Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Teste de Fidelidade

[seagulls squawking]
[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it!
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on
everyone wearing condoms please,
then everyone can have sex with each other
and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed, except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws a wrench
in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling around
here, my darlings.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
[Matheus] Fuck. My heart is racing, man.
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see
a prize of R$500,000
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching them
around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras!
[Caio] You were a douchebag so many times.
Look, I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Uh, I don't think so.
[Brenda] I'm pissed, 'cause I worried
a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us.
We look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me!
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able
to build stronger relationships?
- [Leandro] We're in this together.
- [Igor] Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[Davi] I dreamed that
Leandro came here and said,
"No, bro, we didn't have sex, it just"
"I just fingered her."
We bet everything on them,
so my heart was pounding. I was trembling.
And Marina was justifying it to us like
For the love of God,
you two, control yourselves!
[Bruna] It seems like Davi had
a pretty rough night, didn't he?
But what about the lovebirds in the suite?
Do they look like they're guilty to you,
or are they just hungover?
Do you think
they did something in the suite?
- [Thuany] I do.
- [Caio] No, they didn't.
But she said on this couch,
"Nothing is gonna happen, I think."
- [Brenda] She said, "I think"?
- She said, "I think."
I lived that experience, and the suite
atmosphere does not make it easy.
[Bruna] Five times harder, right, Brenda?
Now, if Leandro had sex with Marina
even once, bro
- It's about reputation.
- It would be weird.
Bro, if he kisses her,
we can't excuse him. We can't.
From my perspective,
sex would be outrageous.
One time would be as bad as five.
Bro, don't let me down, man. Please.
[Bruna] Obviously Matheus
has the moral high ground
to make such demands.
[all cheering]
- [Ronaldo] Oh, shit!
- [Brenda] Leandrinho.
Oh, boy!
- Look at Leandro's face.
- We can tell by his face.
Ouch. They committed
some infraction, they've kissed
[Bruna] Yeesh. Was it that bad?
- [Brenda] There you go.
- [Lana chimes]
Uh-oh. Here she comes.
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana.
[Lana] Leandro and Marina,
before you two tell us about what happened
in the suite last night,
I have something
that I need to tell you about.
Your friends really put
their confidence in you
to the test last night,
and made a little wager with me
on what you would do.
I was suddenly insecure.
[Lana] If you broke even one single rule
in the suite, they would lose.
Any mistake would cost us money.
- But what did you bet?
- R$150,000.
[chuckling] Holy shit!
[Bruna] Thank God
nobody encouraged you, right?
I think it was crazy of them
to bet all the money on us.
[Lana] Leandro and Marina,
please tell all your friends
if they have won
or if they have lost the bet now.
So, guys
[all muttering]
[Bruna] And a dramatic pause
just to heighten the suspense.
[dramatic music playing]
We didn't do anything.
[all cheering]
[Bruna] Oh, if everyone were
just as well-behaved as Leandro,
we wouldn't have much of a TV show.
When I grow up, I want to be like you.
[Lana] Leandro and Marina,
was it worth holding out
from jiggy-jiggy, jiggy-jiggy?
[all laughing]
- It was worth it.
- It was worth it.
Of course it was worth it.
Not only for the money, Lana,
but for us, too.
I really like that
they put their trust in me and Marina.
[Bruna] In Marina, not so much.
If Marina doesn't drink,
everything's fine.
Yeah, that's right.
- I had a drink, actually.
- You did drink?
- We drank a bottle of rosé.
- I didn't pounce on him.
We just cuddled.
[Lana] The prize is now
at a total of R$314,000.
[all cheering]
That's how I like it.
I love it.
I owe you so much, man. Seriously.
[Bruna] Minus R$200,000, plus R$150,000,
that's easy to calculate, right?
I think Lana might be super proud.
I hope she is
because it was not an easy task.
[Bruna] That task was a piece of cake
compared to mission impossible:
Rita deciding what she wants.
- Okay, here we go.
- What's up, honey?
I don't know, dude. I can't do it anymore.
Chill. If you don't want to
Yeah, I don't want to anymore,
because I can't be myself.
[Igor] I know what I feel.
I know what I want with you.
But if you wake up tomorrow
and say, "Fuck it, I wanna try,"
I'm okay with that too, you know?
I'm willing, but I'm not
getting my hopes up. You know?
[Bruna] Of course you're not.
- But I tried.
- [Igor] I know.
You know, it's not like, "She didn't try."
I tried hard.
So much, that I held myself back
from being with someone else
because I was confused
and I wanted to see
how things would go with you,
but I jumped the gun.
Honesty's the best policy.
I'm really fine, you know?
It's like I said,
I'm at peace with myself.
- And I'm not.
- [Igor] Yeah.
Maybe it's time for you to try
to be at peace with yourself.
Yeah, alone,
with no pressure to be with someone.
If Rita doesn't want it,
then life goes on.
- [Thuany] Hey, girl, did he take it well?
- Totally.
He respects you a lot. You have no idea.
- He likes her.
- He really likes you.
I realized it was only friendship,
but not with Leandro.
I think you got really confused
and missed the boat.
I screwed up.
[Bruna] Looks like the mermaid's net
is out of fish.
Why is everyone dressed in white?
Are they joining a cult?
Let's all behave today.
On the way to R$500,000, guys!
[Ronaldo] R$500,000!
We made a little money,
we're a little bit richer.
Let's go party because today it is on!
- Let's party!
- [Ronaldo] Cool!
[Igor] Mojito!
- [Leandro] Fancy!
- [Igor] Nice!
Man, I'm feeling chill, confident.
That's how I roll.
[all toasting in Spanish]
[Leandro] We were in a wonderful mood,
you know?
Everyone is fine, everyone's happy.
Leandro has two moods, you know?
The quiet Leandro
[somber choral music playing]
and the go-go boy Leandro.
[upbeat song playing]
Thankfully it wasn't
the go-go boy in the suite,
otherwise we would have run out of money.
Well, fortunately, thank God.
[Bruna] Everyone is chill,
the atmosphere's super peaceful.
Everything we ever wanted.
Said no one ever.
[Caio] Guys, what's that? A car is coming.
[Brenda] What's that?
[all cheering]
Come on, baby!
My God, who is coming?
I was praying
that God would bring a man for me.
[Bruna] Interesting, coming from someone
who just said they'd rather be alone.
Hey, nobody says that I'm with Matheus
and that Marina is with Leandro. Okay?
- [Matheus] What?
- Everyone shut up.
- What for, Brenda?
- Yeah, why?
We wanna see what's gonna happen.
Everything was so calm. I like the mess!
[laughs maniacally]
- What the fuck?
- [Davi] What a mess!
I'll do no such thing.
When Brenda drinks, that's it.
She's not really aware
of the things she does.
[Ronaldo] Hey there! Come here!
- [Kethellen] Oh, God!
- [Ronaldo] C'mon, bro!
- Nice to meet you. I'm Igor.
- I'm Ana Clara.
- How are you?
- Davi.
I thought Ana was stunning, very hot.
Nice to meet you, I'm Kethellen. Welcome.
Where are you from, Ana? I'm Caio.
- What's up?
- Brenda.
He was a sight for sore eyes.
[Bruna] Our friends are super excited
because they don't even suspect
that the new participants
are working undercover for Lana,
and they're gonna do anything they can
to get the gang to break the rules.
That is, they came to stir things up.
[Lana] The infiltrators I've invited
will have 36 hours
to provoke violations of the rules
and to test the emotional development
of my guests.
[Bruna] What's even worse
is the incentive she came up with.
All the money
deducted from the grand prize
goes into their bank accounts.
Not all men from Minas Gerais
keep a low profile.
You can be sure
that most of us stir things up.
I was born to be single.
The boys I like the most
are the ones concerned about
giving me pleasure.
[Bruno] Lana called me here
to test the guests,
to see if they're really faithful
and if they're
living up to her expectations.
[Ana Clara] If I wanna hook up
with someone or kiss them, I'll get paid
and the other participants
will lose money.
[Bruno] They don't know
what Ana's and my mission is.
I'm gonna mess with their money. Right?
[Ana Clara] Let's see if they're
genuinely or superficially connected.
Pick a girl and give her a lap dance.
- Choose a girl to sit here.
- Already?
- If he chooses me
- There's gonna be cha-cha-cha.
We'll be a throuple.
The new boy is a hunk.
[Bruna] Here comes the big test
of their fidelity.
But wait, I don't know
how things are arranged here.
- [Igor] Rita!
- [Brenda] Go, Rita!
- I'm choosing the shorty.
- [all cheering]
Perfect. He's my type.
[Bruna] Like Davi,
like Leandro or like Igor?
Hmm. I'm confused.
[all singing in Portuguese]
[all exclaiming]
[Caio shouts]
And I loved it.
[all singing in Portuguese]
[Davi] Ritinha!
[Ronaldo] Rita, watch out.
[Bruna] You ain't easy!
[Bruno] Oh, my heart!
I smell trouble.
Among the guys,
who would you choose to dance for?
- Igor.
- [all cheer]
I think it's 'cause of my tattoo.
[all singing in Portuguese]
I took a look at her
I saw her, took aim
and I knew it was a good thing.
[all cheering]
I'm here for you, babe.
What was that?
Calm down, Igor. Slow your roll, bro.
It was just a nice hug, chill.
Since you're new,
I want to know your expectations.
- What did you come here for?
- To fool around, of course.
[all singing in Portuguese]
There's some rules here.
I think each of us should say a rule.
- So, first rule
- You can't have sex.
- Second rule
- [Igor] We can't kiss.
Not on lips
and definitely no French kissing.
French kiss.
- Horizontal cha-cha is not allowed.
- And we can't masturbate.
- Oh, it's a spiritual retreat.
- [Thuany] That's it!
- Let's get out of here. Come on.
- [Bruno] Catch y'all quick.
- You're kidding.
- [Thuany] We're not.
[Ana Clara] And everybody went,
"Hey, hold on,"
without knowing
that I already knew the rules.
[upbeat music playing]
[Brenda] To our new participants!
[all cheering]
I think this arrival
is gonna shake things up.
- [Caio] Think he's handsome?
- [Kethellen] Yes.
[Caio] It shook me up a little bit,
because he's the type that Thuany likes.
Like the type she would hook up with.
It's not the type of guy she would date.
The guy she would date is me.
What does this guy have, bro?
- Igor's such a dog.
- He's already tripping.
Let me show you the house.
[Kethellen] He's very excited.
I told him, I said, "Man, take it slow."
- [Ana Clara] Wow, what a stunning place.
- [Igor] It's awesome here.
- This is the bedroom.
- [Ana Clara] I'm excited.
I've already found some interesting people
and two or three promising options.
Stick with me, babe, you'll be good.
Come with me.
Come with me and you'll see.
[Bruna] Look at the prey
falling into the trap.
Hey, Ana, here's the thing.
Brenda is the love of my life,
so don't get too close to her.
[Ronaldo exclaims]
[Ana Clara] Just because
I wanted to kiss Brenda.
- You can't.
- No!
[Matheus] If it's a woman, I don't care.
I trust her.
I don't trust myself.
[women exclaim]
[Thuany] Girl.
[Bruna] Watch out, Matheus.
Lana called me here to test the guests.
I'm gonna accomplish that mission.
If Brenda wants to hook up
with some other guy, you'll get pissed.
Of course I will.
But she's not gonna do that, she won't.
What does he mean by that?
We scared them, I think.
- Where do I bury my head?
- Which head?
She's got such a nasty attitude.
I'm fucking pissed off.
Matheus got upset.
Things got nasty.
[Bruna] It's only the seventh episode,
but she's gone back ten steps.
Because she said,
"Bury? Which head do you want to bury?"
That was nasty.
She was
- But she's over
- No, bro, it was wrong.
She was tipsy, but she was a dick, bro.
Damn it,
what does she think I am, an idiot?
But I think it was mostly his fault.
He threw it out there.
Yeah, he threw it out there
and said, "Someone catch it."
Holy shit, this is getting bad.
If he thinks he can come in here
and rule the roost,
he's got another thing coming.
Man, get over yourself,
because I won't let you spoil
what good vibes we have here.
[Bruna] Looks like it's already ruined.
Doesn't it?
Who do you think is hot?
So who's your type?
Brenda is me, I guess.
and Mari. I talked to her the most.
She's a nice girl.
I trust Marina.
We're good together, you know?
- [Kethellen] Now it's your turn.
- Me? Igor and maybe Matheus.
[Kethellen] Igor, Matheus?
If I wanna hook up with someone,
I'll do it.
Even if it's hidden. Fuck it.
Man, it's really good here,
but I'll get going.
Where are you going?
- [Caio] To bed.
- Say what?
I don't wanna say anything stupid.
It was making me jealous.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna ask you a question.
- What?
- Do you think that's okay?
- What did I do?
- Okay then.
- What have I done?
- Don't you know?
- What have I done?
- You don't know?
- I don't know.
- Okay then.
Matheus is jealous.
If it were the other way around,
you'd be making a fuss. Right?
- We can talk when you calm down.
- Please. Whatever.
- Are you all right, girl?
- Everything's good until it goes wrong.
[women laugh]
- [Bruno] I like your evil laugh.
- Yeah, you like it, huh?
[Thuany laughs]
My piercing is almost, like, kissing here.
- Everyone wants to see my piercing.
- [Ana Clara] You have a piercing?
[Kethellen] She shows it
every once in a while too.
[Bruna] Oh, my God, whoa,
I think I saw a nipple.
She was hitting on him,
offering herself up on a platter.
Hey, Bruno, tell us about yourself.
What do you do?
I succeed.
- [women laugh]
- [Thuany] Succeed?
I'm not gonna stop myself
from being nice to Bruno
just because Matheus is jealous.
[Brenda chuckles]
- You're, like, really hot.
- [chuckles]
- Thanks.
- [Bruno] So, are you in love?
Yes. [laughs] I am. Stop that.
I'm gonna get out of here.
'Cause I better keep my distance.
She wanted to get
two guys to fight over her.
Honey, he said that
the two people he's most interested in
were me and then Marina.
But that's his problem.
Am I gonna stop being nice to him
because of that?
So what, guys? I'm a people person.
You gave him an opening.
- No, I didn't!
- Of course you did.
- How did you not? No, dude.
- I didn't.
He said something in the closet
and I shut him down.
- Playing with someone you just met.
- No, I shut him down.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
Oh, he didn't say anything?
So you're not gonna tell me?
- Matheus!
- That's enough.
You better talk now,
it'll be better for you.
Brenda was hitting on him,
and at the same time,
saying, "Oh, I love Matheus."
- [Brenda] Do you think I flirted with him?
- Several times.
You showed interest, girl.
You said several things
that I was like, "Brenda!"
When she recognizes her mistake,
because it wasn't just me who saw it,
she can come and talk to me.
What the fuck? And that guy insulting me
to my face, Leandro
What's that, man?
And she doesn't see that, bro.
Doesn't make any sense, does it?
- [Brenda] No, it really doesn't.
- I'm not talking to you.
[Brenda] I'm glad
you're not talking to me.
Because if you were,
it wouldn't make sense.
- Oh, okay, fine.
- Oh, okay?
I'm gonna ask where Ana Clara wants to sit
because I'm a nice guy.
Oh, here we go.
I made a joke.
It had nothing to do with me.
There are thousands of ways
you can be nice to someone.
Oh, stop it. You're upset. Right?
Because you thought you'd be
the center of attention.
Do you think you're right? Answer me.
You thought she'd come here
and be into you,
then the opposite happened.
The boy was into me,
and your ego got hurt.
The tables have turned.
When you're with someone, you have to
think about the things you're doing.
What else do you want me to do for you?
- No, dude.
- What else do you want me to do?
- The point is we need at least
- What else?
Will you let me talk
or are you gonna keep yelling?
Oh, spare me, Matheus.
I'm not gonna
put up with this, dude. I won't.
[Bruna] Say that once more.
Let's see if it's more believable.
Not gonna put up with this.
[Bruna] I'm not so sure.
I tried to talk to you once,
I tried to talk to you for a second time,
and now I'm trying for the third time.
And so far, you haven't told me
what he told you.
Are you gonna tell me or not?
[Brenda] He asked if I was in love.
- And?
- And I said that I was and left.
So that just shows
how much he's interested in you,
and that you really were hitting on him.
And you're trying to control me.
No, Brenda, I'm not trying
to control or restrain you.
You were there.
If it were such a bad thing to say,
do you think I'd say it to your face?
Matheus, be confident, dude.
Okay. All right.
I'll let it go
and I hope it won't happen again.
- I didn't mean any harm.
- Okay. I hear you.
I have this childish restless streak,
it wasn't malicious.
I know. I know. I believe you.
Do you have any doubts
how much I'm in love with you?
You think I would be like that
for nothing?
Each day, I feel more committed to her,
more in love with her,
and I feel it's mutual.
[Bruna] Bruno doesn't feel the same way.
[Bruno] Who's that guy, the tattooed one?
- [Ana Clara] Igor.
- [Bruno] Igor? How's it going?
[Ana Clara] Oh, I don't know.
Yeah, he definitely wants
to hook up with me, but
[Bruno] Obviously. I say, just kiss him.
- Igor?
- Of course.
- What if I choose someone else?
- Great, but who?
[Ana Clara] Mari?
[laughs] I don't know,
I think she's very serious.
- She's also really in love.
- But talk to her.
- Want me to feel her out? Deal.
- Mmm-hmm.
- That makes it easier for me too.
- Right.
- It's so easy for you anyway.
- [Bruno] With whom?
- With Rita.
- Oh, yeah.
We just talked about you guys,
and I said, "If I were you,
I'd make out with him."
Then she said,
"I need to know if he wants me."
I said, "Everyone wants you,"
and she laughed.
I'm trying to
accomplish this mission today.
Let's get this watch to work.
It's too fast.
[Igor] Bravo. The master's here,
the master is quick.
- Let's go get you a shower.
- [Kethellen] No, she's talking to us.
- [Igor] She said she wanted to shower.
- Calm down.
I don't like this thing
of being so clingy and stifling.
[Bruna] Igor, go get yourself a shower!
A cold one.
Damn, it was like a debutante party there.
- When?
- When we arrived.
'Cause everyone was like,
"Oh, Rita, pick Rita!"
They made it seem like I was desperate.
That's true. Seemed like it.
Because they told me
you were into Brenda and Mari,
so I said,
"So stop talking about me, damn it."
It's really annoying.
And really, they were flirting with me.
Do you know what it looks like to me?
That the guys here, for the most part,
they think they're married.
- Yeah.
- The girls don't.
But they think that too.
It's because today you arrived
and shook things up a little bit.
But that's what I'm telling you,
for your date, choose whoever you want,
not who's available here,
which happens to be me.
[Bruna] Look at the sheep here
giving advice to the wolf.
I'm doing what I do best, flirting.
First, look at me.
I hate making eye contact
while I'm talking.
It's all about eye contact.
That's it. Eye-to-eye conversation.
I want to connect with him like
I haven't connected with anyone else here.
A little kiss to know each other better?
- They'll freak out.
- And you?
Sure, but
[Bruna] That "but" ruined everything.
I'm not leaving here empty-handed.
I don't know.
I think I would be screwing things up.
We have to get to know each other first,
connect on a date.
I understand that the point is to connect,
and not just physically.
- What if the kiss is really good?
- Then we're screwed.
[laughs] Give me a hug, at least.
I think my watch will beep someday.
It's not here for nothing.
You came here
to cause us trouble, right, bro?
- [Ana Clara laughs]
- [Bruna] Bull's-eye!
And that giggle just confirms it. Right?
[Bruno] Man, I just got here.
Just don't spend my money, please. Okay?
Just so you're aware, okay, Bruno
- she's watching and so am I.
- [Bruno] What?
[Ana Clara] Everyone's responsible
for themselves.
- [Davi] No, it affects everyone.
- [Brenda] It's a collective.
I know, I'm just saying that
if he does something,
it's on him.
Nobody else needs to be involved.
[Davi] But it'll penalize the group.
Guys, we just got here, relax.
Guys, we already know everything.
Bruno already knows everything,
Ana knows everything.
Everyone is cool.
You've been here since the beginning.
You know how difficult it's been?
I know better than everyone, bro,
because I'm the only one
who hasn't spent any money.
[Brenda] Only because
you've never gotten a chance to.
If you had, you'd have spent some.
- Because I didn't want to.
- Because you didn't want to, bro?
- What a hypocrite.
- How could you know that?
It's tough, you see?
- [Ana Clara] Especially Brenda, right?
- [Brenda] What did you say?
She did it four times.
[Brenda] Girl, you just got here.
Don't say anything.
I know, but you still
had sex four times. Five.
[Brenda] You don't know shit.
You've barely arrived.
You said, "I'm not in a position
to say anything here."
I'm in a better position than you,
who just arrived here.
No, nobody's in a better position
than anyone here.
No, but be careful what you say to me.
Looks like rain, huh?
[Bruna] Yeah, the weather's
not looking good.
Where's Thuany and Caio?
[Bruna] They're in the eye
of the hurricane in this dressing room.
- Tell me why you're so stressed.
- Jealousy and
It was, like, all of it.
Insecurity, all of it.
I was afraid that a man
would get here and shake up
my connection with Thuany,
because our connection
is still pretty weak.
You appreciate what I have inside,
but you don't appreciate
what I have on the outside.
That, whether you like it or not, hurts.
And another thing,
y'all got so excited about them arriving,
we didn't understand what happened.
It created a collective jealousy
among the guys.
You pounced on the man.
[Thuany] Pure insecurity on their part.
The excitement was because
new people were here.
Wow. Do you talk to Ana the same way
you talk to Bruno?
Totally! I took a bath with Ana,
I spent the whole time talking to Ana.
You weren't even here.
How would you act if you had
a guy in your life that you liked
and he told you that you weren't his type?
That's not what I said.
This a complex you have.
- It's not a complex.
- It is.
Your reality is different from mine.
I know who I am, I know my personality,
I know all that, I know about my beauty,
I'm very confident.
I think he's insecure about himself.
It's not about me.
You were supposed to feel better.
Like, "Damn, this girl really
takes something else into consideration,
not just the physical."
If you can't see beauty
in the person you're with,
it kinda hurts, you know?
I regret saying that.
Because it sounds
like I was insulting you,
that I was putting you down.
- Fuck!
- That's not it.
For goodness sake.
The last thing I'll say to you here,
the last thing.
[Thuany] It's not like that.
When I was feeling insecure,
you told me it was just whining.
I don't wanna talk right now.
[Rita] Stop shouting, crazy.
My God, Caio. Calm down.
At all times, good or bad, I was with you.
[Thuany] Caio, I really
don't wanna talk right now.
I'm saying it now
because it's the last word.
[Thuany] Okay.
This is not the best time.
He needs to understand
that things happen day by day,
and nobody can just [snaps fingers]
snap their fingers
and make something happen,
like with some people here, you know?
But then, what happens, happens.
[Bruna] All kind of things
are gonna happen soon,
you could be sure of that.
What if I tell you
that I thought about inviting Brenda?
Well, if you invite Brenda,
it'll be way worse.
I'm gonna lose friends here
because I've already seen
there are a lot of nice people here.
But that's the game.
If I think if I invited her,
I wouldn't make out with her on the date.
- I don't know. She's very fiery.
- She's a very straightforward person.
- She showed me her nipples even.
- [Ana Clara] Yeah?
I'm chasing the prize
just like everyone else.
Do you know
who'd be a third option for me?
- Thuany.
- [Ana Clara] I think she's up for it.
Mmm, she's quite free, just like me.
I'll see who's the most vulnerable,
and I'll go after them.
If you flirt with Igor, you'll kiss him.
[Ana Clara] Yes, any time.
[Bruno] What do you think about
inviting Davi for the date?
[Ana Clara] Davi?
Because we have to cause
Well, fuck it,
we have to think about ourselves.
We can really shake things up here.
Tomorrow has to be our day.
There are people missing here.
What's going on?
[Ronaldo] The lights are on
and Igor and Ana had disappeared,
they were abducted. [chuckles]
I'm sure I'll be able
to pocket some money here.
How was it to arrive yesterday,
all that excitement?
Oh, it was great.
Good. There were
some minor things, you know.
Those rules are so
But that's it.
Then, we can see what might happen.
I feel like it's gonna happen
sooner than I think.
- A toast to us.
- To us.
[Bruna] And to all the little fools
in the world.
It's all set up to end in trouble.
To our watches, may they turn green.
We have to wait.
I feel like there's a connection.
I'm dying to kiss you, I'm not gonna lie.
- I like you too.
- You like me too?
It seems that he's more into me now
than he was yesterday.
I'm gonna get that from your mouth.
- Is that not allowed?
- It's allowed, but we can't touch.
Think we can do it?
[Bruna] So you gonna kiss or what?
[Ana Clara chuckles]
We didn't touch, see?
[Bruna] Hey, you missed your chance, babe.
Things are going well,
we're getting along.
Beep our watches.
We're fucking connected already. [laughs]
[Bruna] Of course!
You can totally connect with a person
deeply in under 12 hours.
- What is your type of woman?
- You're totally my type.
- [chuckles]
- Come here, stunner.
We were very much in the mood to make out.
[Bruna] I think she's in the mood
to get your money.
[Ana Clara chuckles] Idiot.
- At the right time.
- Idiot.
I'm flirting with him.
I'm gonna make it happen.
You're being amazing, really.
Seriously, you're different.
But don't get full of yourself.
- I'm not.
- I'm kidding.
I'm not full of myself at all.
You said yesterday that it was worth
losing some money to kiss me.
- It's worth it.
- And I had just arrived.
We'll have our opportunity for sure.
[Bruna] If kissing a hand
was worth a couple of bucks,
Ana would be rolling in it.
[Ana Clara] On one hand, he's like,
"I won't do that,"
but on the other,
he's like, "I want it now."
But that's how it is with him.
[Bruna] That's a turnoff. Right, honey?
Let's go. Welcome, stunner.
[Ana Clara chuckles]
I'll try to hold on as long as possible.
I'm not made of stone.
But I'll do my best.
[Bruna] While Igor is trying
to resist a hot girl,
Bruno is over here insisting on two.
[Davi] Brenda caught your attention
a bit more.
[Bruno] Yeah.
But Mari didn't. I said Mari, but
- You didn't really like her, did you?
- No.
If you had to choose one
to go on a date, would it be Rita?
I would choose Brenda.
Brenda's the type of woman I like.
A woman with attitude, you know?
You'd be an asshole
if you ended up going after Brenda.
[Bruno] So, are you okay?
- [Brenda] I'm fine.
- [Bruno] You and Matheus okay?
[Brenda chuckles]
- [Bruno] I'm serious.
- [Brenda] It's all right. It's all right.
[Lana chimes]
- [Lana] Hello, Bruno.
- Hello.
[Lana] Is there anyone
you've met in the house
who you'd like to get to know better?
Rita and Brenda.
[Lana] Which of those two women
would you prefer
to have a private moment with?
[Bruno] Oh, God.
I'd like to have
a private moment with Rita.
I think I can probably accomplish
my mission with her
more easily.
[Lana] The two of you have five minutes
to get ready, starting now.
I was unsure about who to choose.
But I could see the connection
that Brenda has with Matheus.
And I saw that I could have a connection
and accomplish part of that goal
that Lana proposed to me with Rita.
- Rita?
- [Rita] You called?
- You have five minutes to get ready.
- Five minutes? Wow, that's quick!
[Bruno] Mmm-hmm.
- [Brenda] I wonder if he chose me, girl.
- Oh, hopefully.
If Bruno takes Brenda for a date,
then it'll be like a huge controversy.
I'm curious. Is he getting ready now?
Will the date later or now?
- Go and ask him.
- I'm going to ask him.
- Do you know what it'll be?
- [Bruno] No.
- [Marina] Anyone here?
- [Bruno] Rita is in the closet.
[Marina] Brenda wants to know
if you choose Rita or her.
[Bruno] Why?
But if you wanted to choose Brenda,
why didn't you choose her?
No, we're just curious.
[Bruno] Because I wanted to choose you.
Brenda said, "Mari, ask him for me.
I'm curious."
I got a little pissed off
at Marina, you know?
Did you choose Rita? Okay.
[Rita] I got a little sad
because I didn't want him to choose me
just because I was the only one left.
[Bruno] Don't listen to her.
[Rita crying] It bothers me
that she'd say that.
- [Bruno] Stop it.
- [Rita] It's not you.
[Bruno] I know it's not me.
I've already realized
who fans the flames here.
I always wanted to connect with Rita.
[Bruna] Are you thinking about Rita
or about the wire transfer
to your account?
They're going on a date.
We'll see what happens.
[Brenda] But he wanted to choose me.
- [Marina] Of course.
- I'm sure, girl.
- Of course. Yesterday he said so.
- [Marina] Now she's gonna be pissed.
If you and Matheus had fought last night
and had woken up weird today,
he would have chosen you.
Yeah, he asked me.
If I wasn't with Matheus,
I would definitely hook up with Bruno.
[Bruna] If you hadn't opened your mouth,
no one would've noticed.
- But, girl, this is out of the question.
- Yeah.
[Brenda] Yes, I'm in love with this boy.
I really was joking,
making fun of the situation.
It would be very funny.
I would give everything to
Igor's here.
[Igor] I'm in the house, babes!
Hi. Did it happen?
- [Igor] Hey, bro!
- [Leandro] Wait for the bomb.
- [Marina] Did you kiss?
- [Igor] I didn't spend any money!
But you never know. Felt a bit crazy.
Can it happen?
It can happen, I'm not perfect.
I think you missed the opportunity
to cause a stir here inside the house.
- [Bruno] Damn it.
- Brenda said that
she would go on the date with you.
If I had invited Brenda,
I would've caused a mess in the house.
Everyone would be wondering
what would happen.
And Matheus would freak out.
And she was super happy, super excited.
I think I made her uncomfortable,
which was my intention.
But it's good
because it makes us want it more.
Marina, for me, was like a tattletale.
[Marina] He said, "Oh, that's good,
it makes us want it even more."
- [gasps]
- He's totally into you. Poor Rita.
[Bruna] And she doesn't even know
what Bruno's real intentions are.
- Rita is kind of
- She's upset because of that.
She feels that you wanna be with Brenda,
but you didn't choose her
because of Matheus.
But I wanted to invite her,
I was going to anyway.
[Ana Clara] You have to
think about yourself, Bruno.
[Bruno] I'm thinking
about our mission, you know?
Yeah, keep it down.
I think there's no one else here
for me to accomplish my goal.
Why didn't you?
There was no opportunity.
It was too early in the morning, you know?
We were sitting close, facing each other,
but it just wasn't happening.
Igor is a guy that I would hook up with
even if there wasn't money involved.
But this mission brought me to that point.
I got this.
[Bruna] Play it cool. Play it cool.
I'm gonna go wash my feet, Bruno.
- Thanks.
- [Ana Clara] I got sand all over them,
- Hey.
- [Brenda] Hey.
- Look at that.
- [Brenda chuckles]
[Bruna] You're just dying
to get into trouble, aren't you, Bruno?
Yeah. [laughs sheepishly]
Are you nervous?
- [Bruno] Not at all.
- [Rita] I always get nervous.
[Bruno] Relax, you're with me.
It's gonna be cool.
I think the best thing
is trying to get a kiss, at least.
What were your expectations for our date?
Of all the dates I've ever had,
and believe me, I've had a lot,
today was the one
I had the fewest expectations for,
because I was thinking
you didn't care about me, you know?
It was more Then I said, "All right."
In fact, my expectation for the date
is just to see
if we have some sort of connection.
I think it's happening.
I need to make money.
But I'm kind of boring and childish.
You'll have to shape me
and that may be more than
a man like you wants to take on.
But that's why we're here.
- Look, beside getting to know you
- Mmm?
I want to kiss you.
No. Let's connect more first.
[Bruna] Good girl.
I think it's stupid.
But if we go back there now,
saying we went crazy,
they'll be mad at us.
What do I care?
I can't believe she'd hold out.
You think? I don't know.
[Bruna] Keep holding out, Rita.
I believe in you.
Look at me. You don't have to look away.
But I'm embarrassed, you know?
Start a conversation.
So we don't get ourselves into trouble.
Who said it's trouble?
Because we would be breaking the rules.
So what?
I thought it would be easier.
Oh, I'm always the crazy one here.
I was, like, not wanting it too much
There are people crazier than you,
that did all sorts of crazy things.
but as he insisted
[Bruna] No, come on, girl!
He's deceiving you!
He's phonier than my exes.
I can't resist a handsome man insisting.
That's it.
They're going to kill us. Oh, my God.
I don't even care.
I lost money, but that's normal for me.
You know, life goes on.
[Bruna] That's it. Just move on, girl.
But seriously, your kiss
made me want some more.
The kiss was fucking good.
Come on, I'm feeling guilty.
The kiss wasn't as great as I expected.
Just give me one for the road.
No, we've already lost a lot of money.
We have to think about the collective.
[Bruna] The collective is just lucky
that the kiss wasn't that great.
- Gimme a kiss.
- No!
- Boring.
- No. Let's go.
I got pissed off
because it was just a little kiss.
It's practically free.
[Bruna] No, it actually cost R4,000.
[Bruno] Later on, I'll meet you by chance
in the locker room, okay?
Prepare my prize because
I'm going to work hard on that goal.
[all] Yeah!
- Did you kiss or not?
- We kissed.
Fuck, they dropped the ball.
R$10,000 gone,
but everyone who went on a date
ended up kissing.
Ooh, defensive.
The atmosphere was kinda weird
because of her attitude.
He has the right, guys, he just got here.
Yeah, Rita, he just got here,
but it's not about that.
You been here
since the beginning, you know?
Davi, you've been here 14 days
and screwed up more than anyone.
So you have to kiss to be here?
But, bro, she's been here
since the beginning.
She should know better.
Other people have been here
for a long time
and have done I don't know how many things
five times, and that's okay?
People here seem to have amnesia.
[Brenda] Hey, Igor, why didn't you
kiss Ana on the date?
I felt that we could have
something down the line.
- But that tonight would be too soon.
- That's all I wanted to know.
Oh, so Marina and Thuany
I mean, Leandro and Thuany were faking it?
- But I'm defending you.
- Wait a minute.
But if tonight we talk
and I feel like kissing
- You'll kiss. Yeah.
- I think I have the right.
But I'm not saying that I'm going to kiss.
What I owe all of you
is transparency and responsibility
to let everyone know what I'm going to do.
They wanted to
compare my situation with hers,
but it's a different kettle of fish.
Since I got here, I've been very chill,
very okay
with everything that's happening.
- Not my problem.
- You just got here.
I just got here.
I have different expectations.
Yeah, but Leandro and Thuany
did the exact same thing, guys.
Haven't you understood the purpose yet?
Man, she understands the purpose.
We can't use Leandro as an example.
He went to the suite
and didn't do anything.
I'm talking about their first date
there, on the beach.
- After he did it on the first one.
- [Rita] Right.
- Rita's been here since the beginning.
- So what?
Leandro and Thuany
have both been here the whole time!
- Hey, Rita, keep it down.
- No, I'm not keeping it down
because everyone is judging me
and you didn't judge the other this way.
- You guys are too focused on me!
- Yeah.
- No, Rita, we're not.
- You're too focused on me.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
You didn't change a thing so far,
you're doing things
that we were doing at the beginning.
No. Hey, I wanted to kiss him,
and I was connected with him.
And who said that I can't be in love
four days from now?
If he hadn't said that he chose her
because I wasn't available, okay.
But no, that's not what happened.
That's why I'm pissed.
But I think there are people here
who wanted to be on that date in my place,
and that's why they're pissed.
I think that's all this is.
- That's all this is.
- Isn't that right, girl?
Now you're telling it straight.
[Rita] It was everyone's question,
was he going to choose
Brenda, Rita or Marina?
He realized that he was interested in me,
and that's why he chose me for the date.
He wanted to invite me, not her.
And she knows that.
And she's feeling like the second choice.
What kind of connection is that?
Because losing money as a second choice,
at this stage,
that's not an emotional connection for me.
Brenda's a bitch.
She and Matheus don't care
about anything here.
The greatest proof
of them not being connected
is that a guy came in
and immediately shook up their love.
What kind of love is that?
You gotta be very patient to put up
with so many hypocritical people.
Brenda's talking so much,
and they've made so many mistakes.
She's got no right.
She's just being a bitch.
Davi's talking
just because he always talks too much.
Where is he coming from?
Two days ago,
he was a totally different person.
You're right.
People do something,
and two days later, they've evolved.
Ugh, honestly.
If she pisses me off, I'll tell her.
"Girl, be quiet,
you were his second choice."
[Leandro] Holy shit!
And she was immediately defensive.
"Oh, I kissed. Why are you guys angry?"
And started screaming.
She looked like a little dog barking.
It was actually
a normal day in this house.
[Bruna] Will everything
continue to be "normal"
after the gang discovers
the dirty little secret
behind Ana and Bruno's arrival?
[Matheus] Man,
I'm getting a little distressed
knowing that this is ending.
It'll be difficult for me
to stay away from you. For real.
What I experienced with Brenda here,
I have never experienced in my life.
We lived a married life here.
Especially because of
how I opened up as a person.
For me, for the others, for you.
It's hitting me, you know?
I'm getting emotional.
- Oh, honey, stop that.
- No, I'm serious, dude.
[Brenda] Stop that. Stop it.
Dude, that thrills me.
Damn. That's why I'm hurting.
It's not Bruno or anyone.
It's not that shit.
I've never been as attached
to a person as I am to you.
She's the woman I love, man.
She's the person
I got to know in a way that
You just won't
find a story like ours anywhere.
I really want us to work.
- [Brenda] Me too.
- Because what we experienced here,
- how it happened
- [Brenda] Unexplainable.
What Matheus and I have been building here
since the first day is so beautiful,
it's so special,
and we'll definitely continue
outside these walls.
[Lana chimes]
[Brenda screams]
I didn't expect it.
I really just didn't see it coming.
Thank you, Lana!
[Matheus] The lust you get
when you kiss with the green watch,
there's nothing that compares.
Igor is very clingy.
To be honest, I'm not like that at all,
but since I have this mission,
I have to be.
So I'll be even more clingy.
Stop teasing. Can you just kiss me?
[Igor] Not yet.
We're close, he's kissing me on the cheek,
and I'm letting him
get very close to my mouth.
If we lose 10,000, fuck it.
I'm here holding up, dude.
Because when you get close, I go crazy.
You know?
But I like the foreplay
'cause I know it'll be awesome.
I'm not that patient.
I might lose interest.
- [Igor] You think that'll happen?
- [Ana Clara] It's possible.
Lana. Turn on the watch, help us.
[Bruna] I wouldn't count on that
if I were you.
You're thinking more about
what everyone else wants
than yourself, what you want.
It's just that
I was so annoying to everyone, you know?
I wanted to be more honest.
We can't have everything, right?
We can have everything.
You just need to want it.
And deal with the consequences.
Take things from there.
"Did I lose or did I gain?"
- Let me think just a little bit more.
- Of course!
It's flowing, it'll happen.
I'm going to give you the best kiss
you've ever had in your life.
[Bruna] If you're anything like Bruno,
you're screwed, my friend.
[Igor] I promise you,
the best kiss you've ever had.
Now, I'm really
It looks like a genuine connection,
but I'm still not sure.
If I were sure,
maybe I would've already kissed her.
But I prefer to do it right.
Baby, you are testing me.
- [Ana Clara] Mmm-hmm.
- [Igor laughs]
[Ana Clara] You're playing with me, Igor.
[Igor] I'm not. trust me.
[Bruna] She does trust
that she's gonna
get a lot of money out of you.
And Caio trusts that his connection
with Thuany can be saved.
- Are you better now?
- [Thuany] Much better.
We needed to process everything,
wrap up some issues, that's it.
We had a fight, you know?
We were there trying to make up.
- Do you like my foot on your foot?
- [Thuany] I don't know.
Because every time I sleep with someone,
I sleep like this.
[Thuany] I sleep intertwined.
We kept crossing our feet and legs
together like this.
This is really cute.
I love these corny moments
when it's just us.
[Thuany] We only have them
when we lay down.
[Caio] Yeah.
Yeah, I felt much better.
[Caio] We're very much alike.
You haven't realized yet,
but we're made for each other.
We laughed a lot and now I'm happier.
- Good night, young man.
- Good night.
Let's see what happens
in the next few days.
I know it's the last few hours
of my mission here at the house,
and I'll try until the last minute
to accomplish my goal.
I wanted to get Rita
to give me at least a little kiss,
something like that.
- Is that really worth it?
- Oh, fuck it.
She's already messed up a lot here,
so she sort of has a guilty conscience
since it's the home stretch.
Yeah, but I'd like to push it.
I still have a few hours
to try to get another kiss from Rita.
Beside just the mission,
I really like Igor.
I wouldn't hit on someone
who's already with someone else, you know?
- Right.
- I didn't even try it.
I didn't even take a peek at anyone.
Now, I'm gonna roll up my sleeves
and make it happen,
one way or the other.
Yesterday, the day started perfect,
you and me.
And it ended the way it started,
a very good chat.
You're really nice to chat with.
But I told you that I'm very impatient.
Everybody's different.
I understand your view
and I hope you understand mine,
that it doesn't make sense
for us to be together that way.
I think that pulling away from him
just a little bit
to make him come to me,
to want to be with me more,
is a good move.
[Igor] Don't wanna be with me anymore?
Maybe, but not that much, you know?
You see?
You were like this all day yesterday.
I don't have the patience of Job.
Since I have this mission here,
I have to accomplish it
one way or the other.
We have to act differently
if we want things to be different.
Get me?
I'm there pushing him little by little
so he'll do something.
I'm trying to stick it out.
I'm starting to think I'm wrong, you know?
For not making out with her.
- No, no.
- No, no.
Your mission here is
to make her understand the purpose.
- You talk more and more and then
- Exactly.
green light, green moment.
And then, look, boom. Kiss.
That's it.
I'll give her some time,
- make her feel comfortable.
- Yeah.
He thinks that everyone has already seen
that he's a person
who is strictly following the rules.
- And he's thinking
- I got it. He's setting an example.
Exactly. He doesn't care about the money,
he cares about the group.
I think that was a good strategy
because he called the boys over
to tell them
what happened in our conversation.
I trust you.
If you do it, I know you're feeling it.
Yeah. I feel the same way.
And I think
you shouldn't think about the house,
you should think about yourself.
I may be letting a special person go
because of a rule system.
This is really bad. I'm a mess.
Lana, have mercy, please.
[Bruna] How much suffering
can one man take?
He's positive that
his watch will turn green.
Little does he know
that the watch won't beep.
[Bruno] That's right, no green light.
We had a genuine connection.
I think it'll work.
Wow, leaving today is gonna be heavy.
Kind of frustrating, right?
[Bruna] Come on, Bruno. Hold your head up.
Let's split up
before Igor catches us talking.
[Bruno] I wanted to get
another kiss from Rita.
It was my last few hours here,
but she closed herself off.
Sometimes I find you
to be a bit indifferent, you know?
I want to know
what I should expect from us.
I think it's getting
more and more difficult
for us to accomplish the mission.
I wouldn't kiss you again.
It's not worth losing money
when there's no connection.
I think we only kissed
because there was a connection on the day.
Yeah, sure.
But from their perspective, it was like
[Bruno] Everyone's got
their own point of view.
Of course.
But I don't blame myself for what I did.
We wanted to do that,
and I follow my instincts.
I would rather regret it than think,
"What if I had not done it?"
- [Bruna] Whoa!
- I don't regret it,
- but I always do what I want.
- [Bruno] Mmm-hmm.
Just one more kiss
to get me another piece of the prize.
Baby, it would barely cost anything,
only R10,000.
Okay then, Rita.
So I prefer to go with the flow
and be alone.
[Bruna] Does this sound familiar
to anyone else?
And there goes Ana.
I wonder if her mission is impossible.
[Igor] Come here. A cuddle.
Let me explain things.
- [Ana Clara] I understand.
- [Igor] Do you?
You don't want to understand me.
My feelings are telling me to kiss Ana.
But the process was saying no.
- We're even better together.
- [Ana Clara] We're not together.
[Igor] We're closer than Bruno and Rita.
- Who kissed each other.
- Yeah, you're right.
[Igor] Do you understand it now?
He keeps saying,
"Oh, we still have a few days to talk."
[Igor] I promise, this will be
the most magical kiss of your life.
Any way you want it to be.
It can be my way, your way.
- [Ana Clara] It's gonna be my way.
- [Igor] Whichever way you want.
This is like a soap opera already.
It can't continue that way anymore.
I didn't know what else I could do
because I think I'm falling for Igor.
[Bruna] Why is that?
I came here to accomplish my mission,
but everything suddenly changed.
I need to know
if my feelings for Igor are real.
Leaving now is gonna be really hard.
I'm all jittery but now I have to face it.
Bruno and Ana's first time
sitting here with Lana.
[all cheering]
Your debut.
Super nervous, my hands were sweating.
First time in the hot seat.
You barely arrived
and she's already coming for you.
And even knowing
what she was going to say,
I was really nervous.
[Lana chimes] Hello, people.
- [all] Hi, Lana!
- Hey, Lana!
- Lana, honey baby.
- [Lana] How are you doing?
- Very well.
- I already miss this place.
- It's crazy. I'm already scared.
- Imagine me.
You should be.
And everyone was looking at each other
without knowing what was going to happen.
It's tough.
[Lana] It's nice to see the house so full.
How is the mood between you all?
- It's all right.
- Fine.
Everything's fine. Great.
- It's quite calm, you know?
- It's too calm actually.
It'd be nice to keep it that way.
[Bruna] Is everything good? It would be.
[Lana] I don't like to be
the bearer of bad news,
but bad news is a part of life.
Lo and behold, Lana is coming!
[Lana] You can only create
genuine connections with one another
when there is mutual trust.
However, in this retreat,
not all of the participants
are being honest.
- [Ana Clara] Ouch.
- Ouch. That hurts.
[Lana] You are all being deceived.
If anyone has anything to say, say it now.
[Lana] Please reveal
who you really are now.
Ana and I are impostors.
This is really complicated
because I'm honest all the time.
[Thuany] I know this party will be great.
[Lana chimes]
[Ronaldo] Wow, the watch turned green!
My first green moment ♪
I'll take this opportunity, Brenda
[all exclaim]
[Lana] There still remains
one final important mission
that you all must accomplish
while you are here:
Decide the future of the prize.
[upbeat music playing]
[reggaeton music playing]
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