Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

To Serve and Pawtect

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
I have this thing,
and I have to ballroom dance.
- [Erica] I could teach you.
- [Scott] You know how to waltz?
Okay, dog whisperer, ballroom champ.
What other secrets are you hiding?
[Erica] Brooke's a fancy woman.
She's gonna expect a dip, Scott.
Go big or go home.
Scott, come join me later. We'll have
a scotch and cigar with Buzz Aldrin.
Those police files that you asked for,
Mayor Sutton came to my office,
asked for the exact same ones.
Should we be looking into David?
He was Dad's best friend.
Your dad was always riled
about developers ruining the town.
Just before he passed,
he called me, wanted to meet.
About what?
He died before I had the chance
to talk with him.
[Laura] What did you find?
That road where he had the heart attack…
Your father was watching something.
[man on PA] Welcome to
the Cypress Beach Guacamole Festival.
[upbeat music playing]
- Hey, how are you, bud?
- I'm good.
- Hey, this is Brooke.
- Hi!
We have to
- Hey!
- Hey.
It's pretty good.
- [Brooke] Yeah?
- Come on.
I can't. Oh, yeah.
You won all of 'em.
Did you see that?
[groans] I thought that I had it.
- [Laura laughs]
- [Scott] Ooh! Ooh!
Ringtoss harder this year?
I don't need your negativity.
- Oh. Mayor Sutton, this is Brooke.
- Hi.
Call me David.
And you're Scott's girlfriend?
I'm not sure we're officially…
Uh-oh. This is getting guac-ward.
No, it's okay. Yes, I am his girlfriend.
So how long have you been the mayor?
Seems like forever. Ten years.
Ten years. Wow.
Before that I was a cop.
And my old partner
was the father of these two rascals.
Well, three rascals.
Sounds like Scott's dad
was a pretty big deal around here.
He was the town hero. No doubt about it.
This whole festival
is dedicated to him this year.
[man on PA] Mayor Sutton,
please report to the tug-of-war.
Oh, I should go. You two have fun.
- Rock out with your guac out.
- Yeah!
You guys know everyone.
It's kind of like dating royalty.
Technically, 'cause you're my brother,
and I was Guacamole Princess, so…
[Scott] It's true. Yes.
The year I was nominated for
Guacamole Prince, I lost to Laura's ex.
I did it, Dad!
Oof. That is the pits.
- See what I did there? [chuckles]
- Yeah.
- Mom, I did it!
- What?
- I won the guacamole-eating contest!
- Yes!
I ate four pounds!
- Yeah.
- Well, it is a family of champs, kiddo.
Come on, let's go say bye to your grandma
at the puppy booth, okay?
- [Matthew] Okay.
- See you later.
I have to admit, when you invited me,
I wasn't sure what to think,
but I am impressed, Scott Turner.
[bell rings]
Hey, Matthew, don't forget your ribbon!
I'm kinda worried about Hooch.
I think all that guacamole he ate
gave him gas.
[scoffs] You think? I know.
You know, I've gotta say,
I am pleasantly surprised
that Brooke did so well.
I didn't ever think that
I would see you at another GuacFest.
What's that supposed to mean?
Just that you skipped a few Fests,
you know?
Dad would be happy you're back.
- [kibble rattling in bowl]
- Hey, speaking of Dad,
were you able to look at David's notes
on Dad's case?
We have got the mayor on our side.
That's gotta be good for something.
We're pretty much right back
to where we started.
I mean, we know Dad
was watching something on Valley Road,
but it could've been anything.
I'll ask around.
What? I was the Guacamole Princess, okay?
If there's one thing I know that I can do,
it's get information from my subjects.
Four pounds of guacamole.
So, the champ fertilized the roses
a bit on his way in.
He might need something for his tummy.
I think they both do.
[cable car bell dinging]
I wanted to thank you for spending
the whole day with my family.
Don't be silly. I should thank you.
I loved your family.
You guys are like the Kennedys
of Cypress Beach,
I mean, if the Kennedys had a gassy dog.
Actually, speaking of family,
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Are you a fan of Senator Helen Pine?
Um, Safe Schools Act. What?
Helped build the new civic center, right?
Well, Daddy has a friend
from Princeton in the FBI,
and there have been some threats
against the senator.
And they're bringing in
the Marshals for protection.
And I told him that I know
the perfect person to be in charge.
Oh, yeah, right.
A case like that,
they would never give it to me.
Maybe, maybe not.
My father put in a good word for you.
I You know,
you kinda have to earn the big cases.
You did earn it.
You impressed my dad at the charity ball.
So you want me
to literally waltz into the case?
This is your chance to show the chief
what you can do.
Just promise you'll ask.
All right. Fine.
[Scott] Okay, buddy. We got this.
Just gonna make our case, right?
I'm ready to be deputy in charge,
and you can be dog in charge. Right?
Do good, and it's gonna be Treat City,
all right?
All right, come on.
Uh, Chief? Do you have a second?
Come on in.
So I heard about the assignment
protecting Senator Pine,
and I would like to be considered for DIC.
Now, I know it's unusual for a new deputy,
but I've put together a PowerPoint
as to why I think I'd be a good choice.
Yeah. It's the wrong PowerPoint.
Just try to wipe that image
from your mind.
Here we go.
Now, if we look at the pie graph,
I've actually evaluated
my protection cases,
and if you include court duty,
I've got over 200 hours of
Turner, enough.
I got a call from the marshal.
I guess somebody spoke to somebody.
Anyway, the job's yours.
It is? That's fantastic.
Well, it's not usually
how we do things around here,
going over people's heads,
but he's the boss.
I won't let you down.
I'll put together a team right now.
Good. Briefing's at 11:00.
Thank you.
- Oh, and, Turner.
- Yeah.
Good luck with those fitness goals.
X. X, guess what?
Banana Republic
is having a sale on chinos?
Yeah, how'd you know?
You banana republican?
Hey, I just got my first
deputy-in-charge assignment.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna be protecting Senator Pine.
Brooke's dad talked to the marshal,
who called the chief personally,
and I got the job.
I thought you could be my number two.
That's okay. Good luck though.
What? What do What do you mean?
I don't like to drop in
on someone else's wave.
No, no, no. Nah, it's not
See, you wouldn't be dropping in
because this is my wave,
but we're on the same board
and it's pumping.
Have fun with it.
See you, Hooch.
What was that about?
I'd love to.
But I have mileage reports to do,
and so I have to organize rec receipts.
That's the thing about receipts, right?
They don't organize themselves.
I've always said that.
You can't ask a receipt…
I wish I could, but my computer's
been acting up, and I'm updating it.
I just gotta make sure nothing goes wrong.
Can't be too careful.
I would, but I think that
I'm allergic to Hooch actually, so…
You have a German shepherd. I…
I-I-I don't get it. Do I smell?
Wh-Wh-What's going on?
Well, I'll tell you what's going on.
What's going on is you went to the chief
and snaked a case.
You jumped the line.
I didn't jump the…
The case was given to me.
Would have been somebody else's case
before that call.
You're supposed to get cases
when you're ready.
I'm ready. Hooch is ready.
- You ready, Hooch? We're ready.
- [whimpers]
G Jess, please. I-I-I need a team.
Fine. I know a few deputies
that haven't been able to get off
court duty, so they'll take anything.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wait. Why can't they get off court duty?
- Are you seriously being picky right now?
- No.
- You're the one who jumped the line.
- Go to your briefing.
- Thanks.
Senator Pine, I would like you
to meet Deputy Scott Turner.
He'll be in charge
of your protection detail.
Wonderful to meet you.
My chief of staff, Alex.
We've heard a lot of great things
about you.
You have friends in high places,
Deputy Turner.
Any relation to the police officer
who broke that big money laundering
operation back in, what, '89?
Actually, he was my father.
Wonderful. Great man. Real hero.
Thank you for being here.
Well, I'll get right to it.
The senator's office
has received several threats recently.
"I'm coming for you. I'm gonna
wipe you from the face of the Earth."
This looks bad.
[Alex] She started receiving these threats
after her speech on space exploration.
Well, my team will be with you 24/7.
As deputy in charge, I will
- Oh!
- Gosh. I'm so sorry.
- Come here, Hooch. Come here, buddy.
- Thank you.
Sorry. He likes pastries.
- Deputy Turner's part of our K-9 unit.
- [Alex] I'm sorry.
Is this some kind of joke?
We're gonna be doing events
and taking photos with that?
I assure you,
he is a highly trained protection dog.
He won't be a problem. Will he?
Course not.
[Hooch panting]
[phone ringing]
Hey, Jess. What's going on?
Hey. Okay, so just calling
to give you a heads-up.
Scott's on his way over.
Why are you warning me?
Maybe 'cause the last time he came over,
you agreed to dog-sit for him
while he went out
with another woman, girl.
No, 'cause what happened was
that was an accident. I accidentally
I just kind of offered without thinking.
Which is exactly why
I'm calling to tell you
to think about not doing that this time.
Do you think I should tell him how I feel?
What? No. No. No, no, no, no.
I've heard you talk about how you feel,
and you can't even make sentences.
Full sentences, maybe,
but half sentences, I am rocking.
And that's the kind of thing
that'll make a guy's head explode.
So, trust me. You just need to chill.
How do I chill, Jess? I'm not a chiller.
I don't know how to chill.
I'm not good at chilling.
Just breathe. You know? Little whoosah.
[breathing deeply]
Keep your mouth closed.
A little smile at the edges.
Just relax your face.
Okay, whatever you're doing right now,
it doesn't sound good.
- Are you okay?
- I know!
[whispers] Oh, my gosh! He's here.
Just stick stick to talking about dogs.
- Okay.
- Just stick to dogs.
Stick to dogs.
And let your body language
speak for you, you know?
Body language. Okay. I got this.
You gotta chill, okay?
Chill. Okay, yeah.
[giggles nervously] I got this.
Yeah, so, you know,
it's protecting the senator.
- It's kind of a big deal.
- Yes.
I'll be attending rallies,
watching for threats,
but I don't know what to do about Hooch,
other than keeping him away from pastries.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
Just chillin', you know?
- Like Bob Dylan, the singer.
- Great.
Um, so, you know, anyway,
this is just my first assignment as DIC,
and it just It has to go well.
So, main thing is make sure Hooch
has a good view of the crowd, you know?
And remember, if he responds to someone,
he's good at sensing emotions,
not interpreting them.
- I don't follow.
- Say there's two people.
Hooch would be able to tell
if they liked each other,
but he wouldn't be able to tell
if it was like a crush or…
just friends.
- Nope, that's a terrible example.
- Okay.
Think of it this way.
If Hooch spots somebody angry,
he's not gonna be able to tell
if it's a protestor or a assassin.
- That's your job.
- That makes sense.
That's good. So
[phone ringing]
No worries.
- It's okay.
- One second. Sorry.
Hey, sweetie.
No, no, no. I'm just at the dog place
getting some pointers for the big job.
Can I call you back?
Okay. All right. Thanks. Bye.
- I gotta go do something actually.
- Oh. Is there another time?
- Yeah, I gotta do it now, like, now.
- Oh.
- I'm busy doing my thing. Good luck.
- Okay.
Guess we're gonna have to
figure this out ourselves.
Hi, I'm Scott Turner, DIC on this job.
You probably know that.
Thank you all for being here.
Jessica recommended all of you…
very highly.
- Uh, yeah, so it's Natalia, Omar, Craig.
- Yes, sir.
- Scott's fine.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. I know this is
your first street assignment,
and we're about to take our places
in a minute.
Just wanna make sure everyone has a radio.
- I got spare batteries if anyone needs it.
- Great.
Also burner phones, gum, tool kit,
emergency fire starters
Emergency fire starters
'cause those emergency fire starters
- So we're prepared.
- Yeah.
Thank you, Omar.
This is really straightforward.
I'm gonna be on stage.
- Each of you, take a zone.
- Should we code name the zones?
It's an extra layer of security
in case communications are compromised.
Uh, it's a good thought.
The person we're looking for though,
they handwrite their letters,
so I just don't think it's the kinda guy
who hacks a comm system.
You saying that to throw him off the plan
in case he's listening?
No. I'm I'm just saying it.
Great, guys. Let's take our places.
- Yeah.
- Please don't salute me.
Yes, sir.
Come on, bud.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not
seriously having the dog on stage.
Yes. It's important for my K-9 unit
to monitor the crowd
so he can observe all possible threats.
But it was licking the senator.
It drools everywhere.
Hooch is going through a wet phase,
but I assure you,
he's great at spotting threats.
It's all right, Alex.
Let the man do his job.
I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Just keep him out of the way.
And keep the senator safe.
- I don't see this thing helping much.
- Uh-huh.
[presidential music playing]
And that's why I fight for the children
of our great state,
so they have everything they need
to achieve their dreams.
I care for all our kids
the way I care for my own grandson, Miles,
who's here with us today.
Come on.
[crowd cheers, applauds]
Natalia, right side. Eyes on crowd.
Down in front, Omar.
Blue hat, windbreaker. Watch his hands.
Oh, beautiful ♪
For spacious skies ♪
- [Hooch whining]
- What is it, boy? You see something?
[off-key] …of grain ♪
For purple mountain majesty ♪
Above the… ♪
Hooch, no.
- Quiet.
- [crowd laughing]
- [Hooch howling continues]
- [woman] Sing it, puppy!
Shh. Quiet.
Yeah, you go, doggy!
- [Scott] Hooch, no. Quiet, no.
- [mouthing words]
Hooch, no.
- [Hooch howls]
- [crowd laughs]
[sings off-key]
- [crowd cheering]
- [woman] Sing it, puppy!
[man] You go, doggy!
As you probably noticed,
we have a surprise guest.
Please, let me introduce you
to Deputy Scott Turner
and our number one dog supporter, Pooch!
It's Hooch.
[man] Yeah, Pooch!
- [woman] Extra guac, please.
- [man] Come on over. Wanna give it a try?
So, you know that area out by Valley Road?
I've been trying to find out about it.
I heard there could be some, you know,
criminal activity out there.
And you come to see me?
Of course. You stole the Driver's Ed car
in high school and drove it to Santa Cruz.
You were like the number one criminal.
You thought I was number one?
You're not just saying that?
Might as well learn from the best, right?
- [chuckles]
- So, about that road. Anything?
You remember Travis Hawkins?
Yeah, Travis. He had
a Eater of Souls tattooed on his neck.
Yeah. Anyway, me and him,
we broke into this garage out there once
a while back.
There's not much out there though.
Old warehouse ways off the road a bit.
But other than that, not much…
- The warehouse. Tell me more about that.
- I, uh, gotta go.
Wait. I have another question!
What the
Grady? What are you doing?
I'm trying to investigate here.
Yeah. Yeah. About that. Can we talk?
I know you're all excited
about your dad's case,
but you're talking to guys like Murph?
I've arrested that dude, like, 20 times.
I thought this would be one of those
things, you get all excited, and then
- Then I give up, is that it?
- You did bail on the vet tech exam.
- I'm still studying for it.
- Selling those organic lip balms.
The lip balm market in Cypress Beach
is totally saturated.
And those juice cleanses
where you get friends to buy them.
- They try to sell them back to you.
- This is No. This is different.
I'm not gonna stand here
and justify myself to you
in front of a stupid fried avocado stand.
Uh, she didn't mean that.
Fried avocados rule.
I'd have one, but I got my Invisalign.
- [Brooke on phone] So, it went well?
- Yeah. You know what?
It went surprisingly great.
Look, the team's a little green,
but there were no incidents.
And Hooch? I know you were worried.
I can't say he was a perfect guard dog,
but he was kinda the hit of the rally.
See? What did I tell you?
You were born for this.
You are crushing it,
and all those doubters
are gonna eat your dust
when you leave them behind.
Well, it's not really about dust-eating.
A little dust-eating. A little bit.
Listen, I'm just pulling up
to the senator's house,
so can I check back in later?
Double kiss. [kisses]
[phone beeps]
- [car approaches, door closes]
- [radio chatter]
[Craig clears throat]
- Evening, sir. Perimeter secure.
- That's great, Craig. At ease.
This is me at ease.
- Omar's grabbing new flashlights.
- Great.
I've worked out the best places to stand
guard for interlocking fields of fire.
It's a good thought. I'm gonna go inside
and check on the senator.
And then when I get back,
we'll work on the fields of fire.
Okay? Great.
- I'll keep strategizing.
- Great.
- You don't have to salute me, Craig.
- Yes, sir!
- [sighs]
- [assistant] Right in here.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh! I didn't realize you were there.
Aren't the deputies out front?
Yes, ma'am. We'll be out there all night.
Just wanted to check on you.
I appreciate the extra protection.
Thank you.
So how do you know Martin Mailer?
He spoke very highly of you.
I actually don't know him well.
He's my girlfriend's dad.
She really wanted him to call you.
I know how that goes.
Lord knows I wouldn't be a senator
if it weren't for my late husband.
God rest him.
Well, speaking of rest,
it's been a long day.
[Hooch whimpers, howls]
- Hooch.
- Howling again?
I thought he did that
because of Miles' singing.
So did I. What is it, Hooch?
Is someone there?
[howling continues]
I should go check outside.
- I'm sure it's nothing.
- Ma'am, stay here.
Hooch, come on. Come on.
- Hooch. Okay, fine.
- [howling continues]
I'll be right back.
[howling continues]
Stop! US Marshals!
Unidentified suspect fleeing south
from the rear of the home.
Male. Dark hair. Dark clothing.
In pursuit. Requesting backup.
[Omar] Coming to you.
[car engine starts]
[tires screeching]
[gasping, shouting]
- Where's the suspect? Did they get away?
- [Craig sighs]
- You all right, sir?
- I'm fine. Fine.
Suspect's gone. I'll call it in.
My nose. [chuckles]
Think I broke my nose. Did we get him?
Oh, geez.
I was unable to get the license plate
before the suspect escaped in their car.
Is this after Deputy Herbert
drove his car into a ditch?
Yes, but i-it wasn't really his fault.
I-I-I ran onto the road.
Well, at least you scared the bad guy off.
Yes. And moving forward,
we're gonna be tightening up security.
Turner, this guy has escalated
from sending threats
to showing up at the senator's house.
Are you gonna be able to handle this?
I take this responsibility
very seriously, sir.
You better.
Because we've got a psycho out there,
and I need to know that we're not gonna
have a senator die on our watch.
You have my word, sir. I'm on it.
We are totally focused, 1,000% dedicated
to protecting the senator and catching
[Hooch chewing]
[Mendez] Is he eating
my Distinguished Service award?
No. See. It's It's fine.
Hey. Check out Mr. Connections over there.
I get it, okay? Everyone's
annoyed at me for jumping the line.
But the fact is, however I got the job,
as deputy in charge,
I'm the one responsible, right?
I am.
There's no "I" in Marshals.
Yeah. Well, to be fair though,
there is an "I" in deputy in charge.
First letter of the word "in," so…
You're quite a talented speller.
I don't have time for your mind games.
I have a senator to protect.
[man] Number 48.
That's me.
Laura. Hey.
Hi, Todd. How's it going?
I'm good. How's GuacFest treating ya?
Matthew won the ten-and-under
guacamole-eating contest.
But really, I couldn't be prouder.
I'm hoping you can help me with something.
I'm looking for property records
on a warehouse out on Valley Road.
It's related to an investigation
my dad was doing.
Mmm. [chuckles]
An investigation? That's exciting.
I'll, uh, see what I have. Be right back.
Thank you.
Oh. Ebony. Hi.
- Hey, Laura. Hey.
- How's the baby?
Well, do you have time for the truth?
Oh, well, then he's an absolute angel.
Oh, that's great. They grow up so fast.
[Todd clears throat]
So, bad news.
Looks like that record was misplaced.
Looked everywhere for it,
but I can't find it.
These kind of things,
nothing can be done, so…
But I came all the way down here.
Do you mind looking again?
I would, but, uh…
it's, uh… my lunch break.
So, good to see you.
It's 10:30 in the morning. Todd?
So I'll be over here with my team
monitoring the entrances.
Entrances? What do you mean?
Well, at this point
the threat level is elevated.
But someone tried to gain access
to the senator's home.
No. You can protect the senator best
by her side on stage.
Look. The dog was a huge hit
with the local news last night.
Pooch was on every station.
It's Hooch, actually.
the media consultant likes Pooch better.
Hooch, it reminds people of alcohol
and big liquor sponsors, our opponent.
Anyway, we need it on stage howling
during the photo op
with the local business leaders,
preferably right after we announce
the gold level donors.
- I can't actually control
- Deputy, Deputy.
Just make it happen. Okay?
Now get up there. We're about to start.
Come on, Hooch.
- All right, is everybody in place?
- [Craig] Yes, sir.
Got an action plan for multiple scenarios.
Let's stick with the "look for bad guy
coming through the door" scenario for now.
The threat level's a lot higher today.
Omar? Omar.
Uh, sorry, sir.
In position.
- Omar, do you have two Tasers?
- Three.
I have one strapped to my ankle.
Let's just keep a hand free
for the radio, okay?
- Natalia?
- [whispers] Fox Den sector secured.
Good afternoon, everyone,
and thank you for coming.
Before we get started,
I wanted to introduce
one of my newest supporters.
You may have seen him
on the news the other day. Pooch.
- [crowd] Aw!
- [woman in crowd] Go, Pooch!
Pooch is like my hometown
of San Francisco.
A little rough around the edges,
but powerful and…
dripping with potential.
- The great people of California
- [Hooch howling]
[howling continues]
Hey. Not now. Wait.
Hooch. No.
[howling continues]
Caucasian male. Overcoat right side.
- We need to cut him off.
- [Omar] On it.
Ma'am, you need to move now.
Get her upstairs.
- Hooch! Hooch. Come on.
- [woman screams]
US Marshals. Coming through.
- Move, move, move.
- Come on.
[Scott] Stop! US Marshals!
Coming through! Over here.
[staff screaming]
[Natalia] Out of the way.
[Scott] Move, move, move.
- [grunts]
- [yelps]
Stop. US Marshals!
- [Omar] Don't let him get away.
- Geez.
[woman gasps]
We got him. We got him. Oh!
Deputy down! It's a bloodbath!
It's soup, Natalia.
[woman gasps]
Give me your hands.
Keep your hands behind your back.
Don't move.
[man panting]
Sir… You all right, sir?
It's fine, guys. We got him.
We got him. Good job.
Guys, I think
I wanna go back to court duty.
Senator, how will today's events
affect your campaign?
I wanna thank the great US Deputy Marshals
who protected me.
They're the heroes today.
Wow. How does that make you feel?
Oh. Uh, just doing my job.
I should point out that
the senator's opponent doesn't have a dog.
I mean, is she anti-dog?
Does she even have a pet?
The people of California need to know.
Senator, we want
Scott, look at you. That's amazing.
- You're right there with the senator.
- Yeah, it went pretty well.
Are you kidding? Your first time as DIC,
and you caught an assassin.
You saved a senator's life.
I-I-I don't know about that.
You know, it was weird, actually.
He didn't seem to have a weapon.
Just, like, a stick.
A stick is a weapon.
Also, the guy escaped four highly trained
deputies at the senator's house.
Yeah, I don't know how highly trained.
One of them drove into a ditch.
Stop being so humble, Scott.
This is your moment.
[message alert tone]
Oh, my gosh. Daddy's watching
the news right now. He's so happy.
Yeah? What'd he say?
Check it out.
You're trending on Twitter
as hashtag Pooch.
- Really? I'm trending.
- [Brooke giggles]
I hope you learned a valuable lesson,
Mr. I-wanna-earn-my-cases.
Nothing wrong
with working the system a bit.
Wish I could see the looks on
the people's faces who doubted you now.
I heard this dog is quite the hero.
Hi, Pooch.
[Scott] It's Hooch, actually.
Exactly. And who's the clever one?
Um… It's Again, it's a team effort.
We're all clever.
- [reporter] You're all clever.
- Hey, baby.
- I heard he sounded the alarm today.
- I brought you dinner.
- [Scott] Yes, ma'am.
- You okay?
Yes, it's just this case
Scott's working on.
- [Scott] We're a K-9 unit.
- And does he do any tricks?
Well, what's the problem?
It looks like Scott caught the guy.
Well, maybe he did. Maybe he didn't.
Usually I get tingles when a case closes.
Right now, no tingles.
I'm sure it's fine. You need to relax.
Yeah, I know.
Just hard to relax
when you know something's coming.
[Scott] Yeah, that and treats.
What did you do to relax
when you were in the marines?
You must have done something.
You know, sometimes
when I was standing post at night,
I thought about you.
Come on. You didn't even know me.
Well, I imagined perfection…
so that I'd know you when I met you.
[reporter] And we will keep you posted
as we learn more
about the attack on Senator Pine.
Back to you, Ron.
And I see
you've waived your right to an attorney.
Mr. Tibbs,
I need to ask you a few questions.
I have nothing to hide.
I want the world to know everything.
So you admit it was you who made
the threats against the senator's life?
You wanna tell me what this is?
It's a laser sword to battle Senator Pine
to drive her from the face of the Earth
and back to the Hydrus galaxy.
I've already warned her.
Back up a bit.
This stick wrapped in foil
is a laser sword?
An Inzinium blade,
the weapon of the intergalactic warrior.
Okay… um, tell me this.
The night before last,
were you at the senator's house?
I'm everywhere the senator is.
I use a dimensional gateway
to move myself through time and space.
I'm with her right now.
Shh. She's eating a sandwich.
There's no escape for her.
[Mendez] I don't understand.
You're saying there's another attacker,
this guy wasn't at the senator's house?
When I asked Tibbs
what color the senator's house was,
he said, "Fancy."
And the suspect drove away at high speed.
I don't even think
Tibbs knows how to drive a car.
I'm not saying the guy's not a nutjob.
You said he confessed though.
Yeah, he did. I'm just worried
we're missing something here.
Look, here's the thing, Turner.
The marshal is thrilled.
And when the big guy's thrilled,
I'm thrilled.
- Take the win.
- Yes, I'm just wondering if we should
Also, the senator's office called.
They want you at another rally.
You know, have the dog howl for the crowd.
He doesn't really do commands.
Plus, I don't think I can just turn it on.
You better because they're gonna
give you an award, which is good,
because then maybe Hooch
will leave mine alone.
Okay. I'm just gonna…
[Mendez groans]
I'm sorry.
Whatever. At least they all match now.
- We done here, Turner?
- Yeah. I guess.
- Mom.
- Yeah?
Why are we here so early?
I have to pick something up
before I drop you off at school, okay?
Just sit here for a few minutes.
I got a Grape-Nut in my nose
eating breakfast in the car.
What? Okay. You got it out.
I'll be one second.
Hey, Todd.
- Hey, Laura.
- I'm back about that warehouse.
I need the address,
and I need to know who owns it.
And don't you dare tell me
you have a breakfast break.
Right, yeah, uh, the warehouse, um…
Looked everywhere for it. I can't find it.
Maybe you can come back another time.
Todd, I've known your girlfriend Lisa
since third grade.
[both chuckle]
We back-combed each other's bangs.
I got her invited
to Crystal Slipkin's 12th birthday.
Taught her about second base.
[nervously] Mm-hmm.
If you don't tell me what's going on…
I will call Lisa.
Grady! Grady Garland, you and I
need to have a conversation right now!
Crap. Don't tell me it was my day
to take Matthew to school.
No. I just left City Hall,
and Todd told me
that I couldn't have records that I wanted
because it was illegal file giving.
You do know
that that's not a real law, right?
Well, now you know.
Also, how did you even find out
I was there?
I might have followed you… a little.
You followed me?
Do you know how creepy that is?
I'm sorry. I should've told you.
But I knew you'd be mad.
you're going around talking to criminals.
I mean, I know we're divorced,
but you're my kid's mom.
Is this the '50s?
Did the greasers crash the sock hop, and
I need a big, strong man to protect me?
No, it's not like that. Come on,
you're the strongest person I know.
I guess I'm just I'm scared for you,
and… kind of for me too.
Grady, it's like I said before.
This case is all I have left of my dad.
And he always told me
that I could do big things.
And for the first time in my life,
I feel like I actually believe him,
that he could be right.
Come on, you've done hella great things.
You're Matthew's mom.
You won that over-30 moms
Fortnite tournament.
Laura, you're amazing.
You don't have to prove anything.
Fine. I'll call Todd.
I'll tell him to give you whatever
you want, and I'll stay out of it.
Please be careful.
Thank you.
Scott is here.
- He's asking for you.
- Oh.
Um, can you tell him I'm busy?
But you're not busy.
You're brushing Angel's hair.
I know. I'm just
- I'll tell him you don't wanna see him.
- No! No.
I'm just a little overwhelmed emotionally.
- I'll tell him that then.
- No.
I'll go. Yeah. I'll go. I'll go.
- Are you gonna go?
- I'm going. Yes, I am going.
Anyway, the senator's people
are asking Hooch to howl.
[sighs] That's weird. I don't understand.
I thought you were protecting the senator.
Protecting her polling numbers maybe.
Listen, I know it's a lot to ask,
but can you show me how?
[dogs barking, whimpering]
Well, it's obvious
Hooch was howling for a reason.
Without knowing his feelings,
I can't really
Honestly, I just need him to howl.
I don't care about his feelings.
You don't care about his feelings?
You can't…
Feelings are important.
You can't just ignore them.
You have to let him have his feelings.
He can't bottle them up. Doesn't work.
He needs to get them out.
He should,
no matter what anybody else says.
Erica, you're not really talking
about Hooch anymore, are you?
[Angel barking]
Maybe not.
- Maybe I'm talking about
- About me.
That's it, right?
About my feelings.
About Brooke's dad getting me this job.
About being deputy in charge.
And about feeling
like this case is just wrong.
I mean, I can't ignore those feelings!
Oh, you're amazing. Thank you.
- I gotta go. Okay.
- Okay.
Let's go. Let's go.
I was talking about me.
You got that, right?
Mmm. Okay.
Yes, I figure we go in there,
we serve the warrant, and we pick him up.
Are you busy, or…
- No, we're just we're finishing up.
- Mm-hmm.
Listen, I really need your help.
I know I jumped the line,
and I know that was wrong.
But I thought I was ready
to be deputy in charge, but I'm not ready.
And everybody in this place
thinks that this case is closed,
but I got this feeling, dude,
that there is something wrong.
And I don't know what it is.
And now I'm kinda in over my head here.
But I guess what I'm saying is I'm sorry.
Also, is there any way you can help me?
'Cause I don't know what to do.
You like kombucha?
[Scott] Okay. So the problem is
I don't think it was Clarence Tibbs
at the senator's house,
but I don't know who was there.
All I could see was that it was
a black sedan. I didn't get the plates.
Hmm. Was it a flying car?
No, it it was a driving one.
Then it had to pass through
the intersection at Park and Oaknoll.
- What time did it leave exactly?
- Uh…
9:42 p.m.
Then the car
had to hit the traffic cam at Oaknoll
at approximately 9:47 headed west.
Red car. White car.
Silver car. Black sedan.
And the license belongs to…
- Look familiar?
- Something very weird is going on here.
- That's Pine's chief of staff.
- Uh-huh.
Look, I know this is a lot to ask,
but I'm working with these deputies, and
They're just so excited to be there,
but they don't know anything.
- Yeah, I know the type.
- Right.
I see what you did there. Uh, anyway…
Any chance you'll come with me
to the senator's place?
There's no "I" in Marshals.
So we'll start with a cocktail party,
but then after the opening remarks,
we're gonna have you do
a meet and greet with
Oh, how long will that take?
I'm feeling a little tired.
I understand, Senator, but these
are the gold level donors, and we
What are you doing here?
The rally's tomorrow.
Who is this?
Deputy Wilson's here to help
with the follow-up investigation.
[scoffs] What follow-up investigation?
What are you talking about?
We're here to find out why you were in
the senator's backyard on Tuesday night.
- Me?
- [Hooch whimpers]
That's That's just ridiculous.
You caught the intruder yourself
at the event
The guy I arrested was never
at the senator's house. That was you.
- Alex, we should really tell them.
- [Hooch whimpering]
- Tell me what?
- No, there's nothing to tell.
We have an event
that's happening in an hour.
- Can't this wait?
- Alex, please.
these men are not supposed to be here.
They come barging in with accusations,
and they're disrupting a private event!
- [groaning]
- Oh, ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am.
- Senator! What's happening?
- [Hooch barking]
- Ma'am.
- [Xavier] Okay.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
What's happening?
- Pulse is weak.
- She's barely breathing.
- [Hooch howling]
- Hooch, shut up.
Hooch is trying to tell you the senator's
sick. Does she have heart problems?
A buddy of mine in the marines has a dog
that barks when his blood pressure drops.
Yes, she has congestive heart failure.
We didn't tell anyone
because of the campaign.
I was at her house delivering medicine,
but the dog started freaking out
and I panicked and I ran.
- We need an ambulance!
- No time for an ambulance.
- We gotta get her to a hospital right now.
- All right.
[Scott] Emergency! Get out of the way!
Go, go, go, go.
- Come on, come on. You ready?
- [Xavier] Okay. I got you.
- Keys.
- X, let's go!
[Alex] Senator, come on.
You gotta wake up. Come on, come on.
[horn honking]
Her pulse is dropping, X!
She's gotta take one of these
or she's gonna die.
Senator, you gotta wake up.
You gotta wake up.
She can't take a pill if she's passed out!
X, how much longer?
Not long enough.
You need to wake her up, Scott.
- But how do I do that?
- You gotta shock her somehow.
- Stimulate her autonomic nervous system.
- What is that?
Part of the brain
that responds to pain, disgust.
- Go.
- Senator, Senator.
It's not working.
She's dying!
- [horns honking]
- [tires screeching]
- [Alex] Come on.
- X, disgust works?
Disgust is good.
You need to shock her system.
- What are you doing?
- I'm trying to save her life.
Is that gravy? No, no, no. This is insane.
This is very unsanitary.
- Go, Hooch. Go, buddy. Go, go, go.
- [Alex] Oh!
Go, buddy.
[Alex] Ugh.
Ma'am. Ma'am. Ma'am?
She's waking up. She's waking up.
- She's awake.
- Dog spit.
Yes, Senator. It's dog spit.
- It's dog spit.
- [Scott] Nice job, Hooch.
Here, you need to take one of these pills.
She's awake! She's awake!
You okay, ma'am?
Yes. Thank you.
Just finished up the after-action report.
You wanna take a look?
Nope. I'm sure it's perfect.
Yeah, I wanted to ask you.
How did you know
when you were ready to be DIC?
Like, if I'm not supposed to jump the line
to be DIC till I'm ready,
how do I know
when I'm at the front of the line?
Well, you know, 'cause you're DIC.
Right. I Right, I can't be DIC
till I'm at the front of the line,
but I'll only know I'm at the front
of the line when I am DIC?
- Exactly.
- Right, but
[Mendez] Turner, Wilson.
The senator would like a word.
I just wanted to thank you
and to apologize.
I should've told you about my condition.
Alex said it would hurt
my reelection chances if it came out.
Dying probably wouldn't help much either.
No, I suppose not.
Anyway, if there's anything
I can do to repay you…
Actually, there is one thing.
You know that award
you were gonna give me?
Do you think
you could give it to Hooch instead?
He, uh, kinda has a thing for awards.
It would be my pleasure.
Hooch, thank you so much.
You saved my life.
Hooch, dessert!
To your first case as DIC.
Saving a senator's life, very nice.
Too bad Pine's retiring though.
She would've been great for your career.
The good news is, she's okay.
Speaking of good news.
You know that Mafia case
you helped me with?
They want me to consult on another one.
I got word today.
- Great.
- Yeah.
I'll do court security again.
Well, not unless you
wanna come to Boston with me.
That's where the trial is.
I leave tomorrow morning.
Oh, wow. So you're leaving tomorrow?
Be gone, like, two months tops.
Oh, cool.
Scott… don't worry about it.
I'll be back before you know it.
I'm so proud of us. We're crushing it.
[phone buzzing]
Get that.
I have to return some emails anyway.
Oh, hi. Hey, Laura. What's up?
So you know how I said I would ask about
that road where Dad had his heart attack?
- Well, I did. And I found something.
- What?
Yeah, it turns out there's this warehouse
out there owned by some trucking company.
I got the address.
So we should probably check it out.
I sort of promised Grady that I wouldn't.
- He's worried, so…
- You know what?
I'll go check it out tonight.
Thank you.
Okay. We'll take a quick look and leave.
[door closes]
[Hooch whimpering]
- [barks]
- What is it, boy? You smell something?
- [Hooch barking]
- Hooch! Come back, Hooch!
- [sighs] Hooch, we can't go inside.
- [Hooch barking]
Hooch, what's wrong?
- We're not supposed to be in here, Hooch.
- [Hooch continues barking]
[Hooch growls, barks]
Hooch. Hooch.
What is it, buddy?
This building's empty.
You just don't like this place?
- [thuds]
- [barks]
[footsteps approaching]
- Freeze! US Marshal!
- [shouts]
Dude, what the hell?
You made me swallow my Invisalign.
[Scott] Grady, what are you doing here?
You're in a lot of trouble, man.
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