Troppo (2022) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

The cash was a buy-in to a card game.
Park was the public face of Dellagua.
I'm a public face of Dellagua, too.
Have you received any threats?
Who's Lars Hans? To you?
He's a friend when no one else was.
[Roy] When I asked you if he was
downloading any confidential files,
you denied any knowledge of it.
[Ted] Jesus!
What's that?
This is a good time.
Joanne, it's been a while.
If it's left up to me,
another 15 years are gonna go by
and nothing will have changed.
That shed belongs to Pharrell.
[Joanne] The worst possible thing that
can happen to a person happened to me,
and you did that.
I've seen that car. Damford showed me.
-Hey! Jesus!
-I fucking trusted you!
[Ted] Amanda!
[ominous music playing]
[bell tolls]
[sirens wail in distance]
[sirens wail]
[no audio]
[opening theme music plays]
[engine shuts off]
[dog barking]
[goose honking]
[goslings chirping]
[goose honking]
Did I freak you out?
Yeah, you did.
But it's all right. I forgive you.
Don't. Don't do that.
Those assholes at the bar,
they pushed you pretty hard.
Hell, I pushed you.
Yeah. And when I get pushed,
this this is who I am.
You know, Damford,
he thinks you keep that car as a trophy.
But it don't look that way to me.
I don't care what your new tattoo says.
I asked Lars to get that car
back from the cops.
Keep it for me.
That's a bit of a fucked up thing
to agree to.
I was a fucked up thing. I am.
We belong to a special club,
Lars and I.
When he was 18, off his head on shots,
he drove his car into a tree.
And his best friend went
straight through the windscreen.
Very dead.
Not a scratch on Lars.
Somehow, he was able to believe
that he was worthy of forgiveness.
And he tried to convince me I was, too.
"We're all worthy.
We all deserve to live,
no matter what we've done.
Now we have to forgive ourselves,"
blah, blah, blah. [clears throat]
And then he goes and walks right
into the jaws of a fucking crocodile.
What am I supposed to do with that?
You prove that it wasn't his choice.
And even if it was deliberate,
it still doesn't--
Don't you take advantage of me because
I'm hungover and snake-fucked, okay?
You're tougher than you know.
To come back here.
To this place.
Could have stayed away.
But then how would
Joanne Freeman have found me?
Don't worry, she didn't have a go at me.
It was much worse than that.
Go home, Ted.
You got people who love you.
[sighs] Yeah.
[sighs] I ran away.
[smacks lips]
They realised that before I did, so
So you take a late-night dip in the river.
You all right, Conkaffey?
[engine shuts off]
I'll be five minutes, tops.
Hey, Jo, you're--
You all good?
[engine starts]
I feel like I've eaten a bucket of sand.
Welcome to your first real hangover.
How's this work?
Prick the skin.
Just one drop,
straight into the bloodstream.
Oh, man, I gotta get home
and get out of these clothes. They stink.
I washed that shirt. Once.
I'll get it back to you.
Well, I'd offer to give you a ride, but
And hey.
Try not to consume all the evidence.
[phone rings]
[Kelly on voicemail]
Hi, you've reached Kelly.
It's your turn, baby.
[Lilly on voicemail]
Leave Mom a message, please.
Hey, Kelly,
please don't delete this, okay?
I'm not calling to harass you or
plead my case.
Just hear me out.
You were right to call things off.
I, uh
I'm a mess.
You kept trying to tell me that, but
I I didn't wanna hear it.
Thank you, for hanging in there
as long as you did.
I guess that's it, really. Um
Sorry I wasn't there.
Just tell Lilly
Just tell her I love her, okay?
[phone beeps]
Look, something's
been bugging me. Uh
You and Park worked so closely together.
Why would he come to me
if he had a problem, instead of you?
No idea.
He was certain
marine life were being harmed.
Does that ring any bells?
Don't you think that's odd?
Well, maybe he thought
I wouldn't support a shutdown.
I mean, he knew how determined I was
to make the launch date.
Yeah, but he trusted you.
I mean, you shared a vision.
Something's about to derail that
and what, he
[chuckles] He just doesn't mention it?
Maybe you already knew about it.
Maybe that's why you made the decision
to search the hard drives by yourself
before bringing them in here.
If there is a problem,
it will be on those drives.
Unfortunately not.
Plenty about deep-water mine testing,
but zero mention of contamination.
I don't believe he would have
destroyed that evidence.
So either it's hidden away
somewhere yet to be found
or you already
are in possession of that data.
[speaking Korean] Mum?
[speaking Korean]
Mum, what's wrong?
[speaking Korean]
Close the door.
[speaking Korean]
Why are you still in bed?
It's my fault your father is dead.
It's my fault.
We came here because of me.
I was unfaithful.
I failed, as a mother and wife.
I've recently been involved
with some people.
I didn't know much about them,
but they're dangerous people. Criminals.
[speaking Korean]
It was a card game.
[speaking Korean] Your father must have
come looking for me and saw something.
[speaking Korean]
They wanted to keep him quiet.
[speaking Korean]
That isn't true
[speaking Korean]
I'm so sorry.
[speaking Korean]
Mama, look at me
[speaking Korean]
it's not your fault.
[speaking Korean]
Please go now.
[door opens]
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
How's the head?
Exacting its revenge.
Oh, no, you hold on to that, would you?
Look underneath.
It's a batch number.
Yeah, I'd I'd say so.
Why would Lars scratch a batch number
onto Daisy's collar?
You think Lars might have taken venom
before he died?
Think about it.
Lars was in an altered state.
Shit, he'd taken off all his clothes.
Overheated, just like you last night.
Uninhibited. Couldn't care less
there was a croc in the water.
He'd have easy access to the stuff.
No. No, he wouldn't.
But you didn't wanna believe that
he was an animal smuggler either, so
Let's just try to keep
an open mind here.
Lars wouldn't take venom.
Not willingly.
Maybe he didn't have a choice.
And how would that work?
I don't know.
Maybe they wanted to get rid of him.
Or he was trying to work up his courage
to take that swim.
If that's really what he wanted,
then why wouldn't he take the whole dose?
Who's to say he didn't?
[knocking on door]
[doorbell rings]
[suspenseful music playing]
I I didn't think anyone was home.
Haven't you done enough
to my family?
I promise you,
Jong Min and I were colleagues,
nothing more.
Don't insult me.
What is it you're looking for?
We were working on something together
and he made a copy of it.
He put it somewhere safe.
I need to find it.
Get out of my house.
I want to show the world
who Jong Min was.
You are cruel, and a liar.
Leave, now!
[thunder rumbling]
[engine revving]
[horn honks]
[horn honking]
[horn continues honking]
[horn honks]
[knocking on door]
Oh, wow.
Hey, does it hurt?
Getting a tattoo?
Ah, sometimes. Not always.
Depends on where you get it,
who gives it to you.
A bunch of variables.
So did you, uh, learn to do it in prison?
I want one.
But with this.
Do you know how to?
Yeah, you just, uh,
you mix some of the ashes in with the ink.
Sorry, uh, do you think it's messed up?
To want that?
No. A lot of people do it.
Just another way to keep someone close.
This was on the car.
They might be his last words.
[thunder rumbling]
[tattoo gun buzzing]
How you doing? You need a break?
Oh, no, no. The pain is good.
It, um, actually helps.
It's good to feel something, right?
Is that why you do it?
It's like a release.
In theory.
Doesn't always work, though.
Yeah, I don't
I don't have that.
Koreans, we're taught
to keep our true feelings hidden.
Whatever's going on,
you just have to push it down.
It's our way of dealing with the realities
in our lives so we can survive, but
It can burn and eat away your insides.
That sounds familiar.
We even have a name for it.
We call it, um, hwa-byung.
It means 'fire sickness'.
If the fire burns inside us long enough,
it can make us implode.
Well, you can do that here,
if you need to.
Just let me know first, yeah,
and I'll move the needle.
[tattoo gun buzzing]
Did you get a look at the driver?
Recognise the car?
Mm-mm. Four-wheel drive.
Black, or dark green, maybe.
I didn't I didn't see the face.
I'm curious why you decided
to call me and not the police.
You don't trust
your local law enforcement?
I called you because you're new enough
in town not to have vested interests.
Somebody from Dellagua
tried to run you off the road.
Is that what you think?
You know what? This was a mistake.
I should have called a cab.
I'm really sorry
that I dragged you out here.
Why don't we just cut the shit,
you tell me the truth?
Hmm? No?
All right, I'll give it a shot.
You lied when you said
you were Park's lover.
You had some other reason for meeting up
at a shitty hotel late at night.
My guess is that reason
is on one of Park's drives.
That's the one you can't find yet, right?
It's important enough for you
to break into Yoon Sun's house for it.
And it's dangerous enough
that somebody's coming after you.
Who else have you told?
What's on the drive?
Who else?
You know what?
I think you better call that cab.
Jong Min designed
a prototype for Dellagua
to mine metal deposits
on the ocean floor.
Our initial testing was positive.
It was minimal impact and so
we decided to cut deeper.
We discovered that
the marine life were bleeding.
They were developing lesions.
We had released something and
and it poisoned them,
and this is the only evidence
I have right now.
Jong Min took it to our CEO,
but Roy insisted on burying it.
So Jong Min brought it to me.
We were working together,
gathering data so that we could prove
that Dellagua were willing to destroy
the ocean to get what they wanted.
So Dellagua would rather deal
with the litigation
than have the company blow up
before it even got started.
That's why Jong Min and I
met at night at the hotel.
When were you planning
on blowing a whistle?
The day after Jong Min died.
Anybody else know
what you two were up to?
What about Dellagua?
They have any enemies?
Anybody wanna take 'em down?
Oh, there were ecowarriors
in the early days.
Any mention of mining
gets people excited.
Wayne Druff was the ringleader.
He's passionate, but innocuous.
Druff's adventures?
You mean, the crocodile guy?
I'll take you home.
[birds squawking]
After another boat?
More bird watching?
Should've been upfront, mate.
I'm not so keen on liars.
Neither am I.
Last time we spoke, you mentioned
something about things being a little off.
Changes in a river,
maybe animals behaving strangely.
That's my office. Every day.
Something shifts, I'm the first to see it.
Any idea what might be
causing those changes?
You wanna ask me about Dellagua,
just ask.
I'm not into all this pussyfooting around.
Fair enough.
You're here because
I kicked up a stink about 'em, right?
Bastards shouldn't be mining in the ocean.
Anything I can do to stop that,
I'm gonna do it.
Selfish rich pricks.
Must be kind of tough,
your son dating Park's daughter.
Not her fault what he does.
What he did.
You think I knocked him off. [chuckles]
Shit. What, Dellagua tell you that?
That's how they're
gonna get me to shut up, is it?
That'd be right.
You're looking for a bad guy,
start here.
That should give you
plenty of people to harass.
And you tell Roy Gilpin I've got
a special croc picked out for him.
He's on my list.
[suspenseful music playing]
No surprise Olivia thinks
Dellagua wanna kill her.
I've got something else for you, too.
You wanna know why Twist
was at the Dellagua launch?
He's an investor in a company.
Big time.
How big?
A million, maybe more.
Worlds collide, huh.
You think he killed Park?
Do you?
Well, a million bucks worth of motive.
He's tight with Roy, so he probably heard
Park was getting cold feet.
Means wouldn't be difficult.
Any blunt instrument would work.
An opportunity. It's a small town.
He knows what Park looks like.
Probably knows where he lives, too.
Well, if Twist did take out Park,
it makes sense
he'd also move against anybody
that might jeopardise his cash flow.
He's smuggling.
Yeah. Like a pilot
who asks too many questions.
If he didn't murder Lars himself,
then he sent Bryce to do it.
I don't know.
But I wanna find out.
Maybe I should ask them.
In public. Daytime hours. Relax.
Relax, she says.
[indistinct chatter]
I moved that merchandise of yours.
-Oh, yeah?
Where'd you find a buyer?
Does it matter?
I'm here to talk business.
I'm listening.
I believe you two know each other.
Hey, mate.
Can I get you a beer?
Ah, I'm here for the conversation.
Man, I wrote myself off the other night.
Why do backpackers always seem
to get their hands on the good shit?
And this good shit?
It was snake venom.
Blew my mind.
Looks like your stuff.
I asked the guy where he got it from,
but he wouldn't tell me.
He was protecting his source.
I just wanted to tell you
that if you are the source,
you can trust me not to say anything.
And if it's not you,
then this guy stole it from you
and I thought you should know.
I never sell venom
for recreational purposes.
That's what I suspected.
Did you and Lars
share a taste for this stuff?
I don't, um,
share that taste with anybody.
It is a, uh, private predilection.
Why do you ask?
Because I think Lars was on the stuff
when he died.
Tell me about this backpacker.
Uh, he found me in the bar,
saw my tatts, put two and two together.
What'd he look like?
Mm I mean,
they all kind of look the same.
And the bar was noisy and crowded
and I didn't wanna eyeball him too long.
You know how dealers get.
Well, if you, uh, see him again
Oh, absolutely.
Ah, I gotta go.
I got cases to solve, gentlemen.
Yoon Sun.
I think I owe you an apology.
The other day, Amanda and I suggested
that your involvement with those men
may have led to your husband's death.
I think we were wrong about that.
I'm sorry.
You didn't come here just to tell me that.
You know this guy?
Recognise him?
Jong Min invited him over for dinner
once, maybe twice.
His name is Ezra Cole.
Otherwise known as Twist.
Friend of his?
It wasn't social.
This Cole,
he's a pretty major investor in Dellagua.
Any idea what those dinners were about?
They never discussed business
in front of me.
But Jong Min never invited
people from work to our home.
Hmm. Must have wanted
something from him, then.
I don't know what that would be.
I think he was looking for help.
Help in taking Dellagua down.
Why would he try to stop them?
Because he believed that
the work that they were doing
was causing some
serious ecological damage.
So Park and Olivia
were acquiring the evidence
they needed to blow the whistle.
That's why she wanted
those hard drives so badly.
And that's why they were
meeting late at night at that hotel.
Dellagua had Jong Min killed?
I can't prove that yet.
But what I do know is that your husband
was a deeply honourable man.
You were right.
Honourable and very courageous.
Thank you.
Jong Min's favourite.
A collector's item, apparently.
He was the only one
that would drink from it.
-Would you join me?
-Oh, I'd love to.
But, uh, I think I've had enough.
You won't mind if I
No, please. By all means.
[sniffs] Hmm
Pretty clever.
Cool place you've got here.
Did you sell venom to Lars?
Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Same way as I sold it to you.
I've regretted it every single day
since he died.
If only I hadn't, you know,
things might've turned out so different.
Must have OD'd.
Freaked out. Jumped in the water.
Could've sworn he was clean.
Guess he fell off the wagon.
It's a real shame, too.
Seemed like a decent bloke.
Just goes to show.
Gotta be careful, hey.
Twist didn't know
you were dealing his stuff, did he?
I didn't know that you knew Twist.
It's a small town.
I nicked a couple of vials from him,
one night after I'd had a few.
Seemed like a decent way
to earn a little extra cash.
Nobody saw me, though.
And I appreciate you
not telling him where you got it.
Did Lars know you stole it?
Is that why he asked you for some?
No. Why?
Because he scratched a serial number
off a vial on his dog's collar.
That's pretty weird, don't you think?
Lars had a shit memory.
Yeah, he was always scribbling
stuff down on whatever was handy.
Twist used to get at him
all the time for it.
He was always fucking up batch numbers,
messing up paperwork, so
No, not that weird.
I miss Lars, too.
We were mates.
We should talk about going into business.
I reckon I could find something for you.
Yeah, sounds good.
Oh, hey, pro tip.
Next time you're thinking
about dipping into your own supply,
you might wanna take it easy.
That stuff will kill ya.
[door closes]
Interesting conversation
at the Shark Bar.
Yeah, I'm always up for
some interesting conversation.
Hmm. [chuckles]
I have some information
about Lar's death.
You pulled on that nasty little thread.
I know who killed him.
It's an intimate thing to talk about
the murder of a mutual friend.
Calls for a more intimate setting.
Don't you think?
My partner knows I'm here.
Of course.
After you.
[door opens]
Here she is.
We were just talking about you.
Well, you know what they say.
The only thing worse
than being talked about
Bryce is a good worker.
Wants to know all about what's goin' on.
He has ambitions to become ambitious.
Don't you, mate?
Only I've been remiss.
I didn't realise just how
interested you were in venom.
If you'd wanted some, mate,
you should've just asked me,
instead of helping yourself.
What? What?
It was just once. It was a stupid mistake.
It won't happen again.
Wanna take some more now?
No, no. No, I'm all done.
No, thanks.
You know how to milk a snake.
You've seen me do it.
Choose one you like.
Grab it by the back of the head.
Little bit of pressure
on the hinges of the jaw.
Away you go.
I'll get you a vial, okay?
Here we go, come on.
I don't Really, I don't
I don't want any. It's fine.
Look, if something happens,
you're in a room full of antivenom, okay?
With a bloke who knows just how to use it.
Hey, man, enough.
I I shouldn't have done it.
I'm sorry. I'll pay you back and
and we'll be square.
Don't keep her waiting.
[suspenseful music playing]
[chuckles] Come on.
[suspenseful music playing]
Fuck! Fuck! Jesus!
You should have paid more attention.
Jesus, fuck, are you happy now?
I played your little fucking game!
Now give me the antivenom! Ow!
No, I'm not happy, Bryce.
Why don't you tell us
exactly what happened with Lars?
You fuckin' bastard.
Oh, you
[Bryce] Lars was snooping around.
He shouldn't have been here.
[lock clicks]
How long you been nicking vials?
Mate, it's nothing.
Don't worry about it.
Twist won't see it as nothing.
Ah, Lars.
What do you want to stay quiet?
What do you want? Cash? [inhales]
He'll find out.
He hasn't yet.
Well, when it all goes to shit,
I know whose side I'd rather be on.
Well, uh, in that case
I guess you just better
keep your fucking mouth shut, then.
[engine starts]
[motorbike rides off]
Nice day for it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[dog barking]
-[dog whining]
Picked the wrong side, mate.
-[dog whining]
[Bryce panting]
He had a family. Kids.
Fuck you!
Give it to me, Amanda. Please.
Help him.
Where Where'd you put it?
All right, he's had enough now.
You're gonna kill him.
Think of this as, um, a gift.
This isn't what I want.
[sighs] Mm.
He's got about five minutes.
You can't leave him like this.
Where are you going?
It's done.
What's it look like?
Hey! Hey! The antivenom.
What does it look like?
[grunting] Amanda. You okay?
He's been bitten.
Twist made him do it.
He killed Lars.
This guy? [panting]
[sirens wail in distance]
Did you call them?
I called an ambulance.
[siren wails]
Get off me! Are you serious?
Damford, I didn't fucking do anything.
All right, all right. Hang on.
-You guys, come on.
I didn't fucking touch him.
She didn't know
what this guy was gonna do, all right?
That's assault.
Police, get him the fuck out of here.
-Hey, you gonna arrest her
-[Amanda] Fuck you!
-you arrest me, too.
-Fuck you!
Give it time, mate.
Give it time.
I'm not getting in the fucking car!
Fuck you!
-Hey, hey! This is assault.
-Fuck you!
-This is assault.
-[Damford] This is on you.
You wanna run around
playing policeman?
-You put her here, not me.
-Man, look at her.
Get her out of here!
You can't arrest her like this.
You gotta have her medically assessed.
You got nothin', pal. Nothin'.
I've got a convicted murderer
standing over another dead body.
-I've got something.
-[engine starts]
I'm gonna need a statement from you,
so get your ass back down to the station.
Don't make me come looking for you.
[Amanda sobbing]
[siren wailing]
What are you doing here?
Working on my tan.
What have you taken?
Fuck you.
Yeah, well, fuck you and fuck Pharrell.
You know, she can't talk like that.
Like it's a game.
You mean, Amanda, at the bar?
I've been good, you know,
all this time. I have.
She opens her mouth,
brags about what she did.
You all right?
It wasn't supposed to happen like that.
But she did it.
She still did it.
What was supposed to happen?
She crashed the party.
We taught her a lesson.
What did you do to her?
What'd you do?
We put it in her drink.
You put what?
What did you give her? Hmm?
[closing theme music plays]
That jury is gonna have
a fucking field day with you.
Is your daughter around?
Love to talk to her.
Get off my property.
You come back
and I'll knock you out.
What's your gut tell you?
[sighs] We made a mistake.
[Ted] Amanda!
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