Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

Albright Scholarship Candidate Training
Hey, Kim San!
Can you slow it down a little?
Kwangmin, hurry up!
Slow down, hey!
- Victory, sir!
- Victory.
Here you are. Well done.
Victory, sir!
Here. Well done.
Thank you, sir.
- Victory, sir!
- Victory.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
What are you doing?
I was gonna take these
for my niece, Jina.
I'm sure you feel uneasy.
No, I'm fine.
Don't worry about anything. Just study.
It's one of the perks of being away.
We're sending you off so you can study
without worrying about your family.
I'll keep that in mind.
How is your father's health?
Still very ill?
Yes, he's not doing well.
I'll give you… some money to live on.
That's all right, general.
Don't worry about us.
Just take it and don't say a word.
Thank you, sir.
- Hey, take the rest of that home.
- Yes, sir.
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
Father vs. Uncle
He's probably grasping onto Yosub's hands
and sobbing right about now.
Completely unaware he's taken the bait.
I'm sure Kang Seongmin would be grateful.
Yes, of course he would.
He would have never imagined this role.
That kid has been in the palm of my hand
since the day I bottle-fed him.
Why are there so many US soldiers?
US soldiers?
Something doesn't feel right here.
It seems most young officers
are in agreement with this declaration.
There's also new intelligence
from the US Army.
Uh, I will… be sure
to keep the military under control.
The Assembly can be bought…
but not the military.
The occupation taught us that.
What other intelligence was there?
The military looks set to appoint
a new First Operations Commander.
A new commander?
General Choi Hanrim is highly regarded
within the military.
He's also very close
with the US Army Commander.
Choi Hanrim?
Year 1960
Unknown, South Korea
Capital Defense Unit, Secret Bunker
Did you first meet
First Operations commander, Choi Hanrim,
- at the Albright farewell party?
- Yes, I met him there.
Is that when you discuss the coup d'etat?
General Choi Hanrim was the soldier
that I had the utmost admiration for.
He helped me when I needed it most.
He was just like a father to me.
February 19, 1960
Seoul, South Korea
Banya Hotel
Kim San.
Hello, sir, how have you been?
Is it true what they are saying?
I have joined the Democratic Party.
The political arena's difficult, huh?
People think
they're different from each other.
Eventually, they figure out
that they're all the same.
When they figure it out, it's too late.
I'll keep that in mind.
Shall we?
We both know too many people
admire General Choi Hanrim.
Do you normally like those
who are… admired?
They're just the worst.
Oh, there he is now.
Kim San is sticking right by his side.
Yeah, of course he is.
That's why we're here tonight.
General Choi Hanrim is here.
Do they look a bit too close to you?
You said that's why you came.
Well, it's not necessary
to appear so close.
He's like a father to Kim San.
Choo Intae is like his father.
Choi Hanrim is like his father.
Every man and his dog
could be like his father.
Is Samsik getting jealous?
Segang Textiles Director An Kichul
is here to deliver their donation
on behalf of the Cheongwoo Federation.
This year, we're sending
12 scholarship recipients to America.
Now please welcome my little sister,
Rachael Jeong…
of the Albright Foundation.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Rachael Jeong
from the Albright Foundation.
First and foremost,
I'd like to say thank you for your time
and that I truly, deeply appreciate
each and every one of you
here with us today.
It is an honor to do what we do.
But without further ado,
it is my pleasure to introduce to you
the Albright scholarship program students.
Let's congratulate
our scholarship recipients.
Presenting, we have our Albright alumni.
Kim San, Jeong Hanmin,
and Kim Kwangmin to the front, please.
Attention. Salute.
Rachael, have you spoken
with the minister yet?
Long time no see, Colonel.
You told your uncle, right?
When I go back to America--
"Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time,
we shall reap a harvest
if we don't give up."
Galatians 6:9. Words I live by, Colonel.
As long as you don't give up
and as long as I don't give up,
I feel that all the seeds we've planted
won't go to waste.
You haven't told the minister yet?
I haven't told my uncle yet
because I feel that he'd be…
- disappointed.
- Mm.
Colonel, the Albright Foundation
has its eyes on you
and your level of patience.
Whether you're growing weary or not…
have some faith.
Imagine the harvest we'd soon reap.
I'll send your best
to my father and my uncle.
- Mm-hmm.
- Now if you'll excuse me.
- Uncle Samsik.
- Oh, Michael.
My little sister, Rachael.
Rachael, this is Uncle Samsik.
- Uncle Samsik.
- You've heard all about him.
It's a pleasure.
I've heard many great things.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
There's something very American about you.
Well, I am American.
I'm going to take a moment
'cause of my shoes, okay?
- Ah, okay.
- Excuse me.
My shoes are uncomfortable.
I'll see you next time.
- Ah, Rachael, hi.
- Hello.
Cha Taemin killed three of my men
and then ran away.
I assume you took care of the evidence?
Yes, of course. Burned every bit of it.
Oh, one more thing…
Yes, go on.
Uh, so, you know
how we had that big flood?
Well, a bridge was destroyed
in our district.
We'll discuss district matters later.
All right, well, fine.
I mean, you said, "Go on", so…
Excuse me.
Yes, miss?
Can you help me fix my shoe?
- Me?
- Mm-hmm.
You want me to fix your shoe?
Yes, please.
Actually… never mind.
I'll figure it out myself.
As you wish.
Excuse me.
Can I get a light?
Do you remember
the Battle of Nakdong River?
Ah, of course, I remember.
Oh, we were bombarded
for 28 hours straight.
What should I say?
I thought you were dead then.
Oh, sorry. Sorry.
And I thought to myself,
"What are these communists
doing here? Huh?"
I don't…
What is it?
Sir, you mentioned earlier
I should meet some of the Americans.
Of course, we're sharing war stories.
The commander here
thought I died at Nakdong.
Excuse me, sir.
- I hope I'm not interrupting.
- Nah.
Nice to meet you, sir.
Uh… you thought he died?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, but you came back,
because… you saw some communist in heaven.
- Hey, that's a good one.
- Yeah.
As you said,
I thought I was a goner but I'm here.
Oh, yeah.
He is a funny one.
Sineui Alliance Charter
Who knew that Cuba would fall
under a communist regime, right?
Surprised everyone, I would say, sir.
It's people like you, General Choi,
who should be in politics.
- Are you thinking of running, sir?
- I'm not doing that.
That's foreign interference.
To bring up politics
to a military officer? Hey.
In the event
that South Korea really does become
a communist country…
Well, mm…
Uh… the general feels like
you shouldn't talk about politics,
considering his position.
And although he doesn't think that…
…South Korea could become a comm--
I believe that you're in my seat, sir.
And who are you?
Jason Arrent.
I'm a political officer at the US embassy.
Okay. Embassy.
What is it? Why'd you come back?
Well, a guy from the embassy said
that I was in his seat.
Yeah, but you could have
stood your ground.
Why'd you walk away?
What were they saying?
Is he getting into politics?
Is he?
Uh, well, he had said that…
in the extremely unlikely event
that South Korea becomes
a communist nation…
If it does, what?
Well, that's when
the embassy guy interrupted.
At the most critical second,
you got pushed out.
Do you remember me?
I do.
From the scholarship ceremony.
- Right?
- Right.
Very good memory.
I remember everything about that day.
Your National Reconstruction Plan.
I found it interesting.
Eye-opening, actually.
Thank you.
Do you really think it's possible?
Only if we open it up
and pull everything apart
to rebuild it from the ground up.
What's funny?
You couldn't fix a shoe.
You got to give it to me to fix it.
And if I do,
can you fix it?
A lot of people have lost money
from making investments in Cuba.
Why would anyone want to invest in Korea
if things are even worse here?
Um, South Korea is different from Cuba.
I can't trust the Korean government
just yet.
are you saying that you're not going
to invest in our… industrial complex?
What more do you need?
Guarantee of payment
from the Korean government.
Right, yeah.
Are you… really getting into politics?
Yes, I am, sir.
Think you can beat seasoned politicians?
I will do my best.
Come and see me sometime soon.
- I got something to tell you.
- Yes, sir.
You're bowing to the rear end of a car.
What did Petron Harvest say?
They want a guarantee of payment
from our side.
Come on, we can't guarantee that.
- What a mess.
- Hop in. I'll give you a ride home.
- Stay in touch.
- Bye.
See you later.
Hey, you did all right.
Well, was it worth it
spending time with your father, Mr. Choi?
Wow, how childish.
You've got a father in every town, huh?
Not as many
as the nephews you have, Uncle.
So what, you've been counting my nephews?
General Choi Hanrim is best left alone.
Why? Because he's your father?
Will you kill him if he is?
You act like I'm a horrible person.
Well, you said it yourself.
I guess so. I guess I did.
But that was just…
That was only in certain circumstances,
for certain reasons,
when there was no other way.
In each time,
didn't you get Cha Taemin to kill them?
I won't kill Hanrim.
I'll strip him of his rank.
Could you do that?
I've spent my whole life
doing that type of thing.
What's the plan?
I plan to go after Pak Jiwook
and use Han Soo as bait.
Then what?
Then Pak Jiwook could be the bait
to get Choi Hanrim, that's what.
Extra, extra!
Read all about it!
Kang Seongmin's ambition behind his push
for the Local Government Act amendment
Extra, extra!
There will be an article
about the Local Government Act
in tomorrow's paper.
Choi Minkyu will start hassling
Kang Seongmin,
trying to rush the election.
I think the assemblymen
who are against the bill leaked it.
How is it you still haven't
taken control of the party?
I need this bill passed now!
- We still have time to get control.
- There's no more time left. Get on it!
If we don't have the numbers…
then forge the votes we need.
Get it done now!
What'd he say?
He said to get the bill passed now.
Right now, huh?
Can we do that?
National Assembly
This is just…
such a blatant abuse of power.
Why would you get
government workers involved in elections?
Because they're needed.
We simply can't agree
to such a ridiculous proposal.
It's just out of the question.
Hey, this is all for the president.
You say it's for the president's sake?
It's clearly for Kang Seongmin's sake.
I spent over 20 years of my life
serving in the police force…
and I realized…
everyone has got
skeletons in their closest.
if you look hard enough,
you'll be shocked…
…of what you'd find in there.
I have records of the assets
you keep under different names,
records of the bribes from businesses
in your district and documents
regarding your kids
and the schools they got into.
I've got all the dirt, yeah.
Got it from the National Security Bureau.
When we serve Kang Seongmin,
we serve the party itself.
And of course, the president, yeah?
Kang Seongmin in the Sineui Alliance?
Are you insane, huh?
Each of you could be brought down
in a second, you idiots!
So, I've summoned all those assemblymen,
the ones who ran away.
- Well done.
- By tomorrow evening,
we could have up to a 180.
List of assemblymen in favor
of the Local Government Act amendment
and those articles
that keep getting published…
I think that Samsik
is leaking information.
Who else could get
those documents from Cha Taemin?
The Sineui Alliance ones
that were on the paper?
Let's just focus
on the Local Government Act.
I'm suspicious of that Samsik guy.
I had someone follow that kid.
Kim San, Choo Intae's son-in-law.
They spend a lot of time together.
They even met with An Yosub.
You can't trust that guy, Samsik.
Where does Kim work?
He was
at the National Reconstruction Bureau.
Sir, I need to speak with you.
This man looks familiar.
Didn't you read today's paper?
Oh, I remember. I've seen him before.
What do you think?
Should I keep digging?
Yes, he's here.
The call's for you, sir.
- This is Kang Seongmin.
- Assemblyman.
Ah, good, you're there.
Well, I've got something
to pass along to you. It's pretty urgent.
Ah, what should I do?
I make I could meet you there, I suppose.
- All right. I'll wait here.
- Okay.
Who was that?
Take good care of the assemblymen
who come back to the city.
Hey, who was on the phone?
Was it Samsik?
- That piece of shit.
- I'll take care of it myself.
You know what Samsik does, right?
Do you know
what Samsik is up to right now?
I said I'll take care of it.
Now go.
What are you doing?
Get the car started, kid.
- Yes, sir.
- Watch it!
Kim San
So, An Yosub is…
is replacing me with Kim San?
Right, well, uh… it's absurd, you know.
This caught me off guard.
So, An Yosub
is still suspicious of me then?
Do you think that perhaps getting close
to Kim San would be useful here?
Just in case. That way,
if things get out of hand, I mean, I can…
you know, I can take certain actions.
Thank you.
Not at all. I feel like…
Well, isn't that what my role is?
Even if everyone in the world told me
I should not trust Uncle Samsik,
I'd still put my trust in you.
Then work on the Local Government Act.
You have to get it passed.
Yes, we need it passed
before 11 p.m. tomorrow.
I'll make sure those opposed
stay completely out of your way.
Oh, be careful.
Uncle Samsik always got me out of trouble.
I'll work twice as hard
to make up for Yoon Palbong too.
Uh, have a good night.
I need to relieve myself first.
You go ahead.
No, no, let me walk with you.
No, just go. Just go ahead.
Well done, sir.
Tell Han Soo to make sure
the guys are ready.
- Taemin?
- "The Sineui Alliance
opposes all authorities and powers
that are oppressing
the people and the nation.
The Sineui Alliance
does not hold power over others
for personal gain."
- Hyung…
- "We condemn philosophies,
people, and groups
who monopolize authority and power.
We'll prepare the weapons
and violence needed to enact this.
Proponents of suppression and persecution…
will feel the wrath
of the Sineui Alliance."
It's the Sineui Alliance Code of Conduct
that 16-year-old Kang Seongmin wrote.
You remember it?
It was all Choi Minkyu.
I never sent people after you.
is the Sineui Alliance's final target.
No, wait! Just wait!
Give me a chance.
- What kind of chance?
- Whatever it is.
I'll do it well.
Whatever it is, I'll do a good job, hyung.
I can't…
I can't just die here.
Why should I?
Taemin, please!
You've got one chance.
I have my eye on you.
Oh, what brings you here?
I have something to tell you.
Over here.
Are you in touch with Yeojin?
Why? You don't care about her.
Kang Seongmin's backed into a corner
and acting out.
He's trying to force
government employees to…
- to work the elections.
- Is that why you're here?
The articles are out already.
Why are you attacking Kang Seongmin?
There's going to be
a serious political reform soon.
After the election, that is.
And Kang Seongmin
will become Prime Minister.
And you want to stop that from happening?
I'll give you an even bigger scoop.
Oh, yeah, what scoop?
An exclusive front-page photo…
of an assemblyman hitting someone.
Kang Seongmin will now try to pass
the Local Government Act
under everyone's noses.
And when he does, you have to make sure
your presence is known.
You mean go up against Kang Seongmin?
Just as I thought, you catch on quickly.
We need him to get it passed.
His reputation
can't be changed with the Liberals.
That's it.
I have nothing else to teach you now.
And I will get in his way
and be thought of
as a champion for democracy, right?
February 24, 1960
Seoul, South Korea
National Assembly
Yeah. Are the Liberal Party members
on their way?
Yes, sir. I have confirmed
with the ones coming back
from the smaller towns.
All right.
Of course. Yes, okay.
I have gathered
10 of the strongest assemblymen.
One of them is even a former wrestler.
All right, I call you.
Just have them ready.
Oh, all right.
You think 10 is going to be enough?
The other side probably has over 100.
Sir, listen.
There's nothing to worry about.
It'll be fine.
All right, use that to block the door.
- Let's go inside.
- In there?
Two more rice wines.
Here, ma'am.
Oh, here it is.
This is great.
- All right.
- Cheers.
Thank you for making time, huh?
I'm actually very curious about
the National Reconstruction Plan details.
If you're offering to explain it
to us independents,
we would be very grateful.
Kim San, Economic Policy Committee Chair.
Hello, it's nice to meet you.
Great to meet you.
- Go ahead. Take a seat.
- Thank you.
Oh, no!
There's an important document
that I forgot.
- I'll start the presentation then.
- All right, all right. I'll be right back.
Okay? Stay where you are. Stay!
- Sir, what brings you here?
- Huh?
Uh… I seem to have forgotten something.
- Hello.
- Sir, you're here.
You came. Oh, good to see you.
We can stay here, relax, have some tea
before we go to the National Assembly,
all right?
- That'd be nice.
- Oh, well. It's nothing too serious.
I just want to see you all
somewhere, uh, more quiet.
Oh, assemblyman Kim!
We partner with companies
who can transfer technology.
Within five years,
we project up to a million dollars
in exports.
He seems to be taking a while.
You're right.
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
- Let's get over there.
- We should hurry.
Yes, you're right, let's go.
- What is this?
- We're locked in.
Open the door!
Open up, fuckers!
Fucking assholes!
All right.
Assemblyman Lee Chungwon, are you here?
- Yes, I'm here.
- Ah, there you are, right.
Yes, sir.
What did he say? Come now?
Stand by for a moment.
Look at the time already.
Goodness, why is it taking so long?
Well then, bring me some whiskey.
He told me no drinks for you.
Who did? Samsik?
Hey, I'll deal with him.
Bring the whiskey over.
Come on, don't be like that.
Assemblyman Moon Kyungju?
- Oh, I'm here.
- Oh, right, yes.
Welcome, Assemblyman Moon.
- Come on, sir, that's dangerous.
- Hey, you. Get us out!
- Please get back down.
- What are you doing?
- Let us out!
- Just hurry up and climb back down.
Hurry up and open the door!
- Come on, you bastard!
- Open up!
What's going on over here?
Time to head home. You can't stay, right?
The Liberal Party is out there
trying to steal the election.
- Are you serious?
- What for?
The Local Government Act.
We need to block them now!
How can 4 people block 100?
It's not like we're Admiral Yi Sunsin.
That's abuse of power!
This is a fraudulent vote!
Wait, Assemblyman Kim!
We got to do something.
We can't stop these guys.
We need to call the Democratic Party.
- You're right, I'll make the call.
- Okay.
Assemblymen, to the National Assembly now.
Assemblymen, you all need to hurry!
You need to get to the National Assembly!
Hey, we got to go. Let's go, let's go!
Hurry. Come on, let's get moving.
Go. Let's go!
Ah! You're supposed to be
at the National Assembly!
You can't even stand up.
You thought this was a time
to have a little whiskey?
- You crazy old man!
- I'm going! I'm going!
What if Kim San ends up getting hurt
because of this?
Get out! Hurry up!
What's going on with you?
How dare you? I'm an assemblyman!
I told you not to…
Are we supposed to just watch this happen?
There are over a 100
Liberal Party assembly members!
Let's head in to vote on the amendments
to the Local Government Act.
I trust that no one has come all this way
to vote against it?
Let us proceed.
We need to stop them
from entering the hall.
- What do you think you're doing?
- How dare you try to steal the vote?
Just push through them.
Link arms now! Link arms!
- Hey, hey! Block them!
- This vote is invalid!
We are here to reject
the fraudulent votes!
We reject the fraudulent votes!
This vote is invalid!
What are you doing? Let go of me!
I'm rejecting this fraudulent vote,
Kang Seongmin.
How dare you touch an assemblyman?
Are you insane?
Yeah? Well, you're no assemblyman.
You're just Choi Minkyu's lackey.
Oh! Mr. Kang!
This vote is invalid!
We reject fraudulent votes!
This vote is invalid!
We reject abuse of power!
We reject fraudulent votes!
This vote is invalid!
What's all this? What happened?
Who did this to your handsome face?
Who else would it be?
Kang Seongmin of course.
You did very well.
I got it.
You're not seriously worried about Kang,
are you?
Of course not.
The rushed passing
of the Local Government Act…
I see you were very involved in it.
So, should we discuss the stolen election
of March 15th now?
Can we at least have a smoke first?
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