Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


Bridge to all personnel
We've lost control of the ship,
the cause is still unknown.
The ship's veering off course!
We'll crash into Hopeland
if this continues!
Goddamn it!
The orphanage is there!
Go find anything valuable.
Let's take over this ship, brothers!
Damn it! Now of all times
What's wrong with that guy?
Don't fall back! Keep going!
We're through!
Take control!
For God's sake
How many of them are there?
Just go, Spiky Head!
We'll all end up dead if you stay here!
Grab anything shiny!
Go now!
Report back to the boss!
I'll be right back!
Why can't that idiot just listen?
You're no better!
You wish!
Let's put an end to this.
I'll kill you
with my own hands.
Let's go!
This is it! Make us look cool!
Of course.
Okay then Say cheese.
To think we'll be on the cover
of Outlaw Magazine!
We're moving up in the world!
You better not go with a lame shot!
Otherwise, we'll gut you
and feed your innards to the Worms.
Come on, no need to threaten a kid!
I was just joking.
You know that, right Girlie?
You heard him! Laugh!
That's better.
Keep that frown upside down!
Don't look at me.
Who the hell are you?
Mr. Vash?
Why are you two here?
Um I wish I knew
Where's the gravedigger?
Here they come again!
Step back.
I'm in a hurry.
He's a monster!
Who exactly is Mr. Vash?
He's no human, that's for sure.
I must bridge the gap
I must reach him
I'll be like Nicholas.
One day
I have to reach him.
You were always following me.
You annoyed me from the start.
Don't ever follow me again.
If only you weren't here.
Wait for me in hell.
Spiky Head!
I've been hit.
Just hurry up and prepare
the next set of eyes.
Mr. Intimidating
What'd you come back for?!
He's important to you, right?
I'm here to help you.
Will you ever piss off?
If anything could be done,
I'd have done it long ago!
We just need to wake him up.
There must be something
he could never forget.
Spiky Head!
You and your big mouth
Who asked you, anyway?
Something he could never forget, huh?
Mr. Wolfwood!
This is the end.
Wake up, dumbass.
You were always like this.
Hiding under the blanket
when you were upset.
what you are.
Kill all in your way.
With total reverence,
with complete selflessness,
we execute every order that's given.
We are
the Eye of Michael.
-Pull the ship back on course!
-Hurry up!
-I can't! The rudder has no effect!
-What the hell is going on?
This is bad. If we don't stop the ship,
it'll crash straight into Hopeland
and the whole town will be destroyed!
There's something wrong with this ship.
What happened?
Who did this?
Is this what you wanted?
He lacks faith.
He doesn't need emotions.
Once he gives up his
brother and the orphanage,
he can become a perfect disciple.
Is that why you sent his brother?
I merely want to spread the word of God.
Why can't he understand?
You're star-crossed.
Forget it.
I'll destroy the orphanage by force.
Once his brother and
the orphanage are both gone,
he'll see things differently.
This is all an act of love,
Now what's happening?!
The upper deck has started to move!
We don't know why!
That's An Ion Cannon.
An Ion Cannon?
Are you kidding me?
They not only lost control of the ship
but now there's a huge cannon!
Enough. Just give up.
God knows who did this,
but there's no use worrying.
That car
What are they doing here?
Hi there!
We have to stop
the Ion Cannon and the ship.
Are you serious?
You know how?
Of course, I don't know how!
We'll do it with guts or something!
Give me a break!
Follow me!
Why is there an Ion Cannon?
It was meant to destroy obstructions.
Some of its parts are from
the era of space travel.
And this is
A control room?
I can't believe it. It's a real spaceship.
I've never seen machines like this.
Please. Please work.
It worked!
It's not enough.
It's no use.
I can't control the drive shaft.
Meaning you can't stop it?
In that case,
we'll have to manually
steer the ship and the cannon.
You mean that giant thing?
That's nonsense! How could we possibly
Got it.
Let's do it.
It's our only option!
Please be careful with the Plant.
That goes without saying.
I'll bring it back without a scratch.
-We're short on time.
You take the cannon!
For crying out loud!
Watch where you're going!
Automatic arming
of the main cannon in effect.
Energy charge: 40 percent.
When we start to move the cannon,
activate the firing mechanism!
Preparing to fire.
Let's go, rookie.
I found a lifeboat.
We can survive if we leave now.
What are you saying?
We won't risk our lives.
That was the deal.
What's your duty, here?
It's to survive and report
on what happened.
Don't try to be a hero.
We're just ordinary people.
Roberto, do you think
they can't move the Ion Cannon?
And they can't stop the ship, either.
Come on.
Damn it!
This is ridiculous!
Any idiot would know this is impossible.
We have to buy time.
Listen, rookie, this is an order!
Energy charge: 60 percent.
I'm sorry, Roberto.
You go on ahead.
I'll stay here.
You got a death wish or something?
I know how foolish it is.
That's why I won't judge
those who choose to leave.
But I
I can't go through it again!
I can't shake the regret
of what happened at Jeneora Rock.
If I'd held tight to that child, to Tonis
He wouldn't have lost his arm.
It's stayed with me all this time.
Running now will be no different
I don't want to feel that regret again!
That's why
I'm staying here!
Energy charge: 80 percent.
Sorry, Wolfwood.
What for?
You do know how it feels
to protect something with your life.
Shut up!
Do you have to bring that up now?
Cannon is ready to fire.
Energy charge: 90 percent.
-Save that stuff
for after
everything goes right!
100 percent.
Full Plant firepower.
Got it!
We don't have time to rest.
We need to destroy the ship to stop it.
What about the people on the ship?
How can you say that, even now?
The ship and the town,
we'll save them both!
How can you save anyone when
you can't kill one single person?
I'll think of a way!
Today, I'll let you do it your way.
But only today.
I owe you one, after all.
If the orphanage is damaged, you're dead.
But not until I make you beg to be killed.
Shut up!
I'm the Punisher.
I ain't like you.
I'm Nicholas, the Punisher.
Warning, settlement ahead.
Please take emergency measures.
What What do we do?
Repeat, settlement ahead
Go to the engine room!
What about you?
Just take the engine room!
I'm so sorry.
Please help me.
Approaching settlement.
Please take emergency measures.
-Who are you?
Repeat. Please take emergency measures.
Stop, damn it!
It It stopped.
A sandstorm?
Is that your handiwork?
As if
Can I go back now?
Not yet.
Go recover Double Fang.
He can still be useful.
Mr. Vash!
Where did Spiky Head go?
The only place we haven't looked
is the Plant room.
Mr. Vash!
Mr. Vash!
Is that pattern
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