Too Hot to Handle: Latino (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Operation Take Them to the Cleaners

[Itatí] We're close to the end
and these singles are deep in it.
Here goes, love triangles.
- Yes, I can!
- I don't know what's happening.
[Itatí] A femme fatale
seducing the helpless.
Trouble in paradise.
- I deserve to be loved!
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
[Itatí] What better time
for Lana to drop a bomb?
[Lana] I have
undercover agents on the retreat.
- What the hell!
- [Itatí] Who's going to take the money?
The way things are headed,
they'll get their winnings
in a coin purse.
[Itatí] Okay, we left off with Zaira
getting the moon, the stars, and
Are they still making out?
Wow, amazing.
I had butterflies in my stomach.
- I came for one thing, the money.
- The money doesn't matter.
I just go with the flow
and don't regret anything.
I think we have a great connection.
The heat is back! But with Clovis.
[Itatí] Just wait.
He's gonna drop the temperature
with a bucket of cold water.
I had other plans here.
- You've changed my mind.
- Yeah?
- Let's see what happens.
- My goal is to make Zaira fall at my feet.
To this date
and to exploring our new connection.
[Itatí] Zaira, he's scamming you
worse than a Nigerian Prince.
Isra's here for the pool.
Jessica's here for the money.
- [Israel] How are you?
- [Itatí] Oh, the hypocrisy!
- Good. You?
- Just chilling.
I saw your mermaid pose
and thought, "Let's chat."
You like my tan?
- What do you think?
- It's gorgeous.
She's super hot.
This is a real test. [chuckles]
What's up with you and Caro?
Seems like she has you on a short leash.
Oh, yeah? I look like a dog?
- Yeah.
- Damn it!
- Are you in love or what?
- I care about her. I care a lot.
- What's next could be even better.
- Exactly.
I want Israel in my bed,
and I'll get him there.
[Itatí] Wait! Look who's here!
- What do you need in this moment?
- A bottle of tequila.
- Oh damn!
- I need that.
And a real man to tear my clothes off.
Ah, shit!
[Itatí] What do you need, Caro?
He looks like a good boy,
but there's a devil inside
that I can take advantage of.
[Itatí] If you unleash Isra's devil,
Caro might unleash hell.
Joel and Lilian
are like tacos and salsa, inseparable.
But it's starting to wear on Lilian.
- It's good.
- Mm-hmm.
Like this, military style.
- [Lilian] Hey.
- What's up?
- I've wanted to tell you this all day.
- What?
We haven't been alone
until I came to work out,
so I didn't want to bring it up.
- What is it?
- Last night.
I'm going over there.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Because I complimented and pampered you
in front of everyone or what?
I felt like you were doing it on purpose.
'Cause why do you always have to do it
in front of other people?
I do it because I want to,
not because of them.
That's how I am. I'm touchy-feely.
I really don't know
if I'm saying this out of fear
or because I actually feel it.
I'm confused.
I want something solid, something real.
And if things get serious,
let's go for it.
I like you a lot,
but it seems like you don't believe me.
You don't want something serious.
I do. That's why I'm scared.
I don't want to put pressure
on something that's going so well.
- I don't know what to do.
- Go with the flow, baby.
That's it. Trust me, like I trust you.
If she wants me to ease back,
and stop showing affection,
I get it. We'll get there.
[Itatí] Lilian wants Joel
to pump the brakes.
Zaira could learn from that.
It would save her some serious cash.
- What's up? Hey!
- [Nico] What up?
- [Dahiana] How'd it go?
- We decided to keep it a secret.
We don't need
anymore tension or gossip in the house.
She told me
she was cuttin' things off with Nick.
It's over and
I think Zaira's really pretty,
but she's unstable,
changes her mind constantly.
If you commit,
you start to open up
to each other really fast.
Let's hope
something good comes out of this,
and Zaira and Clovis stay together.
[Itatí] Zaira was so entranced
by Clovis's performance,
she had to give Caro her full review.
- How did it go?
- I'm really happy.
I needed some room
because I felt trapped,
but I deserve
to meet new people and be happy.
He's super handsome.
I always give her great advice,
and she listens to me.
- You know?
- He seems honest.
Definitely, and he calms me down.
[Itatí] Honest?
Well, I guess Clovis
is a good actor after all.
I said I wanted to get to know him better.
- [Carolina] Did you kiss?
- [Itatí] Do you think she bought it?
Out here, you never kiss and tell.
Lana can spill it tomorrow.
I've been so stupid
the past few days, so close-minded.
All I can say is,
think hard about what you want,
because you didn't look happy with Nick.
But you were smitten
when you came back from that date.
Everyone smiled just looking at you two.
I'm pushing Zaira to focus on Clovis
and forget about Nick's phoniness.
[Itatí] I don't think you'll be thrilled
when you find out
why Clovis is really here.
The truth is right around the corner.
[Lana chimes] Yes, soon everyone
will find out about my two grenades.
[Itatí] I'm too excited to sleep!
Where's my chamomile tea?
Jessica and Clovis found
their geese with the golden eggs.
And at this rate,
they may even get the feathers.
- [man growling]
- [woman laughs]
- [Lilian] Morning!
- [Joel] Morning, horndogs!
Come here, baby. So Nick knows who's boss.
[Itatí] Relax, Casanova!
You're here for the money,
not to send Nick to the shrink.
[Itatí] Lana got everyone together
to report some costly mischief.
Will she tell them who?
Oh my God! What is it this time?
[Jessica] Did anyone misbehave?
- [Carolina] I didn't. Not this time.
- Me neither.
I don't want to say anything.
Let's just flow, flow, flow.
What do you guys think?
Did they have sex or did they have sex?
[chimes] Hello, humans.
[all] Hi!
she calls us humans when she's mad.
Yeah, but we're always humans.
[Itatí] I love how this little
plastic cone is calling the shots.
[Lana] We need to talk.
Your behavior has improved lately,
but not everyone's.
[Itatí] Some of you have broken the rules
and prize money has been deducted.
- No way.
- [woman] I knew it.
- [Israel] Who?
- I'm scared of Lana's bill.
- I swear it wasn't me, for real.
- [laughing]
- It wasn't me, honestly.
- Tell me how much. Go on. Lay it on me.
[Lana] For multiple kisses,
5,000 dollars has been deducted.
- I was like
- Yesterday, me and Za went on a date.
We really connected.
So, we'll face the consequences.
It's like a punch
in the gut, like [growls]
- It was sweet, tender
- It was beautiful, honestly.
I was thinking about blaming Locho,
but since Clovis decided
to tell on me, yeah, I did it.
We apologize,
but it happened, and it was beautiful.
Nice speech.
Fine by me! I'm good.
- It's fine, bro.
- Well spent. Well spent.
The man's goin' after his lady.
I applaud you, dude.
[Itatí] Or after his money.
I'm gonna be flat broke.
[Lana] Money remaining, 27,000 dollars.
[Itatí] Ugh! Remember
when there was 100,000 dollars?
- Those were the days.
- [Nico] All right.
It wasn't much, it's fine.
I'm spending
what little we have left. Sorry.
[Lana] Sometimes, temptation is expensive.
I hope you can resist it.
Have a nice day.
- [all] Oh, thanks!
- [man] Thank you, Lana.
- [Israel] Straight to the point.
- [clapping]
I had to let everyone know
I spent the money,
but Nick in particular.
[Itatí] This breaks my heart
more than running out
of milk for my Cheerios.
With the group emptying the pot,
Locho is in "math teacher" mode.
But we all know what happens
when you turn a musician
into an accountant.
Think about it. We started with 100,
and at this point,
we've lost more than 70 percent.
So, what's left?
Yeah, we're blowing through it.
- You spent 20 percent.
- You lost me already.
- [Locho] If we had 100 and 20
- Don't make my head hurt.
Yeah, come on, so just let me know
what's left of the money.
Imagine a pizza
with 8 slices, and she eats 2.
- I'm lost.
- You have 10 apples.
- Lili eats 2 of the 10 apples.
- You have 8 apples left.
Yeah, you have 8.
If you do the math,
you ate 2 apples after that.
Math, apples, bananas I don't care.
Put me in that suite,
and you'll see what I care about.
- I'll even dance a Sevillana for you.
- Now there are 6 apples
What do apples have to do
with the money we're losing?
[Itatí] Just breathe, Professor.
Be patient.
I don't think
everyone's committed to winning,
so it makes me less committed.
[Itatí] But you were
he most comm Oh, Jessica!
I wanna say,
"Hey, fresh start. Let's move forward."
If we wanna stop losing money,
no one should follow my lead.
- No spending.
- No spending. Compulsive savers!
[Itatí] It's safe to say
Zaira wants to eat
all those apples with Clovis.
Lana, are we on a pirate ship?
- What's that noise?
- [Lana chimes] No.
I arranged a workshop to help them
let go of their fears and insecurities
and discover their personal power.
I'm Fer Broca.
I wake people up and lead them
toward a great collective awakening.
This workshop is about authenticity,
about getting reacquainted
with your own essence.
[Itatí] Mm, so maybe
I'll learn to be less critical?
So, what's this workshop about?
It's about taking off
masks, labels, and burdens.
I'm going to start
with a simple reflection.
I want each of you
to grab a fistful of sand.
Feel it slip slowly through your fingers,
and think of the sand
as the course of your life.
Who are you living for?
Are you really living for yourself?
Fill this bag
with expressions that have hurt you.
For example, "You have to be good,"
"You have be responsible."
Listen for the phrases,
"You have to" and "You should."
Feel how suffocating they are.
Because of your color,
your race, you have to be like them,
talk like them.
You have to drop your accent.
It's a bunch of fears,
insecurities, and weaknesses,
and you don't realize
they're always with you,
until you let them go.
[Fer Broca] Every time you fill the bag,
think about how much this has hurt you.
[Joel] I want to get rid of all the crap,
the failure, pain, stress, anger, fights.
[exhales] It moves you.
Now, lift up the two bags
you have in front of you,
like this.
Inside those two bags
is the weight of the world.
God, they're so heavy!
[Fer Broca] Which is heavier,
your self-doubt or your lack of commitment
to your personal growth?
I know I have to let go
of all those experiences and labels,
that are still weighing me down.
[Fer Broca] Pour them out,
let it go, and as you do,
think about how you miss out on life
by trying to please everyone else.
I want to change, to be less superficial,
to grow spiritually,
and in my everyday life.
I'm going to hug him
while he tries to open his arms.
You'll feel all the times you've fought,
and tried to pursue your dreams,
but can't seem to spread your wings.
I want to change a lot.
I want to live my life the way I want.
The person behind you
will whisper in a cruel, doubting voice
"You can't because you aren't enough."
Carolina, you can't
because you aren't enough.
You can't because you're useless.
[Nico] Joel, you can't
because you don't know how.
[Flor] Lilian, you can't
because you don't know how.
You're not good enough.
[Fer Broca] You can't grow.
You can't transform.
You'll always be stuck here.
It's so hard to get out
all your fears and insecurities
so you can move forward.
In a moment, the person in front
will very strongly shout, "Yes, I can."
- Yes, I can.
- Yes, I can.
Yes, I can!
All those fake emotions
and my fear of rejection are gone.
I want to be happy Nick
that everyone sees,
but I'm not because I'm carrying
all these unnecessary burdens.
[Fer Broca] You're walking
toward the life you want with joy.
Invite it in. Smile at it. It's your life!
Stand up and embrace it. That's it!
[Israel] Come here. Come here!
[Fer Broca] That's it!
That's your life!
I feel free.
I feel good. I feel full of love.
In shamanism,
we call the person you worked with today,
a witness.
So, please,
give them these symbolic sashes.
Each of you,
give one to your partner, please.
I'm breathing like never before,
with the freedom, confidence, and trust
that I lack sometimes.
[Itatí] I have a lump
in my throat too, Locho.
It made me feel stronger,
like I can move forward
and fight for what I want
and what I'm looking for in my life.
[Israel] I feel unburdened and free.
Being in the ocean with them
was an amazing experience.
I needed this workshop
because it made me reflect on
all the stupid stuff
I've done in my life. [chuckles]
I'm speechless.
[Itatí] Hopefully, these good vibes
last longer than their money.
I saw you were really crying.
It's so cool that you had that experience.
- [chimes] Hello, Jessica.
- Hi.
[Lana] I can tell you're looking
for deeper connections,
so you have a date.
With who?
[Lana]You may choose anyone in the house.
- [gasps] Are you nervous?
- I like Israel.
[Itatí] What? Locho didn't put out enough?
- Jessica is insatiable.
- Pick him.
There's definitely sexual tension there,
and I know he wants me.
- I wanna go with Israel.
- Perfect.
Get ready for your date.
Good luck.
[both laughing]
[Jessica] Obviously,
I'm thinking about Caro,
because I'm playing in her territory.
I'm worried,
but I won't lose any sleep.
[Itatí] Jessica's working harder
than an intern on their first day.
It's almost time
for Lana to reveal the double agents.
How will the group react
to Jessica and Clovis's true identities?
I would have loved
to watch that gorgeous sunset with you.
But unless I stared at you,
you ignored me.
[Itatí] Say what?
This isn't the kind of friction
I'd expect from Flor and Nico.
What were you thinking, Nico?
Oh, sure, hangin' out with the dudes.
Really? Was that worth it?
I felt like an idiot,
an idiot who fell in love too fast.
I'm not gonna lie.
I didn't know what to say
because I didn't do anything wrong.
I didn't try to ignore her.
It seems crazy.
[Itatí] I think
the problem is you stayed silent
when she confessed her love for you.
I'm crazy about you. I love you.
If that's a problem for you,
then this isn't going to work.
Because for me,
it's important to talk about these things.
I don't have to apologize
'cause I don't care.
- You don't care?
- No, because I
Then I'm wasting my time.
If you don't care what I have to say,
I'm wasting my time, asshole.
I'd rather just take
some time to cool off,
then talk with her and clear things up.
[man whistling]
I'm freaking out!
Isra is like me.
All the new girls go for him.
All the new guys go for me.
- [Clovis] Take it easy.
- Motherfucker! [laughs]
Thank God for the workshops.
They've helped me think before I act.
I was so impulsive before.
[Itatí] How many dates has Israel had?
Should we start billing him for the food?
[romantic music playing]
- Are you nervous?
- No, all good.
She looks, oh man, amazing!
[Itatí] Oh, Isra,
you're driving downhill with no brakes.
- I'm just gonna come out and say it.
- Okay.
You drive me crazy. You turn me on.
You're so direct.
Looks like he's falling for me already.
You're like a test for me or something.
You're so gorgeous.
Yeah, but it's not all physical.
If we kiss
or do something, we might find out
there's no chemistry there.
Or maybe there is,
and it's great, but what I'm saying is,
you can't tell
from looks alone if you're a good match.
- Yeah, we would need to find out.
- [Itatí] I know that look.
It means spending money on kisses.
Yep, I'm super turned on. You're so hot.
[Itatí] While Jessica spins
her web around Isra,
Nico's consoling Caro.
In a good way!
Get your minds out of the gutter.
You look sad.
- No, I'm not sad.
- No?
- No, I'm nervous, but not sad.
- Nervous about what?
We're doing great, honestly.
I don't think he's into her.
She's just a normal woman.
I really care about him.
Despite everything that's happened,
I still have feelings for him, you know?
The old Carolina
would've beaten up Jessi and Isra,
and made both of their lives hell.
In the way all the new girls
go after Isra instead of the other guys,
is almost likethey're actually after me.
[Itatí] If you love something,
let it go with Jessica.
If it comes back, it's yours,
if not, bye-bye money.
I didn't expect
anyone to bring this out in me. Like
"I want it, dude."
I don't like going unfulfilled.
But for me, things are great
with Caro, and it feels right.
And I'd feel like I'm failing myself
and everything I've learned.
- Okay, I get it.
- [gospel choir singing]
[Itatí] Ladies and gentlemen,
this is a new man,
deconstructed, monogamous!
Israel, look at this gorgeous woman
in front of you.
Are you really going to say no?
I'm really surprised, and I admire you
because I thought
you'd be the last guy to say no.
Obviously, I thought the same.
I'm dying to sleep with her,
but I buried that feeling.
[Itatí] Israel, I'm so proud I could cry.
Lana, play some music!
[chimes] Granted. Starting music.
[victory fanfare plays and stops]
[Itatí] Isra is so proud of his growth,
he wants to tell Caro right away.
What did you think
when I went on the date?
I was calm, but when I saw you go
with her, I thought, "Goddamn bitch."
It's like getting an "A" on a test.
"I gotta tell you,
I was 100 percent faithful, honey."
- Did you kiss?
- No. I promise.
[Itatí] Thank you,
Lana, for those workshops.
Otherwise, you don't want to know, Carito!
It made me realize
how much I care about you.
Lana, I'm being a good boy.
Give me the suite
or something to relieve all the stress.
[Itatí] What else can I get you, Isra?
More champagne?
A green light on your watch?
Another workshop?
Let's see how a group of people
with no regrets wakes up.
What's this?
Are Nick and Clovis getting close?
[Israel] I missed you in bed, Clovis.
To be honest,
Clovis doesn't get me as hot as Nick.
[Itatí] But last time you slept
with Nick, you faked it, Zaira.
I didn't feel much,
but I'm good at faking.
I'm torn between them.
I don't know who to choose,
but sexually, it'd be Nick.
[Itatí] Look Clovis!
You're right next to them.
Try to learn something from Nick.
Caro needs
to get one more pebble out of her shoe
to be fully transformed.
I cried when you went
on that date with Dahiana.
I wasn't jealous. I was angry.
If he kisses
Do you think they'll sleep together?
I'm so angry, I could cry.
I was angry about the betrayal.
She's a really nice girl.
She's less toxic,
and I feel really good with her.
[Itatí] Now? What about before, Isra?
I have feelings
for you too, strong feelings,
too strong to throw away
with a kiss on some other date.
Now, I don't go nuts
over things that aren't even happening.
I feel calm and at peace.
The horniness is still part
of us even if
- Yeah, let's hold on to that, babe.
- Even if that spark goes away.
I think this has gotten deeper
because we have such strong feelings.
And now there's more cuddling.
I'm so dumb. [chuckles]
[Carolina] I think
the relationship has evolved
because we talk about other things.
We're more tender. It's so sweet!
[Itatí] Lana, give them the green light
so the bunnies
can turn off airplane mode.
That's right, baby.
I'm here for you 100 percent, honey.
[Itatí] Come on, Lana, give them a chance!
- [watch beeping]
- [Itatí] I love that sound!
- [screaming]
- Ah! We got it! [laughs]
Thank you, Lord!
I didn't expect this at all!
- Kiss me!
- Come here.
[Itatí] Oh! Kisses are like drinks.
They taste better free.
We made out. Best 40 seconds ever.
[Carolina giggles]
- [Israel] I'm crazy about you, baby.
- Me too, honey.
- It was so cute. I loved it.
- Let's go to the pool.
Obviously, we got the green light
because there's something real,
and we're both being honest.
It's true love.
Here comes the bride! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
[Itatí] Well, at least Israel
doesn't need the leash.
Not sure if it was Lana or Carolina,
but you trained him good.
And since watches aren't the only
things getting turned on in this house
- Sure, let's talk.
- [Jessica] I have my trap all set.
I wanna tease him
and turn him on a little.
- Where are we going?
- Why are you afraid of me?
[Itatí] Jessica wants to squeeze
more money out of this cash cow.
The treasurer is in the zone.
Eyes on the prize, thinking about the car,
watching the money.
I don't usually hang with people like you.
- Are you sweating?
- I'm nervous.
Why? We won't do anything
you don't want to.
Physically, I like her smile.
And her boobs.
We won't do anything you don't want to.
I just wanna kiss you.
Oh, sweet Jesus!
She's the biggest temptation.
This chick's in the Bible.
[Locho laughs]
Now, he can grab on.
Trying to hold me back oppressing me ♪
And her tongue. Her tongue is
This girl is the worst.
You could spend
3,000 dollars in three hours on this girl.
- I just wanted a kiss.
- Now I need another one.
- He's thinking with his other head.
- [Itatí] Weren't you the treasurer?
[Itatí] Now, he's worse
than a kid in a candy store.
What about the rules?
- And the money?
- It's just a kiss.
[Itatí] Now, we're really spending.
The treasurer is on vacation.
And I'm getting burned.
My circuits are fried.
Locho got super turned on.
I had a great time.
It was hard for me to get off him.
I want you to know
that I really care about you.
[Itatí] You definitely care
about one part of him.
Kiss, ass grab, eggplant grab [chuckles]
[Itatí] Poor Locho
won't be able to walk for a half hour.
And when he learns
about the grenades and their plan,
he'll sink like a stone.
Come on, Lana!
Tell them about the grenades
before they're penniless!
[Lana chimes] Patience. It's all part
of the learning process.
We're almost there.
- [chuckles]
- What happened last night?
What happened with you?
I didn't like you saying
we're on different paths.
- Mm-hmm.
- Because I don't think that's true.
We're on the same path.
She's just moving faster than me.
I'm going slow
because I'm trying to be careful.
You're super respectful.
You treat me well.
I feel comfortable with you,
but you're hurting me.
And not because you want to.
- Why do you do that?
- What am I supposed to do?
It's your body language, the way you talk.
- I'm not doing anything wrong.
- Listen to me.
It's not your fault.
It's my fault for moving too fast
and thinking you felt the same way.
[Itatí] Nico's trying to focus
on what Flor is saying,
but I think he's zoning out.
But it's my fault.
All mine, I'm not blaming you.
Maybe it's wrong. Maybe
I deserve to be loved.
I deserve it. Because I love too.
I know you aren't
as open with your feelings.
I'm not telling you
what to feel, but this is who I am.
I can't take it anymore.
If he doesn't feel the same now,
I'm not sure he ever will.
And I know it's hard
for you to hear, but I love you. [laughs]
I know it's tough,
but I'm not going to lie.
I don't want you to,
but I feel like whatever I do is wrong.
I'm sorry
if I made you feel like that. I
I really feel like everything I do
is wrong because you think it's not real.
That's why I get like this. That's it.
Let's go.
[Itatí] You could cut this tension
with a steak knife.
Let's see if Clovis
can milk a few more dollars.
- Here we go! Right. Cheers!
- Cheers.
I know I can be cold sometimes.
You're afraid I'll break your heart.
But trust me,
I'm a good guy, and I like you.
With Zaira,
I really have to turn on the charm,
but I think things are going well.
[Itatí] Actors are like printers.
You just can't rely on them.
For me to start a relationship,
we have to be friends first.
And right now,
this feels great, really comfortable.
I'll give you plenty of time and space.
But if you feel it, just give it a chance.
What do I do? This is a big deal.
- Okay. Let's head up.
- Sure.
[Itatí] Wow! I thought
Zaira would fall for it again.
Look how far she's come.
Lana, are you going to give them the news?
[Lana chimes] Yes.
It's time they learned the truth.
[Itatí] Sometimes the truth hurts,
both our heart and our pockets.
[in singsong] Tun-tun-tun-tun.
What is it this time?
[chimes] Hello, mammals.
[all] Hi!
- [Lana] Something unexpected has happened.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[Lana] I fell in love with a drone.
I'm leaving the house.
[screaming, cheering]
[Lilian] No more rules?
Time for sex, drinking,
and parties in paradise.
She fell for a drone!
I'm shocked.
I'm speechless. You can't judge us now.
[Lana] Kidding.
But it's true that things
aren't always what they seem.
Oh, come on!
I feel like a lab rat. What's going on?
I have undercover agents
inside the retreat.
And they've done a great job.
I don't know what's happening.
I'm freaking out.
What the fuck?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Why is it always bad news?
[Lana] Their mission was to test
the connections you made
during the retreat.
If it's someone
who's been here along [inhales sharply]
it's gonna be rough.
[Lana] And their reward
is the money from every time
one of you broke a rule with them.
I'm doubting everyone, even Israel.
There are two people doing an inside job?
[Lilian] I know! We're so stupid.
[Lana] Grenades, excellent work.
Not Jessica. Not Jessica.
[Lana] Jessica.
[sighs deeply]
- "Mi corazón."
- [glass shatters]
That means, "my heart" in Spanish.
- You robbed us, Locho. It was you!
- I didn't do anything.
[Lana] You had
already deducted 3,000 dollars.
But today, you knocked it out
of the park with Locho,
and now, it's another 7,000 dollars.
You have a total of 10,000 dollars.
- I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
- [Lilian] You fucked up!
[man] Way to go, Locho!
I'm such an idiot.
[Lana] You have two options.
You can take the 10,000 dollars and leave
or return the money,
and stay to create deeper connections
while following the rules of the retreat.
What do you choose?
[suspenseful music playing]
I feel robbed,
but what really hurts is the lie.
I know Jessica has a good side,
and she tries not to hurt people.
So, I think she'll follow her heart.
[Itatí] Aw, how sweet! Will love triumph?
Okay, I choose the money.
- That hurts.
- That's fine. That's fine.
[Itatí] Locho will totally write
a song about this.
Okay, guys,
I came to do a job. I did it.
I reached my goal,
and I'm going home happy.
The house treasurer!
What happened, dude? What happened?
And, goddammit, I really like you.
- Aw!
- [cheering]
She just stole our money,
and she goes straight to Locho!
Everyone's like, "the money, the money,"
but the treasurer has a heart too.
- [Jessica] It was a pleasure.
- Bye, Jessi!
[Lana] Thank you, Jessica.
From the moment I got here,
I was focused on my goals,
to test them and to get my money.
- Lana, who's the other one?
- [Lana] My other grenade is
[suspenseful music playing]
- [Carolina] I knew it!
- [man growling]
Was all of it a lie?
I'm undercover. It's true.
It doesn't feel good
getting played by an impostor.
[Lana] Clovis,
you have 5,000 dollars on the line.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lana] Are you going to stay
in the house to create deeper connections
or take the money and leave the retreat?
What do you choose?
I hope he has the balls
to leave with Jessica.
[Itatí] I'm on the edge of my seat!
How much money's left?
How will they split it?
What's Locho's real name?
Which way will Clovis go?
I don't know about you guys,
but I can't wait for the last episode.
- [chiming]
- ["Feeling Electric" by Muszette playing]
Different dimensions ♪
We are connected ♪
We are electric ♪
Oh ♪
Oh ♪
Oh ♪
We are electric ♪
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