Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Sexy Shower Time

Hello to a new day!
Good morning, Lana.
The new participants have fueled the mood.
But don't worry,
I have a fire extinguishing function.
The night wasn't that great.
I'm thinking a lot
about the situation with Stella.
If she can really change
because yesterday,
she proved the exact opposite.
Oh dear, ice age between Stella and Tobi.
I had feared that!
I enjoyed getting to know someone new
and flirting a bit.
He tried to kiss me.
That's not news I'm happy about.
I would never have done anything
to hurt you.
I'd like to test Tobi
and see if he gets jealous
when I do something.
For example, a little bit
of naked showering with hot boys.
The three of them are taking a shower!
Tobi was super mad just now.
If he was here right now…
But nice body, Paddy!
Stella is just showering naked
with both new guys.
I really doubt that she can change
her views towards relationships.
I officially greet
the three new members of my retreat.
-Hello, Samira.
-Hi, Lana.
-Hello, Marco.
-Hi, Lana.
-Hello, Paddy.
-Hi, Lana.
Are you happy
with your sleeping arrangement?
Did I miss something?
Did Lana make her first real joke?
And how the hell did Anna end up
on Paddy's mattress?
Mouth to mouth breathing
I think is my turf.
-But really--
-I see.
But I'm here to have fun.
I think we will have a good time together.
-If you want.
-Oh, the eye contact.
I'm hot.
-Akka will tell you which bed.
-You can sleep next to Anna.
You can sleep here.
I expected to sleep alone tonight
but then Paddy lay down with me.
Well, if Paddy just lies down,
what can you do?
Anna, I measure an increase of serotonin
since the new guests arrived.
Is that so, Anna?
-Yes, it's like that.
-Thanks, feedback saved.
Great, Lana.
I'm a little jealous of Anna.
I wouldn't have minded
sleeping next to Paddy.
I'm a little disappointed with Anna
because Onyi really liked Paddy.
Paddy is totally my type.
I haven't given up my hopes yet,
because you never know
what'll happen tomorrow.
Samira and Marco, how pleased are you?
-Yeah, so-so.
Wow! Sparks are really flying here.
Marco would be a guy for me…
but I think we're more like friends.
Maybe because you already have
someone else on your flirt radar?
She's nice, we talked,
then she got more forward.
She would have definitely kissed me.
That's what she said.
-That she wanted to kiss you? Really?
Of course, I like that she is worried
and a bit jealous.
I'll make it up to you.
Guys, can't you simply talk to each other?
Why do you always need
to fumble away your problems?
Hey! Stop! Hello!
That's what you call
a declaration of war, Samira.
For the newbies and the old guests,
there's one rule: hands off!
I wish you a restrained day of abstinence.
What's happening there?
What happened to this friend zone, anyway?
Akka and me, I don't know myself
what this is. We don't have a word for it.
We actually friend zoned each other
but now something is going on again.
I don't know.
I'm getting jealous when I see you guys.
I swear, you guys are in love
or something. Stop it.
How are you?
For me,
the situation is quite critical right now.
Well, are there still shower pictures
in your head?
The newcomers really hit hard.
Marco would like to be Stella's new Tobi.
Samira twerks from zero to Kevin,
which Emely doesn't acknowledge
with thumbs up.
And Paddy flirts in Anna's bed,
what Onyi doesn't find funny at all.
There is so much going on here. I love it!
I haven't felt something like this
in a long time.
It just hurt to see it yesterday.
That's just disrespectful towards you,
although she knew how you felt about it.
-Your feelings are just real.
-Yes, because you opened up to her.
Every time when you think of it,
just stand in front of a mirror
and look at yourself for two minutes.
Stella is not allowed
to even think about other opportunities.
Exactly! Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Tobi is the most handsome of them all.
It can be so easy.
What are you thinking
about the Tobi situation?
You talked a bit to him.
-Do you really want something from him?
Taking a shower with two new guys,
I don't think that's cool towards him.
But with two of the old guys
it would have been okay or what?
And I'm straightforward for that matter.
I understand that he didn't like it.
I think Tobi is already worried
that I will fall back into my old vices.
It also hurts me to see that Tobi
is really cold to me at the moment.
I can understand that completely
from his side.
Sure, it's difficult for me
because I'm a super open person
and then now all of a sudden
have only one guy.
It's one thing to be open,
but being naked with the new guys…
That's my honest opinion.
And I'm with Tobi here.
I do believe that Stella
has feelings for Tobi,
but if you really have feelings
for someone,
you don't let anyone distract you.
As hard as it is now,
you need to distance yourself
from her now. That's a fact.
If you would ask me,
after the things that happened yesterday
and today,
I'd say Stella didn't grow at all here.
No, not at all. It's just crazy.
I notice how I'm starting
to close off again.
When she comes to me, I don't like
being close to her at the moment.
But I'm just telling you, bro,
stay true to yourself.
-And keep in mind what's going on.
-You don't want to hear it.
You don't want to hear that
and I know you.
Don't let her play with you.
It will only get worse.
Eventually it might come
to "Yeah, I banged him."
It will be interesting to see
how things are developing now.
It has to be important for you,
do you want to lose him
or get to know him better?
-You know?
I hope that this thing
will not set us back days or weeks now,
but that we can quickly continue
on our way
and work on ourselves.
There is a type of people
that I can't stand at all.
Do you mean someone specific?
I noticed that actually all the girls
are quite nice and sweet.
Except for Emely.
Emely is more on attack mode with you,
I'd say.
Because she thinks
you want to destroy her thing with Kevin.
-Oh, my God.
-But what do you think of him, personally?
I think he's cool and nice
and good looking.
I think in the next few days
we'll get along nicely.
-Talking doesn't hurt.
-Yeah, I will.
I think there will be lots of drama
with Emely.
Okay, because… yes.
If I'm afraid of anything,
it's of getting involved again too quickly
with this thing with Paddy,
but maybe it's already too late.
What's up?
Enjoying the peace?
Yes, I like to watch the waves
and then you forget…
You can concentrate better then.
It's so much.
Firstly to understand your own feelings
and sort them out again, and…
Are you open to something new?
-Yes, sure.
The nice thing with Paddy
is that he's honest from the start.
-Yeah, definitely.
I feel complete the way I am, you know.
I don't feel I need someone.
But when it matches--
When it works out, it works out.
Just like that.
I'm totally in a chaos of feelings.
I don't know about the thing
with Paddy yet.
If you like Paddy,
then you can open up to him
because he is really a good guy,
you really don't have to worry.
And as I see right now,
Paddy is in the gym.
-Ah, yes.
-Maybe you can keep him company, huh?
I'm curious to see how it goes with Paddy.
I'm excited to see more.
I have the feeling that Anna has been hurt
or doesn't know exactly
where she's standing.
But I think with my charm and my style
I'll make her feel better in no time.
I'm excited for your opinion on Paddy.
To be honest,
visually he's not my usual type.
I don't know if Anna
has real interest in Paddy,
or if it's just a flirt.
Then we talked and he said all the things
that were an issue with Fabio.
That he's into natural women,
and that he likes something spontaneous
and adventurous
and women without make-up and chill.
I want to get to know Paddy more
and I feel comfortable with him.
How do you feel now,
being here and getting to know everyone?
I honestly have to say, I am very glad…
-…to have met you.
I just hope to have more a relaxed time
and fun and openness again.
Am I interpreting it correctly,
that you're not necessarily looking
for a committed relationship?
I want it to be relaxed.
My goal is to have fun.
And I think we will have
a great time together.
I'm hot.
I am still so shy.
-I noticed that.
I think I'll take
a bit of your shyness away.
Oh, no.
We haven't had a rule violation in ages
and now this?
Thanks for nothing.
For me, this kiss means
a kind of new beginning.
I am just curious
to get to know him even more.
Pretending that nothing happened
in front of the others now…
-Yeah. Above all, what is our plan?
We need a good elaborate plan.
-The green light was there.
-Very elaborate!
We will keep it to ourselves
until there is no other way.
How many times did that work out?
Oh, yes… never.
Anna seems to have driven
her guilty conscience
into the arms of the girls.
But whether yoga also helps
with something like that…
I think it's kind of too much
with the new guests.
I think so too.
I have something
I wanted to talk to you about again.
Paddy, with whom we had our speed dating.
-And he's totally my type.
And I was a bit surprised,
because you still had
the thing with Fabio.
And also, were really sad about it.
I feel a little bit caught
in the crossfire,
especially because
they only know half the story.
I'm a little bit scared
of how they will react
when they find out we kissed.
I just wasn't sure,
is she interested in him
or does she just want Paddy's company?
And then I thought, too bad for me,
because I would like
to get to know him seriously.
-Yes, I understand that.
-No strings attached.
And of course, if you sleep in one bed,
then the chance for me decreases.
I think because she waited for a date
for such a long time,
she looked forward to you saying,
"Hey, I don't know what's there
but try also."
Exactly, Anna.
Certainly, that also works with Paddy.
I noticed that Onyi and Laura
are a bit annoyed with me,
because they don't quite understand
why I'm somehow a bit more involved
with Paddy now.
And I hope I can explain it to them.
Explain… Without using the word kiss?
Good luck!
It was like this.
We had this date and I was just like,
"Wow, he's into similar values as me"
and that simply flashed me.
Honestly, you can if you like.
So, I like him already,
but in a way
that if it fits better with you,
then it's also okay.
I just wanted to talk to you about it
so I don't go sneaky like that
and then it seems
that I'm going behind your back,
because you're my friend too.
And to me, that is more important
than any guy.
You are still the most important
to me here.
But I also think we have to stay open
because it's also a dating experience.
Yes, of course.
The topic with Paddy
is not yet finished for me,
because I haven't yet had
a serious conversation with him.
I hope the situation will arise soon.
Anna would pass on Paddy for Onyi?
But would Paddy also pass on Anna
for Onyi?
I like Kevin the most.
And I will show myself from my best side.
Sounds like Kevin
needs personal protection.
Ah, there comes the flirt security now.
You're a leopard?
It's honeymoon between Kevin and me.
Is that sweat?
I'm covered in sweat.
Jump in the water for a moment.
Samira-defense-mission accomplished.
At least for now.
Maybe she plans a counterattack.
Guys, let's get real here.
My balls are bursting.
How can you stand it?
My morning wood is growing and growing…
But yes, soon I'm going to explode.
For me it's more relaxed
because I don't have anyone, but you guys…
That makes it hard for me, I only see
couples everywhere. I see you, and you.
But it's okay. I have met you.
But my balls are still getting bigger.
Well, I got it! Thanks!
I don't know yet how and in what form,
and whether with woman or without woman,
but the man must cum.
When Sophie presses her ass against your…
-You're sure to explode.
-Yes, well--
-But tell me, what's going on between you?
The problem is that in the beginning
we understood each other,
but something was missing.
Then we said we'd remain friends.
I'd like to know now
what path we are taking.
-For me it's friend zone at the moment.
And then we met here for a second time.
I never expected this,
it came out of nowhere.
And now they're glued to each other.
I can't say specifically what it is yet.
So, you're wishing for a green light?
Green light wouldn't be bad,
because then I know
that we are at the next step.
That we are not stuck in phase one or two,
but that we are above that.
I think there might be more.
Samira and I have to talk
a little bit again from woman to woman.
I thought…
Okay, about what?
-Yeah, you were on a date with my boy.
He told me that he had to tell you
eight times that he's with me
and you immediately went to attack,
and also, didn't let go.
I've already met someone.
So, you wouldn't kiss me?
Not in this situation, no.
I think you are missing out on something.
I hope your opinion will change.
This makes me think, okay,
girl code is not really your thing.
No, not really.
-I mean, I don't know you.
-Yeah. Same.
But I don't know,
that was the info I got
and that's why I figured.
Yes, but there is a part missing.
Yes, that's why I'm here.
So, from my side, how the date went,
he did say you are in the picture…
And that he'll build something with you,
but he also said
that you are not together.
-And that you are not engaged yet.
That if I had come in earlier,
he'd have started something with me.
Simply cold-blooded.
And if you weren't here, then same thing.
In another situation,
I would be more offensive.
You are my type and tempting.
Yes, but I am here.
So, that's why
that is actually already settled.
She can try, bro, but no chance.
Then he'll tell you another eight times
that it won't happen between you, but--
-I don't give a shit.
You make yourself popular with the girls,
in any case.
So, with the girls,
I get along quite well.
But not with Emely.
I wish you good luck with that.
I hope for you
to be at peace with yourself too.
-Why shouldn't I be at peace with myself?
Then… See you then.
-Yes, bye.
And she really seems to be on fire!
What's up?
I'm confused right now,
I don't know what's going on.
On one side I hear this,
on the other side that.
I wanted to ask you…
I had a conversation with Samira.
And she just said that you said
if Emely wasn't there,
you would want to kiss her,
and if Emely wasn't in there,
you would be interested in her too.
It's not easy to get involved
in a conversation like that.
In the past I've avoided it,
because I wasn't a relationship guy.
That kind of thing fucks me up.
But with Emely, I have to clear things up.
You said you told her
you have someone here
and that's why
there will be nothing anyway.
I just tried to remain friendly
on the date.
But I didn't give her any hopes
for kisses or anything.
And I stand behind what I've said.
We are being confronted
with reality as hard as nails.
This is also the way it is on the outside.
She heard your name five times.
I told her we are close.
I don't know, so would you be interested
in her if I wasn't around?
What kind of a statement is that?
The situation is quite different.
If she comes to me and says so,
then I have to ask you if it's true.
Yeah, I think we feel pretty deeply
and then we feel pretty deeply pissed too.
This fucks me up so much,
I really hate this kind of thing.
To have these arguments just for nothing.
To me, that's not an argument,
to me, that's just…
I just want to know what's true
and what's not.
Honestly, I'm really scared
that such a stupid situation
endangers everything.
Congratulations! That's an important step
in the direction of a real relationship.
Oh, Stella, what's wrong?
Now I regret flirting so much
with the new guy.
That wasn't necessary.
I'm sure Tobi agrees.
Seeing Stella and Marco together
really hurts.
Stella needs to show that she's serious.
I won't let that happen again.
And here is the reason
for the bad mood. Marco.
On a hotness scale from one to ten,
I'd give Stella… 100.
That was definitely a creative way
you got here.
Stella is totally my type,
that's why I took the chance.
I don't care about Tobi.
Did you notice whether you harmonize
with the other girls too?
If I'm being honest,
yesterday on the date I told you
you're the most beautiful woman here
in the villa
and my opinion has remained the same.
-I am honored.
No, it's really true.
It's always nice to see other men
showing interest.
You didn't want to hurt Tobi anymore!
If glances could kill.
To see Tobi hurt and a bit angry at me,
that's not really a nice feeling.
Our date yesterday was a bit--
-Backwards? Yeah.
-Backwards, but…
That's also normal.
It cannot always go forward.
And when we came back yesterday,
I saw him and thought to myself…
It's just beautiful with him.
But let me tell you this…
You're not married.
True, we all would've noticed
a wedding in paradise.
-Never say never.
I can already tell that I don't want
any distractions like that.
Okay. I'm more of a distraction?
That was mean.
I really don't want to give you
false expectations, though.
I just want to be honest with you and…
-I totally understand.
I would say, let's go into the water,
because it's pretty warm in the sun.
-You do it. I'll chill a bit on the edge.
Stella is chilling, Marco's grilled.
That's how it goes.
Stella is still a really beautiful woman.
I think it's going to be pretty difficult
for me.
Flirt cruise ship Marco has been sunk!
Who'd be your type of guy?
From the type of man here, simply Kevin.
I'm going to stay out of it for now,
but feel free to tell her
that it's not possible.
That's impossible.
I see definitely
that there is potential there with Kevin.
Sorry, Emely, and… yes.
Girl, which boy do you find interesting
besides Kevin?
I find Oli quite interesting,
and I'd like get to know him better.
I think that might be something
for you too.
Oli is so cool. I think
when you get to know him a little bit,
I swear, you just love him.
He's so funny and savage.
I think he's the bomb.
You sly thing!
Trying to make Samira like Oli
so you can have Kevin for yourself.
And what do you say to the rules?
Fuck it.
Statement right there!
Up for breaking the rules
and up for Kevin?
Emely and Samira
have more in common than they think.
And the boys? They're letting off steam.
Kevin is sweating off
his relationship stress.
Paddy pumps himself fit
for the impending thunderstorm.
Oli is exercising
the blood out of his testicles.
And Tobi is pushing himself
into attack mode.
I can't wait to see
how the Tobi-Marco-Stella
shower saga continues.
Marco, you have a strong rival.
So watch out.
Hey man, I think we should talk.
You must have noticed
that I was pretty annoyed yesterday,
when you came back from your date.
I'd just like to know how your date went,
because that's important for my decision.
Yeah. So, there have been some signals
from her towards me.
And I do think there might have been
something on her side as well.
Yeah, what should I say?
I know that she's a flirty type.
-That's the thing.
Yeah, and how was your conversation
by the pool?
Was she flirty then or did she back off?
Did you notice anything?
Of course, somehow you are afraid
that if Marco attacks,
that his attack will be successful.
She told me
that she is a very open person.
But now that she has met you,
she sees the possibility
of a committed relationship with you.
I'm glad to hear that she says
she can imagine something with me.
-Ah, look.
Now Tobi doesn't seem
that tormented anymore.
I will of course continue
to try to go on the offensive,
but only up to a certain point,
because I'm not chasing
after someone forever.
If it's not meant to be, then I accept it.
I wish you both all the luck in the world.
Marco, the man of honor.
I definitely still see hope,
but if this is going to work out
between me and Stella,
then she's going to have to focus on me.
-I'm glad we talked about it.
-Yes, for sure. It was necessary.
-See you.
-See you.
The conversation with Tobi showed me
that he is a very good guy.
I think it's cool that he approached me,
therefore I have respect for him.
A clarifying talk between men
is always great.
Maybe Stella and I make it
more difficult for us than it should be.
I definitely need to make
an impression on her.
And I need to do it now.
And with Stella?
Tobi doesn't need to worry
because I only have him on my mind.
Great that this is finally cleared up.
But where are the two of them?
And more important, what are they doing?
Of course! The old order is restored.
Tobi has taken his rightful place
under the shower.
I am looking forward to the chance
to explain to him again
that I have really changed.
I don't see Marco as a rival anymore.
I hope Stella is on a good path
with personal development.
Then I can let myself fall totally.
If I was a woman today,
for example, Samira…
I don't know what I would do with you.
Is Marco trying to be a wingman here?
-I would also do some things to myself.
-Samira, what do you say?
I would be interested in you.
Samira, what can I say?
You're making me feel embarrassed?
But Oli is not easy to have, Samira.
Oli knows his worth.
Two or three compliments aren't enough.
-You have to work harder than that.
A little tip
if you want to praise something.
Oli really does have big balls.
That's what he said.
Yes, I think it's nice
if we could talk alone,
you know, a deep talk.
Is Oli going to be sweet-talked by that?
You haven't even said
if you're interested in me at all.
You've only said that I… Yes…
Yes, Samira, what can I tell you,
I am a very straightforward man.
I must say that it won't work out with us.
I'm more a closed-off type of guy.
It has nothing to do with you,
you are a very pretty woman, but…
I got to know all of the women
and nobody really caught my attention.
Yes, Oli is even too hot for our hotties.
Well, self-love is also a form of love.
Although a lonely one.
After I've thoroughly observed
the newbies today,
my analysis shows
that Samira, Marco, and Paddy
had a strong impact on the group.
We need to talk about that. In the palapa.
That doesn't sound good at all, guys.
I am afraid of Lana,
but I am more afraid of the others.
I think they will hold it against me.
Please, no rule violations.
Does anyone have anything to confess?
She didn't even start yet.
-Hello, Lana.
What's up?
According to my data,
your satisfaction level is above average.
That means you enjoy my retreat,
and my new guests feel welcomed.
-Thank you.
-Very nice.
-I told you.
Has anyone done anything?
You had a very attractive woman
next to you last night.
That's right.
We actually were good during the night.
Yes. Actually…
You're sitting there next to someone
with whom you also had a date.
Nothing happened.
Some of you push my limits to the maximum
and are constantly trying
to find loopholes.
I'm talking to you, Stella.
With your shower threesome,
you bent my rules to the limit.
This won't have any consequences for now,
but this is your last warning.
Lana, I'm sorry,
but we need to save water!
Talking about loopholes…
-Yes, we are already pushing it.
Kevin, you are sleeping next to me.
I've seen you.
You have not tried anything new
in the last 24 hours?
I hope everything was clean with us.
I registered intensified activities
in the bedroom.
-I knew it. I swear.
-I knew it. I've even heard it.
I didn't touch any boobs.
I mean, you could see it too.
Kevin, you just said
you didn't touch boobs.
-Have you done anything else?
-I've touched her everywhere.
Yep. Only an avocado in the supermarket
would get touched and squeezed more.
The fight for Kevin has been decided.
Sorry, Samira.
-We're sorry.
It's no problem.
So, if this keeps up,
we'll go out without a dime.
It's like talking to a wall
with the two of them.
Your prize fund before the rule violation
was at €42,000.
Kevin and Emely's rule violation
costs the group…
-Holy moly.
That's really sad.
-Ten grand?
-Dude, 10K!
Not okay.
That's so much.
Wow! That's a hefty sum for real.
There was another rule violation.
I have a little bit of a feeling
I know what it's about
and I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.
-You really indulged yourselves.
-We can go home now.
Paddy, do you have something to say?
-Oh no, dude.
We definitely had a nice chat.
It was a very beautiful date.
Anna, I can see it.
But did you break the rules or not?
-Okay, relax. Yes, it was us.
I had never expected that.
Now some things become clear to me.
-Guys, we are really disappointed.
It can't be real.
How do you justify the kiss?
That there is definitely
a deep connection between us.
-Oh, my God, dude!
No! Chill, guys.
-Hey, sit down!
-Oh, my God, dude.
I'm not mad at Paddy. Him I understand.
But Anna has to stand her ground.
Anna has made progress here
and I can't understand that.
I understand that you were looking
for solace and got it now.
You wanted to feel better
and you got from him
what Fabio maybe didn't give you.
I understand that.
It was just the feeling,
wow, he's not like Fabio.
And I'll tell you honestly,
the kiss was maybe too early,
I'll be better,
that was really crap, but yeah…
I think the timing
was very interesting in this case.
The most important question,
was the kiss worth it for you, Anna?
After this conversation, definitely not.
I think it's a bit stupid too.
Anna and Paddy,
your rule violation costs the group…
That's bullshit, really.
Therefore, the prize fund now is at only…
I feel no sympathy for them.
Since the start of the retreat,
you spent a whopping €174,000.
It would be nice if this could be
a final wake-up call for everyone.
Yes. We'll see.
Work rather on adjusting the screws
of your relationships
than screwing each other.
-Yes, Lana, we'll do that.
I wish you a good night
and always keep the hands
on top of the blankets.
Bye, Lana.
One moment, sit down again, please.
I also wanted to tell you something.
I have definitely learned a lot here
and I have grown personally.
Friends, what can I say?
I also have pressure.
And I don't want to be tempted
by my urges now either.
That's why I have decided to leave today.
-Don't do that, man!
-No, guys, you're great.
-That's so sad.
I grew a lot, personally.
-You can't just go like that.
I think Oli leaving
greatly impacts the whole group.
Yeah, for me, this is the right decision.
I have remained true to myself.
-To Oli.
-To all of you.
To all of you.
I'll definitely take very good friends
with me.
I'll take with me
that I can be true to myself.
That I can be strong,
even if the man down there
causes problems.
Oliver wasn't able to open up
during the time in my retreat
and couldn't form a deep connection
with one of the participants.
I like you as a person,
but there's nothing more from my side.
Yes, I noticed that too.
You were more closed off.
You've got the worst pressure.
You're tied to your own emotions
and you got to pull yourself together.
I'm more a closed-off type of guy.
Bye-bye, Oliver.
-I kiss your hearts.
Lana, watch over these guys,
but don't be too strict.
Turn a blind eye on them
from time to time.
No chance, Oli.
Oli leaves,
the kiss between Anna and Paddy stays.
With consequences.
I feel bad after the kiss.
And the others are thinking,
"What's up with her?"
and I'm thinking the same too, so…
I don't have a problem
with her kissing somebody
and having found somebody new,
I don't begrudge her.
I'm just disappointed. I'm really down.
I don't quite understand Anna.
She was just hurt
and needed this affirmation.
We backed her up already.
Us girls were there for her.
I think she doesn't know exactly
what she wants.
I just feel emotionally chaotic
and insecure.
I will definitely take my time
and say, okay, slowly at first.
Whether rules will be broken tonight,
is written in the stars.
Yes, we will.
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