Tiger King (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


[operator] This call is subject
to being recorded or monitored,
except for privileged calls
between attorney and client.
[Joe] I'm in a cage.
Do you know why animals die in cages?
Their soul dies.
This is where the new zoo will be located.
We have to be open by spring break.
Even if it's not completely done,
we have to have this center part done.
So I offered Tim Stark a partnership.
We are partners.
We are going into this zoo together.
I'm bringing two or three million dollars'
worth of equipment
and hundreds of animals.
See, I'm smarter than most people.
They say you can't get nothing done
with a monkey on your back,
so you put them on your fucking front
and you can still get shit done.
It's a collaboration
between two of the most notorious assholes
in the industry.
[Lowe] We're stronger in numbers,
so I'm glad that Tim's down here.
[interviewer] Are you worried
about the fallout of Joe's case?
Oh, no, not a bit. Not a bit.
- Who should be worried?
- Joe.
[scoffs, laughs]
[Joe] I just worry whether or not
you're gonna be there when I get out.
[Dillon] I'm not going anywhere.
You don't have anything to worry about.
I'm still here talking to you.
When I married you, I just wanted it
to be different than everything else was.
I know.
I'll make this up to you. I promise.
Right now I just want you
to worry about getting out of there
and keep your head on your shoulders.
All right, I'll call you later.
All righty. I love you.
I love you.
Those are our conversations every day,
three times a day.
[reporter] The current owners
of what used to be Joe Exotic's park say
they've been cooperating with the feds
ever since the murder-for-hire allegations
came to light.
And with his trial looming,
other investigations are unfolding.
Jeff Lowe let the feds into Joe's house.
They went through
and took Joe's documents,
jump drives, and all this other stuff.
It just opened up so many cans of worms
for Joe.
[reporter] Federal authorities
made some key discoveries:
bones of big cats.
They said that Joe had shot five tigers,
and they dug them up
and found the skulls.
They trumped up all the wildlife charges
to put pressure on Joe
because the murder-for-hire charge
was so flimsy.
That's why they came up with
the other 20 silly-ass charges.
The mix of all that together
takes this poor dolt
and gets him into a position
where he appears to be
this great big felonious murderer.
[Green] From the government's
point of view, both the murder-for-hire
and the wildlife charges
were crucial to bring and bring together.
Both counts one and two
charged Mr. Passage
with murder-for-hire.
Counts three through seven
of the indictment
are for shooting and killing five tigers
that were at his facility
in October of 2017.
The remaining counts are all related to
the sale of tiger and lion cubs.
[Joe] You know
what they threatened me with?
Seventy-nine years.
They superseded my indictment
with all these stupid wildlife charges
because the first two charges for murder
for hire would not have stuck.
But Joe, did you shoot those tigers?
[Joe] I euthanized five tigers, okay?
If you have a sick tiger or a lion
that needs to be put to sleep,
you've got to shoot it or dart it.
There's only two options.
[Lowe] This isn't my park.
This is Joe's park.
The ghost of Joe walks this place.
I'm embarrassed to tell people
when they say, "What do you do?"
I say, "I have the zoo down in Wynnewood."
"Are you that crazy bastard?"
"No, I'm not the crazy bastard."
We are looking at some little tiger cubs.
Look at them. They're so cute.
Kind of a "purrfect" afternoon for me
if you ask.
So you guys are actually
moving locations here pretty soon, right?
We are.
We're going to close this facility down
as soon as we get the new one
down in Thackerville built.
[Lowe] We're building it.
It's just a slow process.
[Garretson] That zoo down in Thackerville,
that was my idea.
But things started to sour.
Jeff Lowe didn't really care
who he screwed.
I think James' mentality was He says
"Look," he says,
"you came to me with a problem of Joe."
He says, "I helped you out."
Jeff would be indicted
if it wasn't for me.
I'm the one that got Jeff the deal.
He says, "And I stuck my neck out for you.
And why wouldn't you put my name
on your zoo?"
And I said, "You know what, James,
it just doesn't work like that.
I think the cages will start
just the other side of those trees.
Where it went bad with James and I is
he couldn't have possibly afforded
to pitch in.
What we're building here
will be immaculate, amazing.
We're going to continue
until we're number one
top zoo in the country.
We're gonna keep bringing animals in,
more and more and more,
as we keep building.
Anything and everything, we want it all.
Everybody wants to be "the biggest,"
but nobody focuses on being "the nicest."
They'll just stick you in the back.
[Joe] This is how Jeff
does business, okay?
With James Garretson,
Jeff saw an opportunity,
and he took it.
So how involved was Jeff Lowe
in plotting this whole plan
to kill Carole?
You're not gonna show this
to the defense attorney when I lay it out?
Don't don't free that motherfucker. No.
So basically what happened is
Jeff Lowe helped
put the thing together.
And because he obviously knew about it,
because Jeff Lowe told me on the phone
that he was going to use Allen Glover.
Joe, he offered me
money to go and murder that lady.
First it was $5,000, but the only thing
he come up with was three grand.
So I took that and I ran.
this is about getting Joe in trouble,
even locked up for what he did.
They would have to fucking promise me
not to fucking lock my ass up for that.
They're gonna do the same thing with me.
Before they give me immunity,
they want to meet with me and make sure
that what I have to tell them
is good enough for a conviction.
Once that happens, then they say,
"Okay, well here's your"
- Here's your deal.
- "Here's what we'll do for that."
And they'll have to do
the same thing with you.
[reporter] Now the trial begins
on Monday, March 25th at 9:00 a.m.
and could last about two weeks.
But the jury was selected.
The 55-year-old introduced himself
to the jury saying,
"I'm Joseph Maldonado-Passage,
and I'm the reason you all are here."
[Reinke] I know some things
that are going to come out in this trial.
I'm telling you,
I can't eat, I don't sleep.
I'm up all night long.
I lost a lot of weight.
None of my pants fit me anymore.
That's another thing. I had to buy pants.
I haven't worn pants in 20 years.
I gotta buy business attire.
I keep telling myself over and over,
I'm involved
in a federal murder-for-hire plot.
Who'd have thought?
Just because I stopped by a zoo
to feed a bear one day.
I've dealt with Joe for 14 years
at that zoo.
And my job was to get him out of trouble.
But I don't know
if I can get him out of this.
They have the people
who were closest to him,
people who were
so interwound with him
for years and years and years and years.
They're the very people
who are testifying against him.
I never mess with the feds.
I don't really like the feds.
Um, I'm a Libertarian,
so technically, fuck the feds.
But you know,
I don't want to be dealing with them.
I was contacted by an FBI agent,
um, and he said point-blank,
"You're going to be on team government,
or you going to be on team Joe."
It was the scariest moment of my life.
[reporter 1] The federal trial
started today for a former zoo owner
and Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate.
[reporter 2] He could be looking
at nearly 80 years in prison,
but he is pleading not guilty.
[Cowie] It's pretty fucking crazy.
I don't go to court.
I don't get traffic tickets.
I'm a good boy, and that's not my arena.
[Corkill] In the news, we talk about
shootings and killings every day,
but people will protest,
and they will not tolerate, animal abuse.
It was almost strategic
to bring all of these charges
at the same time.
You know,
let's strike while the iron is hot.
Let's strike while this is on the front
of everyone's mind.
[reporter] Former park employees
called to testify against him Monday
include Erik Cowie.
He came up with this .410 in his hand,
and I knew he just shot Cuddles.
I heard it.
And he came up the hill and goes,
"Goddamn, Erik,
if I knew it was gonna be this easy,
walk right up to the cage,
I'll kill 'em all."
There was no way for me to stop it.
It was going to happen.
Y'know, those cats trusted me.
And so they could look me in the eye
when they died.
I was the guy that was right there.
That means a minute to me.
A heavy minute.
You ever walked a lion?
You ever walked a tiger?
Motherfucker, man.
God damn.
They get so big so fast.
[reporter] The woman
Joe Exotic allegedly wanted dead
took the witness stand today.
Joe Exotic's murder-for-hire trial
is now in its second day.
Carole Baskin is speaking out
about some of the threats
she says she and her husband
have endured for years.
I'm surprised
he didn't want to do it himself.
But I wasn't surprised
that he would try to follow through.
The only silver lining to it is
that if someone were to kill me,
I think it would push this movement
so far forward
that it would be worth it.
Another dramatic day as the trial
for former big cat owner
Joe Exotic continues.
One former employee even told jurors
[interviewer] You're testifying mostly
about the movement of animals.
No. I'm testifying against him on both.
The murder-for-hire
and the animals.
I was Joe's right-hand man for 16 years.
I don't know
what I could go to prison for.
But I'm trying to make sure I don't go.
Let's check in with our Sylvia Corkill
who's live downtown.
She tells us
that witness got emotional today.
[Corkill] That witness told the jury
he was more than just an employee
at that park.
He said for 11 years,
he was in a romantic relationship
with Joseph Maldonado-Passage.
In 2017,
he said Joe asked him
to drive a man to Dallas
to purchase a fake ID.
Joe told him the man needed the ID
so he could drive to Florida
to kill Carole Baskin.
Then in September, the witness said
I didn't see anybody there for Joe.
I didn't
There was people sitting on his side,
but there was, like, nobody there
for him as a person.
[interviewer] How do you think
it's going to go for Mr. Exotic today?
I'm not sure. We'll see what happens.
And what's your role today?
Telling the truth.
The state's second witness, an informant,
alleged that Jeff Lowe not only knew
about the plot to kill Carole Baskin,
but that he took an active role
in hatching that plan.
[Joe] In court, James admitted
that when they were sitting there
watching Carole go down the bike path
and looking in her house
to see where he could sit
and shoot her through a window,
Joe was back at his desk
minding his own business.
[reporter] The informant said
Lowe provided maps of Baskin's property
and recommended her murder take place
on the bike path near her home.
[Stark] When Jeff found out
Joe was embezzling money
and Joe was killing tigers,
I was telling him,
"Take the motherfucker down.
Slit his fucking throat
and leave him laid."
Me and Jeff, I mean, we have our quarrels,
you know, but the main thing I wanted
was a business partner.
I got a lot of damn earth to move
for one person.
Sixteen, 18-hour days, seven days a week.
- Yeah, he just does what I tell him to do.
- Yeah, I'm his bitch.
[Joe] Jeff can't work for a living.
He's gotta con somebody.
So when he runs out of cons,
he's gotta steal from people.
Jeff Lowe is a very skilled con man.
How is he not facing any charges?
I don't think that it is any surprise
that he did not testify.
Was he a witness? Yes.
Did he testify? No. Why?
He would have perjured himself.
[Garretson] I mean,
letting the hit man loose tells you
it's kind of a witch hunt because
this guy went down there
to fucking murder a lady.
And he's not even going to get
fucking probation or nothing.
[Glover] I hate to be a part of this shit.
Wish I wasn't.
But yeah
he deserves
every fucking thing he gets, sir.
Or more.
How could they possibly give testimony,
and you believe what they were saying,
when clearly
they cannot be trusted.
[Joe] Why wasn't Allen Glover
confronted about lying on the stand?
Like that story about going to Florida.
It never happened.
Well, there were mixed stories,
but Allen apparently testified
that he actually came to Florida
so I believe him.
We had phone recordings
to prove that Allen never went to Florida.
I didn't go to fucking Tampa.
What would I want to go there for?
I wasn't gonna kill no-motherfucking-body.
He could've gave me
a million fucking dollars,
I wouldn't have went
and killed that fucking woman for nothin'.
I wouldn't even went to fucking Florida
on a vacation.
Apparently, I chickened the fuck out,
and didn't make it there.
[Joe] Lyin' under oath
is supposed to mean something.
They should be charged with perjury.
And you would think
that it would be a mistrial.
[reporter 1] In a surprise move,
the so-called Tiger King
took the stand today in his own defense.
He is on trial in federal court
[Reinke] I was really shocked.
His attorneys didn't want him to testify.
They stood up and said
that they didn't want him to testify.
He went ahead and testified.
Joe took the stand and that's something
that I don't think anyone expected.
He had an answer for everything,
for everything that the prosecution said.
[Joe] I testified.
I told 'em that right before Thanksgiving,
I call Jeff and I say,
"Jeff, Allen won't wear a uniform.
He won't do anything I ask him to do.
He says he doesn't work for me."
We have the text message where Jeff said,
"Okay, well, maybe
he'll be better off in South Carolina."
Thanksgiving day
I had cooked dinner for 150 people,
and they donated enough,
I could put together $3,000 to give Allen,
so he could get the hell outta there.
Here, sweetie, I'll help you.
Get your plate up here.
It was out of the cash register
on Jeff's orders
to give it to Allen.
Now, Joe can be convincing.
I was nervous
that it only takes one holdout
to make it a hung jury.
To me, it appears he was set up
each step of the way.
He's not smart enough
to go through with what he did.
Who hires a $3,000 hit man?
He's also stupid.
A cross-country, traveling,
high-end hit man
cannot cost three grand.
I don't think it could cost thirty grand.
I think it's probably a hundred grand
to find that guy,
and you certainly don't find him
from a new friend.
[Dial] Jeff Lowe set him up.
That is the truth of the matter.
It's a tragedy.
It's a goddamn tragedy,
because Joe was set up.
What is setting up a person?
Turning them in?
Or allowing them to talk
while you're recording them?
Is that setting them up?
You know, they call it set up,
I'd call it investigate.
And did I encourage him from time to time?
Probably, because I wanted that sound bite
to give to the authorities to convict him
and get him out of this business.
[operator] This call is subject
to being recorded or monitored,
except for privileged calls
between attorney and client.
How are you feeling tonight, Joe?
[Joe] I think testifying went very well.
I feel good about my jury.
I think I'm going home.
If I win and get out,
I've got to completely start my life
all over again.
And I'm looking forward
to starting all over again,
because I don't
have to look over my shoulder,
I don't have all this drama
hanging over me anymore.
My life can start over fresh.
It was part of the government's evidence
that we showed the jury a variety
of the social media postings
that Mr. Passage had made
that referenced Miss Baskin
in a violent way:
having her killed or wishing her dead.
We hear it's Carole's birthday next month.
[Green] Mr. Passage built his own kingdom.
He was the Tiger King.
But here's the problem with kings.
They get used to making all the rules.
Carole, you can guaran-goddamn-tee
I'm gonna put a cap in your ass.
[Green] Mr. Passage believed
that his kingdom was under attack.
So Mr. Passage attacked back.
He talked to everyone around him
about his hate for Miss Baskin.
Before I'm done with this,
I'm gonna have the bitch's head in a jar.
[Green] But we aren't here today
because of what Mr. Passage said online.
We are here today because of what he said
when he thought no one was listening.
And he decided that, as the king,
he would protect the kingdom at all costs.
He was going to
simply assassinate his rival.
And it's your job now
to make sure that no one,
not even the Tiger King,
is allowed to be above the laws
of the United States.
[bell tolling]
You know,
I had some different change of hearts.
Do I want to see this guy put away
and others free
that have done just as bad things?
I'm like, uh no.
It's gonna be kind of hard to sleep with,
if he gets life in prison or something.
It's gonna be You know, hey,
I'm not the only one
that was there to testify,
you know, there's a lot of other people,
but, yeah, I'll feel somewhat responsible.
[Reinke] I was actually approached
early on about testifying,
and then I never heard from anybody.
I ran that zoo for 14 years.
Why would they not want to talk to me?
I don't know which way
this is going to go.
It's in the fate of 12 strangers though,
I do know that.
From News 9, this is breaking news.
[reporter] News 9's Sylvia Corkill
in place outside the federal courthouse.
She was in the courtroom as the verdict
against Joe Exotic was read.
Let's go to Sylvia right now
for the very latest. Sylvia.
[Corkill] Kelly, last week we told you
that it could take some time
in order for the jury to come back
with its verdict,
seeing that there were 19 counts.
However, after just three short hours,
nearly four hours,
the jury came back,
finding Joseph Maldonado-Passage
guilty on all 19 counts.
Two of those largest ones,
for the alleged use of interstate commerce
for murder-for-hire
[clicks tongue]
Did Joe do wrong?
Yeah, I'm sure he did wrong.
Yeah, he did sell cubs.
He did transport cubs.
The murder-for-hire, I don't think
it woulda went this far
without somebody pushing.
[reporter] A lot of people questioned,
is Jeff Lowe
- Should he face charges as well?
- He's a director of a zoo.
I mean,
it's the same zoo that Joe had, so
They all got what they wanted.
The Tiger King in jail, in a cage.
It's pretty ironic.
It's sad.
The man's going to die in jail.
[Joe] I just need out of here so bad.
[breathing heavily, weeping]
It is It is
I'm telling you, man. It's worse
than what you can ever treat an animal.
I'm being treated like that in here.
I can't do much more of this.
[Howard] I generally keep
these little bottles of champagne
for when good things happen.
That definitely was a champagne
and Brie evening.
If ever I would leave you ♪
It couldn't be in springtime ♪
Seeing you in springtime ♪
I never could go ♪
You are something else.
[both laughing]
All he had to do was convince one juror.
I told Howie it's gonna be 15 minutes.
I was thrilled
and relieved with the outcome.
The man known to many Oklahomans
as Joe Exotic
will be going to federal prison.
[reporter] Soon these 300-plus animals
will have a new place to call home.
We are planning to shut the zoo down
in a few months.
It will be better to have a fresh start.
We take Lauren in next Tuesday
to be induced to give birth to
Sarah Evelyn Lowe
[Lauren laughs]
and then we get Lauren back in the gym.
- Are you ready?
- Ready for that nanny. Quit it.
Yes, we're getting a nanny. I need help.
I said you can get a nanny
as long as I get to pick her.
If you're gonna bring in one,
why bring in one
that's not enjoyable to look at?
I mean, you're going to have to have
this person living in your home.
Well, some of these are bilingual
or multilingual,
and that'd be great,
for them to teach a baby that too.
So that'd be really good.
With Jeff Lowe, the suspicion is
he could still face charges down the road.
Rumor has it
it will be for something much larger.
For the last two years,
everybody's accused me
of all these crimes,
and I got the evidence,
but it's never materialized.
You know, I'm not an angel, but god
put up your proof, you know,
stop talking about it.
I think Lowe will get arrested soon.
I mean, he said a lot of things
and all that stuff incriminates him.
You know, and I don't think
Joe will be in a cell alone.
I think other people are going too.
I mean, they don't know what I'm gonna do.
I don't think I'm finished in this.
- [interviewer] All right.
- [laughs]
Turn that shit off for a minute.
[Reinke] It's so crooked,
the way they do it.
James Garretson is right involved
in this damn deal with Joe,
and they ain't doing nothing to him.
I called. I called and I asked the feds.
"What's going to happen to these people
that's done all this stuff?"
They said it is far from over.
[Joe] In 20 years, I have bit my tongue,
and I have kept my mouth shut
to the point
that I am just not gonna do it anymore.
I've got a list of 37 names.
I can shut 'em all down.
I have the proof of everything.
So, I wanna give my evidence to PETA.
A lot of documents,
like legal documents and permits
hard drives are all over here.
- [interviewer] What kind of permits?
- Transfer papers for animals.
[Joe] Did I ever dream that PETA
would be my ally right now?
Fuck no,
but I'm done with the animal world,
so let's just
shut all the troublemakers down.
[Peet] Joe was public enemy number one
for my department.
But we went to the jail
where he's held in Oklahoma
and we met with Joe
and his attorneys for two days.
He was able to share information with us
about wildlife trafficking
in the United States,
the abuse of animals that's going on
behind the scenes
by a lot of the players.
[interviewer] So here's one to Doc Antle.
- Two male tigers
- [Dillon] Stop.
[interviewer] Oh, that's bad?
[interviewer] Why do you think PETA
or the animal rights groups
hasn't really targeted you?
I'm not fucking around.
I can't be targeted.
How do you target me?
[Peet] Joe told me that
Doc Antle puts tiger cubs
who have aged out of playtime events
in a gas chamber
to kill them
and then that he cremates their bodies
in his on-site crematorium.
[woman] He said, "That feels good."
[Joe] Brittany was quite shocked
because, fuck,
I gave her information on everybody.
She says, "We'll get something done.
Are you willing to testify against them?"
[Joe] I said,
"I'll testify against all 30 of them."
[Peet] I think that Joe's motivation
in this case is revenge.
He really wants to see
a lot of the other people
in the big cat trade go down with him.
[Joe] Right now is the time
that everybody needs
to tighten the noose around Jeff Lowe.
Jeff and Tim are at war.
It seems like everybody starts out well
with me and then it ends bad.
[Stark] like I told you
when I left there, Jeff.
You're stirring up shit
I've had so many calls.
He'll scream, I hang up.
He'll scream, I hang up.
[Stark] Fuck you, you little pussboy!
[Stark] I'm done.
I didn't go 900 miles
to build the damn zoo by my-damn-self
so he could take the glory.
[Lowe] Having Tim as a partner
sounded like a good idea at the time.
So did helping Joe.
[Stark] I was paying for it all.
I was paying to have all the stuff
shipped out there.
It was supposed to be a 50/50 business.
[Joe] Tim finally figured out
that Jeff Lowe doesn't have no money,
and he's footing the bill.
And he can't take it anymore.
Keep your friends close
but keep your enemies closer.
So, hey, Jeff.
Here I come, motherfucker.
[Lowe] Now you got Tim talking to Joe,
Joe talking to PETA,
and all these people hated one another
six months ago.
Once we start trying to shut a person down
and end their abuse of animals,
we don't stop.
When you're conducting a war,
you don't bemoan the fact
that you're winning
battle after battle after battle,
knowing that you will win
if you keep going.
And we're going to be patient
and persistent, and we will win,
and whether it's five years or ten years,
we will make it happen.
Nobody wins.
Everyone involved
is a so-called animal advocate.
Not a single animal benefited
from this war.
Not a single one.
[cat meows]
[Reinke] A lot of drama in the zoo world,
and, you know, I've changed my life.
I'm doing different things now.
I'm 52 years old.
I'm done with
this "he said, she said" stuff.
[man] If I need to stop,
take a breather, you just let me know.
The zoo took a big chunk out of my life.
It just played its toll on my marriage.
I didn't want to be unhappy anymore,
so I just I left my wife.
After 30 years.
So I live on my own now.
Who is Joe Exotic?
[Finlay] A nobody now.
Nobody? [chuckles]
He will be after we're done
with this tattoo, huh?
- Yeah.
- Be just a memory.
No, won't even be a memory.
[Reinke] I miss the babies a lot.
I really, really do.
I miss Bonedigger and Cletus.
And, you know, they told me
unless I just had
shitloads of money to dump in Jeff's lap,
I'd never get my animals back.
So I just had to walk away from them.
[man] Yeah, that's a tender spot now.
[Dial] Everyone has lost in this.
What started out
as this feud between two people,
a good and noble fight
to stop cub selling, cub petting,
turned into a personal
and legal court battle,
and it just became about them.
Think of that. It has to be millions
of dollars. It has to be.
Think of the hundreds of thousands
they spent investigating Joe.
Think of what millions of followers,
donors and whatnot
think of how far that could go
saving these tigers
in their natural habitats.
[Dial] We've completely lost sight
and lost touch
of what really matters here.
And that's the conservation protection
of the species of this planet.
There's a new home for exotic animals
that's opening up.
It's a refuge for unusual creatures
The G.W. Exotic Park has over 70 big cats
in their park.
[Joe] These are very dangerous animals,
very beautiful animals,
that have a place in the world,
and that's in Africa and Asia and India,
not in Oklahoma.
[Kirkham] I truly believe
that Joe started the zoo
for good purposes, good reasons.
The state needs to pass laws
that this breeding has got to stop.
[Kirkham] But, as the money rose,
I think his care
for the animals declined
God damn.
to the point that he didn't really care
for the animals at all.
At all.
And what was really sad is I had to
film a reality show
to make it look like he did.
I ain't lived with that till this moment.
Sweet money right here, buddy.
Five thousand right here.
God, they're tiny, aren't they?
[Joe] Are the animals happy?
Who the hell knows?
I finally moved my two chimpanzees
last week.
Probably one of the hardest days
of my life.
They sat in cages next to each other
for over ten years.
And we moved them
to the Great Apes Center in Florida.
And in two days,
they were out in a big yard
hugging on each other.
Did I deprive them of that for ten years?
I I deprived them of of
being chimpanzees.
Did I do it on purpose?
No, I was wrapped up in in
having a zoo.
[country song plays]
Tell all the hunters ♪
To lay down their guns ♪
Tell them that the tiger ♪
Needs a little bit of love ♪
Let 'em run the jungle ♪
Let them roam their land ♪
Then stand back and marvel ♪
What a beautiful cat ♪
'Cause I saw tiger ♪
Now I understand ♪
I saw tiger ♪
And the tiger saw man ♪
I can give him a home ♪
Safe and warm ♪
But the law wants to ban me ♪
Can you tell me who's wrong ♪
Every time they move ♪
Every time they breathe ♪
I can feel their power ♪
I can feel their heat ♪
'Cause I saw tiger ♪
Now I understand ♪
I saw tiger ♪
And the tiger saw man ♪
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