Well, Kotora.
I'd like an electric toothbrush, please!
What for?
I'll brush my teeth!
Give me a cushion.
No way, you fool.
You don't say what you really want!
Okay, let me repeat.
I'm a seller who sells everything.
Tell me anything you want.
I'll ask you why you want it.
Give me a witty answer.
-Got it.
-Go, Donkichi.
An emonkake, sir.
What for?
I'll hang politicians who are all talk.
-That was too good to laugh at.
-What's an emonkake?
It's a hanger!
Didn't you know?
Oh, me?
Hanger, hanger, Cliffhanger!
What is that? Follow the rules!
Shut up!
-I'll sink you in Tokyo Bay!
"Oh! Giri Giri Boys"?
The economy is bad.
We need more customers.
Don't say that!
I don't like it.
Don't underestimate us rakugo fanatics!
Next, we will compose an alphabet poem
using names of occupations.
Like "announcer."
"A" for announcer!
-Another bright face on TV!
Narrator of good news!
Unbelievably capable!
-Nice voice!
Say, it's a great job!
We did it! One, two!
Oh! Giri Giri!
It's hopeless.
I say it went pretty well, good job!
Although you didn't have
to shout so loudly.
You were so loud,
they won't be able to watch TV!
Not bad for the first time.
Yamazaki, get them each a cushion.
The competition's fierce, isn't it?
Would you like to join?
Yes, sir.
I'm a little worried…
Well, let's go.
Which occupation?
How about yakuzaishi?
"Ya" for yakuzaishi!
"Ya…" What is there?
Is it "ya"?
All right!
"Yak" would have worked, too.
Let's move on.
Why don't we have
some sukiyaki to celebrate
our first Oh Giri Giri Boys show?
Sukiyaki's great,
but how about a strip club?
Yoshiwara red-light district?
Some meat for stamina, a cabaret club,
dancing at a strip club, and finally,
a massage parlor!
How does it sound? Dougenzaka Crystal!
Will we even survive?
Not you, idiot!
Underage kids go to Ueno Zoo!
In Ueno, there's a lingerie club
that's run by my company.
Yes! You're the man! I want to hold them!
Let's go, Erotic Exploration Club!
I'm leaving.
But you wanted a celebration.
I've got a video to watch at home.
It's porn, isn't it?
I bet it's Magic Mirror!
It's Lonely Heart.
I forgot. He can't stand dirty jokes.
What? I thought all men enjoyed them.
I've never even heard about his love life.
He's not gay, but he's a real mama's boy.
He lives with his divorced mom.
She follows him to out-of-town gigs!
The egg is especially good today.
-I bought the best, because it's for you.
-Oh right!
I have a present for you, too.
I love it,
but isn't it a little bold for me?
Not at all! You're young,
so it will look great on you!
My sweet little boy.
That's gross!
No siblings?
I heard he has three older sisters
who all live nearby.
Are they hot?
They're older than him!
Think of the age gap!
I'm starving.
It's sukiyaki! Can I have some?
-Hey! Mind your manners!
-Why not? This is my home!
You know, my husband…
Wait, my glasses have fogged up.
I think his sisters gave him gynophobia.
Master tried to arrange his marriage.
Why don't you just meet her?
No, I have a stomachache.
Didn't you see her picture?
She's too pretty to be real!
Such huge lovely eyes.
Photos don't capture some ugliness
like butt-scratching and eye boogers.
Eye boogers?
You're a strange one aren't you.
Maybe we should call her
and ask her to come over.
Call her, Sayuri-chan.
-Donkichi! What are you doing? Stop!
That's horrible.
Even talking about him
makes my dick lonely.
Don, don, don, Sharapova!
Why are you so popular, kid?
Sorry. I just feel a bit sleepy.
It's not fair! I want to show them!
Let's go, Erotic Exploration Club!
On to the next place!
Sorry, I can't today.
You can't!
Get out of my way.
Shiraishi Katsuko, age 35.
Borrowed 2,000,000 yen.
If she doesn't pay, we have to collect.
And she's nearly bankrupt.
Can't we push her to pay this month?
There might be a guy behind her.
It may not be a lot of money,
but every penny matters for Ryuseikai.
Check her background.
Let me talk to the boss.
What is it, Tora?
Can I let Ginjiro
handle this matter on his own?
What is it?
If I always help him,
he won't find work interesting,
and it won't do him any good either.
Someday I'll leave the group.
But not Ginjiro.
Once he becomes mature,
Ryuseikai will become more powerful.
Get away!
Lingerie! Lingerie!
What? I can't hear you.
The person who will lead
the Ryuseikai is not me, but your son.
-You're totally right, Tora!
-What the heck?
Shut up!
A yakuza should play outside at night!
I never knew
you cared so much about the group.
I'm definitely too soft on my son.
Lingerie! Lingerie!
I understand.
If anything happens, I'll help him.
Sorry, I have to go now.
My Eros!
Wait, wait, lingerie!
Chase them!
Surround them!
Let's go! Don!
We were waiting for you. Don-chan!
Thank you all for coming today.
It's a fact that parents always
worry about their children.
It's "Akegarasu"!
Oh. "Akegarasu."
-You know it?
-If I knew, I wouldn't be here!
One of them has moved out
and never comes back.
I still post fliers
on phone poles to find them.
So if you spot them at your place,
please let me know.
How hopeless!
Sorry, coming through!
-Look away.
Let's get ready.
Somebody ask me out!
It's been three hours.
No one wants me.
I heard men get picked up
in Harajuku all the time.
Somebody ask me out!
Somebody ask me out!
If a son plays around too much,
the parents get worried.
But parents may also
get worried if a son is too serious.
"Father, I'm home."
"Good. How was the Inari Shrine?"
"Crowded because of the ceremony."
"I see. That's good."
After I paid homage to the deity Inari,
they offered me good rice with red beans.
All the food was so delicious
that I had three helpings.
My dear, you are the landowner's son!
You can't beg for food
at a festival full of tenant farmers!
You have got to grow up, son.
As a merchant, you have to be worldly.
You need to socialize
and learn about things under the surface.
Go out and enjoy yourself.
I heard that behind the Kannon temple,
there's a popular Inari shrine.
Behind Kannon Temple?
May I visit it?
Who told you?
Genbei and Tasuke.
It's Genbei and Tasuke.
You should go.
You may as well spend the night there.
A group date?
The theater is closed on the 31st.
Let's hold a group date
to find a girl for Donkichi.
The guy's past 40. It's hopeless.
So the two of us will help
charm the ladies.
I'm pretty good
at telling stories at bars.
-I'll be useful.
-But how are we going to get him to come?
He'll never come to a date.
I'm late!
I'm sorry!
Father wanted me to dress up
to pay homage properly.
So I changed my outfit.
-Did you bring offering money?
-Yes, I brought plenty.
Then, why don't we go for a drink?
No, thanks. I don't drink.
Don't worry about the bill. Later, we'll…
No way.
My father told me
you're the most notorious men in town.
I'm afraid to be indebted to you.
Did you hear that? We're notorious!
They left after having a few drinks.
It was near sunset,
and a crowd was at the river bank.
"What a huge crowd!
Is everyone going to pay homage to Inari?"
"Not necessarily.
Some people leave right after they pray."
"It's odd. I don't see a torii gate."
"Oh, yes. You are very observant.
Instead of torii,
they have a big gate called Omon."
What's Omon?
The entrance to Yoshiwara.
Now I get it.
It took you this long? How hopeless.
Tell him we have an out-of-town gig,
take him to a hotel,
then tell him we have a group date!
-How about that?
If we stay for the night,
he won't be able to leave!
Genbei, Tasuke, this is Yoshiwara!
-It is.
I only came,
because we were going to a shrine!
You are horrible!
There's no need to cry.
Don't fret.
Your father knew you'd end up here.
But he isn't strict like my relatives!
Please excuse me.
The women should be here soon.
Go home if you want to.
But young master, you don't know
the rules of Yoshiwara, do you?
Standing at Omon gate
is a terribly fearsome guard.
He keeps records of every man who enters.
If you leave alone without us, he'll think
you're doing something suspicious.
He'll tie you up!
Stop there, Four-Eyes!
Is that true?
I've never heard…
Oh yes, it is true!
I saw a man who's been tied up for years!
Your laughter is creepy.
-Shut up, ex-Ugly Cow!
-Are you free on the 31st?
Wait a minute!
Me, on a group date with my employee?
A group date, boss?
If you don't shut up,
I'll dock your wages!
Why don't you leave it to me?
I know easy girls. Even married ones.
Tour guides, too?
Is this the prim young master?
That's right. He's such a crybaby.
He acts as if somebody has just died!
How cute.
Young master, these mean men
will bully you even more
if you stay here.
So, let's go to my room.
Come on.
No way! Absolutely not! I refuse!
-Hello? Megumi-chan?
-Don't call her!
A group date? That sounds fun!
It's going to be fun!
Invite your friends!
We'll spend the night there.
No problem!
What kind of girls should I bring?
The cute ones.
Everyone's cute. We're tour guides!
Really? "Cute" can mean so many things.
Can you really come? Oh, this is Ryuji.
Overnight trip!
At a hot spring! Which means…
We spend the night there!
Ryuji, you have such a dirty imagination.
So, arrange it.
How many? Five, I guess, including you.
Okay, thanks!
What's wrong, Ryuji?
I am…
glad to be your brother.
Who should we bring?
-I said five people.
-Hang on.
Mind if I run a lap?
I'm going with Megumi
on an overnight trip!
Five guys. Me, you, Donkichi…
Udon's a good icebreaker.
We need one more guy. Who should we ask?
I kept telling you!
Me! Chibi-T! A.k.a. Takeshi!
Can you do ogiri?
Can you do the alphabet poem routine?
Sorry. We aren't doing this just for fun.
Well, it's either Donburi or Dontsuku.
-No freaking way!
-You're kidding!
That good-looking idiot?
That testosterone monster will get
Megumi and sweep up the other girls, too!
And he can't even do ogiri!
Wait. My back is stinging for some reason.
I'm scared. I can't turn around.
Something sounds interesting.
What about master's gig?
I slipped out.
I guess I had a premonition.
So what is it?
Are you doing ogiri?
A performance? When?
On the 31st.
I'm free that day.
It's a minor gig in the countryside.
It's not worth your time.
Excuse me.
I can't make it that day.
Megumi told me there's a group date.
It's at some hot spring.
Why are you still indoors,
you yakuza shut-in!
I'm not a shut-in!
I'm doing research on Shiraishi Katsuko.
She sells sweets at a department store,
earns 200,000 yen,
and lives in a studio in Suginami.
Doesn't seem to have a boyfriend but,
she loves spending money.
This is her blog.
It's her online journal.
"Oh, no."
"I got a demand notice."
"I'm broke this month."
"Still, I ordered a new bag. Haha…"
She has no idea of the trouble she's in!
"I can't borrow from my folks…"
Her family runs a misokatsu joint.
I want misokatsu!
That's pretty much about it.
I don't get it.
An Oh! Giri Giri Boys show
at a hot spring?
The theater's closed this day.
Let's all go together!
I haven't been to a hot spring in years!
Hang on!
We can't all go.
Why not? It says
"The Hayashiyate All-Stars."
The client specifically asked for me,
Donkichi, Udon, and Kotora.
They left us out?
Sorry, they want a small team.
Then you can take my place.
I have to go to the cemetery.
No, you must come!
It's odd. It needs five people!
-The other guy…
-The other guy is…
He's, you know, an amateur.
Right! An amateur!
It's a big happy team with an amateur!
It's fishy.
You sound like you're up to something.
-Right, Saya?
We're not up to anything! I swear!
You'll probably party with some girls.
Then I'm not going.
But you can't…
Ryuhei! Take me then!
I definitely want to go!
Stop! Stop!
You handle the rest.
And you, come with me!
What is it?
What matters more, the cemetery or rakugo?
Then we beg you.
We can't do the alphabet poem
without you, master.
-You're our master!
Rakugo fans around the country
will come to see you!
There'll be an alphabet poem competition!
Then we enjoy the hot spring,
eat fresh fish, and drink sake.
Just a nice relaxing time for us men.
It's just men?
Of course!
Let's go!
Let's start rehearsing!
What should we do?
Oh, so that's the plan.
Get off me.
I'm just so happy.
He explained everything.
I'm glad you guys are
so concerned about Donkichi.
He can be too stiff sometimes.
He should relax.
Exactly. Right?
-He really should relax.
-And I should, too.
Yes… What?
Please, Ryuhei!
I won't get in the way!
-I won't!
But this is…
It's a group date for Donkichi!
Group date?
Group date?
-Moron! I didn't get to that part!
What? I can't believe this!
-I just can't!
-Honey, I love you!
Shut up! Idiot! Jerk!
Saya-chan is crying!
Honey, Saya-chan is crying!
It's your fault! Idiot!
I'm sorry! Saya-chan, I'm sorry!
I'm glad it's not raining.
We aren't going to the beach anyway.
So, did you buy them?
Of course!
Michiko London condoms!
Sorry, we're late.
Oshima silk kimono.
Mom told me to dress up.
Isn't your suitcase too big?
We might get hungry on the way,
so I brought rice balls and veggies--
Throw that crap away!
It's okay. Let's just wait for Kotora.
Sorry, I can't go today.
Ginjiro just called me.
The lady who owes us
just packed up and ran away.
I see.
-Kotora can't come.
Nothing we can do about it.
There's nothing we can do!
My replacement will be there.
Your replacement?
How do I look?
You can't really tell, can you?
I told you to keep an eye on her, idiot!
But she was definitely there before dawn.
Hey, Tora!
You gave me that lecture,
and look what happened!
Forgive me.
Let me make this clear to you.
Don't even think of leaving.
Until Yanaka pays back his debt,
this gang owns you.
Why are you so quiet?
Find her! In 24 hours!
Find that woman, idiots!
Don't you know her cell number?
No. I didn't get that much information.
Her family's number?
So your "research" was useless!
I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault.
No. I'm pathetic.
-I blew the chance you gave me.
-Crying isn't going to help you!
Let's check the blacklist
to see if she's on it.
We're here!
Over here!
What's she doing here?
She's our tour guide.
Where are your friends?
They've checked into the hotel.
Are they ugly?
Nah, all three are cute.
The cutest one couldn't make it
because she was sick.
We can't have five guys and four girls.
You go home! You're still young!
What are you talking about?
Excuse me!
Asking a random woman?
Excuse me!
Would you like
to go on a group date with us?
Group date?
Group date?
Thank you all for coming today.
Tiger, tiger, arigataiga!
He changed his pattern!
Your birth parents
aren't your only parents.
A yakuza boss and
a rakugo master can also be one's parents.
They naturally worry
if the pupil is a bad boy.
But they also worry if he is too serious.
It's "Akegarasu"!
You only just noticed?
Back in Edo,
there was a storyteller named Donkichi…
I mean, Ponkichi.
Donkichi is fine!
This Donkichi was a hard nut to crack.
He was as hard as a frozen pizza!
A frozen pizza is frigid.
People wanted him to relax.
The storyteller Bonta
and the shopkeeper Ryu
cooked up a cunning scheme.
They're drop-dead gorgeous!
I can't believe my eyes!
Yay! Go ahead!
Hi, I'm Megumi!
I'm Asami!
I like humorous guys!
-Don! Don! Don!
-It's Murata!
I'm Marie!
I'm spoiled,
so I love it when a man scolds me!
-What's that?
-No idea.
I'm Asuka!
I love guys with muscles!
My name's Shiraishi.
Sorry, I can't hear you.
I'm Shiraishi Katsuko…
Are you sure you want me here?
This woman, Katsuko,
was actually up to her neck in debt,
and the yakuza
were desperately looking for her.
She's borrowed up to the very limit.
She changed her phone number, too.
She'd planned it all along.
I'm so sorry.
I told you to stop crying!
Yes, sir.
Hey, can we sit more comfortably?
At work, they tell us never to kneel.
Of course! Stretch your legs!
Not you!
I'm sorry.
Your turn. Tell us about you.
I'm the organizer, Hayashiyate Donta.
My real name is Yanaka Ryuhei!
I'm Ryuji! Together we're…
You're hilarious!
They're so easy to please!
Go, Awashima!
I'm Jumptei-Jump!
My specialty is vertical jumping!
-Your comedy style changed.
-It didn't.
Here's a short rakugo.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"What do you mean, 'What's wrong?'"
It's not the funny part yet.
Whenever you turn your head,
you turn into a man or a woman!
That's funny?
-Sorry. They've never seen rakugo.
-That's no problem!
I'm Udon.
He's so cute!
All he said was his name.
What kind of udon?
What kind of udon are you?
Fried udon.
How flavorful!
All right,
now the last member of the male team…
Where's Donkichi?
Wait, Donkichi!
It was stupid of me to believe you!
I'll take the last train home. Have fun.
Please stay.
Without you, we can't do the routine!
The girls know nothing about rakugo.
They're not worth it.
Then leave.
If you hate it so much, go back.
If you don't enjoy it,
we don't want you, either.
"But what will the master think
if you go back alone?"
"The master?"
"He may not look it,
but he can be violent.
He might even tie you up!"
No way!
He thinks we have a gig out of town.
And you came with Udon, who is underage.
If he finds out, he'll expel you!
Not my fault!
That's not the point!
What if the rakugo association finds out?
Your expulsion is guaranteed!
Your career will be finished!
And you're single!
A loser!
-Bus guide!
Butterfly-like beauty!
-Super gorgeous like a violet!
-Guarding her, would be an honor!
-Incredibly sexy, that's you!
-Don't make me do this!
Come on!
Oh Giri Giri!
Giri Giri!
Giri Giri!
The evening wore on,
and one pair after another left the room.
You know, to do their thing.
You're good!
You're just like Ai-chan!
You're wrong about that.
You're the one who misunderstood.
I don't think you understand
how attractive you really are.
Don, Don, Don! Apollonia 6!
Vanity 6!
Yukata chance! You got a chance tonight!
Sorry, I'm late!
You! Kata, yukata, great!
Awesome! It's a mixed-gender bath!
How awkward.
You knew already.
Of course I did!
You don't have to mind me.
I'm just trying to kill time.
You misunderstood.
I am having a lot of fun.
Are you bored?
I'm glad.
do you like sweets?
I sell sweets at a department store.
If you don't mind…
How did you know my name?
I never said it.
You're right!
Help yourself. My mother made them.
They look tasty!
Thank you.
Is it good?
It's great!
I love those, too!
Drink up.
It's okay.
There's nothing you can do.
I called the boss already.
Pour your own drink.
I want to be like you.
You're a role model today, Tora!
I'm not rebelling against Pops.
I just want to do things my way.
Should I have stormed into her house
and said "I'll sink you in Tokyo Bay"?
Is that the way?
You know, my master always tells me
to stick to my style of classical rakugo.
At first, I didn't get it.
I even went against him
by telling classics as they are,
and nobody liked it.
He was trying to tell me
not to be someone I am not.
I understand that now.
Who cares about styles and stuff?
The guy who told
the classical rakugo story first
wouldn't have known
it would become a classic.
The first yakuza
who came up with the Tokyo Bay thing,
he wouldn't have known
everyone would use the same threat.
Wait, what was I talking about?
-About going my own way.
So, don't say you want to be like me.
One of me is enough.
I see.
I'm no good at talking.
The rakugo that
the master did the other day…
What's the punchline?
I left before I heard it.
-Ask him. I can't perform.
-I don't care! Just give me a summary.
Well, the young master
finally falls for the top courtesan…
"Young master! Come this way!
Don't make me wait!"
"Please don't pull me like that!"
The young master put up a fight,
but being professionals,
the people there shoved him
into the courtesan's room.
So they're having fun at that hot spring?
I'm losing sleep over it!
If you're here, say so!
Kotora, you're absolutely right.
Young master.
Young master, over here!
Kotora is right.
Be a yakuza in your own way.
But your father, your father…
Your daddy… Pops…
Don't make him cry.
It may sound weird that I,
a debtor, am giving you advice.
Be a good debt collector
who is loved by everyone.
Yes, sir.
Ironic, isn't it?
My pupil understands me
better than my son!
They say children
never understand their parents.
It was fun.
I haven't laughed so hard in a while.
I haven't made people
laugh so much in a while.
You know, a tour guide
is supposed to smile.
Usually, I smile because it's required.
But today was special.
I had so much fun.
I've never fallen for a guy
with a sense of humor.
Do lots of fun things for me
and make me laugh, okay?
Same tattoos!
Right! We look like a real couple!
Should we date?
You're joking…
No, I was serious.
No way.
No way this is happening.
Things never go so smoothly for me!
Something's not right!
If we start dating,
I might bother you a bit.
Is that okay?
Let me think.
It's fine.
I can be a bother, too.
I don't give a shit!
"How was your night, young master?"
"It was quite enjoyable."
"Hear that? And he was
complaining so much last night!"
"Please get up, young master."
"Young master, even the top courtesan
says so! Get up, will you?"
"The top courtesan tells me to get up,
but under the blanket,
she holds onto my hand tightly!"
"I don't believe this!
I'm leaving!"
"Wait! He fell down the stairs!"
"All right, young master.
You enjoy your stay.
We're leaving."
"Like you can leave without me!
Without me,
the guard at the gate will tie you up!"
You're the best, Don-chan!
What the heck!
Wake up!
She updated her blog!
"I'm at Izu today for a group date."
The men are all rakugo performers.
Everyone else has left,
and I am alone with Hayashiyate Donkichi.
He seems like a really nice man,
but it feels so awkward!
Let's wrestle!
Here I go!
There are only guys here!
We didn't get any of the chicks!
Though he got to kiss Megumi.
Sorry! I kissed her!
Good for you.
I don't care! Where is Donkichi?
You don't?
Wasn't he with Katsuko?
Where's she? Let's go!
So the six of them
went to Donkichi's room.
They say, "The guy without a woman
has to wake the others."
They went around the rooms,
waking people up…
I guess none of them got a woman.
Oi! Donkichi!
Out of my way!
There you are!
Did you do it with her?
Did you? Be honest!
It's too embarrassing to say it out loud!
I'm not a playboy like you people!
I'm going to…
Marry Katsuko!
I mean it!
I'll quit rakugo
and marry into her family.
I'll inherit the restaurant!
You mean it?
Of course.
I'm already 40. I'm desperate.
In that case, the husband
has to pay the wife's debt.
This is the debt this woman racked up.
Our gang is collecting it.
2,050,000 YEN
Is this for real?
Then I will pay!
I'll pay that money!
No! I'll pay it back myself!
Let me handle this, honey.
Since Donkichi
will inherit the restaurant,
let's go back to Tokyo for our gig!
You guys!
Like you can go back without me!
"Without me,
you can't even do the alphabet poem!"
You rocked today!
Yakuza rakugo!
Hello! We're the Oh Giri Giri Boys!
Oh! Giri Giri!
What a lucky guy!
How hopeless!
Here's your lemonade!
Even though you
slept through my reenactment,
your punchline was great.
-Good job.
-There's still a lot to learn.
Thanks to you, he's starting a new life.
I'm taking her to meet my family.
That's quick.
I'm desperate.
Well, then…
It's this month's lesson fee.
Got it. Thank you.
You give him yours, too.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Here's this month's--
Get a better-looking envelope!
Please be gentle with us!
Isn't it weird?
Something's wrong!
I don't even study rakugo!
Shut up. It's lesson fees!
-Lesson fees.
-Lesson fees.
What do you mean, "What?"
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