Undead Unluck (2023) s01e07 Episode Script


If you've been achin' to slug this chump,
follow the sound of the bell!
Better make it quick!
[all groaning]
Yeah, and now we've gotta bag this sucker!
[electric buzzing]
[Anno] Fuko and company venture
to the town of Longing
to complete a quest.
However, the town had already
been contaminated
by Spoil and was overflowing
with zombified residents.
Andy charges in head-on but due
to Spoil's effects
his body starts to rot
just like the residents of this town.
Shen criticizes his rash behavior
but by rotting the undead Andy
becomes able to understand
the zombies' language.
Upon finding out
that one female zombie's dream
was to have a wedding,
Andy has a wedding ceremony
with her only in name.
The satisfied zombie points
at the angel statue,
wishing for the root
of this tragedy to be defeated.
That angel statue's
true identity was the target
of this quest: UMA Spoil.
Meanwhile, Fuko heads
underground chasing after
what seemed like surviving children.
But it was already within
Spoil's territory.
As Fuko jumps out to save the child,
an eerie countdown appears on her abdomen.
My name is Fuko Izumo.
What's your name?
From Sunflower Nursery School.
You must be the oldest, right, Ken?
You're really responsible.
Yeah, that's why it's up
to me to protect the others!
[all shuddering]
I see.
He and I are from the Union,
and we've come here to help you guys.
- Really?
- Yep.
But we'll need some info first.
Can you tell us what happened here,
and why all of you are still okay?
Well, um
[distant church bell ringing]
[children laughing]
[Ken] That day, a dark ball appeared out
of nowhere in the middle of the city
and started speaking.
[Spoil laughing]
I like this place!
The houses and people seem like
they're easy to spoil.
[all gasping]
But I'll start by savoring
the people first!
[Ken] And right after it said that
[Ken] Numbers suddenly showed up on
everyone's tummies.
And one by one the adults
turned into zombies.
- Let's go! This way!
- Our teacher saw what
was going on and brought us here,
making sure we stayed safe the entire way.
[electric buzzing]
You can hole up here for now.
There'll be emergency food supplies.
- [all whimpering]
- What about you?
[teacher] Don't you worry about me!
Until I find myself a handsome guy
to take me down the aisle,
mark my words, I won't die!
[all gasping]
Kids, when things get tough,
all you gotta do is focus on your dreams.
So long as you have a dream,
you won't spoil away!
Off I go!
[door slams shut]
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[electric buzzing]
[Shen] I take it they don't know
where Spoil is, then.
[Mii whimpering]
[breathing heavily]
I'm sorry, Mii.
[crying continues]
- [grunts]
- Oh!
Uh-oh! Look at her numbers!
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
[Mii whimpering]
[Ken] What's the matter, Mii?
It'll all be okay.
Help's on the way.
[Mii] But but
You want to be a florist, don't ya?
What flowers will you sell
in your shop, again?
- Ah?
- [chuckles]
S Sunflowers.
Oh, right!
After all, teacher does
love sunflowers, doesn't she?
- Yeah!
- That'll be awesome!
Yeah, yeah!
I'll give teacher lots of sunflowers
and surprise her good!
- [gasps]
- [buzzing]
[Fuko Izumo] It went up!
[Shen exhales]
I said what happened
and how to raise the numbers.
Everything. So now
Are you really gonna help us out?
[Fuko grunting]
- [all groaning]
- [gasps]
[all whimpering]
Something's going on topside.
Crimson Crescent Moon!
[both grunting]
He's fighting side by side
with the zombies?
It's quite a sight to behold, isn't it?
Although the zombies aren't
contributing much to the fight.
They've all been forced to live on in such
a rotting state.
Mr. Andy must be showing them kindness.
Hey, you guys showed up right on time!
Take care of my bride, will ya?
Huh? It's that zombie!
Yeah, and it seems to have found a dress!
Great news.
The wedding's not over just yet!
- Teacher?
- [gasps]
Hey, guys, Teacher's back!
She is? Really?
[teacher zombie groans]
[Shen chuckles]
You mean that's your
[Andy] Well, what do we got here?
It seems like there's one
who ain't totally spoiled yet.
Oh, yeah?
That's it? That's your price?
Turns out me and this nice lady
are getting' hitched!
Says it's always been her dream,
and after the ceremony she'll
tell us where Spoil is at.
'Cause I'll turn her down
if you consider it cheatin'.
You're fine! Take her down the aisle!
This was my dream come true.
I wore a wedding dress.
Until I find myself a handsome guy
to take me down the aisle,
mark my words, I won't die!
Off I go!
I knew you were still safe, teacher!
[all laughing]
[Mii] Huh?
Your arm's hurt!
Don't worry. I'll bandage you up!
Th Thank yo
Did she just
[groaning continues]
You okay?
But I just touched that zombie who ran by.
[all growling]
- [groans]
- [grunts]
[all groaning]
[snickers] Well, fancy that.
All right, ya lugs! Strategy change-up!
We're gonna hit him with a li'l surprise!
Listen up!
You see that kid over there
in the red beanie?
Everyone go and touch her!
[all groaning]
[Andy] Once you do you'll turn
into bipedal bombs!
That's sure to damage him
way more than what
you've been doin' so far!
What? I didn't agree to that!
And I'm sure the zombies
don't want to do that, either!
- [all] Huh?
- [gasping]
[dramatic piano music]
[breathing deeply]
I understand.
[Fuko crying quietly]
[teacher zombie groans]
What's wrong?
[Shen gasps]
[Ken stammering]
- [Ken] Teacher, wait!
- [gasps]
It's coming, and it's a big one
My unluck!
[zombie teacher labored breathing]
Heh, damn, I knew you were
the bride for me.
[labored breathing]
- [snarls]
- [shouting]
[both shouting]
- Teacher!
- It's not safe! Stay back!
It's pretty weak.
Now keep up the pressure!
It's us versus it!
Total town warfare, folks!
[distant groaning]
[distant groaning]
All right, come and get it!
[all groaning]
[all gasping]
Wait here.
[door closes]
- [all groaning]
- [Fuko grunting]
[all groaning]
Aww, yeah!
Wicked sick, you guys!
- [breathing heavily]
- [Shen] We should get going, too.
[all groaning]
[Andy] Hmm?
- [Shen] Mr. Andy, we have a problem.
- [Andy] What's that?
See, the two of us kind
of ended up cursed, too,
so we need to resolve this quickly.
It's my fault! Don't blame Mr. Shen!
I'm the one who rushed in.
[Andy] We don't have a choice.
We gotta skip the capture
and get right to killing it.
We can't do that!
We'd fail the quest, and everyone
would be furious with me!
Huh? [shouts]
- [groaning]
- What the
He's suckin' up all the zombies!
[Andy] The hell? It changed form.
[Shen] So Mr. Andy,
were you able to figure out Spoil's rules
while fighting it?
Yeah, more or less.
Its main body can spoil any
organic matter aside
from living beings at will.
When it comes to spoiling living beings,
the timer it places on them
has to reach zero.
- [hissing]
- [teacher zombie groans]
His hand is starting to spoil!
Uh-oh! Look at her numbers!
You wanna be a florist, don'tcha?
What flowers will you sell
in your shop, again?
- [giggles]
- S Sunflowers.
That'll be awesome!
[Fuko] It went up!
Yeah, yeah!
I'll give teacher lots of sunflowers
and surprise her good!
If it don't, then no dice.
And that's that.
I see.
Well, that restriction won't
hold up now that it's entered
Its second phase!
[all gasping]
[all screaming]
[Spoil] Hmm.
- It shot something over there.
- [both speaking Chinese]
[Spoil] A total of three vessels?
So it's a quest.
Damned Apocalypse.
Meddling in my plans.
- [beeping]
- Master Shen!
A structure hit by
that laser's eroded away,
thus exceeding the parameters
of the Spoil rule, sir!
Ugh. You done yet?
You must avoid it at all costs!
Well, you heard her.
- Here it comes.
- [whimpers]
Why do you oppose me?
To be born, to spoil,
to return to the earth
How do you not understand
it's a thing of beauty?
[all gasping]
[Andy] Once you touch it, you spoil.
No, disintegrate, huh?
Oh, darn. These gloves are made-to-order!
[Andy] But I'm guessing it only works
on individual parts.
[Andy] If it hits a live body
it's an instant wrap.
Draggin' this fight out's no good.
In that case, better hurry!
[Andy grunts]
The hell? I'm not even touching him yet!
- [snarls]
- [grunts]
Things spoil just by getting close to it.
This must be a part of its second phase.
[Spoil] What's this? A death Negator?
Quite vexing but with the rate
of my decay in this form,
I doubt his regeneration can keep up.
Ah, you two there are waiting
to spoil, I see!
You should be grateful.
[both grunting]
For my momentous birth ushered
in with it the dawning
of a beautiful circle of life,
and you two are fortunate enough
to be able to indulge
in it while you're still alive.
Pardon me! I'll be back, Mr. Andy!
Where are you
[Spoil] How futile.
Even if you run beyond my area of attack,
your timer will remain.
[Spoil snickers]
Before my birth,
the world was so stagnant and still.
It was a place where everything
grew uglier without decay.
I brought about change in
the form of spoil.
Then what happened?
Living beings stopped
taking life for granted
and started seeking ways to exist
for just one day longer.
It is a necessary rule
[Spoil] You humans are the
only beings who reject me,
branding me as an evil entity. But why?
All of you are a part of nature as well.
Why are you so attached
to a body that won't even last
a century on its own?
[Fuko] Because we have dreams.
[Fuko] People live with
the bodies we're born with
and use them to pursue
our dreams big and small.
[all gasping]
[Fuko] That's why I'm not gonna let
some rule you made wreck any of that!
Even if my body were forced
to spoil based solely on your whim
If I have a dream, my heart
will never spoil away!
And my dream is I wanna become
a normal girl and live my life
to the fullest till my dying day!
And until I do, no matter what happens,
I'll never give up!
Huh? The timer!
That was sick!
Wicked, to quote a phrase, Fuko!
And as for my dream, it's quite simple!
To be the greatest ever!
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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