Tunnel (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Get out.
I'm the police. Open the door.
Open the door. Hey. Hey!
(Episode 7)
(Park Kwang Ho)
(Driver's license)
(Park Kwang Ho)
His tracks ended here.
Where did he go?
(Youngil Fishing Site)
Let's go for now.
Have you ever seen this car?
A young man was on this
car on a very foggy day.
And he was being followed.
Did you hear any noises?
I don't know.
- Sir.
- All right.
Sir, instead of tracking him like this,
we should move when we have the
number of the car chasing him.
We can't find him like this.
His tracks stopped here. He
should be here somewhere.
Kiddo, can't we search this place?
I would need to explain the
reason to get support.
I want to find him as much as you do.
A policeman is missing and we
don't know if he's dead or alive.
But there will be another
problem if we do find him.
We should go back first.
- All right?
- He couldn't have disappeared.
Where are you, Park Kwang Ho?
(Park Kwang Ho)
It's Kim Sun Jae.
I need you to come here.
If it was a car accident,
why was he so far away from
the car when he was found?
Why did he die here?
Was he being chased?
You're here.
I nearly got lost.
did you call me to this place at this hour?
On my way here, I saw an abandoned car
without a driver.
Is this the driver?
Was it an accident? Or suicide?
I'm not sure.
I've never seen you being
unsure about anything.
The body has been dead for a while.
Did you identify him?
That's why I called you here.
For a while, this needs to be
a secret between you and me.
What do you mean?
You found a body, but you
want to keep it a secret?
There must be a reason behind your actions.
You have to explain to me later.
What do you want me to do?
I wish to know two things.
Who is this man?
And how did he die?
All right. Let's move the body first.
Did something happen to him?
Is he alive? Is he?
He has to be.
Hey, stop. Stop.
I need to buy dumplings.
You startled me.
I thought something happened.
Why dumplings all of a sudden?
You don't need to know.
Do you have some money?
Give me some.
This isn't yours to use.
Why is the bill yellow?
This is a 50-dollar bill?
I saw this woman somewhere.
Put it back in and just take 10 dollars.
He saw it for the first time today,
and he takes it just like that.
Professor Shin.
Professor Shin.
Professor Shin.
You were home. Did you have dinner?
I did.
I know you didn't. Here.
Are you going to close the door?
Ouch. It hurts. You must be crazy.
I thought you'd have skipped
dinner because your hand hurts.
Instead, you nearly broke mine.
I don't like dumplings.
They aren't just any dumplings.
There is an old Chinese
restaurant called Forbidden City.
I bought them there. Try them.
You can eat them all.
Why won't you even try them?
Are you the only living
being in this world?
Who will ever want to marry you?
Elders prefer people who eat well.
If you're picky about food, they'll
say bad things about your parents.
Why do I bother.
Does Kim Sun Jae know that we're
living in the same house?
It's not the same house.
Yes, on the first and second floor.
You should never tell him.
He might misunderstand.
Men don't like that.
Come to think of it, you
two look good together.
You two are both rude.
After you analyze the culprit,
he can catch him.
I know. You two should get married.
I was talking to you.
Don't you want to try this?
I'll eat everything.
I even bought three boxes of them.
Yeon Sook used to love dumplings.
The number you have
dialed is not available.
Please check the number again.
How are you, Yeon Sook?
Your father used to call
me wherever he was.
So I always had coins in my pocket.
I have a cell phone now.
Call phone is portable telephone.
Isn't that cool?
He used to look for pay phones first
when he went on business trips,
because he needed to call me.
I don't need pay phones
even when I go on business trips.
He would call me more often
if he knew that I had you.
I can call you whenever I want.
He would've asked me if I
wanted to eat anything special.
Yeon Sook.
Wait for me a little more.
will go back soon.
I can go back, Yeon Sook.
I'm not crying.
I promised you that I wouldn't cry.
I am Park Kwang Ho.
But I'm not that Park Kwang Ho.
I'm not Park Kwang Ho.
(Professor Mok)
This is the first time
I've checked a body twice.
I don't know what to make of this.
What is this?
Are you sure?
If this guy is Park Kwang Ho,
who's the Corporal Park that we knew?
And he didn't die in the accident.
He had been choked to death.
There is congestion on his face
and petechia on his eyelids.
I also found evidence of internal bleeding.
He was subjected to strong pressure.
Is the death of this person
somehow related to Corporal Park?
Tell me something, Lieutenant Kim.
Let's say we keep it a secret.
What about in the future?
We need to find out who Park Kwang Ho is.
No one can find out about this.
Who dared to rob a detective's car?
Did you lose anything?
It's done.
Let's see. Let's see.
This is strange. The
fingerprints don't exist.
They're not registered?
No, they're not.
Who are you?
Who are you?
(License Plate)
(The number does not exist.)
Chief, did you check the licence plate?
Right. Min Ha?
It must be unregistered.
What does that mean?
We cannot track it down.
What are you two investigating?
We're a team. Why won't you tell us?
It's nothing.
If it's nothing, why
won't you talk about it?
I didn't know you were there.
Why are you staring at me?
It's embarrassing me.
By the way, what did you mean in your text?
You were saying bad things about me, right?
We're partners. Be nice to me.
We are.
But I don't know who you are.
What is he saying?
Let's go, Chief.
All right.
- Chief.
- Where are you going?
Where do those two always go together?
They're hiding something.
What's wrong with Kim Sun Jae?
Does he know something?
I don't feel good about this.
He's always like that.
No, he was acting strange today.
If the car that chased Park
Kwang Ho is unregistered,
does that mean we can't track it?
No, because the person who bought
it is not the one who uses it.
That's why criminals and ex-convicts
prefer unregistered vehicles.
What about Park Kwang Ho's car?
They haven't found anything yet.
We should track the calls he
made the day he went missing.
It's the list of people who talked
to Park Kwang Ho on the phone.
Who is this man that talked to him last?
Lieutenant Kim, what are you looking for?
The name of the cell phone user
The cell phone user's name that
you asked is Jeon Sung Shik.
Jeon Sung Shik?
Are you sure?
Yes. It's Jeon Sung Shik.
Why did Chief Jeon give a
cell phone to Kwang Ho?
Is it your turn to ignore me now?
Wait for me, sir.
Sir? He did call him sir.
But calling him sir doesn't make sense.
Lieutenant Kim, what are you doing?
You searched through Kwang Ho's
desk before. Now Chief Jeon's?
Why are you searching through his desk?
Who do you think you are? What
are you doing at his desk?
Let go of me. I need to find something.
It seems you are about to hit me.
Hey, hit me. Beat me.
- Calm down. Calm down.
- Why don't you just hit me?
You brat.
(Park Kwang Ho's address, Hwayang-ro
15, Hwayang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
Where are you going? Hit me and go.
- Beat me, and you can go.
- Calm down.
- Let go of me.
- Calm down.
It's done.
He's gone.
It's a public phone booth.
Did someone call him here?
Yes, the incoming call log
of Kwang Ho's phone shows
he got the phone call at 9:42pm.
They talked for 50 seconds.
You said his phone was
turned off around here.
- Is this his hometown?
- It is his legal domicile.
The report says he lived here
until he went to high school.
This is his hometown.
Then his relatives or friends
might have called him.
But why did the one use a public phone?
- Everyone has a cell phone.
- I don't know.
Not many people come here.
There's no surveillance camera.
Let me check who called him.
Let's go there.
(Park Kwang Ho, Sujeong Patrol
Division, Hwayang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
Sujeong Patrol Division.
(Sujeong Patrol Division)
(Transfer order)
(Park Kwang Ho, Sujeong Patrol
Division to Hwayang Police Station)
(Speeding ticket to Park Kwang Ho)
They are all the same car.
This car and all stuff here
belong to Park Kwang Ho.
What does it mean?
Did he really kill Park Kwang Ho
and used his identity?
December 4?
Did anybody call Kwang Ho?
No, I didn't.
I don't even know his phone number.
Did Ms. Kim call him?
Right, three months ago
Ms. Kim died.
Has it already been three months?
Who is Ms. Kim?
Her name is Kim Bok Soon.
She is an old woman who lived
across from Kwang Ho's house.
Because Kwang Ho's parents
died when he was young,
Ms. Kim raised him like a mother.
What's the use of it?
The old saying is never wrong.
We should not have mercy on men.
- That's right.
- What do you mean?
Ms. Kim took care of him but when she died,
he didn't even show up.
You're right.
She was lying down dead
as if she were sleeping.
The ambulance workers said
it was a heart attack.
Did somebody call him to
let him know she died?
If someone had called him,
he would have come here.
But why didn't he come?
The woman who raised him died.
Kim Sun Jae asking me a favor
- is a rare thing.
- Thank you.
Why do you need it when you work
with him in the same station?
You are not a person who
does something stupid.
What's the use of knowing the reason?
Why did he use his identity illegally?
Yes, I did call him.
I became close to Kwang Ho when we
prepared for the police examination.
As you can see, I am working here.
He passed just after one examination.
The next day was his first day
of work in Serious Crime Unit.
I called him to congratulate
him, but he sounded strange.
How did he sound?
He was very happy when he was
assigned to Serious Crime Unit.
It's because he thought he
could work on a case properly.
But that day, it sounded
like he was regretting it.
What do you mean by "working
on a case properly"?
I don't know. He suddenly said it that day.
He said he seemed to have gotten
involved in something wrong.
What did he mean by that?
I asked but he didn't answer it.
What did he mean by that?
Didn't he start working on a certain case?
There's nothing like
that in Patrol Division.
They just work on prosecution suspension.
(Call history)
He's still not receiving my call.
What is he doing? I can find
him only when he lets me know.
Let's go to Sujeong Patrol Division first.
What? Why?
We should check what he did and
if he investigated someone.
I will search through his
work report or something.
Then just wait outside.
It's not good for you
to meet someone there.
Don't worry.
Did you say there is no fingerprint?
Did you check it well?
Wasn't he someone with
a cancelled domicile?
If it had been cancelled,
there should be a record.
But there's no record at all.
A man with no record.
Why did he have to steal
someone's identity?
What is he hiding?
It depends on what he wants to hide.
What brings you here?
I am Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae
from Hwayang Police Station.
I want to ask something about
Corporal Park Kwang Ho.
There have been many people
who asked about him.
- What?
- Someone came and he said
he's Kwang Ho's friend. He asked if
there's something strange about him.
Who's that?
Sir, you said you would wait in the car.
I came here saying I'm his friend.
- It's him.
- He came again.
Kim Sun Jae, why are you here?
That's what I want to ask.
What are you doing with Chief?
What am I doing?
It's Sujeong Patrol Division.
I used to work here. Don't you know?
You are eating snack again. I
told you to eat something better.
Let's go out. They are eating.
Hey, let go of me.
They are eating. Let's go out and talk.
Let's go outside.
We are friends.
- What did he say?
- What was that?
Say something.
Sun Jae, in fact
Okay. You talk, Chief.
I don't know where I should start from.
I heard someone is using my identity.
It was him who stole my car.
I lost my ID card, cell
phone, and everything.
I can't find where he is.
I came here because I
heard he came here and
said he was Kwang Ho's friend.
Is it what you were about to say?
Yes, it is.
I'm helping him.
I've met people who contacted him.
They said he came here.
They even don't know Park Kwang Ho died.
Or are they pretending not to know?
But why is Chief helping him?
What is he doing?
Does he know?
Why are you here?
I heard that too.
It was unbelievable. I didn't
believe it but it may be true.
So have you found him?
- No we haven't.
- Haven't.
Is that so? Then let's find him together.
Stop disturbing Chief.
- Well.
- No.
It's okay.
It's really okay. I can find him alone.
How can you find him alone?
You know I am good at finding a suspect.
We should find the one
who stole your identity.
(Call history)
Is it the call history?
We can find him soon.
Tomorrow 10am.
Hey, why are you taking the list?
Kim Sun Jae.
I told you to wait in the car.
We were found by Kim Sun Jae.
What will you do?
Why are you yelling?
I don't know too.
They are actually following Park Kwang Ho.
Why do they want to know his whereabouts?
What are they trying to figure out?
But what are they hiding?
Did he kill the man and use his identity?
That's right when we see
the cause and result.
But they didn't know the
real owner of the name died.
They were following the whereabouts
of the man whose name he stole.
He wouldn't need to follow
him if he had killed him.
His fingerprints weren't even registered.
He has no record at all.
That's not enough of reasons to doubt him.
Kim Mi Soon stole the identity
because of money and jealousy.
If the man you talked about had no record,
he would have no advantage
from stealing that identity.
He is not an ex-convict or a criminal.
Why on earth did he steal the identity?
What does he have to hide?
- What made him
- I will ask straight.
Do you think he committed a murder?
I don't know him. Don't ask me.
Ask yourself if he is the kind
of person who can kill someone.
If you had been sure that
he committed a murder,
you would not have come to
me and gone to arrest him.
Am I wrong?
Let's find him together.
We should find the man
who stole your identity.
Tomorrow 10am.
Gosh. It's driving me crazy.
Should I not go to work today?
I should've listened to Sung Shik.
Why did I bump into him there?
It's terrible.
Hey. Why are you here?
You are five minutes late.
How did you know I live here?
There's not much I don't know
- except you.
- What do you mean?
Did you see somebody on the way?
- Who do you mean?
- That lady
Forget it. I live alone here.
Today we will go to this place. Follow me.
Kim Sun Jae.
I'm really okay.
I can find him myself.
I know. Just follow me.
He drives me crazy. I
can't tell him the truth.
- Lee Young Ho.
- Here.
- Lee Su Young.
- Yes.
- Kim Sa Rang - Yes.
- Hwang Jeong Seon.
- Yes.
Thank you.
Professor Shin, I haven't received mine.
Did you turn it in?
- Congratulations.
- She got an A?
You are good.
You took knives, strings
stockings, hammers, and potassium cyanide.
But nobody took the sleeping pills.
I gave her an A because
she focused on the reason the
murderer used the stockings.
Why did you choose the stockings?
Well, it is
because no fingerprints
may be left on stockings.
And it seemed less cruel
than other weapons.
It was totally different
from what I expected.
I wrapped it around my
neck as an experiment.
- She's scary.
- It's scary.
As I assumed, fingerprints
weren't left on them.
But it's not easy to choke my neck
with them due to their elasticity.
The purpose of the murderer
who used the stockings
must not be the murder itself.
Then what is his purpose?
It's pleasure.
It's hard to kill someone
at once with stockings.
If he is not the type of person
who enjoys choking repeatedly.
That's when I got it.
That he enjoys it.
He must be more cruel than other
killers who use knives or others.
Such murderer exists in Korea.
Who is that, Professor?
We haven't found him yet.
I have a stomachache.
I want to go to the restroom.
We are almost there.
He will find out sooner
if we reach there fast.
What should I do?
Have you had breakfast? Shall we have one?
Don't use your brain
unless you are hiding something.
What are you talking about?
What am I hiding?
Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?
Can Kwang Ho be reached?
What about Sun Jae?
Call them again.
Park Kwang Ho?
I don't know him.
The real Park Kwang Ho is this man.
The man used his identity as Park Kwang Ho.
Do you want to see the call history?
The list shows that you called him.
When is it?
It's 11:08am on December 4.
That's the day I went to see a buyer.
Then was that guy Park Kwang How?
Did you see him?
I went out after the meeting was over
and a car was blocking mine.
So I called the number written on
the paper stuck on the car window.
I wanted to tell him to move his car.
Where is that?
(King Karaoke)
Is it a place where you
sing and earn money?
(We are out. Call this number.)
Why did he come here?
Why isn't he receiving my call?
He's not here. Let's just go.
Let's go.
Wait a second. I will go check downstairs.
Gosh, this is making me too anxious.
I'll just go before I get caught.
Why did he leave it here?
He must have left it on purpose.
I only found out after I became a cop.
I found out that there's nothing
you can do after a crime
and that my father wasn't
capable of doing anything.
My gosh.
Yes, hello.
Excuse me, but isn't that
Kim Sun Jae's phone?
Yes, hello. I'm Sun Jae's colleague.
He just went out to find someone.
He'll be back soon.
I see. Well, it's nice to talk to you.
I'm Sun Jae's father.
Yes, I know.
Your voice sounds very familiar.
Please tell him that I called.
I hope you take good care of him.
Sir, wait.
Why did you pick up my phone?
I picked up because it rang. You
shouldn't have left it here.
I'm sure I've heard his voice before.
I'll look for him too.
Are you here to sing?
That cop?
He came when I was
cleaning the karaoke room.
Why did Park Kwang Ho come look for you?
You mean the fake Park Kwang Ho.
I don't know how he knew, but he
asked me about a very old incident.
An old incident?
Yes. He asked if I knew
the woman who died in the
tunnel 30 years ago.
What? He He really asked you that?
What? How did he know?
Why would he ask you that?
That's exactly what I thought.
I don't know where he heard the story.
But he started talking about
things that I had long forgotten.
But why did he come to you
to ask that question?
Because the woman who
died in that tunnel
was my older sister.
- What?
- What's wrong?
Jin Seon Mi?
Yes. That was my sister's name.
You're still quite young. How do
you know about that incident?
What's going on?
Can you explain in detail about the case?
There's nothing much to explain.
30 years ago, women started
getting killed in my town.
My sister was one of them.
The culprit never got caught.
The cop came and asked
if I knew the suspect.
He asked if I knew anything
about the culprit.
But if I knew anything, he obviously
would've gotten caught already.
Did such things happen before then?
Everyone tried not to talk
about it much back then.
That cop said he couldn't find
any records regarding the case.
There's no record?
He asked you about the suspect?
Did he say anything else?
He talked about this certain man.
He said he's looking for him.
Who is he looking for? What's his name?
Where does he live?
I don't know. He said he'll come back.
I haven't seen him ever since.
So it all comes down to this.
This is why I ran into him
as soon as I came here.
He must've found something.
What are you saying? Explain
so that I can understand.
Hey, Kwang Ho. Park Kwang Ho!
(Jung Ho Young)
The victims were similar.
They were all wearing skirts.
Yes, I had a friend.
Her name was Hwang Choon Hee.
She worked with me at a cafe.
She worked so hard to earn money.
But she died.
I didn't kill her.
She stayed in Hwayang, and I came to Seoul.
We didn't have cell phones back then.
So if I wanted to call Choon Hee,
I had to wait until her boss went home.
We secretly used the phone at the cafe
and talked long-distance for so long.
Then one day, she said this.
Apparently, this guy told her
that she'd look pretty in a skirt.
She always wore pants, you see.
You know flares, right?
A few days after that,
she was found dead with a pair of
stockings twined around her neck.
It's strange, right?
(Personal Record of Suspect,
Name: Jung Ho Young)
It's the same town.
If what Lee Sun Ok said is true
Professor, I need to read a case record.
Hey, Kwang Ho. Park Kwang Ho!
Have you known that cop before?
No. That was the first time I saw him.
About that case that doesn't
have any records
It's been so long.
It's been 30 years already
even if the records exist.
A case that happened 30 years ago.
My mother also got killed 30 years ago.
It's a case that no one
knows and has no records.
Is this the case that Jung
Ho Young was talking about?
What could it be?
Kwang Ho seemed to know about it too.
How does he know?
What? Where did the Chief go?
I don't know. Why?
My gosh. Where is he?
I guess Chief Jeon isn't here.
What's up?
I came to tell him about the
vehicle that's on the wanted list.
You found Park Kwang Ho's car?
Yes. Is that your car?
What? Yes. Where is it?
It's here.
Where did this punk go?
The car's here. Where did he go?
I'm sure this was the number.
Could he be
No. He must be hiding.
Is he alive?
He must be alive.
Sun Jae.
Could he be
No. He must be hiding.
Is he alive?
He must be alive.
- Sun Jae.
- Who are you looking for?
I'm just
Is it this guy?
What is this?
Somebody stole your identity?
Nonsense. You are the one who
stole Park Kwang Ho's identity.
Who are you?
No matter how hard I tried, I
couldn't find out who you are.
I even tried comparing your fingerprints,
but there was no record of you.
This doesn't make sense. Who are you?
Why on earth are you stealing
a police officer's identity?
Did you kill Park Kwang Ho? Is that it?
Park Kwang Ho's dead?
Are you putting on an act?
No. Wait a minute.
Park Kwang Ho's really dead?
Be honest with me.
Did you kill him?
No. This can't be true. Why
would Park Kwang Ho be dead?
Park Kwang Ho can't be dead. I
have to get back to Yeon Sook.
Where's Park Kwang Ho right now?
Where is that jerk?
I guess you're not going
to tell me the truth.
What are you doing?
I'm arresting you for the murder
of Corporal Park Kwang Ho.
Sun Jae. Listen to me.
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney.
You asked me who I am, didn't you?
Would you
believe me if I told you I'm from the past?
You're crazy.
You see?
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
That's why I couldn't tell you.
I knew you'd say I was crazy.
Give me something credible.
- A person was murdered!
- I know!
I'm being arrested for murdering someone.
Why on earth would I talk nonsense
to you at a time like this?
This is driving me crazy too!
Why do you think I'd say this even
when I knew you'd think I'm crazy?
Because it's the truth.
Whether you believe it or
not, I'm from the past.
Anything you say may be used
against you in a court of law.
Sun Jae. Remove the handcuffs.
Listen to me.
This is all because of that case.
It's all because of that scum.
Are you not going to remove these?
Remove them!
I spoke with Police Deputy
Yoon over the phone.
He's never seen the name Hwang Choon
Hee in any murder case reports.
If he's never seen the name,
that means no one else has.
Lee Sun Ok isn't the type that would lie.
she wouldn't lie about something
that has nothing to do with her.
What does Jung Ho Young
have to do with that case?
According to the official records,
Jung Ho Young committed his
first murder ten years ago.
But Lee Sun Ok testified that
there's a victim that matches
the type of Jung Ho Young's victims.
Hwang Choon Hee, who we assume was
murdered, lived in Hwayang
and Jung Ho Young also lived
in Hwayang at the time.
I'm starting to wonder whether
Jung Ho Young's first murder
was actually thirty years ago.
It could be possible.
I'm home.
What is she doing with all the lights out?
Honey? Honey.
Honey. Wake up.
Sun Jae. You've got this all wrong.
It's not me.
Think about it. If I had killed him,
why would I be looking for him?
Then just tell me who you really are.
You said yourself that I'm
not on any of the records.
That's only natural because
I'm from the past.
Everyone thought I was Park Kwang Ho,
so I figured I could live as him
until I found a way to get back.
Don't you think it's strange though?
How could a guy with the same name
and job as me disappear suddenly?
And he was the first person I met
when I got here from the past.
That's why I was looking for him.
I have to find him in order to get back.
- Sun Jae.
- Do you expect me to believe that?
I'm sure you remember the
first day I got here.
I put handcuffs on you without any reason.
It was because you were
the first person I saw
on my way back from a crime scene.
The reason I couldn't believe
you were an officer
was that everything was different
from 1986 which is where I'm from.
I didn't believe you when you
said you were a lieutenant.
I worked at the Hwayang Police
Station as well 30 years ago.
I wasn't Corporal Park back then.
I was Sergeant Park Kwang Ho.
I was in Serious Crimes
Unit One for ten years.
Your desk was originally mine.
Stop making up a story,
and shut your mouth.
Otherwise, give me a convincing reason.
You jerk.
You're not bothering to listen to me.
How can I possibly convince you?
Do I really look like the type
that would actually kill someone?
Do you know what? I would've
believed you if you were me.
I would've trusted you.
Then prove it to me.
How do you expect me to prove this?
Oh, there's Sung Shik.
- What?
- You're Chief, Sung Shik.
Sung Shik can verify this for you.
He worked with me 30 years ago.
I was his boss.
The number you have dialed is not
available. After the tone
(Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae)
(Hwayang University Hospital)
Are you Lee Nan Yeong's guardian?
Yes, that's right.
Will my wife be all right?
We can't be sure until the attending
doctor sees her tomorrow morning.
She's just fallen asleep.
Please don't wake her.
All right.
(Forbidden City, Chinese Restaurant)
These aren't just any dumplings.
There's an old Chinese restaurant
called Forbidden City.
I bought them there. Try one.
(Sun Jae)
The number you have dialed is not
available. After the tone
(Hwayang Police Station)
Hello, sir.
- Hun Woo.
- Yes, sir.
Kwang Ho hasn't come yet?
Wasn't he with you, sir?
- Officer Kim.
- Yes, sir.
What happened to that wanted
vehicle I asked you about?
Excuse me? I reported it
to you yesterday, sir.
I also told Corporal Park as well.
- Are you saying you found it?
- Yes, sir.
At the end of Route 45.
Why didn't you report that to me directly?
Everyone's looking.
Sun Jae. What's going on?
Remove these immediately.
- Move aside, sir.
- How dare you.
I'm sorry,
but could you guys give us a minute?
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
Move it! Hurry!
You knew this all along, didn't you?
What do you mean?
Not only did he steal an officer's
identity, but he killed a person.
You helped him even knowing all that?
I'm telling you. It's not me.
What are you talking about?
Who's dead?
The real Park Kwang Ho.
Not the fake one here.
A police officer has been murdered.
I know everything, so don't even
think about getting away with this.
I've arrested him on the charge murder.
I won't remove these.
Wait a minute.
So what you're saying is
that this Kwang Ho killed
the other Kwang Ho?
Am I wrong?
You're wrong. You saw for
yourself yesterday, didn't you?
You saw us searching for his
whereabouts, didn't you?
I don't believe this.
Did you two plan this out together?
Chief. Why are you doing this?
That's because this is the truth.
Gosh. Look at this. Look.
Take a look.
The person in this picture
is Park Kwang Ho.
He was by boss and senior 30 years ago.
I don't know how much you know,
but check his fingerprints.
You won't find anything.
(New Building of Hwayang Police Station)
Are you satisfied now?
At first, I couldn't believe it either.
But he's the same person.
Enjoy your meal.
Sun Jae.
Don't say a word.
You still don't believe me?
Could you at least remove these?
Sir, is Park Kwang Ho really dead?
I heard the vehicle was found.
What happened?
His car was found, but he wasn't in it.
Sun Jae must know, but
he won't say anything.
Kiddo. You should tell him.
Why would I kill him?
He cannot die.
Hey, Sun Jae. What happened?
Tell me. What's his cause of death?
Who else knows about this?
We're asking what happened.
I told you to be quiet.
Is Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae here?
What are you doing here?
Your stepmother
You are
You must be Sun Jae's father.
Have we met before? You look familiar.
Aren't you Detective Park?
- Pardon?
- Are you really Detective Park?
You look just like him.
What on earth is going on?
I am Seo Yi Soo's husband.
- I'm Kim Hwan.
- What?
Did you just say Seo Yi Soo?
You can't just say you
couldn't catch the culprit.
I wish it never happened too!
But it did happen!
Why are you
Hold on.
Sun Jae. You've grown a lot.
Sun Jae?
Is he
Seo Yi Soo's son?
Is he the Sun Jae I remember?
How do you know my mother's name?
Answer me!
I investigated on her case.
You jerk.
I came to this place from the
past while chasing the culprit.
Why did he dispose the body
in such an obvious way? Why?
- There is no record?
- Yeon Sook?
Where can I meet her?
She moved to Seoul.
What do I do, Sung Shik?
Should we look for her or not?
Why are you being like this?
This isn't like you.
I think it triggered Lieutenant Kim.
Get out of here, you punk!
- Sir!
- Kwang Ho.
Where have you been all this time?
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