Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Momo, you want to give up on this life
because you wish to be free
from all the pain and suffering.
What if this pain and suffering
continue even after death?
Then what would be the point of dying?
Is there a remote control
that can make one live forever
with the flick of a button?
If there was indeed such a remote control,
would you like to live forever?
Be immortal?
Rumi! Rumi! Rumi!
Why? Weren't you here for dinner?
I am observing the 16-Monday Fast.
It would be problematic if he remembers
what he saw in the balcony.
Our kind feasts on human blood.
How do you expect us
to enjoy a feast with them?
Don't worry, Meera.
We don't drink blood anyway.
If something goes wrong,
we can just deep-hyp the two of them.
Meera, I know they are humans,
but they are really nice, okay?
Just this evening,
please forget who we are, what we are.
For my sake.
Rumi, it's only for your sake
that we are doing this.
Otherwise, I had vowed
never to walk among humans again.
We need to make this quick.
Because if Ora finds out
that all three of us are missing,
he'll make sure we don't
come back Neeche at all.
No mistakes, even by mistake.
Act normal, everything will be fine.
Are we abnormal that we have "act normal"?
You two can get strange at times.
Strange? And us?
Don't you act smart.
They are here.
- Shubol!
- Maa this is what I was talking about.
Relax, just be normal.
Finally, we meet.
We were curious
to meet the creators of Rumi.
We have indeed created quite a few,
but Rumi is our favorite of the lot.
What is this I hear that you are
not going to have dinner with us?
Jamini has been in depression
from the moment she heard.
You all are here for the first time.
It would have been our pleasure.
Tradition, Mrs. Roy. Tradition.
The bride's parents are not supposed
to eat anything at the groom's place.
We cannot eat anything anyway.
It's a matter of life and death.
Life and death?
I meant to say wife and bed.
If you do have Roy marry Rumi,
then Rumi is sure to bed him, right?
You are saying such modern things,
but aren't your clothes
a tad old-fashioned?
Oh, you mean this dhoti?
Actually, I have taught so many people
how to wear the dhoti,
so I thought I should wear one today.
And you are calling me modern?
Actually me and Meera,
we are old, really old.
So old that you cannot even calculate.
Speak for yourself.
I can still make any man see stars
with just a glance.
You're forgetting one thing, darling.
You are so ancient
that even the archaeological department
is looking for you.
But will your tradition be hurt
by this 18-year-old triple cask whiskey?
I've sourced this especially for tonight.
How wonderful!
My cup was waiting
for your intoxicant, dear Doctor.
- Maa?
- Fill it up!
There we go! There we go!
Now that the better half has spoken,
you'll have a drink too, right?
No, if she is having a large,
make mine double large.
Are you going to have one?
Your son's marriage is getting fixed.
Come on! What are you saying?
All right, make a small one for me.
I'll go get the glasses.
Where is he?
- Doctor?
- Who else?
He left for the day.
He had some emergency.
Can I help you, sir?
Maybe. Come outside.
Okay. I am gone then
That girl, Rumi
I know Rumi, yes.
When was she here last?
That's Mrs. Guptoo,
the RCT patient going in.
And now you'll see Rumi
rushing in and me following her.
I don't understand.
I do.
So once there was this man
who was the Casanova kind.
He would have his way with every woman.
But he also wanted to serve the nation.
I see.
So, firstly,
I got his photo-session done
with children.
To turn the sinner
into an adorable father.
Secondly, I asked him
to put a rose in his coat pocket.
You know,
a rose near the heart means a pure man.
Wearing a sari,
Rumi is looking even more beautiful.
When I was of her age,
I was already married,
and Babu Shona
was trying to kick his way out.
Babu Shona?
Doc Roy.
His nickname.
We have two names for everyone.
One, official name.
And the other, nickname.
I see.
By what nickname do you call your husband?
Him, I just call out "Hear me,"
or "Listen up!"
Why? Is he hard of hearing?
He only hears things
that are of use to him.
It feels weird to take
my husband's name on my lips.
In which century have I stepped back into?
I thought we were past those days.
Once there was this young guy.
A very talented painter.
He used to draw all kinds of subjects.
Film posters. Flora. Fauna. Femme fatales.
But he didn't have a signature style.
So, what did you tell him?
Got him to take off his chappals.
And I said,
"Listen, this will keep you grounded."
What are you doing?
Mr. Dev, I have been looking for you.
Only you can help me.
Help you with what?
For years now, I am trying to
devise a chocolate dessert
which will also work
like a mouth-freshener.
But there are already so many mint
chocolate brands available in the market,
so everyone's ignoring my invention.
But I wanted this to be my legacy.
The chocolate is the problem.
You need to choose something else.
Something that doesn't
get stuck in the mouth,
but cleans the insides instead,
like a sponge?
Yes! The Rasgulla!
Make your new mouth-freshener
dessert with a Rasgulla!
Bengal's gift to the world.
Oh, my God!
Rumi, have you had coitus with Roy?
No, Roy and I, we haven't
Why not?
Rumi, you must, before you get married.
- What?
- What "what"?
Please don't say such things.
Rumi, go take a walk.
Here we are having "adult talk."
- What?
- Not at all!
She needs to hear about it
and she needs to do it.
Souls unite as bodies entwine.
If they are not physically compatible,
their marriage won't last.
Why won't it last?
What do you mean?
My Babu Shona is pure gold.
Twenty-four carat gold.
Also, coitus should happen
only after the wedding.
Jamini, they'll marry once, right?
To each other anyway.
But they will get intimate many times.
So shouldn't they try to get better at it?
Shouldn't they try and make
every night more colorful?
Shouldn't they be undergoing
mashk in the art of lovemaking?
Once a man proposed marriage to me
within five minutes of meeting me.
I said first take off your dhoti
and only then I'll consider your proposal.
So did he take off his dhoti?
Of course, he did.
But I didn't fall in love.
If I'm going to be stuck
with one weapon all my life,
it needs to be a rifle
rather than a pistol.
And that is the evening when she got
me here to investigate the break-in.
But how is she missing
in this footage as well?
Did she photoshop herself out?
You wish.
What are you doing?
I have one last thing to confirm.
Are you allowed to do that?
Do I look like a suspended cop?
Your doctor's life is in danger.
Because of Rumi?
Does your doctor keep notes of
his patients' ailments and prescriptions?
Yes, he keeps a diary. In the drawer.
That's the one.
Tell me, when Rumi first came in here,
did she come as a patient?
With a broken tooth maybe?
Actually, I wasn't there that evening.
I think it was the 19th of August.
"Nerve is hanging from root stump,
but right canine is completely broken."
What's Dr. Roy's address?
Unending this long.
I'm not sure
if the evening is going well or not.
That's a good thing, right?
What is?
That you can't make out whether
things are going north or south.
As long as my parents don't
remember anything, we should be good.
Even if they did,
we can't do anything about it right now.
Let's get out of here.
Get out of here and go where?
You don't have a room in a house this big?
Take me far away
The world is waiting
Let go of this life
And let's go far away
Take me away some time
With your words
Even if it's just words
Take me far away
Both of us are
Prisoners of circumstances
What will happen, will happen
Take me far away
Take me far away
Take me far away
Who is it?
From the clinic.
Answer the call.
It must be the receptionist,
for the daily update.
- I'll call her back.
- Answer the call.
It's my first time. I would like to
You'll see it's her usual update.
Doctor, it's me.
I know it's you.
Doctor, that cop came.
What? Again?
He looked at old CCTV footage,
and Rumi is missing from all the videos.
I see. Anything else?
He knew about her broken tooth
and then took your address.
Hey. White car! Hello!
Move it!
Go on!
Keep going.
It's through.
Move it!
Thank you, officer.
No problem. You know where Janak Road is?
It's right under your feet.
This is Janak Road.
What's the house number?
It's 165/1.
- Dr. Roy's house?
- Yes.
Follow me, officer.
I hope it's nothing serious.
It might be.
Adu Sir!
How are you?
I am good You're here after so long.
Where is he?
Right there.
Your teeth are all still intact?
Where is the wife?
She is taking a breather.
Her stomach is upset.
Actually, she had a drink today.
And you haven't had any?
Be careful!
What are you doing?
This officer is here to meet you.
No, sir. I wanted to meet Dr. Roy.
I am Dr. Roy.
Ask whatever you want to ask.
No, sir, he's a young guy.
The dentist who has
a clinic at Lake Market.
I am a dentist.
I have a clinic at Lake Market.
And I believe I am still young.
Young! Of course!
Uncle, hi!
I think he means your son.
Right, right, he's also Dr. Roy.
So, can I meet your son?
- No, he's not at home.
- Then where is he?
Oh, he's not home?
Was hoping we could all meet.
That would have been nice.
But we had some guests.
He went to drop them home.
Right now you have to
make do with his photo.
That's it.
You cannot go beyond this point.
I know.
Sorry for last time.
Have you two given a serious thought
about how to take things forward?
I am good
with just being together for now.
Now, if all the odds are stacked up
against the two of you,
what can one possibly do?
But we have your blessings, right?
Sometimes a little blessing goes
further than all the curses.
Who came up with that?
Someone who loves Rumi.
Glad you listened to David and not me.
He is indeed a nice boy.
Oh! I was being tested?
You should now leave, Roy.
Go home. See if everything is all right.
Right. They got a little carried away.
I have never seen them behave this way.
I wonder what spell
you two put them under.
Okay. I will go now.
Good night.
Aren't you forgetting something?
Am I your sister now?
Is this how you kiss?
Here? Now?
No wonder his product
is not out in the market.
Virgin blood and all that.
- Rumi, they know?
- Status changed.
Roy's blood is no longer limited edition.
- Rumi!
- I see!
I don't know how to express my joy, Rumi.
I really need to go now.
- Fine.
- Bye.
I'll go. I'll go.
Luna Di!
What are you doing?
Luna Di!
Quiet! Or I will lock you up.
Just because you're a cop?
- Can you shut up?
- She's sleeping.
Come back tomorrow morning.
- How much you blabber!
- There! You've woken her up.
Luna Di, I need to talk to you.
It's urgent.
But he just won't let me.
Take him to the office.
Had too much to drink tonight, Kartik?
I have never been more sober.
The only reason I woke you up is
to tell you something,
so you can sleep better than ever.
I know who killed Haru.
The dentist?
It's not someone you know.
Who is he?
Where can I find him?
Not him, it's a she.
I'll find her
because she still doesn't know
that I have figured out who she is.
You bring her to me, Kartik.
I'll make sure that her death
is such a huge spectacle
that none of them will ever dare
to surface among humans again!
No one's noticed us coming in.
And no one seems to have been missing us.
Let's go separately.
Where are you coming from?
Nowhere. I was here only.
Dressed like that?
Yes, I thought let's try
something new, you know.
I'll see you around.
You're the one!
You're the one, beautiful ghost!
You attacked me at the party that night.
Of course not!
You're the reason I am here today
with all these guys.
Listen, you're mistaken.
No, I remember everything now.
You took me to that restaurant
and you finished my life!
Rumi! Rumi! Rumi!
Your time is finally over.
Let me give the good news
to Ora right away.
Friends! Friends! Friends!
Prepare the cage for our new guest.
Rumi, the guest destined for sacrifice.
No one has ever escaped from this world.
You have to accept the fact, Adi!
Have you ever seen a bee hive?
The queen bee always
looks after her worker bees.
She sustains them,
but what does she get in return?
It's not fair.
It is so not fair.
As if she is just a caretaker.
It's time for the queen bee
to get her share of the pie.
They finally caught you, didn't they?
After all, you weren't around, CB,
to ferry me in and out.
Do you have one of your bottles?
I haven't had a single drop of blood
for weeks now.
Look how pale my skin has become.
Tell me, Baaghini.
Did he say how he's going to kill you?
No, he didn't even want to see me.
I guess he'll hand me over to AD.
That might not be a bad thing.
He might just order
your head to be severed.
Much better than this slow death.
I will go mad counting these salt grains.
and 30322, 30323
and 30324
I was at the Metro station all day.
I saw 48 trains pass by.
No, 49.
Maybe she's not stepped out
for a couple of days.
It's very unlike of her.
She usually turns up
at the clinic every night.
Even after we had that
massive fight, she came in.
Is she
"immobile" like me?
Yeah, she doesn't use a phone.
No network Neeche,
plus her voice doesn't transmit
through radio waves,
something of that sort.
How fascinating!
Ian, you are not understanding my problem!
I haven't seen her for like 63 hours.
I am I am missing her.
Maybe she's unwell.
You know, girl issues every month.
They don't get sick.
And I don't think she gets periods.
You think?
No, Ian, I didn't ask her,
"Rumi, do you get periods?"
Come on!
So, how will you become a father?
Didn't think of that, did you?
Roy, you remind of me
of a quiz show contestant on TV
who somehow manages
to get to the hot seat,
but doesn't know any answer.
My advice to you would be,
go down the rabbit hole again
and find out what's up with her.
But I am not supposed to go.
It's too risky.
You have been doing many things lately,
which you are not supposed to do.
And when you meet her,
give her these pictures.
- Hey!
- You?
- Yes.
- What are you doing here?
Rumi I haven't seen her for two days, so
So you'll turn up here?
Yes, I thought
You thought what?
You know the way, so came down here?
You are dead if someone spots you.
You fathead!
Get in.
You know what,
you must be the first human
down here in 300 years.
Barring AD and his boys, of course.
AD? Who?
You don't want to know who he is.
And he should never know who you are.
Why are you here again?
Rumi I told you.
Yes, Rumi. She is in quite a pickle.
What's happened to her?
- Where is she?
- She's been put in prison.
Ora's punishing her.
Ora who?
Oh God!
Can I please meet Rumi?
- For a few minutes? Please.
- Okay.
- Fine. Keep quiet.
- Okay.
Rumi, I am here.
David told me everything.
I'll get you out of here.
And then we can go far away.
Far from all these people,
far from all the rules
Please tell my dentist friend
that I will be with him
the moment I am out of here.
I am right here, Rumi.
- Doc Roy, you're here!
- Yes, Rumi.
I was so worried about you.
Your blood no longer tastes that magical.
I miss your virginity.
Can't help it.
Can I wipe that blood please?
Rumi, that guy
who is he?
Don't worry about him.
We need to get out of here, Rumi.
David was saying he's planning
on talking to some guy to free you.
Ora. Yes.
He'll talk to Ora to free you.
But I really think we should just escape.
And go where?
Far away from here,
where we can start afresh.
Just you and me.
New identities. New life. New place.
What say?
Let's go
somewhere where no one knows us,
no one recognizes us
and no one can find us.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
To save my own life,
I have no other option.
CB, please don't do this.
- Come here!
- How to stop him?
You must go, Roy.
- Please, Roy.
- Both of us can make it.
- I've to find a way.
- No.
Human here! Human!
Come here, everyone!
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