Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life

Are you counting money again?
I gotta. We need to live
on this for two weeks.
Money certainly is important.
But you know, Yuichi
There is something more important
than money in the world—
your friends.
What do you mean by "friends," ma'am?
Hey! I'm your mother now.
Come on, come on.
General Hospital
How's she doing?
Oh, Sensei.
Yuichi-kun, do you know what the most
important thing in the world is?
Yeah, I know.
It's money, right?
Are you okay, Yuichi?
parent and child crooks
Where are we?
Episode 7: I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life
Episode 7: I'll Take 20 Million Yen Worth of Your Life
I don't know.
Hey, guys! Good morning!
Is that Manabu?
To prepare for the start of the third game,
you both have to stay
in this cave for three days.
So have fun for the next 72 hours, you two!
Only this much for three days?
Well about what just happened,
I only did it so I could follow you.
I thought that, with you,
I could talk about why I betrayed
everyone and explain everything.
Tomodachi Game
You know, Yuichi,
this is my second Tomodachi Game.
S-Second? What is going on?
It's all Shiho-chan
Sawaragi Shiho's fault.
She stole from me She stole
the most precious thing I had in this world.
It began in junior high.
Back then, I had two
very close best friends.
Mikasa Tenji
Do you want to go into business together?
I've saved up a million yen.
We can use this and raise more,
so I can start a business before I'm 18.
That does sound like a great idea, but
Are you sure you wanna share
all this money with us?
Don't be stupid. You're the
only ones I'd do this with.
We had the strongest friendship on campus.
As long as we were together,
nothing could stop us.
Or so we thought.
Tenji-san, good morning!
Oh, that's right, you're in junior high now.
H-Hey, Tenji, who's that girl?
Sawaragi Shiho-san. She's—Well, we've
been friends since we were kids.
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you.
After that day, we began to have trouble
managing our funds, for some reason.
Hey, Tenji.
Are you dating Sawaragi-san?
What are you talking about?
Right now, our investments need—
No, this is more important.
W-Well, our parents are trying
to arrange our marriage,
but we don't want that.
We aren't dating.
I'd had my suspicions for a while,
Is that the truth?
Can we trust you?
but it seems like they
both liked Shiho-chan.
Of course you can.
Regular Savings
Date | Transaction | Payment Amount | Deposit Amount | Balance | Number
We were able to start managing
our funds together again,
and we still had that money when
we entered high school together.
Hey, wanna play a game?
We could split the three million
yen we have now three ways
and invest it separately.
Once the total reaches 20 million,
whoever made the most profit
gets to be the CEO of our new company.
Yeah, that could be interesting.
He'll also get the right
to propose to Sawaragi!
Sounds good! I'm all for it!
I honestly had no idea what he was thinking,
but I didn't want to ruin our friendship,
so I played it off as a joke.
That was the day we were kidnapped,
taken to the Tomodachi Game site,
and learned the truth that one of us
was 10 million yen in debt.
Too bad! It's game over in
the third game for Group B.
Tenji-kun is confirmed as the sole loser.
You get everyone's combined debt
of 20 million yen all to yourself.
Since you're still a minor, I'll take
20 million yen worth of your life.
Mahjong - Beginners Welcome
Apple Osteopathic Clinic
Two days later, I was set free
under the condition that I would
never tell anyone what happened.
Hey! Why'd you betray us?!
Where the hell is our money?!
I-I used all of it for S-Sawaragi-san.
For Shiho-chan?
Gimme a break, Tenji! If I say any
more, they'll erase me, too!
Tenji-san, wanna walk home together?
You seem down these days, Tenji-san.
Is it because your friends transferred?
Hey, Tenji-san, have you seen them recently?
You sure? Someone said they saw
you talking to one of them.
I d-don't think so
Hey. What did you talk about?
Like, did you talk about me?
I broke my promise to the
management and spilled everything
to the most precious thing
the most important person
to me in the world.
What's up, Tenji?
My father, who raised me on his own.
Fun Vehicle
Picture Book
For me, he was like a living textbook.
I'm really glad you told me, Tenji.
I'm sure it was hard
keeping that to yourself.
Let me take care of everything from here.
Uncle! Why Why is Dad
We don't know the details yet,
but it's safe to say it was a suicide.
A suicide? That can't be right.
My dad was
Tenji, this might be a big deal.
I'm going to Sawaragi's house to
ask Shiho-chan about it directly.
Hey, don't worry.
If anything happens, Wataru will be there.
He's my best friend in the world.
I know he'll have my back.
I couldn't trust anyone.
But Sawaragi Shiho was clearly at the center
of everything that was happening.
After that, I decided to investigate
Shiho-chan thoroughly.
But that didn't go well, either.
What do you mean?
I got an email from an unknown sender.
Quit sticking your nose into
Sawaragi Shiho's business.
If you don't, you'll disappear too.
Just like Mikasa Yutaka.
So I decided to gamble.
It was all or nothing.
I'd play the Tomodachi Game
to corner her and make her
show her true colors.
And that's the real reason you applied?
That's right.
But then I screwed up your plan, huh?
No, not really.
Shiho-chan told one really big lie.
A lie?
Yeah. And once you hear about it,
you should believe that Sawaragi Shiho
was the real traitor, too.
The key is the fact that our total combined
debt right now is 10.8 million yen.
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
Katagiri Yuichi
10.8 million?
That doesn't add up.
Yeah. To be exact—
Wait a second! How would you
know the total debt amount?
It's the same as when I played before.
Once you clear the second game,
the management will tell you the total debt.
Manabu-kun! Tell us the total
debt amount again.
Fine, whatever.
The current total debt amount
for Group C is 10.8 million yen.
Tomodachi Game
If we take everyone
at their word, it looks like this.
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -4.1 million yen
Shibe -2.2 million yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -18.8 million yen
That's 8 million off from 10.8 million yen.
Which means someone's
lying about their debt.
Yeah, it does
By the way, I also told a lie
at the end of the first game.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "yes," you clear the game.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "no," only the reader's debt will be halved.
My question card actually said
I could cut my debt in half.
So at the end of the first game,
I was at minus 1.6 million yen,
and my real debt right now
is 2.1 million yen.
Tenji -2.1 million yen
Then it's likely Shibe got the same thing.
Shibe Makoto
Debt: 3.6 million yen
Shibe's current debt amount
is probably 200,000 yen.
Shibe -200,000 yen
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -4.1 million yen
Shibe -2.2 million yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -18.8 million yen
But even if we correct
both of your amounts
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -4.1 million yen
Shibe -2.2 million yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -18.8 million yen
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -2.1 million yen
Shibe -200,000 yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -14.8 million yen
We're still off by 4 million.
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -14.8 million yen
Right. Sawaragi's 6.2 million
debt is too high.
If we assume she didn't get a penalty,
she'd have 2.2 million yen in debt.
Sawaragi Shiho
Debt: 3.6 million yen
Shiho -2.2 million yen
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -2.1 million yen
Shibe -200,000 yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -14.8 million yen
You're right.
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -2.1 million yen
Shibe -200,000 yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -6.2 million yen
Total -14.8 million yen
Yuichi -4.1 million yen
Tenji -2.1 million yen
Shibe -200,000 yen
Yutori -2.2 million yen
Shiho -2.2 million yen
Total -10.8 million yen
That way, everything adds up.
I feel bad, but I eavesdropped on you two.
Yuichi, what if everything
she said was a lie?
What would you think of
Sawaragi Shiho then?
That she's quite the scam artist.
Yeah. Can you imagine how dark
she really is, deep inside?
If you're telling the truth, that is.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
The only thing any of us can be
sure about is our own debt.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
No matter how convincing it sounds,
I can't trust anything one hundred percent.
You must have realized by now.
We thought we knew each other,
but we're basically strangers.
You didn't know what kind of person I was,
like that I was a killer, right?
But you still followed me. Why?
because you said you were going to
destroy the Tomodachi Game.
I have only one goal: to avenge
my father's death.
And the key to that is the Sawaragi family
and this Tomodachi Game.
Yuichi, I want you to fight with me.
Do you really mean that?
I think you're probably
a really dangerous person.
I saw the face of true evil in you.
But you do have strength, right?
The strength to truly destroy
the management?
We can't fight fair.
We won't be able to beat them
unless we take some risks!
No way. Like I just said,
talk like that is meaningless now.
You're right.
Mikasa Tenji
My debt right now is 2.1 million.
Yuichi, trust me!
Idiot! Stop it!
Fine, I won't ask you
to join my fight anymore.
But at least let me follow you on yours.
I swear I won't get in your way!
I don't care if you use me like a tool!
So Yuichi, I beg you
You're You're my last and only hope!
We have three days.
Let me think it over in that time.
Now get up and stop begging. Please.
About 60 hours later
Hey, Tenji. What do "friends" mean to you?
I have no idea.
I stopped thinking about it
after my best friends betrayed me.
So regardless of Sawaragi,
Kokorogi and Shibe are just people
you met while planning your revenge.
Like strangers?
I guess so.
I don't believe you.
If they were nothing but strangers,
why did you pick them
for the Tomodachi Game?
You must have thought they
had some feelings for you.
Those two had no idea they were being used
and thought I was their friend.
They're just real idiots.
Tenji, promise me one thing.
When we get back, apologize to them.
Even if I did, there's no way
they'd forgive me.
It doesn't matter. Apologize anyway.
If there's at least some part
of you that feels guilt, do it.
All right. If you're going to keep
that promise, I'll make one, too.
I'm going to clear this third game,
no matter what it takes.
72 hours later
Three days are up! Come on outside.
Let's go, Tenji. We have to
make it back to everyone.
Tomodachi Game
Ah, you've both come out.
Manabu-kun is that you?
Fool! Who are you calling Manabu-kun?!
I'm the one and only Sergeant Manabu!
The third game is starting.
Yes. It looks like they're up
against your group.
That's right!
And how's your Group C?
Huh? There are only two left?
The game's over before it even started.
I wonder about that.
Huh? In the third game, the bigger team
always has the advantage.
Wanna bet?
I'm in.
All right, let's get started, you pigs!
The third game
Friendly Hide-and-Seek!
Just two? That's brutal.
And both dudes, too. What a waste.
It's rude to call them a waste, Senpai.
Your battle power is a mere five,
huh? Piece of trash!
Huh?! You wanna piece of dis?
Who the hell are they?
Let me say, first of all,
that this game is held in
Competitive Battle Format
competitive battle format!
The winners will clear the third game.
For the losers, it's game over.
Wait a minute!
Isn't the Tomodachi Game supposed
to test friendships within the group?
It will test your true friendship
precisely because you have opponents.
For instance, what if
your teammate is a jerk
who betrayed everyone by bad-mouthing them
But the opposing team has five friends
who all cooperated with each other?
Then the grass looks
greener on the other side.
Wait, it actually is greener!
You'll start comparing yourselves
to them, you'll get jealous,
and then, how do you think it'll all end?
It It'll
Trusting your friends will start
to look like a dumb idea.
Correct! This game will make you
battle against that kind of feeling.
No matter how hard it is,
you have to trust your friends,
and then you wait, and wait,
and wait, and wait, and wait,
wait and wait and wait and wait
and wait, and keep waiting
That's the game!
That's Friendly Hide-and-Seek!
Friendly Hide-and-Seek
From here on, you will all play
hide-and-seek in this huge forest.
Each team will choose one hider
who will hide somewhere in the forest.
The remaining team members
will be the seekers.
I see. That's why you said the
third game can't be cleared alone.
That's right.
And the team that finds
the other's hider first wins.
I found Manabu-kun!
Wait a minute.
With two people, we have only
one seeker. That's totally
Right! In this game, the smaller team
is at a huge disadvantage.
But that's just the way it goes.
This is the Tomodachi Game.
Your team had a huge argument.
Obviously, a team that gets along
will have an advantage.
I'll explain again later,
but here are the rules.
Third Game Rules
Can't Do
Be Violent
Move the Hider
Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
Change Sides (Switch)
Take a close look.
Change Sides (Switch)
What's this "change sides" one?
If it looks like your team is about to lose,
the seekers can switch sides
to the enemy team.
But even if the team you switch to wins,
you won't go on to the fourth game.
Is there any point to switching, then?
Of course there is.
If you're on the winning team
when the game ends,
-1 million yen
the personal debt that you would
have gained from failing to clear
can all be passed to the losing team.
-250,000 yen -250,000 yen -250,000 yen -250,000 yen
0 yen
So even if they fail to clear,
the person who switched
can end the game with no debt.
Do you choose friends or money?
That's what the Tomodachi Game
is really about.
In particular, when
there's only two on a team,
if one person switches,
the game immediately ends.
So be careful!
Don't worry. I have no
intention of switching.
I really hope not. That would suck.
But even on a five-person team
It's possible for four to switch,
leaving all of their debt on the one hider.
So that is an option.
What happens if you switch but still lose?
In that case, the traitor will
receive an amount of debt
equal to the average debt
of the losing team.
They then return to their original team,
and continue to the fourth game.
If someone betrays their team but
then returns with even more debt
That'd be unforgivable, huh?
And just so you know, trading
name tags is prohibited this time.
All right! Now all we have to do
is choose the hiders.
But first, I have some exclusive
information for the two in Group C!
There's a player from another group
who made it to the third game alone.
Do you want to add them to your team?
Only if you say it's okay, of course.
W-Why would we ever accept—
Are they a girl?
Huh? Yeah, she's a cute girl.
In that case, it's okay.
Huh? What? Really? It's okay if it's a girl?
Yuichi! It's too dangerous
to let an outsider in!
You're such a perv, Yuichi-kun!
If she betrays us, we're finished!
I know.
But it would be almost impossible
for the two of us to win.
You're sure? Are you sure, then?
You guys are such a pain. I'll get her.
Please come over!
All right, please introduce yourself!
I'm Mizuse Maria.
That's the guy who said
he'd destroy the operation?
When the higher-ups were alerted,
they decided to send Maria
in to keep an eye on him.
I was wondering what he'd be like,
but if he let her in that easily,
he can't be that deep.
Besides trusting your friends,
there is one other way
to clear the Tomodachi Game.
Do you know what that is?
To lead your group
with overwhelming charisma!
My Group K has that charisma.
In fact, it has a genius.
I'm sure you'll figure out which one
the genius is eventually.
I wonder about that.
I doubt very much that even
a genius could kill a monster.
Listen up.
I'm gonna hide, and you don't
have a snowball's chance in hell,
because I'll never give up.
Even if it kills me.
I'll be the hider.
Are you sure?
It's got to be me.
I can't make you sit still.
And I hate to say it, but we can't
give her the option to give up.
You're right. Sorry, man.
Tomodachi Game
It seems both teams
have chosen their hider.
I'll give you two hours
to find your hiding spots.
First, proceed in opposite
directions, west or east.
All right. Third game, start!
Third Game
Friendly Hide-and-Seek
NEXT: It's a Game Where You Wait, and Wait, and Wait and Keep Waiting
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