Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Alpine Assault

[wind howling]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[Dean] Now we're getting close.
We can use this weather to our advantage
to get us to the target.
[electronic warble]
Security is one of the most important
things to have during an operation.
So that's my responsibility, making sure
that nobody's sneaking up the rear.
Ryan is with the sniper section.
[tense music intensifies]
Dean is with the main assault force.
Let's get this thing going.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[Ryan] We are three former
Special Operations soldiers
on a mission to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS British Special Forces.
Times like this,
you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[Ryan] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL,
Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[wind howling]
[Cameron] God, Austria is beautiful.
Yeah, it is.
Look at this place, man.
[bird chirping]
- Is this where they yodel at?
- Yeah, there's some yodeling here.
[car engine revving]
You can yodel? Let's hear.
That's pretty good.
[Cameron] So, you guys ready to spend
a week with Austrian Special Forces,
the Jagdkommando?
You know what Jagdkommando means right?
- What?
- It means "hunter commando."
They're the best of the best in Austria.
They're a Tier One unit,
and they got all the latest kit.
They're about equivalent
to Delta and SBS and SAS.
Their training'll be top-notch.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] The Jagdkommando are
an elite combat unit.
They carry out counterterrorism and
hostage rescue missions around the world
in numerous environments.
One of their specialties is
mountain operations,
and they hone these skills
deep within the Austrian Alps.
[tense music playing]
The only person I know
from Austria is Arnold.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Do you think we should, uh, when we meet
these guys, give them a one-liner?
[mimics Schwarzenegger] "To crush
your enemies, see them driven before you,
and to hear
the lamentations of their women."
- [both grunt]
- Yeah, that's it.
Yeah. Dude, open up with that.
They'll love us.
- [Ryan] Hey, how's it going?
- Hey. What's going on?
I'm gonna be your supervisor,
but you're gonna be taught
by specialists on active duty.
We're going to teach you some skills.
Special reconnaissance and surveillance,
hostage release operation, all that stuff.
At the very end of your time with us,
we're going to have a final mission.
We're gonna put all the skills
you acquired with us to the test.
- All right?
- [Ryan] All right.
Let's get geared up, get ready.
Let's get going.
Okay. Let's do it.
[upbeat music playing]
[Ryan] We have so much gear, dude.
All this gear, it's like first checking in
to a team all at once.
Welcome to our room.
We have rain gear,
combat uniforms, mountain uniforms,
cold weather insulation,
climbing equipment,
overwhites for the snow.
[Ryan] It's kind of surreal being here.
It doesn't feel like
you're in the deserts of Iraq
or the mountains of Afghanistan.
You're in this beautiful European town
and these beautiful European peaks.
Excited to be here, excited to work with
these guys operating in these mountains,
and looking forward
to freezing my ass off.
Here we go. [chuckles]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] To kick off our training,
we're heading up into the high mountains.
The training includes a lot
of high-mountain or high-open training.
We have at least half a meter of snow.
Temperature is also low.
Operators have to carry
a lot of equipment.
So it's really difficult up here.
Straight up the mountain. [chuckles]
[electronic warble]
[wind howling]
[soldier] Okay, guys.
Quick briefing for the climbing phase.
Every one of you will be climbing.
You have to overcome terrain
safely, quickly.
Straight up these rocks?
Yeah. What you can see here
right behind me, this will be our route.
[electronic warble]
In Afghanistan I climbed a mountain
like this, but there was no snow.
[soldier] We used this terrain
to surprise the enemies,
because they didn't know
that we'd come in heavy terrain like this.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- [Cameron] It's the element of surprise.
- [soldier] Yes, it's better.
- [Ryan] Yeah. Yeah.
What's the most you'd carry in kilograms?
[soldier] About 50 kilograms.
- 50 kilograms?
- [soldier] Yeah.
- About the weight of you, Cameron.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
Have any of you ever fallen?
- [soldier] No.
- No?
- [soldier] No.
- You guys have got big balls.
[Cameron laughs]
- [tense music playing]
- [wind howling]
[soldier] The most dangerous path
is for the lead climber.
[Dean] So, the team leader is now
free climbing up the mountain.
He's establishing a safe route
and attaching ropes,
and the rest of us
will then ascend behind him.
He needs to make sure
he's got the perfect anchor point.
You don't want any
of them failing when we're pulling up.
This looks really sketchy.
- It ruined me in Ranger school.
- [Ryan] What?
- [Cameron] Climbing.
- [Ryan] Why?
[Cameron] Yeah, it was terrifying.
Okay. Got to settle the nerves.
[soldier 1 over radio]
Everyone, this is the lead climber.
Rope is fixed. You're good to go. Over.
[soldier 2]
Ready for the hook? There. You're fixed.
It's good. Perfect. You can go.
- [electronic warble]
- [Cameron pants]
As Arnold would say
[mimics Schwarzenegger]
"Get to the summit."
[Cameron over radio]
Climber 1 beginning my ascent. Over.
You're gonna be okay, buddy.
[tense music playing]
Don't fall, buddy.
[Cameron] From below,
this cliff didn't look that bad,
but now that I'm on it,
this sucker is steep.
[Dean] Don't look down, Cameron.
[Cameron] Just like climbing a ladder,
your feet are doing most of the work
while your hands keep you balanced,
keeping your weight
directly over your feet
by pushing one of your hips
as close to the wall as possible.
This is especially important when carrying
heavy equipment on your back.
This is really tough work.
[Cameron exhales]
[Ryan] Going up this bad boy here.
Straight up this thing.
Are you gonna catch me if I fall?
- [Dean] Don't fall.
- [soldier 3] Yeah, of course.
He's gonna catch me if I fall.
All right. Here we go.
[Ryan] The last thing I want to do is slip
and mess myself up on the first day.
Oh, Ryan's on the hill.
[Ryan grunts]
How is it, buddy?
So, this is the first time
the Americans have been quiet.
- That says they're quite scared.
- [Ryan] It's definitely challenging.
Oh, sorry. We've heard them.
- [tense music intensifies]
- [Ryan groans]
So that's both Cameron and Ryan
out of sight to us, so
we now start climbing.
[electronic warble]
It's not like normal climbing
when you've also got a lot of equipment.
You're bringing half the mountain
up with you on your back.
[tense music continues]
[electronic warble]
Got the guys, yeah, on their way up.
We're definitely on
a pretty dramatic slope, um,
but the mission is not over,
so just gotta keep
keep on climbing, climbing.
This is where we're at. [panting]
I kind of popped my f shoulder
on this last part.
Sucks. It's all right, though.
We'll keep pushing.
[tense music intensifies]
Almost there.
[tense music ends]
This is climber one
at security position. Over.
[soldier] Did you enjoy it?
- [Cameron] Sketchy.
- [soldier] Yes.
- [Cameron] Don't know how you did it.
- [soldier] I'm Austrian.
[Cameron laughs]
[Ryan panting]
[Cameron] What's up, buddy?
Hey, get up here, uh, so you can get safe.
- [Ryan sighs]
- [electronic warble]
You know, it's not so scary
when you get to the top.
- [Ryan] My hands are freezing.
- [Cameron] Mine too.
Like, holding on to the rope
with frozen hands. Brutal.
The next episode,
can we do it in the Caribbean?
Yeah, maybe like special forces surfers
or something? Down in Costa Rica.
[both chuckle]
- [over radio] Dean, you still alive?
- [laughs]
He's hanging. He's hanging.
[electronic warble]
Hard work, that.
No, it's tough stuff, dude.
This is not fun.
[Dean] Those guys are hardcore. Just feel
like someone wants to pull you back.
- [Cameron] Yeah.
- You're climbing,
and someone's going like this.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
That's climbing.
[tense music playing]
We did provide for nasty conditions.
I'm sorry for that.
Oh, you're okay.
But, uh,
I knew you guys wouldn't quit on us.
We can tell you're experienced soldiers.
It's such a rigorous skill.
Not only climbing
but also in a combat environment.
I couldn't even see where to put my hands.
That's another level.
[upbeat music playing]
[Ryan] Pretty badass up here.
Just because I'm a Navy SEAL,
doesn't mean I like to be wet and cold.
- [laughs]
- [soldier talks indistinctly]
What do you think
makes the best Jagdkommando?
[soldier] You know,
you look for a guy who is able to learn
and wants to get better
and makes us fast, makes us good.
Training is always exciting
in the mountains.
- [Ryan] Yeah. It's beautiful.
- [soldier] Cold. Weather's changing.
We have the most possibilities to train
in a mountain and in snowy areas,
and I would say
that's a unique thing to Jagdkommando.
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[wind howling]
[Dean] We're splitting up for our mission.
Firstly, Ryan and I will be facing off
in a sniper competition.
[Lumsden] You see the targets
on those small hills?
- The one about a mile away?
- [Lumsden] Yes.
- Each of you only have two rounds.
- Okay.
The sniper master chief is
gonna guide you through. Let's go.
[tense music intensifies]
I was a sniper in Afghanistan.
It was a lot of mountains
and a lot of long range,
a lot like this environment,
and I never engaged a target
at less than 400 yards.
Everything was 400 yards plus,
up to 1,000, even 1,200 yards.
[sniper] This is
our heavy sniper weapon system
when it comes to further distances
like up here in a mountain environment.
So it's the well-known Barrett.
It's really reliable.
It's made in the US. So, as you can see,
it's just a piece of metal.
- Very solid.
- Just like an American.
- Yes. [laughs]
- [Ryan] Yeah.
This is the the 50 cal.
This is the round
that we're shooting today.
This round is heavy enough that they can
reach out and touch long ways out.
[Ryan] And its effective range
is about 2,000 meters.
It's usually used for anti-vehicle,
but you can use it
for anti-personnel if you need to.
- Ryan, why don't you kick off?
- [Ryan] Okay.
[gun cocks]
- [Ryan] What target?
- [sniper] Left target.
[Ryan] Okay.
[Ryan] Up here in the mountains,
you have to worry about
a lot of different things.
You have to be a lot slower.
You have to calculate your slope,
your ballistics, your wind.
Everything comes together
in a much more calculated, precise shot.
[sniper] Yeah, there it is.
Impact. It was a good hit.
- Yeah, there it is. Impact.
- [Ryan] Impact. Smoked it.
We'll see if the Brit can pull it off
the same way, you know. [laughs]
[Dean groans]
[sniper] So watch your body alignment.
Stay right behind the rifle.
Long-range shooting isn't my forte,
but the prospect of losing to Ryan
certainly is focusing my mind.
[tense music intensifies]
[sniper] Impact.
[Dean] It gives a kickback, hey?
- [Ryan] You got it, buddy?
- [Dean] Got it.
[Ryan] Miss.
- [sniper] It was a miss, high.
- [laughs]
[Dean] Miles away.
[Cameron] So while the boys square off,
I'm gonna be conducting
a fire and maneuver drill
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] taking out enemy targets
all while mounted
on a quad modified for the snow.
Quads outfitted with snow tracks
are speedy and agile,
making them perfect
for recon and assault missions
in the snowy mountainous terrain,
which is inaccessible
to most military vehicles.
[Cameron laughs]
[soldier] Okay, Cameron.
So now it's your turn.
So I have done this drill before.
But the only difference here
is all the quads I've worked with
have wheels on them, not snow tracks.
- [soldier] Show me your best.
- I'll do my best.
I'll try to make you proud, okay?
[tense music playing]
Let's do it.
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[Cameron] When we stop,
I'm gonna have to take out
as many targets as possible
before getting back on the quad
and making our escape.
Okay, Cameron. Take cover. Take cover.
[Cameron] Christ, dude.
[Cameron chuckles]
This exercise is very, very effective,
because you have to work in a team.
[electronic warble]
[tense music continues]
[Cameron laughs]
Oh man. That's some good stuff.
But you guys are hella shooters, man.
I was trying to I was trying to hit
those targets, and I was struggling a bit.
[wind howling]
[electronic warble]
[Lumsden] As soon as you hit the target
- Yeah. Yep.
- grab the rifle
go over there to the barricades.
- [Ryan] Okay.
- Take the second shooting position. Shoot.
As soon as you hit the target,
your time is over.
The winner is the guy who is the fastest.
- Okay.
- No pressure.
- [Lumsden] Ready?
- Boom, hit!
- [Lumsden] Who wants to go first?
- I'll let the sniper go first.
- I get to go first?
- You're the sniper.
Ready, set, go.
- [clock beeping]
- [tense music playing]
- [metal clank]
- [Ryan] Hit.
Trying to find it here.
Where's the zoom on this thing?
[Dean] Two orange Oompa-Loompas.
[metal clanks]
- [Dean] Hit.
- [sniper] And stop.
That cost you some seconds.
Man, if I lose this,
I'm going to be pissed. [chuckles]
- All right, Dean?
- [Dean] Yeah.
Ready, set, go.
- [tense music playing]
- [clock beeping]
[Ryan] Come on, Dean.
All that white out there,
it's pretty hard to find, you know.
I think you need to go farther left.
No, no, farther right, I mean.
[Ryan chuckles]
[metal clanks]
- [Ryan] Oh, hit.
- [Lumsden] And transition.
[Ryan] Not today, Britain.
US 1, Britain 0.
[Dean, Ryan laugh]
Hey, good competition, buddy.
Hey, I'm sorry I razzed you.
Listen to me.
I just couldn't let you beat me.
Looked like you were gonna beat me,
so I had to break down your spirit.
[Dean] It's all good.
[Ryan] Let's go home and get some coffee.
[somber music playing]
[Ryan] So, hey, Robin,
how long ago did you join?
I was 20.
I think me getting into the special forces
and the teams
just forged this brotherhood.
Taking care of someone else,
not just thinking about yourself.
[splutters] And that's, you know,
that's the bond we share.
[Cameron] Yeah.
[Ryan] It's funny. People ask me all
the time, "What was it like going to war?"
"Were you scared?" and I was like, "No."
I was like, walking I feel like
I was patrolling through Afghanistan,
walking with a bunch of lions.
I knew I had, like, eight, ten guys
behind me that wouldn't quit,
that'd fight no matter what,
and you just felt like a superhero.
I always try to find it
in the civilian world.
I can never get it quite the same thing
as I got in the military
with the boys, you know?
[tense music playing]
[Dean] Today,
we're staying off the mountain,
and we're split up into groups.
I'll be with the Jagdkommando conducting
counterterrorism and hostage rescue,
which they perform all over the world.
[electronic warble]
[Dean] The killing house is
a training facility
where we can conduct
and train hostage rescue.
It enables the teams
to be able to stack up on the door,
enter the rooms from different angles,
and it's all about speed, aggression,
and having situation awareness.
So, Dean, we did integrate you now
into one of our groups.
- Okay. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Some live action. We want to see
how you react under pressure.
[Dean] When I open the door,
if I see a threat,
then I just go straight for that threat.
My decision then dictates
where the rest of the team then come in.
So if I go right, number two will go left.
If I go left, he'll go right.
[tense music intensifies]
[wood creaking]
You eliminate any threat from the door.
[soldier 1] Down!
[Dean] The situation awareness
needs to be split second.
[soldier 1] It was good with the shooting.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- [soldier 1] But it could be faster.
[Dean] Okay, no worries. Yeah.
[Cameron] Meanwhile, Ryan and I have
an appointment with the doctor
to go under the knife.
[doctor] I'm your doc today.
I'm supposed to teach you
the chest tube to decompress the thorax.
[Ryan] You do this because he got shot,
and he's bleeding into his lungs?
It's a drainage.
We want to get the blood out,
and if you don't do anything, he dies.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] When operating
in these elite forces,
we all do some type of combat medicine.
That way, if we end up
getting in a firefight
and somebody does get shot,
we can at least stitch up our buddy,
save his life till we get to the base.
[doctor] All right,
let's get to it. Scalpel.
[Cameron] Scalpel.
[Cameron] I've quite a bit
of live tissue experience
from my deployments.
We worked the casualty collection point,
where they bring in
all the battlefield wounded.
[doctor] Cut, cut, cut,
cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.
Doing this in the field, under pressure,
takes a lot of mental preparation.
For me, it was a sense of purpose
that I needed to help these people.
[doctor] Sink that three
to five centimeters inside the thorax.
[Cameron] And if that meant
plugging bullet wounds,
if that meant putting on tourniquets,
amputating legs,
it's what had to be done,
and I was the one that was gonna do it.
How much time should this take?
[doctor] This procedure should be done
within 30 minutes after being shot.
[Ryan] Okay.
Live tissue work in the field,
it's always a shitshow.
You're always in a weird situation, dirty,
trying to move the victim out,
and it's always tough.
So now the system is working.
There's blood or air coming out.
[Ryan] We have medics that go through,
one, two years of, uh, intense courses.
I can see here with these guys,
they're well-trained.
They have the expertise to,
um, pull off any situation.
[doctor] The suture part
is another skill, uh
I sew a little bit.
- [Ryan] What kind of knot is it?
- [Cameron] I tried to do a surgeon.
- [doctor] Let me show one.
- All right.
You did say you knew how to sew.
See how he's doing it?
- Yeah.
- Look how good it is.
He's doing it really good.
It's like he's a doctor or something.
[doctor] Okay. Congratulations.
You have done your
- First chest tube.
- chest tube.
[electronic warble]
[Dean] I'm back at the kill house.
This time, I'm the last man.
Should the room be too big
or an enemy too strong,
I'm there to offer support.
- [soldier 1] Get down. Dean, get him!
- [soldier 2] Get down.
[Dean] We came in the room. The guys
that actually were armed were engaged.
[panting] And then I looked to my left
and the guy wasn't armed.
[panting] So because he isn't armed,
he's not a threat,
but you still need to take him,
take him down.
[tense music playing]
So, Dean, I can tell you're Tier One.
We're looking for the people
who can actually mentally endure
for a long period of time,
stay fast, stay smooth.
Mentally, quite exhausted.
Yeah, but one could tell you can manage
those stress levels fairly well.
[mellow music playing]
[Ryan] What did you do?
Uh, back to the old bread and butter.
The kill house.
So, oh yeah, no, it was good.
I'm very impressed with them,
and that kill house is world-class.
- We got yelled at by the Austrian surgeon.
- Yelled at?
- Really?
- [Cameron] He's a civilian surgeon doctor.
You know, in our experience,
at least in the US,
usually we don't go out
with a full-fledged surgeon.
- No. Never done a chest tube either.
- Yeah.
I'm surprised that's what
he went off right off the bat
'cause that is, like, a surgical procedure
that should be executed by,
like, a highly-trained individual,
and here I am, you know,
learning how to do a chest tube. [laughs]
At the end of the day you need to train
for the worst-case scenario.
I'd prefer a surgeon doing it.
- You wouldn't trust me?
- Uh, I don't know.
Definitely don't trust me. I didn't even
I don't trust Ryan
to give you the right tools. [laughs]
[tense music playing]
[Dean] So are you good to go, Ryan?
That's SEALs isn't it?
Flip-flops and shades.
[Ryan] It's all we need.
Flip-flops, shades, and a gun,
and we'll get the job done.
Let's go smash some bad guys.
[wind howling]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[Lumsden] Welcome to Operation Downstairs.
The target, the radio station, is located
right at the peak of the mountain.
The enemy are skilled in guerrilla warfare
and utilizes the radio station
to coordinate their small units.
Our mission is gonna be
to conduct a raid on the station
and destroy all signaling capabilities.
[electronic warble]
[Lumsden] So again, snowy conditions,
alpine, hostile.
Ryan, you're gonna take overwatch
with the snipers.
- Right?
- Yeah.
[Lumsden] Cameron, you're gonna provide
additional security of the perimeter.
And Dean, you're going to be
with the main assault force. All right?
Good luck, gentlemen.
[tense music continues]
In order to surprise the enemy,
we're gonna be attacking at dawn,
and that means
setting up an overnight hideout.
Okay, guys. Short brief for the hideout.
So we stay low.
We don't wanna get compromised.
Only necessary movements.
No lights. No noise.
[tense music continues]
So, what we do now is buddy, buddy.
One of us takes our Bergen off,
the other one keeps an eye.
I'm providing sentry position
in one direction,
and there's a rear sentry as well.
Make sure there's no enemy in the area,
no one's following us up,
and then we'll start making
our shelters for the evening.
Once these guys are happy
with their positions,
then we'll swap over,
but you always, at all times,
ensure you have someone on sentry
or keeping an eye out.
- Where do you want your head? Yeah?
- This way.
- Yeah, so we're facing out, right?
- [Dean] Yeah.
[Ryan exhales]
It's super wet today. Um, it's not
It's gonna be a pretty miserable night.
[Cameron] Okay, home sweet home.
[upbeat music playing]
[Ryan] God. This is delicious.
This is delicious, Dean.
I wish you could try this.
- [laughs]
- It's so good. It tastes so good.
[Dean] You two
should have your own cooking show.
[Cameron] How are you able to pull
security when you're talking to us?
[Dean] I can talk this way
and still look through my scope.
Two Americans died, one British
'cause he didn't hold security.
[tense music playing]
[wolves howling]
That's me now in the one-man bivvy.
It's not that big.
Just enough for me, my weapon.
And, um, yeah, feeling tired
and hopefully I'll get some rest.
[Dean] A bivvy is a must
in a mountain environment
where the weather and mission brief
can change at any moment.
It's light, durable, quick to assemble,
and gives a low profile,
making it difficult for the enemy to see.
We're, uh, ready for tomorrow.
I'll get a couple hours sleep tonight,
and then hit the next day.
[inhales] All right, guys. See you later.
[wolves howling]
[electronic warble]
All right, guys, so we're going to infil
and smash down this radio tower.
The fun part actually starts now,
taking this shit down.
- Let's go.
- [Dean] Let's do it.
[Cameron] To our positions.
[Cameron] In the mountains, the weather
can change in the blink of an eye,
and operationally,
this fog could be a double-edged sword.
On one hand,
it means the enemy can't see us,
and we can maneuver more freely,
and on the other,
it means we're struggling to see
what exactly is going on
around us on target.
In situations like this,
you need to just use your training
and experience to fill in the gaps.
[soldier] I need you to provide
security while we assault the objective.
So, the main direction
that you secure is this.
If you notice anything,
you inform me immediately via radio.
[Cameron] Okay.
All right. Good luck. [pants]
While I'm here pulling security,
Dean is gonna be
with the main assault force
to gain entry to the radio
and do the main clearance.
Meanwhile, Ryan is
with the sniper section.
So, we're all pretty busy.
We all have important jobs.
Let's get this thing going.
[Ryan] Us three
[electronic warble]
[chuckling]have been freezing
our asses off.
We got both of our sniper systems set up.
So, weather's always a factor
when you have an overwatch.
Right now we're snuck in pretty close
because our visibility is less,
which could get us compromised.
And we have to deal with what we have.
[electronic warble]
[somber music playing]
Now we're getting closer as we approach.
Uh, we're gonna ditch our skis
and our snowshoes.
We use this weather to our advantage
to get as close as we can onto the target.
[Dean] To keep the training
as realistic as possible,
we're going to use simulated ammunition
with the Jagdkommando
now posing as the enemy.
Should have a target, 200 meters.
Execute when ready.
[tense music playing]
[soldier] Contact. Contact.
[soldier] Move, move, move.
[Dean] The enemy has now been neutralized.
We need to now recover any intelligence
before we can destroy the radio station.
The demolition expert has placed
an explosive device in the station.
We've now pushed back
into a safe distance.
Five, four, three, two, one.
[Dean] We need to get out
as quick as possible
in case there's
any follow-up from any enemy.
[tense music continues]
Guys. Awesome.
Great job in the snow.
What I liked especially
about your performance
was you integrated nicely into our unit.
I liked the synchronization
with our force.
That went well. It was an awesome assault.
This is the end of your training with us.
You're now ready for the final mission?
- [Cameron] Yeah.
- [Ryan] Ready.
[Lumsden] Grab your gear and back to base.
- [Cameron] Good.
- [Ryan] Let's go.
[electronic warble]
I'm pretty much doing
the mission by myself.
- [Dean] Yeah?
- Yeah.
I'll let you do all the prep,
then I'll go in and go for the money shot.
- [laughing] For the money shot.
- Go in for tea and medals.
[Ryan laughs] Let's smash these bad guys
and bring home the bacon.
Finally, get to do the real fun stuff.
[Dean] It'll be a good end
to the training, this.
I've been thoroughly impressed
by their, uh, professionalism
and their their skill set.
These guys have been super impressive
with their mountaineering,
their weapons manipulation,
so I'm excited to get in the mix here.
[Lumsden] All right, guys.
Ryan, Dean, Cameron, I believe
you've acquired certain skills now,
and we're gonna put those to the test
in the very final mission.
We're gonna operate in the surrounding
of a nuclear power plant.
[tense music playing]
Approximately seven enemy fighters
located within the objective.
We proceed on the assumption
that there are hostages.
We're gonna get these people out.
Phase one, the Danube,
the huge Austrian river,
is located to the north of the objective.
Infiltration will take place
by the combat diver team.
Ryan, you're gonna be part of that team.
You're gonna take overwatch
with the snipers.
Two assault teams will approach the target
via Black Hawk helicopters.
Cameron and Dean,
you're gonna be part of that team.
The Jagdkommandos need to be experts
in different fields of infiltration.
They arrive by land, sea, and air.
So I'm really looking forward
to getting after it.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Ryan groans, exhales]
[Ryan] I'm all suited up right now.
My balls are up in my stomach,
which sucks.
Coming in in the daytime,
it's very hard to come in unseen.
So we're gonna use the river
and come in underwater
to conceal us in our approach.
All right. So, this is a Dräger.
It's a closed-loop system.
So you can rebreathe your own air.
[Ryan] What the Dräger does is
it recycles my breathable air.
It takes out the carbon dioxide
and adds oxygen,
which in turn allows me to keep breathing.
This contains your bubbles
inside the apparatus.
It re-scrubs and you reuse it.
So that way anybody above
can't see any bubbles coming through.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] We're going to get in
this cold, murky-ass river.
Diving's just a tool.
So the more visible the insert,
probably the less guarded.
So that's why we do it.
[tense music intensifies]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Cameron] Excited. Go time.
[pilot talking indistinctly]
[tense music continues]
[Ryan] We just completed our dive.
Patrolling about a hundred yards
inside the tree line here.
Me and my partner, we'll gear up.
We've got our ghillie suits.
We use natural camouflage,
vegetation you see in this area.
I'm gonna grab my sniper rifle.
[rhythmic tense music playing]
[Ryan] We've set up our overwatch.
Looking for the hostile
coming out this orange door,
and we'll provide security
for the assault team to come in.
Cameron and I are on the main assault.
We're going in now.
[tense music intensifies]
[soldier] Target, 200 meters.
Execute when ready.
Just smoked the guy.
That's gonna initiate the assault force.
I hear the helos coming in now.
That means
Cameron and Dean are coming on in.
I'll come out of this forest line
and link up with the boys.
[Cameron] As one assault team
fast-ropes down onto the roof,
Dean and I are gonna go
through the back door.
[dog barking]
[Dean] Okay, so we've just come
into the building.
The biggest threat to us
is this open area.
But the best thing to do
is to let the dog up, the K-9,
to deal with any potential threats.
[dog barking, grunting]
[Cameron] To rescue the hostages
in the control room,
we have to get through
numerous armed terrorists.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] Show me your hands.
Show me your hands. Let me see 'em.
Down, down, down.
These hostage rescues
are extremely high-risk.
We have civilians in the mix
with armed personnel.
A lot of things can go wrong,
but that's why these guys train,
and that's why you do this
over and over and over,
so you don't make mistakes.
But the mission's not over yet.
We've received intel
that there may be more hostages
located in the power plant's basement.
[soldier 1 talking indistinctly]
[soldier 2 talking indistinctly]
- [Cameron] What?
- [soldier 3] Chest injury.
- [Cameron] Chest injury.
- [soldier 3] Obstruction to the left side.
[Cameron] Hey, how's your breathing?
Can you hear me?
[Dean over radio]
Four-one Alpha Lima Charlie to me.
Stand by for nine line. Med-evac request.
Telephone wires south of target area.
It's critical because
we work on the golden hour
from the time the casualty sustained
the injury to being on the surgery table.
Whether that surgery's back at base
or whether that surgery is actually
on the back of the aircraft itself.
I've located my insertion site.
The area's been sanitized
for the chest tube.
Obviously, we can't go cutting him up.
So, in order to seal this guy up,
we're just gonna put
a chest seal over this,
and then we'll pack him
and move him to the LZ.
[rhythmic tense music playing]
[Dean] That was awesome.
Mission accomplished.
- Not a bad gig, huh?
- [Dean] No, it was good.
- This wetsuit sucks.
- [Cameron chuckles]
Oh man, you're wet suited up.
Yeah, bro. I had to swim across the river
and smoke some people.
I did Navy SEAL shit, man. It was awesome.
Thank you for your service.
[all laughing]
[Ryan] Next time
[Cameron] Home turf, the USA.
Sunny Florida. Here we are.
In this profession,
you can do everything correct
and still lose.
It's a little nerve-wracking. I mean,
a lot can go wrong underwater.
So I'm just gonna get this mission done.
Hey, Nate, I've got a trip wire.
I think it's a landslide.
[man] Fire in the hole.
- [Ryan] Whoa!
- [Cameron] Wow!
[Cameron laughs]
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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