Triptych (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

La mano que mece la cuna

Geno, come in the water!
Hey, come on!
Who are those girls, Becca?
-They're my sisters.
- Your sisters?
-You have sisters?
-What are their names?
-I don't know. I don't know them.
Concentrate on finding evidence
linking the victim to Eugenio Sáenz.
Anything you can find on his family,
his company, his contacts. All of it.
Yes, Captain.
What ya doing?
I'm trying to reach Tamara,
but she's not answering. Christ!
- Careful
- Yeah.
I'll go first.
That's it.
Take her to my place in the Valle.
I'll figure out how to fix this mess.
Yes, sir.
I shouldn't have let her return
to that house.
Becca, whoever did this
could've tapped your phone.
They might've intercepted
the text Beatriz sent you.
My God.
I know about the experiment.
I know you killed my sister.
Beatriz told me the whole story.
Fucking Nazi, son of a bitch!
- Oh my God.
- What?
I did this. It's my fault.
- No. No, no, no, no.
- Come on, Becca. Hey!
Hey! Hey!
Where are you going?
I have to get her away
from that psychopath.
She could be in danger.
You can't just go and put yourself
in the hands of that bastard.
Becca, your impulses
always get you into trouble.
- I can't leave her there.
- Now wait, hear me out.
Let's finish up here,
and we'll go together.
I'll go with you.
We'll find Tamara, okay?
Captain, we got something.
On my way.
What ya got?
We found this in her purse.
It's an ATI visitor's pass.
This should leave en electronic trace.
I'll check.
Fuentes, look at this!
- Aleida Trujano shit-faced?
- Mm-hmm.
But it was weird, Laura, because
she hardly drank anything.
I've never seen her behave that way.
She seemed
Different how?
Like a different person.
I seriously didn't recognize her.
That's disgusting! Oh my Christ!
This fish is raw.
Ugh, so fucking gross!
Come on.
You've had too many drinks. Let's go.
- It's bedtime, okay? Let's go.
- Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go fuck.
Mmm, join us?
Don't go yet. I love you.
Aleida. Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
That's enough.
Could it be
Never mind, it's too ridiculous.
No, say it.
This woman
isn't Aleida?
What if Eugenio found an imposter
who looks just like her?
I don't see it. I mean
If she's an imposter,
well, she's identical.
But regardless
If Aleida has lost control
and has problems with alcohol or drugs,
it would significantly interfere
with her judgement.
And render her recent decisions
and signatures null and void, exactly!
- Keep it between us from now, all right?
- Yeah.
- Talk later.
- Right.
What's up, buddy?
Is Aleida all right?
We're done.
She left me.
Oh man, no.
She's gone. I'm alone.
What's worse, I saw it coming.
So it wasn't the alcohol, right?
Last night was very disturbing.
It's really serious, huh, Eugenio?
Brother, I'm sorry to ask.
I don't want to be blunt,
but has she got mental illness?
No, it isn't that.
I lied about her.
I'm not following.
Aleida never went to Asia.
So what happened? Where was she?
left me for a woman.
What the fuck!
You son of a bitch!
Fuck you!
What about Asia, Eugenio?
It was a lie, man!
Those three months she was gone,
she was with someone else.
She told me last night.
No, no, no. I don't believe this.
Your wife is having
some sort of breakdown.
Is she receiving
any psychiatric assistance?
She's more sane than ever.
Her decision
to leave me and the presidency
is because she she wants a different--
You're being generous
and not seeing things clearly.
Listen to me!
The woman from last night
was not competent--
Aleida's a woman who's been repressed
her whole fucking life!
She's a lesbian
who's come out of the closet.
That's what she said
last night
before leaving.
Hey, Mom!
- Hmm?
- Mom!
Yes, I'm here.
Hey, Mom, you have to leave.
You need to pack a small bag.
You need your passports,
some cash, and a few clothes.
Oh, I gotta call Pilar.
Where's your phone?
Please calm down, dear.
I don't understand this.
Right now you have to get your things.
Just what's important.
Come on, we have to leave the city
for a few days.
- Right now, this instant?
- No, first I have to find Tamara.
Hey, hey, calm down!
I'm not going anywhere
until you've explained what this is about.
They killed Beatriz Fonseca!
Eugenio's on to us.
I just drove through bullets,
and I can't find Tamara.
But but you're fine?
- You're all right?
- Yes, Mom. I wasn't hurt at all. I'm fine.
I don't know if we can trust Pilar.
Don't know who to trust.
Did you read that article yet?
No, Mom, I've had no time.
Really, we have to go.
You should read it. It's important.
It could help explain
what's going on here.
Wait, I'll get it.
- What're you talking about?
- I have it on my cell over here.
I'll find it for you.
Let's see.
- Give it to me. I can find it, okay?
- All right.
It's in archives. That one there.
Yeah, that's it. Right.
The article is about an experiment
that was done in the 1960s
on triplets like you.
Apparently, they were separated at birth.
Neither they nor their adoptive parents
knew about the other children.
Uh, what was the objective?
Well, read it, dear.
I looked up the doctor that was mentioned.
- And I found this. Look.
- What?
That's the doctor in the picture we saw.
Look closer, Becca.
It's the same man
as the picture Pilar showed us.
You remember?
Eugenio is on to us.
Julia, you might also be on his radar.
We need to get out of town.
Yes, uh, and I know of a safe place
where we can hide.
Is Tamara with you?
No, no, just me and my mom.
Could you take her with you
while I look for Tamara?
Yes, yes, of course.
I need a few minutes
to take care of a few things first.
You won't be long?
It's hard to believe Aleida
didn't tell you what she'd found out.
Why wouldn't she want you
to know about us?
And you made her believe
her feelings were hallucinations.
Unless, of course, all of this was some--
Sinister plot
Eugenio and I hatched
to have her locked away in the clinic.
That's what you were getting at, right?
- Let's go, Mom.
- Where, Becca?
Don't ask. Hurry.
But what did the doctor say?
- Come on, hurry!
- Why?
Mom, give me your cellphone.
Why do you want it, dear?
Give it to me.
Please answer.
It's me. Hi.
- Becca, what the hell?
- No, no, no, just listen to me.
I need your help.
We can't trust Julia Bátiz.
I didn't put it together
until I noticed Bátiz
had removed the picture
of her and Dr. Meyer from her office.
So this means she must have worked
with that doctor.
It probably means she was part
of the experiment with Eugenio's father.
And complicit with Pilar.
Yes, Becca, but Pilar herself
showed us the photo of her husband
with that doctor and Eugenio's father.
That was to fool us, Mom.
Same as the ridiculous clone business
and the false evidence
that was planted at the hospital.
It was all meant to throw us off.
But I don't understand.
What are they hiding, Becca?
I don't know! How how would I know?
I don't know, but Aleida did know.
That's why they locked her up.
Why she attacked Julia.
There's no record of her death.
She could've been murdered like Beatriz.
It's done.
I've made arrangements for Ortega
to escort you to one of our safe houses.
Please just take my mother.
I'm not leaving without Tamara.
You'll be careful, won't you, dear?
I'll be fine.
You're my only girl.
Don't worry, hmm?
Don't worry, Dolores,
I'll bring your daughter to meet you
as soon as we find Tamara.
I hope so.
I hope so.
Update me.
No problem, Captain. I got her.
I told him to put a trace
on Tamara's cell phone.
They're gonna find her, I'm sure.
- What's that?
- My mom's phone. I forgot to give it back.
Who is it?
Lola, it's Tamara. I can't reach Becca.
Cancel the trace.
You were right, you know.
I tried to find out about Aleida
just like you.
But then she was shot.
And I was on the run.
So I didn't think
there was anything in it for me.
And then Quezada showed up.
He set up my meeting with Eugenio.
What do you want?
We agreed I'd give him
a cut of whatever Eugenio paid me.
What happened?
What went wrong?
Honestly, I don't know.
'Cause I got wasted worse than
I've ever been in my entire fucking life.
And I barely drank at all.
Last night?
That's interesting.
I don't know what I said
or what I fucking did or anything.
Then this morning
Thanks to your behavior,
you've made a fucking mess of this.
We had to change the plan.
Fucking mess? Hmm?
All I remember is your annoying colleague,
the bitch on his arm,
and her pitchy annoying fucking voice.
Oh please.
You put something in my drink.
- No, I did not!
- Really?
You have to disappear now!
I don't know when you can return.
What do you mean disappear?
Vanish. Quezada's here.
He'll take you to my house
in Valle de Bravo.
You'll stay there until further notice.
You expect me to just go hang out
in the country?
- With that guy?
- Yes.
I'm not going.
No way, asshole!
You don't say what's what.
I make the decisions.
Oh really?
Well, you should decide to pay me
'cause I delivered on my part of the deal.
Learn to keep your big mouth shut!
I tried to fight them off.
I couldn't believe
they resorted to physical violence.
Let me go!
- Easy! Easy!
- You son of a bitch!
Let me go, asshole! Let me go!
Then I was out.
When I came to,
I was in the trunk of a fucking car.
But they hadn't tied my hands.
They didn't even take my cell.
Fucking rookies.
I couldn't open the trunk from the inside.
But at some point, he pulled over,
got out, and left the car running.
So, I busted through the backseat.
I took the key and left.
Tamara, are you sure Eugenio and his guy
don't know where you are?
There's no way.
They're idiots.
If the Tepito Gang couldn't find me,
I doubt they will.
The Tepito Gang?
Those are the guys
whose meth lab you burned down?
Those assholes murdered Brandon.
I couldn't just stand around
and not do anything about it.
Yeah, Brandon.
Kevin's big brother.
That's why he lives with me.
And why I can't go back
to my old neighborhood.
You thought the drug dealer story
was true.
Well, I guess
I don't really know you that well.
Of course I do hope we have the opp--
Oh, please don't start
with all that sentimental sister bullshit.
Why don't you tell me
what you found at the hospital?
I never said you should sedate her.
Imagine what she thought
when she woke up in that trunk.
It was the only thing to do, sir.
She was gonna bolt.
Well, she did bolt.
The worst thing is
if they doubted me before,
now the sisters and the police
must think I'm a bloody monster.
Doctor, should I delete the photos?
Afraid so. We can't leave any evidence.
It's over, Mila.
Rebecca must know everything by now.
Enough, Julia, enough!
It's over!
The experiment is over!
Get your ass back to Mexico!
Keep going with your life.
This is my life.
Who's that guy?
Is he the Nazi?
No, this is Dr. Meyer.
He's the psychiatrist who did experiments
with twins and triplets in the US.
The one who cloned us?
Come on, Tamara. Will you please forget
about the clones and the Nazis?
This is serious.
If any part of my hypothesis
turns out to be right,
we'll be able to explain so much of this.
Such as why we were separated.
And why Aleida was actually adopted
through an agency in New York, not Mexico.
And why we've been studied
since we were kids.
Becca, to me, it's just speculation.
Come on.
It also explains Aleida's father's death
and our parents as well.
You've based your theory
on an article from a magazine?
Well, it sure makes more sense
than all the nonsense
about clones and Nazis
that they were trying to mislead us with.
But it's a lot more boring.
Let's not argue about it
and get some rest.
Tomorrow will be a big day.
Do you have a mat or something
so I can rest for a while?
But the bed is big enough for three. Hmm?
Come on,
your secret twin fantasy could come true.
- Who are they?
- They're my sisters.
- You have sisters?
- Yes.
What are their names?
Right, I understand.
Yes, I know.
Tomorrow morning.
That's correct.
Do you think that will be necessary?
We don't want to overreact, do we?
I've got to go.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Yeah. Yeah, Marifer.
Beto has a mild fever.
Not serious.
Can't sleep, Fuentes?
Something wrong?
Where are we going?
We're going to a federal safe house.
My mom is already there.
And Pilar?
Pilar what?
Well, if we're not taking her with us,
we should at least tell her, you know?
No, it's way too risky.
You haven't talked to her, have you?
But I think it's pretty shitty just
to take off after what she did for us.
Look, Tamara, we don't know what she did.
Maybe she told Eugenio
about Beatriz Fonseca.
That poor woman is as much a victim
as we are in this whole mess.
You're pretty sure of that, are you?
And then we were burying her remains.
Eugenio made arrangements
for the cremation.
I didn't get to say goodbye
to my daughter.
She never even got
to say goodbye to Aleida.
To see her body.
You mean at the hospital?
Eugenio had the body cremated
without even telling her.
I thought you said they were both there
when you saw the corpse.
I said Eugenio was there,
I didn't mention Pilar.
Where were you trying to take her?
I wanted her safely out of the way
at the country house.
I needed time to fix the big mess
she made with Rogelio.
Well, no one just disappears.
She couldn't have gone very far.
Have you told Rebecca?
She's also disappeared.
She won't answer her phone,
and she hasn't returned home either.
I don't like the sounds of this.
What if one of them decides
to speak to the police?
Meet my mother-in-law, Pilar Trujano.
This is Mr. Moreno.
A highly regarded private investigator.
Julio Moreno, at your service.
Nice to meet you.
If anyone can find them, he can, Pilar.
But you'll have to tell him
everything you've discussed
with Tamara and Rebecca.
Tamara, don't expect this place
to be all that great, okay?
Safe houses are usually pretty rustic.
Wow, you call this place rustic?
Yeah, it is surprising.
Looks more like a drug dealer's mansion.
you can go ahead.
Gotta answer a text.
Mom, we're here.
I didn't want it to be like this.
What are you talking about?
What's going on?
Becca, it's a fucking trap.
You bastard.
I'm sorry.
How nice to see you again!
Do you find the surroundings familiar?
It's very interesting how you three
each hung on to the memory
of that stained-glass window.
It's as if its shapes and colors
acted like an invisible thread
that bound you together.
And now, that thread
has drawn you back to your home.
You spent the first two months
of your lives here.
You were inseparable.
Yes, you were born in this house.
It all started right here.
Not at the hospital
as you've been led to believe.
Where's my mom?
Where did you take her?
Don't worry, she's fine.
She's at a safe house,
and she's perfectly safe.
And she'll stay safe.
As long as you behave.
It's a pleasure
to finally meet you in person.
Well, the feeling's not mutual.
So I guess that you and Humberto
work for Eugenio?
Why is it people assume
whenever there's a grand plan,
it's always the work of a man?
No, Eugenio has nothing to do
with any of this.
And Humberto
Humberto has been working for me
for many years now.
- How many years, asshole? How long?
- No violence, please.
No acts of aggression.
I detest the weakness of those
who can't control their emotions.
Take their cell phones.
I wish you had listened
when I had told you
to stop investigating this.
Give me your phone.
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