Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Where Are You Eun Gyeol?

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
[Episode 7]
[Out of order]
After roaming aimlessly in different times, we got to meet ♪
Please move. A patient coming through.
Please move.
Please move. Excuse us.
Please move. A patient coming through.
I recognized you ♪
If only we could've had the same dream and be together ♪
After taking a detour, at the end of this path ♪
I'm singing about love ♪
I can give you all of these twinkling moments ♪
Bonsoir, are you enjoying the trip?
What? Was it you?
You scared the hell out of me!
You should've called beforehand if you were going to call.
- Well, I-
- Whatever.
I'm doing just fine. So don't ever call me, okay?
Living someone else's life for them
must be fun for you.
Hello? H-H-Hello?
C-Can you Can you hear me?
Anybody there?
What? Did she hang up?
What's wrong with this?
Yes. I'm living someone else's life right now.
My name is On Eun Yoo.
You must've suspected already.
I'm Choi Se Kyeong's daughter from the 21st century.
[New York, 2013]
That's me.
And that's my mom.
I know. I resemble her a lot.
They say I resemble her more and more as I grow.
You could basically say that I'm her clone.
[Choi Se Kyeong / On Eun Yoo]
Excellent! The girl is a genius.
That's how I became my mom's jewel.
Was I happy?
How could I have been?
[Licht K. Stein Music - Young String Players 2013 in Philadelphia]
As you know, a jewel always has to shine.
The moment it stops shining, its value diminishes.
I was loved briefly whenever she needed to show me off or make her look good.
But most of the time, I was trapped inside the jewelry box.
If Dad didn't take me out of her jewelry box once in a while,
I might've been dead already.
Eun Yoo is my daughter. So I'll raise her.
[Divorce Agreement Form]
Did you give birth to her by yourself?
If you want to raise her, quit drinking first.
I filled out mine, so
I prayed to someone saying,
"Please make them stop fighting because of me.
Please don't let me regret being born."
[In Mourning]
[Viva Music]
Whose house is this?
It's my dad's house.
Grandpa is in the US.
I'm not talking about him.
I'm talking about your real grandpa.
Is the one in the US fake?
I have two dads.
Aren't you jealous?
No. I just need one dad.
You know,
I've wanted to have a complete family since I was a kid.
One that doesn't require explaining
and doesn't make me fear if they'll leave or make me worry
if I'll get abandoned. That kind of a family.
You're the last family I have left.
Isn't Dad a family like that?
You'll stay by my side, right?
You won't either abandon or leave me, right?
I regretted
promising Mom that day.
[Viva Music]
Like how the season changes,
Mom and Dad's relationship repeatedly got hot and cold.
As if it's an annual event, they kept separating and moving back in together.
Eventually, the year I turned 18, they got divorced.
[Six years later]
We'll be living here from now on. Just the two of us.
Just focus on music.
You know what I mean, right?
Did she gain weight a bit?
It seems so.
She can lose weight when she goes to college.
It's normal to gain weight until they're high school seniors.
Ma'am, please make the waist looser.
It'd be uncomfortable when I play.
No, just leave it like that.
She'll lose weight quickly.
Choi Se Kyeong?
Hey, it's me.
Yoon Sang Ah from Seowon Arts High School.
Yoon Sang Ah, the daughter of the owner of Jinsung Instruments.
I heard you came back to Korea.
It was really true.
My goodness.
Is she your daughter?
She looks exactly like when you were in high school.
It's nice to see you.
But I'm sorry. I need to get going.
I heard the news.
I heard you got divorced.
I was a bit shocked.
Damn it. The time bomb started ticking.
I never would've thought you and Ji Hwan oppa would get divorced.
- Three.
- I guess
it was even more shocking when you got married.
I thought you'd continue to be a cellist.
- Two.
- You were unmatched when you were in high school.
You weren't just talented but also pretty,
and popular, too.
The male students from the boys' high school religiously worshipped you.
They called you the cello goddess.
It's true.
A male student even started a band for me.
He wanted to do a performance at the festival just for me.
Oh, right. Talking about a band reminds me.
Did I tell you that my first love was in a band?
My first love was totally different than your dad.
He was as bright as sunshine, cheerful, and manly.
He sometimes acted nonchalant, but he was friendly.
He was sometimes sensitive and sentimental, but he was positive.
You should've married your first love, then.
I wouldn't have been born, either, then.
Should I try singing the second verse?
"If only I didn't marry your dad and
you weren't born, I would've
been traveling all over the world as a successful cellist.
I wouldn't have become a typical woman obsessed with her husband and child."
Eun Yoo, I was just-
You were just drunk?
Will you promise you'll never drink again?
Do you expect me to believe your promise again?
You think I was born because I wanted to?
I didn't choose you to be born, either.
What do you think you're doing?
I'll go to Dad.
I'm afraid I'd end up like you after living with you.
That's why I'm telling you to focus on music.
- So you don't end up like me-
- Stop making excuses!
Stop using me.
Why do I have to redeem you from your failure?
I can't talk to you like this.
Were we ever able to talk?
You always only talked about yourself.
You disregarded me as if I was a barking dog.
Is that why you acted like you couldn't hear me?
Is that why you let go of yourself like that?
Just to rebel against me?
This is why I don't like you.
You say cruel things like it's nothing.
You look sociopathic sometimes.
Dad left you because he got sick of you acting this way. Did you know?
What a mean girl you are.
You're just like your dad.
Yes. I've always gotten along better with him.
That was the last time I saw Mom.
And a very long journey started.
Who are you?
I'm sorry, but isn't this Dr. On's house?
Yes, but who-
Oh, you're Dr. On's daughter.
- Honey?
- Honey, come quick. Your daughter's here.
He's on the second floor, so he can't hear us.
Come in, sweetie.
[Power off]
Yo, ma. Where are you going?
They should've married someone else if they were going to do this.
They shouldn't have created me.
You didn't even ask me.
You created me just because you wanted to.
It's not like you'd live my life for me. Look at me now.
[La Vida Music]
- Welcome, Ma'am.
- Gosh, you scared me!
I'm the master of this shop.
It must've been hard to find this place.
What brings you here?
Well, you just turned the sign on in the front.
Right, I did that.
Would you like some hot tea?
No, I don't need tea.
Do you buy used cellos, too?
I want to sell it.
Are you really going to sell it?
I can tell you took good care of it.
I don't need it anymore.
I'll die soon.
My gosh. You're so young. Why would you say that?
Because it's so heavy to carry that on my back.
It doesn't look heavy enough to make you want to die.
You might not see it,
but my mom is sitting on top of it.
My gosh.
Dad sometimes put her down for me,
but he doesn't care anymore.
That's why I think I could die now.
Your parents would feel very sad.
They say children do all their filial duties by the age of three.
None of us have regrets.
I'll have tons of fun with the money from selling the cello and die.
Okay, then.
I'll give you a special deal just for you.
Are you sure this is a special deal? There are only one-dollar bills in there.
This is more useful than you think.
Did you know?
The one-dollar bill's design has never changed.
Take this with you.
Just in case you want your cello back.
I'm sure that won't happen.
You never know. Just take it.
How about you go on a trip before you die?
It will be a bit unusual.
Sounds good.
I'll go on a trip and think about how I'll die.
Thanks for the tea, then.
Be careful on your way out.
I hope you have a pleasant trip.
I'm at the airport.
[International Arrivals]
And I'm in Korea?
[Who paged me?]
How about you go on a trip before you die?
It will be a bit unusual.
Was he talking about time traveling?
Se Kyeong. Aren't you Se Kyeong?
It's you, right? It's Min Ji. Kim Min Ji.
We were classmates at Rara Elementary School in the sixth grade.
- Oh, yes. Min Ji.
- Yes, it's me.
I heard you left to study abroad a few days ago. I guess you didn't.
- Study abroad?
- Yeah.
Hold on. This is when Mom just left to study abroad?
If so
Does it mean this house would be empty for now?
So did you give up on dying now?
No, there's no way.
D-Didn't you say you were doing well just now?
I'm doing well.
Because I found the most comfortable and fun way to commit suicide.
Wow, could I ask you what that may be?
It won't be either scary or painful.
I won't inconvenience anyone.
And it would make me disappear so naturally.
You're teasing me. Tell me a little more.
I'm thinking of making my mom's first love come true.
Then my mom won't marry my dad
and I won't be born, either.
If so, I won't have to commit suicide.
Wow, my goodness. Oh, my God.
What a creative way.
I'm sure she'd become happier than she is now.
Because she'd end up with her first love like she always wanted.
There can't be a more reasonable and elegant way to commit suicide.
Wow, she's smart.
I suppose you're right.
How will you find your mom's first love, by the way?
- I already found him.
- Daebak.
Wow, you're so quick.
By the way, are you sure it's him?
Well, you mean he's not the one?
I don't know.
I wonder if it's him.
Why don't I
call you when it's time again?
Viva la vida.
H-H-Hold. Ahjussi.
Gosh, hello?
Does it mean Mom's first love might not be Ha Yi Chan?
Gosh, who is it, then?
He was electrocuted and was in a semi-coma while being transported.
His blood pressure keeps dropping, and his pulse is below 30 per minute.
He's in bradycardia.
- Please inject epinephrine immediately.
- Okay.
- Get the intubation kit ready, too.
- Okay.
- It's a cardiac arrest.
- CPR!
- Bring the ICD. Hurry. Hurry!
- Yes.
Charge to 200 joule.
Charged to 200.
Okay, step aside, everyone.
Ready, go.
Mom. Dad.
I want to go home.
Please come pick me up.
Are you awake now?
You're at the hospital
Hold on. Hold on.
You're at the hospital.
You passed out.
Do you remember?
What? What's wrong with you?
Are you okay?
You remember.
That's a relief.
Hold on.
I'm sorry I got angry last time.
I'm sorry I said mean things.
I didn't know you can't hear.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't get the wrong idea, Yoon Cheong Ah.
He's not being kind. He's pitying me.
Would he have been this kind if I wasn't deaf?
Gosh, no.
They said not to move
and stay in bed.
They said you have to rest.
- Could you come over for a second?
- Yes.
Hold on. Wait for a moment.
[Discharge confirmation]
[Relationship with the patient]
There's a prescription for the patient at the administration office.
Make sure to get the medicine at the pharmacy downstairs before leaving.
Okay. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
The ticket I gave you that day.
Se Kyeong gave that to me.
I didn't know there was a letter she wrote in there.
I'm asking you why you wrote a fake letter to screw me over?
I won't be seeing you again,
but I wanted to clear that up.
Thank you for bringing me to the hospital.
[Give me a chance to apologize]
Give me a chance to apologize.
Don't do it.
I'm sorry I got the wrong idea.
I'm so sorry.
Stop apologizing like that.
Aren't you hungry?
Should we eat together?
You need to eat to take the medicine.
Don't be so nice to me.
You don't know
that too much kindness could hurt.
Can you not forgive me?
Can you not bring yourself to do it?
Can't you think about it while eating?
Aren't you hungry?
I'm not hungry.
You are hungry!
No, no, no. I'm sorry. It's because I'm hungry.
I-It's because I'm hungry.
I paid the hospital bill.
So you can buy me lunch.
Did you come to see me that day?
Did you need my help, by chance?
Send me a SOS if you need help.
I'll come with those PE major guys, then.
Good thing if you didn't.
This is my fax number.
Contact me if something happens from now on.
If it's an emergency,
send "8282" or "505" to my pager.
(8282: Hurry, 505: SOS)
I'll check immediately, then. Okay?
My heart is racing again.
Oh, you want to say goodbye here?
But would you be okay?
Can you go home by yourself?
Right. She's sick, but I can't go to her place.
Okay, then.
Eat plenty and
make sure to take the medicine
after meals, too.
Recover quickly
and grow super duper strong.
You smiled for the first time.
Goodbye, then.
You're supposed to like Yoon Cheong Ah.
Hold on, hold on.
Do you know Ha Eul Gyeol by chance?
Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on.
I see.
Oh, right.
Since we had a meal together,
we're friends from now on.
Yoon Cheong Ah.
He called my name.
The lights are turning on ♪
Someone's day is ending as usual as the afternoon is passing by ♪
In the shaking train, I'm going somewhere ♪
In the dark ♪
He called my name.
My heart and the moon collide ♪
I wonder if there was a night like that in the days past ♪
You loved me without saying anything ♪
Would you have comforted me down the road? ♪
I can't love myself ♪
I cannot love myself anymore ♪
The space is expanding ♪
In the gap that's getting bigger ♪
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol!
You know that Yoon Cheong Ah you mentioned?
Why am I supposed to like her
How dare he doesn't come home?
The patient The patient in the VIP ward disappeared.
[Which band member did Mom love?]
If it's not Ha Yi Chan, who could it be?
I need a clue.
A conclusive clue.
My first love was as bright as sunshine and cheerful.
He looked tough, but he always liked me.
He sometimes acted nonchalant, but he was friendly.
He was sometimes sensitive, but he was optimistic.
Gosh, was her first love an AI or something?
And he was really good at eating spicy food, too.
I couldn't eat anything spicy.
He once ate something like it wasn't spicy at all.
So I tried taking a bite.
I thought my throat and veins were burning.
It was no joke.
I was almost sent to the ER that day.
Gosh, seriously.
Eureka. It'd be as conclusive as the litmus test.
That's how I'm going to find out.
Hey, bro. It's Se Kyeong.
I got the photos from the theme park. I'd like to give them to you.
Do you want to meet sometime?
Holy shit.
She'd get hurt.
I'm not so easy.
[It's very spicy. Ask us to make the jjampong less spicy in advance.]
Hi, Se Kyeong.
- It's a zombie.
- It seemed like you're into rock bands.
What do you think?
- Do you like it?
- How could I?
Whoa. Gosh. Wow.
Have a seat, then.
Rock never dies.
Do you like metal, too?
Metal, my foot. Can't you do something about your mental state?
What do you like? How about spicy jjampong?
Is it because of your hair?
Do you want this?
Okay. Thank you.
[Lee Shi Guk]
[Romantic Music Cafe]
I gave you happiness, love,
and extra tteokbokki sauce,
you became my regular customer.
Hello, I'm DJ Joon.
Hi, Se Kyeong.
Geez, what's this now?
I didn't think you'd want to see me privately.
I didn't think you'd be wearing a price tag, either.
Thanks for coming. Have a seat.
I'll read you a letter from a listener.
There's a girl who moved into my heart without my permission.
We met at a competition seven years ago
and we won the grand prize together as if it was meant to be.
But we couldn't end up together.
I was immature then.
I left to study abroad because of the piano.
I've been watching her from afar like a fool.
But I'm on my way to meet her now.
Please play Lee Sang Woo's "100m Until I See Her."
Puke. What a lame letter.
This letter is from Table No. 7.
Where is it?
The yellow cafe right over there ♪
It's my third time meeting her ♪
don't remember me, do you?
Do you like spicy tteokbokki?
Oh, no
Do you want to use this as blotting paper?
Gosh. T-Thank you.
- Thank you.
- No, keep it. Keep it.
Can I? Thank you.
[No Se Beom]
It's not so bad in comparison.
Don't be moved so quickly. I found this on the street on the way.
How embarrassing.
Geez, this is too cringe for me.
I thought they called you "Goddess of Cello" because of your looks.
- But you aren't so bad up here, either.
- What's he saying?
You wanted to give me the photos in person?
I'm impressed. You have good taste in men.
I think I've been looking at you through colored lenses.
(An expression that means biased)
You're looking at me through colored lenses now, too.
Hyeon Yul, I heard the chicken feet are really good here.
Why don't you try them?
Okay. I'll eat them because you're begging me to.
But you should know this.
Winning me over won't be so easy.
Oh, okay. Go ahead.
He seems kind of promising.
What? Is it spicy?
You can't eat it, can you?
Let me warn you.
Give up if you're expecting something more.
I like older women.
And I'm not interested in stealing my friend's woman.
If I could,
I love him enough to join the military in his place.
Wow. You mean Yi Chan?
No, I meant the older ladies.
[Kang Hyeon Yul]
Are there only these two left now?
One of them like men.
That means it's 99% Ha Yi Chan.
If it's not him, either,
it means I chose the wrong group of men.
Gosh, that would be terrible.
Prove yourself, Ha Yi Chan.
- Here's the soft tofu stew.
- Thank you.
- Thank you. Lady first.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Ma'am, I'll have extra pepper flakes and chili pepper.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
I knew it was you.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Have a good day.
- Put it all in.
- You're adding all of that?
- Yes.
This much? Done.
My goodness, how come he doesn't even sweat?
Aren't you going to eat, Se Kyeong?
Huh? Yes. I should eat, too.
Go ahead.
Hold on.
Should I still check, just in case?
By the way, why didn't your partner come?
My partner?
Your resident tutor.
Isn't he going to tell you what to do today?
He ran away from home.
What? He ran away?
That Confucian boy did? Why?
I don't know.
I can't tell which cloud holds rain.
He poured everything like a storm and left.
He doesn't even have a place to go.
You must be worried, aren't you?
Who? Me?
I'm worried about him?
Why would I be? I feel liberated, as if food stuck in my teeth came out.
Try scratching your head.
- Why should I?
- Just go ahead and scratch it.
Wow, he's almost here since you're scratching the front.
Why? What does this mean?
It's a built-in navigator.
You know how far away someone is by scratching your head.
If you scratch the back of your head, it means they're far away.
And if you scratch the front, it means they're almost here.
Don't worry. He'll come back soon.
Thank you for comforting me.
- Let's eat before the food gets cold.
- Okay.
- Gosh, it's so spicy.
- Is it spicy? Is it?
- Gosh, it's so spicy. So spicy!
- Drink this. It'd help.
Drink it. Drink it. Drink it.
Hey, you already drank this.
Spit it out. Spit it out. Spit it out.
- Here's the napkin. Here.
- What do you mean, spit it out?
It bothers me that I never tested him.
Here it is.
There's this one, too.
He loves him more than I thought.
It's definitely not you, then.
Do you like me, by chance?
Just be honest.
Is it me or Yi Chan?
You're kind of dangerous.
You make my heart flutter somehow.
Gosh, he's really taunting me.
Do I take this off or not?
Should I take it off or not?
I'm home-
- Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol!
- Eun Gyeol!
Gosh, where's Eun Gyeol? I thought you were coming with him.
I don't know.
Feel free to look for him if you want.
Can't you reach him? Don't you know where he is?
Is he even coming back today?
Gosh, we need to do the fitting today.
- What fitting?
- Didn't he tell you?
He was supposed to model for me since I was the judge for the battle.
The judge for the battle?
Yes. He told me to find a judge if I wanted to battle him.
So why are you asking me to do that?
I heard you're the one who got Yi Chan into music.
Well, I suppose.
You're the one who made Yoon Dong Jin a guitarist, too.
Yes well
it's true, but
I'm a bit busy.
As you can see, I have a presentation soon.
So, I have to finish designing it, and I have to write a report for a GE class, too.
I can do it for you.
Whether it's a report, a research,
or an assistant duty, just tell me.
Hey, it might look easy,
but you can't do it unless it's your major.
I need to make this battle happen, Hyung.
I promised to let Yi Chan have a band before the festival.
I'm really begging you.
So he wrote a report for you because you were the judge for the battle?
By the way, listen to this.
I got an A+ for that report.
He's a very strict professor, too.
[Futurism. New Look.]
you'll have him wear this?
- Yes.
- Is it a joke?
No. I wanted him to wear it for the presentation.
- I think it's like a penalty.
- I think I'll beat you up.
Gosh, why do you want to punish him with shitty clothes like this?
Hey, we made a deal. It was a deal!
Deal, my foot.
The battle is over.
Then the deal is over, too.
Why do you keep exploiting him?
Hey, I'm not exploiting him.
I paid him a fair wage for the job.
It's a part-time job. A part-time job.
A part-time job? Fair wage?
Didn't you know?
Eun Gyeol has a part-time job at the boarding house.
Since when?
I heard you wrote an A+ report for Bal San.
Could I ask you to write mine, too?
Well, I did it because there was a situation.
It's a really short essay.
It's eight to 10 pages.
Writing an essay is a part of the class, too. You should do it yourself.
You know how to make a deal.
Okay. 1,000 won per page.
Let's make it clean and do 10,000.
[My Exploration of Pop Culture]
- Jeong Yang Wook.
- Here.
- Kim Soo Young.
- Here.
- Hong Chang Soo.
- Here.
Did he dig money that much?
Money isn't the ground. He didn't dig it.
It sounded like he had a situation.
What situation?
I want to buy Yi Chan a guitar.
I already gave him one.
It didn't sound good because the wood absorbed moisture.
Hey, that should be good enough for him.
Come on, Hyung. A band has to look cool.
We have no money, but we're still cool.
What did he do to deserve you?
He struck gold by finding you.
You tutor him, create a band for him, and you're buying him a guitar.
What's so great about him? Why do you do this?
I'd like to know his secrets.
He said he wanted to shine.
He said this might be the last bit of his youth.
He said he'd make money when he graduates.
He wants to try everything before he graduates. That's why
I want to make him shine
on stage for now.
I almost cried because I was touched.
Hey, be nice to him.
He's a good kid.
He's multitalented
and he's amazingly kind, too.
Let me know when he gets home, even if it's late.
[Snail Boarding House]
I want to make him shine
on stage for now.
And in life later on.
[Baegwang High School]
Get ohgomu and deabuk here.
(Traditional Korean drums)
I want Se Kyeong to know what majestic means.
What are you, a peddler? Don't you need a snake and a flute?
Percussions are the only instruments that prove the human heart isn't just a vestigial organ.
That's enough.
Put two pianos here and here.
I'll bump up the synth. Make sure the sound quality's good.
(Synthesizer. Sounds like Cindy in Korean.)
Cindy? Who the hell is she to put her on stage?
Synthesizer, you idiot.
It's an instrument, not a person.
It's a really expensive instrument.
Gosh, he's so clueless
Hyeon Yul, don't you have to prepare stuff?
No, I'm fine.
I don't have to impress Se Kyeong.
Because my talent is everything.
Hyeon Yul, you're the only hope for the humanity.
Well, I ask for just one small thing.
- Okay, okay.
- A light that only shines on me and a solo part.
It'll be about eight minutes long.
So you do want to impress her.
Whoa, whoa
What are you guys doing?
You came.
Why are you alone? Where's Eun Gyeol?
Ha Eun Gyeol went recluse.
I can't reach him. He disappeared.
- What?
- What?
Ha Eun Gyeol went recluse?
And you still can't reach him?
So, we can't practice today, then?
That's not the issue. He's saying we don't know when he'd be back.
I'm sure he'll be back soon.
If we wait for him while practicing-
For how long? Until our hair turns gray?
What if he doesn't come? What if he doesn't?
Damn it. You're saying we should give up on performing.
But Se Kyeong might come.
I wanted to impress Se Kyeong.
Let's replace him.
- Replace who?
- The guitarist.
- What?
- I'll bring the guitarist from our church praise team.
He can catch up quickly if he starts practicing today.
Yes, let's do that. That's a very realistic solution.
- Hey!
- You scared me.
Are you guys serious right now?
Hey. What kind of people are you?
A member who promised to be with us disappeared.
Not only do you not care, but you suggest replacing him?
Is this band a joke to you?
Is it just for seducing a woman-
Is this band a joke to you?
Is it just for seducing a woman?
You think you have the right to tell us that?
You're the one who kicked Ha Eun Gyeol out.
You treated him like dirt to impress Choi Se Kyeong, too.
Hey, yo, Frontman.
So what do you want us to do, then?
What's your solution, then?
Do you even have one?
Have you ever made a plan before?
If you're the frontman, direct the boat and paddle, you bastard.
All of us are about to drown because of you.
We do need to make a decision.
What do you want to do?
- Do you want a new member or-
- Shut up.
Ha Eun Gyeol is our only main guitarist.
I'll find him no matter what.
I'll find him and bring him here, no matter what!
You disloyal bastards.
[Ha Eun Gyeol]
[Name: Ha Eun Gyeol. Occupation: Resident tutor. Characteristic: Handsome. Good at playing the guitar. Smart.]
[Which band member did Mom love?]
Hold on. He's the reason why I started pretending to be Mom.
Choi Se Kyeong?
You're Choi Se Kyeong, aren't you?
No, I'm not.
You're Choi Se Kyeong. Don't you know who I am?
If he didn't call me by that name that day,
I wouldn't have fallen in love with him
No, no, no. It's not that.
Anyway, I wouldn't have even considered looking for Mom's first love. On top of that
You left to study abroad without a word. You weren't supposed to come back.
But you did. You're here.
What's going on right now?
He seemed to know a lot about Mom somehow.
It feels like they might've had something special going on somehow.
There's only one solution.
I should find Ha Eun Gyeol and find out myself.
You'll be connected to the voicemail.
Hi, Chan. What are you up to?
Should we meet at the cafe around seven?
I'll be waiting. Page me as soon as you hear this.
Please have a look at this. Thank you.
I'm looking for a person. He's handsome, right?
A very handsome kid is wandering the streets
I'm looking for a person.
Thank you in advance. I'm looking for a person.
Contact me anytime
Please take this. Yes.
That son of a bitch.
Yes, who paged the number 0130?
I'm calling you about the flyer.
You're looking for Ha Eun Gyeol, right?
Yes, I am.
Do you know where he is right now?
He won't forgive me if he knew I told you.
By the way, you're rewarding me, right?
Yes, I will.
Where should I meet you?
This is my fax number.
Contact me if something happens from now on.
[980,000 won]
[880,000 won]
[1,180,000 won]
Hey! Watch where you're going!
Good to see you.
Where's Ha Eun Gyeol?
Where is he right now?
You think I know? Me?
Are you naive or stupid?
You're doing this for money, aren't you?
We told each other the truth. We know enough.
So let's get it moving, okay?
If you give me the money you have,
we'll just let you go.
I don't have any.
Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you.
This is what's wrong with high schoolers in this country.
If you're nice to them, they really think you're nice.
Look at those eyes.
What are you guys doing?
There's no time.
My goodness, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Hold on. You can't just leave like that!
Yi Chan. Ha Yi Chan. Are you okay?
Open your eyes. Open them.
After roaming aimlessly in different times, we got to meet ♪
Out of countless people ♪
I recognized you ♪
If only we could've had the same dream and be together ♪
After taking a detour, at the end of this path ♪
Let's do it together. Starting a band.
I'll make the best band for you.
I'll make your youth shine like you wanted so badly.
Please. Listen to me just this once.
You just need to be safe this year.
I'll make sure to protect you.
Just for a year.
Not for the rest of your life, but just a year.
I'm asking you to be where I can see you just for a year. Can't you even do that?
I'll protect you until then ♪
Good job.
Got it. I'll help you, then.
I'll be in a band with you, teach you how to play the guitar, and everything.
This is our Day 1, okay?
You said you'd protect me.
You said you'd help me go to college.
You said to be in the band together.
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol, where the hell are you!
All the memories that will be forgotten ♪
I will gift it to you ♪
[Gwangjang Stage]
Excuse me.
- Yes?
- What year is it right now?
It's 2023. Why do you ask?
Not 1995?
What are you saying?
Wait, wasn't there an instrument store called La Vida Music around here?
There wasn't.
Am I
back, then?
I'm alone on top of the clock's hand that stopped ♪
I've been running in the past, all those times ♪
The bright future that everyone dreamed of is in front of me right now ♪
Another day passed without even a moment to breathe ♪
Even though my reflection in the mirror looks more tired than usual today ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
Yi Chan didn't come home last night.
I've been having nightmares. That's why.
Where's Mom? Where is she?
If you go back now, 2023 will be much different than when you left it.
Do you still want to go back?
Yoon Cheong Ah?
Mom. Mom!
Sign language is not allowed in this house.
What are you doing right now?
I want to give the world back to your daughter.
I want to set it up for her.
Yi Chan, it's me. I can't seem to reach you.
I found Ha Eun Gyeol.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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