Trust Me (2009) s01e07 Episode Script

Damage Control

Erin! Erin? Erin: What? Erin,
turn off the sh -oh, God.
Turn off the shower!
Why? Just turn it off!
What's going on? There's a
leak in the ceiling. Oh, God.
It's leaking now? You knew about this?
I knew there was a stain, but I
didn't think it was a full-on leak.
Can you hand me a towel, please?
I'm gonna call a plumber. I
already did. I called three.
I got three bids. So why isn't it fixed?
It's gonna be expensive, and I
wanted to talk to you about it first.
Well, we got to fix the leak, or the
ceiling will collapse. I know, but I just
I thought if we're gonna spend
all this money on the bathroom,
we should just go ahead
with the renovation we talked
about. Let's just fix what
needs to be fixed -please.
Okay, honey, but I think it
really makes better financial sense
to go ahead and do all the new tile
and fixtures while the floor and walls
are all ripped up.
Can we just go back in time to when I didn't
know there was a leak and I was happy?
Come on, honey, isn't it
time we had an adult shower
big enough for the both of us? -You
know, with a glass door and a bench?
I mean, imagine if we had an actual
master bathroom. There's a place
for me to shave my legs,
maybe a fogless shaving mirror
- by the-it all sounds
way too expensive. Okay,
no fogless shaving
mirror. Come on. Please?
I'm dying here. I'm dying.
All right, all right.
Okay. Just make a few calls,
start the process. Okay, okay.
I'll make a few calls. Ugh.
These expense reports look familiar?
A little, uh bigger than I recall.
Over the course of three trips to l. A.
And eight client dinners, we
noticed some irregularities.
You had dinner here at the
Ivy in l. A. With a "p. Meyer."
Assuming "p" is for
Paul Meyer, copywriter.
Yeah. Who no longer works
- at the agency-hasn't for three years.
Still family, though, huh?
- $37 on cab fare-here, here,
there, there, and there. Those are
expensive cab rides. A lot of traffic,
a lot of waiting time. But you provided
no receipts. And
You had a rental car at the time.
Do you want me to drive
while I'm intoxicated, Bruce?
'Cause that is what it sounds like.
Look, Conner, I get it.
Minibars get emptied.
You don't want to write
"crazy girls strip club"
on your expense report, so
you say you took a few taxis.
I know it's fun to
play Hollywood big shot
while you're off
shooting your 15-second
power-drill commercials. We shot
a 30-second version, too. You creatives
need to understand-the party's over,
and it's b. Y.O.B. These are tough
economic times, Conner. From
now on, too much creativity
in the expense report
is a dismissable offense.
You're saying I could get fired.
No, I'm saying you will get fired
unless you reimburse the company
for any unsubstantiated expenses.
I did go to the Ivy. That one's true.
Your bill comes to $4,217.
I got called down to h. R.
They have blowups of all
of my expense reports.
Oh, no. Did you-did you put my name
on any of those? -You're
listed on, you know,
a few dinners you might not
actually have eaten. How
- How much do you owe?
- A couple of grand.
This is serious. A couple
of grand might not be
such a big deal to you,
but we're not all making
creative-director money. We all have
money problems. Not you. You have
creative-director money. Erin wants
to redo the bathroom. I'm
getting whacked on the head
with a metal pointer,
and you-you're trying to
find new ways to spend all
your creative-director money.
Stop saying that. You can't silence me.
There are some things
your creative-director
money cannot buy. There is
no creative-director money! What?
I never got the raise. When did this
not happen? -When I got
my new business cards with the
with the fancy raised
print. Look! I'm rich!
And I never told Erin.
So, now she wants
to redo the bathroom.
I don't want to say no.
No, no. You know what?
You-you were promised a raise, Mason.
Let's go yell at Tony. Wait, no, no.
Tony's in Portugal for
the global creative review.
Calm down. Calm down? Calm down?
You calm down. I'm not calming down.
You know what I'm gonna
do? -I'm gonna phone Tony.
What time do you think
it is in Portugal?
See, this is why I never told you.
Could you just-can you put
just give me a second.
You're not gonna
look-Tony said the raise is gonna come.
I'm sure it will. He told me
to not worry about
it. And what do you do?
I worry about it. You
know what you need to do?
Talk to Denise. I can't
go over Tony's head. Can I?
His head's not here. It's in Portugal.
And do a good job. I'll do a good job.
You and Amy.
You guys an item? -What?
No. God. Why would you think that?
Because you're blushing,
which means you're embarrassed,
which means you love her.
It does not. Mm-hmm.
It just means we were
talking. What's the big deal?
The big deal is that
you have no business
reason to talk to her. So
that means you love Amy.
What are you, 12?
"Tom and Amy
sitting in a tree"? -No.
We're just going over
the dove hair care brief.
Mason. Hey. Tom and Hector
are working on dove,
huh? -I didn't know that.
I was gonna tell you last
night, but then you left.
I don't need any help on dove.
They're the only client
producing anything till
the end of the year. Why should you
get all the fun? -Can I
talk to you for a second
in my office?
Am I not doing a good job?
Yes. I mean, yes,
you are doing a good job.
'Cause I've been trying to,
Mason. I really have.
Look, I know I said
shampoo is not my thing,
like I'm an anthropologist
studying a bizarre alien
race, but I have been working
my ass off all by myself, and I still
don't have a partner!
O-okay, quit, quit.
Let me spell this out for you, okay?
"A", Tom and Hector-not that much of a threat.
You know, I'm giving
them a shot on this,
and they may come up
with some funny ideas,
but they'll be off-strategy.
Okay, what about "b"? -And "b"
Uh, "b", I may have found for you
a great new - temporary-art-director partner.
Who? -He's very talented.
Who? -Very much in demand.
Who is he? -Mason
Mcguire. Looking forward
to working with you. Shut up.
I'm not good enough for you?
You already have a partner.
For the next couple
of days, I'll have two.
It's nice to meet you.
You too. I have some ideas.
Um oh, oh.
These don't need full storyboards
just some key frames.
There's a product demo
in the middle that might
need some animation.
I thought this illustration
style might work, if you
want to take a look.
This is gonna be really fun, you know?
Kind of like old times.
Uh, but, you know,
I can't -I can't get to
these just this minute.
I just set up a meeting with Denise.
So, after lunch? -Sure.
Okay. No prob
but hold on. You got a little
Hair right there. Hmm.
You got some schmutz on your face.
There. Now you're ready to see Denise.
Thank you.
You know, Tony never
said anything to me.
Well, it was
Probably a few weeks ago.
I know you're busy.
You are aware that there's
an agency-wide salary
freeze. Yes, but given
that I'm now basically running
dove hair care, effen vodka, bertolli,
and potbelly sandwich works,
I thought you might make
an exception. Really?
Why would you
think that? -Well
uh, uh, I-I'm - you
know, I'm not asking
for more money for the
same job, you understand.
I did get a promotion
to creative director.
It was a promotion I
think I earned, and
I don't mean to belittle
your achievement, but
Didn't you get that promotion
because someone dropped dead?
Well, yes. Bonuses and raises,
stock options-you don't get these things
by just passing "go."
They're based on merit
and accomplishment. Now, outside of
shooting a commercial
behind your boss's back
and losing the arc mobile account,
what have you actually accomplished
as creative director?
You said losing arc mobile
was not our fault. Hardly a feather
in one's cap, either.
Mason, I do make exceptions
for exceptional people.
You will get a raise when you prove
that you deserved this
promotion to begin with.
And in the meantime,
you can rest assured
You are officially on my radar.
Hey. Does this look like
a real l. A. Taxi receipt to
you? -Tony never even asked her
about the raise.
But you did. How much you get?
What'd she say? -She said, and I quote,
"the only exceptions
to the salary freeze
will be people who are exceptional."
You're exceptional. Thanks, mom.
Oh, no.
You didn't get-oh, come on!
We should be coming up
with brilliant ideas, not
not being forced to beg for money.
We are being taken for
granted around here.
You know what? It's the
age-old advertising rule.
You want to show an agency
how valuable you are,
how loyal you are, there's
only one thing to do.
Do exceptional work? -Leave.
We got to leave.
A lot of the books that come
out of Rothman are a little
lame. But these are good
very good. Thanks, Jan.
That's very kind. I
need you to assure me
that you're not just jerking me around,
like the rest of the
creatives in this town
call a headhunter, get a job offer,
then use it to extort more money
out of your current employer.
I'm a little offended. I'm a little
- Are you a little offended?
- Little bit.
And he doesn't offend easy.
Nope. Little bit. Okay.
Then I've got a couple of questions.
First, you guys have different titles.
But if you're gonna go out as a team,
you've got to go in at the same level,
and it might not be
as creative directors.
You okay with that? -Not a problem.
Of course. Yeah, whatever.
This is not about titles.
This is about money.
So, what kind of salary
bump are you looking for?
Well, we're not greedy. No, no.
Just undervalued. Heh.
Uh, 20% seems reasonable.
I can get that. Well, for Mason.
Obviously, it would be
less for you, Conner,
since you're starting
out at a higher salary.
I just think you should
both make the same.
It's cleaner that way.
So, what do you think?
You make more money than me?
For now. That would have been good
information for me to have
going into that meeting.
I'm not so sure I agree with that.
- Oh, really? Why? Why?
- 'Cause you enjoyed
watching me humiliate
myself in front of Jan?
It was not humiliating.
Will someone explain
the logic of this to me? -I
am the creative director
technically, your boss.
I make less than you,
and I can't get a raise.
How is that possible?
The President of the United States
makes less money than 90%
of the c. E.O.S in America.
That doesn't make me feel better.
You think you should make
more money than the president?
When did you start making more than me?
Don't go backward-go forward.
Soon, we'll be making the
same salary, so crisis averted.
Did Tony give you the money?
Not Tony. Stu.
Ohh, of course. The last couple years,
Stu went and talked to Denise,
got me a little bit extra.
I didn't ask him to do
it, okay? -Stu just did it.
I can't help it if he likes me more.
Liked me more. You should have told me.
I'm sorry. I-I didn't -
I didn't know what to say.
But we're doing something
about it now, okay?
So look on the bright side.
What side?! Where is it bright?!
I may make more money than you.
You have more money than me.
You got a house, you
have savings, retirement.
What do I have?-$4,000 in debt which I owe
good old Uncle Rothman
by the end of the week,
and I don't have it.
You want humiliating?
That's humiliating.
You said a couple grand.
A couple grand, give or
take a couple more grand,
which I have to pay in installments.
And if I don't, guess what.
I'm looking at a dismissable offense.
You're kidding. That's
what they told me.
But, lucky for me, we're
lining up a new job.
Maybe I can get a $4,217 signing bonus.
Seriously, you don't have the money?
I was hoping that my
expense reimbursements
could float me till the old
Christmas bonuses kicked in,
but I just flat-out
don't have
what are you doing?
What are you
are you writing a-don't write me a check,
okay? Don't. Don't even think of it.
I'm not thinking. And
I'm not giving you anything.
It's a loan. Mason, will you get-no.
There's no chance I'm gonna-ohh.
This is humiliating. I know,
but we'll get over it. Ohh.
You scared me. Sorry.
Wow. It's a cute office.
Thanks. Haven't you
ever seen it before?
Um, no. Actually, I've never even
been on this floor before. I guess not.
So, what's up? -Well,
actually, Amy, I just
wanted to have a little chat-you know,
uh, woman to woman. Okay.
Let's have a chat. Um
In the future, I'd
really appreciate you
not going behind my back. Excuse me?
You briefed Tom and Hector on
a TV assignment I was working on
without even telling
me. It's not really my job
to tell you. Look.
This place is such a boys' club,
I kind of figured that
us girls would sort of
You know, look out for
each other, that's all.
And is that what
you've been doing-looking out for me?
You've made it very clear
that you find my account to be
beneath your great
talents and that any woman
shallow enough to take
this work seriously
was silly. Well, I never meant you
to think that. The truth is, Sarah,
I've been trying to get
you taken off this account
since day one. But, for some reason,
I've been stuck with you.
So putting Tom and Hector on
this assignment was your idea. It was.
And I have every expectation
that their work will be
creative and insightful
and that they will be producing
next year's campaign.
Oh, really? Huh. Well, then,
you'll be disappointed to know
that I will be working with
Mason on this assignment
from here on out.
That's right -my art director
is also your creative director.
How nice for you. So
I wouldn't be surprised
if he were more inclined
to recommend my work
to his client. His client?
They hardly know Mason.
I've been working on their
business for three years.
It'll be very interesting
to see who has more influence
with the client.
What the hell? -Oh, God.
Oh, my God! Did the ceiling collapse?!
Oh, no. I know, I
know. It's horrifying.
But come here. I have something
much more fun to look at.
Mark brought over some tile samples.
Who's mark? -The contractor.
You hired a contractor already?
You said to. I said we could
start the process. Well, doesn't the
process usually start
by hiring a contractor?
No, it usually starts
with getting some bids.
I did. When did you
get these bids? -A month ago.
You started this whole
thing without asking me?!
We didn't talk about this!
Yes, we did-yesterday morning.
Mason, I have been talking
about a new bathroom
for three years. Besides, mark said
the most economical way
to do this is all at once.
You - you tricked
me. You tricked
I did not! H-how much is
- how much is this tile?
- $60.
Each? -A square foot.
Look, I know. But cheaper
tile won't look as good.
Erin, we don't have the money.
Yes, we do. No, we don't.
Yes, we do! You just won't spend it!
Oh, I won't spend it. Is that the pr
have you looked at
our visa bill lately?
Maybe there's nothing left to spend!
I'm good with money. I'm
not the one going around
buying $345 shoes. You didn't ask me
about those. These are for work.
Well, if I'm just the homemaker,
then hiring the contractor
falls under the category of "my work."
And I don't have to ask you!
The dove is the symbol of peace.
And it's right there on the package.
So, we were thinking,
"how do hair-care products
connect to the concept of peace?"
And when we were reading the research,
it seems like a lot of women
really struggle with their hair.
Struggle war. Dove peace.
That's when it came to us.
"Make peace with your hair."
That is amazing! Oh, my God!
You guys! Morning, guys.
Amy. Mason, have you heard
- their idea yet?
- No. Have you?
Uh, we're actually waiting
to unveil it at the meeting.
An unveiling? -Sounds very impressive.
I can't wait.
Hey, dude? -Thanks for letting us
work on this. It could
be a real turning point
for us career-wise. You're welcome.
Glad you guys are so into it.
Mason! Psst! Come in here.
Come here. Come on.
Ever since you put Tom
and Hector on this account,
I've had, like, this creative eruption.
So it seems. And with you helping me
execute the stuff, I just know
it's going to be so
great. I shall do my best.
I saw you talking to
them. What's their idea?
Is it good? -Is Amy pimping their idea?
Sarah relax. I
can't. I didn't realize
how much this means to me.
And I haven't had anything good
happen in so long, so
Um, when do you think
you can sit with me
and go over this stuff?
- Half an hour, okay?
- Just let me check in with
Conner, return some e-mails.
That's fine. So, that would be,
what, about 10:41? -10:41.
Okay. It's a date.
Oh, no. When I heard
that dove was the only
client doing any production
in the group, I say to myself, "Conner,
why are you not working on it?" Oh, no.
Oh, yeah! Nothing quite generates
the extra cash quite
like the out-of-town
commercial shoot, am I
right? -Come on. Grab a few
blank tax receipts,
pad the expense report.
Don't do this. I have to-seriously.
You've been so good to me.
You've been so generous.
The least I can do is
help you out on dove.
If you want to help me,
don't help me on dove.
"All you need is dove." That's good.
Who else is gonna help you? Huh?
Tom? Hector? -Please. Rank amateurs.
Sarah? No. I got the
ideas, and believe me,
they're humdingers.
I'm sure that they are,
but Sarah, Tom, Hector-they've got their hearts
set on this one. They're working
their asses off, not
to mention the fact
that I already promised
Sarah I'd partner with her
on this. You-really? That's fine.
You're my partner. I know, and you are
my first priority. But the
girl is going stir-crazy
without someone to work
with, and I want her
to feel secure.
Would you-look, please.
If you work on this, I-I'm not just faced
with disappointing one person.
I'm looking at pissing off
the entire group. Don't
worry about the group.
They'll understand.
Everyone's gonna understand,
Mason. All you have to do
is pick the best work, and, my friend,
that is gonna be self-evident.
Do you have any aspirin?
I got some aspirin. Coming at ya!
You have two messages. Message one.
G. Mcguire, this is
mark, the contractor.
Your wife wanted me to call you.
I had to make a couple
adjustments to the bid.
I underestimated the water damage.
Call me back. I'll
give you the bad news.
Message two. Mason, this is Jan.
Great news. Fallon
is looking for a team
in Minneapolis. They've got someone
they want to hire, but when they heard
you and Conner were available,
they decided to defer.
They need to make a decision
fast, so what do you think?
Call me.
Jan, it's Mason Mcguire.
Set up that interview with Fallon.
As soon as humanly possible.
How about this? -A husband
comes home from work.
Is his house torn apart?
What? -No.
A husband comes home from work.
He finds his house dark.
He takes off his jacket,
but he hears a noise.
He flips a light switch.
He finds his wife making
out with a stranger
on his couch. "Honey"
Honey. he says.
Your hair looks great.
Come on. This is some
good stuff right here.
What if Fallon offers us the job?
I am being brilliant
over here. You're not
even paying attention. I am. I'm sorry.
It's very funny. It's not exactly
on-strategy. It's supposed to be
about controlling and
repairing damage to your hair,
not just looking good.
Seriously, I mean,
we got this phone interview
with Fallon tomorrow.
What if they say "Come work here"?
Fallon's a good agency. Would you ever
consider moving? -Minneapolis?
I don't know. It sounds so cold.
And it's so close to Canada.
It could be a fresh start for us.
You know, we get away from the
stigma of losing arc mobile.
I wouldn't have to
renovate any bathrooms
or choose between three
competing dove campaigns.
Or-how about this?
Instead, the wife she
simply picks up a bottle
of dove conditioner and
smiles. And the announcer says,
"new dove therapy conditioner
with repairing serum.
This is all you need to
control and repair damage"
To your hair. That's good.
Let's try and pull it out.
We get this going,
maybe we don't even have
to move to Minnesota.
Tom and Hector have
to recuse themselves.
I don't know what that means.
Legal term-judges recuse themselves from cases.
Ah. That explains nothing.
They are a couple-Tom and Amy.
Look. Tom fuller-that dog.
Hey! Do either one of you
understand what this means?
It means we have to
find some way to tease
and embarrass them. Tom is having
an inappropriate relationship
with the account supervisor
on dove hair care. That means it is
unfair and unethical
for me to be competing
against Tom and Hector
on this assignment.
Whose idea do you think
Amy's going to support?
What-what is all that?
What-those aren't my ideas.
They're mine,
okay? -What's that?
And you just stop your nebbing.
And what's that?
Mason, what's going on?
I did not assign this.
Conner just started
working on it. Have you even started
on my boards? -Not exactly yet.
Because you've been too busy
working on Conner's ideas.
I was gonna do yours
next. Whatever. Whatever.
Sarah. Hey.
Hey. I'm gonna be pretty late tonight.
I got to comp up full
campaigns for two people.
Can't you delegate any of that?
I promised Conner and Sarah both
that I would help them out on this.
Okay? So just don't
count on me for dinner.
I'm shocked. What does that mean?
Just that you're
incredibly predictable.
Any time there's something
you want to avoid,
you immerse yourself in work.
What is it exactly
you think I'm avoiding?
Me. You'll do anything to get out
of a difficult conversation
about the bathroom.
That is not a difficult
conversation, Erin, okay?
It's a very simple
conversation. It goes like this.
There's no way in hell
that I am buying tile
that costs $60 each. We'll
talk about it in person
when you get home.
Y- don't ha- what?
I can't stand being here
any longer than I have to
Fred, the usual. Actually
I know that you feel it, too
how you guys doing? -How's it going?
Hey, watch out. I'm not joking.
Okay. Are you mad or something?
Are you mad at me? -No. No,
I'm not mad at anybody. I'm just
I'm sick of all of you.
For what it's worth,
I had no idea you and Mason were
working on dove together. We're not.
He hasn't done anything. He's too busy
with your campaign. Anyway, who cares?
I don't care. It kind of seems
like you do. No, I don't.
Mm. I don't care about
everybody working on my
account. I've never minded
competition. It's just
Nobody's helping me, you know?
Everybody else has someone
else looking out for them,
and I'm just I'm on my own.
I never know what's
going on politically.
Nobody's ever rooting for me to win.
And the one time I
thought I had a leg up
by partnering with
the creative director,
it turns out everybody
else has two legs up.
Mm. Well, that's an image.
Well, enjoy it, Conner.
Go forth and be the savior
of dove hair care. I am done
fighting unfair fights.
Sarah there's a reason
nobody helps you. Really?
Yeah. What's that?
Your reputation is huge. Y-you seem confident,
you know, in your
your own bizarre way.
Okay, let's just stop right there.
With me calling you bizarre?
It's not like I haven't
thought about it, you know.
But it would just be too weird.
What would be too weird? -Oh. Oh.
You think I'm hitting on you?
Yeah. And it is not
a good idea. Our offices
are right next to each
other. Plus, with the whole
me-and-Mason thing, I
don't need the drama,
okay? -The whole
you-and-Mason thing
makes this a bad idea?
It's always so weird
after you make out with someone.
It's even weirder when the guy
you made out with in an
alley becomes your boss,
but that was a long time ago,
so you and Mason
A few too many drinks at
the company Christmas party.
No big deal.
Yeah, no big deal.
You're still here? -Hey.
I'm just going through
some of your scripts.
They're not funny.
Well, thanks for the input. Good night.
No, no. I-I mean that in a good way.
You know, I was expecting
snarky and cynical from you,
but these are, uh emotional.
You sound so surprised. I am-pleasantly.
I think these could be great.
Really? -Which campaign?
Well, um, they're all good,
but, I mean, if I was to pick just one,
I'd start with the park-bench script.
'Cause it's simple, insightful, honest.
But I wouldn't go with illustrations.
I actually picked some
photography I had on file.
It's elegant and really captures
the emotion of the thing.
Do you know Robert Whitman's stuff?
If you're saying all of
this to make me feel better,
it's very sweet, but
I don't need your pity.
You can't have my pity.
I need that for myself.
Look, I know it's late,
but do you feel like
doing some work? -Seriously?
I think this area is right on.
But, overall, I think
the tone is a little down.
Well, I mean, it kind of has to be down.
The whole point is that
it's hard being a woman,
and any product that pretends
that it's not is full of it.
I know, and I get that. I get that.
But there's got to
be a way of being honest
without being brutally honest
you know, some little
executional something
that just leaves the
viewer with a little hope.
I'm a lot better at locating heartbreak,
collapsing career prospects,
and dysfunctional relationships.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've
heard all that before.
Come on. Use your imagination.
Okay. Okay.
How about this?
How about I've been
thinking about this
a little bit. I don't
know if it's gonna work
or not, but
Wake up. Oh, man.
Must have dozed off.
You didn't sleep here
last night? -Huh? No.
Wearing the same
clothes. You smell awful.
You have a fight with Erin?
And I had a lot of work to do.
Not mine, I see. Yeah.
Yours is over here.
You don't like it? -Looks great.
Not as nice as what you've
been doing for Sarah.
Is something wrong, Conner?
Nope. Nothing wrong.
Whose sweater is that?
What? -I don't know.
Sarah's, I guess. Why?
No reason. See you at the meeting.
Yeah. Oh, don't forget
we've got the phone interview
with Fallon at 11:00.
I didn't forget.
Good morning, everybody.
Let's get started.
Client meeting is at 4:00.
Why don't we run through our ideas
with the client-service team here
and see if we can come up with
a consensus recommendation?
I wouldn't worry about
culling things down right now.
This client likes to
have a lot of options.
I realize that. I just
don't want to present
anything we can't live with. Well
okay. Hey, guys.
Mind if I just sit in?
Of course not. Uh,
please sit at the table.
You'll see better. Oh,
no, Mason. Don't mind me.
I'm just a fly on the wall. Please-continue.
Can we finish this?
So, the Mayor has his pants
down around his ankles,
and the reporter is just staring at him.
Finally, the Mayor's press secretary
pulls a bottle out of her purse.
The announcer says, "next generation
dove therapy conditioners-"damage control
For your hair."
It seems like the whole deal
with women and their hair
I-it's kind of like a battle.
They're never happy about it.
They're always trying to fix it.
Tom: And we think it's
time that everyone
Make peace with your hair.
Oh. Now, we think this idea
is bigger than just
advertising, so we're proposing
a whole series of events that take place
in all the major markets. Imagine
it's noon in Manhattan.
You're walking through midtown,
want to get some lunch.
When suddenly
Thousands of white doves
are released into the
air. The white dove
symbol of peace.
Oh God. Oh.
Oh, I am so sorry. Oh, my God.
I got it. It's good luck.
Here. I got it.
It's a normal partly cloudy
day in an American city.
A young woman sits on a bench
in a park all by herself,
and one look on this woman's face,
and you can tell that
it has been a bad day.
We, um, we watch this young woman
as she struggles to
try to keep it together.
And at that moment, a
nice-looking man walks up,
passes behind the woman,
and he offers her a tissue.
And the announcer says, "we can't repair
your love life." "But
we can repair your hair.
And that's a start."
Well, those are three
very different ideas.
What are you going to recommend, Mason?
Well, I think all three are, uh
Really strong.
I would go with Sarah's campaign.
Okay, how about this?
A young woman, early 20s,
walks into her mother's kitchen.
The girl is dressed for
her first day of work.
And her mother looks her up and down.
And the mother says
"You're not going to
wear that, are you?"
"We can't repair your
relationship with your mother,
but we can repair your hair."
"And that's a start."
Nicely done, everybody.
Mason, thank you so much.
No need. I recommended the best.
Oh, I had forgotten what it
felt like to have a good day.
Well, you earned it. Now you just got to
go and sell it to the
client this afternoon.
Well, you're coming, too.
No. Your work, your meeting.
Really? -Really.
Okay. That sounds great.
Go get 'em. And, uh, get your sweater
while you're at it. Okay.
Congratulations. Thank you very much.
I thought your senator
spot was really funny
yeah, he was a Mayor.
Denise seems happy. You don't.
No, I like my campaign better.
You always do. Something on your mind?
Yeah. Or did you
forget about it? -What?
Phone interview with Fallon.
Oh, God. Do you have the
you are joining a conference
already in session.
Hey, it's Mason. And
Why didn't you tell me
you had an affair with
Sarah Krajicek-hunter?
I tell you everything-everything.
You and Sarah-that's why you picked her work over ours.
I picked the best campaign.
No, you didn't. Tell me you're not
having an affair with her. I am not
having an affair. So, two months ago,
Sarah Krajicek-hunter, out of nowhere,
comes to work for our group, and then,
two short months after that,
you're recommending her work
over our work? -That's just ridiculous!
Is it more or less ridiculous
than you waking up on your
couch with her sweater over you?
Oh, just stop, okay?
Let's get back on the phone
and finish this
interview. I'm not moving
to stupid Minneapolis,
freezing my ass off
for someone I don't really
know. And you know what else?
You know what else? -You know what?
I don't need your
money. Thanks. No, thanks.
All right? -I don't want to be in debt
to a liar. I didn't lie to you.
You never told me. That's not lying.
Yes, it is.
Does Erin know? -Nothing happened,
Conner! It
it was eight years
ago. It was one minute
eight years ago. It was the Rothman
Christmas party. You and I weren't even
working together
yet, okay? -It - it
everyone's dancing, everyone's drinking,
having a good time. And-and you know what?
She kissed me. First.
A-and it could have gone further.
It didn't. Because I stopped it.
Me-I stopped it. There was no affair.
It was one kiss in an
alley, and that's it.
I'm not proud of it. But I-I pretty much
forgot about it. You know,
-until Stu hires her. Now she's here, and there's
nothing I can do about it.
I tell you everything.
You didn't tell me
about the raise. I tell you
everything important. So do I.
Amy. Good to see you.
Judy, it's so good to see
you, too. Please, have a seat.
Thank you. Are we waiting
for Mason? -Uh,
actually, Mason will not
be joining us today. You all know
Sarah Krajicek-Hunter. It's just
"Sarah Krajicek" now. Oh. Okay.
Mason wanted Sarah to
come today because he felt
there was only one
campaign worth presenting
and that it was Sarah's.
Well, I'm excited to see it.
Though many of us felt
there was a lot of good work
in the room. There was actually one
with a dove. Okay, thank you, Amy.
I'll take it from here. Great.
I've been trying to get
myself taken off this account
for the past, oh, two
months. No offense.
I've just never really gotten
hair-care advertising
gorgeous, confident women
tossing their perfect hair
around in the mirror.
It's not what I feel like.
And I know no matter how
good a conditioner is,
it's not going to
make me feel like that.
Not if my career is stalling out.
I can't even get my
ex-husband to call me back.
Look don't tell me
you can make me a supermodel,
because it's a lie,
and I'm sick of being lied
to. You know, you can lie
to someone, and for a
while, they'll like you,
and they'll be happy.
But sooner or later,
they're going to realize
that you lied to them,
and they'll never trust you again.
And that's fine for other
brands, but not for you guys.
You aren't just selling a product.
You're building a relationship.
And you want to build trust
with people for years and years to come.
Erin, would you sit down for a minute?
Uh, there's something
I need to tell you.
And that means you have
to be honest with them.
I haven't been entirely honest
with you about something.
Stupid-it's nothing, really, but
Well, the longer I don't say anything,
the bigger a deal it is.
What is it?
I, uh
I never got that raise. And
that's why I was so upset
about the renovation. Why didn't you
tell me that?
Did you think I was gonna be mad?
No, I-I just
I was embarrassed. You don't think
I'm one of those shrewish
wives that just spends and nags,
do you? -No, I don't think that,
and I'm-I'm sorry that I didn't say anything.
I am, too. I must have given you
an aneurysm with that $60
tile. Mild chest pains.
You know, some numbness
in my extremities.
No more secrets, okay?
No more secrets.
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