Twilight of the Gods (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

If I Had a Hammer

[dramatic opening theme music plays]
- [mellow guitar music plays]
- [crows cawing]
My music hits me so hard ♪
- Makes me say, Oh my Lord ♪
- [cawing]
- Thank you for blessing me ♪
- [cawing]
- With a mind to rhyme ♪
- [grunts]
And two hyped feet ♪
- [sighs]
- It feels good ♪
When you know you're down ♪
- A super dope homeboy from the Oaktown ♪
- [sighs]
- [shatters]
- [grunts]
And I'm known as such ♪
- [Thor humming]
- And this is a beat ♪
- That you can't touch ♪
- [people panting]
- [woman gasps in fear]
- [Thor sighs]
- You can't touch this ♪
- [sniffs]
[boy grunts]
- [warning bell clanging]
- [Thor grunts]
You can't touch this ♪
- [Thor] Hmm.
- Fresh new kicks and pants ♪
You got it like that
Now you know you wanna dance ♪
- So, move on outta your seat ♪
- [grunts]
Get a fly girl
Baby, catch this beat ♪
- [crackling]
- And now they know ♪
You talk about the hammer
You talk about the show ♪
Cold on a mission, so fall on back ♪
Let 'em know that you're too much
And this is a beat ♪
One, two, three, oh, I told you
You can't ♪
Hey! ♪
You can't touch this ♪
You can't touch this ♪
[Thor chuckles]
[ominous music plays]
[solemn, epic music plays]
[whooshing, crackling]
- [mysterious music plays]
- [wind whistling]
[in Vanir] Do they hurt you, sister?
[in English] Why this warlike force?
Do you seek to break the spit-sworn truce?
[mounts snarling and grunting softly]
[Tiwaz in Vanir] The truce
that's kept us blind and starving
while you take all our worship?
The Aesir already broke that truce.
Thor violated our land.
[in English] He will atone
for his trespass.
[in Vanir] And what of your gilded apples?
[ominous music plays]
[Thor in English] We'll make no covenant
for this cunt's revenge.
This Weeping whore comes for hot blood.
And gladly will I give it.
You should let your brother
handle this, Stormlord.
That's how it works, is it not?
- You piss on the world
- [growls]
and your brother cleans the mess?
[Tiwaz in Vanir] We will not treat unless
it be for Thor's death and Asgard's seat.
[in English] I cannot offer up our own.
Only Odin could.
And he'll not sell his eldest son.
[in Vanir] Then you have chosen
blood and wailing.
[solemn, epic music plays]
[music fades]
[in English] You once told me
I would die in Asgard.
Is it true?
Not if I can help it.
[tense music plays]
[Leif] Warriors!
Cattle die and kinsmen die.
[inspiring music plays]
We end in dirt or fire!
But a good name, with honor gained,
that glory lives forever!
[all cheering, yelling]
[Tiwaz grunts]
[music fades]
Be safe.
[thrilling music plays]
- [yelling]
- [arrows whistling]
[all yelling]
- [Hervor grunts]
- [Andvari grunts loudly]
[Ulfr grunts]
[Andvari groans]
- [shrieks]
- [groans]
[roars, grunts]
- [screams]
- [groans]
[monster shrieks]
[Seid-Kona grunts]
[monster snarls]
- [monster groans]
- [blade rasps]
- [monster bellows]
- [Egill grunts]
[grunts, sighs]
- [roars]
- [Egill gasps]
- [arrows whistle]
- [shrieks]
[hopeful, epic music plays]
- [crackling]
- [eerie music plays]
[Thor grunting]
Where are you, Weeping?
I want your woman's war!
- [whooshing]
- [Thor grunts]
- [yells]
- [lightning booms]
[music fades]
[sighs sadly]
[suspenseful music playing]
What's giant built
can be giant broken.
Now we wait.
[Loki] In the dawn-days,
Odin dreamed his future.
[mysterious music plays]
- [Loki] Foreseen as if through fog.
- [clanking]
[low growl]
And you, my wolf-son,
did worry old One-Eye.
So too he dreamed the death of Thor.
Claimed by a great sea serpent.
Brother, sister, you die in that battle.
Find Hel your cold companion.
[Loki] These portents
will not come to pass.
I'll see to it that Sigrid kills Thor.
Her bloodied spear
will spare you your fate.
And Odin's silvered head will I sever.
[wind whistling]
[music fades]
[eerie music playing]
[Sandraudiga] Asgard's field
is fed for the day.
Let the dead be burned or buried.
Valkyries, bear your jewels to Valhalla.
[whooshing, ringing]
[whooshes, rings]
- [warrior yells]
- [Hervor grunts loudly]
[grunts with fatigue]
[gentle, ethereal music plays]
[Valkyries whooshing in distance]
If I fall
take me in your arms.
Bring me to my boys.
[Thor] Has our father favored us?
Heaped praise from on high?
The All-father's asked to be alone.
[Thor grunts]
Send for Sandraudiga,
so I might sport with her.
- [door billows]
- [footsteps approach]
I see I have my husband still.
- [clangs loudly]
- I will not hear from my hollow wife.
I withered in your motionless mound.
My new consort has a cock-breaking cunt.
Of all the women you could woo,
you make Defeat your mistress.
- [ominous music plays]
- You know it not but I know why.
You long for it.
To lose. To die.
I hope the Weeping grants your wish.
And makes a widow of me.
[music fades]
gods' own blood in Ulfr.
[intriguing music plays]
Iron and gold, and iron.
The iron calls and screams, "Valhalla,"
and it's gold and gold
and dying gold and dying gold.
[ghostly whooshing]
And dying gold.
Dying gold.
[music fading]
May I come in?
[gentle music plays]
You are always welcome.
I do not know how to begin.
It's different between us now.
If you wish to forget last night,
there is no offense.
No, you don't understand.
I want to thank you.
I see myself now.
I am not just the crossroads maid.
I'm no maid at all.
I am salt and flames and need.
And I would serve you both
again and again and again.
We are honored to know you first, Thyra.
If the day has not bested you,
you know where to find me.
Are you so surprised she wants more?
You're not jealous?
[Sigrid chuckles softly] I was there too.
And I've always expected
you to take a concubine.
[Leif] I would have.
If I had wanted one.
[Sigrid] You wanted one last night.
No. I wanted us to take her.
I want to be with you.
When we are done with this,
when we have lived through it,
I am going to marry you, Sigrid.
And I will tell the story,
and we will be together.
In all things.
Together. In all things.
[both moaning softly]
[music fading]
[Leif groans softly]
What of your man?
Why are we leaving him behind?
I want him to survive this.
At least this way, he has a chance.
[mysterious music plays]
I saw you, Egill,
but I did not know how you'd feel.
Sleep, my love.
[Seid-Kona recites spell]
[solemn music plays]
[footsteps running]
[mysterious music plays]
[both straining]
- [wood breaking]
- [both grunt]
[wood clattering]
[Andvari] The Vanir call
and the World Tree answers.
What say we stop talking
and start killing?
[sniffs, grunts]
[grunting] Hmm? Mm.
- [snarling]
- [footsteps approaching]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Seid-Kona] Great lady.
I am your servant, always.
As was my mother, and hers.
Daughter of mine. Divining and divine.
Tiwaz sends you his love.
I'll give Tiwaz my tidings
when Asgard's torn asunder.
[cats snarling softly]
[ominous music plays]
- [gasps]
- [door billows]
Thyra, what is it?
Sigrid's gone.
Aile The Seid-Kona, she she's
They've gone for Thor.
[music continues]
[Freya] It's there
your foe fucks Failure herself.
None will notice you.
[magic jingling, creaking]
And here do our paths part.
I leave now as well.
What are you saying?
I go because it happens.
[gentle, ethereal music plays]
I hope to see you again.
I've always admired your optimism.
Go, little giant.
Gut him for you and yours.
[suspenseful music plays faintly]
[weapon slashes in distance]
- [gasps]
- [squelches]
[tense music plays]
[magic jingles]
[tense music building]
- [ominous music plays]
- [gasps]
Weeping girl! Where were you today?
- [Andvari and Hervor groaning]
- [gasps]
[Andvari groaning]
[Thor] I knew you'd come
with knives in the night.
We're kindred killers, Weeping.
[footsteps running]
[Thor] I think I'll let you live.
- I'll have you bridled and gold-bitted.
- [groans]
And I'll widen your woman's wound.
- [yells]
- [lightning crackles]
Your hammer is not for her.
[eerie music plays]
- At last.
- [gasps]
- [roars]
- [thunder crashes]
[exciting music plays]
[lightning booms]
- [arrows whistle]
- [groans]
[Leif grunts]
[Leif] Run!
- [roars]
- [whooshes]
[eerie music plays]
Thank you.
You can forswear thanking me
in the hour of your failure.
The Seid-Kona's not with you?
- [Andvari yells]
- Andvari! No!
[grunts in surprise]
Age has made you slow, Andvari
- [Andvari groaning]
- [skull cracking]
- [ominous music plays]
- [Hervor whimpers]
[Loki] Your friend's revenge
has gone unfinished.
I have faith that you'll fare better.
[mysterious music plays]
[Leif] What did I do, my friend?
I stole your justice
and secured your death.
[sighs] Forgive me.
[Sigrid] The sun comes.
You lied to me.
You lied!
You lied and broke our every bond,
and you smiled at me all the while!
For what?
For vengeance.
I crossed worlds for your vengeance.
- Enough now. This This is finished.
- Nothing is finished!
You have lost, Sigrid!
- The only thing here for you is death.
- Then let it claim me!
You want it.
You want to die.
[ominous music plays]
[sighs resignedly] There
There is a life beyond this field!
There is a life for us
if you would only come with me!
Leif, I still carry my garland.
Do you see love when you look upon this?
[gentle music plays]
When last I wore it
It was your wedding day.
It was the day
Thor butchered my family like cattle.
I can never wed you.
I'm wed to doom.
I will tie this garland to my spear,
and it will be the last thing Thor sees.
Dawn comes. I must go.
No, listen [groans in pain]
Love Thyra.
Love a woman who can.
[Leif groans]
[groans] Sigrid!
- [groaning]
- [eerie music playing]
Sigrid! Sigrid!
[music rises, stops]
[haunting choral music plays]
[music fades to silence]
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