True Story (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Chapter 7: ...Like Cain Did Abel

[ominous music playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
What up, Julian?
You get that address for me?
Listen, Kid, why you trying
to find old girl from the VIP room?
We were supposed to meet up,
but Carlton, he actin' funny
'cause she chose me over him.
I lost her number.
I just wanna pop up on her.
All right. I got you.
Listen, just don't give me
no trouble, bro, all right?
[Kid] Daphne.
- I know it's you.
- Sorry. I think you have the wrong person.
Come on, cut the shit, Daphne.
Or Simone,
or whatever your fucking name is.
I'm so sorry. I didn't even wanna do it.
He told me we could make a little money.
- Who's he?
- Couple hundred grand.
- Who said?
- All I had to do was get you drunk
and pretend to be dead.
- Whose idea was it?
- I didn't know what was gonna happen.
Do you hear what I'm asking?
Whose fucking idea was it?
Was it Ari?
Was it Ari?
Answer my fucking question.
Was it Ari's idea?
It was Carlton's.
It was his idea. It was him.
He brought Ari in.
I'm so sorry!
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[Kid] Yo, meet me at the hotel.
I got a surprise for you.
[Carlton] A surprise?
Nah, man. My head is spinning.
Trust me, it'll be a good one.
[fingers snap]
[melancholic music playing]
[knocking on door]
[cocks gun]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Todd] Carlton. It's Todd. You in there?
- Hey.
- What you want?
I thought we could have a little talk.
I brought coffee and I brought donuts.
I thought you went to fat camp
for eating that shit.
Man, I told Kid that stuff in confidence.
Look at that.
Okay, I'll get to it.
Kid texted me that you're thinking
of coming to New York with us.
Yeah. Yeah. We actually
talked about me going to LA too.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Okay. [chuckles]
Can you tell me
what's going on with him and you two?
Come on, man.
Philly's been fucked since jump.
A couple years ago, I'd figure
he was using again, but it's not that.
What is it?
I'm not the guy who finds out where
the bodies are buried when it's too late.
I'm the guy who tells you where to dig.
The sooner you can accept that,
the easier all our lives are gonna get.
[Carlton exhales]
Okay, fine.
Well, welcome back to your brother's life,
where you continue to get a free ride.
Enjoy the donuts.
See you later.
[Carlton] I should have laid your ass out
for saying that shit.
Come on, man.
Let me tell you something.
I don't wanna be
in your little "circle" bullshit.
I got my own shit.
I got a restaurant.
Which, just like everything else
in your life, your brother gave you.
[cell phone ringing]
Yeah, hold on one second.
You know, this Gene shit,
it's a national story now,
so I gotta go
because I have to protect your brother,
because that's my job.
You have a good day.
Yeah, go ahead.
- Fucker.
- [cell phone chimes]
[bass pounding]
[Kid] He's now "Behind the Scenes Gene",
do you hear me?
[clicking keyboard]
[Kid] Here we go, see this right now?
We're live. Right? Huh?
- Come on, Gene.
- Motherfucker!
- [Kid continues indistinctly]
- [in Greek] Savvas! Come on!
Hey, man, don't squeeze too hard.
- Look.
- What?
[Kid in English] All right, huh?
[in Greek] That pussy threw you.
- [in English] Did that kariólis lie to us?
- Find him!
[line ringing]
[Savvas in Greek] Mom, we got a problem.
[Herschel in English]
Man. What the fuck, man?
You can't keep ducking off,
especially after Gene.
I pay you to protect me, not lecture me.
When I ask you to back off,
that's what the fuck you do,
you back the fuck off!
That's what you do.
And I don't pay you to fuck Billie!
That's not why I pay you.
Get the fuck out my way, man.
- [door slams]
- Fuck!
Fuck you!
Keep putting your hand in my face neither.
- Fuck you!
- [Herschel] Fuck you!
Everyone keep fucking with me, man.
Everybody just wanna
keep fucking playing with me, huh?
Keep playing with me.
Keep fucking taking shit from me.
[glass shatters]
[electricity sparking]
fuck about nothing!
[grunts] Fuck all y'all! Fuck this room!
Fuck this shit.
Fucking with me, man.
Fuck! Fuck!
[cell phone vibrates]
[continues vibrating]
[breathes heavily]
[cell phone vibrates]
Yeah, what up?
[Todd] Hey, man. Uh, the Sixers called.
I wasn't sure
you wanted to still go to the game
Me and Carlton are going.
- Get us a box, though. No floor seats.
- Okay. I'm on it.
[keys jingling]
Got me on some bullshit.
[message sent notification chimes]
[man] Still some glass there on the floor.
[indistinct chatter]
[vacuum whirring]
[man] I wanna check
with Meredith in Housekeeping.
I think she's got another one.
[cell phone chimes]
[message sent notification chimes]
[knocks on door]
[Carlton] Hey, yo.
What the fuck happened?
Found out some bad shit happened,
and, um, I snapped.
Uh, it wasn't Monyca or Chris, was it?
No, it was some
bad business decisions I made,
and it just got the best of me.
I'ma tell Hersch we're coming down.
All right. Where we going?
The Sixers game.
- Sixers?
- Mm-hmm.
You do know that I love you, right?
[chuckles] Even when we fight, I know it.
[dramatic music playing]
Welcome, Kid.
Here are your all-access passes.
We're heading in at half time,
but it's gonna be a great second half.
- I'll show you to your box.
- Thank you.
Man, yeah. I haven't been to a Sixers game
since the last time you was here.
[exhales] Now we're gonna see
Bron-Bron get it on. Bron-Bron!
I'm glad we had that talk last night.
I think we really turned a corner.
We did.
- [elevator dings]
- We damn sure did.
[stadium rock music playing]
We love you, man.
[crowd cheering]
[announcer on PA]
Sixers fans, make some noise!
Okay. Okay.
Nice. Nice. Oh, yeah.
[announcer] Joel Embiid for two!
Hey, you remember that time
we snuck into the Spectrum
to watch Barkley smash the Hawks?
You was scared
that we was gonna get caught,
but I got us in and out, no problem.
[laughs giddily]
Yeah, it was all right.
What you got over here, man?
- What it look like?
- [Herschel] A little bit of everything.
[crowd cheers]
comedy star, TV star, movie star,
entrepreneur, mogul,
philanthropist, dreamboat,
we're so lucky to have him here today.
[banging on door]
[Ellen] And I'm proud
to call him a friend.
- Let's give a warm welcome for
- [banging continues]
[door slams]
Where's Carlton?
Cat got your tongue?
Oh, that's right,
you're Carlton's girlfriend.
- [grunts]
- [yelps]
[sobs] I haven't even seen Carlton.
Oh, fuck.
I haven't even seen Carlton, I swear.
[reporter] as the bear
- [ringside bell dings]
- [Simone] I came here looking for him.
I called him, but I haven't seen him.
Fuck. Please don't hurt me.
It's okay. It's okay.
[Simone] No!
- [punches landing]
- [Simone whimpering]
Hey, Hersch,
let me holla at C for a minute.
You're kind of quiet. What's up?
Still tripping on that bad business?
That's not it.
It's because
I ran into your friend Simone.
Or is it Daphne?
Simone or Daphne, I don't know.
Which one do you prefer?
It don't fucking matter.
You don't even gotta answer that.
It was crazy for me, of course,
because I thought she was dead.
She's not dead. She's alive.
Blew my mind, man.
- Look, I can explain.
- Explain?
What do you mean, you can explain?
What explanation can you possibly give me
to make this make sense?
If there's an explanation,
you shoulda gave it
before you brought scumbag Ari in my life
and made me a fucking murderer.
I didn't tell you
to put that cord around his neck.
That's a perfect Carlton response.
You're dead to me, man.
[announcer] Let's make some noise
for Philly's own billion-dollar superhero!
Straight from The Anti-Verse,
only in theaters now!
- [man 2] We love you, Kid!
- [Kid]Let's go, Sixers!
- Let's show some Fargo love for Kid!
- [crowd cheering]
I love y'all. Thank you.
[man] We love you, Kid!
You're fucking dead to me.
[announcer] Fouled by Jimmy Butler.
Look at this.
This is a shame. This can stop.
Just tell me where Carlton is.
You tell me where Carlton is and it stops.
You're gonna tell me where Carlton is.
Fucking putana!
[cell phone ringing]
[in Greek] Go to hell, bitch!
Hey, I'm at Carlton's.
[Nikos in English]
I got a call. I know where he is.
[man on TV] Didn't I hear
someone say she trained that palooka?
Fuck you too.
[in Greek] I'm on my way. Where are you?
[crowd cheering]
[in English]
So if you knew all this, why you tell me
you love me?
Because I did.
And I also knew it was the last time
you would ever hear me say those words.
Let me make myself very clear.
Man, I don't ever wanna see you again.
I don't ever wanna hear from you again.
You're a dead man walking.
- [horn blows]
- [crowd cheers]
- Let's get the fuck outta here.
- Okay, boss.
[ominous music playing]
[elevator dings]
[indistinct chattering]
- [man 3] Hey, Kid, what's up?
- Just chillin'.
- [man 4] It's Kid.
- Hey.
- [woman] Oh, my God, it's Kid!
- Hey, hey, hey. Much love.
- Hey.
- [woman] Can I get a selfie?
Yeah. We can take a couple.
Let's take some selfies.
- [Kid grunts]
- [camera shutters click]
- Fuck.
- I appreciate you.
- Let's run. Move.
- [Kid] What?
- [Carlton] We gotta go this way.
- [Kid] Shit.
Yo, Kid! What the fuck's going on?
- Just move!
- Who are these guys?
Shit. Shit.
- Watch out! Shit!
- [women yell]
- [fires]
- [screams]
[Kid] Move! Shit!
[people screaming]
- [gunshot]
- [grunts]
- Hersch!
- [gunshot]
Stay down!
Run! Shit! Go!
- [gunshot]
- [alarm ringing]
[automated voice] Alert. There's
an active shooter in the building.
Please shelter in place.
[Kid] Here, here, here.
There's an active shooter
in the building. Please shelter in place.
[alarm continues ringing]
Alert. There is an active shooter
in the building. Please shelter in place.
There is an active shooter
in the building.
- [glass shatters]
- Please shelter in place.
[glass shatters]
[door rattles]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
[Savvas] Yeah, now what?
[Carlton] Come on.
Can we just talk about this?
My brother's got
nothing to do with this, okay?
It's me.
I did it.
Yeah, you fucking loukoumades
donut-eating motherfuckers.
[Carlton] Fuck.
What the?
Alert. There is an active shooter
in the building.
Please shelter in place.
K, Let's go.
[gun clatters]
[Carlton] Come on, let's go!
What the fuck are you doing?
When the cops get here,
just let me do all the talking.
I'm gonna handle them.
What the fuck
are you doing, man? Let's go.
I got this. I know just what to say.
Come on, man!
[Kid] C.
[Kid] Okay
You know, you always told me that
I needed protection from everybody else.
But I don't.
I needed protection from you.
From fucking you.
[breathing shakily]
[yells] Help!
Help! Somebody come help me, man.
PPD! PPD! Let me see your hands!
- Put your hands up!
- They killed my fucking brother, man!
[officer] We got eyes on them. Down here.
[Kid sobs] Come on, C!
Come on, man. You gotta get up.
You gotta
They killed my brother, man!
They killed my fucking brother.
[officer] Officer responding
to distress call, arriving on scene.
Assisting me on standby, over.
[sobbing] They killed
my fucking brother, man!
They killed my fucking brother, man.
- [officer] You got a pulse?
- Negative.
- Negative.
- [officer] Call it in.
[Kid] C!
C! [sobs]
They killed my fucking brother, man.
[melancholic music playing]
[woman] Kid, we're six minutes out.
I'm gonna
let them know you're almost ready.
You look like a billion dollars.
[chuckles] Thank you.
I'm sorry about your brother.
- I appreciate it.
- Yeah.
[Todd] Thank you.
Hey. I talked to Lemon's people.
He's a huge fan of yours.
This isn't gonna be a TMZ thing,
or anything, it's gonna be easy.
- Cool.
- Okay?
- Hey! What up, champ?
- Look at him.
This man here checked himself out of
the hospital after getting shot, goddamn.
- Soldier.
- Soldier? He's like a fucking superhero.
He's like you
in The Anti-Verse but real. He's here.
[chuckles] Me in The Anti-Verse.
What up with you?
What's going on?
[door closes]
I heard what you and Carlton
talked about at the game.
[ominous music playing]
Todd, was you aware
all this shit was going on?
What shit?
How did you hear anything?
You left the room.
I left, but I never let the door close.
In case you two decided
to get into a fight again.
But once you mentioned a set-up,
I kept listening.
What is this? What's going on?
Let's talk about it.
Keeping this shit to myself
this entire time, I wanna tell somebody.
Fuck it.
All of this shit is happening
because Carlton set me up.
He made me think the chick I brought back
the first night of the concert OD'd.
Called some fat, fake-ass
Greek gangster named Ari
who was supposed
to help me get rid of the body,
but instead of doing that,
he tried to extort me.
I didn't like it. So I killed him.
Me and Carlton decided to dump the body.
Out of nowhere, Ari's brothers showed up,
they wanted to hunt down whoever did it.
Carlton panicked.
He set up Gene. I didn't like that.
They killed Gene.
After they killed Gene, they figured out
Carlton was behind the whole thing.
You know the rest.
I shot them after they shot Carlton.
You got caught in a web of Carlton's,
you did everything you could
to get out of it,
and you did, and you didn't
bring anybody down with you.
[scoffs] You know, if shit went wrong,
you could have got us killed.
If you're gonna be mad, be mad at Carlton.
Shut the fuck up, Todd.
How much did this damn
Ari dude want from you?
Six million dollars.
You know if anything
would've happened to Billie
it'd have been you and me, right?
I mean, we cover up so much of your shit.
- All of us!
- Come on, man.
- But nothing like this!
- Come on, man!
I did what I had to do
to protect my family
and to protect my fuckin' friends.
Man, you protect your own ass!
You couldn't come talk to me?
If you want me to continue to protect you
it's gonna cost you six million dollars.
Fuck off!
No! This is not happening right now. No!
The money is yours, done.
I'd much rather give you the money
than to Carlton or Ari's bitch ass.
The reason why is because
you actually watch my back.
And you gonna continue to watch my back.
Todd, do what you gotta do
to get Hersch his money.
I'm gonna go out here,
gonna tell my story to Don Lemon
and we'll put all this bullshit behind me.
Hold on one second. Hey, Herschel.
Billie know about this?
But I'ma let them know you're coming.
- Excuse me.
- We'll be right with you. One minute.
Thank you.
[door closes]
[Todd sighs]
I mean, Herschel's lost his fucking mind.
I'm gonna talk to him.
We're not giving him six million fucking
You're not gonna say
a goddamn thing to him.
You and I both know what he's capable of.
Why do we need to see that?
You're gonna call the studio,
you're gonna tell the studio
that I'm putting off
spending time with my son.
Because of that,
I need 31 million dollars instead of 25.
- That's good. That's smart.
- Yeah. You're damn right it is.
[exhales] How the fuck
are you so calm right now?
[Todd sighs]
I'm calm
because people don't care
about what you're struggling with.
They're here to see a show.
I'll be damned
if I let anything stop mine.
Then I'm not either.
And I'll make sure Hersch gets that money.
This is why I love you, man.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm straight.
Now that y'all here, I'm real good.
- What up, man?
- Hey, Dad.
- Wish me luck. All right?
- Mm-hmm.
- We're ready for you.
- Cool.
Come and sit right here.
[ominous music intensifies]
[Kid] When a person's
back is against the wall,
and they gotta do whatever they can
to keep from losing what they got,
that's when you get
to see who a person is.
Or what they're capable of.
You know that about someone
Well, then, maybe
Maybe then you can say that you know them.
But then again, you know that,
maybe you wouldn't want to.
You had no idea your brother
had killed this man, Ari Petrakis,
because Ari and his girlfriend, Simone,
were trying to extort you?
I didn't know.
Look, Don, you can't assume
that just because I'm a celebrity
that I know everything
that's going on around me.
That's not the case.
I'm waiting on information,
just like everybody else, from the cops.
How is this weighing on you,
losing your brother?
[ominous music playing]
It's tough.
I mean, it's hard, you know.
Look, me and my brother, we didn't
we didn't have
the best situation coming up.
My brother always felt like
He always felt like
his most important job was protecting me.
And now he's gone.
He's gone.
I don't condone
the things that my brother did at all.
But I do know that he was just trying to
trying to take care of me.
But that thinking
leads to very tragic results.
Will you continue your tour?
I mean, I don't feel like I have a choice.
This tour is just
It's just different.
It's more special now.
So, it comes with dedications, you know?
I'm gonna dedicate it
to my good friend Gene Aubachon.
And to my brother.
My brother, Carlton.
You know, um
the reason why I wanna do that is
because the one thing that they've always
just been so adamant about
was me and my success.
And I know that they would've
wanted me to continue to be successful.
Other than that, I'm just gonna
I'ma take what happened and
just try to become the best me.
Focus on my family.
Allow myself to grow
and be the best guy that I can.
I feel that's the only way
to give my story
a happy ending.
You'll never find ♪
["You'll Never Find Another
Love Like Mine" by Lou Rawls playing]
As long as you live ♪
Someone who loves you
Tender like I do ♪
You'll never find
No matter where you search ♪
Someone who cares about you
The way I do ♪
Whoa, I'm not braggin' on myself, baby
But I'm the one who loves you ♪
And there's no one else ♪
No, oh, oh, one else ♪
You'll never find,
It'll take the end of all time ♪
Someone to understand you
Like I do ♪
You'll never find
The rhythm, the rhyme ♪
All the magic we shared
Just us two ♪
Whoa, I'm not tryin'
To make you stay, baby ♪
But I know somehow, some day, some way ♪
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