TrollsTopia (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Classical Rock - Buckin' Branch

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else! ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice! ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melody's ringing ♪
We're living in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're living in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger ♪
With every Troll singing ♪
We're living in harmony! ♪
Val, it's too loud!
Oh, good! You're here.
I need your help with something.
Wait. Were you making all that
noise just so I'd come over here?
Yeah, I wasn't gonna walk
all the way over to you, was I?
Uh. What can I do, Val?
My manager, Demo, has been
acting all weird lately.
He's been super tired,
missing jam sessions
and yesterday he wore a tie
- without irony!
- Well, did you try talking to him?
I'm not really good at all that
mushy "talking-'bout-stuff" stuff.
But you are.
So, I need you to, like,
talk to him for me.
Aw, Val! You're really worried
about your friend!
Ugh! Stop!
Will you talk to Demo, or not?
Of course, Val. Don't worry.
I'll get to the bottom of it!
- Hey, Demo!
- Oh!
Hey, uh, Poppy!
W-what's shakin'?
Not much, Demo.
Then, again,
I'm not the one sneaking into my
own home trying not to be noticed.
So the question is,
what's shaking with you?
Eh, n-nothing's shaking!
Ah, but see,
I'm a very good listener,
and the way your voice just
cracked tells me that there is
No! It doesn't!
Uh-huh! You just glanced up,
up as in Classical Crest.
This has something to do
with the classical Trolls!
- How are you even doing this, man?
- That's it! You've been sneaking off
to play classical music
with the Classical Trolls!
Hush! Fine.
You've figured it out!
Now, you get out of my head,
you adorable, pink lady wizard.
Come with me.
I'll show you what
I've been up to.
One! Two!
One, two, three, four!
Oh! It's classical guitar!
You would never expect to hear
such a delicate melody
from a Hard Rock Troll, but
everything he does exudes classical.
That was called "The Piercing
Scream Of The Flaming Skull".
Demo, that was so gentle, so sensitive!
Why would you keep that a secret?
'Cause Hard Rock Trolls
don't do "gentle and sensitive".
Especially Val.
If she catches you doing anything
that she thinks doesn't rock,
you get
"the face."
- Here you go, dude!
- Ah, how righteous of you!
- Ah!
- Uh!
I get it, Demo.
It's hard to be vulnerable
when you think someone's gonna judge you.
But you can't hide this!
You clearly love
classical culture.
Whoa, whoa!
I said I like classical guitar!
But there is no evidence
I love classical culture!
Breathtaking performance, Demo!
Many thanks, my classical brother!
Okay, I love it!
But you can't tell Val.
Ooh. I'm not very good
at keeping secrets.
Even my own!
Hopscotch is overrated!
- See?
- Please, Poppy!
I'm practicing for a big concert
here in the Crest this weekend.
And I can't let fear
of "the face" distract me.
Can you just keep it quiet
'till after the show?
- Uh
- Please?
So, Val! Uh
I talked to Demo.
And, it turns out, he's fine!
It's all "Welcome to Demo Town!
Population: Zero worries."
- What?
- Nothing. Just, you can relax!
Wait. Your voice just cracked.
And you glanced up. Which means
- I don't know. Anyway, thanks.
- No problem!
Good morning, Trollstopia!
- And good morning, Demo and Val!
- Get this, Poppy,
Val saw me leaving
the hollow this morning
and asked where I was going!
Oh! Did she?
And what did you say?
That I was coming to see you,
'cause you needed to pick out
new speakers.
Remember the new speakers?
Yup! I asked Demo
to pick out speakers!
- That is the thing that I asked for!
- Really?
- Cool. I love speakers. I'll join!
- Oh, great!
Let's crank this
bad boy up to loud
and see what it can do!
Ah, good morn
Ah! Demo and Val!
So, Demo says you plan to spend
the day detonating pyrotechnics?
No! No way! No explosives!
Because my eyebrows are way
too cute to get blown off!
Demo, we have to tell her
what's really going on.
No! Poppy, wait!
Val, the truth is
Demo and I have been planning
surprise birthday party for you!
What? But my birthday
is ten months away!
To Val's birthday!
In ten months.
Welp! I'd better get going!
Lots of birthday stuff to plan!
See you later!
Demo's been spending time
- with the Classical Trolls!
- What?
Where did you get
an idea like that?
I just figured it out,
the moment he took that sip.
He's clearly hiding something!
But, heh
I'm going to Classical Crest
to get to the bottom of this!
But I still want
that surprise party!
Uh! I gotta intercept her
before she gets to Demo!
Nothing's gonna
slow me down today ♪
No way! ♪
Yeah, you know
Your secret's safe with me! ♪
Yeah! ♪
In a race against time
Not falling behind ♪
I'll never get
stuck on my way-oh! ♪
I'm making it right
I'll make it okay! ♪
Can you hear me when I tell
you? I'm coming for you! ♪
Rest assured that we're okay ♪
In a race against time
Not falling behind ♪
I'll never get
stuck on my way-oh! ♪
I'm making it right
I'll make it okay! ♪
I'm coming for you, yeah! ♪
Hey, Val, I think
Uh, Poppy?
- Val? How did you beat me up here?
- I don't know.
- Demo!
- Ah!
What are you doing here?
And what's up
with that not-rocking guitar?
Uh, well
Well what, Demo?
Well what?
Oh, he wasn't gonna play that
guitar! He was gonna
- smash it! Right, Demo?
- Uh
Well, here I go!
- I can't! I won't!
- What?
Look, Val. The reason
I've acted so weird lately
is because I've secretly been
playing classical guitar.
But I'm not gonna hide it
anymore because I love it!
So go ahead, give me
- "the face."
- The face?
The face you make
when someone does something
you think doesn't rock.
Do you mean the face I make
when I don't know
- how to talk about mushy stuff?
- Huh?
Uh, are you saying this has
all been a misunderstanding?
Yeah! Honestly, Demo, your
classical guitar is really good.
When I hear it, the scream
of my soul echoes endlessly
in the flaming recesses
of my rock heart.
And I knew a few other Trolls
who are gonna feel that way too.
Hello, Classical Crest!
Yeah, are you ready to rock?
Wow, Val. I think classical culture
is really rubbing off on you!
Pff, wrong! I'm just
here to support a friend.
There is zero evidence that
You tell no one about this.
Mr. Dinkles!
Somebody help him! Ah!
Looks like I'm gonna have
to take that cocoa
to go-go!
- Whoo-ah!
- No!
Oh! Gotcha! Huh!
Oh, oh! Thank you, Branch!
Mr. Dinkles, we don't climb
trees with our teeth.
Well, dang, y'all! Hoh!
We come down here
to get some cocoa to go-go
and next thing I know, well,
this cutie patootie's doing
the finest critter-wrangling
this side of Lonesome Flats!
Who, me? I don't know.
Don't be modest, Branch!
You got something special.
Special, special, special.
Me? Special?
I know it in my gut,
and I always listen to my gut.
Good thinking, gut! You should
come try out for our rodeo!
That's a great idea!
Why, Gust's gut,
you are the most insightful
digestive system
I have ever had
the pleasure of knowin'.
What do you say, Branch?
Care to try out?
You, you really think I can do it?
- Does that answer your question?
- Uh
See you there, cowboy.
- Hmm
- Nice work on the pendants, Poppy!
Pff, well, I
figured nothing says
"Branch, we wish you
success in the rodeo!"
like a good pendant.
Branch, we wish
you success in the rodeo!
And there's no way
it will ever get annoying!
Well, well.
Morning, ma'am. Tiny ma'am.
- Uh? Branch?
- What are you doing?
Just surveyin' the prairie
and wonderin',
"Will I tame it today?
Or will it tame me?"
Wow! You're, uh
really getting into
this whole country thing, huh?
Darn tootin'!
Turns out I have a lot in common
with the Country Tribe.
I'm resourceful, hard-working
and I always wear a hat.
You never wear a hat.
Ah, but I've been meaning
to always wear a hat.
Besides, Gust and Holly
said I'm special
special, special, special.
And honestly, no one's ever
said that about me before!
What? Branch, I say you're
special all the time!
- Yeah, but you say that to everyone!
- I do not!
Describe this Troll.
She's spe
She's very spe
You're very special and I hope
you have a wonderful day!
- Ah.
- Well, I will now!
Uh! Now,
pardon my sassafras, y'all,
but sure as the honey's on the
haystack, I've got rodeo tryouts.
There's no way
he's using that lingo, right?
Welcome to tryouts, Troll-pokes!
We'll be evaluating your skills
in three events:
Piñata lassoing,
Catching a greased balloon
And of course, hugging a wild,
raging adora-bull.
Hah! Mm
Now, if you can do all that,
you've earned yourself
a spot in the rodeo,
and maybe even get to star
in our most dangerous event:
wrangling Fluffy.
- Aww!
- But y'all ain't ready for that just yet.
For now, get those ropin' arms
ready 'cause it's lassoing time!
Okay, cowboy, let's show
'em something special.
- You all right there, Branch?
- Uh, yep. Just testing the rope.
I'll put honey on the haystack this
time, if you catch my meaning.
No, we don't!
But, hey, here's a little
something to get your mojo goin'!
He can do it ♪
Yeah, he's got it
Yeah, he got what it takes ♪
He can make it He will
take on all the pressure ♪
He won't break ♪
And you can't fake it
No, not at this rodeo ♪
So let me your stuff ♪
Does he got what it
takes to make it? ♪
You'll be a cowboy yet
At this here rodeo ♪
Does he got what it
takes to make it? ♪
Now, can he win it all ♪
And bring that glory
Bring that glory home? ♪
Well, Branch,
if that weren't just the most
effort I've ever seen at a tryout,
well, then I don't know what!
- So, I made it?
- Oh, sugar, no! No, no, no.
It wouldn't be safe.
But I have something special
special, special, special.
Your gut said so itself!
True, but frankly, Branch,
listening to your gut
is far from a flawless
decision-making system!
Honestly, sometimes I wonder if it
only does that 'cause I'm hungry.
What a world.
Hey, good for you!
Showing up to support the rodeo,
even though you didn't make the cut!
That's not at all
what's happening here, is it?
No. I was practicing
my lasso all night, Poppy.
If I can nail a trick
in front of Holly and Gust,
they have to let
me into the rodeo!
I just have to wait into the exact
second they round that corner and
- You just missed them.
- Ah!
Wait, guys, watch this! Huh!
Oh, no.
And we're in a bit of a hurry,
so better make it to go-go.
Oh! Uff!
Biggie! Are you okay?
Oh, he's better than okay, y'all!
Biggie got that adora-bull
calmer than indoor tumbleweed!
Uh, thanks?
Quick question, though,
did I or did I not die just now?
Far from it!
You got something special.
- Is that it? Did I score a lasso?
Oh, he's a shoo-in for a spot
at the rodeo, for sure, y'all!
You can say that again
Look, Branch.
I know this is hard for you,
not passing the tryouts,
but I've gotta say,
I'm so impressed that you've
put that behind you and
that's not at all what's happening here.
Oh, no, Branch, stop!
Sorry, Poppy! But I gotta prove
to them that I'm still special.
What are you talking about!
I don't know!
But I'm gonna show them
that I can do the hardest
rodeo challenge there is
wrangling Fluffy.
Oh, Fluffy?
Uh, you know what?
You're busy metamorphing
into a terrifying monster,
I'll come back another time.
- Branch, I'll go get help!
- No, I don't need help,
I'm special,
special, special, spe-augh!
Okay, never mind!
Somebody help!
Ah, no, no, no, no!
Not so fast!
I came here to dance.
So let's do-si-do.
Oh, man,
he's so good with the lingo!
Biggie, thank you.
You really are amazing
at this rodeo stuff!
I know.
I'm just as shocked as you are!
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I believe these Country Western
Trolls would like to lift me
on their them, their them,
their shoulders.
Oh, no, that was too much.
Wasn't it?
What in Troll Nation
were you thinking, Branch?
Tackling Fluffy on your own?
Sorry. I just wanted
to show you guys I'm special.
I should've known better.
We told you, Branch!
You still have that something special,
you just have to work a little harder.
And hard work, well,
that's about the most Country
Troll thing you could do!
- Really?
- Of course!
In fact,
working hard for the cupcake
Ha! That makes the
taste all the sweeter!
Wow, Branch, it's so good that you
stopped trying to prove yourself
so you can just have fun,
and that's not what's
No, no! You're right this
time. That is what's happening.
I did it!
- Yeah!
- Well, pour some honey on the haystack!
- Quit while you're ahead!
- Ow!
He can do it ♪
Yeah, he's got it
Yeah, he got what it takes ♪
And you can't fake it
No, not at this rodeo ♪
So let me your stuff ♪
Does he got what it
takes to make it? ♪
You'll be a cowboy out
Of this here rodeo ♪
Does he got what it
takes to make it? ♪
Now, can he win it all ♪
And bring that glory
Bring that glory home? ♪
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