Truth Seekers (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

The Hinckley Boy

Eat PP7, Oddjob.
My remote mine didn't go off.
Because you're shit.
bring up the washing.
It's Lionel's turn.
I don't want to,
it's creepy down there.
Lionel, now.
Come on. Come on!
Open the door.
Hello, partner.
You ready for another week
on the front lines?
-Uh, yeah.
Do you want to come in?
I'm just finishing up
my breakfast.
Uh, I mean, it'd be good if
we could just get goin', really.
I've been to see Dave already,
got the job sheet.
- Where are we off to first?
- "Narfook."
- Norfolk.
- Okay.
Uh, just Yeah.
That's me as
Princess Mononoke.
Fake fur, obviously.
-I love that film.
Saw it twice this summer.
Oh. Have they
re-released it?
Good morning,
good morning!
- Ah.
- You seem extremely chipper, Gus.
-Ha! Why wouldn't I be?
It's a lovely day.
Well, Friday night,
you seemed a bit
Bit Bit what?
- Off.
- Ah, you know, just tired.
Been a long day and then
the whole possessed doll
talking in the voice of
my dead wife thing just
It misaligned me slightly.
Sorry we didn't catch on
the live stream.
- Isn't it?
- Imagine the traction.
- Yeah.
- We still passed 2,000 subscribers.
-Every cloud.
What are you doin' today?
You wanna You wanna tag
along, ride shotgun with us?
- Ah, can I?
- Yep.
Hey, Gus, we're not going to
anywhere haunted, are we?
- Oh, this guy.
It's not haunted, is it?
No, it's not haunted.
What a cowardly lion.
What are you doin'?
- You wanna come?
- Oh, no, my fans are up in arms
about the lack of
new content.
I've got to make
a make up tutorial today.
-I hear that.
Come on, guys.
Let's split. Hey, you gonna
watch the eclipse later?
- Yeah.
- Mind your eyes.
I'm glad you're on board.
So good to have you here.
- It's an honor.
- Doctor. Doctor.
I really need to
ask you something important.
When I'm with my throng,
you don't interrupt.
I thought we made that clear.
What is it?
Sorry, doctor,
but I just wanted to ask
what I should do about
and onsite facilities
for the event?
Maybe people would like a quick
last toilet before the ascension.
Sweet one, the last thing on
the mind of these pilgrims
would be sandwiches
and shitting.
Stop being so bound
to this dimension.
It'll make the transference
more painful.
Hm? Have you learned nothing
from my teachings?
- Sorry, doctor.
- Okay.
The eclipse will begin
in eight hours.
It is time.
Suffer the little children
to come unto me
for theirs is
the kingdom of Eternis.
- Richard.
- Good morning, Helen.
How are you today?
Not too bad, actually.
About to do
another video today.
I saw a classic
John Carpenter film.
Well, I'd like to
look at it later on,
it's something to
look forward to.
What are you up to today?
Just having a cup of tea,
watching the telly.
Life insurance adverts,
-You want me to pop back then?
We can watch me together?
- Richard?
- Sorry. Have to go.
Our website
see the moon passing
in front of the sun
without turning your eyes
Where are we going?
I told you. Norfolk.
So why did we just
pass a sign saying.
"Welcome to Leicestershire"?
-Uh, did I say Norfolk?
I actually meant Leicestershire.
Why are we going to
I I don't I don't
want to go to Leicestershire.
What's wrong with
Elton, do you want to
fill Astrid in on this one?
- You lied to me.
- I lied to you.
That is rich comin' from him.
What? What are you
talking about?
There's a little bit more
than meets the eye
to Mr. Elton John.
Here, have a look.
Page 15.
"Here in clear
Leicestershire, 1997,
"the young boy insists
his house
"is being terrorized
by a fiery ghost,
"and despite of all efforts
to discredit him,
"several factors,
including lie detector tests
"and some minor
structural damage,
would seem to
corroborate his story."
I don't
That's a picture of
my wife, Emily.
Look at top left.
Oh, God.
- Elton?
- Yeah.
He was the case
she couldn't crack.
Who are you?
How are you doing this?
You, uh, all right, boss?
They're watching me.
I don't know, the Russians,
the Chinese.
I mean, it could be anybody.
Should we call somebody?
Who do you propose we call?
Vladimir Putin? Xi Jinping?
Look, look.
They're filming me with
my own security camera,
and sending me the footage.
They're trolling me.
Someone's hacked into Smyle?
-That's impossible.
Smyle's unhackable.
Well, can I help?
If only Gus Roberts
were here.
Why didn't you
tell us the truth?
I couldn't tell you 'cause
we couldn't tell anybody.
I swore I'd never
go back there again.
I remember calling for help
but no one could hear me.
When I escaped,
things only got worse.
My sister told my mom,
my mom told a neighbor,
and then it just
escalated from there.
And then the scientists came.
They took over the whole house,
and they prodded me and
took readings and measurements,
and asked me
a bunch of questions.
Journalists showed up
demanding pictures and interviews.
There were so many people,
and yet, I still felt so alone.
They were knocking on the door
at all times of the day,
most of them just being
mean or nosy,
and some came to help
but they all just hoped
to catch a glimpse of me.
we just ran away,
me, mom and dad.
And Helen?
- Yeah.
- Of course, Helen.
I think I'm
starting to understand
why Helen is the way she is.
We've spent our whole lives
moving around.
Why do you think I've had
so many different jobs?
Just thought you were
a quitter.
It was a media circus.
We had to move and
change our identities.
I knew Elton John
wasn't your real name.
- It's not.
- What is it?
Lionel Richie.
Well, it's a pleasure
to finally meet you,
Lionel Richie.
Must have been awful for you.
I've spent my whole life
seeing things that
didn't make sense,
and it's all because of
that house.
No, no, no.
It was never about the house.
It was always about you.
You were the door that
Mary Colford could sense.
- What do you mean, door?
- A door, a conduit,
a gateway between worlds.
I have been working in paranormal
investigation for 15 years,
and I've witnessed precisely
But in the months since
I've met him,
I've exorcised a dead dog;
I've spoken to the ghost of
a World War II soldier;
I've been assaulted by
a rag doll
which is possessed by
a serial killer.
- What's your point?
- You're special.
I think you might need to
go back to Hinkley.
When I went back to
that hospital,
it helped me.
This might do the same
for you.
Plus, you won't be alone,
we'll be there. Right?
Yeah. Plus, I mean, this
could be great for the channel.
We're not filming it.
- CBC.
- No.
Okay, to be fair, I've
started to run trials already.
"The Hinkley Boy Returns."
Look. Maybe you're right.
Okay, maybe going back is
something I need to do.
Maybe I should have done it
a long time ago.
But if we do it,
we're doing it for me.
This one is just for us.
I just want the lights
to go red during the eclipse.
- Is that so difficult?
- No, I understand.
Red. Just red.
Yep. Red.
This is an interdimensional
not a fucking Pride march.
- Sorry.
- Shan't miss these morons.
The sooner we're rid of them,
the better.
Everyone's coming with us
to Eternis.
Yes. Yes, everyone's coming.
Mm. This I will miss.
What is this again?
Bold's two-in-one
liquid tabs.
Mm. Bold.
I feel the boundary
between worlds weakening
as the eclipse draws near.
But the Smyle signals
still prevent us from crossing.
I just wish there was
something we could do.
What about the page?
Chapter 15, verse 97,
of the incantation.
The signal is stronger even
than the magic of the page,
but now that I know how
to block it
Would you do something
for me?
And for those of you
who haven't seen "They Live,"
it's this crazy sci-fi about
aliens taking over the Earth
by controlling people's minds.
It's the kind of film where
people seem normal but act weird
'cause they're not
who you think they are.
So, uh, what you'll need is
some basic blue foundation.
All right.
I hate this place.
We're right with you,
Hey, why does why
does it say in Emily's notes,
"must contact Toynbee"?
Did she know him?
I think she talked about it
nothing ever happened.
She stood right there.
Come, grab the expector.
Let's go.
They're not gonna let
a bunch of strangers
into their house.
No. One more knock,
and then we'll leave.
- Ah.
- Well.
Well, hello.
Who are you, then?
I'm Gus Roberts, this is
my colleague, Mr. Elton John.
- Come in. Come in.
- Oh!
Friendly man.
So, what brings you
to Hinkley,
and how can we help?
Right. Well, um, in 1997,
something happened
to my friend and colleague,
Elton here, in your basement.
- Who is it, Dad?
- This is Gus, Elton and Astrid.
- It's the Truth Seekers.
- The Truth Seekers?
They're paranormal
I've watched all their videos.
- I was your 2,000th subscriber.
- Oh, really?
- Wow, we're famous.
- Huh.
Can I ask you some questions
about your cases?
I'd love to hear
all about them.
Yeah, yeah, sure, why not.
- I'll put the kettle on.
- Okay.
I think I've discovered
a way to uncover
who's behind all this
trolling and hacking shit.
Oh, Bjorn, try and form
a sentence without swearing.
- Sorry.
- Thank you. Carry on.
If we use the Smyle masts,
we can triangulate
the location of the troll.
Bjorn, that's genius.
Well done, my boy.
How many pings from
the hackers
before we get
a precise location?
Uh, three of the fuckers.
That's one down.
The game's afoot.
Yeah, we couldn't get Elton
to leave the bloody dark side.
I thought you always pretend
to be scared for the camera.
No, no, that's, uh,
genuine fear.
We were hoping we'd be able
to have a look in your basement.
-Of course.
Charlotte, dear,
why don't you go and show
these lovely people where to go.
Thank you.
- You can do this, Elton.
- Yeah, yeah.
Go on, mate.
- Oh, my God!
- What?
This isn't what I remember
at all.
There was this creepy
washer/dryer thingy here
where the ghost
came out of and
there were all these
weird noises.
And I had goosebumps.
This This is nice.
I told you it's never been
about the place, all right?
It's always been about you,
Yes, so you say, but
Gus, I don't feel
anything at all.
Look, I'm gonna get
a bit more gear.
I think I'll go after
the spirit pump in the van.
I'll be back in a bit.
Thanks so much
for doing this.
Are you ready?
I really wanted
to see Eternis.
Alas, that is not to be.
Do you remember
what needs to be done?
I'm frightened.
I said I'm frightened.
You should be thrilled.
You get to help me
live forever!
I want to live forever
with you,
my teacher.
Whenever I gather with my
fellow immortals of Eternis,
and talk of life here
on this prison planet
before we gained our
celestial emancipation,
we will remember you
and your sacrifice.
Your name shall never be
forgotten, Allegra.
It's Laura.
Front door was open.
It's me.
You sounded a bit off
on the phone earlier,
so I brought some supplies
from home.
My Uber driver was giving me
really funny looks. Weirdo.
What the hell?
It's happening again.
My chosen ones.
My loyal followers.
My flock.
Huh. That's it.
Sorry, what's happening?
What's happening?
What is happening?
-It was me.
Gus is right.
This is all because of me.
Elton. There's something
I need to tell you.
When I woke up in
the hospital,
it was like a nightmare
I'd already woken up from
a thousand times.
But the time I stayed awake
was the time you appeared.
What are you talking about?
I haven't been telling you
the whole truth.
Yes. Right.
- Astrid, no. No!
- It's okay, Elton.
Wasn't her time.
You were the only one
who could save her.
You were a shining door
in the darkness.
I had to push her through,
back to the world of
the living.
Who? Who are you
talking about?
She's talking about me,
I'm sorry, Gus.
Searched for you
for so long.
Why did you leave me?
I didn't leave you.
I went to find
a future for us.
An eternal future.
So much that
I didn't understand,
that I don't understand.
And then we stopped talking,
and then you just disappeared.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't allowed to tell you,
it was secret.
Not until we knew
it could be done.
Knew what could be done?
Where did you go?
I wanted us to be together
in paradise.
But he murdered me.
They told me you'd been
killed in an accident.
They lied.
Who murdered you?
You died in 1997 and
you didn't think to tell me?
I didn't know at first.
When did you find out?
At the hospital,
when you and Gus
brought me fully
into this world.
The hospital?
That was a whole
month ago, Astrid.
A month is nothing,
try 23 years, Lionel.
At least I've been alive
that whole time.
- Nice.
- Now, now, you two.
So wait. When we met,
what were you,
a ghost, a zombie?
I don't know what I was.
Were you dead or alive?
Don't be so binary.
-She was neither.
Half in, half out.
Trapped in between.
And yet, whenever you
were near, Lionel Richie
It's Elton John now.
Whenever you were near,
I could push her back through
to your side.
-He's going to try again.
He has a whole army this time.
So you you're trying to
tell me that Dr. Peter Toynbee
intends to blow off the heads
of 200 willing volunteers?
- The eclipse.
- The eclipse?
Um, the eclipse is today.
He's tainted their minds.
I'm sorry I scared you,
It's okay.
I'm not scared anymore.
And my baby is safe.
Now, I don't think I was
the only one who came through,
and we really should
all be getting back so
time to close the door,
Elton John.
I don't know how.
Yes, you do.
You always have.
Get to the power station,
you've got to save them.
I love you, mum.
Love you, too, Astrid.
- Gus.
- Yeah?
I love you.
I love
Fuckin' hell.
I love you.
Hey, Helen.
Sorry about the make up.
It's a wee bit of a shock.
What's up?
Your dad's been
acting strange,
so I came over to
check if he's okay,
- and he's gone.
- Gone where?
Well, the door was open,
and the house is empty.
- Odd.
- No, no, what's odd
is that he's trashed
the house,
and he's made this
weird model. See?
-I know exactly where that is.
Let's go.
Helen, clean yourself up,
we're coming to get you.
We've got four hours
to pick up Helen
and get to Portsmouth.
Dark side,
don't fail me now.
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