Ultraman (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Hidden Thoughts

Watch where you're stepping,
you over-sized alien!
Shinjiro, we just received word
that an alien has appeared in your area.
It's right in front of me!
What should I do?
That alien is marked for elimination.
We've been keeping an eye on it,
but we couldn't keep it
from going on a rampage.
I want you to eliminate it
before it causes any more trouble.
Eliminate it?
I'm supposed to kill this alien?
Are you all right, Shinjiro?
-I'm dispatching Moroboshi immediately.
It's all right. I can handle this!
You're sure about this, Hayata?
All right, Shinjiro.
But if anything happens,
I'll send in Moroboshi.
I pray that I'm not needed.
Is he all right?
He's getting his butt kicked.
We'll get hurt if we stick around.
It's time for you to cut this shit out!
If you're that serious about this,
then I can
Moroboshi, he's about had it!
Hey, now. There's no need to rush things.
Hang in there, Ultraman!
Out of the way!
Dammit! Thanks to my hesitation,
totally innocent people will get hurt!
I won't let that happen! Never!
If I'm going to be Ultraman
If I have the power to be Ultraman
then I have to do something!
He's flying!
He's flying?
He flew.
-Go get him!
How am I flying?
This time, I really will take you down!
Truly magnificent.
Moroboshi, use your squad
to seal off the area and clean up.
Thanks to your help,
we got better than expected results.
Even though it turned out okay,
since I played a part in setting it up,
I feel kind of bad about it.
I'm sorry to hear that.
It was something we wanted to avoid doing.
It was, was it?
By the way, I heard from Moroboshi
that you have crucial information
regarding the murders.
Yes. Okay
Have a look at this.
This guy
is an Alien Igaru.
I thought they had gone extinct.
That's right.
That sole surviving Alien Igaru
is their former prince.
Get up!
Look this way.
Hey, pal,
don't you know what you've done?
I only did what I was told.
Don't give me that bullshit.
Come on. Hand it over.
That thing that's so precious to you.
Hurry up and hand it over.
Is it going to continue?
Will there be more deaths?
It's all your fault people are dying!
If we can't count on you to do this,
we'll take care of it ourselves.
Give it here.
Hurry it up.
What an idiot.
No way. She's the real thing.
No doubt about it.
I'll seem like a weirdo
if I suddenly start talking to her.
Oh, that's right.
I just flew as Ultraman, so I can do this.
Excuse me.
Sorry to suddenly bother you.
Do you remember me?
A while back, you were having trouble
with some punks.
That's me!
Thank you very much.
Not at all. At that time,
I had no idea
you were the real Rena Sayama.
Come to think of it,
you're a big Ultraman fan,
aren't you, Rena?
He's really kicking butt lately.
The other day,
he knocked off this humongous alien.
He's totally the defender of justice!
I'm not a fan.
How is that justice?
I don't believe that Ultraman
is on the side of justice.
But on TV, you always say that
you want to meet Ultraman.
That's right.
There's something I want to tell him
when I meet him.
I'll tell him,
"My mother died thanks to you."
-Sorry, I'm late. Get in.
I have to get going.
I have a live show after this.
Come and watch, okay?
Okay, let's go.
What's that all about?
So, Mr. Endo,
was it you that leaked this info
to this news website?
It wasn't me.
You were severely warned not to pull
funny business while under suspension.
Don't be stupid.
I did everything I could
while I was unable to take action.
So, it really was you.
You're napping?
Is it true the Alien Igaru's
communication device was used?
Analysis is already complete.
Then who the heck stole the device
and used it?
We've come to
a truly disappointing conclusion.
You're kidding.
Edo, to you this may seem disappointing,
but this is incredibly shocking to me.
Either way,
now that we know who it was,
the Alien Igaru and the culprit
must be apprehended.
Right. I've arrived at the base
and I'm headed that way now.
The Forum Hall?
Why there?
So, that suit you were wearing
the other day, Mr. Moroboshi,
what was that?
Ultraman Suit Version 7.0.
Otherwise known as Seven.
However, since it's been slightly revised
based on combat data,
it's actually Version 7.1.
Then that means you've become Ultraman,
Mr. Moroboshi?
What's wrong?
Even though you're unsure
if you should become Ultraman,
you're upset
that someone else already has?
Even though you're the son of Ultraman,
you act like a jealous brat
who makes rivalries out of nothing.
In that fight the other day,
I flew through the air.
So it seems.
Mr. Moroboshi, you can't fly, right?
I'll admit, I can't fly.
I can guarantee I'll kill scumbag aliens
without hesitation.
I can do that too.
Is that right?
I wonder which of us
is more like Ultraman.
Your involvement
with Ultraman is big news.
The media is out in full force.
Hearing that makes me
even more nervous.
You never know.
Ultraman might even be here to watch.
Oh, please. If Ultraman really were here,
I would be so nervous, I couldn't sing.
Rena, we're ready for you.
Is it going all right?
Don't you worry.
Just like you want, I'll make it look
like the Alien Igaru did this.
It'll put a nice clean end
to the serial murders.
Is that guy really going to show up?
Of course.
I've left plenty of bait for him.
He'll think his adorable Rena
is in danger,
so he'll desperately rush here.
let the ultimate show begin.
The thread of my future
Once looked so obscure
But love has colored it bright red
Why do they have to go after Rena?
I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
It's my fault!
I knew you would come!
Rena! Rena is in danger!
What did you say?
The star shards
I'll collect them
And fly to meet you
My feelings were once withered
But you knocked and restored them
Isn't this where
I just want to believe in you
What are you doing? Let's go.
Hey, does this case
have something to do with this pop idol?
That doesn't matter. Forget about it.
We're only here to eliminate the culprits.
The star shards
But, who are the culprits?
We think the Alien Igaru is the leader
along with his accomplice,
but our target is someone else.
There are more?
A new alien that was hired for this.
I just want to believe in you
Everyone! Good evening!
-Good evening!
-Good evening!
Thank you all for coming to my first
nationwide tour!
I really appreciate it!
Since this is the first day
of the Rena Festival
you've all been waiting for,
there's something
I want to tell all of you.
It's been three years since my debut.
I've worked my hardest to get this far.
It's thanks to all of you
that I've made it
on a big stage like this.
My mother died when I was a baby.
I'm sure she's looking down
and thinking, "I'm so happy for you."
Where will he show up?
Seventeen years ago,
soon after my mother gave birth to me,
she got caught in a battle between
Ultraman and an alien.
She became trapped in the hospital
when it collapsed
and died.
Don't cry!
My mother protected me
Why are you talking about that, Rena?
And I was miraculously saved.
But, my mother
When I meet Ultraman, I want to ask him
"You may be a hero,
but did you know that people get hurt
by the things you do?
Don't you think there's something wrong
with justice that requires
people getting hurt to protect Earth?"
The next song! Hurry up and play it!
Hey! Behind you!
Behind you! Not over here!
Behind you! Look behind you!
Hey! That's scary!
Oh my god! What the heck is that?
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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